diff options
authorThanos Apollo <[email protected]>2025-02-04 16:47:11 +0200
committerThanos Apollo <[email protected]>2025-02-04 16:47:11 +0200
commit70d17697c8527415a0d498520e11d8f7198a6996 (patch)
parent25a0ef0b1e1a339fc9dd81e4a26d8838e1387625 (diff)
emacs: Update theming, keymaps & add new watch var
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/.config/emacs/init.el b/.config/emacs/init.el
index 8213892..a2fde66 100644
--- a/.config/emacs/init.el
+++ b/.config/emacs/init.el
@@ -37,16 +37,17 @@
(format "%s <%s>" user-full-name user-mail-address))
(defvar is-constantine (string= (system-name) "constantine"))
-(defvar is-hermes (string= (system-name) "hermes"))
+(defvar is-alexios (string= (system-name) "alexios"))
(defvar is-phone (string= (system-name) "localhost"))
-(defvar is-uranus (string= (system-name) "uranus"))
+(defvar is-uranus (string= (system-name) "theodora"))
;; Font
- (if is-hermes '(default ((t (:inherit nil :height 130 :family "Fira Mono"))))
- '(default ((t (:inherit nil :height 160 :family "Fira Mono")))))
- '(org-modern-symbol ((t (:inherit t :family "Iosevka"))))
- '(italic ((t (:inherit t :family "Iosevka")))))
+(let ((font-size (if is-alexios 130 160)))
+ (custom-set-faces
+ `(default ((t (:inherit nil :height ,font-size :family "Fira Mono"))))
+ '(org-modern-symbol ((t (:inherit t :family "Iosevka"))))
+ `(variable-pitch ((t (:inherit t :family "Fira Mono" :height ,font-size))))
+ '(italic ((t (:inherit t :family "Iosevka"))))))
;; Autoinsert
(auto-insert-mode 1)
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@
;; Imenu
;; Enable use-package support for imenu
-;; NOTE: Load this before use-package!
+;;; !Load this before use-package!
(setf use-package-enable-imenu-support t)
(require 'imenu)
@@ -157,14 +158,9 @@
(define-key grep-mode-map (kbd "C-o") 'thanos/compile-goto-error)
-(defvar-keymap thanos/search-map
- "g" #'grep-find
- "l" #'lgrep
- "f" #'find-name-dired
- "o" #'thanos/occur
- "C-o" #'occur)
-(global-set-key (kbd "C-c s") thanos/search-map)
+(global-set-key (kbd "M-s g") #'grep-find)
+(global-set-key (kbd "M-s M-o") #'thanos/occur)
+(global-set-key (kbd "M-s f") #'find-name-dired)
(setf browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "icecat"
@@ -175,6 +171,22 @@
disabled-command-function nil ;; Enable all commands
url-privacy-level 'high)
+(defun thanos/watch-input-method (symbol new-value operation where)
+ "Watch for changes in `current-input-method' & update `ispell-dictionary'."
+ (when (eq operation 'set)
+ (cond
+ ((string-equal new-value "greek-polytonic")
+ (setq ispell-dictionary "el_GR")
+ ;; Refresh flyspell
+ (flyspell-mode 0)
+ (flyspell-mode 1))
+ (t
+ (setq ispell-dictionary "en_US")
+ (flyspell-mode 0)
+ (flyspell-mode 1)))))
+(add-variable-watcher 'current-input-method 'thanos/watch-input-method)
(setf calendar-date-style 'european)
(defun thanos/add-custom-keywords ()
@@ -197,14 +209,14 @@
:ensure t
(setf org-directory "~/org/"
- org-agenda-files '("~/org/" "~/org/")
+ org-agenda-files (directory-files-recursively "~/org" ".*")
org-default-notes-file (expand-file-name "" org-directory)
org-ellipsis " ▼"
org-log-done 'time
org-hide-emphasis-markers nil ;;change to t to hide emphasis markers
org-table-convert-region-max-lines 20000
org-log-done 'time
- org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "SEMINAR(s)" "LECTURE(l)" "DONE(d)")))
+ org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO" "DONE")))
(setf org-imenu-depth 3)
@@ -267,7 +279,6 @@
-;; (completion-styles-alist )
;; Export
(defun thanos/org-html-remove-curly-braces (text backend info)
@@ -375,7 +386,7 @@
(add-hook 'enable-theme-functions #'theme-invisible-dividers)
-;;;; Theming ;;;;
+;;; Theming
(setf inhibit-startup-message t
initial-scratch-message nil)
@@ -388,11 +399,8 @@
(global-display-line-numbers-mode 1)
-;; Transparency
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(alpha-background . 85))
-;; Theming
(defun thanos/terminal-theming ()
"Customize theming when laucning Emacs as TUI."
(unless (display-graphic-p (selected-frame))
@@ -415,24 +423,19 @@
(let* ((book-path (read-file-name "Book: " "~/Library/")))
(org-insert-link nil book-path (file-name-base book-path))))
-(use-package org-modern
- :ensure t
- :config
- (setf org-modern-table nil
- org-modern-todo nil
- org-modern-tag nil
- org-modern-timestamp nil
- org-modern-star 'replace
- org-modern-list '((?+ . "•")
- (?- . "•"))
- org-modern-replace-stars "☧")
- :hook ((org-mode . org-modern-mode)))
-;; Create notes directory for org-roam
-(unless (file-exists-p "~/Notes")
- (make-directory "~/Notes"))
-(unless (or is-phone is-uranus)
+(when (display-graphic-p)
+ (use-package org-modern
+ :ensure t
+ :config
+ (setf org-modern-table nil
+ org-modern-todo nil
+ org-modern-tag nil
+ org-modern-timestamp nil
+ org-modern-star 'replace
+ org-modern-list '((?+ . "•")
+ (?- . "•"))
+ org-modern-replace-stars "☧")
+ :hook ((org-mode . org-modern-mode)))
(use-package modus-themes
:ensure t
@@ -448,11 +451,11 @@
;; Palette overrides
(setf modus-vivendi-palette-overrides
'((fg-line-number-active cyan-intense)
- ;; (bg-main "#1d2021") ;;grubox-hard
+ ;; (bg-main "#1d2021") ;; grubox-hard
;; (bg-main "#191919") ;; 1337
;; (bg-main "#1d1f21") ;; tomorrow night
;; (bg-main "#151515") ;; jazz
- ;; (bg-main "#0C0C0C") ;; random black
+ (bg-main "#0C0C0C") ;; random black
;; (bg-main "#1b1d1e") ;; Iosevka
;; (bg-main "#0D0E16") ;; Acario
;; (bg-main "#1c1e1f") ;; molokai
@@ -473,6 +476,9 @@
(prose-todo green-intense)
(prose-done bg-term-white)
(fg-prompt yellow-faint)
+ (bg-prose-block-contents bg-magenta-nuanced)
+ (bg-prose-block-delimiter bg-lavender)
+ (fg-prose-block-delimiter fg-main)
;; Headings
(setf modus-themes-headings
@@ -558,9 +564,28 @@
(let ((branch (thanos/vc-git-branch)))
(vc-git-command nil 0 nil "branch" "-D" branch)
(message "Branch `%s' deleted." branch)))
+ (defun thanos/git-update-all-remotes ()
+ "Update all remotes for current repository"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((input-string (shell-command-to-string "git remote -v"))
+ (regex
+ "^\\([^ \t]+\\)[ \t]+\\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\(?::[0-9]*\\)?\\):\\([^ ]+\\)")
+ (pos 0)
+ (remote-names '()))
+ (cl-loop while (string-match regex input-string pos)
+ do (setq pos (match-end 0))
+ for remote-name = (match-string 1 input-string)
+ unless (member remote-name remote-names)
+ do (push remote-name remote-names))
+ (cl-loop for remote in remote-names
+ do (async-shell-command (format "git push -u %s" remote)
+ (format "Push for: %s" remote)))))
:bind (:map
- ("b d" . 'vc-git-delete-branch)))
+ ("b d" . 'vc-git-delete-branch)
+ ("p" . 'thanos/git-update-all-remotes))
+ :hook ((vc-git-log-edit-mode . flyspell-mode)))
(use-package magit
:defer t
@@ -612,7 +637,7 @@
(eat-mode . (lambda () (visual-line-mode -1)))))
(use-package shell
- :ensure t
+ :defer t
(defun thanos/shell (n)
"Create or switch to a shell buffer."
@@ -627,43 +652,14 @@
("C-l" . 'comint-clear-buffer))
:hook ((shell-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode -1)))))
-(defvar thanos/aliases
- '((ll . "ls -lah")
- (clear . clear-scrollback)))
-(defun thanos/set-eshell-aliases (aliases)
- "Set ALIASES as eshell aliases."
- ;; Remove aliases file
- (when (and eshell-aliases-file
- (file-exists-p eshell-aliases-file))
- (delete-file eshell-aliases-file))
- (mapc (lambda (alias)
- (let ((name (symbol-name (car alias)))
- (command (cdr alias)))
- (eshell/alias name
- (cond
- ((stringp command) command)
- ((symbolp command) (symbol-name command))
- (t (error "Unsupported alias command type"))))))
- aliases))
-(defun eshell/o (file)
- "Open FILE."
- (find-file file))
-(defun thanos/eshell-clear ()
- "Interactive call for clear-scrollback."
- (interactive)
- (eshell/clear-scrollback))
-(defun thanos/eshell-preview-insert ()
- (interactive)
- (completion-preview-insert)
- (delete-char -1))
+(use-package term
+ :defer t
+ :hook ((term-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 0)))))
(use-package esh-mode
- :ensure nil
+ :defer t
+ ;; Prompt
(defun eshell-git-info ()
"Return a string with git info."
(when (eq (call-process "git" nil nil nil "rev-parse" "--is-inside-work-tree") 0)
@@ -672,14 +668,16 @@
(string-match-p "^error" branch-raw))
(string-trim branch-raw)))
- (dirty (not (string= "" (string-trim (shell-command-to-string "git status --porcelain")))))
+ (dirty (not
+ (string= "" (string-trim (shell-command-to-string "git status --porcelain")))))
(dirty-info (if dirty " ✎" " ✔")))
(concat (propertize "⎇ " 'face 'modus-themes-fg-green-warmer)
(propertize branch 'face 'modus-themes-fg-magenta-warmer)
- (propertize dirty-info 'face (if dirty 'modus-themes-fg-red 'modus-themes-fg-green))))))
+ (propertize dirty-info 'face
+ (if dirty 'modus-themes-fg-red 'modus-themes-fg-green))))))
(defun eshell-prompt-multiline ()
- "Eshell Git prompt inspired by spaceship-prompt."
+ "Eshell Multiline Git prompt."
(let ((separator (propertize " | " 'face 'font-lock-comment-face))
(hr (propertize (concat "\n" (make-string (/ (window-total-width) 2) ?─) "\n") 'face 'font-lock-comment-face))
(dir (propertize (format "%s" (abbreviate-file-name (eshell/pwd))) 'face 'modus-themes-fg-yellow-warmer))
@@ -688,11 +686,47 @@
(sign (if (= (user-uid) 0)
(propertize "\n#" 'face 'modus-themes-fg-blue-intense)
(propertize "\nλ" 'face 'modus-themes-fg-red-warmer))))
- ;; Build prompt
(concat hr dir separator git-info separator time sign " ")))
(setf eshell-prompt-function 'eshell-prompt-multiline
eshell-highlight-prompt nil)
+ ;; Aliases
+ (defun eshell/o (file)
+ "Open FILE."
+ (find-file file))
+ (defvar thanos/aliases
+ '((ll . "ls -lah")
+ (clear . clear-scrollback)))
+ (defun thanos/set-eshell-aliases (aliases)
+ "Set ALIASES as eshell aliases."
+ ;; Remove aliases file
+ (when (and eshell-aliases-file
+ (file-exists-p eshell-aliases-file))
+ (delete-file eshell-aliases-file))
+ (mapc (lambda (alias)
+ (let ((name (symbol-name (car alias)))
+ (command (cdr alias)))
+ (eshell/alias name
+ (cond
+ ((stringp command) command)
+ ((symbolp command) (symbol-name command))
+ (t (error "Unsupported alias command type"))))))
+ aliases))
+ ;; Rebinds
+ (defun thanos/eshell-clear ()
+ "Interactive call for clear-scrollback."
+ (interactive)
+ (eshell/clear-scrollback))
+ (defun thanos/eshell-preview-insert ()
+ (interactive)
+ (completion-preview-insert)
+ ;; This funciton just deletes the extra space inserted after
+ ;; completion.
+ (delete-char -1))
:bind (("C-c e" . eshell)
:map eshell-mode-map
("C-l" . 'thanos/eshell-clear)
@@ -731,21 +765,32 @@
(defun thanos/erc-login ()
"Login to"
- (erc :server "uranus" :port 5555
+ (erc :server "theodora" :port 5500
:nick "thanosapollo"
:user "thanosapollo"
:password (password-store-get "znc/admin")))
- :bind (("C-c E" . 'erc-libera)
+ :bind (("C-c E" . 'thanos/erc-login)
:map erc-mode-map
("C-c RET" . 'erc-cmd-QUERY)))
+(use-package telega
+ :defer t
+ :config
+ (global-emojify-mode-line-mode)
+ :hook ((telega-chat-mode . (lambda ()
+ (display-line-numbers-mode 0)
+ (emojify-mode 1)))
+ (telega-root-mode . (lambda ()
+ (display-line-numbers-mode 0)
+ (emojify-mode 1)))))
(use-package sudo-edit
:ensure t
(setf sudo-edit-local-method "sudo"))
;; My packages
-(when (or is-constantine is-hermes)
+(when (or is-constantine is-alexios)
(use-package yeetube
:init (define-prefix-command 'thanos/yeetube-map)
:vc t
@@ -818,8 +863,8 @@
(setf gnosis-vc-auto-push t
gnosis-mcq-display-choices nil
- gnosis-image-width (and is-hermes 150)
- gnosis-image-height (and is-hermes 150))
+ gnosis-image-width (and is-alexios 150)
+ gnosis-image-height (and is-alexios 150))
(setf gnosis-custom-values
'((:deck "Bulgarian" (:amnesia 0.55 :proto (0 1 3)))
@@ -841,8 +886,10 @@
(setf org-gnosis-dir "~/Notes"
- '(("Default"
- "* Daily Notes\n\n* Goals\n+ [] Πρωινὴ Προσευχή\n+ [] Ἑσπερινή Προσευχή\n\n* Extras"))
+ '(("Default" (lambda ()
+ (format "\n* Body stats\nweight:\n\n* Daily Notes\n\n* Goals\n%s"
+ (org-gnosis-todos))))
+ ("Empty" (lambda () "")))
org-gnosis-show-tags t)
(defun thanos/org-open-at-point ()
@@ -1006,7 +1053,7 @@
(setq gptel-backend (gptel-make-ollama "Ollama"
:host (if is-constantine "localhost:11434" "constantine:11434")
:stream t
- :models '("llama3.2:latest" "dolphin-phi" "dolphin-llama3:latest")))
+ :models '("deepseek-r1:latest" "llama3.2:latest")))
(gptel-make-anthropic "Claude"
:stream t
@@ -1294,7 +1341,7 @@ Create a temporary frame to execute BODY, which will then be deleted."
(add-variable-watcher 'wallpaper-current #'thanos/wallpaper-watcher)
;; Set wallpaper
-(when (or is-constantine is-hermes)
+(when (or is-constantine is-alexios)
(defvar-keymap thanos/applications-map