path: root/.emacs.d/modules/thanos-multimedia.el
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-12-09emacs: Rewrite thanos/applications-map...- Use defvar-keymap - Rewrite it on thanos-commands.el Thanos Apollo
2023-11-10emacs:(emms) Update emms mpv parametersThanos Apollo
2023-10-12emacs: Fix typos and docstringsThanos Apollo
2023-10-09emacs:(multimedia) Update emms configurationThanos Apollo
2023-10-09emacs:(multimedia) update emms keybindingsThanos Apollo
2023-10-08emacs:(multimedia) fix emms...Rewrite emms configuration. Thanos Apollo
2023-10-07emacs:(multimedia) remove yeetube installation...Keep all packages installation on packages module Thanos Apollo
2023-10-04emacs: (multimedia) fix emms keybindingsThanos Apollo
2023-10-04emacs: (multimedia) use use-package for emms & yeetubeThanos Apollo
2023-09-30emacs: Update multimedia keybindings & emmsThanos Apollo
2023-09-26[emacs] change yeetube load pathThanos Apollo
2023-09-22multimedia.el: Update paths and keybindingsThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: Reorganize modules, change theme to molokaiThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: ModularizeThanos Apollo