path: root/.config
diff options
authorThanosApollo <[email protected]>2022-10-28 05:32:07 +0300
committerThanosApollo <[email protected]>2022-10-28 05:32:07 +0300
commitd4c5cd5e40d6ff801f7e0fff61036adfe8f0742f (patch)
treee6c6222a2f1328804915cec5fd926c3235a34f05 /.config
parent07ed6a92b452641922d623bc3cc84cd1ac6a5df9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '.config')
1 files changed, 536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/qtile/ b/.config/qtile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd7a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/qtile/
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+#+PROPERTY: header-args:python :tangle ./
+* Qtile configuration
+* Table of Contents
+:TOC: :include all :ignore this
+- [[#imports][Imports]]
+- [[#colors][Colors]]
+- [[#keybindings][Keybindings]]
+ - [[#keyboard][Keyboard]]
+ - [[#mouse][Mouse]]
+- [[#panel][Panel]]
+ - [[#groups][Groups]]
+ - [[#layouts][Layouts]]
+ - [[#widgets][Widgets]]
+ - [[#defaults][Defaults]]
+ - [[#custom-widgets][Custom Widgets]]
+ - [[#widget-list][Widget List]]
+- [[#screens][Screens]]
+- [[#settings][Settings]]
+ - [[#cursor-&-wname][Cursor & wname]]
+** Imports
+#+begin_src python
+import os
+import subprocess
+from libqtile import layout, bar, widget, hook
+from libqtile.config import Click, Drag, Group, Match, Screen, Rule, Key
+from libqtile.command import lazy
+from libqtile.dgroups import simple_key_binder
+from colors import gruvbox, nord_fox, my_colors, dracula
+from spotify_widget import Spotify
+** Colors
+#+begin_src python :tangle ./
+nord_fox = {
+ 'bg': "#2e3440",
+ 'fg': "#b9bfca",
+ 'fg_gutter': "#4b5668",
+ 'black': "#3b4252",
+ 'red': "#bf616a",
+ 'green': "#a3be8c",
+ 'yellow': "#ebcb8b",
+ 'blue': "#81a1c1",
+ 'magenta': "#b48ead",
+ 'cyan': "#88c0d0",
+ 'white': "#e5e9f0",
+ 'orange': "#c9826b",
+ 'pink': "#bf88bc",
+gruvbox = {
+ 'bg': '#282828',
+ 'fg': '#d4be98',
+ 'dark-red': '#ea6962',
+ 'red': '#ea6962',
+ 'dark-green': '#a9b665',
+ 'green': '#a9b665',
+ 'dark-yellow': '#e78a4e',
+ 'yellow': '#d8a657',
+ 'dark-blue': '#7daea3',
+ 'blue': '#7daea3',
+ 'dark-magenta': '#d3869b',
+ 'magenta': '#d3869b',
+ 'dark-cyan': '#89b482',
+ 'cyan': '#89b482',
+ 'dark-gray': '#665c54',
+ 'gray': '#928374',
+ 'fg4': '#766f64',
+ 'fg3': '#665c54',
+ 'fg2': '#504945',
+ 'fg1': '#3c3836',
+ 'bg0': '#32302f',
+ 'fg0': '#1d2021',
+ 'fg9': '#ebdbb2'
+my_colors = {
+ "black" : "#000000",
+ "black2": "#2F343F",
+ "blue" : "#3384d0",
+ "red" : "#ff0000",
+ "grey" : "#a9a9a9",
+ "grey2" : "#C0C5CE",
+ "cyan" : "#6790EB",
+ "green" : "#62FF00",
+ "white" : "#F3F4F5",
+ "orange": "#FBA922",
+dracula = {
+ "bg" : "#282a36" ,
+ "fg" : "#f8f8f2",
+ "curr": "#44475a",
+ "cyan": "#8be9fd",
+ "green": "#50fa7b",
+ "orange": "#ffb86c",
+ "purple": "#bd93f9",
+ "red" : "#ff5555",
+** Keybindings
+*** Keyboard
+#+begin_src python
+ mod = "mod4"
+ browser = "qutebrowser"
+ term = "alacritty"
+ editor = "emacsclient -c -a 'emacs'"
+ dgroups_key_binder = simple_key_binder("mod4") #Change groups
+ keys = [
+ Key([mod], "Return",
+ lazy.spawn(term),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "a",
+ lazy.spawn('anki'),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "m",
+ lazy.spawn("spotify"),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "Tab",
+ lazy.spawn("rofi -show drun"),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "r",
+ lazy.spawn("rofi -show run"),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "w",
+ lazy.spawn("rofi -show window"),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "p",
+ lazy.spawn("passmenu -p 'Password for: '"),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "b",
+ lazy.spawn(browser),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "c",
+ lazy.next_layout(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "q",
+ lazy.window.kill(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "r",
+ lazy.restart(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "0",
+ lazy.shutdown(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "e",
+ lazy.spawn(editor),
+ ),
+ ### Switch focus of monitors
+ Key([mod], "period",
+ lazy.next_screen(),
+ ),
+ ### Treetab controls
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "h",
+ lazy.layout.move_left(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "l",
+ lazy.layout.move_right(),
+ ),
+ ### Window controls
+ Key([mod], "j",
+ lazy.layout.down(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "k",
+ lazy.layout.up(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "j",
+ lazy.layout.shuffle_down(),
+ lazy.layout.section_down(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "k",
+ lazy.layout.shuffle_up(),
+ lazy.layout.section_up(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "h",
+ lazy.layout.shrink(),
+ lazy.layout.decrease_nmaster(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "l",
+ lazy.layout.grow(),
+ lazy.layout.increase_nmaster(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "n",
+ lazy.layout.normalize(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "m",
+ lazy.layout.maximize(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "f",
+ lazy.window.toggle_floating(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "f",
+ lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen(),
+ ),
+ ### Stack controls
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "Tab",
+ lazy.layout.rotate(),
+ lazy.layout.flip(),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "space",
+ lazy.layout.toggle_split(),
+ ),
+ ### Volume controls
+ Key([], "XF86AudioLowerVolume",
+ lazy.spawn('amixer sset Master 5%-'),
+ ),
+ Key([], "XF86AudioRaiseVolume",
+ lazy.spawn('amixer sset Master 5%+'),
+ ),
+ ### Spotify
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "p",
+ lazy.spawn("spotify-control play-pause"),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "n",
+ lazy.spawn("spotify-control next"),
+ ),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "b",
+ lazy.spawn("spotify-control previous"),
+ ),
+ ### Change languages
+ Key([mod], "F1",
+ lazy.spawn("setxkbmap us -option caps:swapescape"),
+ ),
+ Key([mod],"F2",
+ lazy.spawn("setxkbmap gr"),
+ ),
+ ]
+*** Mouse
+#+begin_src python
+ mouse = [
+ Drag([mod], "Button1", lazy.window.set_position_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_position()),
+ Drag([mod], "Button3", lazy.window.set_size_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_size()),
+ Click([mod], "Button2", lazy.window.bring_to_front()),
+ ]
+** Panel
+*** Groups
+#+begin_src python
+groups = []
+group_names = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0",]
+group_labels = ["Ⅰ", "Ⅱ", "Ⅲ", "Ⅳ", "Ⅴ", "Ⅵ", "Ⅶ", "Ⅷ", "Ⅸ", "Ⅹ",]
+group_layouts = ["monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall",]
+for i in range(len(group_names)):
+ groups.append(
+ Group(
+ name=group_names[i],
+ layout=group_layouts[i].lower(),
+ label=group_labels[i],
+ ))
+*** Layouts
+#+begin_src python
+def init_layout_theme():
+ return {"margin":5,
+ "border_width":2,
+ "border_focus": dracula["cyan"],
+ "border_normal": dracula["bg"],
+ }
+layout_theme = init_layout_theme()
+layouts = [
+ layout.MonadTall(**layout_theme),
+ #layout.MonadWide(**layout_theme),
+ #layout.Matrix(**layout_theme),
+ #layout.Bsp(**layout_theme),
+ layout.Floating(**layout_theme),
+ # layout.RatioTile(**layout_theme),
+ layout.Max(**layout_theme)
+*** Widgets
+**** Defaults
+#+begin_src python
+def init_widgets_defaults():
+ return dict(font="Noto Sans",
+ fontsize = 12,
+ padding = 2,
+ foreground =dracula["fg"],
+ background = dracula["bg"]
+ )
+widget_defaults = init_widgets_defaults()
+**** Custom Widgets
+***** Spotify
+- A custom widget, pulls metadata via dbus, displaying song and artist of current playing song through spotify
+- Qtile provides a similar widget named *Mpris2*
+ - /I wanted to play around with dbus, so I made this one/
+#+begin_src python :tangle ./
+import dbus
+import subprocess
+from functools import partial
+from libqtile.widget import base
+class Spotify(base.ThreadPoolText):
+ """A simple Spotify widget, made using dbus-python.
+ Show the song and artist of now listening song and allow basic mouse
+ control from the bar using spotify-control(
+ Github:
+ AUR:
+ ):
+ - toggle pause (or play if stopped) on left click;
+ - skip forward in playlist on scroll up;
+ - skip backward in playlist on scroll down.
+ """
+ defaults = [
+ ("color", "00ff00", "Text"),
+ ("update_interval", 0.5, "Update Time in seconds."),
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, **config):
+ base.ThreadPoolText.__init__(self, "", **config)
+ self.add_defaults(Spotify.defaults)
+ self.local = None
+ self.add_callbacks(
+ {
+ "Button1": partial(subprocess.Popen, ["spotify-control", "play-pause"]),
+ "Button4": partial(subprocess.Popen, ["spotify-control", "next"]),
+ "Button5": partial(subprocess.Popen, ["spotify-control", "previous"]),
+ }
+ )
+ def now_playing(self):
+ """Return current song"""
+ session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
+ bus_data = ("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify", "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2")
+ spotify_bus = session_bus.get_object(*bus_data)
+ interface = dbus.Interface(spotify_bus, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
+ metadata = interface.Get("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player", "Metadata")
+ data = {
+ "artist" : next(iter(metadata.get("xesam:albumArtist"))),
+ "song" : metadata.get("xesam:title")
+ }
+ song = data["song"] + " ♫ " + data["artist"]
+ self.layout.colour = self.color
+ return song
+ def poll(self):
+ """Poll content for the text box."""
+ try:
+ return self.now_playing()
+ except :
+ return "Spotify is not responding"
+**** Widget List
+#+begin_src python
+def init_widgets_list():
+ widgets_list = [
+ widget.Spacer(
+ length=7,
+ ),
+ widget.Image(
+ filename = "~/.config/qtile/rms.png",
+ scale = "True",
+ margin = 2,
+ ),
+ widget.Spacer(
+ length=7,
+ ),
+ widget.GroupBox(
+ font="FontAwesome",
+ fontsize = 20,
+ padding = 3,
+ margin = 4,
+ borderwidth = 1,
+ active = dracula["cyan"],
+ inactive = dracula["curr"],
+ rounded = False,
+ highlight_method = "line",
+ this_current_screen_border = dracula["red"],
+ other_current_screen_border = dracula["curr"],
+ ),
+ widget.CurrentLayout(
+ font = "Noto Sans Bold",
+ foreground = dracula["fg"],
+ background = "#5B4B8A",
+ ),
+ widget.Spacer(
+ length=5
+ ),
+ widget.WindowName(
+ font="JetBrains Mono Bold",
+ fontsize = 12,
+ foreground = dracula["green"],
+ background = dracula["bg"],
+ ),
+ # widget.Image(
+ # filename = "~/.config/qtile/spotify2.png",
+ # scale = True,
+ # ),
+ # Spotify(
+ # fontsize = 12,
+ # background = dracula["bg"],
+ # color = dracula["green"],
+ # fmt = '{}',
+ # font = "JetBrains Mono Bold"
+ # ),
+ # widget.Moc(
+ # font = "JetBrains Mono",
+ # fontsize= 13,
+ # play_color=dracula["green"],
+ # paddig = 10,
+ # ),
+ widget.Spacer(
+ length=10,
+ ),
+ widget.Image(
+ filename = "~/.config/qtile/volume1.png",
+ scale = True,
+ ),
+ widget.Spacer(
+ length=7,
+ padding = 10,
+ ),
+ widget.Volume(
+ fontsize = 15,
+ fmt = '{} ' ,
+ background = dracula["bg"],
+ foreground = dracula['orange'],
+ font = "JetBrains Mono",
+ margin = 10,
+ ),
+ # widget.Mpris2(
+ # fontsize= 16,
+ # background = my_colors["red"],
+ # objname="org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify"
+ # ),
+ widget.Spacer(
+ length=7,
+ padding = 10,
+ ),
+ widget.Image(
+ filename = "~/.config/qtile/ram2.png",
+ scale = True,
+ ),
+ widget.Memory(
+ measure_mem="G",
+ fontsize=15,
+ foreground = dracula["cyan"],
+ background = dracula["bg"],
+ font='JetBrains Mono Bold',
+ ),
+ widget.MemoryGraph(
+ type='box',
+ graph_color = dracula["cyan"],
+ foreground = dracula["fg"],
+ background = dracula["bg"],
+ ),
+ widget.Spacer(
+ length=7
+ ),
+ widget.Image(
+ filename = "~/.config/qtile/cpu1.png",
+ scale = True,
+ ),
+ widget.ThermalSensor(
+ threshold=50,
+ fontsize=15,
+ font='JetBrains Mono Bold',
+ foreground = dracula["cyan"],
+ background = dracula["bg"],
+ ),
+ widget.CPUGraph(
+ type='box',
+ graph_color = dracula["cyan"],
+ background = dracula["bg"],
+ ),
+ widget.Spacer(
+ length=5
+ ),
+ widget.TextBox(
+ font="FontAwesome",
+ text="  ",
+ foreground=dracula["orange"],
+ background=dracula["bg"],
+ padding = 2,
+ fontsize=18
+ ),
+ widget.Clock(
+ font='JetBrains Mono Bold',
+ foreground = dracula["cyan"],
+ background = dracula["bg"],
+ fontsize = 18,
+ format="%d-%m-%Y | %H:%M"
+ ),
+ widget.Spacer(
+ length=6
+ ),
+ widget.Systray(
+ background= dracula["bg"],
+ icon_size=20,
+ padding = 10,
+ margin = 10,
+ ),
+ widget.Spacer(
+ length=5
+ ),
+ ]
+ return widgets_list
+** Screens
+#+begin_src python
+widgets_screen1 = init_widgets_screen1()
+widgets_screen2 = init_widgets_screen2()
+def init_screens():
+ return [Screen(top=bar.Bar(widgets=init_widgets_screen1(), size=33, margin = [6,20,3,20]),),
+ Screen(top=bar.Bar(widgets=init_widgets_screen2(), size=28, margin = 7))]
+screens = init_screens()
+** Settings
+*** Cursor & wname
+#+begin_src python
+follow_mouse_focus = True
+bring_front_click = False
+cursor_warp = True
+auto_fullscreen = True
+focus_on_window_activation = "smart" # or smart
+wmname = "Qtile-Apo11o"