diff options
6 files changed, 1066 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 44bd27aeed..7fd2b68d51 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
diff --git a/guix/derivations.scm b/guix/derivations.scm
index 81fc21565d..d0e90a9952 100644
--- a/guix/derivations.scm
+++ b/guix/derivations.scm
@@ -42,7 +42,10 @@
- derivation-hash))
+ derivation-hash
+ read-derivation
+ write-derivation))
;;; Nix derivations, as implemented in Nix's `'.
diff --git a/srfi/srfi-64.scm b/srfi/srfi-64.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03a1c0c1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/srfi/srfi-64.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(define-module (srfi srfi-64)
+ #:export (test-begin ;; must be listed first, since in Kawa (at least) it is "magic".
+ test-end test-assert test-eqv test-eq test-equal
+ test-approximate test-assert test-error test-apply test-with-runner
+ test-match-nth test-match-all test-match-any test-match-name
+ test-skip test-expect-fail test-read-eval-string
+ test-runner-group-path test-group-with-cleanup
+ test-result-ref test-result-set! test-result-clear test-result-remove
+ test-result-kind test-passed?
+ test-log-to-file
+ ; Misc test-runner functions
+ test-runner? test-runner-reset test-runner-null
+ test-runner-simple test-runner-current test-runner-factory test-runner-get
+ test-runner-create test-runner-test-name
+ ;; test-runner field setter and getter functions - see %test-record-define:
+ test-runner-pass-count test-runner-pass-count!
+ test-runner-fail-count test-runner-fail-count!
+ test-runner-xpass-count test-runner-xpass-count!
+ test-runner-xfail-count test-runner-xfail-count!
+ test-runner-skip-count test-runner-skip-count!
+ test-runner-group-stack test-runner-group-stack!
+ test-runner-on-test-begin test-runner-on-test-begin!
+ test-runner-on-test-end test-runner-on-test-end!
+ test-runner-on-group-begin test-runner-on-group-begin!
+ test-runner-on-group-end test-runner-on-group-end!
+ test-runner-on-final test-runner-on-final!
+ test-runner-on-bad-count test-runner-on-bad-count!
+ test-runner-on-bad-end-name test-runner-on-bad-end-name!
+ test-result-alist test-result-alist!
+ test-runner-aux-value test-runner-aux-value!
+ ;; default/simple call-back functions, used in default test-runner,
+ ;; but can be called to construct more complex ones.
+ test-on-group-begin-simple test-on-group-end-simple
+ test-on-bad-count-simple test-on-bad-end-name-simple
+ test-on-final-simple test-on-test-end-simple
+ test-on-final-simple))
+;; Load Per Bothner's original SRFI-64 implementation.
+(load-from-path "srfi/srfi-64.upstream.scm")
diff --git a/srfi/srfi-64.upstream.scm b/srfi/srfi-64.upstream.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9ab4a3605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/srfi/srfi-64.upstream.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
+;; Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Per Bothner
+;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+;; modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+;; of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+;; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ (chicken
+ (require-extension syntax-case))
+ (guile
+ (use-modules (ice-9 syncase) (srfi srfi-9)
+ ;;(srfi srfi-34) (srfi srfi-35) - not in Guile 1.6.7
+ (srfi srfi-39)))
+ (sisc
+ (require-extension (srfi 9 34 35 39)))
+ (kawa
+ (module-compile-options warn-undefined-variable: #t
+ warn-invoke-unknown-method: #t)
+ (provide 'srfi-64)
+ (provide 'testing)
+ (require 'srfi-34)
+ (require 'srfi-35))
+ (else ()
+ ))
+ (kawa
+ (define-syntax %test-export
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-export test-begin . other-names)
+ (module-export %test-begin . other-names)))))
+ (else
+ (define-syntax %test-export
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-export . names) (if #f #f))))))
+;; List of exported names
+ test-begin ;; must be listed first, since in Kawa (at least) it is "magic".
+ test-end test-assert test-eqv test-eq test-equal
+ test-approximate test-assert test-error test-apply test-with-runner
+ test-match-nth test-match-all test-match-any test-match-name
+ test-skip test-expect-fail test-read-eval-string
+ test-runner-group-path test-group-with-cleanup
+ test-result-ref test-result-set! test-result-clear test-result-remove
+ test-result-kind test-passed?
+ test-log-to-file
+ ; Misc test-runner functions
+ test-runner? test-runner-reset test-runner-null
+ test-runner-simple test-runner-current test-runner-factory test-runner-get
+ test-runner-create test-runner-test-name
+ ;; test-runner field setter and getter functions - see %test-record-define:
+ test-runner-pass-count test-runner-pass-count!
+ test-runner-fail-count test-runner-fail-count!
+ test-runner-xpass-count test-runner-xpass-count!
+ test-runner-xfail-count test-runner-xfail-count!
+ test-runner-skip-count test-runner-skip-count!
+ test-runner-group-stack test-runner-group-stack!
+ test-runner-on-test-begin test-runner-on-test-begin!
+ test-runner-on-test-end test-runner-on-test-end!
+ test-runner-on-group-begin test-runner-on-group-begin!
+ test-runner-on-group-end test-runner-on-group-end!
+ test-runner-on-final test-runner-on-final!
+ test-runner-on-bad-count test-runner-on-bad-count!
+ test-runner-on-bad-end-name test-runner-on-bad-end-name!
+ test-result-alist test-result-alist!
+ test-runner-aux-value test-runner-aux-value!
+ ;; default/simple call-back functions, used in default test-runner,
+ ;; but can be called to construct more complex ones.
+ test-on-group-begin-simple test-on-group-end-simple
+ test-on-bad-count-simple test-on-bad-end-name-simple
+ test-on-final-simple test-on-test-end-simple
+ test-on-final-simple)
+ (srfi-9
+ (define-syntax %test-record-define
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-record-define alloc runner? (name index setter getter) ...)
+ (define-record-type test-runner
+ (alloc)
+ runner?
+ (name setter getter) ...)))))
+ (else
+ (define %test-runner-cookie (list "test-runner"))
+ (define-syntax %test-record-define
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-record-define alloc runner? (name index getter setter) ...)
+ (begin
+ (define (runner? obj)
+ (and (vector? obj)
+ (> (vector-length obj) 1)
+ (eq (vector-ref obj 0) %test-runner-cookie)))
+ (define (alloc)
+ (let ((runner (make-vector 22)))
+ (vector-set! runner 0 %test-runner-cookie)
+ runner))
+ (begin
+ (define (getter runner)
+ (vector-ref runner index)) ...)
+ (begin
+ (define (setter runner value)
+ (vector-set! runner index value)) ...)))))))
+ %test-runner-alloc test-runner?
+ ;; Cumulate count of all tests that have passed and were expected to.
+ (pass-count 1 test-runner-pass-count test-runner-pass-count!)
+ (fail-count 2 test-runner-fail-count test-runner-fail-count!)
+ (xpass-count 3 test-runner-xpass-count test-runner-xpass-count!)
+ (xfail-count 4 test-runner-xfail-count test-runner-xfail-count!)
+ (skip-count 5 test-runner-skip-count test-runner-skip-count!)
+ (skip-list 6 %test-runner-skip-list %test-runner-skip-list!)
+ (fail-list 7 %test-runner-fail-list %test-runner-fail-list!)
+ ;; Normally #t, except when in a test-apply.
+ (run-list 8 %test-runner-run-list %test-runner-run-list!)
+ (skip-save 9 %test-runner-skip-save %test-runner-skip-save!)
+ (fail-save 10 %test-runner-fail-save %test-runner-fail-save!)
+ (group-stack 11 test-runner-group-stack test-runner-group-stack!)
+ (on-test-begin 12 test-runner-on-test-begin test-runner-on-test-begin!)
+ (on-test-end 13 test-runner-on-test-end test-runner-on-test-end!)
+ ;; Call-back when entering a group. Takes (runner suite-name count).
+ (on-group-begin 14 test-runner-on-group-begin test-runner-on-group-begin!)
+ ;; Call-back when leaving a group.
+ (on-group-end 15 test-runner-on-group-end test-runner-on-group-end!)
+ ;; Call-back when leaving the outermost group.
+ (on-final 16 test-runner-on-final test-runner-on-final!)
+ ;; Call-back when expected number of tests was wrong.
+ (on-bad-count 17 test-runner-on-bad-count test-runner-on-bad-count!)
+ ;; Call-back when name in test=end doesn't match test-begin.
+ (on-bad-end-name 18 test-runner-on-bad-end-name test-runner-on-bad-end-name!)
+ ;; Cumulate count of all tests that have been done.
+ (total-count 19 %test-runner-total-count %test-runner-total-count!)
+ ;; Stack (list) of (count-at-start . expected-count):
+ (count-list 20 %test-runner-count-list %test-runner-count-list!)
+ (result-alist 21 test-result-alist test-result-alist!)
+ ;; Field can be used by test-runner for any purpose.
+ ;; test-runner-simple uses it for a log file.
+ (aux-value 22 test-runner-aux-value test-runner-aux-value!)
+(define (test-runner-reset runner)
+ (test-runner-pass-count! runner 0)
+ (test-runner-fail-count! runner 0)
+ (test-runner-xpass-count! runner 0)
+ (test-runner-xfail-count! runner 0)
+ (test-runner-skip-count! runner 0)
+ (%test-runner-total-count! runner 0)
+ (%test-runner-count-list! runner '())
+ (%test-runner-run-list! runner #t)
+ (%test-runner-skip-list! runner '())
+ (%test-runner-fail-list! runner '())
+ (%test-runner-skip-save! runner '())
+ (%test-runner-fail-save! runner '())
+ (test-runner-group-stack! runner '()))
+(define (test-runner-group-path runner)
+ (reverse (test-runner-group-stack runner)))
+(define (%test-null-callback runner) #f)
+(define (test-runner-null)
+ (let ((runner (%test-runner-alloc)))
+ (test-runner-reset runner)
+ (test-runner-on-group-begin! runner (lambda (runner name count) #f))
+ (test-runner-on-group-end! runner %test-null-callback)
+ (test-runner-on-final! runner %test-null-callback)
+ (test-runner-on-test-begin! runner %test-null-callback)
+ (test-runner-on-test-end! runner %test-null-callback)
+ (test-runner-on-bad-count! runner (lambda (runner count expected) #f))
+ (test-runner-on-bad-end-name! runner (lambda (runner begin end) #f))
+ runner))
+;; Not part of the specification. FIXME
+;; Controls whether a log file is generated.
+(define test-log-to-file #t)
+(define (test-runner-simple)
+ (let ((runner (%test-runner-alloc)))
+ (test-runner-reset runner)
+ (test-runner-on-group-begin! runner test-on-group-begin-simple)
+ (test-runner-on-group-end! runner test-on-group-end-simple)
+ (test-runner-on-final! runner test-on-final-simple)
+ (test-runner-on-test-begin! runner test-on-test-begin-simple)
+ (test-runner-on-test-end! runner test-on-test-end-simple)
+ (test-runner-on-bad-count! runner test-on-bad-count-simple)
+ (test-runner-on-bad-end-name! runner test-on-bad-end-name-simple)
+ runner))
+ (srfi-39
+ (define test-runner-current (make-parameter #f))
+ (define test-runner-factory (make-parameter test-runner-simple)))
+ (else
+ (define %test-runner-current #f)
+ (define-syntax test-runner-current
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-runner-current)
+ %test-runner-current)
+ ((test-runner-current runner)
+ (set! %test-runner-current runner))))
+ (define %test-runner-factory test-runner-simple)
+ (define-syntax test-runner-factory
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-runner-factory)
+ %test-runner-factory)
+ ((test-runner-factory runner)
+ (set! %test-runner-factory runner))))))
+;; A safer wrapper to test-runner-current.
+(define (test-runner-get)
+ (let ((r (test-runner-current)))
+ (if (not r)
+ (cond-expand
+ (srfi-23 (error "test-runner not initialized - test-begin missing?"))
+ (else #t)))
+ r))
+(define (%test-specificier-matches spec runner)
+ (spec runner))
+(define (test-runner-create)
+ ((test-runner-factory)))
+(define (%test-any-specifier-matches list runner)
+ (let ((result #f))
+ (let loop ((l list))
+ (cond ((null? l) result)
+ (else
+ (if (%test-specificier-matches (car l) runner)
+ (set! result #t))
+ (loop (cdr l)))))))
+;; Returns #f, #t, or 'xfail.
+(define (%test-should-execute runner)
+ (let ((run (%test-runner-run-list runner)))
+ (cond ((or
+ (not (or (eqv? run #t)
+ (%test-any-specifier-matches run runner)))
+ (%test-any-specifier-matches
+ (%test-runner-skip-list runner)
+ runner))
+ (test-result-set! runner 'result-kind 'skip)
+ #f)
+ ((%test-any-specifier-matches
+ (%test-runner-fail-list runner)
+ runner)
+ (test-result-set! runner 'result-kind 'xfail)
+ 'xfail)
+ (else #t))))
+(define (%test-begin suite-name count)
+ (if (not (test-runner-current))
+ (test-runner-current (test-runner-create)))
+ (let ((runner (test-runner-current)))
+ ((test-runner-on-group-begin runner) runner suite-name count)
+ (%test-runner-skip-save! runner
+ (cons (%test-runner-skip-list runner)
+ (%test-runner-skip-save runner)))
+ (%test-runner-fail-save! runner
+ (cons (%test-runner-fail-list runner)
+ (%test-runner-fail-save runner)))
+ (%test-runner-count-list! runner
+ (cons (cons (%test-runner-total-count runner)
+ count)
+ (%test-runner-count-list runner)))
+ (test-runner-group-stack! runner (cons suite-name
+ (test-runner-group-stack runner)))))
+ (kawa
+ ;; Kawa has test-begin built in, implemented as:
+ ;; (begin
+ ;; (cond-expand (srfi-64 #!void) (else (require 'srfi-64)))
+ ;; (%test-begin suite-name [count]))
+ ;; This puts test-begin but only test-begin in the default environment.,
+ ;; which makes normal test suites loadable without non-portable commands.
+ )
+ (else
+ (define-syntax test-begin
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-begin suite-name)
+ (%test-begin suite-name #f))
+ ((test-begin suite-name count)
+ (%test-begin suite-name count))))))
+(define (test-on-group-begin-simple runner suite-name count)
+ (if (null? (test-runner-group-stack runner))
+ (begin
+ (display "%%%% Starting test ")
+ (display suite-name)
+ (if test-log-to-file
+ (let* ((log-file-name
+ (if (string? test-log-to-file) test-log-to-file
+ (string-append suite-name ".log")))
+ (log-file
+ (cond-expand (mzscheme
+ (open-output-file log-file-name 'truncate/replace))
+ (guile-2
+ (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding
+ "UTF-8"))
+ (open-output-file log-file-name)))
+ (else (open-output-file log-file-name)))))
+ (display "%%%% Starting test " log-file)
+ (display suite-name log-file)
+ (newline log-file)
+ (test-runner-aux-value! runner log-file)
+ (display " (Writing full log to \"")
+ (display log-file-name)
+ (display "\")")))
+ (newline)))
+ (let ((log (test-runner-aux-value runner)))
+ (if (output-port? log)
+ (begin
+ (display "Group begin: " log)
+ (display suite-name log)
+ (newline log))))
+ #f)
+(define (test-on-group-end-simple runner)
+ (let ((log (test-runner-aux-value runner)))
+ (if (output-port? log)
+ (begin
+ (display "Group end: " log)
+ (display (car (test-runner-group-stack runner)) log)
+ (newline log))))
+ #f)
+(define (%test-on-bad-count-write runner count expected-count port)
+ (display "*** Total number of tests was " port)
+ (display count port)
+ (display " but should be " port)
+ (display expected-count port)
+ (display ". ***" port)
+ (newline port)
+ (display "*** Discrepancy indicates testsuite error or exceptions. ***" port)
+ (newline port))
+(define (test-on-bad-count-simple runner count expected-count)
+ (%test-on-bad-count-write runner count expected-count (current-output-port))
+ (let ((log (test-runner-aux-value runner)))
+ (if (output-port? log)
+ (%test-on-bad-count-write runner count expected-count log))))
+(define (test-on-bad-end-name-simple runner begin-name end-name)
+ (let ((msg (string-append (%test-format-line runner) "test-end " begin-name
+ " does not match test-begin " end-name)))
+ (cond-expand
+ (srfi-23 (error msg))
+ (else (display msg) (newline)))))
+(define (%test-final-report1 value label port)
+ (if (> value 0)
+ (begin
+ (display label port)
+ (display value port)
+ (newline port))))
+(define (%test-final-report-simple runner port)
+ (%test-final-report1 (test-runner-pass-count runner)
+ "# of expected passes " port)
+ (%test-final-report1 (test-runner-xfail-count runner)
+ "# of expected failures " port)
+ (%test-final-report1 (test-runner-xpass-count runner)
+ "# of unexpected successes " port)
+ (%test-final-report1 (test-runner-fail-count runner)
+ "# of unexpected failures " port)
+ (%test-final-report1 (test-runner-skip-count runner)
+ "# of skipped tests " port))
+(define (test-on-final-simple runner)
+ (%test-final-report-simple runner (current-output-port))
+ (let ((log (test-runner-aux-value runner)))
+ (if (output-port? log)
+ (%test-final-report-simple runner log))))
+(define (%test-format-line runner)
+ (let* ((line-info (test-result-alist runner))
+ (source-file (assq 'source-file line-info))
+ (source-line (assq 'source-line line-info))
+ (file (if source-file (cdr source-file) "")))
+ (if source-line
+ (string-append file ":"
+ (number->string (cdr source-line)) ": ")
+ "")))
+(define (%test-end suite-name line-info)
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get))
+ (groups (test-runner-group-stack r))
+ (line (%test-format-line r)))
+ (test-result-alist! r line-info)
+ (if (null? groups)
+ (let ((msg (string-append line "test-end not in a group")))
+ (cond-expand
+ (srfi-23 (error msg))
+ (else (display msg) (newline)))))
+ (if (and suite-name (not (equal? suite-name (car groups))))
+ ((test-runner-on-bad-end-name r) r suite-name (car groups)))
+ (let* ((count-list (%test-runner-count-list r))
+ (expected-count (cdar count-list))
+ (saved-count (caar count-list))
+ (group-count (- (%test-runner-total-count r) saved-count)))
+ (if (and expected-count
+ (not (= expected-count group-count)))
+ ((test-runner-on-bad-count r) r group-count expected-count))
+ ((test-runner-on-group-end r) r)
+ (test-runner-group-stack! r (cdr (test-runner-group-stack r)))
+ (%test-runner-skip-list! r (car (%test-runner-skip-save r)))
+ (%test-runner-skip-save! r (cdr (%test-runner-skip-save r)))
+ (%test-runner-fail-list! r (car (%test-runner-fail-save r)))
+ (%test-runner-fail-save! r (cdr (%test-runner-fail-save r)))
+ (%test-runner-count-list! r (cdr count-list))
+ (if (null? (test-runner-group-stack r))
+ ((test-runner-on-final r) r)))))
+(define-syntax test-group
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-group suite-name . body)
+ (let ((r (test-runner-current)))
+ ;; Ideally should also set line-number, if available.
+ (test-result-alist! r (list (cons 'test-name suite-name)))
+ (if (%test-should-execute r)
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () (test-begin suite-name))
+ (lambda () . body)
+ (lambda () (test-end suite-name))))))))
+(define-syntax test-group-with-cleanup
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-group-with-cleanup suite-name form cleanup-form)
+ (test-group suite-name
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () #f)
+ (lambda () form)
+ (lambda () cleanup-form))))
+ ((test-group-with-cleanup suite-name cleanup-form)
+ (test-group-with-cleanup suite-name #f cleanup-form))
+ ((test-group-with-cleanup suite-name form1 form2 form3 . rest)
+ (test-group-with-cleanup suite-name (begin form1 form2) form3 . rest))))
+(define (test-on-test-begin-simple runner)
+ (let ((log (test-runner-aux-value runner)))
+ (if (output-port? log)
+ (let* ((results (test-result-alist runner))
+ (source-file (assq 'source-file results))
+ (source-line (assq 'source-line results))
+ (source-form (assq 'source-form results))
+ (test-name (assq 'test-name results)))
+ (display "Test begin:" log)
+ (newline log)
+ (if test-name (%test-write-result1 test-name log))
+ (if source-file (%test-write-result1 source-file log))
+ (if source-line (%test-write-result1 source-line log))
+ (if source-file (%test-write-result1 source-form log))))))
+(define-syntax test-result-ref
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-result-ref runner pname)
+ (test-result-ref runner pname #f))
+ ((test-result-ref runner pname default)
+ (let ((p (assq pname (test-result-alist runner))))
+ (if p (cdr p) default)))))
+(define (test-on-test-end-simple runner)
+ (let ((log (test-runner-aux-value runner))
+ (kind (test-result-ref runner 'result-kind)))
+ (if (memq kind '(fail xpass))
+ (let* ((results (test-result-alist runner))
+ (source-file (assq 'source-file results))
+ (source-line (assq 'source-line results))
+ (test-name (assq 'test-name results)))
+ (if (or source-file source-line)
+ (begin
+ (if source-file (display (cdr source-file)))
+ (display ":")
+ (if source-line (display (cdr source-line)))
+ (display ": ")))
+ (display (if (eq? kind 'xpass) "XPASS" "FAIL"))
+ (if test-name
+ (begin
+ (display " ")
+ (display (cdr test-name))))
+ (newline)))
+ (if (output-port? log)
+ (begin
+ (display "Test end:" log)
+ (newline log)
+ (let loop ((list (test-result-alist runner)))
+ (if (pair? list)
+ (let ((pair (car list)))
+ ;; Write out properties not written out by on-test-begin.
+ (if (not (memq (car pair)
+ '(test-name source-file source-line source-form)))
+ (%test-write-result1 pair log))
+ (loop (cdr list)))))))))
+(define (%test-write-result1 pair port)
+ (display " " port)
+ (display (car pair) port)
+ (display ": " port)
+ (write (cdr pair) port)
+ (newline port))
+(define (test-result-set! runner pname value)
+ (let* ((alist (test-result-alist runner))
+ (p (assq pname alist)))
+ (if p
+ (set-cdr! p value)
+ (test-result-alist! runner (cons (cons pname value) alist)))))
+(define (test-result-clear runner)
+ (test-result-alist! runner '()))
+(define (test-result-remove runner pname)
+ (let* ((alist (test-result-alist runner))
+ (p (assq pname alist)))
+ (if p
+ (test-result-alist! runner
+ (let loop ((r alist))
+ (if (eq? r p) (cdr r)
+ (cons (car r) (loop (cdr r)))))))))
+(define (test-result-kind . rest)
+ (let ((runner (if (pair? rest) (car rest) (test-runner-current))))
+ (test-result-ref runner 'result-kind)))
+(define (test-passed? . rest)
+ (let ((runner (if (pair? rest) (car rest) (test-runner-get))))
+ (memq (test-result-ref runner 'result-kind) '(pass xpass))))
+(define (%test-report-result)
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get))
+ (result-kind (test-result-kind r)))
+ (case result-kind
+ ((pass)
+ (test-runner-pass-count! r (+ 1 (test-runner-pass-count r))))
+ ((fail)
+ (test-runner-fail-count! r (+ 1 (test-runner-fail-count r))))
+ ((xpass)
+ (test-runner-xpass-count! r (+ 1 (test-runner-xpass-count r))))
+ ((xfail)
+ (test-runner-xfail-count! r (+ 1 (test-runner-xfail-count r))))
+ (else
+ (test-runner-skip-count! r (+ 1 (test-runner-skip-count r)))))
+ (%test-runner-total-count! r (+ 1 (%test-runner-total-count r)))
+ ((test-runner-on-test-end r) r)))
+ (guile
+ (define-syntax %test-evaluate-with-catch
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-evaluate-with-catch test-expression)
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () test-expression)
+ (lambda (key . args) #f)
+ (lambda (key . args)
+ (display-backtrace (make-stack #t) (current-error-port))))))))
+ (kawa
+ (define-syntax %test-evaluate-with-catch
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-evaluate-with-catch test-expression)
+ (try-catch test-expression
+ (ex <java.lang.Throwable>
+ (test-result-set! (test-runner-current) 'actual-error ex)
+ #f))))))
+ (srfi-34
+ (define-syntax %test-evaluate-with-catch
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-evaluate-with-catch test-expression)
+ (guard (err (else #f)) test-expression)))))
+ (chicken
+ (define-syntax %test-evaluate-with-catch
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-evaluate-with-catch test-expression)
+ (condition-case test-expression (ex () #f))))))
+ (else
+ (define-syntax %test-evaluate-with-catch
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-evaluate-with-catch test-expression)
+ test-expression)))))
+ ((or kawa mzscheme)
+ (cond-expand
+ (mzscheme
+ (define-for-syntax (%test-syntax-file form)
+ (let ((source (syntax-source form)))
+ (cond ((string? source) file)
+ ((path? source) (path->string source))
+ (else #f)))))
+ (kawa
+ (define (%test-syntax-file form)
+ (syntax-source form))))
+ (define-for-syntax (%test-source-line2 form)
+ (let* ((line (syntax-line form))
+ (file (%test-syntax-file form))
+ (line-pair (if line (list (cons 'source-line line)) '())))
+ (cons (cons 'source-form (syntax-object->datum form))
+ (if file (cons (cons 'source-file file) line-pair) line-pair)))))
+ (else
+ (define (%test-source-line2 form)
+ '())))
+(define (%test-on-test-begin r)
+ (%test-should-execute r)
+ ((test-runner-on-test-begin r) r)
+ (not (eq? 'skip (test-result-ref r 'result-kind))))
+(define (%test-on-test-end r result)
+ (test-result-set! r 'result-kind
+ (if (eq? (test-result-ref r 'result-kind) 'xfail)
+ (if result 'xpass 'xfail)
+ (if result 'pass 'fail))))
+(define (test-runner-test-name runner)
+ (test-result-ref runner 'test-name ""))
+(define-syntax %test-comp2body
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-comp2body r comp expected expr)
+ (let ()
+ (if (%test-on-test-begin r)
+ (let ((exp expected))
+ (test-result-set! r 'expected-value exp)
+ (let ((res (%test-evaluate-with-catch expr)))
+ (test-result-set! r 'actual-value res)
+ (%test-on-test-end r (comp exp res)))))
+ (%test-report-result)))))
+(define (%test-approximimate= error)
+ (lambda (value expected)
+ (and (>= value (- expected error))
+ (<= value (+ expected error)))))
+(define-syntax %test-comp1body
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-comp1body r expr)
+ (let ()
+ (if (%test-on-test-begin r)
+ (let ()
+ (let ((res (%test-evaluate-with-catch expr)))
+ (test-result-set! r 'actual-value res)
+ (%test-on-test-end r res))))
+ (%test-report-result)))))
+ ((or kawa mzscheme)
+ ;; Should be made to work for any Scheme with syntax-case
+ ;; However, I haven't gotten the quoting working. FIXME.
+ (define-syntax test-end
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case (list x (list 'quote (%test-source-line2 x))) ()
+ (((mac suite-name) line)
+ (syntax
+ (%test-end suite-name line)))
+ (((mac) line)
+ (syntax
+ (%test-end #f line))))))
+ (define-syntax test-assert
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case (list x (list 'quote (%test-source-line2 x))) ()
+ (((mac tname expr) line)
+ (syntax
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get))
+ (name tname))
+ (test-result-alist! r (cons (cons 'test-name tname) line))
+ (%test-comp1body r expr))))
+ (((mac expr) line)
+ (syntax
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get)))
+ (test-result-alist! r line)
+ (%test-comp1body r expr)))))))
+ (define-for-syntax (%test-comp2 comp x)
+ (syntax-case (list x (list 'quote (%test-source-line2 x)) comp) ()
+ (((mac tname expected expr) line comp)
+ (syntax
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get))
+ (name tname))
+ (test-result-alist! r (cons (cons 'test-name tname) line))
+ (%test-comp2body r comp expected expr))))
+ (((mac expected expr) line comp)
+ (syntax
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get)))
+ (test-result-alist! r line)
+ (%test-comp2body r comp expected expr))))))
+ (define-syntax test-eqv
+ (lambda (x) (%test-comp2 (syntax eqv?) x)))
+ (define-syntax test-eq
+ (lambda (x) (%test-comp2 (syntax eq?) x)))
+ (define-syntax test-equal
+ (lambda (x) (%test-comp2 (syntax equal?) x)))
+ (define-syntax test-approximate ;; FIXME - needed for non-Kawa
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case (list x (list 'quote (%test-source-line2 x))) ()
+ (((mac tname expected expr error) line)
+ (syntax
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get))
+ (name tname))
+ (test-result-alist! r (cons (cons 'test-name tname) line))
+ (%test-comp2body r (%test-approximimate= error) expected expr))))
+ (((mac expected expr error) line)
+ (syntax
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get)))
+ (test-result-alist! r line)
+ (%test-comp2body r (%test-approximimate= error) expected expr))))))))
+ (else
+ (define-syntax test-end
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-end)
+ (%test-end #f '()))
+ ((test-end suite-name)
+ (%test-end suite-name '()))))
+ (define-syntax test-assert
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-assert tname test-expression)
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get))
+ (name tname))
+ (test-result-alist! r '((test-name . tname)))
+ (%test-comp1body r test-expression)))
+ ((test-assert test-expression)
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get)))
+ (test-result-alist! r '())
+ (%test-comp1body r test-expression)))))
+ (define-syntax %test-comp2
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-comp2 comp tname expected expr)
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get))
+ (name tname))
+ (test-result-alist! r (list (cons 'test-name tname)))
+ (%test-comp2body r comp expected expr)))
+ ((%test-comp2 comp expected expr)
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get)))
+ (test-result-alist! r '())
+ (%test-comp2body r comp expected expr)))))
+ (define-syntax test-equal
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-equal . rest)
+ (%test-comp2 equal? . rest))))
+ (define-syntax test-eqv
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-eqv . rest)
+ (%test-comp2 eqv? . rest))))
+ (define-syntax test-eq
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-eq . rest)
+ (%test-comp2 eq? . rest))))
+ (define-syntax test-approximate
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-approximate tname expected expr error)
+ (%test-comp2 (%test-approximimate= error) tname expected expr))
+ ((test-approximate expected expr error)
+ (%test-comp2 (%test-approximimate= error) expected expr))))))
+ (guile
+ (define-syntax %test-error
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-error r etype expr)
+ (%test-comp1body r (catch #t (lambda () expr) (lambda (key . args) #t)))))))
+ (mzscheme
+ (define-syntax %test-error
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-error r etype expr)
+ (%test-comp1body r (with-handlers (((lambda (h) #t) (lambda (h) #t)))
+ (let ()
+ (test-result-set! r 'actual-value expr)
+ #f)))))))
+ (chicken
+ (define-syntax %test-error
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-error r etype expr)
+ (%test-comp1body r (condition-case expr (ex () #t)))))))
+ (kawa
+ (define-syntax %test-error
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-error r etype expr)
+ (let ()
+ (if (%test-on-test-begin r)
+ (let ((et etype))
+ (test-result-set! r 'expected-error et)
+ (%test-on-test-end r
+ (try-catch
+ (let ()
+ (test-result-set! r 'actual-value expr)
+ #f)
+ (ex <java.lang.Throwable>
+ (test-result-set! r 'actual-error ex)
+ (cond ((and (instance? et <gnu.bytecode.ClassType>)
+ (gnu.bytecode.ClassType:isSubclass et <java.lang.Throwable>))
+ (instance? ex et))
+ (else #t)))))
+ (%test-report-result))))))))
+ ((and srfi-34 srfi-35)
+ (define-syntax %test-error
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-error r etype expr)
+ (%test-comp1body r (guard (ex ((condition-type? etype)
+ (and (condition? ex) (condition-has-type? ex etype)))
+ ((procedure? etype)
+ (etype ex))
+ ((equal? type #t)
+ #t)
+ (else #t))
+ expr))))))
+ (srfi-34
+ (define-syntax %test-error
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-error r etype expr)
+ (%test-comp1body r (guard (ex (else #t)) expr))))))
+ (else
+ (define-syntax %test-error
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((%test-error r etype expr)
+ (begin
+ ((test-runner-on-test-begin r) r)
+ (test-result-set! r 'result-kind 'skip)
+ (%test-report-result)))))))
+ ((or kawa mzscheme)
+ (define-syntax test-error
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case (list x (list 'quote (%test-source-line2 x))) ()
+ (((mac tname etype expr) line)
+ (syntax
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get))
+ (name tname))
+ (test-result-alist! r (cons (cons 'test-name tname) line))
+ (%test-error r etype expr))))
+ (((mac etype expr) line)
+ (syntax
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get)))
+ (test-result-alist! r line)
+ (%test-error r etype expr))))
+ (((mac expr) line)
+ (syntax
+ (let* ((r (test-runner-get)))
+ (test-result-alist! r line)
+ (%test-error r #t expr))))))))
+ (else
+ (define-syntax test-error
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-error name etype expr)
+ (test-assert name (%test-error etype expr)))
+ ((test-error etype expr)
+ (test-assert (%test-error etype expr)))
+ ((test-error expr)
+ (test-assert (%test-error #t expr)))))))
+(define (test-apply first . rest)
+ (if (test-runner? first)
+ (test-with-runner first (apply test-apply rest))
+ (let ((r (test-runner-current)))
+ (if r
+ (let ((run-list (%test-runner-run-list r)))
+ (cond ((null? rest)
+ (%test-runner-run-list! r (reverse! run-list))
+ (first)) ;; actually apply procedure thunk
+ (else
+ (%test-runner-run-list!
+ r
+ (if (eq? run-list #t) (list first) (cons first run-list)))
+ (apply test-apply rest)
+ (%test-runner-run-list! r run-list))))
+ (let ((r (test-runner-create)))
+ (test-with-runner r (apply test-apply first rest))
+ ((test-runner-on-final r) r))))))
+(define-syntax test-with-runner
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-with-runner runner form ...)
+ (let ((saved-runner (test-runner-current)))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () (test-runner-current runner))
+ (lambda () form ...)
+ (lambda () (test-runner-current saved-runner)))))))
+;;; Predicates
+(define (%test-match-nth n count)
+ (let ((i 0))
+ (lambda (runner)
+ (set! i (+ i 1))
+ (and (>= i n) (< i (+ n count))))))
+(define-syntax test-match-nth
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-match-nth n)
+ (test-match-nth n 1))
+ ((test-match-nth n count)
+ (%test-match-nth n count))))
+(define (%test-match-all . pred-list)
+ (lambda (runner)
+ (let ((result #t))
+ (let loop ((l pred-list))
+ (if (null? l)
+ result
+ (begin
+ (if (not ((car l) runner))
+ (set! result #f))
+ (loop (cdr l))))))))
+(define-syntax test-match-all
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-match-all pred ...)
+ (%test-match-all (%test-as-specifier pred) ...))))
+(define (%test-match-any . pred-list)
+ (lambda (runner)
+ (let ((result #f))
+ (let loop ((l pred-list))
+ (if (null? l)
+ result
+ (begin
+ (if ((car l) runner)
+ (set! result #t))
+ (loop (cdr l))))))))
+(define-syntax test-match-any
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-match-any pred ...)
+ (%test-match-any (%test-as-specifier pred) ...))))
+;; Coerce to a predicate function:
+(define (%test-as-specifier specifier)
+ (cond ((procedure? specifier) specifier)
+ ((integer? specifier) (test-match-nth 1 specifier))
+ ((string? specifier) (test-match-name specifier))
+ (else
+ (error "not a valid test specifier"))))
+(define-syntax test-skip
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-skip pred ...)
+ (let ((runner (test-runner-get)))
+ (%test-runner-skip-list! runner
+ (cons (test-match-all (%test-as-specifier pred) ...)
+ (%test-runner-skip-list runner)))))))
+(define-syntax test-expect-fail
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test-expect-fail pred ...)
+ (let ((runner (test-runner-get)))
+ (%test-runner-fail-list! runner
+ (cons (test-match-all (%test-as-specifier pred) ...)
+ (%test-runner-fail-list runner)))))))
+(define (test-match-name name)
+ (lambda (runner)
+ (equal? name (test-runner-test-name runner))))
+(define (test-read-eval-string string)
+ (let* ((port (open-input-string string))
+ (form (read port)))
+ (if (eof-object? (read-char port))
+ (eval form)
+ (cond-expand
+ (srfi-23 (error "(not at eof)"))
+ (else "error")))))
diff --git a/tests/derivations.scm b/tests/derivations.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21ec612ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/derivations.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+;;; Guix --- Nix package management from Guile. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+;;; Copyright (C) 2012 Ludovic Courtès <[email protected]>
+;;; This file is part of Guix.
+;;; Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with Guix. If not, see <>.
+(define-module (test-derivations)
+ #:use-module (guix derivations)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-64)
+ #:use-module (rnrs io ports))
+(test-begin "derivations")
+(test-assert "parse & export"
+ (let* ((b1 (call-with-input-file "test.drv" get-bytevector-all))
+ (d1 (read-derivation (open-bytevector-input-port b1)))
+ (b2 (call-with-bytevector-output-port (cut write-derivation d1 <>)))
+ (d2 (read-derivation (open-bytevector-input-port b2))))
+ (and (equal? b1 b2)
+ (equal? d1 d2))))
+(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
+;;; Local Variables:
+;;; eval: (put 'test-assert 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;;; End:
diff --git a/tests/test.drv b/tests/test.drv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7b1100d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test.drv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Derive([("out","/nix/store/yd0v41r8kj49xcjric62gk47lss9vdyg-hurd-qemu-test-build","","")],[("/nix/store/2fgw8gkxs1k8hfcsvir3q9wnkifdzs2s-bash-4.2-p20.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/31n2fn5h1gydqs3a9zm5g40d2f886i7g-gnused-4.2.1-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/34y69yzzb9a1v1fmixiqfhip9s57pybf-gnugrep-2.10-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/6n80yhr7cwip45w8rccyk4bp7g7zlkwq-gnu-global-user-environment.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/88ymj8xwrkmadyabbc1z96x4prabkhsx-gnumake-3.82-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/8c61y42zw57axxixl0wikq6vszjbf9bw-qemu-kvm-0.15.1.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/8dd520i02y7pkh5ynm7d5jb2lk0m7wzn-mig-20100512-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/b4lcngrsl838jg37yn510g888nlf0f1v-gawk-4.0.0-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/c4bq6crxpl4y9wd18fkvn81vj93m9wph-findutils-4.4.2-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/dgbh8qzl4rr89jsrlsy382z84lmfwsj1-bzip2-1.0.6-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/dsplzdbcqwgi9ybb7pfk5z9w6vxbn48h-diffutils-3.2-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/f6d7aw8ji6yx715hr91a5bvlbr8hp818-hurd-tarball-0.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/i81h625d3f6m8v587hx5mq6z6agkg221-gnused-4.2.1.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/j3kf9392mxcs81vqnn06p5npb8lz4wn8-vm-run.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/jqv7c1znv48c4w0vk4lmsczjxy0n0hjd-unionfs-20120313-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/k34s0wnr7g7bshs61whzrp1vsg8gxzvq-gnutar-1.26-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/m56fidnal30ns3zv7bqsxncnmpbqqymq-gnumach-20120303-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/phn4yvgccfqyw6izcjbj1kh7lbxkkz4a-bash-4.2-p20-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/q86x3m69wq2inrrgsa28d09aapah3nsq-hurd-0.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/s79ij8nbf48ib60xdwpgf70jhksga31n-stdenv.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/shsa80axsaxfkdlzpbw5d9ijgjqlmn05-gcc-wrapper-4.6.3-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/x55vzgh17b41g1p1c6wf97pjy5mnww1d-gzip-1.4-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/y7s99gdw53gf7d7bzhq9snbpdwjqa1ih-smbfs-2012-03-15-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/yjq2plg890za7s16mm08x1jyfzj0q5hz-hurd-qemu-image.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/yjzyf7ngsk816c2al76yprplnxysiwpz-xz-5.0.3-i586-pc-gnu.drv",["out"])],[],"x86_64-linux","/nix/store/xl3xf36l7mzwnl0fr6wxajhzhnm95ygm-bash-4.2-p20/bin/sh",["-e","/nix/store/yrzi7zsymp1a4hrjz75k4fk32kag4pzl-vm-run"],[("QEMU_OPTS","-m 512"),("buildCommand","echo 'Hey, this operating system works like a charm!'\n echo \"Let's see if it can rebuild itself...\"\n\n ( tar xvf \"/nix/store/kck9pjd6y2l1q15384sxywaknfm6b78f-hurd-tarball-0/tarballs/\"*.tar.gz ;\n cd hurd-* ;\n export PATH=\"/nix/store/svz656lvxh0li2pndfgdmgr4i48kbrv8-gawk-4.0.0-i586-pc-gnu/bin:$PATH\" ;\n set -e ;\n ./configure --without-parted --prefix=\"/host/xchg/out\" ;\n make # sequential build\n )\n\n # FIXME: \"make install\" not run because `rm' fails on SMBFS.\n mkdir /host/xchg/out\n\n echo $? > /host/xchg/in-vm-exit\n"),("buildInputs",""),("buildNativeInputs",""),("builder","/nix/store/xl3xf36l7mzwnl0fr6wxajhzhnm95ygm-bash-4.2-p20/bin/sh"),("diskImage","/nix/store/2gqgnw6nmh8ksr5l05cqirw3mdcrnf5p-hurd-qemu-image"),("diskImageBuildInputs","/nix/store/laqpxpssky7v039ga4mvk1c3b36r4gf4-gnumach-20120303-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/9ypm9rs110msqgb8qykzsxgiab2a6rd7-hurd-0 /nix/store/mkcd3692mkd0llswx3cr9ca6vl12nqzk-gnused-4.2.1-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/z3zw00xy4ik8b8d6qnaqwbkybr0p2m69-gnugrep-2.10-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/280rn2c6b6gfg9ynl3qs3zxbgrlkg06d-findutils-4.4.2-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/wmq0mp74p5ksigq7mpl709l1w8685zqs-diffutils-3.2-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/b4c3gmg90xyyk13kqwz8hqikjyq1vxyd-bash-4.2-p20-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/hsxib1jm1ksxnlhxsm00zqhfwln3vp5c-gcc-wrapper-4.6.3-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/zdjgbwh43yl9kq3j6h5ri3bylinkinzl-gnumake-3.82-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/xb9llifg0hy342rnj96j70lkbvdmf13h-gnutar-1.26-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/y8cdvni1hqwmzfwm2ija9v2xb6iqflnx-gzip-1.4-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/7p7gjd7d605sg1z6m2kvg0zqwylqz4z1-bzip2-1.0.6-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/0b93rb8x7wh439glp6278xzsq0gf0xcd-xz-5.0.3-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/6ikghbgf3s71ar1rswk3zczsj03ca3pn-mig-20100512-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/3jqfrl6f69h65bmx7yzc1prk64993929-smbfs-2012-03-15-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/nqscl1nn75353qcr9qq5v7w58c24gj12-unionfs-20120313-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/kp99qz7whrpfc7jy3ycssr3gvrbdz8ra-gnu-global-user-environment /nix/store/laqpxpssky7v039ga4mvk1c3b36r4gf4-gnumach-20120303-i586-pc-gnu /nix/store/9ypm9rs110msqgb8qykzsxgiab2a6rd7-hurd-0 /nix/store/3jqfrl6f69h65bmx7yzc1prk64993929-smbfs-2012-03-15-i586-pc-gnu/hurd/smbfs -s -r smb:// -u root -p '' /nix/store/3jqfrl6f69h65bmx7yzc1prk64993929-smbfs-2012-03-15-i586-pc-gnu/hurd/smbfs -s -r smb:// -u root -p ''"),("memSize","512"),("name","hurd-qemu-test-build"),("out","/nix/store/yd0v41r8kj49xcjric62gk47lss9vdyg-hurd-qemu-test-build"),("postVM","cp -prvd xchg/out \"$out\"\n"),("preVM","diskImage=$(pwd)/disk-image.qcow2\norigImage=\"/nix/store/2gqgnw6nmh8ksr5l05cqirw3mdcrnf5p-hurd-qemu-image\"\nif test -d \"$origImage\"; then origImage=\"$origImage/disk-image.qcow2\"; fi\n/nix/store/sxczq7kv8265b41yr03s4c41pklyq0ih-qemu-kvm-0.15.1/bin/qemu-img create -b \"$origImage\" -f qcow2 $diskImage\n\n# XXX: Until the guest's /nix/store is a unionfs of its actual\n# store and the host's one (i.e., when both unionfs and smbfs\n# implement `io_map', so that can load binaries off them),\n# rewrite store paths.\necho \"$buildCommand\" | \\\n /nix/store/w5hacn80b04v1f09nkyypc0sd7bhrknb-gnused-4.2.1/bin/sed -r \\\n -e's|/nix/store/([0-9a-z]{32})-([^ ]+)|/host/store/\\1-\\2|g' \\\n > xchg/cmd\n\neval \"$postPreVM\"\n"),("propagatedBuildInputs",""),("propagatedBuildNativeInputs",""),("requiredSystemFeatures","kvm"),("stdenv","/nix/store/7c8asx3yfrg5dg1gzhzyq2236zfgibnm-stdenv"),("system","x86_64-linux")]) \ No newline at end of file