diff options
authorDave Love <[email protected]>2003-05-28 14:22:52 +0000
committerDave Love <[email protected]>2003-05-28 14:22:52 +0000
commit3f0ce656e96dfa783d9cc9193a01c0968eb5e9ac (patch)
parentff6a3bfb4081a5319c344e0778aafcde429c2ea7 (diff)
*** empty log message ***
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 416 deletions
diff --git a/etc/ORDERS.EUROPE b/etc/ORDERS.EUROPE
deleted file mode 100644
index eefc64b185..0000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-Order form for GNU Distribution Europe, Belgium.
-Prices as of July 1998, and may change without notice.
-Sportstraat 28 Fax : +32-9-2224976
-9000 Gent Phone : +32-9-2227542
-GNU Distribution Europe, Belgium sells GNU CD-ROMs, manuals and
-t-shirts in Europe on behalf of the Free Software Foundation.
-Ordering from GNU Distribution Europe, Belgium supports the GNU
-project just like ordering from the Free Software Foundation, but
-offers people in Europe additional convenient payment methods and a
-lower overall price.
-To order a Deluxe Distribution, please contact the FSF directly.
-CD-ROMs, in ISO 9660 format
-GNU Source Code CD-ROMs, Version 11 (March 1998) with X11R6.3:
-____ @ 9750 BEF = ______ BEF for corporations and other organizations.
-____ @ 2550 BEF = ______ BEF for individuals.
-GNU Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM, Version 5 (March 1998) Edition:
-____ @ 8950 BEF = ______ BEF for corporations and other organizations.
-____ @ 2350 BEF = ______ BEF for individuals.
-____ @ 950 BEF = ______ BEF Programming in Emacs Lisp: An Introduction.
-____ @ 950 BEF = ______ BEF Debugging with GDB, with a reference card.
-____ @ 1150 BEF = ______ BEF GAWK: GNU Awk User's Guide.
-____ @ 950 BEF = ______ BEF Make manual.
-____ @ 950 BEF = ______ BEF Bison manual, with a reference card.
-____ @ 950 BEF = ______ BEF Flex manual, with a reference card.
-____ @ 1150 BEF = ______ BEF Texinfo manual.
-____ @ 750 BEF = ______ BEF Termcap manual.
-____ @ 1400 BEF = ______ BEF GNU Emacs manual, with a reference card.
-____ @ 2650 BEF = ______ BEF GNU Emacs Lisp Reference manual.
-____ @ 2250 BEF = ______ BEF Using and Porting GNU CC.
-____ @ 2250 BEF = ______ BEF GNU C Library Reference Manual.
-____ @ 2300 BEF = ______ BEF GNU Emacs Calc manual, with a reference card.
-Reference Cards
-The following reference cards, in packets of ten. For single copies please
-contact us.
-____ @ 500 BEF = ______ BEF GNU Emacs version 20 reference cards.
-____ @ 500 BEF = ______ BEF GNU Emacs Calc reference cards.
-____ @ 500 BEF = ______ BEF GDB reference cards.
-____ @ 500 BEF = ______ BEF Bison reference cards.
-____ @ 500 BEF = ______ BEF Flex reference cards.
-We have made new T-shirts for 1998. The front contains the typing gnu
-from our first T-shirt; the back has the preamble to the GNU General
-Public License.
-GNU/FSF T-shirts are thick 100% cotton in sizes: L, XL, XXL (they run
-small) in colors: black, burgundy, blue-green, natural (off-white).
-The sizes S and M are available in black and natural (off-white).
-Size XXXL is avaiable in black only. Please list 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
-choice of color.
-____ @ 800 BEF = ______ BEF Size _____
- Color choice: 1st _______ 2nd _______ 3rd _______
-____ @ 800 BEF = ______ BEF Size _____
- Color choice: 1st _______ 2nd _______ 3rd _______
-____ @ 800 BEF = ______ BEF Size _____
- Color choice: 1st _______ 2nd _______ 3rd _______
-____ @ 800 BEF = ______ BEF Size _____
- Color choice: 1st _______ 2nd _______ 3rd _______
- ======
- Subtotal ______ BEF
-Tax and Shipping Costs
- + ______ BEF For addresses in Belgium: add 21% sales tax
- or give tax exempt number.
- + ______ BEF Shipping fee for other E.U. countries:
- 150 BEF extra for addresses outside Belgium.
- For shipments to Italy, please add an
- additional 200 BEF (350 BEF total).
- + ______ BEF C.O.D. fee (if you want C.O.D. shipping),
- 500 BEF.
- + ______ BEF Donation to Free Software Foundation
- ======
- TOTAL ______ BEF
-Note: The shipping fee for foreign destinations covers registered
-mail. Registered mail normally takes 4 to 5 days to arrive. If you
-would like shipping via air mail, or via courier, please contact GNU
-Distribution Europe, Belgium for a price quote.
-These prices are subject to change without notice. In particular, they
-will very likely change if the exchange rate from USD to BEF changes
-Shipping Information
-Name: ________________________________________________________________________
-Mail Stop/Dept. Name: ________________________________________________________
-Organization: ________________________________________________________________
-Street Address: ______________________________________________________________
-City, State/Province: ________________________________________________________
-Zip Code/Postal Code Country: ________________________________________________
-Telephone number in case of a problem with your order. _______________________
-Fax number. __________________________________________________________________
-E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________
-Payment can be made by Euro-cheque, credit card, bank transfer, or
-wire-transfer in Belgian Francs. Credit card transactions will be run
-by the Free Software Foundation at their office in the United States.
-If you wish to pay by wire transfer, please contact us.
-Please do not send cash through the mail; neither GNU Distribution
-Europe -- Belgium nor the post office is responsible if the cash is
-lost or stolen.
- ________________________________________________________________
-For Credit Card Orders Only :
- The Free Software Foundation takes these credit cards: Carte Blanche,
- Diner's Club, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, Visa, and American Express.
- Please note that we are charged about 5% of an order's total amount
- in credit card processing fees. Please consider paying by check
- instead, or adding on a 5% donation to make up the difference. To
- place a credit card order, please give us this information:
-Card type: ____________________________________________________
-Account Number: _______________________________________________
-Expiration Date: ______________________________________________
-Cardholder's Signature: _______________________________________
-Cardholder's Name: ____________________________________________
- Do not send your credit card number in email! It might be intercepted
- and used by someone else. Please use telephone, fax, or snail mail to
- send credit card orders.
- ________________________________________________________________
-We do not have the staff to handle the billing of unpaid orders, so
-please include your payment with your order. If your order arrives
-without payment, we will return it to you.
-If you are a retail store, and want a retailer's discount, please
-contact the FSF.
-For orders from outside Belgium:
-You are responsible for paying all taxes. If you refuse to pay the
-applicable taxes of your country, the shipper will return the order.
-Bank P.C. : 000-1699992-67 V.A.T. : B.E-586.981.246 HRG : 181.641
diff --git a/etc/ORDERS.JAPAN b/etc/ORDERS.JAPAN
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bd06614c6..0000000000
--- a/etc/ORDERS.JAPAN
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-Prices and contents may change without notice after July 31, 1998.
- Item Unit Price Quantity Item Price
- ---------------------------------------- ---------- -------- ----------
-* indicates New or Substantially Updated items.
-* Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM March '98 Y32,000 ________ __________
- Edition, Version 5, if a corporation or other
- organization is ultimately paying.
-* Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM March '98 Y8,000 ________ __________
- Edition, Version 5, if an individual is
- ultimately paying.
-* Source Code CD-ROM March '98 Edition, Y35,000 ________ __________
- Version 11, with X11R6.3, if a corporation or
- other organization is ultimately paying.
-* Source Code CD-ROM March '98 Edition, Y8,700 ________ __________
- Version 11, with X11R6.3, if an individual is
- ultimately paying.
- Source Code CD-ROM November '93 Edition, Y12,000 ________ __________
- Version 3 (last with X11R5), if a corporation or other
- organization is ultimately paying (while supplies last).
- Source Code CD-ROM November '93 Edition, Y3,000 ________ __________
- Version 3 (last with X11R5), if an individual
- is ultimately paying (while supplies last).
- Subscription to next four editions of the Y125,000 ________ __________
- Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROMs.
- Subscription to next four editions of the Y125,000 ________ __________
- Source Code CD-ROMs.
-* GNU Software for MS-DOS and MS-Windows Y20,000 ________ __________
- (CD-ROM and book) if a corporation or other
- organization is ultimately paying.
-* GNU Software for MS-DOS and MS-Windows Y5,000 ________ __________
- (CD-ROM and book) if an individual is ultimately paying.
-* Emacs manual, with reference card Y4,500 ________ __________
- (Edition 13 for Version 20.1)
- Programming in Emacs Lisp, An Introduction Y3,000 ________ __________
- (Edition 1.04)
- Emacs Lisp Reference manual Y7,500 ________ __________
- (Edition 2.4 for Version 19.29)
- Emacs Lisp Reference, Japanese Edition manual Y8,500 ________ __________
- (Japanese DRAFT Revision 1.0, Dec 1996,
- from English Edition 2.4 for Version 19.29)
- Emacs Calc manual, with reference card Y7,500 ________ __________
- (Edition 2.02 for Version 2.02)
- Using and Porting GNU CC manual Y7,100 ________ __________
- (August 1996 Edition for Version 2.7.2)
- GNU C Library Reference manual Y7,500 ________ __________
- (Edition 0.06 for Version 1.09)
- Debugging with GDB manual, with reference card Y3,000 ________ __________
- (for GDB version 4.16)
- Make manual (Edition 0.50 for Version 3.75) Y3,000 ________ __________
- Bison manual, with reference card Y2,900 ________ __________
- (November 1995 Edition for Version 1.25)
- Flex manual, with reference card Y2,900 ________ __________
- (Edition 1.03 for Version 2.3.7)
-* GAWK: GNU Awk User's Guide (Edition 2 for Ver 3) Y4,500 ________ __________
-* Texinfo manual (Edition 3 for Version 3.11) Y3,700 ________ __________
- Termcap manual (Third Edition for Version 1.3) Y2,200 ________ __________
- Packet of ten Emacs 20 reference cards Y1,500 ________ __________
- Packet of ten Emacs 18 reference cards Y1,500 ________ __________
- (while supplies last)
- Packet of ten GDB reference cards Y1,500 ________ __________
- Packet of ten Emacs Calc reference cards Y1,500 ________ __________
- Packet of ten Bison reference cards Y1,500 ________ __________
- Packet of ten Flex reference cards Y1,500 ________ __________
- FSF T-shirt (size S) Y4,000 ________ __________
- Color: Black, Natural (circle)
- FSF T-shirt (size M) Y4,000 ________ __________
- Color: Black, Natural (circle)
- FSF T-shirt (size L) Y4,000 ________ __________
- Color: Black, Natural, Burgundy, Blue-Green (circle)
- FSF T-shirt (size XL) Y4,000 ________ __________
- Color: Black, Natural, Burgundy, Blue-Green (circle)
- FSF T-shirt (size XXL) Y4,000 ________ __________
- Color: Black, Natural, Burgundy, Blue-Green (circle)
- FSF T-shirt (size XXL) Y4,000 ________ __________
- Color: Black
- Shipping Y2,000
- Optional donation--help the FSF write more free software! __________
- Total __________
-The following is your shipping label. Please write clearly using Romaji.
-All orders must be prepaid. See the next page for payment instructions.
- Name: ___________________________________________________________________
- Company: ________________________________________________________________
- Address: ________________________________________________________________
-Please also provide the following information in case there is a problem
-with your order.
- Telephone: ________________ Fax: ________________ E-mail: _________________
- ____ Please add my name to the mailing list for future FSF events in Japan.
- I prefer to be notified by: ______ fax _____ e-mail
- ____ Please send me information regarding the GNU corporate Deluxe
- software and documentation package.
- ____ My company is interested in becoming a corporate sponsor of the FSF.
- ____ I am interested in working as a volunteer for the FSF.
-Prices and contents may change without notice after July 31, 1998.
- Version: March 1998 ASCII etc/ORDERS.JAPAN
- Free Software Foundation FAX 001-1-617-542-2652
- 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Voice 001-1-617-542-5942
- Boston, MA 02111-1307 E-mail [email protected]
- U.S.A.
- Please do not fax this page.
-You can fax your order directly to 001-1-617-542-2652. Questions can be
-sent to [email protected]. Orders may also be sent by ordinary mail to:
- Free Software Foundation
- 59 Temple Place - Suite 330
- Boston, MA 02111-1307
- U.S.A.
-Orders must be prepaid by credit card or by bank transfer. Credit Cards we
-accept are JCB, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diner's Club, Carte Blanche, and
-American Express. Please provide your card type, expiration date, account
-number, and signature. Bank transfers should be made to this account:
- Bank: Sanwa Bank
- Branch: Azabu Branch (#620)
- Account name: Free Software Foundation
- Account number: 3683216
-Prices and contents may change without notice after July 31, 1998. Software
-and documentation is distributed with permission to copy, to modify, and to
-redistribute. Texinfo source for each manual is on the Source Code CD-ROM.
-We will ship the latest version of each manual, unless you say otherwise.
-The minimum order amount (before postage) is Y5,000. The FSF regrets that it
-cannot fill orders for smaller amounts. Please contact the FSF directly by
-telephone at 001-1-617-542-5942 or by fax at 001-1-617-542-2652 prior to
-placing any orders for greater than Y500,000.
-The FSF offers a "Deluxe" package to Japanese corporations which consists of
-source code in your preferred format, a set of custom binaries for your
-preferred architecture and operating system, and a complete set of printed
-documentation (books and reference cards). Purchasers of the corporate
-deluxe package will also receive invitations to future private presentations
-conducted by Richard Stallman in Japan. The price for the corporate deluxe
-package is Y1,000,000. For more information, contact the FSF directly.
-If you need more information about the FSF and it offerings, please consult
-the Japanese edition of the March 1998 GNU's Bulletin. If you do not have a
-copy of the Japanese edition of the GNU's Bulletin, please contact the FSF.
-Richard Stallman regrets that he cannot autograph items ordered by mail.
-If time permits, he will autograph items at speaking engagements.
-All sales are final.
-Prices and contents may change without notice after July 31, 1998.
- For use in Japan only.
- Free Software Foundation
- 59 Temple Place - Suite 330
- Boston, MA 02111-1307
- U.S.A.
- http://www.gnu.org