diff options
authorJim Blandy <[email protected]>1991-01-25 22:24:59 +0000
committerJim Blandy <[email protected]>1991-01-25 22:24:59 +0000
commit38a04374467cef3c6d32126d38820e6cd8adb305 (patch)
parent993b64044ac3d6a314c645a6505bdc89756f6e51 (diff)
Initial revision
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/term/wyse50.el b/lisp/term/wyse50.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1df335d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/term/wyse50.el
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+; Terminal mode for Wyse 50
+; should work well for Televideo Tvi 925 though it's an overkill
+; Author Daniel Pfeiffer <[email protected]> january 1991
+(require 'keypad)
+; at least some of these should be transferred to keypad.el
+(keypad-default "A" '(lambda () (interactive)
+ ; actually insert an empty line
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (open-line 1)))
+(keypad-default "E" 'kill-line)
+; (keypad-default "h" 'execute-extended-command)
+(define-key function-keymap "h" 'execute-extended-command) ; bad, bad !!
+(keypad-default "H" 'shell-command)
+(keypad-default "I" '(lambda () (interactive)
+ (insert ? ))) ; works even in overwrite-mode
+(keypad-default "L" '(lambda () (interactive)
+ ; delete the whole line
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (kill-line 1)))
+(keypad-default "M" 'overwrite-mode)
+(keypad-default "\^e" 'shell) ; F5
+(keypad-default "\^f" 'dired) ; F6
+(keypad-default "\^g" 'rnews) ; F7
+(keypad-default "\^h" 'rmail) ; F8
+(keypad-default "\^i" 'delete-other-windows) ; F9
+(keypad-default "\^j" 'other-window) ; F10
+(keypad-default "\^k" 'split-window-vertically) ; F11
+(keypad-default "\^m" 'help-for-help) ; F13
+(keypad-default "\^n" 'toggle-screen-width) ; F14
+(keypad-default "\^o" 'set-function-key) ; F15
+; Keys that don't conflict with Emacs defaults
+; I write \M-x and \C-x for what the user types, \ex and \^x for key sequences
+(setup-terminal-keymap global-map
+ '(("\M-?" . ?\?) ; Esc ?
+ ("\eI" . ?T) ; Shift Tab
+ ("\eJ" . ?P) ; Shift Prev PAGE
+ ("\eK" . ?N) ; PAGE Next
+ ("\eY" . ?C) ; Shift Scrn CLR
+ ("\eT" . ?E) ; CLR Line
+ ("\^^" . ?h) ; Home
+ ("\M-\^^" . ?H) ; Esc Home
+ ("\eQ" . ?I) ; INS Char
+ ("\eE" . ?A) ; Shift Line INS
+ ("\eW" . ?D) ; DEL Char
+ ("\eR" . ?L))) ; Shift Line DEL
+; Print -- put in some extra security
+(global-set-key "\eP" '(lambda () (interactive)
+ (if (y-or-n-p
+ (concat "Print buffer "
+ (buffer-name) "? "))
+ (print-buffer))))
+; this is an ugly hack for a nasty problem:
+; Wyse 50 takes one character cell to store video attributes (which seems to
+; explain width 79 rather than 80, column 1 is not used!!!).
+; On killing (C-x C-c) the end inverse code (on column 1 of line 24)
+; of the mode line is overwritten AFTER all the y-or-n questions.
+; This causes the attribute to remain in effect until the mode line has
+; scrolled of the screen. Suspending (C-z) does not cause this problem.
+; On such terminals, Emacs should sacrifice the first and last character of
+; each mode line, rather than a whole screen column!
+(setq kill-emacs-hook '(lambda () (interactive)
+ (send-string-to-terminal
+ (concat "\ea23R" (1+ (screen-width)) "C\eG0"))))
+; This function does more than its name which was copied from term/vt100.el
+; Some more neutral name should be used thru-out term/*.el to simplify
+; programming term-setup-hook
+(defun enable-arrow-keys ()
+ "To be called by term-setup-hook. Overrides 6 Emacs standard keys
+whose functions are then typed as follows:
+C-a Funct Left-arrow
+C-h M-?
+LFD Funct Return, some modes override down-arrow via LFD
+C-k CLR Line
+C-l Scrn CLR
+M-r M-x move-to-window-line, Funct up-arrow or down-arrow are similar
+All special keys except Send, Shift Ins, Shift Home and shifted functions keys
+are assigned some hopefully useful meaning."
+ (interactive)
+ ; Function keys
+ (define-prefix-command 'Funct-prefix)
+ (define-key global-map "\^a" 'Funct-prefix)
+ ; Arrow keys
+ (setup-terminal-keymap global-map
+ '(("\C-a\C-a" . beginning-of-line) ; for auld lang syne
+ ("\^a\^m\^m" . newline-and-indent)
+ ("\^k" . ?u) ; up-arrow
+ ("\^j" . ?d) ; down-arrow
+ ("\^l" . ?r) ; right-arrow
+ ("\^h" . ?l) ; left-arrow
+ ; Terminal needs both Ins and Repl but Emacs knows how to toggle
+ ; with just one key. No need to override Ins which is "\eq".
+ ("\er" . ?M) ; Repl
+ ("\^a\^i\^m" . ?t) ; Funct Tab
+ ; Function keys F1 thru F16 (we don't define shifted function keys,
+ ; they send the same code with the middle character in lowercase.
+ ; eg. "Shift F2" is the same as "Funct a" which is more mnemonic but
+ ; keypad.el doesn't provide enough codes to accomodate all these)
+ ("\^a@\^m" . 1) ("\^aH\^m" . 9)
+ ("\^aA\^m" . 2) ("\^aI\^m" . 10)
+ ("\^aB\^m" . 3) ("\^aJ\^m" . 11)
+ ("\^aC\^m" . 4) ("\^aK\^m" . 12)
+ ("\^aD\^m" . 5) ("\^aL\^m" . 13)
+ ("\^aE\^m" . 6) ("\^aM\^m" . 14)
+ ("\^aF\^m" . 7) ("\^aN\^m" . 15)
+ ("\^aG\^m" . 8) ("\^aO\^m" . 16)
+ ; Funct Arrow keys
+ ("\^a\^k\^m" . (lambda (n) (interactive "p")
+ (move-to-window-line (1- n))))
+ ("\^a\^j\^m" . (lambda (n) (interactive "p")
+ (move-to-window-line (- n))))
+ ("\^a\^h\^m" . beginning-of-line)
+ ("\^a\^l\^m" . end-of-line)))
+ ; forget self to put memory to some serious use
+ (fset 'enable-arrow-keys nil))
+(defun toggle-screen-width ()
+ "Alternate between 80 and 132 columns."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (<= (screen-width) 80)
+ (progn
+ (send-string-to-terminal "\e`;")
+ (set-screen-width 131))
+ (send-string-to-terminal "\e`:")
+ (set-screen-width 79)))
+; this function is completely independent of wyse, it should be auto-loadable
+; (presumably from keypad.el) for use in ~/emacs. It should be the only thing
+; users need to know about all this unintelligible "forwarding" gibberish.
+; This paves the way for a save-function-keys (some day or sleepless night)
+; that will edit calls like (set-function-key ?x 'do-whatever) in ~/.emacs.
+(defun set-function-key (key &optional def)
+ "Prompt for a function or other special key and assign it a meaning.
+The key must have been \"forwarded\" to a character in term/*.el.
+As a function takes two args CHAR and DEF, with DEF as in define-key.
+If your terminals term/*.el forwards a physical key to CHAR (before or after
+calling this function), then that key will mean DEF, else it is ignored.
+CHAR is one of the following:
+For numbered function keys
+ 0, 1, ..., 24 (or ?\\^@, ?\\^a, ..., ?\\^x which is the same)
+For keypad keys in application mode
+ ?0, ?1, ..., ?9 -- keypad key labelled with that digit,
+ but only if that key is not an arrow key (see ?u, ?d, ?r, ?l).
+ ?- -- keypad key labelled `-'.
+ ?. -- keypad key labelled `.'.
+ ?, -- keypad key labelled `,'.
+ ?e -- key labelled enter.
+For keys labelled with some words or a symbol
+ ?a -- clear all tabs key.
+ ?A -- insert line key.
+ ?C -- clear screen key.
+ ?c -- erase key.
+ ?D -- delete character key.
+ ?d -- down-arrow.
+ ?E -- clear to end of line key.
+ ?e -- key labelled enter.
+ ?f -- find key or search key.
+ ?F -- scroll forward key.
+ ?H -- home-down.
+ ?h -- home-position key.
+ ?I -- insert character key
+ If there is just an \"insert\" key, it should be this.
+ ?k -- delete key or remove key.
+ ?L -- delete line key.
+ ?l -- left-arrow.
+ ?M -- exit insert mode key.
+ ?N -- next page key.
+ ?p -- portrait mode.
+ ?P -- previous page key.
+ ?q -- landscape mode.
+ ?r -- right-arrow.
+ ?R -- scroll reverse key.
+ ?S -- clear to end of screen key.
+ ?s -- select key.
+ ?t -- clear tab this column key.
+ ?T -- set tab this column key.
+ ?u -- up-arrow.
+ ?x -- do key.
+ ?\\? -- help."
+ (interactive "kKey to redefine: ")
+ (let ((map function-keymap))
+ (if (integerp key)
+ ()
+ ; reinvent lookup-key to get (map . char) instead of def of char in map
+ (setq map (or (lookup-key global-map
+ (substring key 0 (1- (length key))))
+ global-map)
+ key (string-to-char (substring key (1- (length key)))))
+ (while (symbolp map)
+ (setq map (symbol-function map)))
+ (setq map (if (listp map)
+ (cdr (assq key (cdr map)))
+ (aref map key)))
+ (if (and (consp map)
+ (integerp (cdr map)))
+ (setq key (cdr map)
+ map (car map))
+ (error "Key is not a \"forwarded\" definition.")))
+ (if def
+ ()
+ (setq def (read-command "command (default last keyboard macro): "))
+ (if (string-equal (symbol-name def) "")
+ (setq def last-kbd-macro))
+ (setq command-history ; nonsense really, since you don't see
+ (cons ; key as in a function call (?char)
+ (list 'set-function-key key
+ (if (stringp def) def (list 'quote def)))
+ command-history)))
+ ; all we do when called as a function
+ (define-key map (char-to-string key) def)))