path: root/components/Tweaks/Visual/ColorsPanel.tsx
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Diffstat (limited to 'components/Tweaks/Visual/ColorsPanel.tsx')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/components/Tweaks/Visual/ColorsPanel.tsx b/components/Tweaks/Visual/ColorsPanel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe4cd7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/Tweaks/Visual/ColorsPanel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+import { ArrowRightIcon, ChevronDownIcon, RepeatIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons'
+import {
+ Text,
+ Box,
+ Flex,
+ IconButton,
+ StackDivider,
+ Tooltip,
+ VStack,
+ MenuButton,
+ Menu,
+ Portal,
+ MenuList,
+ MenuOptionGroup,
+ MenuItemOption,
+ Button,
+ MenuItem,
+} from '@chakra-ui/react'
+import React from 'react'
+import { ColorMenu } from './ColorMenu'
+import { colorList, initialVisuals } from '../../config'
+export interface ColorsPanelProps {
+ visuals: typeof initialVisuals
+ setVisualsCallback: any
+ highlightColor: string
+ setHighlightColor: any
+export const ColorsPanel = (props: ColorsPanelProps) => {
+ const { visuals, setVisualsCallback, highlightColor, setHighlightColor } = props
+ return (
+ <VStack
+ spacing={2}
+ justifyContent="flex-start"
+ divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />}
+ align="stretch"
+ color="gray.800"
+ >
+ <Box>
+ <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between">
+ <Text>Nodes</Text>
+ <Tooltip label="Shuffle node colors">
+ <IconButton
+ aria-label="Shuffle node colors"
+ size="sm"
+ icon={<RepeatIcon />}
+ variant="ghost"
+ onClick={() => {
+ const arr = visuals.nodeColorScheme ?? []
+ setVisualsCallback({
+ ...visuals,
+ //shuffle that guy
+ //definitely thought of this myself
+ nodeColorScheme: arr
+ .map((x: any) => [Math.random(), x])
+ .sort(([a], [b]) => a - b)
+ .map(([_, x]) => x),
+ })
+ }}
+ />
+ </Tooltip>
+ <Tooltip label="Cycle node colors">
+ <IconButton
+ aria-label="Shift node colors"
+ icon={<ArrowRightIcon />}
+ size="sm"
+ variant="ghost"
+ onClick={() => {
+ const arr = visuals.nodeColorScheme ?? []
+ setVisualsCallback({
+ ...visuals,
+ nodeColorScheme: [...arr.slice(1, arr.length), arr[0]],
+ })
+ }}
+ />
+ </Tooltip>
+ <Menu isLazy placement="right" closeOnSelect={false} matchWidth>
+ <MenuButton
+ width={20}
+ as={Button}
+ colorScheme=""
+ color="black"
+ rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />}
+ >
+ <Flex height={6} width={6} flexDirection="column" flexWrap="wrap">
+ { => (
+ <Box key={color} bgColor={color} flex="1 1 8px" borderRadius="2xl"></Box>
+ ))}
+ </Flex>
+ </MenuButton>
+ <Portal>
+ {' '}
+ <MenuList minW={10} zIndex="popover" bgColor="gray.200">
+ <MenuOptionGroup
+ width={500}
+ type="checkbox"
+ defaultValue={visuals.nodeColorScheme}
+ onChange={(colors) => {
+ if (!colors.length) {
+ return
+ }
+ setVisualsCallback({ ...visuals, nodeColorScheme: colors })
+ }}
+ >
+ { => (
+ <MenuItemOption
+ key={color}
+ isChecked={visuals.nodeColorScheme.some((c) => c === color)}
+ value={color}
+ isDisabled={
+ visuals.nodeColorScheme.length === 1 && visuals.nodeColorScheme[0] === color
+ }
+ >
+ <Box justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center" display="flex">
+ <Box bgColor={color} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6}></Box>
+ </Box>
+ </MenuItemOption>
+ ))}
+ </MenuOptionGroup>
+ </MenuList>
+ </Portal>
+ </Menu>
+ </Flex>
+ <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between">
+ <Text>Links</Text>
+ <Menu isLazy placement="right">
+ <MenuButton as={Button} colorScheme="" color="black" rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />}>
+ <Box>
+ {visuals.linkColorScheme ? (
+ <Box
+ bgColor={visuals.linkColorScheme}
+ borderRadius="sm"
+ height={6}
+ width={6}
+ ></Box>
+ ) : (
+ <Flex height={6} width={6} flexDirection="column" flexWrap="wrap">
+ { => (
+ <Box key={color} bgColor={color} flex="1 1 8px" borderRadius="2xl"></Box>
+ ))}
+ </Flex>
+ )}
+ </Box>
+ </MenuButton>
+ <Portal>
+ {' '}
+ <MenuList minW={10} zIndex="popover" bgColor="gray.200">
+ <MenuItem
+ onClick={() => setVisualsCallback({ ...visuals, linkColorScheme: '' })}
+ justifyContent="space-between"
+ alignItems="center"
+ display="flex"
+ >
+ <Flex height={6} width={6} flexDirection="column" flexWrap="wrap">
+ { => (
+ <Box key={color} bgColor={color} flex="1 1 8px" borderRadius="2xl"></Box>
+ ))}
+ </Flex>
+ </MenuItem>
+ { => (
+ <MenuItem
+ key={color}
+ onClick={() =>
+ setVisualsCallback({
+ ...visuals,
+ linkColorScheme: color,
+ })
+ }
+ justifyContent="space-between"
+ alignItems="center"
+ display="flex"
+ >
+ <Box bgColor={color} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6}></Box>
+ </MenuItem>
+ ))}
+ </MenuList>
+ </Portal>
+ </Menu>
+ </Flex>
+ <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between">
+ <Text>Accent</Text>
+ <Menu isLazy placement="right">
+ <MenuButton as={Button} colorScheme="" color="black" rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />}>
+ {<Box bgColor={highlightColor} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6}></Box>}
+ </MenuButton>
+ <Portal>
+ {' '}
+ <MenuList minW={10} zIndex="popover" bgColor="gray.200">
+ { => (
+ <MenuItem
+ key={color}
+ onClick={() => setHighlightColor(color)}
+ justifyContent="space-between"
+ alignItems="center"
+ display="flex"
+ >
+ <Box bgColor={color} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6}></Box>
+ </MenuItem>
+ ))}
+ </MenuList>
+ </Portal>
+ </Menu>
+ </Flex>
+ <ColorMenu
+ colorList={colorList}
+ label="Link highlight"
+ setVisuals={setVisualsCallback}
+ value="linkHighlight"
+ visValue={visuals.linkHighlight}
+ />
+ <ColorMenu
+ colorList={colorList}
+ label="Node highlight"
+ setVisuals={setVisualsCallback}
+ value="nodeHighlight"
+ visValue={visuals.nodeHighlight}
+ />
+ <ColorMenu
+ colorList={colorList}
+ label="Background"
+ setVisuals={setVisualsCallback}
+ value="backgroundColor"
+ visValue={visuals.backgroundColor}
+ />
+ <ColorMenu
+ colorList={colorList}
+ label="Emacs node"
+ setVisuals={setVisualsCallback}
+ value="emacsNodeColor"
+ visValue={visuals.emacsNodeColor}
+ />
+ </Box>
+ </VStack>
+ )