path: root/.emacs.d/modules
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-10emacs:(tools) Update consult & isearch keybindingsThanos Apollo
2023-11-10emacs:(shells) Update term name to emacsThanos Apollo
2023-11-10emacs:(shells) Update setv & remove pcomplete-yayThanos Apollo
2023-11-10emacs:(emms) Update emms mpv parametersThanos Apollo
2023-11-10emacs:(mu4e) Update email address & mu4e hookThanos Apollo
2023-11-10emacs:(aesthetics) Update display-line-numbers key & wallpaper funcThanos Apollo
2023-10-30emacs: Use doas for sudo-editThanos Apollo
2023-10-30emacs: use xterm-256 & comment out yay completionsThanos Apollo
2023-10-30emacs:(pass) Update launcherThanos Apollo
2023-10-30emacs:(aesthetics) Update fontThanos Apollo
2023-10-16emacs:(packages) Add org-download & inhibit package.el at startupThanos Apollo
2023-10-16emacs:(org) Add org-downloadThanos Apollo
2023-10-16emacs:(aesthetics) Rewrite wallpaper functionsThanos Apollo
2023-10-13emacs:(tools) Redo thanos/search with anonymous functionsThanos Apollo
2023-10-13emacs:(shells) enable pcomplete-yay by defaultThanos Apollo
2023-10-12emacs:(mu4e) Update shortcutsThanos Apollo
2023-10-12emacs: Fix typos and docstringsThanos Apollo
2023-10-12emacs:(mu4e) Adjust for new values with uni's gmail accountThanos Apollo
2023-10-09emacs:(shells) disable yay completions by defaultThanos Apollo
2023-10-09emacs:(multimedia) Update emms configurationThanos Apollo
2023-10-09emacs:(packages) adjust for non-desktop devicesThanos Apollo
2023-10-09emacs:(multimedia) update emms keybindingsThanos Apollo
2023-10-09emacs:(aesthetics) Set font to source code proThanos Apollo
2023-10-09emacs:(init) Enable all commandsThanos Apollo
2023-10-09emacs:(packages) Add nerd-icons-ibufferThanos Apollo
2023-10-08emacs:(tools) Add thanos/library-searchThanos Apollo
2023-10-08emacs:(tools) Update keybindings for grep & find (consult)Thanos Apollo
2023-10-08emacs:(aesthetics) Add thanos/set-wallpaperThanos Apollo
2023-10-08emacs:(aesthetics) Add keybindings to switch modus-themesThanos Apollo
2023-10-08rename devtools -> toolsThanos Apollo
2023-10-08emacs:(devltools) Update keybindingsThanos Apollo
2023-10-08emacs:(shells) Add pcomplete-yayThanos Apollo
2023-10-08emacs:(org) remove scaleThanos Apollo
2023-10-08emacs:(mu4e) disable line numbersThanos Apollo
2023-10-08emacs:(multimedia) fix emmsThanos Apollo
2023-10-08emacs:(aesthetics) Use modus-themesThanos Apollo
2023-10-07emacs:(multimedia) remove yeetube installationThanos Apollo
2023-10-07emacs: (packages) use straight with :local-repoThanos Apollo
2023-10-06emacs: (org)Update hooks & add thanos/org-scaleThanos Apollo
2023-10-06emacs: (mu4e) Add extra line for signatureThanos Apollo
2023-10-04emacs: (multimedia) fix emms keybindingsThanos Apollo
2023-10-04emacas: (shells) update shell aliasesThanos Apollo
2023-10-04emacs: (multimedia) use use-package for emms & yeetubeThanos Apollo
2023-10-04emacs: (shells) use use-package for eatThanos Apollo
2023-10-04emacs: (packages) don't update packages on startupThanos Apollo
2023-10-02emacs: Update org themingThanos Apollo
2023-10-02emacs: Update eshells with eat config & env variablesThanos Apollo
2023-10-02emacs: Redo packages with straight.elThanos Apollo
2023-10-02Add straight.el recipesThanos Apollo
2023-09-30emacs: Update multimedia keybindings & emmsThanos Apollo