diff options
authorThanos Apollo <[email protected]>2023-02-08 19:00:29 +0200
committerThanos Apollo <[email protected]>2023-02-08 19:00:29 +0200
commit899e74af8eac4f490e8db6b31c376f49710a97bf (patch)
parentd69f859d3580a4c40f32832959966a7fc648f5dc (diff)
emacs: Add todo's
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ b/.emacs.d/
index 319f9ea..db546cd 100644
--- a/.emacs.d/
+++ b/.emacs.d/
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
#+TITLE: Emacs Configuration
#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle test.el
#+auto_tangle: t
+#+STARTUP: show2levels
-* TODO Setting up
+* TODO Setting up Packages
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'package)
;; recheck | Add custon snippets to my path
@@ -18,9 +17,9 @@ Packages
(setq custom-file (concat user-emacs-directory "/custom.el"))
** Setup for GuixSD machines
-We check ~$HOSTNAME~ if it's one of my devices running GuixSD, if ~t~
-we use ~guix-emacs-autoload-packages~ to load emacs packages installed using guix
-/If you are running guix, change the following hostnames ~fsociety~ or ~heisenberg~ to your own/
+We check the ~$HOSTNAME~, if it's one of my devices running GuixSD.
+we use ~guix-emacs-autoload-packages~ to load emacs packages installed using guix if ~t~
++ If you are running GuixSD, replace the following hostnames ~fsociety~ or ~heisenberg~ with your own ~$HOSTNAME~
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(when (or (string= (system-name) "fsociety")
(string= (system-name) "heisenberg"))
@@ -112,10 +111,10 @@ Install missing packages
(package-install 'use-package))
-* TODO Function
-* TODO email-module
-* TODO keys.el
-* TODO all-the-icons-dired.el
-* TODO org-config
-* UI Settings
-** Basic UI
+* TODO UI Settings
+** TODO Basic UI
+** TODO all-the-icons-dired.el
+* TODO Functions
+* TODO mu4e setup | Email configuration
+* TODO Custom key-bindings
+* TODO Org-mode Configuration