path: root/components/tweaks.tsx
diff options
authorThomas F. K. Jorna <[email protected]>2021-07-26 01:42:10 +0200
committerThomas F. K. Jorna <[email protected]>2021-07-26 01:42:10 +0200
commiteef204000abc79c9a83f3ce268f051dcfff6bf7d (patch)
tree73afdd163efbfb4af8cd2ce48eea00eb70a2e0c6 /components/tweaks.tsx
parent9b9d28e267f88d1fe491fb781fa6893d21cde540 (diff)
file viewer, prettier things
Diffstat (limited to 'components/tweaks.tsx')
1 files changed, 404 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/components/tweaks.tsx b/components/tweaks.tsx
index d337b59..61eecf4 100644
--- a/components/tweaks.tsx
+++ b/components/tweaks.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-import { RepeatClockIcon, ChevronDownIcon, SettingsIcon, InfoOutlineIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons'
+import {
+ CloseIcon,
+ RepeatClockIcon,
+ ChevronDownIcon,
+ SettingsIcon,
+ InfoOutlineIcon,
+} from '@chakra-ui/icons'
import {
@@ -6,6 +12,7 @@ import {
+ BoxProps,
@@ -24,8 +31,12 @@ import {
+ useDisclosure,
+ Heading,
+ SlideFade,
+ Collapse,
} from '@chakra-ui/react'
-import { useState } from 'react'
+import React, { useState } from 'react'
import Scrollbars from 'react-custom-scrollbars-2'
import { initialPhysics, initialFilter } from './config'
@@ -42,346 +53,414 @@ export const Tweaks = (props: TweakProps) => {
const { physics, setPhysics, threeDim, filter, setFilter } = props
const [showTweaks, setShowTweaks] = useState(true)
- if (!showTweaks) {
- return (
- <Box position="absolute" zIndex="overlay" marginTop="2%" marginLeft="2%">
+ return (
+ <>
+ <Box
+ position="absolute"
+ zIndex="overlay"
+ marginTop="2%"
+ marginLeft="2%"
+ display={showTweaks ? 'none' : 'block'}
+ >
icon={<SettingsIcon />}
onClick={() => setShowTweaks(true)}
- )
- }
- return (
- <Box
- zIndex="overlay"
- position="absolute"
- bg="alt.100"
- w="xs"
- marginTop="2%"
- marginLeft="2%"
- borderRadius="md"
- maxH={650}
- paddingBottom={5}
- >
- <Box display="flex" justifyContent="flex-end">
- <Tooltip label="Reset settings to defaults">
- <IconButton
- aria-label="Reset Defaults"
- icon={<RepeatClockIcon />}
- onClick={() => setPhysics(initialPhysics)}
- colorScheme="purple"
- />
- </Tooltip>
- <CloseButton onClick={() => setShowTweaks(false)} />
- </Box>
- <Scrollbars
- autoHeight
- autoHeightMax={600}
- autoHide
- renderThumbVertical={({ style, ...props }) => (
- <Box
- {...props}
- style={{
- borderRadius: 10,
- }}
- bg="purple.500"
- />
- )}
- >
- <Accordion allowMultiple allowToggle>
- <AccordionItem>
- <AccordionButton>
- <AccordionIcon />
- <Text>Filter</Text>
- </AccordionButton>
- <AccordionPanel>
- <Flex justifyContent="space-between">
- <Text>Orphans</Text>
- <Switch
- colorScheme="purple"
- onChange={() => {
- setFilter({ ...filter, orphans: !filter.orphans })
- }}
- isChecked={filter.orphans}
- ></Switch>
- </Flex>
- <Flex justifyContent="space-between">
- <Text>Link nodes with parent file</Text>
- <Switch
- colorScheme="purple"
- onChange={() => {
- setFilter({ ...filter, parents: !filter.parents })
- }}
- isChecked={filter.parents}
- ></Switch>
- </Flex>
- </AccordionPanel>
- </AccordionItem>
- <AccordionItem>
- <AccordionButton display="flex" justifyContent="space-between">
- <Box display="flex">
- <AccordionIcon />
- <Text>Physics</Text>
- </Box>
- <Switch
- id="physicsOn"
- onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, enabled: !physics.enabled })}
- isChecked={physics.enabled}
+ <Collapse in={showTweaks} animateOpacity>
+ <Box
+ bg="alt.100"
+ w="xs"
+ marginTop="2%"
+ marginLeft="2%"
+ borderRadius="xl"
+ maxH={650}
+ paddingBottom={5}
+ zIndex="overlay"
+ position="absolute"
+ boxShadow="xl"
+ >
+ <Box display="flex" justifyContent="flex-end" alignItems="center">
+ <Tooltip label="Reset settings to defaults">
+ <IconButton
+ aria-label="Reset Defaults"
+ icon={<RepeatClockIcon />}
+ onClick={() => setPhysics(initialPhysics)}
+ variant="none"
+ size="sm"
- </AccordionButton>
- <AccordionPanel>
- <VStack
- spacing={2}
- justifyContent="flex-start"
- divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.200" />}
- align="stretch"
- >
- <EnableSection
- label="Gravity"
- value={physics.gravityOn}
- onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, gravityOn: !physics.gravityOn })}
- >
- <SliderWithInfo
- label="Strength"
- value={physics.gravity * 10}
- onChange={(v) => setPhysics({ ...physics, gravity: v / 10 })}
- />
- </EnableSection>
- <SliderWithInfo
- value={-physics.charge / 100}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, charge: -100 * value })}
- label="Repulsive Force"
- />
- <EnableSection
- label="Collision"
- infoText="Perfomance sap, disable if slow"
- value={physics.collision}
- onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, collision: !physics.collision })}
- >
- <SliderWithInfo
- value={physics.collisionStrength * 10}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, collisionStrength: value / 10 })}
- label="Strength"
+ </Tooltip>
+ <IconButton
+ size="sm"
+ colorScheme="purple"
+ icon={<CloseIcon />}
+ aria-label="Close Tweak Panel"
+ variant="ghost"
+ onClick={() => setShowTweaks(false)}
+ />
+ </Box>
+ <Scrollbars
+ autoHeight
+ autoHeightMax={600}
+ autoHide
+ renderThumbVertical={({ style, ...props }) => (
+ <Box
+ {...props}
+ style={{
+ borderRadius: 10,
+ }}
+ bg="purple.500"
+ />
+ )}
+ >
+ <Accordion allowMultiple allowToggle color="black" paddingRight={2}>
+ <AccordionItem>
+ <AccordionButton>
+ <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} />
+ <Heading size="sm">Filter</Heading>
+ </AccordionButton>
+ <AccordionPanel>
+ <VStack
+ spacing={2}
+ justifyContent="flex-start"
+ divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />}
+ align="stretch"
+ paddingLeft={7}
+ color="gray.800"
+ >
+ <Flex justifyContent="space-between">
+ <Text>Orphans</Text>
+ <Switch
+ colorScheme="purple"
+ onChange={() => {
+ setFilter({ ...filter, orphans: !filter.orphans })
+ }}
+ isChecked={filter.orphans}
+ ></Switch>
+ </Flex>
+ <Flex justifyContent="space-between">
+ <Text>Link nodes with parent file</Text>
+ <Switch
+ colorScheme="purple"
+ onChange={() => {
+ setFilter({ ...filter, parents: !filter.parents })
+ }}
+ isChecked={filter.parents}
+ ></Switch>
+ </Flex>
+ </VStack>
+ </AccordionPanel>
+ </AccordionItem>
+ <AccordionItem>
+ <AccordionButton display="flex" justifyContent="space-between">
+ <Box display="flex">
+ <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} />
+ <Heading size="sm">Physics</Heading>
+ </Box>
+ <Switch
+ id="physicsOn"
+ onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, enabled: !physics.enabled })}
+ isChecked={physics.enabled}
+ colorScheme="purple"
- </EnableSection>
- <SliderWithInfo
- value={physics.linkStrength * 5}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, linkStrength: value / 5 })}
- label="Link Force"
- />
- <SliderWithInfo
- label="Link Iterations"
- value={physics.linkIts}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, linkIts: value })}
- min={0}
- max={6}
- step={1}
- infoText="How many links down the line the physics of a single node affects (Slow)"
- />
- <SliderWithInfo
- label="Viscosity"
- value={physics.velocityDecay * 10}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, velocityDecay: value / 10 })}
- />
- </VStack>
- <Box>
- <Accordion allowToggle>
- <AccordionItem>
- <AccordionButton>
- <Text>Advanced</Text>
- <AccordionIcon />
- </AccordionButton>
- <AccordionPanel>
+ </AccordionButton>
+ <AccordionPanel>
+ <VStack
+ spacing={2}
+ justifyContent="flex-start"
+ divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />}
+ align="stretch"
+ paddingLeft={7}
+ color="gray.800"
+ >
+ <EnableSection
+ label="Gravity"
+ value={physics.gravityOn}
+ onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, gravityOn: !physics.gravityOn })}
+ >
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ label="Strength"
+ value={physics.gravity * 10}
+ onChange={(v) => setPhysics({ ...physics, gravity: v / 10 })}
+ />
+ </EnableSection>
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ value={-physics.charge / 100}
+ onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, charge: -100 * value })}
+ label="Repulsive Force"
+ />
+ <EnableSection
+ label="Collision"
+ infoText="Perfomance sap, disable if slow"
+ value={physics.collision}
+ onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, collision: !physics.collision })}
+ >
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ value={physics.collisionStrength * 10}
+ onChange={(value) =>
+ setPhysics({ ...physics, collisionStrength: value / 10 })
+ }
+ label="Strength"
+ />
+ </EnableSection>
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ value={physics.linkStrength * 5}
+ onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, linkStrength: value / 5 })}
+ label="Link Force"
+ />
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ label="Link Iterations"
+ value={physics.linkIts}
+ onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, linkIts: value })}
+ min={0}
+ max={6}
+ step={1}
+ infoText="How many links down the line the physics of a single node affects (Slow)"
+ />
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ label="Viscosity"
+ value={physics.velocityDecay * 10}
+ onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, velocityDecay: value / 10 })}
+ />
+ </VStack>
+ <Box>
+ <Accordion allowToggle>
+ <AccordionItem>
+ <AccordionButton>
+ <Text>Advanced</Text>
+ <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} />
+ </AccordionButton>
+ <AccordionPanel>
+ <VStack
+ spacing={2}
+ justifyContent="flex-start"
+ divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />}
+ align="stretch"
+ paddingLeft={3}
+ color="gray.800"
+ >
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ label="Iterations per tick"
+ min={1}
+ max={10}
+ step={1}
+ value={physics.iterations}
+ onChange={(v) => setPhysics({ ...physics, iterations: v })}
+ infoText="Number of times the physics simulation iterates per simulation step"
+ />
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ label="Stabilization rate"
+ value={physics.alphaDecay * 50}
+ onChange={(value) =>
+ setPhysics({ ...physics, alphaDecay: value / 50 })
+ }
+ />
+ </VStack>
+ </AccordionPanel>
+ </AccordionItem>
+ </Accordion>
+ </Box>
+ {/* </VStack> */}
+ </AccordionPanel>
+ </AccordionItem>
+ <AccordionItem>
+ <AccordionButton>
+ <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} />
+ <Heading size="sm">Visual</Heading>
+ </AccordionButton>
+ <AccordionPanel>
+ <VStack
+ spacing={2}
+ justifyContent="flex-start"
+ divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />}
+ align="stretch"
+ paddingLeft={7}
+ color="gray.800"
+ >
+ <EnableSection
+ label="Colors"
+ onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, colorful: !physics.colorful })}
+ value={physics.colorful}
+ >
+ <Text>Child</Text>
+ </EnableSection>
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ label="Node size"
+ value={physics.nodeRel}
+ onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, nodeRel: value })}
+ />
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ label="Link width"
+ value={physics.linkWidth}
+ onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, linkWidth: value })}
+ />
+ <Box>
+ <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between">
+ <Text>Labels</Text>
+ <Menu>
+ <MenuButton as={Button} rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />}>
+ {!physics.labels
+ ? 'Never'
+ : physics.labels < 2
+ ? 'On Highlight'
+ : 'Always'}
+ </MenuButton>
+ <MenuList bgColor="gray.200">
+ <MenuItem onClick={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, labels: 0 })}>
+ Never
+ </MenuItem>
+ <MenuItem onClick={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, labels: 1 })}>
+ On Highlight
+ </MenuItem>
+ <MenuItem onClick={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, labels: 2 })}>
+ Always
+ </MenuItem>
+ </MenuList>
+ </Menu>
+ </Flex>
+ <Collapse in={physics.labels > 1} animateOpactiy>
+ <Box paddingLeft={4} paddingTop={2}>
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ label="Label Appearance Scale"
+ value={physics.labelScale * 5}
+ onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, labelScale: value / 5 })}
+ />
+ </Box>
+ </Collapse>
+ </Box>
+ <EnableSection
+ label="Directional Particles"
+ value={physics.particles}
+ onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, particles: !physics.particles })}
+ >
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ label="Particle Number"
+ value={physics.particlesNumber}
+ max={5}
+ step={1}
+ onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, particlesNumber: value })}
+ />
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ label="Particle Size"
+ value={physics.particlesWidth}
+ onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, particlesWidth: value })}
+ />
+ </EnableSection>
+ <EnableSection
+ label="Highlight"
+ onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, highlight: !physics.highlight })}
+ value={physics.highlight}
+ >
- spacing={2}
+ spacing={1}
- divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.200" />}
+ divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.400" />}
+ paddingLeft={0}
- label="Iterations per tick"
- min={1}
- max={10}
- step={1}
- value={physics.iterations}
- onChange={(v) => setPhysics({ ...physics, iterations: v })}
- infoText="Number of times the physics simulation iterates per simulation step"
+ label="Highlight Link Thickness"
+ value={physics.highlightLinkSize}
+ onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, highlightLinkSize: value })}
- label="Stabilization rate"
- value={physics.alphaDecay * 50}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, alphaDecay: value / 50 })}
+ label="Highlight Node Size"
+ value={physics.highlightNodeSize}
+ onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, highlightNodeSize: value })}
- </VStack>
- </AccordionPanel>
- </AccordionItem>
- </Accordion>
- </Box>
- {/* </VStack> */}
- </AccordionPanel>
- </AccordionItem>
- <AccordionItem>
- <AccordionButton>
- <AccordionIcon />
- Visual
- </AccordionButton>
- <AccordionPanel>
- <VStack
- spacing={2}
- justifyContent="flex-start"
- divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.200" />}
- align="stretch"
- >
- <EnableSection
- label="Colors"
- onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, colorful: !physics.colorful })}
- value={physics.colorful}
- >
- <Text>Child</Text>
- </EnableSection>
- <SliderWithInfo
- label="Node size"
- value={physics.nodeRel}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, nodeRel: value })}
- />
- <SliderWithInfo
- label="Link width"
- value={physics.linkWidth}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, linkWidth: value })}
- />
- <EnableSection
- label="Labels"
- value={physics.labels}
- onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, labels: !physics.labels })}
- >
- <SliderWithInfo
- label="Label Appearance Scale"
- value={physics.labelScale * 5}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, labelScale: value / 5 })}
- />
- </EnableSection>
- <EnableSection
- label="Directional Particles"
- value={physics.particles}
- onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, particles: !physics.particles })}
- >
- <SliderWithInfo
- label="Particle Number"
- value={physics.particlesNumber}
- max={5}
- step={1}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, particlesNumber: value })}
- />
- <SliderWithInfo
- label="Particle Size"
- value={physics.particlesWidth}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, particlesWidth: value })}
- />
- </EnableSection>
- <EnableSection
- label="Highlight Animation"
- onChange={() => {
- setPhysics({ ...physics, highlightAnim: !physics.highlightAnim })
- }}
- value={physics.highlightAnim}
- >
- <SliderWithInfo
- label="Animation speed"
- onChange={(v) => setPhysics({ ...physics, animationSpeed: v })}
- value={physics.animationSpeed}
- infoText="Slower speed has a chance of being buggy"
- min={50}
- max={1000}
- step={10}
- />
- <Select
- placeholder={physics.algorithmName}
- onChange={(v) => {
- setPhysics({ ...physics, algorithmName: })
- }}
- >
- {, i) => (
- <option key={i} value={opt}>
- {opt}
- </option>
- ))}
- </Select>
- {/* <DropDownMenu
+ {/*<Flex justifyContent="space-between">
+ <Text> Highlight node color </Text>
+ </Flex>
+ <Flex justifyContent="space-between">
+ <Text> Highlight link color </Text>
+ </Flex>*/}
+ <EnableSection
+ label="Highlight Animation"
+ onChange={() => {
+ setPhysics({ ...physics, highlightAnim: !physics.highlightAnim })
+ }}
+ value={physics.highlightAnim}
+ >
+ <SliderWithInfo
+ label="Animation speed"
+ onChange={(v) => setPhysics({ ...physics, animationSpeed: v })}
+ value={physics.animationSpeed}
+ infoText="Slower speed has a chance of being buggy"
+ min={50}
+ max={1000}
+ step={10}
+ />
+ <Select
+ placeholder={physics.algorithmName}
+ onChange={(v) => {
+ setPhysics({ ...physics, algorithmName: })
+ }}
+ >
+ {, i) => (
+ <option key={i} value={opt}>
+ {opt}
+ </option>
+ ))}
+ </Select>
+ {/* <DropDownMenu
onClickArray={ =>
setPhysics({ ...physics, algorithmName: { option } }),
/> */}
- </EnableSection>
- <EnableSection
- label="Highlight"
- onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, highlight: !physics.highlight })}
- value={physics.highlight}
- >
- <SliderWithInfo
- label="Highlight Link Thickness Multiplier"
- value={physics.highlightLinkSize}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, highlightLinkSize: value })}
- />
- <SliderWithInfo
- label="Highlight Node Size Multiplier"
- value={physics.highlightNodeSize}
- onChange={(value) => setPhysics({ ...physics, highlightNodeSize: value })}
- />
- <Flex justifyContent="space-between">
- <Text> Highlight node color </Text>
- </Flex>
- <Flex justifyContent="space-between">
- <Text> Highlight link color </Text>
- </Flex>
- </EnableSection>
- </VStack>
- </AccordionPanel>
- </AccordionItem>
- <AccordionItem>
- <AccordionButton>
- <AccordionIcon />
- Behavior
- </AccordionButton>
- <AccordionPanel>
- <VStack
- spacing={2}
- justifyContent="flex-start"
- divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.200" />}
- align="stretch"
- >
- <Box display="flex" justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center">
- <Text>Hover Higlight</Text>
- <Menu>
- <MenuButton as={Button} rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />}>
- {physics.hover}
- </MenuButton>
- <MenuList>
- <MenuItem>Off</MenuItem>
- <MenuItem>On</MenuItem>
- </MenuList>
- </Menu>
- </Box>
- <Box display="flex" justifyContent="space-between">
- <Text>Click</Text>
- </Box>
- <Box display="flex" justifyContent="space-between">
- <Text>Double-click</Text>
- </Box>
- </VStack>
- </AccordionPanel>
- </AccordionItem>
- </Accordion>
- </Scrollbars>
- </Box>
+ </EnableSection>
+ </VStack>
+ </EnableSection>
+ </VStack>
+ </AccordionPanel>
+ </AccordionItem>
+ <AccordionItem>
+ <AccordionButton>
+ <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} />
+ <Heading size="sm">Behavior</Heading>
+ </AccordionButton>
+ <AccordionPanel>
+ <VStack
+ spacing={2}
+ justifyContent="flex-start"
+ divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />}
+ align="stretch"
+ paddingLeft={7}
+ color="gray.800"
+ >
+ <Box display="flex" justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center">
+ <Text>Hover Higlight</Text>
+ <Menu>
+ <MenuButton as={Button} rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />}>
+ {physics.hover}
+ </MenuButton>
+ <MenuList>
+ <MenuItem>Off</MenuItem>
+ <MenuItem>On</MenuItem>
+ </MenuList>
+ </Menu>
+ </Box>
+ <Box display="flex" justifyContent="space-between">
+ <Text>Click</Text>
+ </Box>
+ <Box display="flex" justifyContent="space-between">
+ <Text>Double-click</Text>
+ </Box>
+ </VStack>
+ </AccordionPanel>
+ </AccordionItem>
+ </Accordion>
+ </Scrollbars>
+ </Box>
+ </Collapse>
+ </>
export interface InfoTooltipProps {
infoText?: string | boolean
@@ -429,8 +508,8 @@ export const SliderWithInfo = ({
<SliderFilledTrack />
- <Tooltip label={value.toFixed(1)}>
- <SliderThumb />
+ <Tooltip bg="purple.500" label={value.toFixed(1)}>
+ <SliderThumb bg="white" />
@@ -456,14 +535,18 @@ export const EnableSection = (props: EnableSectionProps) => {
<Switch isChecked={!!value} onChange={onChange} colorScheme="purple" />
- {value && children}
+ <Collapse in={!!value} animateOpacity>
+ <Box paddingLeft={4} paddingTop={2}>
+ {children}
+ </Box>
+ </Collapse>
export interface DropDownMenuProps {
textArray: string[]
- onClickArray: any
+ onClickArray: (() => void)[]
displayValue: string