diff options
authorThanos Apollo <[email protected]>2023-08-20 14:17:53 +0300
committerThanos Apollo <[email protected]>2023-08-20 14:20:43 +0300
commit8881f0ee1397d3237b04317d52f07467e35b7c96 (patch)
parent77aa4d054d411f12b35df2e1a92007eda8cdb70e (diff)
emacs: redo aliases
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 327bb57..83d1c5b 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1038,46 +1038,22 @@ Create function to watch videos using ~mpv~
(pcomplete-here (append pcomplete-hut-commands)))
** Aliases & Paths
-Set aliases for ~~/.emacs.d/eshell/alias~ similarly that I would for a ~~/.bashrc~ file
-#+begin_src fundamental :tangle ~/.emacs.d/eshell/alias
- alias ls ls -lah
- alias anki QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--disable-seccomp-filter-sandbox" anki
- alias b bluetoothctl
- alias ba bluetooth-autoconnect
- alias c pavucontrol
- alias ca config add
- alias cc config commit -m
- alias cpm config push -u origin master
- alias cs config status
- alias fanki flatpak run net.ankiweb.Anki
- alias ga git add
- alias gaa git add .
- alias gc git commit -m
- alias gp git push -u origin
- alias gpd git push -u origin developer
- alias gpm git push -u origin master
- alias grep grep --color=auto
- alias gs magit-status
- alias gl magit-log
- alias klight='brightnessctl --device \''tpacpi::kbd_backlight'\'' set 1
- alias logout pkill -U $USER
- alias music mocp
- alias mykeys setxkbmap -option caps:escape
- alias r ranger
- alias sb sudo systemctl start bluetooth
- alias sweb BROWSER="firefox" yarn start
- alias vi nvim
- alias vim nvim
- alias weather curl
- alias yeet paru -Rsc
- alias ytd yt-dlp
- alias clear clear-scrollback
-Set aliases for emacs functions and ~PATH~
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ ;; List of aliases
+ (setq thanos/eshell-aliases
+ '((g . magit)
+ (gl . magit-log)
+ (d . dired)
+ (o . find-file)
+ (oo . find-file-other-window)))
+ ;; Define aliases using `mapcar`
+ (mapc (lambda (alias)
+ (defalias (car alias) (cdr alias)))
+ thanos/eshell-aliases)
+ ;; PATH
(defvar eshell-path-env (getenv "~/.local/bin"))
- (defalias 'o 'find-file)
- (defalias 'oo 'find-file-other-window)
** Prompt
#+begin_src emacs-lisp