path: root/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/Background_and_gear/
diff options
authorThanosApollo <[email protected]>2022-10-01 08:37:56 +0300
committerThanosApollo <[email protected]>2022-10-01 08:37:56 +0300
commitaeb7f1457eb5fa0591f2f1020d83a616d9b1fcb6 (patch)
treeb5b7fd4ee1bd336d82348ff0a799f1e0c8847fdb /.local/share/Anki2/addons21/Background_and_gear/
parenta4a7c05aaa05c267ce304697daddde6637fbd8a9 (diff)
Remove anki add ons
Diffstat (limited to '.local/share/Anki2/addons21/Background_and_gear/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/Background_and_gear/ b/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/Background_and_gear/
deleted file mode 100644
index ef82ce2..0000000
--- a/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/Background_and_gear/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: ijgnd
-# AnKingMed
-# License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later;
-import os
-import random
-from aqt.editor import pics
-from aqt.gui_hooks import state_did_change
-from .config import addon_path, addonfoldername, gc
-def set_bg_img(filecontent, imgname, location, review=False):
- #add background image for normal and nightmode
- img_web_rel_path = f"/_addons/{addonfoldername}/user_files/background/{imgname}"
- old = "/*AnKing edits*/"
- if location == "body":
- bg_position = gc("background-position", "center")
- bg_color = gc("background-color main", "")
- elif location == "top" and gc("Toolbar top/bottom"):
- bg_position = "top"
- elif location == "bottom" and gc("Toolbar top/bottom"):
- bg_position = "bottom;"
- else:
- bg_position = f"""background-position: {gc("background-position", "center")};"""
- if location == "top":
- bg_color = gc("background-color top", "")
- elif location == "bottom":
- bg_color = gc("background-color bottom", "")
- if review:
- opacity = gc("background opacity review", "1")
- else:
- opacity = gc("background opacity main", "1")
- scale = gc("background scale", "1")
- bracket_start = "body::before {"
- bracket_close = "}"
- if review and not gc("Reviewer image"):
- background = "background-image:none!important;"
- else:
- background = f"""
- background-image: url("{img_web_rel_path}");
- background-size: {gc("background-size", "contain")};
- background-attachment: {gc("background-attachment", "fixed")}!important;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- background-position: {bg_position};
- background-color: {bg_color}!important;
- opacity: {opacity};
- content: "";
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- bottom: 0;
- right: 0;
- position: fixed;
- z-index: -99;
- will-change: transform;
- transform: scale({scale});
- """
- new = f"""{bracket_start}\n{background}\n{bracket_close}"""
- result = filecontent.replace(old, new)
- return result
-def get_bg_img():
- bg_abs_path = os.path.join(addon_path, "user_files", "background")
- bgimg_list = [os.path.basename(f) for f in os.listdir(bg_abs_path) if f.endswith(pics)]
- val = gc("Image name for background")
- if val and val.lower() == "random":
- return random.choice(bgimg_list)
- if val in bgimg_list:
- return val
- else:
- # if empty or illegal value show no background to signal that an illegal values was used
- return ""
-img_name = get_bg_img()
-def reset_image(new_state, old_state):
- global img_name
- if new_state == "deckBrowser":
- img_name = get_bg_img()
-def adjust_deckbrowser_css22(filecontent):
- result = set_bg_img(filecontent, img_name, "body")
- #do not invert gears if using personal image
- if gc("Image name for gear") != "gears.svg":
- old_gears = "filter: invert(180);"
- new_gears = "/* filter: invert(180); */"
- result = result.replace(old_gears, new_gears)
- return result
-def adjust_toolbar_css22(filecontent):
- return set_bg_img(filecontent, img_name, "top")
-def adjust_bottomtoolbar_css22(filecontent):
- return set_bg_img(filecontent, img_name, "bottom")
-def adjust_overview_css22(filecontent):
- return set_bg_img(filecontent, img_name, "body")
-def adjust_reviewer_css22(filecontent):
- return set_bg_img(filecontent, img_name, "body", True)
-def adjust_reviewerbottom_css22(filecontent):
- return set_bg_img(filecontent, img_name, "bottom", True)