path: root/lisp/emulation/tpu-extras.el
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authorRichard M. Stallman <[email protected]>1993-08-02 19:11:20 +0000
committerRichard M. Stallman <[email protected]>1993-08-02 19:11:20 +0000
commit522f921699daf6b03cbefdcd79597d54c1315ee6 (patch)
tree000369c8964f6bd2eae2bd63a2b4197c3fece543 /lisp/emulation/tpu-extras.el
parentef58099133e5591c06630d8064d215183eb95c8b (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/emulation/tpu-extras.el')
1 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/emulation/tpu-extras.el b/lisp/emulation/tpu-extras.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b349fb63e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/emulation/tpu-extras.el
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+;;; tpu-extras.el --- Scroll margins and free cursor mode for TPU-edt
+;; Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Rob Riepel <[email protected]>
+;; Maintainer: Rob Riepel <[email protected]>
+;; Keywords: tpu-edt
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
+;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
+;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
+;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
+;; License for full details.
+;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
+;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is
+;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
+;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
+;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
+;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
+;;; Revision: $Id: tpu-extras.el,v 3.3 1993/08/01 21:38:06 riepel Exp $
+;;; Commentary:
+;; The functions contained in this file implement scroll margins and free
+;; cursor mode. The following keys and commands are affected.
+;; key/command function scroll cursor
+;; Up-Arrow previous line x x
+;; Down-Arrow next line x x
+;; Right-Arrow next character x
+;; Left-Arrow previous character x
+;; KP0 next or previous line x
+;; KP7 next or previous page x
+;; KP8 next or previous screen x
+;; KP2 next or previous end-of-line x x
+;; Control-e current end-of-line x
+;; Control-h previous beginning-of-line x
+;; Next Scr next screen x
+;; Prev Scr previous screen x
+;; Search find a string x
+;; Replace find and replace a string x
+;; Newline insert a newline x
+;; Paragraph next or previous paragraph x
+;; Auto-Fill break lines on spaces x
+;; These functions are not part of the base TPU-edt for the following
+;; reasons:
+;; Free cursor mode is implemented with the emacs picture-mode functions.
+;; These functions support moving the cursor all over the screen, however,
+;; when the cursor is moved past the end of a line, spaces or tabs are
+;; appended to the line - even if no text is entered in that area. In
+;; order for a free cursor mode to work exactly like TPU/edt, this trailing
+;; whitespace needs to be dealt with in every function that might encounter
+;; it. Such global changes are impractical, however, free cursor mode is
+;; too valuable to abandon completely, so it has been implemented in those
+;; functions where it serves best.
+;; The implementation of scroll margins adds overhead to previously
+;; simple and often used commands. These commands are now responsible
+;; for their normal operation and part of the display function. There
+;; is a possibility that this display overhead could adversely affect the
+;; performance of TPU-edt on slower computers. In order to support the
+;; widest range of computers, scroll margin support is optional.
+;; I don't know for a fact that the overhead associated with scroll
+;; margin support is significant. If you find that it is, please send me
+;; a note describing the extent of the performance degradation. Be sure
+;; to include a description of the platform where you're running TPU-edt.
+;; Send your note to the address provided by Gold-V.
+;; Even with these differences and limitations, these functions implement
+;; important aspects of the real TPU/edt. Those who miss free cursor mode
+;; and/or scroll margins will appreciate these implementations.
+;;; Usage:
+;; To use this file, simply load it after loading TPU-edt. After that,
+;; customize TPU-edt to your tastes by setting scroll margins and/or
+;; turning on free cursor mode. Here's an example for your .emacs file.
+;; (load "tpu-edt") ; Load the base TPU-edt
+;; (load "tpu-extras") ; and the extras.
+;; (tpu-set-scroll-margins "10%" "15%") ; Set scroll margins.
+;; Once the extras are loaded, scroll margins and cursor binding can be
+;; changed with the following commands:
+;; tpu-set-scroll-margins or set scroll margins
+;; tpu-set-cursor-bound or set cursor bound
+;; tpu-set-cursor-free or set cursor free
+;; Additionally, Gold-F toggles between bound and free cursor modes.
+;; Note that switching out of free cursor mode or exiting TPU-edt while in
+;; free cursor mode strips trailing whitespace from every line in the file.
+;;; Code:
+;;; Revision Information
+(defconst tpu-extras-revision "$Revision: 3.3 $"
+ "Revision number of the TPU-edt extras.")
+;;; Customization variables
+(defconst tpu-top-scroll-margin 0
+ "*Scroll margin at the top of the screen.
+Interpreted as a percent of the current window size.")
+(defconst tpu-bottom-scroll-margin 0
+ "*Scroll margin at the bottom of the screen.
+Interpreted as a percent of the current window size.")
+(defvar tpu-backward-char-like-tpu t
+ "*If non-nil, in free cursor mode backward-char (left-arrow) works
+just like TPU/edt. Otherwise, backward-char will move to the end of
+the previous line when starting from a line beginning.")
+;;; Global variables
+(defvar tpu-cursor-free nil
+ "If non-nil, let the cursor roam free.")
+;;; Hooks -- Set cursor free in picture mode.
+;;; Clean up when writing a file from cursor free mode.
+(setq edit-picture-hook 'tpu-set-cursor-free)
+(defun tpu-write-file-hook nil
+ "Eliminate whitespace at ends of lines, if the cursor is free."
+ (if (and (buffer-modified-p) tpu-cursor-free) (picture-clean)))
+(or (memq 'tpu-write-file-hook write-file-hooks)
+ (setq write-file-hooks
+ (cons 'tpu-write-file-hook write-file-hooks)))
+;;; Utility routines for implementing scroll margins
+(defun tpu-top-check (beg lines)
+ "Enforce scroll margin at the top of screen."
+ (let ((margin (/ (* (window-height) tpu-top-scroll-margin) 100)))
+ (cond ((< beg margin) (recenter beg))
+ ((< (- beg lines) margin) (recenter margin)))))
+(defun tpu-bottom-check (beg lines)
+ "Enforce scroll margin at the bottom of screen."
+ (let* ((height (window-height))
+ (margin (+ 1 (/ (* height tpu-bottom-scroll-margin) 100)))
+ ;; subtract 1 from height because it includes mode line
+ (difference (- height margin 1)))
+ (cond ((> beg difference) (recenter beg))
+ ((> (+ beg lines) difference) (recenter (- margin))))))
+;;; Movement by character
+(defun tpu-forward-char (num)
+ "Move right ARG characters (left if ARG is negative)."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if tpu-cursor-free (picture-forward-column num) (forward-char num)))
+(defun tpu-backward-char (num)
+ "Move left ARG characters (right if ARG is negative)."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (cond ((not tpu-cursor-free)
+ (backward-char num))
+ (tpu-backward-char-like-tpu
+ (picture-backward-column num))
+ ((bolp)
+ (backward-char 1)
+ (picture-end-of-line)
+ (picture-backward-column (1- num)))
+ (t
+ (picture-backward-column num))))
+;;; Movement by line
+(defun tpu-next-line (num)
+ "Move to next line.
+Prefix argument serves as a repeat count."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((beg (tpu-current-line)))
+ (if tpu-cursor-free (or (eobp) (picture-move-down num))
+ (next-line-internal num))
+ (tpu-bottom-check beg num)
+ (setq this-command 'next-line)))
+(defun tpu-previous-line (num)
+ "Move to previous line.
+Prefix argument serves as a repeat count."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((beg (tpu-current-line)))
+ (if tpu-cursor-free (picture-move-up num) (next-line-internal (- num)))
+ (tpu-top-check beg num)
+ (setq this-command 'previous-line)))
+(defun tpu-next-beginning-of-line (num)
+ "Move to beginning of line; if at beginning, move to beginning of next line.
+Accepts a prefix argument for the number of lines to move."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((beg (tpu-current-line)))
+ (backward-char 1)
+ (forward-line (- 1 num))
+ (tpu-top-check beg num)))
+(defun tpu-next-end-of-line (num)
+ "Move to end of line; if at end, move to end of next line.
+Accepts a prefix argument for the number of lines to move."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((beg (tpu-current-line)))
+ (cond (tpu-cursor-free
+ (let ((beg (point)))
+ (if (< 1 num) (forward-line num))
+ (picture-end-of-line)
+ (if (<= (point) beg) (progn (forward-line) (picture-end-of-line)))))
+ (t
+ (forward-char)
+ (end-of-line num)))
+ (tpu-bottom-check beg num)))
+(defun tpu-previous-end-of-line (num)
+ "Move EOL upward.
+Accepts a prefix argument for the number of lines to move."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((beg (tpu-current-line)))
+ (cond (tpu-cursor-free
+ (picture-end-of-line (- 1 num)))
+ (t
+ (end-of-line (- 1 num))))
+ (tpu-top-check beg num)))
+(defun tpu-current-end-of-line nil
+ "Move point to end of current line."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((beg (point)))
+ (if tpu-cursor-free (picture-end-of-line) (end-of-line))
+ (if (= beg (point)) (message "You are already at the end of a line."))))
+(defun tpu-forward-line (num)
+ "Move to beginning of next line.
+Prefix argument serves as a repeat count."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((beg (tpu-current-line)))
+ (next-line-internal num)
+ (tpu-bottom-check beg num)
+ (beginning-of-line)))
+(defun tpu-backward-line (num)
+ "Move to beginning of previous line.
+Prefix argument serves as repeat count."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((beg (tpu-current-line)))
+ (next-line-internal (- num))
+ (tpu-top-check beg num)
+ (beginning-of-line)))
+;;; Movement by paragraph
+(defun tpu-paragraph (num)
+ "Move to the next paragraph in the current direction.
+A repeat count means move that many paragraphs."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let* ((left nil)
+ (beg (tpu-current-line))
+ (height (window-height))
+ (top-percent
+ (if (= 0 tpu-top-scroll-margin) 10 tpu-top-scroll-margin))
+ (bottom-percent
+ (if (= 0 tpu-bottom-scroll-margin) 15 tpu-bottom-scroll-margin))
+ (top-margin (/ (* height top-percent) 100))
+ (bottom-up-margin (+ 1 (/ (* height bottom-percent) 100)))
+ (bottom-margin (max beg (- height bottom-up-margin 1)))
+ (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line top-margin) (point)))
+ (bottom (save-excursion (move-to-window-line bottom-margin) (point)))
+ (far (save-excursion
+ (goto-char bottom) (forward-line (- height 2)) (point))))
+ (cond (tpu-advance
+ (tpu-next-paragraph num)
+ (cond((> (point) far)
+ (setq left (save-excursion (forward-line height)))
+ (if (= 0 left) (recenter top-margin)
+ (recenter (- left bottom-up-margin))))
+ (t
+ (and (> (point) bottom) (recenter bottom-margin)))))
+ (t
+ (tpu-previous-paragraph num)
+ (and (< (point) top) (recenter (min beg top-margin)))))))
+;;; Movement by page
+(defun tpu-page (num)
+ "Move to the next page in the current direction.
+A repeat count means move that many pages."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let* ((left nil)
+ (beg (tpu-current-line))
+ (height (window-height))
+ (top-percent
+ (if (= 0 tpu-top-scroll-margin) 10 tpu-top-scroll-margin))
+ (bottom-percent
+ (if (= 0 tpu-bottom-scroll-margin) 15 tpu-bottom-scroll-margin))
+ (top-margin (/ (* height top-percent) 100))
+ (bottom-up-margin (+ 1 (/ (* height bottom-percent) 100)))
+ (bottom-margin (max beg (- height bottom-up-margin 1)))
+ (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line top-margin) (point)))
+ (bottom (save-excursion (move-to-window-line bottom-margin) (point)))
+ (far (save-excursion
+ (goto-char bottom) (forward-line (- height 2)) (point))))
+ (cond (tpu-advance
+ (forward-page num)
+ (cond((> (point) far)
+ (setq left (save-excursion (forward-line height)))
+ (if (= 0 left) (recenter top-margin)
+ (recenter (- left bottom-up-margin))))
+ (t
+ (and (> (point) bottom) (recenter bottom-margin)))))
+ (t
+ (backward-page num)
+ (and (< (point) top) (recenter (min beg top-margin)))))))
+;;; Scrolling
+(defun tpu-scroll-window-down (num)
+ "Scroll the display down to the next section.
+A repeat count means scroll that many sections."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let* ((beg (tpu-current-line))
+ (height (1- (window-height)))
+ (lines (* num (/ (* height tpu-percent-scroll) 100))))
+ (next-line-internal (- lines))
+ (tpu-top-check beg lines)))
+(defun tpu-scroll-window-up (num)
+ "Scroll the display up to the next section.
+A repeat count means scroll that many sections."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let* ((beg (tpu-current-line))
+ (height (1- (window-height)))
+ (lines (* num (/ (* height tpu-percent-scroll) 100))))
+ (next-line-internal lines)
+ (tpu-bottom-check beg lines)))
+;;; Replace the TPU-edt internal search function
+(defun tpu-search-internal (pat &optional quiet)
+ "Search for a string or regular expression."
+ (let* ((left nil)
+ (beg (tpu-current-line))
+ (height (window-height))
+ (top-percent
+ (if (= 0 tpu-top-scroll-margin) 10 tpu-top-scroll-margin))
+ (bottom-percent
+ (if (= 0 tpu-bottom-scroll-margin) 15 tpu-bottom-scroll-margin))
+ (top-margin (/ (* height top-percent) 100))
+ (bottom-up-margin (+ 1 (/ (* height bottom-percent) 100)))
+ (bottom-margin (max beg (- height bottom-up-margin 1)))
+ (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line top-margin) (point)))
+ (bottom (save-excursion (move-to-window-line bottom-margin) (point)))
+ (far (save-excursion
+ (goto-char bottom) (forward-line (- height 2)) (point))))
+ (tpu-search-internal-core pat quiet)
+ (if searching-forward
+ (cond((> (point) far)
+ (setq left (save-excursion (forward-line height)))
+ (if (= 0 left) (recenter top-margin)
+ (recenter (- left bottom-up-margin))))
+ (t
+ (and (> (point) bottom) (recenter bottom-margin))))
+ (and (< (point) top) (recenter (min beg top-margin))))))
+;;; Replace the newline, newline-and-indent, and do-auto-fill functions
+(or (fboundp 'tpu-old-newline)
+ (fset 'tpu-old-newline (symbol-function 'newline)))
+(or (fboundp 'tpu-old-do-auto-fill)
+ (fset 'tpu-old-do-auto-fill (symbol-function 'do-auto-fill)))
+(or (fboundp 'tpu-old-newline-and-indent)
+ (fset 'tpu-old-newline-and-indent (symbol-function 'newline-and-indent)))
+(defun newline (&optional num)
+ "Insert a newline. With arg, insert that many newlines.
+In Auto Fill mode, can break the preceding line if no numeric arg.
+This is the TPU-edt version that respects the bottom scroll margin."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((beg (tpu-current-line)))
+ (or num (setq num 1))
+ (tpu-old-newline num)
+ (tpu-bottom-check beg num)))
+(defun newline-and-indent nil
+ "Insert a newline, then indent according to major mode.
+Indentation is done using the current indent-line-function.
+In programming language modes, this is the same as TAB.
+In some text modes, where TAB inserts a tab, this indents
+to the specified left-margin column. This is the TPU-edt
+version that respects the bottom scroll margin."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((beg (tpu-current-line)))
+ (tpu-old-newline-and-indent)
+ (tpu-bottom-check beg 1)))
+(defun do-auto-fill nil
+ "TPU-edt version that respects the bottom scroll margin."
+ (let ((beg (tpu-current-line)))
+ (tpu-old-do-auto-fill)
+ (tpu-bottom-check beg 1)))
+;;; Function to set scroll margins
+(defun tpu-set-scroll-margins (top bottom)
+ "Set scroll margins."
+ (interactive
+ "sEnter top scroll margin (N lines or N%% or RETURN for current value): \
+\nsEnter bottom scroll margin (N lines or N%% or RETURN for current value): ")
+ ;; set top scroll margin
+ (or (string= top "")
+ (if (string= "%" (substring top -1))
+ (setq tpu-top-scroll-margin (string-to-int top))
+ (setq tpu-top-scroll-margin
+ (/ (1- (+ (* (string-to-int top) 100) (window-height)))
+ (window-height)))))
+ ;; set bottom scroll margin
+ (or (string= bottom "")
+ (if (string= "%" (substring bottom -1))
+ (setq tpu-bottom-scroll-margin (string-to-int bottom))
+ (setq tpu-bottom-scroll-margin
+ (/ (1- (+ (* (string-to-int bottom) 100) (window-height)))
+ (window-height)))))
+ ;; report scroll margin settings if running interactively
+ (and (interactive-p)
+ (message "Scroll margins set. Top = %s%%, Bottom = %s%%"
+ tpu-top-scroll-margin tpu-bottom-scroll-margin)))
+(fset 'set\ scroll\ margins 'tpu-set-scroll-margins)
+(fset 'SET\ SCROLL\ MARGINS 'tpu-set-scroll-margins)
+;;; Functions to set cursor bound or free
+(defun tpu-set-cursor-free nil
+ "Allow the cursor to move freely about the screen."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq tpu-cursor-free t)
+ (substitute-key-definition 'tpu-set-cursor-free
+ 'tpu-set-cursor-bound
+ GOLD-map)
+ (message "The cursor will now move freely about the screen."))
+(defun tpu-set-cursor-bound nil
+ "Constrain the cursor to the flow of the text."
+ (interactive)
+ (picture-clean)
+ (setq tpu-cursor-free nil)
+ (substitute-key-definition 'tpu-set-cursor-bound
+ 'tpu-set-cursor-free
+ GOLD-map)
+ (message "The cursor is now bound to the flow of your text."))
+(fset 'set\ cursor\ bound 'tpu-set-cursor-bound)
+(fset 'SET\ CURSOR\ BOUND 'tpu-set-cursor-bound)
+(fset 'set\ cursor\ free 'tpu-set-cursor-free)
+(fset 'SET\ CURSOR\ FREE 'tpu-set-cursor-free)
+;;; Keypad Mapping
+(define-key GOLD-map "F" 'tpu-set-cursor-free) ; F
+(define-key GOLD-map "f" 'tpu-set-cursor-free) ; f
+;;; tpu-extras.el ends here