path: root/lisp/shadowfile.el
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authorRichard M. Stallman <[email protected]>1993-11-23 07:00:40 +0000
committerRichard M. Stallman <[email protected]>1993-11-23 07:00:40 +0000
commitbb5d4e1a381cbf632b05f6fc5b2415d70ec9c68e (patch)
treee073990330d2505c3614ec49f28d9645ed6124c1 /lisp/shadowfile.el
parentacb93e31f5a88e2461b1fa283bd341b4f66d599b (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/shadowfile.el')
1 files changed, 830 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/shadowfile.el b/lisp/shadowfile.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..197e51b379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/shadowfile.el
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+;;; shadowfile.el -- automatic file copying for Emacs 19
+;;; Author: Boris Goldowsky <[email protected]>
+;;; Keywords: comm
+;;; Copyright (c) 1993 Free Software Foundation
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;;; any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; A copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained from this
+;;; program's author or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675
+;;; Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;;; LCD Archive Entry:
+;;; shadowfile|Boris Goldowsky|[email protected]|
+;;; Helps you keep identical copies of files in multiple places.|
+;;; $Date: 93/11/17 08:46:07 $ |$Revision: 2.8 $|~/misc/shadowfile.el.Z|
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; This package helps you to keep identical copies of files in more than one
+;;; place - possibly on different machines. When you save a file, it checks
+;;; whether it is on the list of files with "shadows", and if so, it tries to
+;;; copy it when you exit emacs (or use the shadow-copy-files command).
+;;; Installation & Use:
+;;; Put (require 'shadowfile) in your .emacs; add clusters (if necessary)
+;;; and file groups with shadow-define-cluster, shadow-define-literal-group,
+;;; and shadow-define-regexp-group (see the documentation for these functions
+;;; for information on how and when to use them). After doing this once,
+;;; everything should be automatic.
+;;; The lists of clusters and shadows are saved in a file called
+;;; .shadows, so that they can be remembered from one emacs session to
+;;; another, even (as much as possible) if the emacs session terminates
+;;; abnormally. The files needing to be copied are stored in .shadow_todo; if
+;;; a file cannot be copied for any reason, it will stay on the list to be
+;;; tried again next time. The .shadows file should itself have shadows on
+;;; all your accounts so that the information in it is consistent everywhere,
+;;; but .shadow_todo is local information and should have no shadows.
+;;; If you do not want to copy a particular file, you can answer "no"
+;;; and be asked again next time you hit C-x 4 s or exit emacs. If you do not
+;;; want to be asked again, use shadow-cancel, and you will not be asked until
+;;; you change the file and save it again. If you do not want to shadow
+;;; that file ever again, you can edit it out of the .shadows buffer.
+;;; Anytime you edit the .shadows buffer, you must type M-x shadow-read-files
+;;; to load in the new information, or your changes will be overwritten!
+;;; Bugs & Warnings:
+;;; - It is bad to have two emacses both running shadowfile at the same
+;;; time. It tries to detect this condition, but is not always successful.
+;;; - You have to be careful not to edit a file in two locations
+;;; before shadowfile has had a chance to copy it; otherwise
+;;; "updating shadows" will overwrite one of the changed versions.
+;;; - It ought to check modification times of both files to make sure
+;;; it is doing the right thing. This will have to wait until
+;;; file-newer-than-file-p works between machines.
+;;; - It will not make directories for you, it just fails to copy files
+;;; that belong in non-existent directories.
+;;; Please report any bugs to me ([email protected]). Also let me know
+;;; if you have suggestions or would like to be informed of updates.
+;;; Code:
+(provide 'shadowfile)
+(require 'ange-ftp)
+(setq find-file-visit-truename t) ; makes life easier with symbolic links
+;;; Variables
+(defvar shadow-noquery nil
+ "*If nonnil, always copy shadow files without asking.")
+(defvar shadow-inhibit-message nil
+ "*If nonnil, do not display a message when a file needs copying.")
+(defvar shadow-inhibit-overload nil
+ "If nonnil, shadowfile won't redefine C-x C-c.
+Normally it overloads the function `save-buffers-kill-emacs' to check
+for files have been changed and need to be copied to other systems.")
+(defvar shadow-info-file nil
+ "File to keep shadow information in.
+The shadow-info-file should be shadowed to all your accounts to
+ensure consistency. Default: ~/.shadows")
+(defvar shadow-todo-file nil
+ "File to store the list of uncopied shadows in.
+This means that if a remote system is down, or for any reason you cannot or
+decide not to copy your shadow files at the end of one emacs session, it will
+remember and ask you again in your next emacs session.
+This file must NOT be shadowed to any other system, it is host-specific.
+Default: ~/.shadow_todo")
+;;; The following two variables should in most cases initialize themselves
+;;; correctly. They are provided as variables in case the defaults are wrong
+;;; on your machine \(and for efficiency).
+(defvar shadow-system-name (system-name)
+ "The complete hostname of this machine.")
+(defvar shadow-homedir nil
+ "Your home directory on this machine.")
+;;; Internal variables whose values are stored in the info and todo files:
+(defvar shadow-clusters nil
+ "List of host clusters \(see shadow-define-cluster).")
+(defvar shadow-literal-groups nil
+ "List of files that are shared between hosts.
+This list contains shadow structures with literal filenames, created by
+(defvar shadow-regexp-groups nil
+ "List of file types that are shared between hosts.
+This list contains shadow structures with regexps matching filenames,
+created by shadow-define-regexp-group.")
+;;; Other internal variables:
+(defvar shadow-files-to-copy nil) ; List of files that need to
+ ; be copied to remote hosts.
+(defvar shadow-hashtable nil) ; for speed
+(defvar shadow-info-buffer nil) ; buf visiting shadow-info-file
+(defvar shadow-todo-buffer nil) ; buf visiting shadow-todo-file
+;;; Syntactic sugar; General list and string manipulation
+(defmacro shadow-when (condition &rest body)
+ ;; From cl.el
+ "(shadow-when CONDITION . BODY) => evaluate BODY if CONDITION is true."
+ (` (if (not (, condition)) () (,@ body))))
+(defun shadow-union (a b)
+ "Add members of list A to list B
+if they are not equal to items already in B."
+ (if (null a)
+ b
+ (if (member (car a) b)
+ (shadow-union (cdr a) b)
+ (shadow-union (cdr a) (cons (car a) b)))))
+(defun shadow-find (func list)
+ "If FUNC applied to some element of LIST is nonnil,
+return the first such element."
+ (while (and list (not (funcall func (car list))))
+ (setq list (cdr list)))
+ (car list))
+(defun shadow-remove-if (func list)
+ "Remove elements satisfying FUNC from LIST.
+Nondestructive; actually returns a copy of the list with the elements removed."
+ (if list
+ (if (funcall func (car list))
+ (shadow-remove-if func (cdr list))
+ (cons (car list) (shadow-remove-if func (cdr list))))
+ nil))
+(defun shadow-join (strings sep)
+ "Concatenate elements of the list of STRINGS with SEP between each."
+ (cond ((null strings) "")
+ ((null (cdr strings)) (car strings))
+ ((concat (car strings) " " (shadow-join (cdr strings) sep)))))
+(defun shadow-regexp-superquote (string)
+ "Like regexp-quote, but includes the ^ and $
+to make sure regexp matches nothing but STRING."
+ (concat "^" (regexp-quote string) "$"))
+(defun shadow-suffix (prefix string)
+ "If PREFIX begins STRING, return the rest.
+Return value is nonnil if PREFIX and STRING are string= up to the length of
+ (let ((lp (length prefix))
+ (ls (length string)))
+ (if (and (>= ls lp)
+ (string= prefix (substring string 0 lp)))
+ (substring string lp))))
+;;; Clusters and sites
+;;; I use the term `site' to refer to a string which may be the name of a
+;;; cluster or a literal hostname. All user-level commands should accept
+;;; either.
+(defun shadow-make-cluster (name primary regexp)
+ "Creates a shadow cluster
+called NAME, using the PRIMARY hostname, REGEXP matching all hosts in the
+cluster. The variable shadow-clusters associates the names of clusters to
+these structures.
+ This function is for program use: to create clusters interactively, use
+shadow-define-cluster instead."
+ (list name primary regexp))
+(defmacro shadow-cluster-name (cluster)
+ "Return the name of the CLUSTER."
+ (list 'elt cluster 0))
+(defmacro shadow-cluster-primary (cluster)
+ "Return the primary hostname of a CLUSTER."
+ (list 'elt cluster 1))
+(defmacro shadow-cluster-regexp (cluster)
+ "Return the regexp matching hosts in a CLUSTER."
+ (list 'elt cluster 2))
+(defun shadow-set-cluster (name primary regexp)
+ "Put cluster NAME on the list of clusters,
+replacing old definition if any. PRIMARY and REGEXP are the
+information defining the cluster. For interactive use, call
+shadow-define-cluster instead."
+ (let ((rest (shadow-remove-if
+ (function (lambda (x) (equal name (car x))))
+ shadow-clusters)))
+ (setq shadow-clusters
+ (cons (shadow-make-cluster name primary regexp)
+ rest))))
+(defmacro shadow-get-cluster (name)
+ "Return cluster named NAME, or nil."
+ (list 'assoc name 'shadow-clusters))
+(defun shadow-site-primary (site)
+ "If SITE is a cluster, return primary host, otherwise return SITE."
+ (let ((c (shadow-get-cluster site)))
+ (if c
+ (shadow-cluster-primary c)
+ site)))
+;;; SITES
+(defun shadow-site-cluster (site)
+ "Given a SITE \(hostname or cluster name), return the cluster
+that it is in, or nil."
+ (or (assoc site shadow-clusters)
+ (shadow-find
+ (function (lambda (x)
+ (string-match (shadow-cluster-regexp x)
+ site)))
+ shadow-clusters)))
+(defun shadow-read-site ()
+ "Read a cluster name or hostname from the minibuffer."
+ (let ((ans (completing-read "Host or cluster name [RET when done]: "
+ shadow-clusters)))
+ (if (equal "" ans)
+ nil
+ ans)))
+(defun shadow-site-match (site1 site2)
+ "Nonnil iff SITE1 is or includes SITE2.
+Each may be a host or cluster name; if they are clusters, regexp of site1 will
+be matched against the primary of site2."
+ (or (string-equal site1 site2) ; quick check
+ (let* ((cluster1 (shadow-get-cluster site1))
+ (primary2 (shadow-site-primary site2)))
+ (if cluster1
+ (string-match (shadow-cluster-regexp cluster1) primary2)
+ (string-equal site1 primary2)))))
+(defun shadow-get-user (site)
+ "Returns the default username for a site."
+ (ange-ftp-get-user (shadow-site-primary site)))
+;;; Filename manipulation
+(defun shadow-parse-fullpath (fullpath)
+ "Parse PATH into \(site user path) list,
+or leave it alone if it already is one. Returns nil if the argument is not a
+full ange-ftp pathname."
+ (if (listp fullpath)
+ fullpath
+ (ange-ftp-ftp-name fullpath)))
+(defun shadow-parse-path (path)
+ "Parse any PATH into \(site user path) list.
+Argument can be a simple path, full ange-ftp path, or already a hup list."
+ (or (shadow-parse-fullpath path)
+ (list shadow-system-name
+ (user-login-name)
+ path)))
+(defsubst shadow-make-fullpath (host user path)
+ "Make an ange-ftp style fullpath out of HOST, USER (optional), and PATH.
+This is probably not as general as it ought to be."
+ (concat "/"
+ (if user (concat user "@"))
+ host ":"
+ path))
+(defun shadow-replace-path-component (fullpath newpath)
+ "Return FULLPATH with the pathname component changed to NEWPATH."
+ (let ((hup (shadow-parse-fullpath fullpath)))
+ (shadow-make-fullpath (nth 0 hup) (nth 1 hup) newpath)))
+(defun shadow-local-file (file)
+ "If FILENAME is at this site,
+remove /user@host part. If refers to a different system or a different user on
+this system, return nil."
+ (let ((hup (shadow-parse-fullpath file)))
+ (cond ((null hup) file)
+ ((and (shadow-site-match (nth 0 hup) shadow-system-name)
+ (string-equal (nth 1 hup) (user-login-name)))
+ (nth 2 hup))
+ (t nil))))
+(defun shadow-expand-cluster-in-file-name (file)
+ "If hostname part of FILE is a cluster, expand it
+into the cluster's primary hostname. Will return the pathname bare if it is
+a local file."
+ (let ((hup (shadow-parse-path file))
+ cluster)
+ (cond ((null hup) file)
+ ((shadow-local-file hup))
+ ((shadow-make-fullpath (shadow-site-primary (nth 0 hup))
+ (nth 1 hup)
+ (nth 2 hup))))))
+(defun shadow-expand-file-name (file &optional default)
+ "Expand file name and get file's true name."
+ (file-truename (expand-file-name file default)))
+(defun shadow-contract-file-name (file)
+ "Simplify FILENAME
+by replacing (when possible) home directory with ~, and hostname with cluster
+name that includes it. Filename should be absolute and true."
+ (let* ((hup (shadow-parse-path file))
+ (homedir (if (shadow-local-file hup)
+ shadow-homedir
+ (file-name-as-directory
+ (nth 2 (shadow-parse-fullpath
+ (expand-file-name
+ (shadow-make-fullpath
+ (nth 0 hup) (nth 1 hup) "~")))))))
+ (suffix (shadow-suffix homedir (nth 2 hup)))
+ (cluster (shadow-site-cluster (nth 0 hup))))
+ (shadow-make-fullpath
+ (if cluster
+ (shadow-cluster-name cluster)
+ (nth 0 hup))
+ (nth 1 hup)
+ (if suffix
+ (concat "~/" suffix)
+ (nth 2 hup)))))
+(defun shadow-same-site (pattern file)
+ "True if the site of PATTERN and of FILE are on the same site.
+If usernames are supplied, they must also match exactly. PATTERN and FILE may
+be lists of host, user, path, or ange-ftp pathnames. FILE may also be just a
+local filename."
+ (let ((pattern-sup (shadow-parse-fullpath pattern))
+ (file-sup (shadow-parse-path file)))
+ (and
+ (shadow-site-match (nth 0 pattern-sup) (nth 0 file-sup))
+ (or (null (nth 1 pattern-sup))
+ (string-equal (nth 1 pattern-sup) (nth 1 file-sup))))))
+(defun shadow-file-match (pattern file &optional regexp)
+ "Returns t if PATTERN matches FILE.
+If REGEXP is supplied and nonnil, the pathname part of the pattern is a regular
+expression, otherwise it must match exactly. The sites and usernames must
+match---see shadow-same-site. The pattern must be in full ange-ftp format, but
+the file can be any valid filename. This function does not do any filename
+expansion or contraction, you must do that yourself first."
+ (let* ((pattern-sup (shadow-parse-fullpath pattern))
+ (file-sup (shadow-parse-path file)))
+ (and (shadow-same-site pattern-sup file-sup)
+ (if regexp
+ (string-match (nth 2 pattern-sup) (nth 2 file-sup))
+ (string-equal (nth 2 pattern-sup) (nth 2 file-sup))))))
+;;; User-level Commands
+(defun shadow-define-cluster (name)
+ "Edit \(or create) the definition of a cluster.
+This is a group of hosts that share directories, so that copying to or from
+one of them is sufficient to update the file on all of them. Clusters are
+defined by a name, the network address of a primary host \(the one we copy
+files to), and a regular expression that matches the hostnames of all the sites
+in the cluster."
+ (interactive (list (completing-read "Cluster name: " shadow-clusters () ())))
+ (let* ((old (shadow-get-cluster name))
+ (primary (read-string "Primary host: "
+ (if old (shadow-cluster-primary old)
+ name)))
+ (regexp (let (try-regexp)
+ (while (not
+ (string-match
+ (setq try-regexp
+ (read-string
+ "Regexp matching all host names: "
+ (if old (shadow-cluster-regexp old)
+ (shadow-regexp-superquote primary))))
+ primary))
+ (message "Regexp doesn't include the primary host!")
+ (sit-for 2))
+ try-regexp))
+; (username (read-no-blanks-input
+; (format "Username [default: %s]: "
+; (shadow-get-user primary))
+; (if old (or (shadow-cluster-username old) "")
+; (user-login-name))))
+ )
+; (if (string-equal "" username) (setq username nil))
+ (shadow-set-cluster name primary regexp)))
+(defun shadow-define-literal-group ()
+ "Declare a single file to be shared between sites.
+It may have different filenames on each site. When this file is edited, the
+new version will be copied to each of the other locations. Sites can be
+specific hostnames, or names of clusters \(see shadow-define-cluster)."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((hup (shadow-parse-fullpath
+ (shadow-contract-file-name (buffer-file-name))))
+ (path (nth 2 hup))
+ user site group)
+ (while (setq site (shadow-read-site))
+ (setq user (read-string (format "Username [default %s]: "
+ (shadow-get-user site)))
+ path (read-string "Filename: " path))
+ (setq group (cons (shadow-make-fullpath site
+ (if (string-equal "" user)
+ (shadow-get-user site)
+ user)
+ path)
+ group)))
+ (setq shadow-literal-groups (cons group shadow-literal-groups)))
+ (shadow-write-info-file))
+(defun shadow-define-regexp-group ()
+ "Make each of a group of files be shared between hosts.
+Prompts for regular expression; files matching this are shared between a list
+of sites, which are also prompted for. The filenames must be identical on all
+hosts \(if they aren't, use shadow-define-group instead of this function).
+Each site can be either a hostname or the name of a cluster \(see
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((regexp (read-string
+ "Filename regexp: "
+ (if (buffer-file-name)
+ (shadow-regexp-superquote
+ (nth 2
+ (shadow-parse-path
+ (shadow-contract-file-name
+ (buffer-file-name))))))))
+ site sites usernames)
+ (while (setq site (shadow-read-site))
+ (setq sites (cons site sites))
+ (setq usernames
+ (cons (read-string (format "Username for %s: " site)
+ (shadow-get-user site))
+ usernames)))
+ (setq shadow-regexp-groups
+ (cons (shadow-make-group regexp sites usernames)
+ shadow-regexp-groups))
+ (shadow-write-info-file)))
+(defun shadow-shadows ()
+ ;; Mostly for debugging.
+ "Interactive function to display shadows of a buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((msg (shadow-join (mapcar (function cdr)
+ (shadow-shadows-of (buffer-file-name)))
+ " ")))
+ (message (if (zerop (length msg))
+ "No shadows."
+ msg))))
+(defun shadow-copy-files (&optional arg)
+ "Copy all pending shadow files.
+With prefix argument, copy all pending files without query.
+Pending copies are stored in variable shadow-files-to-copy, and in
+shadow-todo-file if necessary. This function is invoked by
+shadow-save-buffers-kill-emacs, so it is not usually necessary to
+call it manually."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (and (not shadow-files-to-copy) (interactive-p))
+ (message "No files need to be shadowed.")
+ (save-excursion
+ (map-y-or-n-p (function
+ (lambda (pair)
+ (or arg
+ (format "Copy shadow file %s? " (cdr pair)))))
+ (function shadow-copy-file)
+ shadow-files-to-copy
+ '("shadow" "shadows" "copy"))
+ (shadow-write-todo-file t))))
+(defun shadow-cancel ()
+ "Cancel the instruction to copy some files.
+Prompts for which copy operations to cancel. You will not be asked to copy
+them again, unless you make more changes to the files. To cancel a shadow
+permanently, remove the group from shadow-literal-groups or
+ (interactive)
+ (map-y-or-n-p (function (lambda (pair)
+ (format "Cancel copying %s to %s? "
+ (car pair) (cdr pair))))
+ (function (lambda (pair)
+ (shadow-remove-from-todo pair)))
+ shadow-files-to-copy
+ '("shadow" "shadows" "cancel copy"))
+ (message (format "There are %d shadows to be updated."
+ (length shadow-files-to-copy)))
+ (shadow-write-todo-file))
+;;; Internal functions
+(defun shadow-make-group (regexp sites usernames)
+ "Makes a description of a file group---
+actually a list of regexp ange-ftp file names---from REGEXP \(name of file to
+be shadowed), list of SITES, and corresponding list of USERNAMES for each
+ (if sites
+ (cons (shadow-make-fullpath (car sites) (car usernames) regexp)
+ (shadow-make-group regexp (cdr sites) (cdr usernames)))
+ nil))
+(defun shadow-copy-file (s)
+ "Copy one shadow file."
+ (let* ((buffer
+ (cond ((get-file-buffer (car s)))
+ ((not (file-readable-p (car s)))
+ (if (y-or-n-p
+ (format "Cannot find file %s--cancel copy request?"
+ (car s)))
+ (shadow-remove-from-todo s))
+ nil)
+ ((y-or-n-p
+ (format "No buffer for %s -- update shadow anyway?"
+ (car s)))
+ (find-file-noselect (car s)))))
+ (to (shadow-expand-cluster-in-file-name (cdr s))))
+ (shadow-when buffer
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (condition-case i
+ (progn
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max) to)
+ (shadow-remove-from-todo s))
+ (error (message (format "Shadow %s not updated!"
+ (cdr s)))))))))
+(defun shadow-shadows-of (file)
+ "Returns copy operations needed to update FILE.
+Filename should have clusters expanded, but otherwise can have any format.
+Return value is a list of dotted pairs like \(from . to), where from
+and to are absolute file names."
+ (or (symbol-value (intern-soft file shadow-hashtable))
+ (let* ((absolute-file (shadow-expand-file-name
+ (or (shadow-local-file file) file)
+ shadow-homedir))
+ (canonical-file (shadow-contract-file-name absolute-file))
+ (shadows
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (shadow)
+ (cons absolute-file shadow)))
+ (append
+ (shadow-shadows-of-1
+ canonical-file shadow-literal-groups nil)
+ (shadow-shadows-of-1
+ canonical-file shadow-regexp-groups t)))))
+ (set (intern file shadow-hashtable) shadows))))
+(defun shadow-shadows-of-1 (file groups regexp)
+ "Return list of FILE's shadows in GROUPS,
+which are considered as regular expressions if third arg REGEXP is true."
+ (if groups
+ (let ((nonmatching
+ (shadow-remove-if
+ (function (lambda (x) (shadow-file-match x file regexp)))
+ (car groups))))
+ (append (cond ((equal nonmatching (car groups)) nil)
+ (regexp
+ (let ((realpath (nth 2 (shadow-parse-fullpath file))))
+ (mapcar
+ (function
+ (lambda (x)
+ (shadow-replace-path-component x realpath)))
+ nonmatching)))
+ (t nonmatching))
+ (shadow-shadows-of-1 file (cdr groups) regexp)))))
+(defun shadow-add-to-todo ()
+ "If current buffer has shadows, add them to the list
+of files needing to be copied."
+ (let ((shadows (shadow-shadows-of
+ (shadow-expand-file-name
+ (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))))
+ (shadow-when shadows
+ (setq shadow-files-to-copy
+ (shadow-union shadows shadow-files-to-copy))
+ (shadow-when (not shadow-inhibit-message)
+ (message (substitute-command-keys
+ "Use \\[shadow-copy-files] to update shadows."))
+ (sit-for 1))
+ (shadow-write-todo-file)))
+ nil) ; Return nil for write-file-hooks
+(defun shadow-remove-from-todo (pair)
+ "Remove PAIR from shadow-files-to-copy.
+PAIR must be (eq to) one of the elements of that list."
+ (setq shadow-files-to-copy
+ (shadow-remove-if (function (lambda (s) (eq s pair)))
+ shadow-files-to-copy)))
+(defun shadow-read-files ()
+ "Visits and loads shadow-info-file and shadow-todo-file,
+thus restoring shadowfile's state from your last emacs session.
+Returns t unless files were locked; then returns nil."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (or (stringp (file-locked-p shadow-info-file))
+ (stringp (file-locked-p shadow-todo-file)))
+ (progn
+ (message "Shadowfile is running in another emacs; can't have two.")
+ (beep)
+ (sit-for 3)
+ nil)
+ (save-excursion
+ (shadow-when shadow-info-file
+ (set-buffer (setq shadow-info-buffer
+ (find-file-noselect shadow-info-file)))
+ (shadow-when (and (not (buffer-modified-p))
+ (file-newer-than-file-p (make-auto-save-file-name)
+ shadow-info-file))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (message "Data recovered from %s."
+ (car (insert-file-contents (make-auto-save-file-name))))
+ (sit-for 1))
+ (eval-current-buffer))
+ (shadow-when shadow-todo-file
+ (set-buffer (setq shadow-todo-buffer
+ (find-file-noselect shadow-todo-file)))
+ (shadow-when (and (not (buffer-modified-p))
+ (file-newer-than-file-p (make-auto-save-file-name)
+ shadow-todo-file))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (message "Data recovered from %s."
+ (car (insert-file-contents (make-auto-save-file-name))))
+ (sit-for 1))
+ (eval-current-buffer nil))
+ (shadow-invalidate-hashtable))
+ t))
+(defun shadow-write-info-file ()
+ "Write out information to shadow-info-file.
+Also clears shadow-hashtable, since when there are new shadows defined, the old
+hashtable info is invalid."
+ (shadow-invalidate-hashtable)
+ (if shadow-info-file
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (not shadow-info-buffer)
+ (setq shadow-info-buffer (find-file-noselect shadow-info-file)))
+ (set-buffer shadow-info-buffer)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (shadow-insert-var 'shadow-clusters)
+ (shadow-insert-var 'shadow-literal-groups)
+ (shadow-insert-var 'shadow-regexp-groups))))
+(defun shadow-write-todo-file (&optional save)
+ "Write out information to shadow-todo-file.
+With nonnil argument also saves the buffer."
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (not shadow-todo-buffer)
+ (setq shadow-todo-buffer (find-file-noselect shadow-todo-file)))
+ (set-buffer shadow-todo-buffer)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (shadow-insert-var 'shadow-files-to-copy)
+ (if save (shadow-save-todo-file))))
+(defun shadow-save-todo-file ()
+ (if (and shadow-todo-buffer (buffer-modified-p shadow-todo-buffer))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer shadow-todo-buffer)
+ (condition-case nil ; have to continue even in case of
+ (basic-save-buffer) ; error, otherwise kill-emacs might
+ (error ; not work!
+ (message "WARNING: Can't save shadow todo file; it is locked!")
+ (sit-for 1))))))
+(defun shadow-invalidate-hashtable ()
+ (setq shadow-hashtable (make-vector 37 0)))
+(defun shadow-insert-var (variable)
+ "Prettily insert a setq command for VARIABLE.
+which, when later evaluated, will restore it to its current setting.
+SYMBOL must be the name of a variable whose value is a list."
+ (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+ (insert (format "(setq %s" variable))
+ (cond ((consp (eval variable))
+ (insert "\n '(")
+ (prin1 (car (eval variable)))
+ (let ((rest (cdr (eval variable))))
+ (while rest
+ (insert "\n ")
+ (prin1 (car rest))
+ (setq rest (cdr rest)))
+ (insert "))\n\n")))
+ (t (insert " ")
+ (prin1 (eval variable))
+ (insert ")\n\n")))))
+(defun shadow-save-buffers-kill-emacs (&optional arg)
+ "Offer to save each buffer and copy shadows, then kill this Emacs process.
+With prefix arg, silently save all file-visiting buffers, then kill.
+Extended by shadowfile to automatically save `shadow-todo-file' and
+look for files that have been changed and need to be copied to other systems."
+ ;; This function is necessary because we need to get control and save
+ ;; the todo file /after/ saving other files, but /before/ the warning
+ ;; message about unsaved buffers (because it can get modified by the
+ ;; action of saving other buffers). `kill-emacs-hook' is no good
+ ;; because it is not called at the correct time, and also because it is
+ ;; called when the terminal is disconnected and we cannot ask whether
+ ;; to copy files.
+ (interactive "P")
+ (shadow-save-todo-file)
+ (save-some-buffers arg t)
+ (shadow-copy-files)
+ (shadow-save-todo-file)
+ (and (or (not (memq t (mapcar (function
+ (lambda (buf) (and (buffer-file-name buf)
+ (buffer-modified-p buf))))
+ (buffer-list))))
+ (yes-or-no-p "Modified buffers exist; exit anyway? "))
+ (or (not (fboundp 'process-list))
+ ;; process-list is not defined on VMS.
+ (let ((processes (process-list))
+ active)
+ (while processes
+ (and (memq (process-status (car processes)) '(run stop open))
+ (let ((val (process-kill-without-query (car processes))))
+ (process-kill-without-query (car processes) val)
+ val)
+ (setq active t))
+ (setq processes (cdr processes)))
+ (or (not active)
+ (yes-or-no-p "Active processes exist; kill them and exit anyway? "))))
+ (kill-emacs)))
+;;; Lucid Emacs compatibility (may not be complete)
+(shadow-when (not (fboundp 'file-truename))
+ (require 'symlink-fix)
+ (defun shadow-expand-file-name (file &optional default)
+ (symlink-expand-file-name file default)))
+(shadow-when (not (fboundp 'ange-ftp-ftp-name))
+ (require 'ange-ftp)
+ (defun shadow-parse-fullpath (fullpath)
+ (if (listp fullpath)
+ fullpath
+ (ange-ftp-ftp-path fullpath))))
+;;; Hook us up
+;;; File shadowing is activated at load time, unless this this file is
+;;; being preloaded, in which case it is added to after-init-hook.
+;;; Thanks to Richard Caley for this scheme.
+(defun shadow-initialize ()
+ (if (null shadow-homedir)
+ (setq shadow-homedir
+ (file-name-as-directory (shadow-expand-file-name "~"))))
+ (if (null shadow-info-file)
+ (setq shadow-info-file
+ (shadow-expand-file-name "~/.shadows")))
+ (if (null shadow-todo-file)
+ (setq shadow-todo-file
+ (shadow-expand-file-name "~/.shadow_todo")))
+ (if (not (shadow-read-files))
+ (progn
+ (message "Shadowfile information files not found - aborting")
+ (beep)
+ (sit-for 3))
+ (shadow-when (and (not shadow-inhibit-overload)
+ (not (fboundp 'shadow-orig-save-buffers-kill-emacs)))
+ (fset 'shadow-orig-save-buffers-kill-emacs
+ (symbol-function 'save-buffers-kill-emacs))
+ (fset 'save-buffers-kill-emacs
+ (symbol-function 'shadow-save-buffers-kill-emacs)))
+ (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'shadow-add-to-todo)
+ (define-key ctl-x-4-map "s" 'shadow-copy-files)))
+(if noninteractive
+ (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'shadow-initialize)
+ (shadow-initialize))
+;;;Local Variables:
+;;;eval:(put 'shadow-when 'lisp-indent-hook 1)
+;;; shadowfile.el ends here