path: root/lisp/calc/calc-map.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/calc/calc-map.el')
1 files changed, 1305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/calc/calc-map.el b/lisp/calc/calc-map.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7265be641c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/calc/calc-map.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1305 @@
+;; Calculator for GNU Emacs, part II [calc-map.el]
+;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Written by Dave Gillespie, [email protected].
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
+;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
+;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
+;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
+;; License for full details.
+;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
+;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is
+;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
+;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
+;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
+;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
+;; This file is autoloaded from calc-ext.el.
+(require 'calc-ext)
+(require 'calc-macs)
+(defun calc-Need-calc-map () nil)
+(defun calc-apply (&optional oper)
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (let* ((sel-mode nil)
+ (calc-dollar-values (mapcar 'calc-get-stack-element
+ (nthcdr calc-stack-top calc-stack)))
+ (calc-dollar-used 0)
+ (oper (or oper (calc-get-operator "Apply"
+ (if (math-vectorp (calc-top 1))
+ (1- (length (calc-top 1)))
+ -1))))
+ (expr (calc-top-n (1+ calc-dollar-used))))
+ (message "Working...")
+ (calc-set-command-flag 'clear-message)
+ (calc-enter-result (1+ calc-dollar-used)
+ (concat (substring "apl" 0 (- 4 (length (nth 2 oper))))
+ (nth 2 oper))
+ (list 'calcFunc-apply
+ (math-calcFunc-to-var (nth 1 oper))
+ expr))))
+(defun calc-reduce (&optional oper accum)
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (let* ((sel-mode nil)
+ (nest (calc-is-hyperbolic))
+ (rev (calc-is-inverse))
+ (nargs (if (and nest (not rev)) 2 1))
+ (calc-dollar-values (mapcar 'calc-get-stack-element
+ (nthcdr calc-stack-top calc-stack)))
+ (calc-dollar-used 0)
+ (calc-mapping-dir (and (not accum) (not nest) ""))
+ (oper (or oper (calc-get-operator
+ (if nest
+ (concat (if accum "Accumulate " "")
+ (if rev "Fixed Point" "Nest"))
+ (concat (if rev "Inv " "")
+ (if accum "Accumulate" "Reduce")))
+ (if nest 1 2)))))
+ (message "Working...")
+ (calc-set-command-flag 'clear-message)
+ (calc-enter-result (+ calc-dollar-used nargs)
+ (concat (substring (if nest
+ (if rev "fxp" "nst")
+ (if accum "acc" "red"))
+ 0 (- 4 (length (nth 2 oper))))
+ (nth 2 oper))
+ (if nest
+ (cons (if rev
+ (if accum 'calcFunc-afixp 'calcFunc-fixp)
+ (if accum 'calcFunc-anest 'calcFunc-nest))
+ (cons (math-calcFunc-to-var (nth 1 oper))
+ (calc-top-list-n
+ nargs (1+ calc-dollar-used))))
+ (list (if accum
+ (if rev 'calcFunc-raccum 'calcFunc-accum)
+ (intern (concat "calcFunc-"
+ (if rev "r" "")
+ "reduce"
+ calc-mapping-dir)))
+ (math-calcFunc-to-var (nth 1 oper))
+ (calc-top-n (1+ calc-dollar-used)))))))
+(defun calc-accumulate (&optional oper)
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-reduce oper t)
+(defun calc-map (&optional oper)
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (let* ((sel-mode nil)
+ (calc-dollar-values (mapcar 'calc-get-stack-element
+ (nthcdr calc-stack-top calc-stack)))
+ (calc-dollar-used 0)
+ (calc-mapping-dir "")
+ (oper (or oper (calc-get-operator "Map")))
+ (nargs (car oper)))
+ (message "Working...")
+ (calc-set-command-flag 'clear-message)
+ (calc-enter-result (+ nargs calc-dollar-used)
+ (concat (substring "map" 0 (- 4 (length (nth 2 oper))))
+ (nth 2 oper))
+ (cons (intern (concat "calcFunc-map" calc-mapping-dir))
+ (cons (math-calcFunc-to-var (nth 1 oper))
+ (calc-top-list-n
+ nargs
+ (1+ calc-dollar-used)))))))
+(defun calc-map-equation (&optional oper)
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (let* ((sel-mode nil)
+ (calc-dollar-values (mapcar 'calc-get-stack-element
+ (nthcdr calc-stack-top calc-stack)))
+ (calc-dollar-used 0)
+ (oper (or oper (calc-get-operator "Map-equation")))
+ (nargs (car oper)))
+ (message "Working...")
+ (calc-set-command-flag 'clear-message)
+ (calc-enter-result (+ nargs calc-dollar-used)
+ (concat (substring "map" 0 (- 4 (length (nth 2 oper))))
+ (nth 2 oper))
+ (cons (if (calc-is-inverse)
+ 'calcFunc-mapeqr
+ (if (calc-is-hyperbolic)
+ 'calcFunc-mapeqp 'calcFunc-mapeq))
+ (cons (math-calcFunc-to-var (nth 1 oper))
+ (calc-top-list-n
+ nargs
+ (1+ calc-dollar-used)))))))
+(defun calc-map-stack ()
+ "This is meant to be called by calc-keypad mode."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((calc-verify-arglist nil))
+ (calc-unread-command ?\$)
+ (calc-map))
+(defun calc-outer-product (&optional oper)
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (let* ((sel-mode nil)
+ (calc-dollar-values (mapcar 'calc-get-stack-element
+ (nthcdr calc-stack-top calc-stack)))
+ (calc-dollar-used 0)
+ (oper (or oper (calc-get-operator "Outer" 2))))
+ (message "Working...")
+ (calc-set-command-flag 'clear-message)
+ (calc-enter-result (+ 2 calc-dollar-used)
+ (concat (substring "out" 0 (- 4 (length (nth 2 oper))))
+ (nth 2 oper))
+ (cons 'calcFunc-outer
+ (cons (math-calcFunc-to-var (nth 1 oper))
+ (calc-top-list-n
+ 2 (1+ calc-dollar-used)))))))
+(defun calc-inner-product (&optional mul-oper add-oper)
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (let* ((sel-mode nil)
+ (calc-dollar-values (mapcar 'calc-get-stack-element
+ (nthcdr calc-stack-top calc-stack)))
+ (calc-dollar-used 0)
+ (mul-oper (or mul-oper (calc-get-operator "Inner (Mult)" 2)))
+ (mul-used calc-dollar-used)
+ (calc-dollar-values (if (> mul-used 0)
+ (cdr calc-dollar-values)
+ calc-dollar-values))
+ (calc-dollar-used 0)
+ (add-oper (or add-oper (calc-get-operator "Inner (Add)" 2))))
+ (message "Working...")
+ (calc-set-command-flag 'clear-message)
+ (calc-enter-result (+ 2 mul-used calc-dollar-used)
+ (concat "in"
+ (substring (nth 2 mul-oper) 0 1)
+ (substring (nth 2 add-oper) 0 1))
+ (nconc (list 'calcFunc-inner
+ (math-calcFunc-to-var (nth 1 mul-oper))
+ (math-calcFunc-to-var (nth 1 add-oper)))
+ (calc-top-list-n
+ 2 (+ 1 mul-used calc-dollar-used))))))
+;;; Return a list of the form (nargs func name)
+(defun calc-get-operator (msg &optional nargs)
+ (setq calc-aborted-prefix nil)
+ (let ((inv nil) (hyp nil) (prefix nil) (forcenargs nil)
+ done key oper (which 0)
+ (msgs '( "(Press ? for help)"
+ "+, -, *, /, ^, %, \\, :, &, !, |, Neg"
+ "SHIFT + Abs, conJ, arG; maX, miN; Floor, Round; sQrt"
+ "SHIFT + Inv, Hyp; Sin, Cos, Tan; Exp, Ln, logB"
+ "Algebra + Simp, Esimp, Deriv, Integ, !, =, etc."
+ "Binary + And, Or, Xor, Diff; l/r/t/L/R shifts; Not, Clip"
+ "Conversions + Deg, Rad, HMS; Float; SHIFT + Fraction"
+ "Functions + Re, Im; Hypot; Mant, Expon, Scale; etc."
+ "Kombinatorics + Dfact, Lcm, Gcd, Choose; Random; etc."
+ "Time/date + newYear, Incmonth, etc."
+ "Vectors + Length, Row, Col, Diag, Mask, etc."
+ "_ = mapr/reducea, : = mapc/reduced, = = reducer"
+ "X or Z = any function by name; ' = alg entry; $ = stack")))
+ (while (not done)
+ (message "%s%s: %s: %s%s%s"
+ msg
+ (cond ((equal calc-mapping-dir "r") " rows")
+ ((equal calc-mapping-dir "c") " columns")
+ ((equal calc-mapping-dir "a") " across")
+ ((equal calc-mapping-dir "d") " down")
+ (t ""))
+ (if forcenargs
+ (format "(%d arg%s)"
+ forcenargs (if (= forcenargs 1) "" "s"))
+ (nth which msgs))
+ (if inv "Inv " "") (if hyp "Hyp " "")
+ (if prefix (concat (char-to-string prefix) "-") ""))
+ (setq key (read-char))
+ (if (>= key 128) (setq key (- key 128)))
+ (cond ((memq key '(?\C-g ?q))
+ (keyboard-quit))
+ ((memq key '(?\C-u ?\e)))
+ ((= key ??)
+ (setq which (% (1+ which) (length msgs))))
+ ((and (= key ?I) (null prefix))
+ (setq inv (not inv)))
+ ((and (= key ?H) (null prefix))
+ (setq hyp (not hyp)))
+ ((and (eq key prefix) (not (eq key ?v)))
+ (setq prefix nil))
+ ((and (memq key '(?a ?b ?c ?f ?k ?s ?t ?u ?v ?V))
+ (null prefix))
+ (setq prefix (downcase key)))
+ ((and (eq key ?\=) (null prefix))
+ (if calc-mapping-dir
+ (setq calc-mapping-dir (if (equal calc-mapping-dir "r")
+ "" "r"))
+ (beep)))
+ ((and (eq key ?\_) (null prefix))
+ (if calc-mapping-dir
+ (if (string-match "map$" msg)
+ (setq calc-mapping-dir (if (equal calc-mapping-dir "r")
+ "" "r"))
+ (setq calc-mapping-dir (if (equal calc-mapping-dir "a")
+ "" "a")))
+ (beep)))
+ ((and (eq key ?\:) (null prefix))
+ (if calc-mapping-dir
+ (if (string-match "map$" msg)
+ (setq calc-mapping-dir (if (equal calc-mapping-dir "c")
+ "" "c"))
+ (setq calc-mapping-dir (if (equal calc-mapping-dir "d")
+ "" "d")))
+ (beep)))
+ ((and (>= key ?0) (<= key ?9) (null prefix))
+ (setq forcenargs (if (eq forcenargs (- key ?0)) nil (- key ?0)))
+ (and nargs forcenargs (/= nargs forcenargs) (>= nargs 0)
+ (error "Must be a %d-argument operator" nargs)))
+ ((memq key '(?\$ ?\'))
+ (let* ((arglist nil)
+ (has-args nil)
+ (record-entry nil)
+ (expr (if (eq key ?\$)
+ (progn
+ (setq calc-dollar-used 1)
+ (if calc-dollar-values
+ (car calc-dollar-values)
+ (error "Stack underflow")))
+ (let* ((calc-dollar-values calc-arg-values)
+ (calc-dollar-used 0)
+ (calc-hashes-used 0)
+ (func (calc-do-alg-entry "" "Function: ")))
+ (setq record-entry t)
+ (or (= (length func) 1)
+ (error "Bad format"))
+ (if (> calc-dollar-used 0)
+ (progn
+ (setq has-args calc-dollar-used
+ arglist (calc-invent-args has-args))
+ (math-multi-subst (car func)
+ (reverse arglist)
+ arglist))
+ (if (> calc-hashes-used 0)
+ (setq has-args calc-hashes-used
+ arglist (calc-invent-args has-args)))
+ (car func))))))
+ (if (eq (car-safe expr) 'calcFunc-lambda)
+ (setq oper (list "$" (- (length expr) 2) expr)
+ done t)
+ (or has-args
+ (progn
+ (calc-default-formula-arglist expr)
+ (setq record-entry t
+ arglist (sort arglist 'string-lessp))
+ (if calc-verify-arglist
+ (setq arglist (read-from-minibuffer
+ "Function argument list: "
+ (if arglist
+ (prin1-to-string arglist)
+ "()")
+ minibuffer-local-map
+ t)))
+ (setq arglist (mapcar (function
+ (lambda (x)
+ (list 'var
+ x
+ (intern
+ (concat
+ "var-"
+ (symbol-name x))))))
+ arglist))))
+ (setq oper (list "$"
+ (length arglist)
+ (append '(calcFunc-lambda) arglist
+ (list expr)))
+ done t))
+ (if record-entry
+ (calc-record (nth 2 oper) "oper"))))
+ ((setq oper (assq key (nth (if inv (if hyp 3 1) (if hyp 2 0))
+ (if prefix
+ (symbol-value
+ (intern (format "calc-%c-oper-keys"
+ prefix)))
+ calc-oper-keys))))
+ (if (eq (nth 1 oper) 'user)
+ (let ((func (intern
+ (completing-read "Function name: "
+ obarray 'fboundp
+ nil "calcFunc-"))))
+ (if (or forcenargs nargs)
+ (setq oper (list "z" (or forcenargs nargs) func)
+ done t)
+ (if (fboundp func)
+ (let* ((defn (symbol-function func)))
+ (and (symbolp defn)
+ (setq defn (symbol-function defn)))
+ (if (eq (car-safe defn) 'lambda)
+ (let ((args (nth 1 defn))
+ (nargs 0))
+ (while (not (memq (car args) '(&optional
+ &rest nil)))
+ (setq nargs (1+ nargs)
+ args (cdr args)))
+ (setq oper (list "z" nargs func)
+ done t))
+ (error
+ "Function is not suitable for this operation")))
+ (message "Number of arguments: ")
+ (let ((nargs (read-char)))
+ (if (and (>= nargs ?0) (<= nargs ?9))
+ (setq oper (list "z" (- nargs ?0) func)
+ done t)
+ (beep))))))
+ (if (or (and (eq prefix ?v) (memq key '(?A ?I ?M ?O ?R ?U)))
+ (and (eq prefix ?a) (eq key ?M)))
+ (let* ((dir (cond ((and (equal calc-mapping-dir "")
+ (string-match "map$" msg))
+ (setq calc-mapping-dir "r")
+ " rows")
+ ((equal calc-mapping-dir "r") " rows")
+ ((equal calc-mapping-dir "c") " columns")
+ ((equal calc-mapping-dir "a") " across")
+ ((equal calc-mapping-dir "d") " down")
+ (t "")))
+ (calc-mapping-dir (and (memq (nth 2 oper)
+ '(calcFunc-map
+ calcFunc-reduce
+ calcFunc-rreduce))
+ ""))
+ (oper2 (calc-get-operator
+ (format "%s%s, %s%s" msg dir
+ (substring (symbol-name (nth 2 oper))
+ 9)
+ (if (eq key ?I) " (mult)" ""))
+ (cdr (assq (nth 2 oper)
+ '((calcFunc-reduce . 2)
+ (calcFunc-rreduce . 2)
+ (calcFunc-accum . 2)
+ (calcFunc-raccum . 2)
+ (calcFunc-nest . 2)
+ (calcFunc-anest . 2)
+ (calcFunc-fixp . 2)
+ (calcFunc-afixp . 2))))))
+ (oper3 (if (eq (nth 2 oper) 'calcFunc-inner)
+ (calc-get-operator
+ (format "%s%s, inner (add)" msg dir
+ (substring
+ (symbol-name (nth 2 oper))
+ 9)))
+ '(0 0 0)))
+ (args nil)
+ (nargs (if (> (nth 1 oper) 0)
+ (nth 1 oper)
+ (car oper2)))
+ (n nargs)
+ (p calc-arg-values))
+ (while (and p (> n 0))
+ (or (math-expr-contains (nth 1 oper2) (car p))
+ (math-expr-contains (nth 1 oper3) (car p))
+ (setq args (nconc args (list (car p)))
+ n (1- n)))
+ (setq p (cdr p)))
+ (setq oper (list "" nargs
+ (append
+ '(calcFunc-lambda)
+ args
+ (list (math-build-call
+ (intern
+ (concat
+ (symbol-name (nth 2 oper))
+ calc-mapping-dir))
+ (cons (math-calcFunc-to-var
+ (nth 1 oper2))
+ (if (eq key ?I)
+ (cons
+ (math-calcFunc-to-var
+ (nth 1 oper3))
+ args)
+ args))))))
+ done t))
+ (setq done t))))
+ (t (beep))))
+ (and nargs (>= nargs 0)
+ (/= nargs (nth 1 oper))
+ (error "Must be a %d-argument operator" nargs))
+ (append (if forcenargs
+ (cons forcenargs (cdr (cdr oper)))
+ (cdr oper))
+ (list
+ (let ((name (concat (if inv "I" "") (if hyp "H" "")
+ (if prefix (char-to-string prefix) "")
+ (char-to-string key))))
+ (if (> (length name) 3)
+ (substring name 0 3)
+ name)))))
+(setq calc-verify-arglist t)
+(setq calc-mapping-dir nil)
+(defconst calc-oper-keys '( ( ( ?+ 2 calcFunc-add )
+ ( ?- 2 calcFunc-sub )
+ ( ?* 2 calcFunc-mul )
+ ( ?/ 2 calcFunc-div )
+ ( ?^ 2 calcFunc-pow )
+ ( ?| 2 calcFunc-vconcat )
+ ( ?% 2 calcFunc-mod )
+ ( ?\\ 2 calcFunc-idiv )
+ ( ?! 1 calcFunc-fact )
+ ( ?& 1 calcFunc-inv )
+ ( ?n 1 calcFunc-neg )
+ ( ?x user )
+ ( ?z user )
+ ( ?A 1 calcFunc-abs )
+ ( ?J 1 calcFunc-conj )
+ ( ?G 1 calcFunc-arg )
+ ( ?Q 1 calcFunc-sqrt )
+ ( ?N 2 calcFunc-min )
+ ( ?X 2 calcFunc-max )
+ ( ?F 1 calcFunc-floor )
+ ( ?R 1 calcFunc-round )
+ ( ?S 1 calcFunc-sin )
+ ( ?C 1 calcFunc-cos )
+ ( ?T 1 calcFunc-tan )
+ ( ?L 1 calcFunc-ln )
+ ( ?E 1 calcFunc-exp )
+ ( ?B 2 calcFunc-log ) )
+ ( ( ?F 1 calcFunc-ceil ) ; inverse
+ ( ?R 1 calcFunc-trunc )
+ ( ?Q 1 calcFunc-sqr )
+ ( ?S 1 calcFunc-arcsin )
+ ( ?C 1 calcFunc-arccos )
+ ( ?T 1 calcFunc-arctan )
+ ( ?L 1 calcFunc-exp )
+ ( ?E 1 calcFunc-ln )
+ ( ?B 2 calcFunc-alog )
+ ( ?^ 2 calcFunc-nroot )
+ ( ?| 2 calcFunc-vconcatrev ) )
+ ( ( ?F 1 calcFunc-ffloor ) ; hyperbolic
+ ( ?R 1 calcFunc-fround )
+ ( ?S 1 calcFunc-sinh )
+ ( ?C 1 calcFunc-cosh )
+ ( ?T 1 calcFunc-tanh )
+ ( ?L 1 calcFunc-log10 )
+ ( ?E 1 calcFunc-exp10 )
+ ( ?| 2 calcFunc-append ) )
+ ( ( ?F 1 calcFunc-fceil ) ; inverse-hyperbolic
+ ( ?R 1 calcFunc-ftrunc )
+ ( ?S 1 calcFunc-arcsinh )
+ ( ?C 1 calcFunc-arccosh )
+ ( ?T 1 calcFunc-arctanh )
+ ( ?L 1 calcFunc-exp10 )
+ ( ?E 1 calcFunc-log10 )
+ ( ?| 2 calcFunc-appendrev ) )
+(defconst calc-a-oper-keys '( ( ( ?a 3 calcFunc-apart )
+ ( ?b 3 calcFunc-subst )
+ ( ?c 2 calcFunc-collect )
+ ( ?d 2 calcFunc-deriv )
+ ( ?e 1 calcFunc-esimplify )
+ ( ?f 2 calcFunc-factor )
+ ( ?g 2 calcFunc-pgcd )
+ ( ?i 2 calcFunc-integ )
+ ( ?m 2 calcFunc-match )
+ ( ?n 1 calcFunc-nrat )
+ ( ?r 2 calcFunc-rewrite )
+ ( ?s 1 calcFunc-simplify )
+ ( ?t 3 calcFunc-taylor )
+ ( ?x 1 calcFunc-expand )
+ ( ?M 2 calcFunc-mapeq )
+ ( ?N 3 calcFunc-minimize )
+ ( ?P 2 calcFunc-roots )
+ ( ?R 3 calcFunc-root )
+ ( ?S 2 calcFunc-solve )
+ ( ?T 4 calcFunc-table )
+ ( ?X 3 calcFunc-maximize )
+ ( ?= 2 calcFunc-eq )
+ ( ?\# 2 calcFunc-neq )
+ ( ?< 2 calcFunc-lt )
+ ( ?> 2 calcFunc-gt )
+ ( ?\[ 2 calcFunc-leq )
+ ( ?\] 2 calcFunc-geq )
+ ( ?{ 2 calcFunc-in )
+ ( ?! 1 calcFunc-lnot )
+ ( ?& 2 calcFunc-land )
+ ( ?\| 2 calcFunc-lor )
+ ( ?: 3 calcFunc-if )
+ ( ?. 2 calcFunc-rmeq )
+ ( ?+ 4 calcFunc-sum )
+ ( ?- 4 calcFunc-asum )
+ ( ?* 4 calcFunc-prod )
+ ( ?_ 2 calcFunc-subscr )
+ ( ?\\ 2 calcFunc-pdiv )
+ ( ?% 2 calcFunc-prem )
+ ( ?/ 2 calcFunc-pdivrem ) )
+ ( ( ?m 2 calcFunc-matchnot )
+ ( ?M 2 calcFunc-mapeqr )
+ ( ?S 2 calcFunc-finv ) )
+ ( ( ?d 2 calcFunc-tderiv )
+ ( ?f 2 calcFunc-factors )
+ ( ?M 2 calcFunc-mapeqp )
+ ( ?N 3 calcFunc-wminimize )
+ ( ?R 3 calcFunc-wroot )
+ ( ?S 2 calcFunc-fsolve )
+ ( ?X 3 calcFunc-wmaximize )
+ ( ?/ 2 calcFunc-pdivide ) )
+ ( ( ?S 2 calcFunc-ffinv ) )
+(defconst calc-b-oper-keys '( ( ( ?a 2 calcFunc-and )
+ ( ?o 2 calcFunc-or )
+ ( ?x 2 calcFunc-xor )
+ ( ?d 2 calcFunc-diff )
+ ( ?n 1 calcFunc-not )
+ ( ?c 1 calcFunc-clip )
+ ( ?l 2 calcFunc-lsh )
+ ( ?r 2 calcFunc-rsh )
+ ( ?L 2 calcFunc-ash )
+ ( ?R 2 calcFunc-rash )
+ ( ?t 2 calcFunc-rot )
+ ( ?p 1 calcFunc-vpack )
+ ( ?u 1 calcFunc-vunpack )
+ ( ?D 4 calcFunc-ddb )
+ ( ?F 3 calcFunc-fv )
+ ( ?I 1 calcFunc-irr )
+ ( ?M 3 calcFunc-pmt )
+ ( ?N 2 calcFunc-npv )
+ ( ?P 3 calcFunc-pv )
+ ( ?S 3 calcFunc-sln )
+ ( ?T 3 calcFunc-rate )
+ ( ?Y 4 calcFunc-syd )
+ ( ?\# 3 calcFunc-nper )
+ ( ?\% 2 calcFunc-relch ) )
+ ( ( ?F 3 calcFunc-fvb )
+ ( ?I 1 calcFunc-irrb )
+ ( ?M 3 calcFunc-pmtb )
+ ( ?N 2 calcFunc-npvb )
+ ( ?P 3 calcFunc-pvb )
+ ( ?T 3 calcFunc-rateb )
+ ( ?\# 3 calcFunc-nperb ) )
+ ( ( ?F 3 calcFunc-fvl )
+ ( ?M 3 calcFunc-pmtl )
+ ( ?P 3 calcFunc-pvl )
+ ( ?T 3 calcFunc-ratel )
+ ( ?\# 3 calcFunc-nperl ) )
+(defconst calc-c-oper-keys '( ( ( ?d 1 calcFunc-deg )
+ ( ?r 1 calcFunc-rad )
+ ( ?h 1 calcFunc-hms )
+ ( ?f 1 calcFunc-float )
+ ( ?F 1 calcFunc-frac ) )
+(defconst calc-f-oper-keys '( ( ( ?b 2 calcFunc-beta )
+ ( ?e 1 calcFunc-erf )
+ ( ?g 1 calcFunc-gamma )
+ ( ?h 2 calcFunc-hypot )
+ ( ?i 1 calcFunc-im )
+ ( ?j 2 calcFunc-besJ )
+ ( ?n 2 calcFunc-min )
+ ( ?r 1 calcFunc-re )
+ ( ?s 1 calcFunc-sign )
+ ( ?x 2 calcFunc-max )
+ ( ?y 2 calcFunc-besY )
+ ( ?A 1 calcFunc-abssqr )
+ ( ?B 3 calcFunc-betaI )
+ ( ?E 1 calcFunc-expm1 )
+ ( ?G 2 calcFunc-gammaP )
+ ( ?I 2 calcFunc-ilog )
+ ( ?L 1 calcFunc-lnp1 )
+ ( ?M 1 calcFunc-mant )
+ ( ?Q 1 calcFunc-isqrt )
+ ( ?S 1 calcFunc-scf )
+ ( ?T 2 calcFunc-arctan2 )
+ ( ?X 1 calcFunc-xpon )
+ ( ?\[ 2 calcFunc-decr )
+ ( ?\] 2 calcFunc-incr ) )
+ ( ( ?e 1 calcFunc-erfc )
+ ( ?E 1 calcFunc-lnp1 )
+ ( ?G 2 calcFunc-gammaQ )
+ ( ?L 1 calcFunc-expm1 ) )
+ ( ( ?B 3 calcFunc-betaB )
+ ( ?G 2 calcFunc-gammag) )
+ ( ( ?G 2 calcFunc-gammaG ) )
+(defconst calc-k-oper-keys '( ( ( ?b 1 calcFunc-bern )
+ ( ?c 2 calcFunc-choose )
+ ( ?d 1 calcFunc-dfact )
+ ( ?e 1 calcFunc-euler )
+ ( ?f 1 calcFunc-prfac )
+ ( ?g 2 calcFunc-gcd )
+ ( ?h 2 calcFunc-shuffle )
+ ( ?l 2 calcFunc-lcm )
+ ( ?m 1 calcFunc-moebius )
+ ( ?n 1 calcFunc-nextprime )
+ ( ?r 1 calcFunc-random )
+ ( ?s 2 calcFunc-stir1 )
+ ( ?t 1 calcFunc-totient )
+ ( ?B 3 calcFunc-utpb )
+ ( ?C 2 calcFunc-utpc )
+ ( ?F 3 calcFunc-utpf )
+ ( ?N 3 calcFunc-utpn )
+ ( ?P 2 calcFunc-utpp )
+ ( ?T 2 calcFunc-utpt ) )
+ ( ( ?n 1 calcFunc-prevprime )
+ ( ?B 3 calcFunc-ltpb )
+ ( ?C 2 calcFunc-ltpc )
+ ( ?F 3 calcFunc-ltpf )
+ ( ?N 3 calcFunc-ltpn )
+ ( ?P 2 calcFunc-ltpp )
+ ( ?T 2 calcFunc-ltpt ) )
+ ( ( ?b 2 calcFunc-bern )
+ ( ?c 2 calcFunc-perm )
+ ( ?e 2 calcFunc-euler )
+ ( ?s 2 calcFunc-stir2 ) )
+(defconst calc-s-oper-keys '( ( ( ?: 2 calcFunc-assign )
+ ( ?= 1 calcFunc-evalto ) )
+(defconst calc-t-oper-keys '( ( ( ?C 3 calcFunc-tzconv )
+ ( ?D 1 calcFunc-date )
+ ( ?I 2 calcFunc-incmonth )
+ ( ?J 1 calcFunc-julian )
+ ( ?M 1 calcFunc-newmonth )
+ ( ?W 1 calcFunc-newweek )
+ ( ?U 1 calcFunc-unixtime )
+ ( ?Y 1 calcFunc-newyear ) )
+(defconst calc-u-oper-keys '( ( ( ?C 2 calcFunc-vcov )
+ ( ?G 1 calcFunc-vgmean )
+ ( ?M 1 calcFunc-vmean )
+ ( ?N 1 calcFunc-vmin )
+ ( ?S 1 calcFunc-vsdev )
+ ( ?X 1 calcFunc-vmax ) )
+ ( ( ?C 2 calcFunc-vpcov )
+ ( ?M 1 calcFunc-vmeane )
+ ( ?S 1 calcFunc-vpsdev ) )
+ ( ( ?C 2 calcFunc-vcorr )
+ ( ?G 1 calcFunc-agmean )
+ ( ?M 1 calcFunc-vmedian )
+ ( ?S 1 calcFunc-vvar ) )
+ ( ( ?M 1 calcFunc-vhmean )
+ ( ?S 1 calcFunc-vpvar ) )
+(defconst calc-v-oper-keys '( ( ( ?a 2 calcFunc-arrange )
+ ( ?b 2 calcFunc-cvec )
+ ( ?c 2 calcFunc-mcol )
+ ( ?d 2 calcFunc-diag )
+ ( ?e 2 calcFunc-vexp )
+ ( ?f 2 calcFunc-find )
+ ( ?h 1 calcFunc-head )
+ ( ?k 2 calcFunc-cons )
+ ( ?l 1 calcFunc-vlen )
+ ( ?m 2 calcFunc-vmask )
+ ( ?n 1 calcFunc-rnorm )
+ ( ?p 2 calcFunc-pack )
+ ( ?r 2 calcFunc-mrow )
+ ( ?s 3 calcFunc-subvec )
+ ( ?t 1 calcFunc-trn )
+ ( ?u 1 calcFunc-unpack )
+ ( ?v 1 calcFunc-rev )
+ ( ?x 1 calcFunc-index )
+ ( ?A 1 calcFunc-apply )
+ ( ?C 1 calcFunc-cross )
+ ( ?D 1 calcFunc-det )
+ ( ?E 1 calcFunc-venum )
+ ( ?F 1 calcFunc-vfloor )
+ ( ?G 1 calcFunc-grade )
+ ( ?H 2 calcFunc-histogram )
+ ( ?I 2 calcFunc-inner )
+ ( ?L 1 calcFunc-lud )
+ ( ?M 0 calcFunc-map )
+ ( ?N 1 calcFunc-cnorm )
+ ( ?O 2 calcFunc-outer )
+ ( ?R 1 calcFunc-reduce )
+ ( ?S 1 calcFunc-sort )
+ ( ?T 1 calcFunc-tr )
+ ( ?U 1 calcFunc-accum )
+ ( ?V 2 calcFunc-vunion )
+ ( ?X 2 calcFunc-vxor )
+ ( ?- 2 calcFunc-vdiff )
+ ( ?^ 2 calcFunc-vint )
+ ( ?~ 1 calcFunc-vcompl )
+ ( ?# 1 calcFunc-vcard )
+ ( ?: 1 calcFunc-vspan )
+ ( ?+ 1 calcFunc-rdup ) )
+ ( ( ?h 1 calcFunc-tail )
+ ( ?s 3 calcFunc-rsubvec )
+ ( ?G 1 calcFunc-rgrade )
+ ( ?R 1 calcFunc-rreduce )
+ ( ?S 1 calcFunc-rsort )
+ ( ?U 1 calcFunc-raccum ) )
+ ( ( ?e 3 calcFunc-vexp )
+ ( ?h 1 calcFunc-rhead )
+ ( ?k 2 calcFunc-rcons )
+ ( ?H 3 calcFunc-histogram )
+ ( ?R 2 calcFunc-nest )
+ ( ?U 2 calcFunc-anest ) )
+ ( ( ?h 1 calcFunc-rtail )
+ ( ?R 1 calcFunc-fixp )
+ ( ?U 1 calcFunc-afixp ) )
+;;; Convert a variable name (as a formula) into a like-looking function name.
+(defun math-var-to-calcFunc (f)
+ (if (eq (car-safe f) 'var)
+ (if (fboundp (nth 2 f))
+ (nth 2 f)
+ (intern (concat "calcFunc-" (symbol-name (nth 1 f)))))
+ (if (memq (car-safe f) '(lambda calcFunc-lambda))
+ f
+ (math-reject-arg f "*Expected a function name")))
+;;; Convert a function name into a like-looking variable name formula.
+(defun math-calcFunc-to-var (f)
+ (if (symbolp f)
+ (let* ((func (or (cdr (assq f '( ( + . calcFunc-add )
+ ( - . calcFunc-sub )
+ ( * . calcFunc-mul )
+ ( / . calcFunc-div )
+ ( ^ . calcFunc-pow )
+ ( % . calcFunc-mod )
+ ( neg . calcFunc-neg )
+ ( | . calcFunc-vconcat ) )))
+ f))
+ (base (if (string-match "\\`calcFunc-\\(.+\\)\\'"
+ (symbol-name func))
+ (math-match-substring (symbol-name func) 1)
+ (symbol-name func))))
+ (list 'var
+ (intern base)
+ (intern (concat "var-" base))))
+ f)
+;;; Expand a function call using "lambda" notation.
+(defun math-build-call (f args)
+ (if (eq (car-safe f) 'calcFunc-lambda)
+ (if (= (length args) (- (length f) 2))
+ (math-multi-subst (nth (1- (length f)) f) (cdr f) args)
+ (calc-record-why "*Wrong number of arguments" f)
+ (cons 'calcFunc-call (cons (math-calcFunc-to-var f) args)))
+ (if (and (eq f 'calcFunc-neg)
+ (= (length args) 1))
+ (list 'neg (car args))
+ (let ((func (assq f '( ( calcFunc-add . + )
+ ( calcFunc-sub . - )
+ ( calcFunc-mul . * )
+ ( calcFunc-div . / )
+ ( calcFunc-pow . ^ )
+ ( calcFunc-mod . % )
+ ( calcFunc-vconcat . | ) ))))
+ (if (and func (= (length args) 2))
+ (cons (cdr func) args)
+ (cons f args)))))
+;;; Do substitutions in parallel to avoid crosstalk.
+(defun math-multi-subst (expr olds news)
+ (let ((args nil)
+ temp)
+ (while (and olds news)
+ (setq args (cons (cons (car olds) (car news)) args)
+ olds (cdr olds)
+ news (cdr news)))
+ (math-multi-subst-rec expr))
+(defun math-multi-subst-rec (expr)
+ (cond ((setq temp (assoc expr args)) (cdr temp))
+ ((Math-primp expr) expr)
+ ((and (eq (car expr) 'calcFunc-lambda) (> (length expr) 2))
+ (let ((new (list (car expr)))
+ (args args))
+ (while (cdr (setq expr (cdr expr)))
+ (setq new (cons (car expr) new))
+ (if (assoc (car expr) args)
+ (setq args (cons (cons (car expr) (car expr)) args))))
+ (nreverse (cons (math-multi-subst-rec (car expr)) new))))
+ (t
+ (cons (car expr)
+ (mapcar 'math-multi-subst-rec (cdr expr)))))
+(defun calcFunc-call (f &rest args)
+ (setq args (math-build-call (math-var-to-calcFunc f) args))
+ (if (eq (car-safe args) 'calcFunc-call)
+ args
+ (math-normalize args))
+(defun calcFunc-apply (f args)
+ (or (Math-vectorp args)
+ (math-reject-arg args 'vectorp))
+ (apply 'calcFunc-call (cons f (cdr args)))
+;;; Map a function over a vector symbolically. [Public]
+(defun math-symb-map (f mode args)
+ (let* ((func (math-var-to-calcFunc f))
+ (nargs (length args))
+ (ptrs (vconcat args))
+ (vflags (make-vector nargs nil))
+ (heads '(vec))
+ (head nil)
+ (vec nil)
+ (i -1)
+ (math-working-step 0)
+ (math-working-step-2 nil)
+ len cols obj expr)
+ (if (eq mode 'eqn)
+ (setq mode 'elems
+ heads '(calcFunc-eq calcFunc-neq calcFunc-lt calcFunc-gt
+ calcFunc-leq calcFunc-geq))
+ (while (and (< (setq i (1+ i)) nargs)
+ (not (math-matrixp (aref ptrs i)))))
+ (if (< i nargs)
+ (if (eq mode 'elems)
+ (setq func (list 'lambda '(&rest x)
+ (list 'math-symb-map
+ (list 'quote f) '(quote elems) 'x))
+ mode 'rows)
+ (if (eq mode 'cols)
+ (while (< i nargs)
+ (if (math-matrixp (aref ptrs i))
+ (aset ptrs i (math-transpose (aref ptrs i))))
+ (setq i (1+ i)))))
+ (setq mode 'elems))
+ (setq i -1))
+ (while (< (setq i (1+ i)) nargs)
+ (setq obj (aref ptrs i))
+ (if (and (memq (car-safe obj) heads)
+ (or (eq mode 'elems)
+ (math-matrixp obj)))
+ (progn
+ (aset vflags i t)
+ (if head
+ (if (cdr heads)
+ (setq head (nth
+ (aref (aref [ [0 1 2 3 4 5]
+ [1 1 2 3 2 3]
+ [2 2 2 1 2 1]
+ [3 3 1 3 1 3]
+ [4 2 2 1 4 1]
+ [5 3 1 3 1 5] ]
+ (- 6 (length (memq head heads))))
+ (- 6 (length (memq (car obj) heads))))
+ heads)))
+ (setq head (car obj)))
+ (if len
+ (or (= (length obj) len)
+ (math-dimension-error))
+ (setq len (length obj))))))
+ (or len
+ (if (= nargs 1)
+ (math-reject-arg (aref ptrs 0) 'vectorp)
+ (math-reject-arg nil "At least one argument must be a vector")))
+ (setq math-working-step-2 (1- len))
+ (while (> (setq len (1- len)) 0)
+ (setq expr nil
+ i -1)
+ (while (< (setq i (1+ i)) nargs)
+ (if (aref vflags i)
+ (progn
+ (aset ptrs i (cdr (aref ptrs i)))
+ (setq expr (nconc expr (list (car (aref ptrs i))))))
+ (setq expr (nconc expr (list (aref ptrs i))))))
+ (setq math-working-step (1+ math-working-step)
+ vec (cons (math-normalize (math-build-call func expr)) vec)))
+ (setq vec (cons head (nreverse vec)))
+ (if (and (eq mode 'cols) (math-matrixp vec))
+ (math-transpose vec)
+ vec))
+(defun calcFunc-map (func &rest args)
+ (math-symb-map func 'elems args)
+(defun calcFunc-mapr (func &rest args)
+ (math-symb-map func 'rows args)
+(defun calcFunc-mapc (func &rest args)
+ (math-symb-map func 'cols args)
+(defun calcFunc-mapa (func arg)
+ (if (math-matrixp arg)
+ (math-symb-map func 'elems (cdr (math-transpose arg)))
+ (math-symb-map func 'elems arg))
+(defun calcFunc-mapd (func arg)
+ (if (math-matrixp arg)
+ (math-symb-map func 'elems (cdr arg))
+ (math-symb-map func 'elems arg))
+(defun calcFunc-mapeq (func &rest args)
+ (if (and (or (equal func '(var mul var-mul))
+ (equal func '(var div var-div)))
+ (= (length args) 2))
+ (if (math-negp (car args))
+ (let ((func (nth 1 (assq (car-safe (nth 1 args))
+ calc-tweak-eqn-table))))
+ (and func (setq args (list (car args)
+ (cons func (cdr (nth 1 args)))))))
+ (if (math-negp (nth 1 args))
+ (let ((func (nth 1 (assq (car-safe (car args))
+ calc-tweak-eqn-table))))
+ (and func (setq args (list (cons func (cdr (car args)))
+ (nth 1 args))))))))
+ (if (or (and (equal func '(var div var-div))
+ (assq (car-safe (nth 1 args)) calc-tweak-eqn-table))
+ (equal func '(var neg var-neg))
+ (equal func '(var inv var-inv)))
+ (apply 'calcFunc-mapeqr func args)
+ (apply 'calcFunc-mapeqp func args))
+(defun calcFunc-mapeqr (func &rest args)
+ (setq args (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
+ (let ((func (assq (car-safe x)
+ calc-tweak-eqn-table)))
+ (if func
+ (cons (nth 1 func) (cdr x))
+ x))))
+ args))
+ (apply 'calcFunc-mapeqp func args)
+(defun calcFunc-mapeqp (func &rest args)
+ (if (or (and (memq (car-safe (car args)) '(calcFunc-lt calcFunc-leq))
+ (memq (car-safe (nth 1 args)) '(calcFunc-gt calcFunc-geq)))
+ (and (memq (car-safe (car args)) '(calcFunc-gt calcFunc-geq))
+ (memq (car-safe (nth 1 args)) '(calcFunc-lt calcFunc-leq))))
+ (setq args (cons (car args)
+ (cons (list (nth 1 (assq (car (nth 1 args))
+ calc-tweak-eqn-table))
+ (nth 2 (nth 1 args))
+ (nth 1 (nth 1 args)))
+ (cdr (cdr args))))))
+ (math-symb-map func 'eqn args)
+;;; Reduce a function over a vector symbolically. [Public]
+(defun calcFunc-reduce (func vec)
+ (if (math-matrixp vec)
+ (let (expr row)
+ (setq func (math-var-to-calcFunc func))
+ (while (setq vec (cdr vec))
+ (setq row (car vec))
+ (while (setq row (cdr row))
+ (setq expr (if expr
+ (if (Math-numberp expr)
+ (math-normalize
+ (math-build-call func (list expr (car row))))
+ (math-build-call func (list expr (car row))))
+ (car row)))))
+ (math-normalize expr))
+ (calcFunc-reducer func vec))
+(defun calcFunc-rreduce (func vec)
+ (if (math-matrixp vec)
+ (let (expr row)
+ (setq func (math-var-to-calcFunc func)
+ vec (reverse (cdr vec)))
+ (while vec
+ (setq row (reverse (cdr (car vec))))
+ (while row
+ (setq expr (if expr
+ (math-build-call func (list (car row) expr))
+ (car row))
+ row (cdr row)))
+ (setq vec (cdr vec)))
+ (math-normalize expr))
+ (calcFunc-rreducer func vec))
+(defun calcFunc-reducer (func vec)
+ (setq func (math-var-to-calcFunc func))
+ (or (math-vectorp vec)
+ (math-reject-arg vec 'vectorp))
+ (let ((expr (car (setq vec (cdr vec)))))
+ (if expr
+ (progn
+ (condition-case err
+ (and (symbolp func)
+ (let ((lfunc (or (cdr (assq func
+ '( (calcFunc-add . math-add)
+ (calcFunc-sub . math-sub)
+ (calcFunc-mul . math-mul)
+ (calcFunc-div . math-div)
+ (calcFunc-pow . math-pow)
+ (calcFunc-mod . math-mod)
+ (calcFunc-vconcat .
+ math-concat) )))
+ lfunc)))
+ (while (cdr vec)
+ (setq expr (funcall lfunc expr (nth 1 vec))
+ vec (cdr vec)))))
+ (error nil))
+ (while (setq vec (cdr vec))
+ (setq expr (math-build-call func (list expr (car vec)))))
+ (math-normalize expr))
+ (or (math-identity-value func)
+ (math-reject-arg vec "*Vector is empty"))))
+(defun math-identity-value (func)
+ (cdr (assq func '( (calcFunc-add . 0) (calcFunc-sub . 0)
+ (calcFunc-mul . 1) (calcFunc-div . 1)
+ (calcFunc-idiv . 1) (calcFunc-fdiv . 1)
+ (calcFunc-min . (var inf var-inf))
+ (calcFunc-max . (neg (var inf var-inf)))
+ (calcFunc-vconcat . (vec))
+ (calcFunc-append . (vec)) )))
+(defun calcFunc-rreducer (func vec)
+ (setq func (math-var-to-calcFunc func))
+ (or (math-vectorp vec)
+ (math-reject-arg vec 'vectorp))
+ (if (eq func 'calcFunc-sub) ; do this in a way that looks nicer
+ (let ((expr (car (setq vec (cdr vec)))))
+ (if expr
+ (progn
+ (while (setq vec (cdr vec))
+ (setq expr (math-build-call func (list expr (car vec)))
+ func (if (eq func 'calcFunc-sub)
+ 'calcFunc-add 'calcFunc-sub)))
+ (math-normalize expr))
+ 0))
+ (let ((expr (car (setq vec (reverse (cdr vec))))))
+ (if expr
+ (progn
+ (while (setq vec (cdr vec))
+ (setq expr (math-build-call func (list (car vec) expr))))
+ (math-normalize expr))
+ (or (math-identity-value func)
+ (math-reject-arg vec "*Vector is empty")))))
+(defun calcFunc-reducec (func vec)
+ (if (math-matrixp vec)
+ (calcFunc-reducer func (math-transpose vec))
+ (calcFunc-reducer func vec))
+(defun calcFunc-rreducec (func vec)
+ (if (math-matrixp vec)
+ (calcFunc-rreducer func (math-transpose vec))
+ (calcFunc-rreducer func vec))
+(defun calcFunc-reducea (func vec)
+ (if (math-matrixp vec)
+ (cons 'vec
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (calcFunc-reducer func x)))
+ (cdr vec)))
+ (calcFunc-reducer func vec))
+(defun calcFunc-rreducea (func vec)
+ (if (math-matrixp vec)
+ (cons 'vec
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (calcFunc-rreducer func x)))
+ (cdr vec)))
+ (calcFunc-rreducer func vec))
+(defun calcFunc-reduced (func vec)
+ (if (math-matrixp vec)
+ (cons 'vec
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (calcFunc-reducer func x)))
+ (cdr (math-transpose vec))))
+ (calcFunc-reducer func vec))
+(defun calcFunc-rreduced (func vec)
+ (if (math-matrixp vec)
+ (cons 'vec
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (calcFunc-rreducer func x)))
+ (cdr (math-transpose vec))))
+ (calcFunc-rreducer func vec))
+(defun calcFunc-accum (func vec)
+ (setq func (math-var-to-calcFunc func))
+ (or (math-vectorp vec)
+ (math-reject-arg vec 'vectorp))
+ (let* ((expr (car (setq vec (cdr vec))))
+ (res (list 'vec expr)))
+ (or expr
+ (math-reject-arg vec "*Vector is empty"))
+ (while (setq vec (cdr vec))
+ (setq expr (math-build-call func (list expr (car vec)))
+ res (nconc res (list expr))))
+ (math-normalize res))
+(defun calcFunc-raccum (func vec)
+ (setq func (math-var-to-calcFunc func))
+ (or (math-vectorp vec)
+ (math-reject-arg vec 'vectorp))
+ (let* ((expr (car (setq vec (reverse (cdr vec)))))
+ (res (list expr)))
+ (or expr
+ (math-reject-arg vec "*Vector is empty"))
+ (while (setq vec (cdr vec))
+ (setq expr (math-build-call func (list (car vec) expr))
+ res (cons (list expr) res)))
+ (math-normalize (cons 'vec res)))
+(defun math-nest-calls (func base iters accum tol)
+ (or (symbolp tol)
+ (if (math-realp tol)
+ (or (math-numberp base) (math-reject-arg base 'numberp))
+ (math-reject-arg tol 'realp)))
+ (setq func (math-var-to-calcFunc func))
+ (or (null iters)
+ (if (equal iters '(var inf var-inf))
+ (setq iters nil)
+ (progn
+ (if (math-messy-integerp iters)
+ (setq iters (math-trunc iters)))
+ (or (integerp iters) (math-reject-arg iters 'fixnump))
+ (or (not tol) (natnump iters) (math-reject-arg iters 'fixnatnump))
+ (if (< iters 0)
+ (let* ((dummy '(var DummyArg var-DummyArg))
+ (dummy2 '(var DummyArg2 var-DummyArg2))
+ (finv (math-solve-for (math-build-call func (list dummy2))
+ dummy dummy2 nil)))
+ (or finv (math-reject-arg nil "*Unable to find an inverse"))
+ (if (and (= (length finv) 2)
+ (equal (nth 1 finv) dummy))
+ (setq func (car finv))
+ (setq func (list 'calcFunc-lambda dummy finv)))
+ (setq iters (- iters)))))))
+ (math-with-extra-prec 1
+ (let ((value base)
+ (ovalue nil)
+ (avalues (list base))
+ (math-working-step 0)
+ (math-working-step-2 iters))
+ (while (and (or (null iters)
+ (>= (setq iters (1- iters)) 0))
+ (or (null tol)
+ (null ovalue)
+ (if (eq tol t)
+ (not (if (and (Math-numberp value)
+ (Math-numberp ovalue))
+ (math-nearly-equal value ovalue)
+ (Math-equal value ovalue)))
+ (if (math-numberp value)
+ (Math-lessp tol (math-abs (math-sub value ovalue)))
+ (math-reject-arg value 'numberp)))))
+ (setq ovalue value
+ math-working-step (1+ math-working-step)
+ value (math-normalize (math-build-call func (list value))))
+ (if accum
+ (setq avalues (cons value avalues))))
+ (if accum
+ (cons 'vec (nreverse avalues))
+ value)))
+(defun calcFunc-nest (func base iters)
+ (math-nest-calls func base iters nil nil)
+(defun calcFunc-anest (func base iters)
+ (math-nest-calls func base iters t nil)
+(defun calcFunc-fixp (func base &optional iters tol)
+ (math-nest-calls func base iters nil (or tol t))
+(defun calcFunc-afixp (func base &optional iters tol)
+ (math-nest-calls func base iters t (or tol t))
+(defun calcFunc-outer (func a b)
+ (or (math-vectorp a) (math-reject-arg a 'vectorp))
+ (or (math-vectorp b) (math-reject-arg b 'vectorp))
+ (setq func (math-var-to-calcFunc func))
+ (let ((mat nil))
+ (while (setq a (cdr a))
+ (setq mat (cons (cons 'vec
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
+ (math-build-call func
+ (list (car a)
+ x))))
+ (cdr b)))
+ mat)))
+ (math-normalize (cons 'vec (nreverse mat))))
+(defun calcFunc-inner (mul-func add-func a b)
+ (or (math-vectorp a) (math-reject-arg a 'vectorp))
+ (or (math-vectorp b) (math-reject-arg b 'vectorp))
+ (if (math-matrixp a)
+ (if (math-matrixp b)
+ (if (= (length (nth 1 a)) (length b))
+ (math-inner-mats a b)
+ (math-dimension-error))
+ (if (= (length (nth 1 a)) 2)
+ (if (= (length a) (length b))
+ (math-inner-mats a (list 'vec b))
+ (math-dimension-error))
+ (if (= (length (nth 1 a)) (length b))
+ (math-mat-col (math-inner-mats a (math-col-matrix b))
+ 1)
+ (math-dimension-error))))
+ (if (math-matrixp b)
+ (nth 1 (math-inner-mats (list 'vec a) b))
+ (calcFunc-reduce add-func (calcFunc-map mul-func a b))))
+(defun math-inner-mats (a b)
+ (let ((mat nil)
+ (cols (length (nth 1 b)))
+ row col ap bp accum)
+ (while (setq a (cdr a))
+ (setq col cols
+ row nil)
+ (while (> (setq col (1- col)) 0)
+ (setq row (cons (calcFunc-reduce add-func
+ (calcFunc-map mul-func
+ (car a)
+ (math-mat-col b col)))
+ row)))
+ (setq mat (cons (cons 'vec row) mat)))
+ (cons 'vec (nreverse mat)))