path: root/.config/emacs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/emacs')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/.config/emacs/init.el b/.config/emacs/init.el
index c54fb98..63edd54 100644
--- a/.config/emacs/init.el
+++ b/.config/emacs/init.el
@@ -54,16 +54,27 @@
(setf auto-insert-alist '((python-mode . "python.template"))
auto-insert-directory (locate-user-emacs-file "insert"))
-;; Completions
+;;;; Completions
(add-to-list 'completion-styles 'initials t)
-(setf tab-always-indent 'complete)
+(setf tab-always-indent 'icomplete-force-complete)
+(require 'completion-preview)
+(define-key completion-in-region-mode-map (kbd "M-n") 'minibuffer-next-completion)
+(define-key completion-in-region-mode-map (kbd "M-p") 'minibuffer-previous-completion)
(setf completion-styles '(flex)
completion-auto-select t
completion-auto-help 'always
- completion-cycle-threshold nil
+ completion-cycle-threshold 1
completions-format 'vertical
- completions-sort 'historical)
+ completions-sort 'historical
+ completions-max-height 20)
+;; Fido
+(require 'icomplete)
+(define-key icomplete-fido-mode-map (kbd "TAB") #'icomplete-fido-ret)
(when (> emacs-major-version 29)
@@ -71,17 +82,35 @@
;; Search
(setf search-default-mode #'char-fold-to-regexp) ;; make it easier to search Greek chars
-;; xref
-;; (setf xref-show-xrefs-function #'consult-xref
-;; xref-show-definitions-function #'consult-xref)
;; Set and load custom.el
(setf custom-file (locate-user-emacs-file "custom.el"))
(load custom-file 'noerror)
+;; Imenu
;; Enable use-package support for imenu
(setf use-package-enable-imenu-support t)
+(require 'imenu)
+(setf imenu-auto-rescan t
+ imenu-flatten 'prefix)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c m") 'imenu)
+;; Registers & Misc nav
+(setf register-use-preview t)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x r d") 'bookmark-delete)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") 'switch-to-prev-buffer)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-b") 'ibuffer)
+(defvar-keymap thanos/search-map
+ "g" #'grep-find
+ "l" #'lgrep
+ "f" #'find-name-dired
+ "s" #'occur)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c s") thanos/search-map)
(setf browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "icecat"
backup-directory-alist '((".*" . "~/.Trash"))
@@ -156,10 +185,13 @@
("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")))
+ (push 'org-self-insert-command completion-preview-commands)
:hook ((org-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode -1) (flyspell-mode))))
:bind (:map org-mode-map (("C-c l" . org-store-link)
("C-c M-t" . org-todo)
- ("C-c RET" . org-table-hline-and-move))))
+ ("C-c RET" . org-table-hline-and-move)
+ ("C-M-i" . completion-at-point))))
;; (completion-styles-alist )
;; Export
@@ -342,7 +374,7 @@
(unless (or is-phone is-uranus)
(use-package modus-themes
- :defer t
+ :ensure t
(setf modus-themes-italic-constructs nil
modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
@@ -396,33 +428,6 @@
;; Load modus
(load-theme 'modus-vivendi t)))
-(use-package consult
- :ensure t
- :init (define-prefix-command 'thanos/search)
- :bind (("C-x r d" . 'bookmark-delete)
- ("C-x r C-r" . 'bookmark-rename)
- ("C-x r C-j" . 'consult-register)
- ("C-x r SPC" . 'consult-register-store)
- ("C-x r b" . 'consult-bookmark)
- ("C-c m" . 'consult-imenu)
- ("C-x b" . 'consult-buffer)
- ("C-x C-b" . 'switch-to-prev-buffer)
- ("C-x M-b" . 'ibuffer)
- ("M-y" . 'consult-yank-from-kill-ring)
- ("C-M-s" . 'consult-line)
- ("C-c s" . 'thanos/search)
- :map thanos/search
- ("f" . 'consult-find)
- ("g" . 'consult-grep)
- ("i" . 'consult-info)
- ("l" . 'consult-locate)
- ("b" . 'consult-buffer-other-window)
- ("m" . 'consult-man)
- :map project-prefix-map
- ("b" . 'consult-project-buffer)))
(use-package which-key
:ensure t
@@ -560,7 +565,7 @@
(eshell-mode . eat-eshell-visual-command-mode)))
(use-package shell
- :defer t
+ :ensure t
:bind (("C-c V" . shell)
:map shell-mode-map
("C-l" . 'comint-clear-buffer))
@@ -584,14 +589,19 @@
+(defun thanos/eshell-preview-insert ()
+ (interactive)
+ (completion-preview-insert)
+ (delete-char -1))
(use-package eshell
+ :ensure t
(setf eshell-highlight-prompt t)
:bind (("C-c e" . eshell)
:map eshell-mode-map
- ("C-l" . 'thanos/eshell-clear))
+ ("C-l" . 'thanos/eshell-clear)
+ ("<tab>" . 'thanos/eshell-preview-insert))
:hook ((eshell-mode . (lambda ()
(thanos/set-eshell-aliases thanos/aliases)
(display-line-numbers-mode -1)))))
@@ -679,153 +689,137 @@
(setf dabbrev-ignored-buffer-regexps '("\\.\\(?:pdf\\|jpe?g\\|png\\)\\'")))
-(use-package xref
- :defer t
- :config
- (setf xref-show-xrefs-function #'consult-xref
- xref-show-definitions-function #'consult-xref))
;; My packages
-(and (or is-zeus is-hermes)
- (>= emacs-major-version 30)
- (use-package yeetube
- :init (define-prefix-command 'thanos/yeetube-map)
- :vc t
- :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/yeetube"
- :ensure t
- :config
- (setf yeetube-results-limit 20
- yeetube-mpv-disable-video t
- yeetube-display-thumbnails t
- yeetube-play-function #'yeetube-mpv-play)
- (defun yeetube-download-videos-ffmpeg ()
- "Download videos using ffmpeg."
- (interactive)
- (let ((url "")
- (name "")
- (download-counter 1)
- (stored-contents nil))
- ;; Read links and names until "q" is entered
- (while (not (string= url "q"))
- (setf url (read-string "Enter URL (q to quit): "))
- (unless (string= url "q")
- (setf name
- (read-string (format "Custom name (download counter: %d) " download-counter)))
- (push (cons url name) stored-contents)
- (setf download-counter (1+ download-counter))))
- ;; Process the collected links and names
- (dolist (pair stored-contents)
- (let ((url (car pair))
- (name (cdr pair)))
- (async-shell-command
- (format
- "ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist file,crypto,data,https,tls,tcp -stats -i '%s' -codec copy '%s.mp4'"
- url name))))))
- (defun yeetube-download-vimeo-videos ()
- "Download videos from vimeo services."
- (interactive)
- (let ((url "")
- (name "")
- (download-counter 1))
- (while (not (string= url "q"))
- (setf url (read-string "Enter URL (q to quit): "))
- (unless (string= url "q")
- (setf name
- (read-string (format "Custom name (download counter: %d) " download-counter)))
- (setf download-counter (1+ download-counter))
- (call-process-shell-command
- (format
- "yt-dlp '%s' -o '%s'"
- (replace-regexp-in-string "\\.json" ".m3u8" url) name)
- nil 0)))))
- :bind (("C-c y" . 'thanos/yeetube-map)
- :map thanos/yeetube-map
- ("s" . 'yeetube-search)
- ("b" . 'yeetube-play-saved-video)
- ("d" . 'yeetube-download-videos)
- ("C-d" . 'yeetube-download-vimeo-videos)
- ("p" . 'yeetube-mpv-toggle-pause)
- ("v" . 'yeetube-mpv-toggle-video)
- ("V" . 'yeetube-mpv-toggle-no-video-flag)
- ("C-p" . 'yeetube-mpv-toggle-video)
- ("k" . 'yeetube-remove-saved-video)))
- (use-package gnosis
- :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/gnosis"
- :ensure t
- :init (define-prefix-command 'thanos/gnosis-map)
- :config
- (setf gnosis-vc-auto-push t
- gnosis-mcq-display-choices nil
- gnosis-image-width (and is-hermes 150)
- gnosis-image-height (and is-hermes 150))
- (gnosis-modeline-mode)
- (setf gnosis-custom-values '((:deck "Bulgarian" (:amnesia 0.55 :proto (0 1 3)))
- (:deck "Unking" (:amnesia 0.45))
- (:tag "vocabulary" (:amnesia 0.65 :proto (0 1 3)))))
- :bind (("C-M-r" . 'gnosis-dashboard)
- ("C-c c" . 'gnosis-add-note)))
- ;; Sync gnosis on startup
- (gnosis-vc-pull)
- (use-package org-gnosis
- :vc t
- :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/org-gnosis"
- :init
- (define-prefix-command 'thanos/notes-map)
- (define-prefix-command 'thanos/journal-map)
- :config
- (setf org-gnosis-dir "~/Notes"
- org-gnosis-journal-template
- "* Daily Notes\n\n* Goals\n+ [] Πρωινὴ Προσευχή\n+ [] Ἑσπερινή Προσευχή\n\n* Extras"
- org-gnosis-show-tags t)
- (defun thanos/org-open-at-point ()
- "Open Org link at point in the same window, if possible."
- (interactive)
- (let ((org-link-frame-setup '((file . find-file))))
- (org-open-at-point)))
- :bind (("C-c n" . thanos/notes-map)
- ("C-c j" . thanos/journal-map)
- :map thanos/notes-map
- ("f" . org-gnosis-find)
- ("i" . org-gnosis-insert)
- :map thanos/journal-map
- ("j" . org-gnosis-journal)
- ("f" . org-gnosis-journal-find)
- ("i" . org-gnosis-journal-insert)
- :map org-mode-map
- ("C-c C-." . org-gnosis-insert-tag)
- ("C-c i" . org-id-get-create)
- ("C-c C-o" . thanos/org-open-at-point)))
- (use-package pcmpl-tailscale
- :vc t
- :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/pcmpl-tailscale"
- :ensure nil)
- (use-package greek-polytonic
- :vc t
- :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/greek-polytonic")
- (use-package org-present
- :vc (:url "")
- :hook ((org-present-mode . (lambda ()
- (org-present-big)
- (org-display-inline-images)
- (org-present-hide-cursor)
- (org-present-read-only)))
- (org-present-mode-quit . (lambda ()
- (org-present-small)
- (org-remove-inline-images)
- (org-present-show-cursor)
- (org-present-read-write)))))
- (use-package elfeed
+(when (or is-zeus is-hermes)
+ (use-package yeetube
+ :init (define-prefix-command 'thanos/yeetube-map)
+ :vc t
+ :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/yeetube"
+ :ensure t
+ :config
+ (setf yeetube-results-limit 20
+ yeetube-mpv-disable-video t
+ yeetube-display-thumbnails t
+ yeetube-play-function #'yeetube-mpv-play)
+ (defun yeetube-download-videos-ffmpeg ()
+ "Download videos using ffmpeg."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((url "")
+ (name "")
+ (download-counter 1)
+ (stored-contents nil))
+ ;; Read links and names until "q" is entered
+ (while (not (string= url "q"))
+ (setf url (read-string "Enter URL (q to quit): "))
+ (unless (string= url "q")
+ (setf name
+ (read-string (format "Custom name (download counter: %d) " download-counter)))
+ (push (cons url name) stored-contents)
+ (setf download-counter (1+ download-counter))))
+ ;; Process the collected links and names
+ (dolist (pair stored-contents)
+ (let ((url (car pair))
+ (name (cdr pair)))
+ (async-shell-command
+ (format
+ "ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist file,crypto,data,https,tls,tcp -stats -i '%s' -codec copy '%s.mp4'"
+ url name))))))
+ (defun yeetube-download-vimeo-videos ()
+ "Download videos from vimeo services."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((url "")
+ (name "")
+ (download-counter 1))
+ (while (not (string= url "q"))
+ (setf url (read-string "Enter URL (q to quit): "))
+ (unless (string= url "q")
+ (setf name
+ (read-string (format "Custom name (download counter: %d) " download-counter)))
+ (setf download-counter (1+ download-counter))
+ (call-process-shell-command
+ (format
+ "yt-dlp '%s' -o '%s'"
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "\\.json" ".m3u8" url) name)
+ nil 0)))))
+ :bind (("C-c y" . 'thanos/yeetube-map)
+ :map thanos/yeetube-map
+ ("s" . 'yeetube-search)
+ ("b" . 'yeetube-play-saved-video)
+ ("d" . 'yeetube-download-videos)
+ ("C-d" . 'yeetube-download-vimeo-videos)
+ ("p" . 'yeetube-mpv-toggle-pause)
+ ("v" . 'yeetube-mpv-toggle-video)
+ ("V" . 'yeetube-mpv-toggle-no-video-flag)
+ ("C-p" . 'yeetube-mpv-toggle-video)
+ ("k" . 'yeetube-remove-saved-video)))
+ (use-package gnosis
+ :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/gnosis"
+ :ensure t
+ :init (define-prefix-command 'thanos/gnosis-map)
+ :config
+ (setf gnosis-vc-auto-push t
+ gnosis-mcq-display-choices nil
+ gnosis-image-width (and is-hermes 150)
+ gnosis-image-height (and is-hermes 150))
+ (gnosis-modeline-mode)
+ (setf gnosis-custom-values '((:deck "Bulgarian" (:amnesia 0.55 :proto (0 1 3)))
+ (:deck "Unking" (:amnesia 0.45))
+ (:tag "vocabulary" (:amnesia 0.65 :proto (0 1 3)))))
+ :bind (("C-c g" . 'thanos/gnosis-map)
+ :map thanos/gnosis-map
+ ("a" . 'gnosis-add-note)
+ ("d" . 'gnosis-dashboard)))
+ ;; Sync gnosis on startup
+ (gnosis-vc-pull)
+ (use-package org-gnosis
+ :vc t
+ :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/org-gnosis"
+ :init
+ (define-prefix-command 'thanos/notes-map)
+ (define-prefix-command 'thanos/journal-map)
+ :config
+ (setf org-gnosis-dir "~/Notes"
+ org-gnosis-journal-template
+ "* Daily Notes\n\n* Goals\n+ [] Πρωινὴ Προσευχή\n+ [] Ἑσπερινή Προσευχή\n\n* Extras"
+ org-gnosis-show-tags t)
+ (defun thanos/org-open-at-point ()
+ "Open Org link at point in the same window, if possible."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((org-link-frame-setup '((file . find-file))))
+ (org-open-at-point)))
+ :bind (("C-c n" . thanos/notes-map)
+ ("C-c j" . thanos/journal-map)
+ :map thanos/notes-map
+ ("f" . org-gnosis-find)
+ ("i" . org-gnosis-insert)
+ :map thanos/journal-map
+ ("j" . org-gnosis-journal)
+ ("f" . org-gnosis-journal-find)
+ ("i" . org-gnosis-journal-insert)
+ :map org-mode-map
+ ("C-c C-." . org-gnosis-insert-tag)
+ ("C-c i" . org-id-get-create)
+ ("C-c C-o" . thanos/org-open-at-point)))
+ (use-package pcmpl-tailscale
+ :vc t
+ :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/pcmpl-tailscale"
+ :ensure nil)
+ (use-package greek-polytonic
+ :vc t
+ :ensure t
+ :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/greek-polytonic"))
+(use-package elfeed
:defer t
:vc (:url "")
@@ -899,17 +893,17 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
("U" . 'elfeed-update))
:hook ((elfeed-searchacw-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 0)))))
- (use-package transmission
- :vc (:url "")
- :defer t)
+(use-package transmission
+ :vc (:url "")
+ :defer t)
- (use-package rainbow-delimiters
- :vc (:url "")
- :defer t
- :hook ((emacs-lisp-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
- (lisp-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
- (clojure-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
- (scheme-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode))))
+(use-package rainbow-delimiters
+ :vc (:url "")
+ :ensure t
+ :hook ((emacs-lisp-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
+ (lisp-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
+ (clojure-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
+ (scheme-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)))
;; AI tools
(use-package gptel
@@ -981,45 +975,45 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
:map notmuch-search-mode-map
("u" . notmuch-refresh-all-buffers))
:hook ((notmuch-hello-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 0)))
- (notmuch-search-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 0) (emojify-mode))))
- :custom
- (setf notmuch-archive-tags '("-inbox" "-unread" "+archived")
- notmuch-show-all-tags-list t
- notmuch-hello-sections
- '(notmuch-hello-insert-header notmuch-hello-insert-saved-searches
- notmuch-hello-insert-alltags))
- (setq notmuch-search-oldest-first nil)
- (setf notmuch-tag-formats
- '(("unread" (propertize tag 'face 'notmuch-tag-unread))
- ("emacs-pm" (propertize tag 'face '((t :foreground "#ff9580"))))))
- (setf notmuch-identities '("[email protected]" "[email protected]"
- (setf notmuch-saved-searches
- `((:name "Inbox" :query "tag:inbox" :sort-order newest-first :key ,(kbd "i"))
- (:name "Unread" :query "tag:unread" :sort-order newest-first :key ,(kbd "u"))
- (:name "Today's message" :query "tag:inbox date:today" :sort-order newest-first
- :key ,(kbd "t"))
- (:name "sent" :query "tag:sent" :sort-order newest-first :key ,(kbd "s"))
- (:name "drafts" :query "tag:draft" :sort-order newest-first :key ,(kbd "d"))
- (:name "all mail" :query "*" :sort-order newest-first :key ,(kbd "a"))))
- ;; Update notmuch on startup
- ;; (thanos/notmuch-update)
- ;; smtpmail settings
- (setf smtpmail-smtp-user (password-store-get-field "mailbox/thanosapollo" "user")
- smtpmail-smtp-server ""
- smtpmail-smtp-service 465
- smtpmail-stream-type 'ssl
- message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
- message-signature "Thanos Apollo ☧\n")
- ;; autosign messages
- (add-hook 'message-send-hook 'mml-secure-message-sign-pgpmime))
+ (notmuch-search-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 0) (emojify-mode)))))
+(setf notmuch-archive-tags '("-inbox" "-unread" "+archived")
+ notmuch-show-all-tags-list t
+ notmuch-hello-sections
+ '(notmuch-hello-insert-header notmuch-hello-insert-saved-searches
+ notmuch-hello-insert-alltags))
+(setq notmuch-search-oldest-first nil)
+(setf notmuch-tag-formats
+ '(("unread" (propertize tag 'face 'notmuch-tag-unread))
+ ("emacs-pm" (propertize tag 'face '((t :foreground "#ff9580"))))))
+(setf notmuch-identities '("[email protected]" "[email protected]"
+(setf notmuch-saved-searches
+ `((:name "Inbox" :query "tag:inbox" :sort-order newest-first :key ,(kbd "i"))
+ (:name "Unread" :query "tag:unread" :sort-order newest-first :key ,(kbd "u"))
+ (:name "Today's message" :query "tag:inbox date:today" :sort-order newest-first
+ :key ,(kbd "t"))
+ (:name "sent" :query "tag:sent" :sort-order newest-first :key ,(kbd "s"))
+ (:name "drafts" :query "tag:draft" :sort-order newest-first :key ,(kbd "d"))
+ (:name "all mail" :query "*" :sort-order newest-first :key ,(kbd "a"))))
+;; Update notmuch on startup
+;; (thanos/notmuch-update)
+;; smtpmail settings
+(setf smtpmail-smtp-user (password-store-get-field "mailbox/thanosapollo" "user")
+ smtpmail-smtp-server ""
+ smtpmail-smtp-service 465
+ smtpmail-stream-type 'ssl
+ message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
+ message-signature "Thanos Apollo ☧\n")
+;; autosign messages
+(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'mml-secure-message-sign-pgpmime)
;; (use-package yasnippet
@@ -1174,7 +1168,8 @@ Create a temporary frame to execute BODY, which will then be deleted."
"Set random wallpaper."
(let ((wallpapers (directory-files "~/wallpapers" nil "^[^.].*")))
- (thanos/wallpaper-set (format "%s%s" wallpapers-dir (nth (random (length wallpapers)) wallpapers)))))
+ (thanos/wallpaper-set
+ (format "%s%s" wallpapers-dir (nth (random (length wallpapers)) wallpapers)))))
(defun thanos/wallpaper-select ()
"Set wallpaper."