path: root/out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-47bf7c38896695ae452e.js
diff options
authorThomas F. K. Jorna <[email protected]>2021-07-26 21:35:48 +0200
committerThomas F. K. Jorna <[email protected]>2021-07-26 21:35:48 +0200
commit02c97d1e27c8617e4c0669c02d54b4aab130f750 (patch)
tree7db648a71f81696536d9e8f7e95f6eb1d1e030f1 /out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-47bf7c38896695ae452e.js
parent689c9b18021ef4ca8195115eea26a253f5c5479b (diff)
minor cleanups
Diffstat (limited to 'out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-47bf7c38896695ae452e.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 951 deletions
diff --git a/out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-47bf7c38896695ae452e.js b/out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-47bf7c38896695ae452e.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 232e482..0000000
--- a/out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-47bf7c38896695ae452e.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,951 +0,0 @@
-;(self.webpackChunk_N_E = self.webpackChunk_N_E || []).push([
- [405],
- {
- 9053: function (e, n, t) {
- 'use strict'
- t.r(n),
- t.d(n, {
- EnableSection: function () {
- return W
- },
- Graph: function () {
- return A
- },
- GraphPage: function () {
- return Z
- },
- InfoTooltip: function () {
- return X
- },
- SliderWithInfo: function () {
- return _
- },
- Tweaks: function () {
- return B
- },
- default: function () {
- return L
- },
- })
- var i = t(7757),
- r = t.n(i),
- l = t(2137),
- o = t(7375),
- c = t(5893),
- a = t(7329),
- s = t(6156),
- u = t(4699),
- d = t(7294)
- function h(e, n) {
- return {
- get: function () {
- var t = n.getItem(e)
- if (t && 'undefined' !== t) return JSON.parse(t)
- },
- update: function (t) {
- n.setItem(e, JSON.stringify(t))
- },
- remove: function () {
- n.removeItem(e)
- },
- }
- }
- var f = t(4309),
- g = t(6658),
- x = t(980),
- p = t(8017),
- j = t(8420),
- v = t(5684),
- y = t(4115),
- b = t(3014),
- m = t(8134),
- k = t(1033),
- C = t(6327),
- S = t(2026),
- w = t(4096),
- O = t(8235),
- I = t(155),
- N = t(3924),
- D = t(4189),
- E = t(3986),
- F = t(6569)
- function T(e, n) {
- var t = Object.keys(e)
- if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
- var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)
- n &&
- (i = i.filter(function (n) {
- return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n).enumerable
- })),
- t.push.apply(t, i)
- }
- return t
- }
- function P(e) {
- for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
- var t = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {}
- n % 2
- ? T(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (n) {
- ;(0, s.Z)(e, n, t[n])
- })
- : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
- ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t))
- : T(Object(t)).forEach(function (n) {
- Object.defineProperty(e, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n))
- })
- }
- return e
- }
- var z = t.e(4).then(t.bind(t, 7004)),
- R = t.g.window ? t(6923).f$ : null,
- H = t.g.window ? t(6923).s6 : null,
- M = {
- enabled: !0,
- charge: -350,
- collision: !0,
- collisionStrength: 0,
- linkStrength: 0.1,
- linkIts: 1,
- particles: !1,
- particlesNumber: 0,
- particlesWidth: 4,
- linkOpacity: 0.4,
- linkWidth: 1,
- nodeRel: 4,
- labels: !0,
- labelScale: 1.5,
- alphaDecay: 0.02,
- alphaTarget: 0,
- alphaMin: 0,
- velocityDecay: 0.25,
- gravity: 0.5,
- gravityOn: !0,
- colorful: !0,
- galaxy: !0,
- ticks: 1,
- hover: 'highlight',
- click: 'select',
- doubleClick: 'local',
- iterations: 0,
- highlight: !0,
- highlightNodeSize: 2,
- highlightLinkSize: 2,
- }
- function L() {
- var e = (0, d.useState)(!1),
- n = e[0],
- t = e[1]
- return (
- (0, d.useEffect)(function () {
- t(!0)
- }, []),
- n ? (0, c.jsx)(Z, {}) : null
- )
- }
- function Z() {
- var e = (function (e, n) {
- var t,
- i = h(
- e,
- null !==
- (t = (arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {})
- .storage) && void 0 !== t
- ? t
- : localStorage,
- ),
- r = i.get(),
- l = void 0 !== r ? r : n
- l !== r && i.update(l)
- var o = (0, d.useState)(l),
- c = o[0],
- a = o[1]
- return (
- (0, d.useEffect)(
- function () {
- c !== l && a(l)
- },
- [e],
- ),
- [
- c,
- function (e) {
- e instanceof Function
- ? a(function (n) {
- var t = e(n)
- return i.update(t), t
- })
- : (a(e), i.update(e))
- },
- ]
- )
- })('physics', M),
- n = (0, u.Z)(e, 2),
- t = n[0],
- i = n[1],
- r = (0, d.useState)(null),
- l = r[0],
- o = r[1],
- f = (0, d.useState)(null),
- g = f[0],
- x = f[1],
- v = (0, d.useRef)({}),
- y = (0, d.useRef)({}),
- b = function () {
- return fetch('http://localhost:35901/graph')
- .then(function (e) {
- return e.json()
- })
- .then(function (e) {
- ;(v.current = Object.fromEntries(
- (e) {
- return [, e]
- }),
- )),
- (y.current = e.links.reduce(function (e, n) {
- var t, i, r
- return P(
- P({}, e),
- {},
- ((r = {}),
- (0, s.Z)(
- r,
- n.source,
- [].concat((0, a.Z)(null !== (t = e[n.source]) && void 0 !== t ? t : []), [
- n,
- ]),
- ),
- (0, s.Z)(
- r,
- [].concat((0, a.Z)(null !== (i = e[]) && void 0 !== i ? i : []), [
- n,
- ]),
- ),
- r),
- )
- }, {}))
- var n = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e))
- o(n)
- })
- }
- ;(0, d.useEffect)(function () {
- new EventSource('').addEventListener(
- 'message',
- function (e) {
- var n =
- x(n)
- },
- ),
- b()
- }, []),
- (0, d.useEffect)(
- function () {
- g && b()
- },
- [g],
- )
- var m = (0, d.useState)(!1),
- k = m[0],
- C = (m[1], (0, d.useState)(!0)),
- S = C[0],
- w = C[1]
- return l
- ? (0, c.jsxs)('div', {
- children: [
- S
- ? (0, c.jsx)(
- B,
- P(
- P({}, { physics: t, setPhysics: i, threeDim: k }),
- {},
- {
- onClose: function () {
- w(!1)
- },
- },
- ),
- )
- : (0, c.jsx)(p.xu, {
- position: 'absolute',
- zIndex: 'overlay',
- marginTop: '2%',
- marginLeft: '2%',
- children: (0, c.jsx)(j.h, {
- 'aria-label': 'Settings',
- icon: (0, c.jsx)(N.e, {}),
- onClick: function () {
- return w(!0)
- },
- }),
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(
- A,
- P(
- { nodeById: v.current, linksByNodeId: y.current },
- { physics: t, graphData: l, threeDim: k, emacsNodeId: g },
- ),
- ),
- ],
- })
- : null
- }
- var X = function (e) {
- var n = e.infoText
- return (0, c.jsx)(p.xu, {
- paddingLeft: '1',
- children: (0, c.jsx)(v.u, {
- label: n,
- placement: 'top',
- color: 'gray.100',
- bg: 'gray.800',
- hasArrow: !0,
- children: (0, c.jsx)(D.h, {}),
- }),
- })
- },
- _ = function (e) {
- var n = e.min,
- t = void 0 === n ? 0 : n,
- i = e.max,
- r = void 0 === i ? 10 : i,
- l = e.step,
- a = void 0 === l ? 0.1 : l,
- s = e.value,
- u = void 0 === s ? 1 : s,
- d = (0, o.Z)(e, ['min', 'max', 'step', 'value']),
- h = d.onChange,
- f = d.label,
- g = d.infoText
- return (0, c.jsxs)(p.xu, {
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(p.xu, {
- display: 'flex',
- alignItems: 'flex-end',
- children: [(0, c.jsx)(y.x, { children: f }), g && (0, c.jsx)(X, { infoText: g })],
- }),
- (0, c.jsxs)(b.iR, {
- value: u,
- onChange: h,
- min: t,
- max: r,
- step: a,
- colorScheme: 'purple',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(b.Uj, { children: (0, c.jsx)(b.Ms, {}) }),
- (0, c.jsx)(v.u, { label: u.toFixed(1), children: (0, c.jsx)(, {}) }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- })
- },
- W = function (e) {
- var n = e.value,
- t = e.onChange,
- i = e.label,
- r = e.infoText,
- l = e.children
- return (0, c.jsxs)(p.xu, {
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(p.xu, {
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(p.xu, {
- display: 'flex',
- alignItems: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(y.x, { children: i }),
- r && (0, c.jsx)(X, { infoText: r }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(m.r, { isChecked: !!n, onChange: t, colorScheme: 'purple' }),
- ],
- }),
- n && l,
- ],
- })
- },
- B = function (e) {
- var n = e.physics,
- t = e.setPhysics,
- i = (e.threeDim, e.onClose)
- return (0, c.jsxs)(p.xu, {
- zIndex: 'overlay',
- position: 'absolute',
- bg: 'alt.100',
- w: 'xs',
- marginTop: '2%',
- marginLeft: '2%',
- borderRadius: 'md',
- maxH: 650,
- paddingBottom: 5,
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(p.xu, {
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'flex-end',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(v.u, {
- label: 'Reset settings to defaults',
- children: (0, c.jsx)(j.h, {
- 'aria-label': 'Reset Defaults',
- icon: (0, c.jsx)(E.A, {}),
- onClick: function () {
- return t(M)
- },
- colorScheme: 'purple',
- }),
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(k.P, { onClick: i }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(g.$B, {
- autoHeight: !0,
- autoHeightMax: 600,
- children: (0, c.jsxs)(C.UQ, {
- allowMultiple: !0,
- allowToggle: !0,
- colorScheme: 'purple',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(C.Qd, {
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(C.KF, {
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- colorScheme: 'purple',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(p.xu, {
- display: 'flex',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(C.XE, {}),
- (0, c.jsx)(y.x, { children: 'Physics' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(m.r, {
- id: 'physicsOn',
- onChange: function () {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { enabled: !n.enabled }))
- },
- isChecked: n.enabled,
- colorScheme: 'purple',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, c.jsxs)(C.Hk, {
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(S.gC, {
- spacing: 2,
- justifyContent: 'flex-start',
- divider: (0, c.jsx)(S.cX, { borderColor: 'gray.200' }),
- align: 'stretch',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(W, {
- label: 'Gravity',
- value: n.gravityOn,
- onChange: function () {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { gravityOn: !n.gravityOn }))
- },
- children: (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Strength',
- value: 10 * n.gravity,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { gravity: e / 10 }))
- },
- }),
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- value: -n.charge / 100,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { charge: -100 * e }))
- },
- label: 'Repulsive Force',
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(W, {
- label: 'Collision',
- infoText: 'Perfomance sap, disable if slow',
- value: n.collision,
- onChange: function () {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { collision: !n.collision }))
- },
- children: (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- value: 10 * n.collisionStrength,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { collisionStrength: e / 10 }))
- },
- label: 'Strength',
- }),
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- value: 5 * n.linkStrength,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { linkStrength: e / 5 }))
- },
- label: 'Link Force',
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Link Iterations',
- value: n.linkIts,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { linkIts: e }))
- },
- min: 0,
- max: 6,
- step: 1,
- infoText:
- 'How many links down the line the physics of a single node affects (Slow)',
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Viscosity',
- value: 10 * n.velocityDecay,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { velocityDecay: e / 10 }))
- },
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(p.xu, {
- children: (0, c.jsx)(C.UQ, {
- allowToggle: !0,
- children: (0, c.jsxs)(C.Qd, {
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(C.KF, {
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(y.x, { children: 'Advanced' }),
- (0, c.jsx)(C.XE, {}),
- ],
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(C.Hk, {
- children: (0, c.jsxs)(S.gC, {
- spacing: 2,
- justifyContent: 'flex-start',
- divider: (0, c.jsx)(S.cX, { borderColor: 'gray.200' }),
- align: 'stretch',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Iterations per tick',
- min: 1,
- max: 10,
- step: 1,
- value: n.iterations,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { iterations: e }))
- },
- infoText:
- 'Number of times the physics simulation iterates per simulation step',
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Stabilization rate',
- value: 50 * n.alphaDecay,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { alphaDecay: e / 50 }))
- },
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, c.jsxs)(C.Qd, {
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(C.KF, { children: [(0, c.jsx)(C.XE, {}), 'Visual'] }),
- (0, c.jsx)(C.Hk, {
- children: (0, c.jsxs)(S.gC, {
- spacing: 2,
- justifyContent: 'flex-start',
- divider: (0, c.jsx)(S.cX, { borderColor: 'gray.200' }),
- align: 'stretch',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Node size',
- value: n.nodeRel,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { nodeRel: e }))
- },
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Link width',
- value: n.linkWidth,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { linkWidth: e }))
- },
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(W, {
- label: 'Labels',
- value: n.labels,
- onChange: function () {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { labels: !n.labels }))
- },
- children: (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Label Appearance Scale',
- value: 5 * n.labelScale,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { labelScale: e / 5 }))
- },
- }),
- }),
- (0, c.jsxs)(W, {
- label: 'Directional Particles',
- value: n.particles,
- onChange: function () {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { particles: !n.particles }))
- },
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Particle Number',
- value: n.particlesNumber,
- max: 5,
- step: 1,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { particlesNumber: e }))
- },
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Particle Size',
- value: n.particlesWidth,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { particleWidth: e }))
- },
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, c.jsxs)(W, {
- label: 'Highlight',
- onChange: function () {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { highlight: !n.highlight }))
- },
- value: n.highlight,
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Highlight Link Thickness Multiplier',
- value: n.highlightLinkSize,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { highlightLinkSize: e }))
- },
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(_, {
- label: 'Highlight Node Size Multiplier',
- value: n.highlightNodeSize,
- onChange: function (e) {
- return t(P(P({}, n), {}, { highlightNodeSize: e }))
- },
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(w.k, {
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- children: (0, c.jsx)(y.x, {
- children: ' Highlight node color ',
- }),
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(w.k, {
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- children: (0, c.jsx)(y.x, {
- children: ' Highlight link color ',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, c.jsxs)(C.Qd, {
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(C.KF, { children: [(0, c.jsx)(C.XE, {}), 'Behavior'] }),
- (0, c.jsx)(C.Hk, {
- children: (0, c.jsxs)(S.gC, {
- spacing: 2,
- justifyContent: 'flex-start',
- divider: (0, c.jsx)(S.cX, { borderColor: 'gray.200' }),
- align: 'stretch',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsxs)(p.xu, {
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- alignItems: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(y.x, { children: 'Hover Higlight' }),
- (0, c.jsxs)(O.v2, {
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(O.j2, {
- as: I.z,
- rightIcon: (0, c.jsx)(F.v, {}),
- children: n.hover,
- }),
- (0, c.jsxs)(O.qy, {
- children: [
- (0, c.jsx)(O.sN, { children: 'Off' }),
- (0, c.jsx)(O.sN, { children: 'On' }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(p.xu, {
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- children: (0, c.jsx)(y.x, { children: 'Click' }),
- }),
- (0, c.jsx)(p.xu, {
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- children: (0, c.jsx)(y.x, { children: 'Double-click' }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- })
- },
- A = function (e) {
- var n = e.physics,
- t = e.graphData,
- i = e.threeDim,
- o = e.linksByNodeId,
- s = e.emacsNodeId,
- h = e.nodeById,
- g = (0, d.useRef)(null),
- p = (0, d.useRef)(null),
- j = (0, f.iP)(),
- v = (0, u.Z)(j, 2),
- y = v[0],
- b = v[1],
- m = (0, d.useState)(null),
- k = m[0],
- C = m[1],
- S = (0, d.useState)({ nodeIds: [] }),
- w = S[0],
- O = S[1]
- ;(0, d.useEffect)(
- function () {
- s && O({ nodeIds: [s] })
- },
- [s],
- )
- var I = k,
- N = (function () {
- if (!I) return {}
- var e = o[]
- return e
- ? Object.fromEntries(
- []
- .concat(
- (0, a.Z)(
- e.flatMap(function (e) {
- return [e.source,]
- }),
- ),
- )
- .map(function (e) {
- return [e, {}]
- }),
- )
- : {}
- })(),
- D = t.nodes.filter(function (e) {
- var n,
- t = null !== (n = o[]) && void 0 !== n ? n : []
- return (
- w.nodeIds.includes( ||
- t.some(function (e) {
- return w.nodeIds.includes(e.source) || w.nodeIds.includes(
- })
- )
- }),
- E = (e) {
- return
- }),
- F = t.links.filter(function (e) {
- var n = 'object' === typeof e.source ? : e.source,
- t = 'object' === typeof ? :
- return E.includes(n) && E.includes(t)
- }),
- T = (0, d.useMemo)(
- function () {
- return 0 === w.nodeIds.length ? t : { nodes: D, links: F }
- },
- [w, JSON.stringify(Object.keys(h))],
- )
- ;(0, d.useEffect)(
- function () {
- setTimeout(function () {
- var e = i ? p.current : g.current
- null === e || void 0 === e || e.zoomToFit(0, 200)
- }, 1)
- },
- [JSON.stringify(E)],
- ),
- (0, d.useEffect)(function () {
- ;(0, l.Z)(
- r().mark(function e() {
- var t, l
- return r().wrap(function (e) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((e.prev = {
- case 0:
- return (t = i ? p.current : g.current), ( = 3), z
- case 3:
- ;(l = e.sent),
- n.gravityOn
- ? (t.d3Force('x', l.forceX().strength(n.gravity)),
- t.d3Force('y', l.forceY().strength(n.gravity)),
- i
- ? n.galaxy
- ? (t.d3Force('x', l.forceX().strength(n.gravity / 5)),
- t.d3Force('z', l.forceZ().strength(n.gravity / 5)))
- : (t.d3Force('x', l.forceX().strength(n.gravity)),
- t.d3Force('z', l.forceZ().strength(n.gravity)))
- : t.d3Force('z', null))
- : (t.d3Force('x', null),
- t.d3Force('y', null),
- i && t.d3Force('z', null)),
- t.d3Force('link').strength(n.linkStrength),
- t.d3Force('link').iterations(n.linkIts),
- n.collision
- ? t.d3Force('collide', l.forceCollide().radius(20))
- : t.d3Force('collide', null),
- t.d3Force('charge').strength(n.charge)
- case 9:
- case 'end':
- return e.stop()
- }
- }, e)
- }),
- )()
- }),
- (0, d.useEffect)(
- function () {
- var e
- null === (e = g.current) || void 0 === e || e.d3ReheatSimulation()
- },
- [n],
- )
- var M = (0, d.useRef)(0),
- L = (0, x.useTheme)()
- console.log(L)
- var Z = {
- graphData: T,
- width: y,
- height: b,
- backgroundColor: L.white,
- nodeLabel: function (e) {
- return e.title
- },
- nodeColor: function (e) {
- var t, i
- if (!n.colorful)
- return 0 === Object.keys(N).length
- ? 'rgb(100, 100, 100)'
- : N[]
- ?[500]
- : 'rgb(50, 50, 50)'
- var r,
- l,
- c,
- a = ['pink', 'purple', 'blue', 'cyan', 'teal', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red']
- return L.colors[
- a[
- ((r =
- null !== (t = null === (i = o[]) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.length) &&
- void 0 !== t
- ? t
- : 0),
- (l = 0),
- (c = a.length - 1),
- Math.min(Math.max(r, l), c))
- ]
- ][500]
- },
- nodeRelSize: n.nodeRel,
- nodeVal: function (e) {
- var n
- return (null !== (n = o[]) && void 0 !== n ? n : []).length
- },
- nodeCanvasObject: function (e, t, i) {
- if (n.labels && (!(i <= n.labelScale) || N[])) {
- var r = e.title,
- l = r.substring(0, Math.min(r.length, 30)),
- o = 12 / i,
- c = [1.1 * t.measureText(l).width, o].map(function (e) {
- return e + 0.5 * o
- }),
- s = Math.min((3 * (i - n.labelScale)) / n.labelScale, 1),
- u = 0 === Object.keys(N).length ? 0.5 * s : N[] ? 0.5 : 0.15 * s
- ;(t.fillStyle = 'rgba(20, 20, 20, '.concat(u, ')')),
- t.fillRect.apply(t, [e.x - c[0] / 2, e.y - c[1] / 2].concat((0, a.Z)(c)))
- var d = 0 === Object.keys(N).length ? s : N[] ? 1 : 0.3 * s
- ;(t.textAlign = 'center'),
- (t.textBaseline = 'middle'),
- (t.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 255, 255, '.concat(d, ')')),
- (t.font = ''.concat(o, 'px Sans-Serif')),
- t.fillText(l, e.x, e.y)
- }
- },
- nodeCanvasObjectMode: function () {
- return 'after'
- },
- linkDirectionalParticles: n.particles ? n.particlesNumber : void 0,
- linkColor: function (e) {
- return === (null === I || void 0 === I ? void 0 : ||
- === (null === I || void 0 === I ? void 0 :
- ? L.colors.purple[500]
- : L.colors.gray[400]
- },
- linkWidth: n.linkWidth,
- linkDirectionalParticleWidth: n.particlesWidth,
- d3AlphaDecay: n.alphaDecay,
- d3AlphaMin: n.alphaMin,
- d3VelocityDecay: n.velocityDecay,
- onNodeClick: function (e, n) {
- var t = n.timeStamp - M.current < 400
- ;(M.current = n.timeStamp),
- t
- ?'org-protocol://roam-node?node=' +, '_self')
- : O(function (n) {
- return P(P({}, n), {}, { nodeIds: [].concat((0, a.Z)(n.nodeIds), []) })
- })
- },
- onBackgroundClick: function () {
- O(function (e) {
- return P(P({}, e), {}, { nodeIds: [] })
- })
- },
- onNodeHover: function (e) {
- n.hover && C(e)
- },
- }
- return (0, c.jsx)('div', {
- children: i
- ? (0, c.jsx)(H, P(P({ ref: p }, Z), {}, { nodeThreeObjectExtend: !0 }))
- : (0, c.jsx)(R, P({ ref: g }, Z)),
- })
- }
- },
- 5301: function (e, n, t) {
- ;(window.__NEXT_P = window.__NEXT_P || []).push([
- '/',
- function () {
- return t(9053)
- },
- ])
- },
- },
- function (e) {
- e.O(0, [774, 737, 446, 311, 888, 179], function () {
- return (n = 5301), e((e.s = n))
- var n
- })
- var n = e.O()
- _N_E = n
- },