path: root/out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-2b9ae36e1ad717aff37d.js
diff options
authorThomas F. K. Jorna <[email protected]>2021-08-02 23:35:35 +0200
committerThomas F. K. Jorna <[email protected]>2021-08-02 23:35:35 +0200
commit4fa4e4466d13df1e06796fcaa1ac6c617f47dcdb (patch)
treecb1ad05b966dd1f0c7e3d4f84ae5a5708cb33e97 /out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-2b9ae36e1ad717aff37d.js
parentc2b219c06a6bf37d35f6eac7879e04d04bd5d023 (diff)
feature: tag coloring and filtering
Diffstat (limited to 'out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-2b9ae36e1ad717aff37d.js')
1 files changed, 2873 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-2b9ae36e1ad717aff37d.js b/out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-2b9ae36e1ad717aff37d.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f612cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/out/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-2b9ae36e1ad717aff37d.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2873 @@
+;(self.webpackChunk_N_E = self.webpackChunk_N_E || []).push([
+ [405],
+ {
+ 374: function (e, n, t) {
+ 'use strict'
+ t.r(n),
+ t.d(n, {
+ Graph: function () {
+ return Ce
+ },
+ GraphPage: function () {
+ return be
+ },
+ default: function () {
+ return ve
+ },
+ })
+ var r = t(809),
+ i = t.n(r),
+ o = t(92447),
+ l = t(85893),
+ s = t(59999),
+ a = t(26265),
+ c = t(64121),
+ u = t(67294)
+ function d(e, n) {
+ var t,
+ r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {},
+ i = h(e, null !== (t = && void 0 !== t ? t : localStorage),
+ o = i.get(),
+ l = void 0 !== o ? o : n
+ l !== o && i.update(l)
+ var s = (0, u.useState)(l),
+ a = s[0],
+ c = s[1]
+ ;(0, u.useEffect)(
+ function () {
+ a !== l && c(l)
+ },
+ [e],
+ )
+ var d = function (e) {
+ e instanceof Function
+ ? c(function (n) {
+ var t = e(n)
+ return i.update(t), t
+ })
+ : (c(e), i.update(e))
+ }
+ return [a, d]
+ }
+ function h(e, n) {
+ return {
+ get: function () {
+ var t = n.getItem(e)
+ if (t && 'undefined' !== t) return JSON.parse(t)
+ },
+ update: function (t) {
+ n.setItem(e, JSON.stringify(t))
+ },
+ remove: function () {
+ n.removeItem(e)
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ var g = t(54533),
+ f = t(54309),
+ x = t(20233),
+ p = t(40980),
+ j = t(48017),
+ m = t(36194),
+ v = [],
+ b = {}
+ for (var C in m.oY)
+ for (var y in m.oY[C]) {
+ var k = C + y
+ 'LinearNone' === k && (k = 'Linear'), v.push(k), (b[k] = m.oY[C][y])
+ }
+ var w = b,
+ S = {
+ enabled: !0,
+ charge: -700,
+ collision: !0,
+ collisionStrength: 20,
+ centering: !0,
+ centeringStrength: 0.05,
+ linkStrength: 0.1,
+ linkIts: 1,
+ alphaDecay: 0.02,
+ alphaTarget: 0,
+ alphaMin: 0,
+ velocityDecay: 0.25,
+ gravity: 0.3,
+ gravityOn: !0,
+ },
+ I = { orphans: !1, parents: !0, tags: [], nodes: [], links: [], date: [] },
+ O = {
+ particles: !1,
+ particlesNumber: 0,
+ particlesWidth: 4,
+ arrows: !1,
+ arrowsLength: 1,
+ arrowsPos: 0.5,
+ arrowsColor: '',
+ linkOpacity: 0.8,
+ linkWidth: 1,
+ nodeRel: 4,
+ nodeOpacity: 1,
+ nodeResolution: 12,
+ labels: 2,
+ labelScale: 1.5,
+ highlight: !0,
+ highlightNodeSize: 2,
+ highlightLinkSize: 2,
+ highlightAnim: !0,
+ animationSpeed: 700,
+ algorithmOptions: v,
+ algorithmName: 'BackOut',
+ linkColorScheme: 'gray.500',
+ nodeColorScheme: [
+ 'red.500',
+ 'gray.600',
+ 'yellow.500',
+ 'green.500',
+ 'cyan.500',
+ 'blue.500',
+ 'pink.500',
+ 'purple.500',
+ 'orange.500',
+ ],
+ nodeHighlight: '',
+ linkHighlight: 'purple.500',
+ backgroundColor: 'white',
+ emacsNodeColor: 'gray.800',
+ labelTextColor: 'black',
+ labelBackgroundColor: 'white',
+ labelBackgroundOpacity: 0.7,
+ citeDashes: !0,
+ citeDashLength: 35,
+ citeGapLength: 15,
+ citeLinkColor: 'gray.600',
+ citeNodeColor: 'black',
+ },
+ N = { follow: 'zoom', localSame: 'add', zoomPadding: 200, zoomSpeed: 2e3 },
+ L = { highlight: 'hover', local: 'click', follow: 'double' },
+ z = t(38347),
+ T = t(93924),
+ R = t(83986),
+ D = t(48931),
+ P = t(67546),
+ E = t(93441),
+ Z = t(6569),
+ H = t(24189),
+ B = t(2827),
+ A = t(90454),
+ F = t(48420),
+ M = t(96699),
+ V = t(40155),
+ X = t(56769),
+ W = t(336),
+ _ = t(72026),
+ U = t(94096),
+ Q = t(64115),
+ q = t(88134),
+ K = t(48235),
+ G = t(67273),
+ J = t(15267),
+ Y = t(46049),
+ $ = t(95818),
+ ee = t(47647),
+ ne = t(86658),
+ te = t(29356)
+ function re(e, n) {
+ var t = Object.keys(e)
+ if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)
+ n &&
+ (r = r.filter(function (n) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n).enumerable
+ })),
+ t.push.apply(t, r)
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ function ie(e) {
+ for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
+ var t = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {}
+ n % 2
+ ? re(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (n) {
+ ;(0, a.Z)(e, n, t[n])
+ })
+ : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
+ ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t))
+ : re(Object(t)).forEach(function (n) {
+ Object.defineProperty(e, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n))
+ })
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ var oe = function (e) {
+ var n = e.physics,
+ t = e.setPhysics,
+ r = e.threeDim,
+ i = e.setThreeDim,
+ o = e.filter,
+ a = e.setFilter,
+ d = e.visuals,
+ h = e.setVisuals,
+ g = e.mouse,
+ f = e.setMouse,
+ x = e.behavior,
+ p = e.setBehavior,
+ m = e.tags,
+ v = e.tagColors,
+ b = e.setTagColors,
+ C = (0, u.useState)(!0),
+ y = C[0],
+ k = C[1],
+ w = (0, u.useContext)(te.N),
+ H = w.highlightColor,
+ B = w.setHighlightColor,
+ $ = [
+ 'red.500',
+ 'orange.500',
+ 'yellow.500',
+ 'green.500',
+ 'cyan.500',
+ 'blue.500',
+ 'pink.500',
+ 'purple.500',
+ 'white',
+ 'gray.100',
+ 'gray.200',
+ 'gray.300',
+ 'gray.400',
+ 'gray.500',
+ 'gray.600',
+ 'gray.700',
+ 'gray.800',
+ 'gray.900',
+ 'black',
+ ]
+ return (0, l.jsxs)(l.Fragment, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(A.R, {
+ in: !y,
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ zIndex: 'overlay',
+ marginTop: 10,
+ marginLeft: 10,
+ display: y ? 'none' : 'block',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(F.h, {
+ 'aria-label': 'Settings',
+ icon: (0, l.jsx)(T.e, {}),
+ onClick: function () {
+ return k(!0)
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(A.R, {
+ in: y,
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ bg: 'alt.100',
+ w: 'xs',
+ marginTop: 10,
+ marginLeft: 10,
+ borderRadius: 'xl',
+ maxH: 650,
+ paddingBottom: 5,
+ zIndex: 300,
+ position: 'relative',
+ boxShadow: 'xl',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ display: 'flex',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ paddingRight: 2,
+ paddingTop: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(M.u, {
+ label: '2D',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(V.z, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return i(!r)
+ },
+ variant: 'ghost',
+ zIndex: 'overlay',
+ children: r ? '3D' : '2D',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ display: 'flex',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(M.u, {
+ label: 'Reset settings to defaults',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(F.h, {
+ 'aria-label': 'Reset Defaults',
+ icon: (0, l.jsx)(R.A, {}),
+ onClick: function () {
+ h(O), a(I), f(L), t(S), p(N)
+ },
+ variant: 'none',
+ size: 'sm',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(F.h, {
+ size: 'sm',
+ icon: (0, l.jsx)(D.T, {}),
+ 'aria-label': 'Close Tweak Panel',
+ variant: 'ghost',
+ onClick: function () {
+ return k(!1)
+ },
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ne.ZP, {
+ autoHeight: !0,
+ autoHeightMax: 600,
+ autoHide: !0,
+ renderThumbVertical: function (e) {
+ var n =,
+ t = (0, z.Z)(e, ['style'])
+ return (0, l.jsx)(
+ j.xu,
+ ie(
+ ie({}, t),
+ {},
+ { style: ie(ie({}, n), {}, { borderRadius: 10 }), bg: H },
+ ),
+ )
+ },
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(X.UQ, {
+ allowMultiple: !0,
+ allowToggle: !0,
+ color: 'black',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.Qd, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.KF, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.XE, { marginRight: 2 }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(W.X, { size: 'sm', children: 'Filter' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.Hk, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(_.gC, {
+ spacing: 2,
+ justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+ divider: (0, l.jsx)(_.cX, { borderColor: 'gray.500' }),
+ align: 'stretch',
+ paddingLeft: 7,
+ color: 'gray.800',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: 'Orphans' }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(q.r, {
+ onChange: function () {
+ a(ie(ie({}, o), {}, { orphans: !o.orphans }))
+ },
+ isChecked: o.orphans,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, {
+ children: 'Link nodes with parent file',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(q.r, {
+ onChange: function () {
+ a(ie(ie({}, o), {}, { parents: !o.parents }))
+ },
+ isChecked: o.parents,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.UQ, {
+ padding: 0,
+ allowToggle: !0,
+ allowMultiple: !0,
+ paddingLeft: 3,
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.Qd, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.KF, {
+ children: ['Tag filters', (0, l.jsx)(X.XE, {})],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.Hk, {
+ pr: 0,
+ mr: 0,
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(ue, {
+ highlightColor: H,
+ filter: o,
+ setFilter: a,
+ tags: m,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.Qd, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.KF, {
+ children: ['Tag Colors', (0, l.jsx)(X.XE, {})],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.Hk, {
+ pr: 0,
+ mr: 0,
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(de, {
+ tags: m,
+ colorList: $,
+ tagColors: v,
+ setTagColors: b,
+ highlightColor: H,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.Qd, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.KF, {
+ display: 'flex',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ display: 'flex',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.XE, { marginRight: 2 }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(W.X, { size: 'sm', children: 'Physics' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.Hk, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(_.gC, {
+ spacing: 2,
+ justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+ divider: (0, l.jsx)(_.cX, { borderColor: 'gray.500' }),
+ align: 'stretch',
+ paddingLeft: 7,
+ color: 'gray.800',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(ae, {
+ label: 'Gravity',
+ value: n.gravityOn,
+ onChange: function () {
+ return t(ie(ie({}, n), {}, { gravityOn: !n.gravityOn }))
+ },
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Strength',
+ value: 10 * n.gravity,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return t(ie(ie({}, n), {}, { gravity: e / 10 }))
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ value: -n.charge / 100,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return t(ie(ie({}, n), {}, { charge: -100 * e }))
+ },
+ label: 'Repulsive Force',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ae, {
+ label: 'Collision',
+ infoText: 'Perfomance sap, disable if slow',
+ value: n.collision,
+ onChange: function () {
+ return t(ie(ie({}, n), {}, { collision: !n.collision }))
+ },
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ value: n.collisionStrength / 5,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return t(
+ ie(ie({}, n), {}, { collisionStrength: 5 * e }),
+ )
+ },
+ label: 'Collision Radius',
+ infoText:
+ 'Easy with this one, high values can lead to a real jiggly mess',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ value: 5 * n.linkStrength,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return t(ie(ie({}, n), {}, { linkStrength: e / 5 }))
+ },
+ label: 'Link Force',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Link Iterations',
+ value: n.linkIts,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return t(ie(ie({}, n), {}, { linkIts: e }))
+ },
+ min: 0,
+ max: 6,
+ step: 1,
+ infoText:
+ 'How many links down the line the physics of a single node affects (Slow)',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Viscosity',
+ value: 10 * n.velocityDecay,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return t(ie(ie({}, n), {}, { velocityDecay: e / 10 }))
+ },
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(X.UQ, {
+ paddingLeft: 3,
+ allowToggle: !0,
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(X.Qd, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.KF, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: 'Advanced' }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.XE, { marginRight: 2 }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.Hk, {
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(_.gC, {
+ spacing: 2,
+ justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+ divider: (0, l.jsx)(_.cX, {
+ borderColor: 'gray.500',
+ }),
+ align: 'stretch',
+ paddingLeft: 3,
+ color: 'gray.800',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Stabilization rate',
+ value: 50 * n.alphaDecay,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return t(
+ ie(ie({}, n), {}, { alphaDecay: e / 50 }),
+ )
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ae, {
+ label: 'Center nodes',
+ value: n.centering,
+ onChange: function () {
+ return t(
+ ie(
+ ie({}, n),
+ {},
+ { centering: !n.centering },
+ ),
+ )
+ },
+ infoText:
+ 'Keeps the nodes in the center of the viewport. If disabled you can drag the nodes anywhere you want.',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Centering Strength',
+ value: n.centeringStrength,
+ max: 2,
+ step: 0.01,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return t(
+ ie(ie({}, n), {}, { centeringStrength: e }),
+ )
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.Qd, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.KF, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.XE, { marginRight: 2 }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(W.X, { size: 'sm', children: 'Visual' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.Hk, {
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(_.gC, {
+ justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+ align: 'stretch',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.UQ, {
+ allowToggle: !0,
+ defaultIndex: [0],
+ paddingLeft: 3,
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(X.Qd, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.KF, {
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ w: '100%',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: 'Colors' }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.XE, { marginRight: 2 }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.Hk, {
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(_.gC, {
+ spacing: 2,
+ justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+ divider: (0, l.jsx)(_.cX, {
+ borderColor: 'gray.500',
+ }),
+ align: 'stretch',
+ color: 'gray.800',
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: 'Nodes' }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(M.u, {
+ label: 'Shuffle node colors',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(F.h, {
+ 'aria-label': 'Shuffle node colors',
+ size: 'sm',
+ icon: (0, l.jsx)(P.n, {}),
+ variant: 'ghost',
+ onClick: function () {
+ var e,
+ n =
+ null !== (e = d.nodeColorScheme) &&
+ void 0 !== e
+ ? e
+ : []
+ h(
+ ie(
+ ie({}, d),
+ {},
+ {
+ nodeColorScheme: n
+ .map(function (e) {
+ return [Math.random(), e]
+ })
+ .sort(function (e, n) {
+ return (
+ (0, c.Z)(e, 1)[0] -
+ (0, c.Z)(n, 1)[0]
+ )
+ })
+ .map(function (e) {
+ var n = (0, c.Z)(e, 2)
+ n[0]
+ return n[1]
+ }),
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(M.u, {
+ label: 'Cycle node colors',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(F.h, {
+ 'aria-label': 'Shift node colors',
+ icon: (0, l.jsx)(E.L, {}),
+ size: 'sm',
+ variant: 'ghost',
+ onClick: function () {
+ var e,
+ n =
+ null !== (e = d.nodeColorScheme) &&
+ void 0 !== e
+ ? e
+ : []
+ h(
+ ie(
+ ie({}, d),
+ {},
+ {
+ nodeColorScheme: [].concat(
+ (0, s.Z)(n.slice(1, n.length)),
+ [n[0]],
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.v2, {
+ placement: 'right',
+ closeOnSelect: !1,
+ matchWidth: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.j2, {
+ width: 20,
+ as: V.z,
+ colorScheme: '',
+ color: 'black',
+ rightIcon: (0, l.jsx)(Z.v, {}),
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(U.k, {
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ flexDirection: 'column',
+ flexWrap: 'wrap',
+ children:
+ function (e) {
+ return (0, l.jsx)(
+ j.xu,
+ {
+ bgColor: e,
+ flex: '1 1 8px',
+ borderRadius: '2xl',
+ },
+ e,
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(G.h, {
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.qy, {
+ minW: 10,
+ zIndex: 'popover',
+ bgColor: 'gray.200',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(K.__, {
+ width: 500,
+ type: 'checkbox',
+ defaultValue: d.nodeColorScheme,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ e.length &&
+ h(
+ ie(
+ ie({}, d),
+ {},
+ { nodeColorScheme: e },
+ ),
+ )
+ },
+ children: $.map(function (e) {
+ return (0, l.jsx)(
+ K.ii,
+ {
+ isChecked:
+ d.nodeColorScheme.some(
+ function (n) {
+ return n === e
+ },
+ ),
+ value: e,
+ isDisabled:
+ 1 ===
+ d.nodeColorScheme
+ .length &&
+ d.nodeColorScheme[0] ===
+ e,
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ justifyContent:
+ 'space-between',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ display: 'flex',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(
+ j.xu,
+ {
+ bgColor: e,
+ borderRadius: 'sm',
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ },
+ ),
+ }),
+ },
+ e,
+ )
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: 'Links' }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.v2, {
+ placement: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.j2, {
+ as: V.z,
+ colorScheme: '',
+ color: 'black',
+ rightIcon: (0, l.jsx)(Z.v, {}),
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ children: d.linkColorScheme
+ ? (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ bgColor: d.linkColorScheme,
+ borderRadius: 'sm',
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ })
+ : (0, l.jsx)(U.k, {
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ flexDirection: 'column',
+ flexWrap: 'wrap',
+ children:
+ function (e) {
+ return (0, l.jsx)(
+ j.xu,
+ {
+ bgColor: e,
+ flex: '1 1 8px',
+ borderRadius: '2xl',
+ },
+ e,
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(G.h, {
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.qy, {
+ minW: 10,
+ zIndex: 'popover',
+ bgColor: 'gray.200',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return h(
+ ie(
+ ie({}, d),
+ {},
+ { linkColorScheme: '' },
+ ),
+ )
+ },
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ display: 'flex',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(U.k, {
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ flexDirection: 'column',
+ flexWrap: 'wrap',
+ children:
+ function (e) {
+ return (0, l.jsx)(
+ j.xu,
+ {
+ bgColor: e,
+ flex: '1 1 8px',
+ borderRadius: '2xl',
+ },
+ e,
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ }),
+ }),
+ $.map(function (e) {
+ return (0, l.jsx)(
+ K.sN,
+ {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return h(
+ ie(
+ ie({}, d),
+ {},
+ {
+ linkColorScheme: e,
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ },
+ justifyContent:
+ 'space-between',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ display: 'flex',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ bgColor: e,
+ borderRadius: 'sm',
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ }),
+ },
+ e,
+ )
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: 'Accent' }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.v2, {
+ placement: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.j2, {
+ as: V.z,
+ colorScheme: '',
+ color: 'black',
+ rightIcon: (0, l.jsx)(Z.v, {}),
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ bgColor: H,
+ borderRadius: 'sm',
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(G.h, {
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.qy, {
+ minW: 10,
+ zIndex: 'popover',
+ bgColor: 'gray.200',
+ children: $.map(function (e) {
+ return (0, l.jsx)(
+ K.sN,
+ {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return B(e)
+ },
+ justifyContent:
+ 'space-between',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ display: 'flex',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ bgColor: e,
+ borderRadius: 'sm',
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ }),
+ },
+ e,
+ )
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ce, {
+ colorList: $,
+ label: 'Link highlight',
+ visuals: d,
+ setVisuals: h,
+ value: 'linkHighlight',
+ visValue: d.linkHighlight,
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ce, {
+ colorList: $,
+ label: 'Node highlight',
+ visuals: d,
+ setVisuals: h,
+ value: 'nodeHighlight',
+ visValue: d.nodeHighlight,
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ce, {
+ colorList: $,
+ label: 'Background',
+ visuals: d,
+ setVisuals: h,
+ value: 'backgroundColor',
+ visValue: d.backgroundColor,
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ce, {
+ colorList: $,
+ label: 'Emacs node',
+ visuals: d,
+ setVisuals: h,
+ value: 'emacsNodeColor',
+ visValue: d.emacsNodeColor,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(_.gC, {
+ spacing: 2,
+ justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+ divider: (0, l.jsx)(_.cX, { borderColor: 'gray.500' }),
+ align: 'stretch',
+ paddingLeft: 7,
+ color: 'gray.800',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Node size',
+ value: d.nodeRel,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(ie(ie({}, d), {}, { nodeRel: e }))
+ },
+ }),
+ r &&
+ (0, l.jsxs)(l.Fragment, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Node opacity',
+ value: d.nodeOpacity,
+ min: 0,
+ max: 1,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(ie(ie({}, d), {}, { nodeOpacity: e }))
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Node resolution',
+ value: d.nodeResolution,
+ min: 5,
+ max: 32,
+ step: 1,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(ie(ie({}, d), {}, { nodeResolution: e }))
+ },
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Link width',
+ value: d.linkWidth,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(ie(ie({}, d), {}, { linkWidth: e }))
+ },
+ }),
+ r &&
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Link opacity',
+ min: 0,
+ max: 1,
+ value: d.linkOpacity,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(ie(ie({}, d), {}, { linkOpacity: e }))
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(ae, {
+ label: 'Dash cite links',
+ infoText:
+ 'Add dashes to citation links made with org-roam-bibtex',
+ value: d.citeDashes,
+ onChange: function () {
+ return h(
+ ie(ie({}, d), {}, { citeDashes: !d.citeDashes }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Dash length',
+ value: d.citeDashLength / 10,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(
+ ie(ie({}, d), {}, { citeDashLength: 10 * e }),
+ )
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Gap length',
+ value: d.citeGapLength / 5,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(
+ ie(ie({}, d), {}, { citeGapLength: 5 * e }),
+ )
+ },
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ce, {
+ colorList: $,
+ label: 'Citation node color',
+ visuals: d,
+ setVisuals: h,
+ value: 'citeNodeColor',
+ visValue: d.citeNodeColor,
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ce, {
+ colorList: $,
+ label: 'Citationlink color',
+ visuals: d,
+ setVisuals: h,
+ value: 'citeLinkColor',
+ visValue: d.citeLinkColor,
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: 'Labels' }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.v2, {
+ placement: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.j2, {
+ as: V.z,
+ colorScheme: '',
+ color: 'black',
+ rightIcon: (0, l.jsx)(Z.v, {}),
+ children: d.labels
+ ? d.labels < 2
+ ? 'On Highlight'
+ : 'Always'
+ : 'Never',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(G.h, {
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.qy, {
+ zIndex: 'popover',
+ bgColor: 'gray.200',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return h(
+ ie(ie({}, d), {}, { labels: 0 }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'Never',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return h(
+ ie(ie({}, d), {}, { labels: 1 }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'On Highlight',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return h(
+ ie(ie({}, d), {}, { labels: 2 }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'Always',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return h(
+ ie(ie({}, d), {}, { labels: 3 }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'Always (even in 3D)',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(J.U, {
+ in: d.labels > 0,
+ animateOpacity: !0,
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(_.gC, {
+ spacing: 1,
+ justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+ divider: (0, l.jsx)(_.cX, {
+ borderColor: 'gray.400',
+ }),
+ align: 'stretch',
+ paddingLeft: 2,
+ color: 'gray.800',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(ce, {
+ colorList: $,
+ label: 'Text',
+ visuals: d,
+ setVisuals: h,
+ value: 'labelTextColor',
+ visValue: d.labelTextColor,
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ce, {
+ colorList: $,
+ label: 'Text',
+ visuals: d,
+ setVisuals: h,
+ value: 'labelBackgroundColor',
+ visValue: d.labelBackgroundColor,
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(J.U, {
+ in: !!d.labelBackgroundColor,
+ animateOpacity: !0,
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ paddingTop: 2,
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Background opacity',
+ value: d.labelBackgroundOpacity,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ console.log(d.labelBackgroundOpacity),
+ h(
+ ie(
+ ie({}, d),
+ {},
+ { labelBackgroundOpacity: e },
+ ),
+ )
+ },
+ min: 0,
+ max: 1,
+ step: 0.01,
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(J.U, {
+ in: d.labels > 1,
+ animateOpacity: !0,
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ paddingTop: 2,
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Label Appearance Scale',
+ value: 5 * d.labelScale,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(
+ ie(
+ ie({}, d),
+ {},
+ { labelScale: e / 5 },
+ ),
+ )
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(ae, {
+ label: 'Link arrows',
+ value: d.arrows,
+ onChange: function () {
+ return h(ie(ie({}, d), {}, { arrows: !d.arrows }))
+ },
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Arrow size',
+ value: d.arrowsLength / 10,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(
+ ie(ie({}, d), {}, { arrowsLength: 10 * e }),
+ )
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Arrow Position',
+ value: d.arrowsPos,
+ min: 0,
+ max: 1,
+ step: 0.01,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(ie(ie({}, d), {}, { arrowsPos: e }))
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ce, {
+ colorList: $,
+ label: 'Arrow Color',
+ visuals: d,
+ setVisuals: h,
+ value: 'arrowsColor',
+ visValue: d.arrowsColor,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(ae, {
+ label: 'Directional Particles',
+ value: d.particles,
+ onChange: function () {
+ return h(ie(ie({}, d), {}, { particles: !d.particles }))
+ },
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Particle Number',
+ value: d.particlesNumber,
+ max: 5,
+ step: 1,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(ie(ie({}, d), {}, { particlesNumber: e }))
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Particle Size',
+ value: d.particlesWidth,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(ie(ie({}, d), {}, { particlesWidth: e }))
+ },
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(ae, {
+ label: 'Highlight',
+ onChange: function () {
+ return h(ie(ie({}, d), {}, { highlight: !d.highlight }))
+ },
+ value: d.highlight,
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(_.gC, {
+ spacing: 1,
+ justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+ divider: (0, l.jsx)(_.cX, { borderColor: 'gray.400' }),
+ align: 'stretch',
+ paddingLeft: 0,
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Highlight Link Thickness',
+ value: d.highlightLinkSize,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(
+ ie(ie({}, d), {}, { highlightLinkSize: e }),
+ )
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Highlight Node Size',
+ value: d.highlightNodeSize,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(
+ ie(ie({}, d), {}, { highlightNodeSize: e }),
+ )
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(ae, {
+ label: 'Highlight Animation',
+ onChange: function () {
+ h(
+ ie(
+ ie({}, d),
+ {},
+ { highlightAnim: !d.highlightAnim },
+ ),
+ )
+ },
+ value: d.highlightAnim,
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Animation speed',
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return h(
+ ie(ie({}, d), {}, { animationSpeed: e }),
+ )
+ },
+ value: d.animationSpeed,
+ infoText:
+ 'Slower speed has a chance of being buggy',
+ min: 50,
+ max: 1e3,
+ step: 10,
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(Y.Ph, {
+ placeholder: d.algorithmName,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ h(
+ ie(
+ ie({}, d),
+ {},
+ { algorithmName: },
+ ),
+ )
+ },
+ children: (e) {
+ return (0,
+ l.jsx)('option', { value: e, children: e }, e)
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.Qd, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(X.KF, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.XE, { marginRight: 2 }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(W.X, { size: 'sm', children: 'Behavior' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(X.Hk, {
+ children: (0, l.jsxs)(_.gC, {
+ spacing: 2,
+ justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+ divider: (0, l.jsx)(_.cX, { borderColor: 'gray.500' }),
+ align: 'stretch',
+ paddingLeft: 7,
+ color: 'gray.800',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: 'Expand Node' }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(le, {
+ infoText:
+ 'View only the node and its direct neighbors',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.v2, {
+ placement: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.j2, {
+ as: V.z,
+ rightIcon: (0, l.jsx)(Z.v, {}),
+ colorScheme: '',
+ color: 'black',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, {
+ children: g.local
+ ? g.local[0].toUpperCase() + g.local.slice(1)
+ : 'Never',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(G.h, {
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.qy, {
+ zIndex: 'popover',
+ bgColor: 'gray.200',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return f(ie(ie({}, g), {}, { local: '' }))
+ },
+ children: 'Never',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return f(
+ ie(ie({}, g), {}, { local: 'click' }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'Click',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return f(
+ ie(ie({}, g), {}, { local: 'double' }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'Double Click',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return f(
+ ie(ie({}, g), {}, { local: 'right' }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'Right Click',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: 'Open in Emacs' }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.v2, {
+ placement: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.j2, {
+ as: V.z,
+ rightIcon: (0, l.jsx)(Z.v, {}),
+ colorScheme: '',
+ color: 'black',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, {
+ children: g.follow
+ ? g.follow[0].toUpperCase() + g.follow.slice(1)
+ : 'Never',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(G.h, {
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.qy, {
+ bgColor: 'gray.200',
+ zIndex: 'popover',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return f(ie(ie({}, g), {}, { follow: '' }))
+ },
+ children: 'Never',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return f(
+ ie(ie({}, g), {}, { follow: 'click' }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'Click',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return f(
+ ie(ie({}, g), {}, { follow: 'double' }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'Double Click',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return f(
+ ie(ie({}, g), {}, { follow: 'right' }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'Right Click',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: 'Follow Emacs by...' }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.v2, {
+ placement: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.j2, {
+ as: V.z,
+ rightIcon: (0, l.jsx)(Z.v, {}),
+ colorScheme: '',
+ color: 'black',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, {
+ children:
+ x.follow[0].toUpperCase() + x.follow.slice(1),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(G.h, {
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.qy, {
+ bgColor: 'gray.200',
+ zIndex: 'popover',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return p(
+ ie(ie({}, x), {}, { follow: 'local' }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'Opening the local graph',
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return p(
+ ie(ie({}, x), {}, { follow: 'zoom' }),
+ )
+ },
+ children: 'Zooming to the current node',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Zoom speed',
+ value: x.zoomSpeed,
+ min: 0,
+ max: 4e3,
+ step: 100,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return p(ie(ie({}, x), {}, { zoomSpeed: e }))
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(se, {
+ label: 'Zoom padding',
+ value: x.zoomPadding,
+ min: 0,
+ max: 400,
+ step: 1,
+ onChange: function (e) {
+ return p(ie(ie({}, x), {}, { zoomPadding: e }))
+ },
+ infoText:
+ 'How much to zoom out to accomodate all nodes when changing the view.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ },
+ le = function (e) {
+ var n = e.infoText
+ return (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ paddingLeft: '1',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(M.u, {
+ label: n,
+ placement: 'top',
+ color: 'gray.100',
+ bg: 'gray.800',
+ hasArrow: !0,
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(H.h, {}),
+ }),
+ })
+ },
+ se = function (e) {
+ var n = e.min,
+ t = void 0 === n ? 0 : n,
+ r = e.max,
+ i = void 0 === r ? 10 : r,
+ o = e.step,
+ s = void 0 === o ? 0.1 : o,
+ a = e.value,
+ c = void 0 === a ? 1 : a,
+ d = (0, z.Z)(e, ['min', 'max', 'step', 'value']),
+ h = d.onChange,
+ g = d.label,
+ f = d.infoText,
+ x = (0, u.useContext)(te.N).highlightColor
+ return (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ display: 'flex',
+ alignItems: 'flex-end',
+ children: [(0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: g }), f && (0, l.jsx)(le, { infoText: f })],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)($.iR, {
+ value: c,
+ onChange: h,
+ min: t,
+ max: i,
+ step: s,
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)($.Uj, { children: (0, l.jsx)($.Ms, {}) }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(M.u, {
+ bg: x,
+ label: c.toFixed(1),
+ children: (0, l.jsx)($.gs, { bg: 'white' }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ },
+ ae = function (e) {
+ var n = e.value,
+ t = e.onChange,
+ r = e.label,
+ i = e.infoText,
+ o = e.children
+ return (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ paddingTop: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ display: 'flex',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ paddingBottom: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ display: 'flex',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: r }),
+ i && (0, l.jsx)(le, { infoText: i }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(q.r, { isChecked: !!n, onChange: t }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(J.U, {
+ in: !!n,
+ animateOpacity: !0,
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ paddingLeft: 4,
+ paddingTop: 2,
+ paddingBottom: 2,
+ children: o,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ },
+ ce = function (e) {
+ var n = e.label,
+ t = e.colorList,
+ r = e.value,
+ i = e.visuals,
+ o = e.visValue,
+ s = e.setVisuals
+ return (0, l.jsxs)(U.k, {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { children: n }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.v2, {
+ placement: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.j2, {
+ as: V.z,
+ colorScheme: '',
+ color: 'black',
+ rightIcon: (0, l.jsx)(Z.v, {}),
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ bgColor: o,
+ borderRadius: 'sm',
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(G.h, {
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.qy, {
+ minW: 10,
+ zIndex: 'popover',
+ bgColor: 'gray.200',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.sN, {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return s(ie(ie({}, i), {}, (0, a.Z)({}, r, '')))
+ },
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ display: 'flex',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, { height: 6, width: 6 }),
+ }),
+ (e) {
+ return (0, l.jsx)(
+ K.sN,
+ {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return s(ie(ie({}, i), {}, (0, a.Z)({}, r, e)))
+ },
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ display: 'flex',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ bgColor: e,
+ borderRadius: 'sm',
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ }),
+ },
+ e,
+ )
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ },
+ ue = function (e) {
+ var n = e.filter,
+ t = e.setFilter,
+ r = e.tags,
+ i = e.highlightColor,
+ o = (e) {
+ return { value: e, label: e }
+ }),
+ s = (0, u.useState)([]),
+ a = s[0],
+ c = s[1]
+ return (0, l.jsx)(ee.CUIAutoComplete, {
+ items: o,
+ label: 'Add tag to filter',
+ placeholder: ' ',
+ onCreateItem: function (e) {
+ return null
+ },
+ disableCreateItem: !0,
+ selectedItems: a,
+ onSelectedItemsChange: function (e) {
+ e.selectedItems &&
+ (c(e.selectedItems),
+ t(
+ ie(
+ ie({}, n),
+ {},
+ {
+ tags: (e) {
+ return e.value
+ }),
+ },
+ ),
+ ))
+ },
+ listItemStyleProps: { overflow: 'hidden' },
+ highlightItemBg: 'gray.400',
+ toggleButtonStyleProps: { variant: 'outline' },
+ inputStyleProps: { focusBorderColor: i, color: 'gray.800', borderColor: 'gray.600' },
+ tagStyleProps: {
+ rounded: 'full',
+ bg: i,
+ height: 8,
+ paddingLeft: 4,
+ fontWeight: 'bold',
+ },
+ hideToggleButton: !0,
+ itemRenderer: function (e) {
+ return e.label
+ },
+ })
+ },
+ de = function (e) {
+ var n = e.colorList,
+ t = e.tagColors,
+ r = e.setTagColors,
+ i = e.highlightColor,
+ o = (e) {
+ return { value: e, label: e }
+ }),
+ s = (0, u.useState)([]),
+ c = s[0],
+ d = s[1]
+ return (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(ee.CUIAutoComplete, {
+ items: o,
+ label: 'Add tag to filter',
+ placeholder: ' ',
+ disableCreateItem: !0,
+ selectedItems: c,
+ onSelectedItemsChange: function (e) {
+ e.selectedItems &&
+ (d(Array.from(new Set(e.selectedItems))),
+ r(
+ Object.fromEntries(
+ Array.from(new Set(e.selectedItems)).map(function (e) {
+ var n
+ return [
+ e.label,
+ null !== (n = t[e.label]) && void 0 !== n ? n : 'gray.600',
+ ]
+ }),
+ ),
+ ))
+ },
+ listItemStyleProps: { overflow: 'hidden' },
+ highlightItemBg: 'gray.400',
+ toggleButtonStyleProps: { variant: 'outline' },
+ inputStyleProps: {
+ focusBorderColor: i,
+ color: 'gray.800',
+ borderColor: 'gray.600',
+ },
+ tagStyleProps: {
+ display: 'none',
+ rounded: 'full',
+ bg: i,
+ height: 8,
+ paddingLeft: 4,
+ fontWeight: 'bold',
+ },
+ hideToggleButton: !0,
+ itemRenderer: function (e) {
+ return e.label
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(_.gC, {
+ spacing: 2,
+ justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+ divider: (0, l.jsx)(_.cX, { borderColor: 'gray.500' }),
+ align: 'stretch',
+ color: 'gray.800',
+ children: Object.keys(t).map(function (e) {
+ return (0, l.jsxs)(
+ U.k,
+ {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ width: '100%',
+ pl: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ width: '100%',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(Q.x, { fontWeight: 'bold', children: e }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(K.v2, {
+ isLazy: !0,
+ placement: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.j2, {
+ as: V.z,
+ colorScheme: '',
+ color: 'black',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ bgColor: t[e],
+ borderRadius: 'sm',
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsxs)(G.h, {
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, l.jsx)(K.qy, {
+ minW: 10,
+ zIndex: 'popover',
+ bgColor: 'gray.200',
+ children: (n) {
+ return (0, l.jsx)(
+ K.sN,
+ {
+ onClick: function () {
+ return r(ie(ie({}, t), {}, (0, a.Z)({}, e, n)))
+ },
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ display: 'flex',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ bgColor: n,
+ borderRadius: 'sm',
+ height: 6,
+ width: 6,
+ }),
+ },
+ n,
+ )
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, l.jsx)(F.h, {
+ 'aria-label': 'Delete tag color',
+ variant: 'ghost',
+ icon: (0, l.jsx)(B.p, {}),
+ onClick: function () {
+ r(
+ Object.fromEntries(
+ Array.from(new Set(c)).map(function (e) {
+ var n
+ return [
+ e.label,
+ null !== (n = t[e.label]) && void 0 !== n ? n : 'gray.600',
+ ]
+ }),
+ ),
+ ),
+ d(
+ c.filter(function (n) {
+ return n.value !== e
+ }),
+ )
+ },
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ e,
+ )
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ },
+ he = t(31122),
+ ge = t(22003)
+ function fe(e, n) {
+ var t = Object.keys(e)
+ if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)
+ n &&
+ (r = r.filter(function (n) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n).enumerable
+ })),
+ t.push.apply(t, r)
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ function xe(e) {
+ for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
+ var t = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {}
+ n % 2
+ ? fe(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (n) {
+ ;(0, a.Z)(e, n, t[n])
+ })
+ : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
+ ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t))
+ : fe(Object(t)).forEach(function (n) {
+ Object.defineProperty(e, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n))
+ })
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ var pe = t.e(4).then(t.bind(t, 57004)),
+ je = t.g.window ? t(61957).f$ : null,
+ me = t.g.window ? t(61957).s6 : null
+ function ve() {
+ var e = (0, u.useState)(!1),
+ n = e[0],
+ t = e[1]
+ return (
+ (0, u.useEffect)(function () {
+ t(!0)
+ }, []),
+ n ? (0, l.jsx)(be, {}) : null
+ )
+ }
+ function be() {
+ var e = d('physics', S),
+ n = (0, c.Z)(e, 2),
+ t = n[0],
+ r = n[1],
+ i = d('filter', I),
+ o = (0, c.Z)(i, 2),
+ h = o[0],
+ g = o[1],
+ f = d('visuals', O),
+ x = (0, c.Z)(f, 2),
+ p = x[0],
+ m = x[1],
+ v = (0, u.useState)(null),
+ b = v[0],
+ C = v[1],
+ y = (0, u.useState)(null),
+ k = y[0],
+ w = y[1],
+ z = d('behavior', N),
+ T = (0, c.Z)(z, 2),
+ R = T[0],
+ D = T[1],
+ P = d('mouse', L),
+ E = (0, c.Z)(P, 2),
+ Z = E[0],
+ H = E[1],
+ B = (0, u.useRef)({}),
+ A = (0, u.useRef)({}),
+ F = (0, u.useRef)([]),
+ M = (0, u.useContext)(te.N).setEmacsTheme,
+ V = d('3d', !1),
+ X = (0, c.Z)(V, 2),
+ W = X[0],
+ _ = X[1],
+ U = d('tagCols', {}),
+ Q = (0, c.Z)(U, 2),
+ q = Q[0],
+ K = Q[1],
+ G = (0, u.useState)({ nodeIds: [] }),
+ J = G[0],
+ Y = G[1],
+ $ = (0, u.useRef)({ nodeIds: [] }),
+ ee = (0, u.useRef)(N)
+ ee.current = R
+ var ne = (0, u.useRef)(null),
+ re = (0, u.useRef)(null)
+ $.current = J
+ var ie = function (e, n) {
+ var t,
+ r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 2e3,
+ i = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 200,
+ o = ne.current,
+ l = $.current,
+ a = ee.current,
+ c = null !== (t = A.current[n]) && void 0 !== t ? t : [],
+ u = Object.fromEntries(
+ [n]
+ .concat(
+ (0, s.Z)(
+ c.flatMap(function (e) {
+ return [e.source,]
+ }),
+ ),
+ )
+ .map(function (e) {
+ return [e, {}]
+ }),
+ )
+ return 'zoom' === e
+ ? (console.log(l),
+ l.nodeIds.length &&
+ (console.log('emptying'), console.log('scope ' + l.nodeIds), Y({ nodeIds: [] })),
+ void setTimeout(function () {
+ return o.zoomToFit(r, i, function (e) {
+ return u[]
+ })
+ }, 50))
+ : l.nodeIds.length
+ ? 'add' !== a.localSame
+ ? (Y({ nodeIds: [n] }),
+ void setTimeout(function () {
+ o.centerAt(0, 0, r)
+ }, 50))
+ : l.nodeIds.includes(n) &&
+ l.nodeIds.some(function (e) {
+ return u[e]
+ })
+ ? (Y(function (e) {
+ return xe(xe({}, e), {}, { nodeIds: [].concat((0, s.Z)(e.nodeIds), [n]) })
+ }),
+ void setTimeout(function () {
+ return o.zoomToFit(r, i, function (e) {
+ return u[]
+ })
+ }, 50))
+ : (Y({ nodeIds: [n] }),
+ void setTimeout(function () {
+ o.centerAt(0, 0, r)
+ }, 50))
+ : (Y({ nodeIds: [n] }),
+ void setTimeout(function () {
+ o.centerAt(0, 0, r)
+ }, 50))
+ }
+ return (
+ (0, u.useEffect)(function () {
+ ;(re.current = new ge.Z('ws://localhost:35903')),
+ re.current.addEventListener('open', function (e) {
+ console.log('Connection with Emacs established')
+ }),
+ re.current.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
+ ne.current
+ var n = ee.current,
+ t = JSON.parse(
+ switch (t.type) {
+ case 'graphdata':
+ return (function (e) {
+ F.current = e.tags
+ var n = e.nodes.reduce(function (e, n) {
+ var t
+ return xe(
+ xe({}, e),
+ {},
+ (0, a.Z)(
+ {},
+ n.file,
+ [].concat(
+ (0, s.Z)(null !== (t = e[n.file]) && void 0 !== t ? t : []),
+ [n],
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ }, {}),
+ t = Object.keys(n).flatMap(function (e) {
+ var t,
+ r = null !== (t = n[e]) && void 0 !== t ? t : [],
+ i = r.find(function (e) {
+ return 0 === e.level
+ }),
+ o = r.filter(function (e) {
+ return 0 !== e.level
+ })
+ return i
+ ? (e) {
+ return { source:, target:, type: 'parent' }
+ })
+ : []
+ })
+ B.current = Object.fromEntries(
+ (e) {
+ return [, e]
+ }),
+ )
+ var r = [].concat((0, s.Z)(e.links), (0, s.Z)(t)).filter(function (e) {
+ var n = e.source,
+ t =
+ return B.current[n] && B.current[t]
+ })
+ A.current = r.reduce(function (e, n) {
+ var t, r, i
+ return xe(
+ xe({}, e),
+ {},
+ ((i = {}),
+ (0, a.Z)(
+ i,
+ n.source,
+ [].concat(
+ (0, s.Z)(null !== (t = e[n.source]) && void 0 !== t ? t : []),
+ [n],
+ ),
+ ),
+ (0, a.Z)(
+ i,
+ [].concat(
+ (0, s.Z)(null !== (r = e[]) && void 0 !== r ? r : []),
+ [n],
+ ),
+ ),
+ i),
+ )
+ }, {})
+ var i = xe(xe({}, e), {}, { links: r }),
+ o = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(i))
+ C(o)
+ })(
+ case 'theme':
+ return M(
+ case 'command':
+ switch ( {
+ case 'local':
+ var r = R.zoomSpeed,
+ i = R.zoomPadding
+ ie('local',, r, i), w(
+ break
+ case 'zoom':
+ var o,
+ l,
+ c =
+ (null === t || void 0 === t || null === (o = || void 0 === o
+ ? void 0
+ : o.speed) || n.zoomSpeed,
+ u =
+ (null === t || void 0 === t || null === (l = || void 0 === l
+ ? void 0
+ : l.padding) || n.zoomPadding
+ ie('zoom',, c, u), w(
+ break
+ case 'follow':
+ ie(n.follow,, n.zoomSpeed, n.zoomPadding), w(
+ break
+ default:
+ return console.error('unknown message type', t.type)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }, []),
+ b
+ ? (0, l.jsxs)(j.xu, {
+ display: 'flex',
+ alignItems: 'flex-start',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ height: '100%',
+ children: [
+ (0, l.jsx)(
+ oe,
+ xe(
+ xe(
+ {},
+ {
+ physics: t,
+ setPhysics: r,
+ threeDim: W,
+ setThreeDim: _,
+ filter: h,
+ setFilter: g,
+ visuals: p,
+ setVisuals: m,
+ mouse: Z,
+ setMouse: H,
+ behavior: R,
+ setBehavior: D,
+ tagColors: q,
+ setTagColors: K,
+ },
+ ),
+ {},
+ { tags: F.current },
+ ),
+ ),
+ (0, l.jsx)(j.xu, {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ alignItems: 'top',
+ children: (0, l.jsx)(
+ Ce,
+ xe(
+ {
+ ref: ne,
+ nodeById: B.current,
+ linksByNodeId: A.current,
+ webSocket: re.current,
+ },
+ {
+ physics: t,
+ graphData: b,
+ threeDim: W,
+ emacsNodeId: k,
+ filter: h,
+ visuals: p,
+ behavior: R,
+ mouse: Z,
+ scope: J,
+ setScope: Y,
+ tagColors: q,
+ },
+ ),
+ ),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : null
+ )
+ }
+ var Ce = (0, u.forwardRef)(function (e, n) {
+ var t = e.physics,
+ r = e.graphData,
+ a = e.threeDim,
+ d = e.linksByNodeId,
+ h = e.filter,
+ j = e.emacsNodeId,
+ m = e.nodeById,
+ v = e.visuals,
+ b = (e.behavior, e.mouse),
+ C = e.scope,
+ y = e.setScope,
+ k = e.webSocket,
+ S = e.tagColors,
+ I = (0, f.iP)(),
+ O = (0, c.Z)(I, 2),
+ N = O[0],
+ L = O[1],
+ z = (0, u.useState)(null),
+ T = z[0],
+ R = z[1],
+ D = (0, p.useTheme)(),
+ P = (0, u.useContext)(te.N).emacsTheme,
+ E = function (e, n) {
+ switch (e) {
+ case b.local:
+ if (C.nodeIds.includes( break
+ y(function (e) {
+ return xe(xe({}, e), {}, { nodeIds: [].concat((0, s.Z)(e.nodeIds), []) })
+ })
+ break
+ case b.follow:
+ k.send(
+ }
+ },
+ Z = (0, u.useRef)(null)
+ ;(0, u.useEffect)(
+ function () {
+ j && R(m[j])
+ },
+ [j],
+ ),
+ (Z.current = T)
+ var H = (0, u.useMemo)(
+ function () {
+ if (!Z.current) return {}
+ var e = d[]
+ return e
+ ? Object.fromEntries(
+ []
+ .concat(
+ (0, s.Z)(
+ e.flatMap(function (e) {
+ return [e.source,]
+ }),
+ ),
+ )
+ .map(function (e) {
+ return [e, {}]
+ }),
+ )
+ : {}
+ },
+ [Z.current, d],
+ ),
+ B = (0, u.useMemo)(
+ function () {
+ var e = r.nodes.filter(function (e) {
+ var n,
+ t = e,
+ r = null !== (n = d[]) && void 0 !== n ? n : []
+ return h.tags.length && t.tags.length
+ ? !h.tags.some(function (e) {
+ return t.tags.indexOf(e) > -1
+ })
+ : !h.orphans ||
+ (h.parents
+ ? 0 !== r.length
+ : 0 !== r.length &&
+ r.some(function (e) {
+ return !['parent', 'ref'].includes(e.type)
+ }))
+ }),
+ n = (e) {
+ return
+ })
+ return {
+ filteredNodes: e,
+ filteredLinks: r.links.filter(function (e) {
+ if (h.tags.length) {
+ var t = 'object' === typeof e.source ? : e.source,
+ r = 'object' === typeof ? :
+ return n.includes(t) && n.includes(r)
+ }
+ var i = e
+ return h.parents || 'parent' !== i.type
+ }),
+ }
+ },
+ [h, r],
+ ),
+ A = (0, u.useMemo)(
+ function () {
+ var e = B.filteredNodes.filter(function (e) {
+ var n,
+ t = null !== (n = d[]) && void 0 !== n ? n : []
+ return (
+ C.nodeIds.includes( ||
+ t.some(function (e) {
+ return C.nodeIds.includes(e.source) || C.nodeIds.includes(
+ })
+ )
+ }),
+ n = (e) {
+ return
+ }),
+ t = B.filteredLinks.filter(function (e) {
+ var t = 'object' === typeof e.source ? : e.source,
+ r = 'object' === typeof ? :
+ return n.includes(t) && n.includes(r)
+ })
+ return 0 === C.nodeIds.length
+ ? { nodes: B.filteredNodes, links: B.filteredLinks }
+ : { nodes: e, links: t }
+ },
+ [h, C, r],
+ )
+ ;(0, u.useEffect)(function () {
+ ;(0, o.Z)(
+ i().mark(function e() {
+ var r, o
+ return i().wrap(function (e) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((e.prev = {
+ case 0:
+ return (r = n.current), ( = 3), pe
+ case 3:
+ ;(o = e.sent),
+ t.gravityOn
+ ? (r.d3Force('x', o.forceX().strength(t.gravity)),
+ r.d3Force('y', o.forceY().strength(t.gravity)),
+ a && r.d3Force('z', o.forceZ().strength(t.gravity)))
+ : (r.d3Force('x', null), r.d3Force('y', null), a && r.d3Force('z', null)),
+ t.centering
+ ? r.d3Force('center', o.forceCenter().strength(t.centeringStrength))
+ : r.d3Force('center', null),
+ t.linkStrength && r.d3Force('link').strength(t.linkStrength),
+ t.linkIts && r.d3Force('link').iterations(t.linkIts),
+ t.charge && r.d3Force('charge').strength(t.charge),
+ r.d3Force(
+ 'collide',
+ t.collision ? o.forceCollide().radius(t.collisionStrength) : null,
+ )
+ case 10:
+ case 'end':
+ return e.stop()
+ }
+ }, e)
+ }),
+ )()
+ }),
+ (0, u.useEffect)(
+ function () {
+ var e
+ null === (e = n.current) || void 0 === e || e.d3ReheatSimulation()
+ },
+ [t],
+ )
+ var F = (0, u.useRef)(0),
+ M = (0, u.useState)(1),
+ V = M[0],
+ X = M[1],
+ W = (0, x._7)(
+ function (e) {
+ return X(e)
+ },
+ { duration: v.animationSpeed, algorithm: w[v.algorithmName] },
+ ),
+ _ = (0, c.Z)(W, 2),
+ U = _[0],
+ Q = _[1],
+ q = (0, x._7)(
+ function (e) {
+ return X(Math.min(V, -1 * (e - 1)))
+ },
+ { duration: v.animationSpeed, algorithm: w[v.algorithmName] },
+ ),
+ K = (0, c.Z)(q, 2),
+ G = K[0],
+ J = K[1],
+ Y = (0, u.useRef)(null)
+ ;(0, u.useEffect)(
+ function () {
+ if ((T && (Y.current = T), !v.highlightAnim)) return X(T ? 1 : 0)
+ T ? U() : (Q(), V > 0.5 ? G() : X(0))
+ },
+ [T],
+ )
+ var $ = function (e) {
+ if (D)
+ return e.split('.').reduce(function (e, n) {
+ return e[n]
+ }, D.colors)
+ },
+ ee = (0, u.useMemo)(
+ function () {
+ var e = v.nodeColorScheme.concat(
+ v.linkColorScheme || [],
+ v.linkHighlight || [],
+ v.nodeHighlight || [],
+ v.citeNodeColor || [],
+ v.citeLinkColor || [],
+ )
+ return Object.fromEntries(
+ (n) {
+ var t = $(n),
+ r = (e) {
+ return [e, g.Z(t, $(e))]
+ })
+ return [n, Object.fromEntries(r)]
+ }),
+ )
+ },
+ [v.nodeColorScheme, v.linkHighlight, v.nodeHighlight, v.linkColorScheme, P],
+ ),
+ ne = (0, u.useMemo)(
+ function () {
+ var e,
+ n,
+ t,
+ r =
+ null !== (e = d[null === (n = Y.current) || void 0 === n ? void 0 :]) &&
+ void 0 !== e
+ ? e
+ : []
+ return Object.fromEntries(
+ [null === (t = Y.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 :]
+ .concat(
+ (0, s.Z)(
+ r.flatMap(function (e) {
+ return [e.source,]
+ }),
+ ),
+ )
+ .map(function (e) {
+ return [e, {}]
+ }),
+ )
+ },
+ [JSON.stringify(T), Y.current],
+ ),
+ re = function (e) {
+ var n,
+ t,
+ r,
+ i,
+ o,
+ l,
+ s =
+ null !== (n = null === (t = d[e]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.length) &&
+ void 0 !== n
+ ? n
+ : 0,
+ a = s
+ ? null === (r = d[e]) || void 0 === r
+ ? void 0
+ : r.filter(function (e) {
+ return 'parent' === e.type || 'cite' === e.type
+ }).length
+ : 0,
+ c = h.parents ? s : s - a
+ return v.nodeColorScheme[
+ ((i = c), (o = 0), (l = v.nodeColorScheme.length - 1), Math.min(Math.max(i, o), l))
+ ]
+ },
+ ie = function (e, n) {
+ return d[e] > d[n] ? re(e) : re(n)
+ },
+ oe = function (e, n) {
+ return (
+ 'rgba(' +
+ (e = e.replace('#', ''))
+ .match(new RegExp('(.{' + e.length / 3 + '})', 'g'))
+ .map(function (n) {
+ return parseInt(e.length % 2 ? n + n : n, 16)
+ })
+ .concat(isFinite(n) ? n : 1)
+ .join(',') +
+ ')'
+ )
+ },
+ le = (0, u.useMemo)(
+ function () {
+ return $(v.labelTextColor)
+ },
+ [v.labelTextColor, P],
+ ),
+ se = (0, u.useMemo)(
+ function () {
+ return $(v.labelBackgroundColor)
+ },
+ [v.labelBackgroundColor, P],
+ ),
+ ae = {
+ graphData: A,
+ width: N,
+ height: L,
+ backgroundColor: D.colors.gray[v.backgroundColor],
+ nodeLabel: function (e) {
+ return e.title
+ },
+ nodeColor: function (e) {
+ return (function (e) {
+ var n = H[] || ne[]
+ if (v.emacsNodeColor && === j) return $(v.emacsNodeColor)
+ if (
+ S &&
+ e.tags.some(function (e) {
+ return S[e]
+ })
+ ) {
+ var t =
+ S[
+ e.tags.filter(function (e) {
+ return S[e]
+ })[0]
+ ]
+ return $(t)
+ }
+ return v.citeNodeColor &&
+ ? $(v.citeNodeColor)
+ : n && v.nodeHighlight
+ ? ee[re(][v.nodeHighlight](V)
+ : $(re(
+ })(e)
+ },
+ nodeRelSize: v.nodeRel,
+ nodeVal: function (e) {
+ var n,
+ t = null !== (n = d[]) && void 0 !== n ? n : [],
+ r = t.length
+ ? t.filter(function (e) {
+ return 'parent' === e.type || 'cite' === e.type
+ }).length
+ : 0
+ return (
+ (3 + t.length - (h.parents ? 0 : r)) *
+ (H[] || ne[] ? 1 + V * (v.highlightNodeSize - 1) : 1)
+ )
+ },
+ nodeCanvasObject: function (e, n, t) {
+ if (e && v.labels) {
+ var r = ne[]
+ if (!(t <= v.labelScale || 1 === v.labels) || H[] || r) {
+ var i = e.title,
+ o = i.substring(0, Math.min(i.length, 40)),
+ l = 12 / t,
+ a = [1.1 * n.measureText(o).width, l].map(function (e) {
+ return e + 0.5 * l
+ }),
+ c = Math.min((3 * (t - v.labelScale)) / v.labelScale, 1),
+ u = function () {
+ return 1 === v.labels || t <= v.labelScale
+ ? V
+ : H[] || ne[]
+ ? Math.max(c, V)
+ : 1 * c * (-1 * (0.5 * V - 1))
+ }
+ if (v.labelBackgroundColor && v.labelBackgroundOpacity) {
+ var d = u() * v.labelBackgroundOpacity,
+ h = oe(se, d)
+ ;(n.fillStyle = h),
+ n.fillRect.apply(n, [e.x - a[0] / 2, e.y - a[1] / 2].concat((0, s.Z)(a)))
+ }
+ var g = u()
+ ;(n.textAlign = 'center'), (n.textBaseline = 'middle')
+ var f = oe(le, g)
+ ;(n.fillStyle = f),
+ (n.font = ''.concat(l, 'px Sans-Serif')),
+ n.fillText(o, e.x, e.y)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nodeCanvasObjectMode: function () {
+ return 'after'
+ },
+ linkDirectionalParticles: v.particles ? v.particlesNumber : void 0,
+ linkDirectionalArrowLength: v.arrows ? v.arrowsLength : void 0,
+ linkDirectionalArrowRelPos: v.arrowsPos,
+ linkDirectionalArrowColor: v.arrowsColor
+ ? function (e) {
+ return $(v.arrowsColor)
+ }
+ : void 0,
+ linkColor: function (e) {
+ var n = 'object' === typeof e.source ? : e.source,
+ t = 'object' === typeof ? :,
+ r = ye(e, Z.current),
+ i = ye(e, Y.current),
+ o = r || i,
+ l = e
+ return v.citeLinkColor && 'cite' === l.type
+ ? $(v.citeLinkColor)
+ : (function (e, n, t) {
+ if (!v.linkHighlight && !v.linkColorScheme && !t) {
+ var r = ie(e, n)
+ return $(r)
+ }
+ if (!t && !v.linkColorScheme) {
+ var i = ie(e, n)
+ return $(i)
+ }
+ if (!t) return $(v.linkColorScheme)
+ if (!v.linkHighlight && !v.linkColorScheme) {
+ var o = ie(e, n)
+ return $(o)
+ }
+ return v.linkHighlight
+ ? v.linkColorScheme
+ ? ee[v.linkColorScheme][v.linkHighlight](V)
+ : ee[ie(e, n)][v.linkHighlight](V)
+ : $(v.linkColorScheme)
+ })(n, t, o)
+ },
+ linkWidth: function (e) {
+ var n = ye(e, Z.current),
+ t = ye(e, Y.current)
+ return n || t ? v.linkWidth * (1 + V * (v.highlightLinkSize - 1)) : v.linkWidth
+ },
+ linkDirectionalParticleWidth: v.particlesWidth,
+ d3AlphaDecay: t.alphaDecay,
+ d3AlphaMin: t.alphaMin,
+ d3VelocityDecay: t.velocityDecay,
+ onNodeClick: function (e, n) {
+ var t = n.timeStamp - F.current < 400
+ return (F.current = n.timeStamp), E(t ? 'double' : 'click', e)
+ },
+ onBackgroundClick: function () {
+ R(null),
+ 0 !== C.nodeIds.length &&
+ y(function (e) {
+ return xe(xe({}, e), {}, { nodeIds: [] })
+ })
+ },
+ onNodeHover: function (e) {
+ v.highlight && (T || (J(), X(0)), R(e))
+ },
+ onNodeRightClick: function (e) {
+ E('right', e)
+ },
+ }
+ return (0, l.jsx)('div', {
+ children: a
+ ? (0, l.jsx)(
+ me,
+ xe(
+ xe({ ref: n }, ae),
+ {},
+ {
+ nodeThreeObjectExtend: !0,
+ backgroundColor: D.colors.white,
+ nodeOpacity: v.nodeOpacity,
+ nodeResolution: v.nodeResolution,
+ linkOpacity: v.linkOpacity,
+ nodeThreeObject: function (e) {
+ if (v.labels && (!(v.labels < 3) || H[])) {
+ var n = new he.Z(e.title.substring(0, 40))
+ return (
+ (n.color = $(v.labelTextColor)),
+ (n.backgroundColor = $(v.labelBackgroundColor)),
+ (n.padding = 2),
+ (n.textHeight = 8),
+ n
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ : (0, l.jsx)(
+ je,
+ xe(
+ xe({ ref: n }, ae),
+ {},
+ {
+ linkLineDash: function (e) {
+ var n = e
+ return v.citeDashes && 'cite' === n.type
+ ? [v.citeDashLength, v.citeGapLength]
+ : null
+ },
+ },
+ ),
+ ),
+ })
+ })
+ function ye(e, n) {
+ return (
+ === (null === n || void 0 === n ? void 0 : ||
+ === (null === n || void 0 === n ? void 0 :
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ 45301: function (e, n, t) {
+ ;(window.__NEXT_P = window.__NEXT_P || []).push([
+ '/',
+ function () {
+ return t(374)
+ },
+ ])
+ },
+ },
+ function (e) {
+ e.O(0, [774, 737, 446, 13, 888, 179], function () {
+ return (n = 45301), e((e.s = n))
+ var n
+ })
+ var n = e.O()
+ _N_E = n
+ },