path: root/gnu/services/security.scm
diff options
authormuradm <[email protected]>2022-08-23 23:13:55 +0300
committerMaxim Cournoyer <[email protected]>2022-08-28 21:46:30 -0400
commit3c2d2b453832167df02f4aa25de4857a003fbecf (patch)
tree1d4659993210e443ea5f5557e9dfd9137201052c /gnu/services/security.scm
parentba0dbe3bf2ae4e036a6974489d30bd7f1571a13a (diff)
gnu: security: Add fail2ban-service-type.
* gnu/services/security.scm: New module. * gnu/tests/security.scm: New module. * gnu/ Add new security module and tests. * doc/guix.text: Add fail2ban-service-type documentation. Signed-off-by: Maxim Cournoyer <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/services/security.scm')
1 files changed, 415 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/services/security.scm b/gnu/services/security.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e0360c07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/services/security.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2022 muradm <[email protected]>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <>.
+(define-module (gnu services security)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages admin)
+ #:use-module (gnu services)
+ #:use-module (gnu services configuration)
+ #:use-module (gnu services shepherd)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
+ #:use-module (guix packages)
+ #:use-module (guix records)
+ #:use-module (guix ui)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:export (fail2ban-configuration
+ fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration
+ fail2ban-jail-action-configuration
+ fail2ban-jail-configuration
+ fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration
+ fail2ban-jail-service
+ fail2ban-service-type))
+(define-configuration/no-serialization fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration
+ (key string "Cache key.")
+ (max-count integer "Cache size.")
+ (max-time integer "Cache time."))
+(define serialize-fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration
+ (match-lambda
+ (($ <fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration> _ key max-count max-time)
+ (format #f "key=\"~a\", max-count=~d, max-time=~d"
+ key max-count max-time))))
+(define-maybe/no-serialization string)
+(define-configuration/no-serialization fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration
+ (name string "Filter to use.")
+ (mode maybe-string "Mode for filter."))
+(define serialize-fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration
+ (match-lambda
+ (($ <fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration> _ name mode)
+ (format #f "~a~@[[mode=~a]~]" name (maybe-value mode)))))
+(define (argument? a)
+ (and (pair? a)
+ (string? (car a))
+ (or (string? (cdr a))
+ (list-of-strings? (cdr a)))))
+(define list-of-arguments? (list-of argument?))
+(define-configuration/no-serialization fail2ban-jail-action-configuration
+ (name string "Action name.")
+ (arguments (list-of-arguments '()) "Action arguments."))
+(define list-of-fail2ban-jail-actions?
+ (list-of fail2ban-jail-action-configuration?))
+(define (serialize-fail2ban-jail-action-configuration-arguments args)
+ (let* ((multi-value
+ (lambda (v)
+ (format #f "~a" (string-join v ","))))
+ (any-value
+ (lambda (v)
+ (if (list? v) (string-append "\"" (multi-value v) "\"") v)))
+ (key-value
+ (lambda (e)
+ (format #f "~a=~a" (car e) (any-value (cdr e))))))
+ (format #f "~a" (string-join (map key-value args) ","))))
+(define serialize-fail2ban-jail-action-configuration
+ (match-lambda
+ (($ <fail2ban-jail-action-configuration> _ name arguments)
+ (format
+ #f "~a~a"
+ name
+ (if (null? arguments) ""
+ (format
+ #f "[~a]"
+ (serialize-fail2ban-jail-action-configuration-arguments
+ arguments)))))))
+(define fail2ban-backend->string
+ (match-lambda
+ ('auto "auto")
+ ('pyinotify "pyinotify")
+ ('gamin "gamin")
+ ('polling "polling")
+ ('systemd "systemd")
+ (unknown
+ (leave (G_ "fail2ban: '~a' is not a supported backend~%") unknown))))
+(define fail2ban-log-encoding->string
+ (match-lambda
+ ('auto "auto")
+ ('utf-8 "utf-8")
+ ('ascii "ascii")
+ (unknown
+ (leave (G_ "fail2ban: '~a' is not a supported log encoding~%") unknown))))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-field-name name)
+ (cond ((symbol? name)
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-field-name
+ (symbol->string name)))
+ ((string-suffix? "?" name)
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-field-name
+ (string-drop-right name 1)))
+ ((string-prefix? "ban-time-" name)
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-field-name
+ (string-append "bantime." (substring name 9))))
+ ((string-contains name "-")
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-field-name
+ (string-filter (lambda (c) (equal? c #\-)) name)))
+ (else name)))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-string field-name value)
+ #~(string-append
+ #$(fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-field-name field-name)
+ " = " #$value "\n"))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-integer field-name value)
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-string
+ field-name (number->string value)))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-boolean field-name value)
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-string
+ field-name (if value "true" "false")))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-backend field-name value)
+ (if (maybe-value-set? value)
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-string
+ field-name (fail2ban-backend->string value))
+ ""))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration field-name value)
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-string
+ field-name (serialize-fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration value)))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration field-name value)
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-string
+ field-name (serialize-fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration value)))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-log-encoding field-name value)
+ (if (maybe-value-set? value)
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-string
+ field-name (fail2ban-log-encoding->string value))
+ ""))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-list-of-strings field-name value)
+ (if (null? value)
+ ""
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-string
+ field-name (string-join value " "))))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-list-of-fail2ban-jail-actions field-name value)
+ (if (null? value)
+ ""
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-string
+ field-name (string-join
+ (map serialize-fail2ban-jail-action-configuration value) "\n"))))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-symbol field-name value)
+ (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-string field-name (symbol->string value)))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-extra-content field-name value)
+ (if (maybe-value-set? value)
+ (string-append "\n" value "\n")
+ ""))
+(define-maybe integer (prefix fail2ban-jail-configuration-))
+(define-maybe string (prefix fail2ban-jail-configuration-))
+(define-maybe boolean (prefix fail2ban-jail-configuration-))
+(define-maybe symbol (prefix fail2ban-jail-configuration-))
+(define-maybe fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration (prefix fail2ban-jail-configuration-))
+(define-maybe fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration (prefix fail2ban-jail-configuration-))
+(define-configuration fail2ban-jail-configuration
+ (name
+ string
+ "Required name of this jail configuration.")
+ (enabled?
+ (boolean #t)
+ "Whether this jail is enabled.")
+ (backend
+ maybe-symbol
+ "Backend to use to detect changes in the @code{ogpath}. The default is
+'auto. To consult the defaults of the jail configuration, refer to the
+@file{/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf} file of the @code{fail2ban} package."
+ (max-retry
+ maybe-integer
+ "The number of failures before a host get banned
+(e.g. @code{(max-retry 5)}).")
+ (max-matches
+ maybe-integer
+ "The number of matches stored in ticket (resolvable via
+tag @code{<matches>}) in action.")
+ (find-time
+ maybe-string
+ "The time window during which the maximum retry count must be reached for
+an IP address to be banned. A host is banned if it has generated
+@code{max-retry} during the last @code{find-time}
+seconds (e.g. @code{(find-time \"10m\")}). It can be provided in seconds or
+using Fail2Ban's \"time abbreviation format\", as described in @command{man 5
+ (ban-time
+ maybe-string
+ "The duration, in seconds or time abbreviated format, that a ban should last.
+(e.g. @code{(ban-time \"10m\")}).")
+ (ban-time-increment?
+ maybe-boolean
+ "Whether to consider past bans to compute increases to the default ban time
+of a specific IP address.")
+ (ban-time-factor
+ maybe-string
+ "The coefficient to use to compute an exponentially growing ban time.")
+ (ban-time-formula
+ maybe-string
+ "This is the formula used to calculate the next value of a ban time.")
+ (ban-time-multipliers
+ maybe-string
+ "Used to calculate next value of ban time instead of formula.")
+ (ban-time-max-time
+ maybe-string
+ "The maximum number of seconds a ban should last.")
+ (ban-time-rnd-time
+ maybe-string
+ "The maximum number of seconds a randomized ban time should last. This can
+be useful to stop ``clever'' botnets calculating the exact time an IP address
+can be unbanned again.")
+ (ban-time-overall-jails?
+ maybe-boolean
+ "When true, it specifies the search of an IP address in the database should
+be made across all jails. Otherwise, only the current jail of the ban IP
+address is considered.")
+ (ignore-self?
+ maybe-boolean
+ "Never ban the local machine's own IP address.")
+ (ignore-ip
+ (list-of-strings '())
+ "A list of IP addresses, CIDR masks or DNS hosts to ignore.
+@code{fail2ban} will not ban a host which matches an address in this list.")
+ (ignore-cache
+ maybe-fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration
+ "Provide cache parameters for the ignore failure check.")
+ (filter
+ maybe-fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration
+ "The filter to use by the jail, specified via a
+@code{<fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration>} object. By default, jails have
+names matching their filter name.")
+ (log-time-zone
+ maybe-string
+ "The default time zone for log lines that do not have one.")
+ (log-encoding
+ maybe-symbol
+ "The encoding of the log files handled by the jail.
+Possible values are: @code{'ascii}, @code{'utf-8} and @code{'auto}."
+ (log-path
+ (list-of-strings '())
+ "The file names of the log files to be monitored.")
+ (action
+ (list-of-fail2ban-jail-actions '())
+ "A list of @code{<fail2ban-jail-action-configuration>}.")
+ (extra-content
+ maybe-string
+ "Extra content for the jail configuration."
+ fail2ban-jail-configuration-serialize-extra-content)
+ (prefix fail2ban-jail-configuration-))
+(define list-of-fail2ban-jail-configurations?
+ (list-of fail2ban-jail-configuration?))
+(define (serialize-fail2ban-jail-configuration config)
+ #~(string-append
+ #$(format #f "[~a]\n" (fail2ban-jail-configuration-name config))
+ #$(serialize-configuration
+ config fail2ban-jail-configuration-fields)))
+(define-configuration/no-serialization fail2ban-configuration
+ (fail2ban
+ (package fail2ban)
+ "The @code{fail2ban} package to use. It is used for both binaries and as
+base default configuration that is to be extended with
+@code{<fail2ban-jail-configuration>} objects.")
+ (run-directory
+ (string "/var/run/fail2ban")
+ "The state directory for the @code{fail2ban} daemon.")
+ (jails
+ (list-of-fail2ban-jail-configurations '())
+ "Instances of @code{<fail2ban-jail-configuration>} collected from
+ (extra-jails
+ (list-of-fail2ban-jail-configurations '())
+ "Instances of @code{<fail2ban-jail-configuration>} explicitly provided.")
+ (extra-content
+ maybe-string
+ "Extra raw content to add to the end of the @file{jail.local} file."))
+(define (serialize-fail2ban-configuration config)
+ (let* ((jails (fail2ban-configuration-jails config))
+ (extra-jails (fail2ban-configuration-extra-jails config))
+ (extra-content (fail2ban-configuration-extra-content config)))
+ (interpose
+ (append (map serialize-fail2ban-jail-configuration
+ (append jails extra-jails))
+ (list (if (maybe-value-set? extra-content)
+ extra-content
+ ""))))))
+(define (config->fail2ban-etc-directory config)
+ (let* ((fail2ban (fail2ban-configuration-fail2ban config))
+ (jail-local (apply mixed-text-file "jail.local"
+ (serialize-fail2ban-configuration config))))
+ (directory-union
+ "fail2ban-configuration"
+ (list (computed-file
+ "etc-fail2ban"
+ (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils))
+ (let ((etc (string-append #$output "/etc")))
+ (mkdir-p etc)
+ (symlink #$(file-append fail2ban "/etc/fail2ban")
+ (string-append etc "/fail2ban"))))))
+ (computed-file
+ "etc-fail2ban-jail.local"
+ (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils))
+ (define etc/fail2ban (string-append #$output
+ "/etc/fail2ban"))
+ (mkdir-p etc/fail2ban)
+ (symlink #$jail-local (string-append etc/fail2ban
+ "/jail.local")))))))))
+(define (fail2ban-shepherd-service config)
+ (match-record config <fail2ban-configuration>
+ (fail2ban run-directory)
+ (let* ((fail2ban-server (file-append fail2ban "/bin/fail2ban-server"))
+ (pid-file (in-vicinity run-directory ""))
+ (socket-file (in-vicinity run-directory "fail2ban.sock"))
+ (config-dir (file-append (config->fail2ban-etc-directory config)
+ "/etc/fail2ban"))
+ (fail2ban-action (lambda args
+ #~(lambda _
+ (invoke #$fail2ban-server
+ "-c" #$config-dir
+ "-p" #$pid-file
+ "-s" #$socket-file
+ "-b"
+ #$@args)))))
+ ;; TODO: Add 'reload' action.
+ (list (shepherd-service
+ (provision '(fail2ban))
+ (documentation "Run the fail2ban daemon.")
+ (requirement '(user-processes))
+ (modules `((ice-9 match)
+ ,@%default-modules))
+ (start (fail2ban-action "start"))
+ (stop (fail2ban-action "stop")))))))
+(define fail2ban-service-type
+ (service-type (name 'fail2ban)
+ (extensions
+ (list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type
+ fail2ban-shepherd-service)))
+ (compose concatenate)
+ (extend (lambda (config jails)
+ (fail2ban-configuration
+ (inherit config)
+ (jails (append (fail2ban-configuration-jails config)
+ jails)))))
+ (default-value (fail2ban-configuration))
+ (description "Run the fail2ban server.")))
+(define (fail2ban-jail-service svc-type jail)
+ "Convenience procedure to add a fail2ban service extension to SVC-TYPE, a
+<service-type> object. The fail2ban extension is specified by JAIL, a
+<fail2ban-jail-configuration> object."
+ (service-type
+ (inherit svc-type)
+ (extensions
+ (append (service-type-extensions svc-type)
+ (list (service-extension fail2ban-service-type
+ (lambda _ (list jail))))))))
+;;; Documentation generation.
+(define (generate-doc)
+ (configuration->documentation 'fail2ban-configuration)
+ (configuration->documentation 'fail2ban-ignore-cache-configuration)
+ (configuration->documentation 'fail2ban-jail-action-configuration)
+ (configuration->documentation 'fail2ban-jail-configuration)
+ (configuration->documentation 'fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration))