path: root/etc
diff options
authorChong Yidong <[email protected]>2008-03-12 13:36:10 +0000
committerChong Yidong <[email protected]>2008-03-12 13:36:10 +0000
commit00daea80aac01737bee26273d401694effe1e603 (patch)
treeaae985ae63b90b2a38ff4193295642fe0c19ff57 /etc
parent9cd754b33780f60c3cf06668a6a29215e9deebfe (diff)
Remove discussion of flow control.
Diffstat (limited to 'etc')
20 files changed, 0 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL b/etc/TUTORIAL
index 2e31bee81b..4345ac504e 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL
@@ -539,13 +539,6 @@ work if the system should crash.
>> Type C-x C-s, saving your copy of the tutorial.
This should show "Wrote ...TUTORIAL" at the bottom of the screen.
-NOTE: On some systems, typing C-x C-s will freeze the screen and you
-will see no further output from Emacs. This indicates that an
-operating system "feature" called "flow control" is intercepting the
-C-s and not letting it get through to Emacs. To unfreeze the screen,
-type C-q. Then see the section "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental
-Search" in the Emacs manual for advice on dealing with this "feature".
You can find an existing file, to view it or edit it. You can also
find a file which does not already exist. This is the way to create a
file with Emacs: find the file, which will start out empty, and then
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.bg b/etc/TUTORIAL.bg
index 5b299ac589..fee22980a3 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.bg
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.bg
@@ -563,15 +563,6 @@ C_- �, �� �� ����� ���������� �� � �������� ��� ������ �� �� ������.
>> �������� C-x C-s, ���������� ������ ����� �� �����������.
���� ������ �� ������ "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.bg" � ������ �� ������.
-���������: �� ����� ������� ����������� �� C-x C-s �� ������� ������ �
-��� ���� �� ������� ������ ����� �� �����. ���� �������, �� ����
-"����������" �� ������������� �������, �������� "���������� �� ������"
-(flow control), � ���������� C-s � �� �� �������� ��� �����. �� ��
-���������� ������, �������� C-q. ������ ����� �������� "���������
-��������� �� ���������� �������" (Spontaneous Entry to Incremental
-Search) � ������������� �� ����� �� ����� ��� �� �� �������� � ����
���� �� �������� ����������� ����, �� �� ���������� � �� ��
�����������. ������ ���� �� �������� ����, ����� �� ����������. ����
� ������� �� ��������� �� ���� ������� � �����: �������� �����, �����
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.cn b/etc/TUTORIAL.cn
index 8332850d97..2bdd2efeb7 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.cn
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.cn
@@ -455,12 +455,6 @@ Emacs ����ʾ�������ļ�������������ļ������������Ļ��׶˵�һ�У���һ
>> ���� C-x C-s �ѱ�����ָ�ϴ�������
�������Ļ���·�����һ����Ϣ����Wrote ...TUTORIAL.cn����
-ע�⣺��ijЩ�ն��£����� C-x C-s �ᶳ����Ļ����Ļû���κ��������ʹ�㿴
-���� Emacs ���κα仯����ԭ���Dz���ϵͳ�ġ��������ơ����������� C-s ��
-��������Ļ���� C-q ���Խ����Ļ���ᡣҪ���������⣬��ο� Emacs �ֲ�
-��ġ�Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search��һ�ڡ�Emacs �ֲ���ܻ�û
ʵ���������� Emacs �������ļ��ķ������ҵ������ڵ����ļ���ֻ���ڴ��̵�ʱ
��Emacs �Ż�������������ļ���������֮���һ�о͸��༭һ�������ļ�û
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.cs b/etc/TUTORIAL.cs
index 50342a5e1a..24149006a2 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.cs
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.cs
@@ -519,13 +519,6 @@ v p��pad� p�du syst�mu.
>> Stiskn�te C-x C-s pro ulo�en� va�� kopie tutori�lu.
M�lo by to zobrazit "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.cs" ve spodn�m ��dku obrazovky.
-POZN�MKA: Na n�kter�ch syst�mech zp�sob� stisk C-x C-s ztuhnut�
-obrazovky a nevid�te ��dn� dal�� v�stup z Emacsu. To znamen�, �e
-"vlastnost" opera�n�ho syst�mu zvan� "flow control" zachycuje C-s a
-nepropust� jej k Emacsu. Pro odtuhnut� obrazovky stiskn�te C-q. Pak
-v sekci "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search" v manu�lu Emacsu
-vyhledejte radu, jak se vypo��dat s touto "vlastnost�".
Existuj�c� soubor m��ete vyhledat, abyste jej mohli prohl��et nebo
editovat. M��ete tak� vyhledat soubor, kter� je�t� neexistuje. To je
zp�sob, jak�m lze vytvo�it soubor v Emacsu: vyhledejte soubor, kter�
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.de b/etc/TUTORIAL.de
index a2440d07be..b3d3e6eb75 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.de
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.de
@@ -677,19 +677,6 @@ verloren geht.
Die Ausgabe am unteren Bildschirmrand sollte `Wrote ...TUTORIAL.de'
-Anmerkung: Bei einigen Systemen scheint es, als ob das Ausf�hren von
-C-x C-s Emacs abst�rzen lie�e (Emacs reagiert mit keinen Meldungen
-mehr; der Bildschirm scheint eingefroren). Dieser Effekt tritt auf,
-wenn das Betriebssystem das Zeichen C-s abf�ngt (es wird f�r `flow
-control' verwendet) und nicht an Emacs weiterreicht. Um den
-Bildschirm wieder zum Leben zu erwecken, geben Sie C-q ein, und lesen
-Sie dann den Abschnitt `Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search' im
-Emacs-Handbuch, was man am besten tun kann. Das Emacs-Handbuch ist
-�brigens auch online verf�gbar mittels C-h i, und zwar im Abschnitt
-`Emacs' (unter der Voraussetzung nat�rlich, da� die Info-Dateien von
-Emacs auch installiert wurden. Wenn nicht, beschweren Sie sich bei
-Ihrem System-Administrator).
[Eine erste Abhilfe zur Umschiffung des C-s-Problems schafft die
Befehlsfolge `M-x save-buffer', welche exakt das gleiche wie C-x C-s
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.eo b/etc/TUTORIAL.eo
index 2da067ce0c..d1447badd2 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.eo
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.eo
@@ -533,14 +533,6 @@ sistemo paneos.
Emakso devas montri la mesa�on "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.eo" (Skribis
...TUTORIAL.eo) �e la fundo de la ekrano.
-NOTO: Sur iuj sistemoj, C-x C-s senmovigas la ekranon kaj vi vidos
-nenian pluan eligon de Emakso. Tio indikas ke operaciuma "trajto"
-nomata "fluregulado" (angle "flow control") interkaptis la ordonon C-s
-kaj ne lasas �in trapasi al Emakso. Por revivigi la ekranon, tajpu
-C-q. Poste rigardu la sekcion nomatan "Spontaneous Entry to
-Incremental Search" en la Emaksa manlibro por konsilo kion fari pri �i
-tiu "trajto".
Vi povas trovi ekzistantan dosieron, por vidigi a� redakti �in. Vi
anka� povas trovi dosieron kiu ankora� ne ekzistas. �i tio estas la
maniero por krei dosieron per Emakso: trovu la dosieron, komence
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.es b/etc/TUTORIAL.es
index 44929cd285..c7bd289d7f 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.es
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.es
@@ -567,14 +567,6 @@ trabajo si el sistema falla.
Esto deber�a mostrar "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.es" al final de la
-NOTA: En algunos sistemas, teclear C-x C-s dejar� inm�vil la pantalla
-y no podr� ver m�s respuesta de Emacs. Esto indica que una
-"caracter�stica" del sistema operativo llamada "control de flujo" est�
-interceptando el C-s y no permiti�ndole llegar hasta Emacs. Para
-descongelar la pantalla, teclee C-q. Luego consulte la secci�n
-"Entrada Espont�nea para B�squeda Incremental" en el manual de Emacs
-para consejos de c�mo tratar con esta "caracter�stica".
Puede encontrar un archivo existente, para verlo o editarlo. Tambi�n
puede hacerlo con un archivo que no exista. �sta es la forma de crear
un archivo en Emacs: encuentre el archivo, que comenzar� vac�o, luego
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.fr b/etc/TUTORIAL.fr
index 8ddf6279a1..5568fa6593 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.fr
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.fr
@@ -570,14 +570,6 @@ possible de travail au cas o� votre syst�me se planterait.
>> Faites C-x C-s pour sauvegarder votre copie du didacticiel.
Cela devrait �crire "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.fr" en bas de l'�cran.
-REMARQUE : Sur certains syst�mes, C-x C-s g�lera l'�cran et vous ne
-verrez plus rien se produire dans Emacs. Cela indique qu'une
-� fonctionnalit� � du syst�me d'exploitation, appel�e � contr�le de flux �,
-a intercept� le C-s et ne lui permet pas de parvenir � Emacs. Pour
-d�coincer l'�cran, faites C-q puis consultez la section � Spontaneous
-Entry to Incremental Search � dans le manuel d'Emacs pour avoir des
-avis sur la gestion de cette � fonctionnalit� �.
Vous pouvez trouver un fichier existant pour le visualiser ou
l'�diter. Vous pouvez �galement trouver un fichier qui n'existe pas
encore. C'est ainsi que l'on cr�e un fichier avec Emacs : on trouve le
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.it b/etc/TUTORIAL.it
index f45ae5aca5..5de817ac74 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.it
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.it
@@ -548,14 +548,6 @@ non perdere troppo lavoro se per caso il sistema dovesse bloccarsi.
dovrebbe mostrare il messaggio "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.it" nella parte bassa
dello schermo.
-NOTA: su alcuni sistemi il comando C-x C-s bloccher� lo schermo e poi non
-si vedr� pi� alcun altro messaggio da Emacs. Questo significa che una
-caratteristica del sistema operativo chiamata "controllo di flusso" sta
-intercettando il carattere C-s e non gli permette di arrivare fino ad
-Emacs. Per sbloccare lo schermo si pu� usare C-q. Poi si legga la
-sezione "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search" nel manuale di Emacs per
-suggerimenti su come gestire questa caratteristica del proprio sistema.
Si pu� aprire un file gi� esistente per leggerlo o modificarlo. Si pu�
anche "visitare" un file che ancora non esiste. Questo � un modo per
creare un nuovo file con Emacs: si apre il file che sar� inizialmente
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.ja b/etc/TUTORIAL.ja
index 2410b2f048..4c2d612166 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.ja
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.ja
@@ -495,14 +495,6 @@ C-_ $B$d(B C-x u $B$O?tCM0z?t$r7+$jJV$72s?t$H2r<a$7$^$9!#(B
>> C-x C-s $B$H%?%$%W$7$F$3$NF~Lg%,%$%I$N%3%T!<$r%;!<%V$7$F2<$5$$!#(B
$B2hLL:G2<CJ$K(B "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.ja" $B$HI=<($5$l$^$9!#(B
-$BCm0U!'%7%9%F%`$K$h$C$F$O(B C-x C-s $B$H%?%$%W$9$k$H2hLL$,F0$+$J$/$J$j(B
-Emacs $B$,I=<($7$h$&$H$9$k$b$N$,2?$b2hLL$K=P$J$/$J$j$^$9!#$3$l$O!"%U%m!<(B
-$B%3%s%H%m!<%k$H8F$P$l$k#O#S$N5!G=$,(B C-s $B$rB*$(!"(BEmacs $B$KEO$5$J$$$h$&$K(B
-$B$7$F$$$k$N$G$9!#$3$l$r2r=|$9$k$K$O(B C-q $B$r%?%$%W$7$^$9!#$=$l$+$i(B Emacs
-$B%^%K%e%"%k$N(B "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search ($BCN$i$L4V$K%$%s(B
-$B%/%j%a%s%?%k%5!<%A$K$J$k(B)" $B$N@a$rFI$s$G$/$@$5$$!#$3$N$d$C$+$$$J#O#S$N(B
$B%$%k$r3+$/$3$H$b$G$-$^$9!#(BEmacs $B$G?7$7$$%U%!%$%k$r:n$k$K$O<!$N$h$&$K$7(B
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.ko b/etc/TUTORIAL.ko
index 5f50e3df59..46c49a1cdd 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.ko
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.ko
@@ -499,14 +499,6 @@ C-f $(C8m7I@L(B $(C@[5?5G>n(B $(C<1EC5H(B $(CFD@O@;(B $(CC#1b(B $(C=C
>> C-x C-s$(C8&(B $(CCD<-(B $(CAvD'<-@G(B $(C:9;g:;@;(B $(C0%9+8.(B $(CGO=J=C?@(B.
$(C1W7/8i(B "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.ko"$(C6s0m(B $(CH-8i@G(B $(C9Y4Z?!(B $(C@N<b5I(B $(C0M@T4O4Y(B.
-$(C@/@G(B: $(C>n62(B $(C?n?5(B $(CC<0h?!<-4B(B C-x C-s$(C8&(B $(CD!8i(B $(CH-8i@;(B $(C5?0a=CDQ<-(B, $(C@L8F=:0!(B
-$(C>F9+(B $(CCb7B55(B $(CGOAv(B $(C>J4B(B $(C0M@;(B $(C:<(B $(C0f?l0!(B $(C@V=@4O4Y(B. $(C@L0M@:(B "$(CHe8'(B $(CA&>n(B"$(C6s0m(B
-$(C:R8.?l4B(B $(C?n?5(B $(CC<0h@G(B "$(CF/B!(B"$(C@L(B C-s$(C8&(B $(C0!7NC$<-(B $(C@L8F=:8&(B $(CEkGX(B $(C@|4^5GAv(B
-$(C>J557O(B $(CGO1b(B $(C6'9.@T4O4Y(B. C-q$(C8&(B $(C4)8#8i(B $(CH-8i@L(B $(CGXA&5K4O4Y(B. $(C1W8.0m(B $(C3*<-(B
-$(C@L8F=:(B $(C<38m<-@G(B "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search"$(C6s4B(B $(C4\?x@;(B
-$(C:88i(B $(C@L71(B "$(CF/B!(B"$(C@;(B $(C>n6;0T(B $(CCk1^GR(B $(C<v(B $(C@V4B0!?!(B $(C4kGQ(B $(CA6>p@;(B $(C@P@;(B $(C<v(B
$(C:80E3*(B $(CFmA}GO1b(B $(C@'GX(B, $(CA8@gGO4B(B $(CFD@O@;(B $(CC#@;(B $(C<v(B $(C@V=@4O4Y(B. $(C6GGQ(B $(CA8@gGOAv(B
$(C>J4B(B $(CFD@O55(B $(CC#@;(B $(C<v(B $(C@V=@4O4Y(B. $(C@L780T(B $(CGO8i(B $(C@L8F=:7N(B $(CFD@O@;(B $(C885i0T(B
$(C5K4O4Y(B: $(C:s(B $(C3;?k@87N(B $(C=C@[5G4B(B $(CFD@O@;(B $(CC#>F<-(B $(C1[?y@;(B $(C3"?l1b(B $(C=C@[GU4O4Y(B.
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.nl b/etc/TUTORIAL.nl
index 1e30b29ab4..99b2582afb 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.nl
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.nl
@@ -580,14 +580,6 @@ crasht.
goed is verschijnt "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.nl" op de onderste
-OPMERKING: Op sommige systemen gebeurt er helemaal niets als je C-x
-C-s tikt, en daarna ook niets meer. Dit komt door een eigenschap van
-de machine waarop je werkt die te maken heeft met "flow control". Met
-C-s stopt de "flow" en komt niets meer van wat je tikt bij Emacs
-terecht. Om deze situatie te herstellen, tik C-q. Lees daarna het
-hoofdstuk "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search" in het
-Emacs-handboek over hoe je moet omgaan met deze situatie.
Je kan een bestaand bestand bezoeken om het te bekijken of het te
wijzigen. Je kan ook een bestand bezoeken dat nog niet bestaat. Dit
is de manier om met Emacs een nieuw bestand te maken: bezoek het
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.pl b/etc/TUTORIAL.pl
index 7da4ca978e..e313089fee 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.pl
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.pl
@@ -563,14 +563,6 @@ za du�o w wypadku za�amania systemu.
>> Naci�nij C-x C-s, by zachowa� dla siebie kopi� samouczka. Emacs
powinien wypisa� "Wrote ...TUTORIAL" na dole ekranu.
-UWAGA: W niekt�rych systemach naci�ni�cie C-x C-s zamra�a ekran i w
-rezultacie Emacs nie mo�e pokazywa� tekstu. Oznacza to, �e sk�adowa
-systemu operacyjnego, zwana kontrol� przep�ywu (ang. flow control),
-przechwyci�a znak C-s i nie pozwoli�a mu dotrze� do Emacsa. By odzyska�
-kontrol� nad ekranem, naci�nij C-q. Dodatkowej pomocy poszukaj w
-rozdziale "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search" w podr�czniku
Odwiedzi� w celu edycji lub odczytu mo�esz plik istniej�cy ju� w
systemie. Mo�esz te� odwiedzi� plik, kt�rego jeszcze nie ma w systemie i
w�a�nie w taki spos�b tworzy si� w Emacsie nowe pliki. Gdy poleceniem
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.pt_BR b/etc/TUTORIAL.pt_BR
index e13e974211..ad475b5a8e 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.pt_BR
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.pt_BR
@@ -549,13 +549,6 @@ motivo.
>> Digite C-x C-s, salvar� a c�pia do seu tutorial.
Isso imprimir� "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.pt_BR" no fim da tela.
-NOTA: Em alguns sistemas, digitar C-x C-s travar� a tela e voc� n�o
-ver� sa�da do Emacs. Isso indica que um "recurso" do sistema operacional
-chamado "controle de fluxo" (flow control) esta interceptando o C-s e
-n�o deixando que passe pelo Emacs. Para destravar a tela, digite
-C-q. Ent�o, leia na se��o "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search" no
-manual do Emacs para uma dica de como lidar com esse "recurso".
Voc� pode encontrar um arquivo j� existente, para v�-lo ou edit�-lo. Voc�
tamb�m pode encontrar um arquivo que ainda n�o existe. Essa � a maneira
de criar um arquivo com o Emacs: encontre o arquivo, que iniciar�
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.ro b/etc/TUTORIAL.ro
index 28d607d628..d636174364 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.ro
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.ro
@@ -552,15 +552,6 @@ sistemului.
Aceasta ar trebui s� afi�eze "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.ro" la marginea de
jos a ecranului.
-OBSERVA�IE: �n unele sisteme, tastarea comenzii C-x C-s va bloca
-ecranul �i nu ve�i mai primi nici un de r�spuns din partea Emacs-ului.
-Aceasta indic� faptul c� o facilitate a sistemului de operare numit�
-"controlul fluxului" ("flow control" �n limba englez�) intercepteaz�
-C-s, nelas�ndu-l s� ajung� la Emacs. Pentru deblocarea ecranului,
-tasta�i C-q. Pute�i g�si detalii referitoare la aceast� a�a-numit�
-"facilitate" �n sec�iunea "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search"
-din manualul Emacs-ului.
Pute�i deschide un fi�ier existent, pentru a-l vedea sau edita.
Pute�i de asemenea deschide un fi�ier care nu exist�. Aceasta este
modalitatea �n care crea�i noi fi�iere cu Emacs-ul: deschide�i
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.ru b/etc/TUTORIAL.ru
index b7dd794e82..3e3bdfce8e 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.ru
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.ru
@@ -570,14 +570,6 @@ Emacs �������� ��� ������ ��� �����. ��� ����� ���������� � ������ ������
>> �������� C-x C-s, ��������� ���� ����� ��������. � ������ ������ ������
������ ��������� ������� "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.ru".
-���������: �� ��������� �������� ���� C-x C-s ����������� �����, ��� ��� ��
-�� ������� ������������ ������ Emacs`�. ����� ��������� ��������, ���
-������������ ������� ����� "�����������", ��������� "flow control",
-��������������� ��������� C-s � �� ������������ ���� ������ � Emacs'�. ���
-������ ���������� ������ ������� C-q. ���������� � ������� "Spontaneous
-Entry to Incremental Search" ����������� Emacs ����� ������ � ���, ���
-�������� � ���� "������������".
�� ������ ������� ������������ ���� ��� ��������� ��� ��������������. ��
����� ������ ������� ����, ������� ��� �� ����������. ����� ������� ��
������ ������� ���� � ������� Emacs: �������� �������������� ���� (Emacs
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.sk b/etc/TUTORIAL.sk
index 525d302f3c..2e1ba5e428 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.sk
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.sk
@@ -531,13 +531,6 @@ v pr�pade p�du syst�mu.
>> Stla�te C-x C-s pre ulo�enie Va�ej k�pie t�torialu.
Malo by to zobrazi� "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.sk" v spodnom riadku obrazovky.
-POZN�MKA: Na niektor�ch syst�moch sp�sob� stla�enie C-x C-s zatuhnutie
-obrazovky a nevid�te �iadny �al�� v�stup z Emacsu. To znamen�, �e
-"vlastnos�" opera�n�ho syst�mu nazvan� "flow control" zachyt�va C-s a
-nepust� ho k Emacsu. Pre odtuhnutie obrazovky stla�te C-q. Potom
-v sekcii "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search" v manu�le Emacsu
-vyh�adajte radu, ako sa vysporiada� s touto "vlastnos�ou".
Existuj�ci s�bor m��ete vyh�ada�, aby ste ho mohli prehliada� alebo
editova�. M��ete tie� vyh�ada� s�bor, ktor� e�te neexistuje. To je
sp�sob, ak�m sa d� vytvori� s�bor v Emacse: vyh�adajte s�bor, ktor�
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.sl b/etc/TUTORIAL.sl
index a32fc9d780..3d28de8446 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.sl
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.sl
@@ -553,14 +553,6 @@ izgubite veliko.
u�benika. Emacs bo v vrstici na dnu zaslona izpisal ,,Wrote
-Opozorilo: na nekaterih sistemih bo ukaz C-x C-s zamrznil zaslon, in
-tako ne boste videli, da Emacs �e kaj izpi�e. To je znak, da je
-operacijski sistem prestregel znak C-s in ga interpretiral kot znak za
-prekinitev toka podatkov, namesto da bi ga posredoval Emacsu. Zaslon
-,,odmrznete`` z ukazom C-q. �e je va� sistem eden takih, si za nasvet,
-kako re�iti to nev�e�nost, oglejte razdelek ,,Spontaneous Entry to
-Incremental Search`` v priro�niku za Emacs.
Poi��ete lahko lahko �e obstoje�o datoteko, da si jo ogledate ali
popravite, ali pa tudi datoteko, ki �e ne obstaja. To je na�in, kako z
Emacsom ustvarimo novo datoteko: poi��ite datoteko z izbranim imenom,
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.sv b/etc/TUTORIAL.sv
index f68367ad09..a022585374 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.sv
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.sv
@@ -548,13 +548,6 @@ systemet kraschar.
Detta skall leda till att "Wrote ...TUTORIAL.sv" skrivs ut nederst
p� sk�rmbilden.
-Observera: P� vissa system leder C-x C-s till att sk�rmen l�ser
-sig. Detta tyder p� att systemet har "fl�deskontroll" och att denna
-har f�ngat C-s och inte skickat den vidare till Emacs. F�r att
-forts�tta m�ste du trycka C-q. Se i s� fall i avsnittet "Spontaneous
-Entry to Incremental Search" i Emacs-manualen f�r att f� tips p� hur
-detta kan undvikas.
Du kan finna en existerande fil, antingen f�r att f�r�ndra den eller
f�r att titta p� den. Du kan ocks� finna en fil som inte existerar.
Det �r s� man skapar nya filer med Emacs: finn filen, som �r tom till
diff --git a/etc/TUTORIAL.th b/etc/TUTORIAL.th
index 17941a9b61..208316d76b 100644
--- a/etc/TUTORIAL.th
+++ b/etc/TUTORIAL.th
@@ -485,12 +485,6 @@ C-x C-f 0,T!g1(P7S'R9(B, ,TaEP(P`0BW1M9a0?i1A0"i1M0AY1E07Uh107h
>> 0,T;i1M9$S0JQh1'(B C-x C-s, ,T`0>Wh1M0(Q14`0!g1:JS`9R0$Yh10AW1M!RCc0*i1"M'07h1R9(B.
,T(P;CR!/(B "Write ...TUTORIAL.th" 0,T7Uh1:CC07Q140Eh1R'0JX14"M'K09i1R(M(B.
-0,T"i1M0JQ1'`!5(B: ,Tc9:R'CP::(B, ,T!RC0;i1M9$S0JQh1'(B C-x C-s ,T(P7Sc0Ki1K09i1R(M*P0'Q1!aEP07h1R9(Pd0Ah1d04i10CQ1:(B
-0,T"i1M$GRAc4f(B ,T(R!0MU1aA!0Jl1(B. 0,T9Uh1aJ4'0Gh1R(B "feature" ,T"M'CP::;0/T10:Q105T1!RC07Uh1`0CU1B!0Gh1R(B "flow
-control" ,Td04i10"Q14"GR'!RC7S'R9"M'(B C-s ,TaEPd0Ah1;0Eh1MBc0Ki1!0EQ1:0JYh10MU1aA!0Jl10MU1!(B. ,Tc0*i1$S0JQh1'(B C-g
-,T`0>Wh1Ma0!i1d"d0Ah1c0Ki1K09i1R(M*P0'Q1!(B. ,Ta0Ei1G04Y1:707Uh10Gh1R04i1GB(B "Spontaneous Entry to
-Incremental Search" ,Tc90$Yh10AW1M"M'0MU1aA!0Jl10+Vh1'(Pa9P9S!RC0(Q14!RC`0!Uh1BG0!Q1:(B "feature" 0,T9Ui1(B.
0,T7h1R9JRARC6(P`0BW1M9a0?i1A0"i1M0AY1E07Uh10AU1M0BYh1a0Ei1G(B, ,T`0>Wh1M07Uh1(P04Y1K0CW1Ma0!i1d"(B. 0,T7h1R9JRARC6(P`0BW1M9(B
,Ta0?i1A0"i1M0AY1E07Uh10BQ1'd0Ah1;CR!/0!g1d04i1(B. 0,T9Uh1`0;g19!RCJ0Ci1R'a0?i1A0"i1M0AY1EcK0Ah1"M'0MU1aA!0Jl1(B: ,T`0BW1M9a0?i1A0"i1M0AY1E(B,
0,T+Vh1'(P`0CTh1A05i1904i1GBK09i1R(M0Gh1R'`;0Eh1R(B, ,Ta0Ei1G7S!RCa7C!0"i1M$GRA`0>Wh1M07Uh1(PJ0Ci1R'`0;g19a0?i1A0"i1M0AY1E05h1Md;(B.