path: root/lisp/international
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Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/international')
1 files changed, 479 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/international/titdic-cnv.el b/lisp/international/titdic-cnv.el
index c03425318d..e9d65f0271 100644
--- a/lisp/international/titdic-cnv.el
+++ b/lisp/international/titdic-cnv.el
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
;; See the manual page of `tit2cit' of cxterm distribution for more
;; detail.
+;; At the tail of this file, we also have another tools to convert
+;; miscellaneous dictionaries.
;;; Code:
@@ -150,47 +153,6 @@ method `chinese-qj-b5'.
The input method `chinese-py' and `chinese-tonepy' are also Pinyin
based, but for the character set GB2312 (`chinese-gb2312').")
- ("chinese-py" "$AF4(BG"
- "Pinyin base input method for Chinese charset GB2312
-Pinyin is the standared roman transliteration method for Chinese.
-Pinyin uses a sequence of Latin alphabetic characters for each Chinese
-character. The sequence is made by the combination of the initials
-\(the beginning sounds) and finals \(the ending sounds).
- initials: b p m f d t n l z c s zh ch sh r j q x g k h
- finals: a o e i er ai ei oa ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in
- iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uan ueng yu yue yuan yun
- (Note: In the correct Pinyin writing, the sequence \"yu\" in the last
- four finals should be written by the character u-umlaut `$A(9(B'.)
-With this input method, you enter a Chinese character by first
-entering its pinyin spelling.
-For instance, to input $ADc(B, you type \"n i C-n 3\". The first \"n i\"
-is a Pinyin, \"C-n\" selects the next group of candidates (each group
-contains at most 10 characters), \"3\" select the third character in
-that group.
-This input method supports only Han characters. The related input
-method `chinese-py-punct' is the combination of this method and
-`chinese-punct'; it supports both Han characters and punctuation
-For double-width GB2312 characters corresponding to ASCII, use the
-input method `chinese-qj'.
-The correct Pinyin system specifies tones by diacritical marks, but
-this input method doesn't use them, which results in easy (you don't
-have to know the exact tones), but verbose (many characters are assigned
-to the same key sequence) input. You may also want to try the input
-method `chinese-tonepy' with which you must specify tones by digits
("chinese-qj-b5" "$(0)A(BB")
("chinese-qj" "$AH+(BG")
@@ -232,50 +194,6 @@ the third character from the candidate list.
For double-width GB2312 characters correponding to ASCII, use the
input method `chinese-qj'.")
- ("chinese-ziranma" "$AK+F4(B"
-"Pinyin base input method for Chinese GB2312 characters (`chinese-gb2312').
-Pinyin is the standard roman transliteration method for Chinese.
-For the details of Pinyin system, see the documentation of the input
-method `chinese-py'.
-unlike the standard spelling of Pinyin, in this input method all
-initials and finals are assigned to single keys (see the above table).
-For instance, the initial \"ch\" is assigned to the key `i', the final
-\"iu\" is assigned to the key `q', and tones 1, 2, 3, 4, and $AGaIy(B are
-assigned to the keys `q', `w', `e', `r', `t' respectively.
-To input one-letter words, you type 4 keys, the first two for the
-Pinyin of the letter, next one for tone, and the last one is always a
-quote ('). For instance, \"vsq'1\" input $AVP(B. Exceptions are these
-letters. You can input them just by typing a single key.
- Character: $A04(B $A2;(B $A4N(B $A5D(B $A6~(B $A7"(B $A8v(B $A:M(B $A3v(B $A<0(B $A?I(B $AAK(B $AC;(B
- Key: a b c d e f g h i j k l m
- Character: $ADc(B $AE7(B $AF,(B $AF_(B $AHK(B $AH}(B $AK{(B $AJG(B $AWE(B $ANR(B $AP!(B $AR;(B $ATZ(B
- Key: n o p q r s t u v w x y z
-To input two-letter words, you have two ways. One way is to type 4
-keys, two for the first Pinyin, two for the second Pinyin. For
-instance, \"vsgo\" inputs $AVP9z(B. Another way is to type 3 keys: 2
-initials of two letters, and quote ('). For instance, \"vg'\" also
-inputs $AVP9z(B.
-To input three-letter words, you type 4 keys: initials of three
-letters, and the last is quote ('). For instance, \"bjy'2\" inputs $A11(B
-$A>)Q<(B (the last `2' is to select one of the candidates).
-To input words of more than three letters, you type 4 keys, initials
-of the first three letters and the last letter. For instance,
-\"bjdt\" inputs $A11>)5gJSL((B.
-To input symbols and punctuations, type `/' followed by one of `a' to
-`z', then select one of the candidates.
("chinese-zozy" "$(0I\0D(B"
"Zhuyin base input method for Chinese Big5 characters (`chinese-big5-1',
@@ -639,6 +557,482 @@ To get complete usage, invoke \"emacs -batch -f batch-titdic-convert -h\"."
(message " %% emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile XXX.el")))
(kill-emacs 0))
+;;; Converter of miscellaneous dictionaries other than TIT format.
+;; Alist of input method names and the corresponding information.
+;; Each element has this form:
+;; (INPUT-METHOD-NAME ;; Name of the input method.
+;; INPUT-METHOD-TITLE ;; Title string of the input method
+;; DICFILE ;; Name of the source dictionary file.
+;; CODING ;; Coding system of the dictionary file.
+;; QUAILFILE ;; Name of the Quail package file.
+;; CONVERTER ;; Function to generate the Quail package.
+;; COPYRIGHT-NOTICE ;; Copyright notice of the source dictionary.
+;; )
+(defvar quail-misc-package-ext-info
+ '(("chinese-b5-tsangchi" "$(06A(BB"
+ "cangjie-table.b5" big5 "tsang-b5.el"
+ tsang-b5-converter
+ "\
+;; # Copyright 2001 Christian Wittern <[email protected]>
+;; #
+;; # Permission to copy and distribute both modified and
+;; # unmodified versions is granted without royalty provided
+;; # this notice is preserved.")
+ ("chinese-b5-quick" "$(0X|(BB"
+ "cangjie-table.b5" big5 "quick-b5.el"
+ quick-b5-converter
+ "\
+;; # Copyright 2001 Christian Wittern <[email protected]>
+;; #
+;; # Permission to copy and distribute both modified and
+;; # unmodified versions is granted without royalty provided
+;; # this notice is preserved.")
+ ("chinese-cns-tsangchi" "$(GT?(BC"
+ "cangjie-table.cns" iso-2022-cn-ext "tsang-cns.el"
+ tsang-cns-converter
+ "\
+;; # Copyright 2001 Christian Wittern <[email protected]>
+;; #
+;; # Permission to copy and distribute both modified and
+;; # unmodified versions is granted without royalty provided
+;; # this notice is preserved.")
+ ("chinese-cns-quick" "$(Gv|(BC"
+ "cangjie-table.cns" iso-2022-cn-ext "quick-cns.el"
+ quick-cns-converter
+ "\
+;; # Copyright 2001 Christian Wittern <[email protected]>
+;; #
+;; # Permission to copy and distribute both modified and
+;; # unmodified versions is granted without royalty provided
+;; # this notice is preserved.")
+ ("chinese-py" "$AF4(BG"
+ "pinyin.map" cn-gb-2312 "PY.el"
+ py-converter
+ "\
+;; \"pinyin.map\" is included in a free package called CCE. It is
+;; available at:
+;; http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/main
+;; /source/utils/cce_0.36.orig.tar.gz
+;; This package contains the following copyright notice.
+;; Copyright (C) 1999, Rui He, [email protected]
+;; CCE(Console Chinese Environment) 0.32
+;; CCE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+;; terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+;; Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; CCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+;; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+;; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+;; details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+;; CCE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+;; 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.")
+ ("chinese-ziranma" "$AWTH;(B"
+ "ziranma.cin" cn-gb-2312 "ZIRANMA.el"
+ ziranma-converter
+ "\
+;; \"ziranma.cin\" is included in a free package called CCE. It is
+;; available at:
+;; http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/main
+;; /source/utils/cce_0.36.orig.tar.gz
+;; This package contains the following copyright notice.
+;; Copyright (C) 1999, Rui He, [email protected]
+;; CCE(Console Chinese Environment) 0.32
+;; CCE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+;; terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+;; Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; CCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+;; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+;; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+;; details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+;; CCE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+;; 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.")
+ ))
+;; Generate a code of a Quail package in the current buffer from Tsang
+;; dictionary in the buffer DICBUF. The input method name of the
+;; Quail package is NAME, and the title string is TITLE.
+;; TSANG-P is non-nil, genereate $(06AQo(B input method. Otherwise
+;; generate $(0X|/y(B (simple version of $(06AQo(B). If BIG5-P is non-nil, the
+;; input method is for inputting Big5 characters. Otherwise the input
+;; method is for inputting CNS characters.
+(defun tsang-quick-converter (dicbuf name title tsang-p big5-p)
+ (let ((fulltitle (if tsang-p (if big5-p "$(06AQo(B" "$(GT?on(B")
+ (if big5-p "$(0X|/y(B" "$(Gv|Mx(B")))
+ dic)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (if big5-p
+ (insert (format "\"$(0&d'GTT&,!J(B%s$(0!K(BBIG5
+ $(0KHM$(B%s$(0TT&,WoOu(B
+ [Q $(0'D(B] [W $(0(q(B] [E $(0'V(B] [R $(0&H(B] [T $(0'>(B] [Y $(0&4(B] [U $(0&U(B] [I $(0'B(B] [O $(0&*(B] [P $(0'A(B]
+ [A $(0'K(B] [S $(0&T(B] [D $(0'N(B] [F $(0'W(B] [G $(0&I(B] [H $(0*M(B] [J $(0&3(B] [L $(0&d(B]
+ [Z ] [X $(0[E(B] [C $(01[(B] [V $(0&M(B] [B $(0'M(B] [N $(0&_(B] [M $(0&"(B]
+ fulltitle fulltitle))
+ (insert (format "\"$(GDcEFrSD+!J(B%s$(G!K(BCNS
+ $(GiGk#(B%s$(GrSD+uomu(B
+ [Q $(GEC(B] [W $(GFp(B] [E $(GEU(B] [R $(GDG(B] [T $(GE=(B] [Y $(GD3(B] [U $(GDT(B] [I $(GEA(B] [O $(GD)(B] [P $(GE@(B]
+ [A $(GEJ(B] [S $(GDS(B] [D $(GEM(B] [F $(GEV(B] [G $(GDH(B] [H $(GHL(B] [J $(GD2(B] [L $(GDc(B]
+ [Z ] [X $(GyE(B] [C $(GOZ(B] [V $(GDL(B] [B $(GEL(B] [N $(GD^(B] [M $(GD!(B]
+ fulltitle fulltitle)))
+ (insert " '((\".\" . quail-next-translation-block)
+ (\",\" . quail-prev-translation-block))
+ nil nil)\n\n")
+ (insert "(quail-define-rules\n")
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer dicbuf)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (search-forward "A440")
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ val)
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (forward-char 5)
+ (let ((trans (char-to-string (following-char)))
+ key slot)
+ (re-search-forward "[A-Z]+$" nil t)
+ (setq key (downcase
+ (if (or tsang-p
+ (<= (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)) 1))
+ (match-string 0)
+ (string (char-after (match-beginning 0))
+ (char-after (1- (match-end 0)))))))
+ (setq val (gethash key table))
+ (if val (setq trans (concat val trans)))
+ (puthash key trans table)
+ (forward-line 1)))
+ (maphash #'(lambda (key val) (setq dic (cons (cons key val) dic)))
+ table)))
+ (setq dic (sort dic (function (lambda (x y) (string< (car x ) (car y))))))
+ (dolist (elt dic)
+ (insert (format "(%S\t%S)\n" (car elt) (cdr elt))))
+ (let ((punctuations '((";" "$(0!'!2!"!#!.!/(B" "$(G!'!2!"!#!.!/(B")
+ (":" "$(0!(!+!3!%!$!&!0!1(B" "$(G!(!+!3!%!$!&!0!1(B")
+ ("'" "$(0!e!d(B" "$(G!e!d(B")
+ ("\"" "$(0!g!f!h!i!q(B" "$(G!g!f!h!i!q(B")
+ ("\\" "$(0"`"b#M(B" "$(G"`"b#M(B")
+ ("|" "$(0!6!8!:"^(B" "$(G!6!8!:"^(B")
+ ("/" "$(0"_"a#L(B" "$(G"_"a#L(B")
+ ("?" "$(0!)!4(B" "$(G!)!4(B")
+ ("<" "$(0!R"6"A!T"H(B" "$(G!R"6"A!T"H(B")
+ (">" "$(0!S"7"B!U(B" "$(G!S"7"B!U(B")
+ ("[" "$(0!F!J!b!H!L!V!Z!X!\(B" "$(G!F!J!b!H!L!V!Z!X!\(B")
+ ("]" "$(0!G!K!c!I!M!W![!Y!](B" "$(G!G!K!c!I!M!W![!Y!](B")
+ ("{" "$(0!B!`!D(B " "$(G!B!`!D(B ")
+ ("}" "$(0!C!a!E(B" "$(G!C!a!E(B")
+ ("`" "$(0!j!k(B" "$(G!j!k(B")
+ ("~" "$(0"D"+",!<!=(B" "$(G"D"+",!<!=(B")
+ ("!" "$(0!*!5(B" "$(G!*!5(B")
+ ("@" "$(0"i"n(B" "$(G"i"n(B")
+ ("#" "$(0!l"-(B" "$(G!l"-(B")
+ ("$" "$(0"c"l(B" "$(G"c"l(B")
+ ("%" "$(0"h"m(B" "$(G"h"m(B")
+ ("&" "$(0!m".(B" "$(G!m".(B")
+ ("*" "$(0!n"/!o!w!x(B" "$(G!n"/!o!w!x(B")
+ ("(" "$(0!>!^!@(B" "$(G!>!^!@(B")
+ (")" "$(0!?!_!A(B" "$(G!?!_!A(B")
+ ("-" "$(0!7!9"#"$"1"@(B" "$(G!7!9"#"$"1"@(B")
+ ("_" "$(0"%"&(B" "$(G"%"&(B")
+ ("=" "$(0"8"C(B" "$(G"8"C(B")
+ ("+" "$(0"0"?(B" "$(G"0"?(B"))))
+ (dolist (elt punctuations)
+ (insert (format "(%S %S)\n" (concat "z" (car elt))
+ (if big5-p (nth 1 elt) (nth 2 elt))))))
+ (insert ")\n")))
+(defun tsang-b5-converter (dicbuf name title)
+ (tsang-quick-converter dicbuf name title t t))
+(defun quick-b5-converter (dicbuf name title)
+ (tsang-quick-converter dicbuf name title nil t))
+(defun tsang-cns-converter (dicbuf name title)
+ (tsang-quick-converter dicbuf name title t nil))
+(defun quick-cns-converter (dicbuf name title)
+ (tsang-quick-converter dicbuf name title nil nil))
+;; Generate a code of a Quail package in the current buffer from
+;; Pinyin dictionary in the buffer DICBUF. The input method name of
+;; the Quail package is NAME, and the title string is TITLE.
+(defun py-converter (dicbuf name title)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert (format "%S\n" "$A::WVJdHk!KF4Rt!K(B
+ $AF4Rt7=08(B
+ $AP!P4S"NDWVD84z1m!8F4Rt!97{:E#,(B \"u(yu) $ATrSC(B u: $A1mJ>!C(B
+Pinyin base input method for Chinese charset GB2312 (`chinese-gb2312').
+Pinyin is the standared roman transliteration method for Chinese.
+Pinyin uses a sequence of Latin alphabetic characters for each Chinese
+character. The sequence is made by the combination of the initials
+\(the beginning sounds) and finals (the ending sounds).
+ initials: b p m f d t n l z c s zh ch sh r j q x g k h
+ finals: a o e i er ai ei oa ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in
+ iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uan ueng yu yue yuan yun
+ (Note: In the correct Pinyin writing, the sequence \"yu\" in the last
+ four finals should be written by the character u-umlaut `$A(9(B'.)
+With this input method, you enter a Chinese character by first
+entering its pinyin spelling.
+For instance, to input $ADc(B, you type \"n i C-n 3\". The first \"n i\"
+is a Pinyin, \"C-n\" selects the next group of candidates (each group
+contains at most 10 characters), \"3\" select the third character in
+that group.
+This input method supports only Han characters. The related input
+method `chinese-py-punct' is the combination of this method and
+`chinese-punct'; it supports both Han characters and punctuation
+For double-width GB2312 characters corresponding to ASCII, use the
+input method `chinese-qj'.
+The correct Pinyin system specifies tones by diacritical marks, but
+this input method doesn't use them, which results in easy (you don't
+have to know the exact tones), but verbose (many characters are assigned
+to the same key sequence) input. You may also want to try the input
+method `chinese-tonepy' with which you must specify tones by digits
+ (insert " '((\"\C-?\" . quail-delete-last-char)
+ (\".\" . quail-next-translation)
+ (\">\" . quail-next-translation)
+ (\",\" . quail-prev-translation)
+ (\"<\" . quail-prev-translation))
+ nil nil nil nil)\n\n")
+ (insert "(quail-define-rules\n")
+ (let ((pos (point)))
+ (insert-buffer-substring dicbuf)
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (insert "(\"")
+ (skip-chars-forward "a-z")
+ (insert "\" \"")
+ (delete-char 1)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (insert "\")")
+ (forward-line 1)))
+ (insert ")\n"))
+;; Generate a code of a Quail package in the current buffer from
+;; Ziranma dictionary in the buffer DICBUF. The input method name of
+;; the Quail package is NAME, and the title string is TITLE.
+(defun ziranma-converter (dicbuf name title)
+ (let (dic)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer dicbuf)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (search-forward "%keyname end\n")
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ elt pos key trans val)
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (setq pos (point))
+ (skip-chars-forward "^ \t")
+ (setq key (buffer-substring pos (point)))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq trans (vector (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position))))
+ (setq val (gethash key table))
+ (if val (setq trans (vconcat val trans)))
+ (puthash key trans table)
+ (forward-line 1))
+ (maphash #'(lambda (key trans)
+ (let ((len (length trans))
+ i)
+ (if (and (= len 1) (= (length (aref trans 0)) 1))
+ (setq trans (aref trans 0))
+ (setq i 0)
+ (while (and (< i len)
+ (= (length (aref trans i)) 1))
+ (setq i (1+ i)))
+ (if (= i len)
+ (setq trans (mapconcat 'identity trans "")))))
+ (setq dic (cons (cons key trans) dic)))
+ table)))
+ (setq dic (sort dic (function (lambda (x y) (string< (car x) (car y))))))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert (format "%S\n" "$A::WVJdHk!K!>WTH;!?!K(B
+ $A<|EL6TUU1m(B:
+ $A)3)%)%)W)%)%)W)%)%)W)%)%)W)%)%)W)%)%)W)%)%)W)%)%)W)%)%)W)%)%)7(B
+ $A)'#Q(B $A)'#W(B $A)'#E(B $A)'#R(B $A)'#T(B $A)'#Y(B $A)'#U(Bsh$A)'#I(Bch$A)'#O(B $A)'#P(B $A)'(B
+ $A)'(B iu$A)'(B ua$A)'(B e$A)'(B uan$A)'(B ue$A)'(B uai$A)'(B u$A)'(B i$A)'(B o$A)'(B un$A)'(B
+ $A)'(B $A)'(B ia$A)'(B $A)'(B van$A)'(B ve$A)'(B ing$A)'(B $A)'(B $A)'(B uo$A)'(B vn$A)'(B
+ $A);)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)?(B
+ $A)'#A(B $A)'#S(B $A)'#D(B $A)'#F(B $A)'#G(B $A)'#H(B $A)'#J(B $A)'#K(B $A)'#L(B $A)'(B
+ $A)'(B a$A)'(Biong$A)'(Buang$A)'(B en$A)'(B eng$A)'(B ang$A)'(B an$A)'(B ao$A)'(B ai$A)'(B
+ $A)'(B $A)'(B ong$A)'(Biang$A)'(B $A)'(B ng$A)'(B $A)'(B $A)'(B $A)'(B $A)'(B
+ $A);)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)_)W)%)%)7(B
+ $A)'#Z(B $A)'#X(B $A)'#C(B $A)'#V(Bzh$A)'#B(B $A)'#N(B $A)'#M(B $A)'#,(B $A)'#.(B $A)'(B $A#/(B $A)'(B
+ $A)'(B ei$A)'(B ie$A)'(B iao$A)'(B ui$A)'(B ou$A)'(B in$A)'(B ian$A)'G0R3)':sR3)'7{:E)'(B
+ $A)'(B $A)'(B $A)'(B $A)'(B v$A)'(B $A)'(B $A)'(B $A)'(B $A)'(B $A)'(B $A)'(B
+ $A);)%)%)_)%)%)_)%)%)_)%)%)_)%)%)_)%)%)_)%)%)_)%)%)_)%)%)_)%)%)?(B
+Pinyin base input method for Chinese GB2312 characters (`chinese-gb2312').
+Pinyin is the standard roman transliteration method for Chinese.
+For the details of Pinyin system, see the documentation of the input
+method `chinese-py'.
+Unlike the standard spelling of Pinyin, in this input method all
+initials and finals are assigned to single keys (see the above table).
+For instance, the initial \"ch\" is assigned to the key `i', the final
+\"iu\" is assigned to the key `q', and tones 1, 2, 3, 4, and $AGaIy(B are
+assigned to the keys `q', `w', `e', `r', `t' respectively.
+To input one-letter words, you type 4 keys, the first two for the
+Pinyin of the letter, next one for tone, and the last one is always a
+quote ('). For instance, \"vsq'\" input $AVP(B. Exceptions are these
+letters. You can input them just by typing a single key.
+ Character: $A04(B $A2;(B $A4N(B $A5D(B $A6~(B $A7"(B $A8v(B $A:M(B $A3v(B $A<0(B $A?I(B $AAK(B $AC;(B
+ Key: a b c d e f g h i j k l m
+ Character: $ADc(B $AE7(B $AF,(B $AF_(B $AHK(B $AH}(B $AK{(B $AJG(B $AWE(B $ANR(B $AP!(B $AR;(B $ATZ(B
+ Key: n o p q r s t u v w x y z
+To input two-letter words, you have two ways. One way is to type 4
+keys, two for the first Pinyin, two for the second Pinyin. For
+instance, \"vsgo\" inputs $AVP9z(B. Another way is to type 3 keys: 2
+initials of two letters, and quote ('). For instance, \"vg'\" also
+inputs $AVP9z(B.
+To input three-letter words, you type 4 keys: initials of three
+letters, and the last is quote ('). For instance, \"bjy'2\" inputs $A11(B
+$A>)Q<(B (the last `2' is to select one of the candidates).
+To input words of more than three letters, you type 4 keys, initials
+of the first three letters and the last letter. For instance,
+\"bjdt\" inputs $A11>)5gJSL((B.
+To input symbols and punctuations, type `/' followed by one of `a' to
+`z', then select one of the candidates."))
+ (insert " '((\"\C-?\" . quail-delete-last-char)
+ (\".\" . quail-next-translation)
+ (\"[\" . quail-next-translation)
+ (\",\" . quail-prev-translation)
+ (\"]\" . quail-prev-translation))
+ nil nil nil nil)\n\n")
+ (insert "(quail-define-rules\n")
+ (dolist (elt dic)
+ (insert (format "(%S %S)\n" (car elt) (cdr elt))))
+ (insert ")\n")))
+(defun miscdic-convert (filename &optional dirname)
+ "Convert a dictionary file FILENAME into a Quail package.
+Optional argument DIRNAME if specified is the directory name under which
+the generated Quail package is saved."
+ (interactive "FInput method dictionary file: ")
+ (or (file-readable-p filename)
+ (error "%s does not exist" filename))
+ (let ((tail quail-misc-package-ext-info)
+ (default-buffer-file-coding-system 'iso-2022-7bit)
+ slot
+ name title dicfile coding quailfile converter copyright
+ dicbuf)
+ (while tail
+ (when (string-match (nth 2 (car tail)) filename)
+ (setq slot (car tail)
+ name (car slot)
+ title (nth 1 slot)
+ dicfile (nth 2 slot)
+ coding (nth 3 slot)
+ quailfile (nth 4 slot)
+ converter (nth 5 slot)
+ copyright (nth 6 slot))
+ (message "Converting %s to %s..." dicfile quailfile)
+ (with-temp-file (expand-file-name quailfile dirname)
+ (set-buffer-file-coding-system 'iso-2022-7bit)
+ (insert ";; Quail package `" name "' -*- coding:iso-2022-7bit; -*-\n")
+ (insert ";; Generated by the command `miscdic-convert'\n")
+ (insert ";; Date: " (current-time-string) "\n")
+ (insert ";; Source dictionary file: " dicfile "\n")
+ (insert ";; Copyright notice of the source file\n")
+ (insert ";;------------------------------------------------------\n")
+ (insert copyright "\n")
+ (insert ";;------------------------------------------------------\n")
+ (insert "\n")
+ (insert ";;; Code:\n\n")
+ (insert "(require 'quail)\n")
+ (insert "(quail-define-package \"" name "\" \""
+ (if (eq coding 'big5) "Chiense-BIG5" "Chienge-CNS")
+ "\" \"" title "\" t\n")
+ (let* ((coding-system-for-read coding)
+ (dicbuf (find-file-noselect filename)))
+ (funcall converter dicbuf name title)
+ (kill-buffer dicbuf)))
+ (message "Converting %s to %s...done" dicfile quailfile))
+ (setq tail (cdr tail)))))
+(defun batch-miscdic-convert ()
+ "Run `miscdic-convert' on the files remaing on the command line.
+Use this from the command line, with `-batch';
+it won't work in an interactive Emacs.
+If there's an argument \"-dir\", the next argument specifies a directory
+to store generated Quail packages."
+ (defvar command-line-args-left) ; Avoid compiler warning.
+ (if (not noninteractive)
+ (error "`batch-miscdic-convert' should be used only with -batch"))
+ (let ((dir default-directory)
+ filename)
+ (while command-line-args-left
+ (if (string= (car command-line-args-left) "-dir")
+ (progn
+ (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))
+ (setq dir (car command-line-args-left))))
+ (setq filename (car command-line-args-left)
+ command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))
+ (if (file-directory-p filename)
+ (dolist (file (directory-files filename t nil t))
+ (miscdic-convert file dir))
+ (miscdic-convert filename dir))))
+ (kill-emacs 0))
;;; titdic-cnv.el ends here
;; Local Variables: