path: root/app_expo/components/text/text.story.tsx
diff options
authorThomas F. K. Jorna <[email protected]>2021-07-23 15:24:35 +0200
committerThomas F. K. Jorna <[email protected]>2021-07-23 15:24:35 +0200
commit356381d14cb1ff3cbd39c7e396dd14379336451b (patch)
treea03e9b2534600bde7b3b781411b5b03f8134904b /app_expo/components/text/text.story.tsx
parent7aa007f158a52b41494049a1202938fc97813ec1 (diff)
parent73308af061af5e17ac7d4a73fa027a2f303c70dd (diff)
resolving merge conflicts
Diffstat (limited to 'app_expo/components/text/text.story.tsx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/app_expo/components/text/text.story.tsx b/app_expo/components/text/text.story.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index edfe24d..0000000
--- a/app_expo/components/text/text.story.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable react-native/no-inline-styles */
-/* eslint-disable react-native/no-color-literals */
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { View, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'
-import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react-native'
-import { StoryScreen, Story, UseCase } from '../../../storybook/views'
-import { color } from '../../theme'
-import { Text } from './text'
-declare let module
-const VIEWSTYLE = {
- flex: 1,
- backgroundColor: color.storybookDarkBg,
-const viewStyleArray: ViewStyle[] = [VIEWSTYLE, { backgroundColor: '#7fff00' }]
-storiesOf('Text', module)
- .addDecorator((fn) => <StoryScreen>{fn()}</StoryScreen>)
- .add('Style Presets', () => (
- <Story>
- <UseCase text="default" usage="Used for normal body text.">
- <View style={VIEWSTYLE}>
- <Text>Hello!</Text>
- <Text style={{ paddingTop: 10 }}>
- Check out{'\n'}
- my{'\n'}
- line height
- </Text>
- <Text style={{ paddingTop: 10 }}>The quick brown fox jumped over the slow lazy dog.</Text>
- <Text>$123,456,789.00</Text>
- </View>
- </UseCase>
- <UseCase text="bold" usage="Used for bolded body text.">
- <View style={VIEWSTYLE}>
- <Text preset="bold">Osnap! I'm puffy.</Text>
- </View>
- </UseCase>
- <UseCase text="header" usage="Used for major section headers.">
- <View style={VIEWSTYLE}>
- <Text preset="header">Behold!</Text>
- </View>
- </UseCase>
- </Story>
- ))
- .add('Passing Content', () => (
- <Story>
- <UseCase
- text="text"
- usage="Used when you want to pass a value but don't want to open a child."
- >
- <View style={VIEWSTYLE}>
- <Text text="Heyo!" />
- </View>
- </UseCase>
- <UseCase text="tx" usage="Used for looking up i18n keys.">
- <View style={VIEWSTYLE}>
- <Text tx="common.ok" />
- <Text tx="common.cancel" />
- </View>
- </UseCase>
- <UseCase
- text="children"
- usage="Used like you would normally use a React Native <Text> component."
- >
- <View style={VIEWSTYLE}>
- <Text>Passing strings as children.</Text>
- </View>
- </UseCase>
- <UseCase text="nested children" usage="You can embed them and change styles too.">
- <View style={VIEWSTYLE}>
- <Text>
- {' '}
- Hello <Text preset="bold">bolded</Text> World.
- </Text>
- </View>
- </UseCase>
- </Story>
- ))
- .add('Styling', () => (
- <Story>
- <UseCase text="Style array" usage="Text with style array">
- <View style={viewStyleArray}>
- <Text>
- {' '}
- Hello <Text preset="bold">bolded</Text> World.
- </Text>
- </View>
- </UseCase>
- </Story>
- ))