path: root/.bashrc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-09shells:(completions) Move to .shellsThanos Apollo
2023-10-09shells:(bash completions) Add file locallyThanos Apollo
2023-10-09shells: Add bashrcThanos Apollo
2023-09-03shells: remove bashrcThanos Apollo
2023-09-03Add shell configurationThanos Apollo
2023-03-26remove build-docs.el and bash filesThanos Apollo
2023-03-03move all to new partitionThanos Apollo
2023-02-07bashrc: update sourcesThanos Apollo
2023-02-01bashrc: Change to starshipThanos Apollo
2023-01-04update bash, add fanki aliasThanos Apollo
2023-01-04Add bashrc and .shellsThanos Apollo
2022-08-14remove bashThanosApollo
2022-08-13Update bashrcThanosApollo
2022-08-12Update aliasesThanosApollo
2022-08-09add alias for bluetooth-autoconnectThanosApollo
2022-08-03Update path and aliasesThanos Apollo
2022-08-02Update git aliasesThanos Apollo
2022-08-02Update doom path, add auto starx when logged inThanos Apollo
2022-07-19Add bluetoothctl aliasThanos Apollo
2022-07-12Update bashrc and bash_profileThanos Apollo
2022-07-11new filesThanos Apollo