path: root/nix/boost/format/
diff options
authorLudovic Courtès <[email protected]>2014-12-17 23:00:42 +0100
committerLudovic Courtès <[email protected]>2014-12-19 22:47:37 +0100
commit36457566f9917dc7c0c348d012816a2ca333ef1b (patch)
tree6f1d22a195ea2483b9ce539227d65e8e2a9c137d /nix/boost/format/
parent2c7ee1672029aa43afb509af5b5f7261244fa2d1 (diff)
Merge branch 'nix' into 'master'.
Diffstat (limited to 'nix/boost/format/')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nix/boost/format/ b/nix/boost/format/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa191afe11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/boost/format/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// Boost general library format ---------------------------
+// See for updates, documentation, and revision history.
+// (C) Samuel Krempp 2001
+// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and
+// distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears
+// in all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
+// ideas taken from R�diger Loos's format class
+// and Karl Nelson's ofstream
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// format_implementation.hpp Implementation of the basic_format class
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+// -------- format:: -------------------------------------------
+basic_format::basic_format(const char* str)
+ : style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false),
+ items_(), oss_(), exceptions_(io::all_error_bits)
+ state0_.set_by_stream(oss_);
+ string_t emptyStr;
+ if( !str) str = emptyStr.c_str();
+ parse( str );
+basic_format::basic_format(const char* str, const std::locale & loc)
+ : style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false),
+ items_(), oss_(), exceptions_(io::all_error_bits)
+ oss_.imbue( loc );
+ state0_.set_by_stream(oss_);
+ string_t emptyStr;
+ if( !str) str = emptyStr.c_str();
+ parse( str );
+basic_format::basic_format(const string_t& s, const std::locale & loc)
+ : style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false),
+ items_(), oss_(), exceptions_(io::all_error_bits)
+ oss_.imbue( loc );
+ state0_.set_by_stream(oss_);
+ parse(s);
+basic_format::basic_format(const string_t& s)
+ : style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false),
+ items_(), oss_(), exceptions_(io::all_error_bits)
+ state0_.set_by_stream(oss_);
+ parse(s);
+basic_format:: basic_format(const basic_format& x)
+ : style_(x.style_), cur_arg_(x.cur_arg_), num_args_(x.num_args_), dumped_(false),
+ items_(x.items_), prefix_(x.prefix_), bound_(x.bound_),
+ oss_(), // <- we obviously can't copy x.oss_
+ state0_(x.state0_), exceptions_(x.exceptions_)
+ state0_.apply_on(oss_);
+basic_format& basic_format::operator= (const basic_format& x)
+ if(this == &x)
+ return *this;
+ state0_ = x.state0_;
+ state0_.apply_on(oss_);
+ // plus all the other (trivial) assignments :
+ exceptions_ = x.exceptions_;
+ items_ = x.items_;
+ prefix_ = x.prefix_;
+ bound_=x.bound_;
+ style_=x.style_;
+ cur_arg_=x.cur_arg_;
+ num_args_=x.num_args_;
+ dumped_=x.dumped_;
+ return *this;
+unsigned char basic_format::exceptions() const
+ return exceptions_;
+unsigned char basic_format::exceptions(unsigned char newexcept)
+ unsigned char swp = exceptions_;
+ exceptions_ = newexcept;
+ return swp;
+basic_format& basic_format ::clear()
+ // empty the string buffers (except bound arguments, see clear_binds() )
+ // and make the format object ready for formatting a new set of arguments
+ BOOST_ASSERT( bound_.size()==0 || num_args_ == static_cast<int>(bound_.size()) );
+ for(unsigned long i=0; i<items_.size(); ++i){
+ items_[i].state_ = items_[i].ref_state_;
+ // clear converted strings only if the corresponding argument is not bound :
+ if( bound_.size()==0 || !bound_[ items_[i].argN_ ] ) items_[i].res_.resize(0);
+ }
+ cur_arg_=0; dumped_=false;
+ // maybe first arg is bound:
+ if(bound_.size() != 0)
+ {
+ while(cur_arg_ < num_args_ && bound_[cur_arg_] ) ++cur_arg_;
+ }
+ return *this;
+basic_format& basic_format ::clear_binds()
+ // cancel all bindings, and clear()
+ bound_.resize(0);
+ clear();
+ return *this;
+basic_format& basic_format::clear_bind(int argN)
+ // cancel the binding of ONE argument, and clear()
+ if(argN<1 || argN > num_args_ || bound_.size()==0 || !bound_[argN-1] )
+ {
+ if( exceptions() & io::out_of_range_bit )
+ boost::throw_exception(io::out_of_range()); // arg not in range.
+ else return *this;
+ }
+ bound_[argN-1]=false;
+ clear();
+ return *this;
+std::string basic_format::str() const
+ dumped_=true;
+ if(items_.size()==0)
+ return prefix_;
+ if( cur_arg_ < num_args_)
+ if( exceptions() & io::too_few_args_bit )
+ boost::throw_exception(io::too_few_args()); // not enough variables have been supplied !
+ unsigned long sz = prefix_.size();
+ unsigned long i;
+ for(i=0; i < items_.size(); ++i)
+ sz += items_[i].res_.size() + items_[i].appendix_.size();
+ string_t res;
+ res.reserve(sz);
+ res += prefix_;
+ for(i=0; i < items_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const format_item_t& item = items_[i];
+ res += item.res_;
+ if( item.argN_ == format_item_t::argN_tabulation)
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( item.pad_scheme_ & format_item_t::tabulation);
+ std::streamsize n = item.state_.width_ - res.size();
+ if( n > 0 )
+ res.append( n, item.state_.fill_ );
+ }
+ res += item.appendix_;
+ }
+ return res;
+namespace io {
+namespace detail {
+template<class T>
+basic_format& bind_arg_body( basic_format& self,
+ int argN,
+ const T& val)
+ // bind one argument to a fixed value
+ // this is persistent over clear() calls, thus also over str() and <<
+ if(self.dumped_) self.clear(); // needed, because we will modify cur_arg_..
+ if(argN<1 || argN > self.num_args_)
+ {
+ if( self.exceptions() & io::out_of_range_bit )
+ boost::throw_exception(io::out_of_range()); // arg not in range.
+ else return self;
+ }
+ if(self.bound_.size()==0)
+ self.bound_.assign(self.num_args_,false);
+ else
+ BOOST_ASSERT( self.num_args_ == static_cast<signed int>(self.bound_.size()) );
+ int o_cur_arg = self.cur_arg_;
+ self.cur_arg_ = argN-1; // arrays begin at 0
+ self.bound_[self.cur_arg_]=false; // if already set, we unset and re-sets..
+ self.operator%(val); // put val at the right place, because cur_arg is set
+ // Now re-position cur_arg before leaving :
+ self.cur_arg_ = o_cur_arg;
+ self.bound_[argN-1]=true;
+ if(self.cur_arg_ == argN-1 )
+ // hum, now this arg is bound, so move to next free arg
+ {
+ while(self.cur_arg_ < self.num_args_ && self.bound_[self.cur_arg_]) ++self.cur_arg_;
+ }
+ // In any case, we either have all args, or are on a non-binded arg :
+ BOOST_ASSERT( self.cur_arg_ >= self.num_args_ || ! self.bound_[self.cur_arg_]);
+ return self;
+template<class T>
+basic_format& modify_item_body( basic_format& self,
+ int itemN,
+ const T& manipulator)
+ // applies a manipulator to the format_item describing a given directive.
+ // this is a permanent change, clear or clear_binds won't cancel that.
+ if(itemN<1 || itemN >= static_cast<signed int>(self.items_.size() ))
+ {
+ if( self.exceptions() & io::out_of_range_bit )
+ boost::throw_exception(io::out_of_range()); // item not in range.
+ else return self;
+ }
+ self.items_[itemN-1].ref_state_.apply_manip( manipulator );
+ self.items_[itemN-1].state_ = self.items_[itemN-1].ref_state_;
+ return self;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace io
+} // namespace boost