path: root/.shells
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-04-20shells: remove old aliasesThanos Apollo
2023-04-19shells: Update EDITOR and qt5 themingThanos Apollo
2023-03-26shells: Add sources for zshrcThanos Apollo
2023-03-20shells: change yt-dlp alias to ytdThanos Apollo
2023-03-08shells: remove zsh configurationThanos Apollo
2023-03-03move all to new partitionThanos Apollo
2023-02-15shells: update pathThanos Apollo
2023-02-10Update shellsThanos Apollo
2023-02-01alias: Change alias, make compatible with darwinThanos Apollo
2023-02-01Re-Add .shellsThanos Apollo
2023-02-01scripts: remove oldThanos Apollo
2023-01-21alias:Update pip aliasThanos Apollo
2023-01-15shells: Add clear aliasThanos Apollo
2023-01-04update bash, add fanki aliasThanos Apollo
2023-01-04Add bashrc and .shellsThanos Apollo