path: root/Calibre_Plugins/eReaderPDB2PML_plugin/osx/psyco/.svn/text-base/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Calibre_Plugins/eReaderPDB2PML_plugin/osx/psyco/.svn/text-base/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/Calibre_Plugins/eReaderPDB2PML_plugin/osx/psyco/.svn/text-base/ b/Calibre_Plugins/eReaderPDB2PML_plugin/osx/psyco/.svn/text-base/
deleted file mode 100644
index f1d06f1..0000000
--- a/Calibre_Plugins/eReaderPDB2PML_plugin/osx/psyco/.svn/text-base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-# Psyco profiler (Python part).
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Armin Rigo
-"""Psyco profiler (Python part).
-The implementation of the non-time-critical parts of the profiler.
-See profile() and full() in for the easy interface.
-import _psyco
-from support import *
-import math, time, types, atexit
-now = time.time
- import thread
-except ImportError:
- import dummy_thread as thread
-# current profiler instance
-current = None
-# enabled profilers, in order of priority
-profilers = []
-# logger module (when enabled by core.log())
-logger = None
-# a lock for a thread-safe go()
-go_lock = thread.allocate_lock()
-def go(stop=0):
- # run the highest-priority profiler in 'profilers'
- global current
- go_lock.acquire()
- try:
- prev = current
- if stop:
- del profilers[:]
- if prev:
- if profilers and profilers[0] is prev:
- return # best profiler already running
- prev.stop()
- current = None
- for p in profilers[:]:
- if p.start():
- current = p
- if logger: # and p is not prev:
- logger.write("%s: starting" % p.__class__.__name__, 5)
- return
- finally:
- go_lock.release()
- # no profiler is running now
- if stop:
- if logger:
- logger.writefinalstats()
- else:
- tag2bind()
-atexit.register(go, 1)
-def buildfncache(globals, cache):
- if hasattr(types.IntType, '__dict__'):
- clstypes = (types.ClassType, types.TypeType)
- else:
- clstypes = types.ClassType
- for x in globals.values():
- if isinstance(x, types.MethodType):
- x = x.im_func
- if isinstance(x, types.FunctionType):
- cache[x.func_code] = x, ''
- elif isinstance(x, clstypes):
- for y in x.__dict__.values():
- if isinstance(y, types.MethodType):
- y = y.im_func
- if isinstance(y, types.FunctionType):
- cache[y.func_code] = y, x.__name__
-# code-to-function mapping (cache)
-function_cache = {}
-def trytobind(co, globals, log=1):
- try:
- f, clsname = function_cache[co]
- except KeyError:
- buildfncache(globals, function_cache)
- try:
- f, clsname = function_cache[co]
- except KeyError:
- if logger:
- logger.write('warning: cannot find function %s in %s' %
- (co.co_name, globals.get('__name__', '?')), 3)
- return # give up
- if logger and log:
- modulename = globals.get('__name__', '?')
- if clsname:
- modulename += '.' + clsname
- logger.write('bind function: %s.%s' % (modulename, co.co_name), 1)
- f.func_code = _psyco.proxycode(f)
-# the list of code objects that have been tagged
-tagged_codes = []
-def tag(co, globals):
- if logger:
- try:
- f, clsname = function_cache[co]
- except KeyError:
- buildfncache(globals, function_cache)
- try:
- f, clsname = function_cache[co]
- except KeyError:
- clsname = '' # give up
- modulename = globals.get('__name__', '?')
- if clsname:
- modulename += '.' + clsname
- logger.write('tag function: %s.%s' % (modulename, co.co_name), 1)
- tagged_codes.append((co, globals))
- _psyco.turbo_frame(co)
- _psyco.turbo_code(co)
-def tag2bind():
- if tagged_codes:
- if logger:
- logger.write('profiling stopped, binding %d functions' %
- len(tagged_codes), 2)
- for co, globals in tagged_codes:
- trytobind(co, globals, 0)
- function_cache.clear()
- del tagged_codes[:]
-class Profiler:
- MemoryTimerResolution = 0.103
- def run(self, memory, time, memorymax, timemax):
- self.memory = memory
- self.memorymax = memorymax
- self.time = time
- if timemax is None:
- self.endtime = None
- else:
- self.endtime = now() + timemax
- self.alarms = []
- profilers.append(self)
- go()
- def start(self):
- curmem = _psyco.memory()
- memlimits = []
- if self.memorymax is not None:
- if curmem >= self.memorymax:
- if logger:
- logger.writememory()
- return self.limitreached('memorymax')
- memlimits.append(self.memorymax)
- if self.memory is not None:
- if self.memory <= 0:
- if logger:
- logger.writememory()
- return self.limitreached('memory')
- memlimits.append(curmem + self.memory)
- self.memory_at_start = curmem
- curtime = now()
- timelimits = []
- if self.endtime is not None:
- if curtime >= self.endtime:
- return self.limitreached('timemax')
- timelimits.append(self.endtime - curtime)
- if self.time is not None:
- if self.time <= 0.0:
- return self.limitreached('time')
- timelimits.append(self.time)
- self.time_at_start = curtime
- try:
- self.do_start()
- except error, e:
- if logger:
- logger.write('%s: disabled by psyco.error:' % (
- self.__class__.__name__), 4)
- logger.write(' %s' % str(e), 3)
- return 0
- if memlimits:
- self.memlimits_args = (time.sleep, (self.MemoryTimerResolution,),
- self.check_memory, (min(memlimits),))
- self.alarms.append(_psyco.alarm(*self.memlimits_args))
- if timelimits:
- self.alarms.append(_psyco.alarm(time.sleep, (min(timelimits),),
- self.time_out))
- return 1
- def stop(self):
- for alarm in self.alarms:
- alarm.stop(0)
- for alarm in self.alarms:
- alarm.stop(1) # wait for parallel threads to stop
- del self.alarms[:]
- if self.time is not None:
- self.time -= now() - self.time_at_start
- if self.memory is not None:
- self.memory -= _psyco.memory() - self.memory_at_start
- try:
- self.do_stop()
- except error:
- return 0
- return 1
- def check_memory(self, limit):
- if _psyco.memory() < limit:
- return self.memlimits_args
- go()
- def time_out(self):
- self.time = 0.0
- go()
- def limitreached(self, limitname):
- try:
- profilers.remove(self)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- if logger:
- logger.write('%s: disabled (%s limit reached)' % (
- self.__class__.__name__, limitname), 4)
- return 0
-class FullCompiler(Profiler):
- def do_start(self):
- _psyco.profiling('f')
- def do_stop(self):
- _psyco.profiling('.')
-class RunOnly(Profiler):
- def do_start(self):
- _psyco.profiling('n')
- def do_stop(self):
- _psyco.profiling('.')
-class ChargeProfiler(Profiler):
- def __init__(self, watermark, parentframe):
- self.watermark = watermark
- self.parent2 = parentframe * 2.0
- self.lock = thread.allocate_lock()
- def init_charges(self):
- _psyco.statwrite(watermark = self.watermark,
- parent2 = self.parent2)
- def do_stop(self):
- _psyco.profiling('.')
- _psyco.statwrite(callback = None)
-class ActiveProfiler(ChargeProfiler):
- def active_start(self):
- _psyco.profiling('p')
- def do_start(self):
- self.init_charges()
- self.active_start()
- _psyco.statwrite(callback = self.charge_callback)
- def charge_callback(self, frame, charge):
- tag(frame.f_code, frame.f_globals)
-class PassiveProfiler(ChargeProfiler):
- initial_charge_unit = _psyco.statread('unit')
- reset_stats_after = 120 # half-lives (maximum 200!)
- reset_limit = initial_charge_unit * (2.0 ** reset_stats_after)
- def __init__(self, watermark, halflife, pollfreq, parentframe):
- ChargeProfiler.__init__(self, watermark, parentframe)
- self.pollfreq = pollfreq
- # self.progress is slightly more than 1.0, and computed so that
- # do_profile() will double the change_unit every 'halflife' seconds.
- self.progress = 2.0 ** (1.0 / (halflife * pollfreq))
- def reset(self):
- _psyco.statwrite(unit = self.initial_charge_unit, callback = None)
- _psyco.statreset()
- if logger:
- logger.write("%s: resetting stats" % self.__class__.__name__, 1)
- def passive_start(self):
- self.passivealarm_args = (time.sleep, (1.0 / self.pollfreq,),
- self.do_profile)
- self.alarms.append(_psyco.alarm(*self.passivealarm_args))
- def do_start(self):
- tag2bind()
- self.init_charges()
- self.passive_start()
- def do_profile(self):
- _psyco.statcollect()
- if logger:
- logger.dumpcharges()
- nunit = _psyco.statread('unit') * self.progress
- if nunit > self.reset_limit:
- self.reset()
- else:
- _psyco.statwrite(unit = nunit, callback = self.charge_callback)
- return self.passivealarm_args
- def charge_callback(self, frame, charge):
- trytobind(frame.f_code, frame.f_globals)
-class ActivePassiveProfiler(PassiveProfiler, ActiveProfiler):
- def do_start(self):
- self.init_charges()
- self.active_start()
- self.passive_start()
- def charge_callback(self, frame, charge):
- tag(frame.f_code, frame.f_globals)
-# we register our own version of sys.settrace(), sys.setprofile()
-# and thread.start_new_thread().
-def psyco_settrace(*args, **kw):
- "This is the Psyco-aware version of sys.settrace()."
- result = original_settrace(*args, **kw)
- go()
- return result
-def psyco_setprofile(*args, **kw):
- "This is the Psyco-aware version of sys.setprofile()."
- result = original_setprofile(*args, **kw)
- go()
- return result
-def psyco_thread_stub(callable, args, kw):
- _psyco.statcollect()
- if kw is None:
- return callable(*args)
- else:
- return callable(*args, **kw)
-def psyco_start_new_thread(callable, args, kw=None):
- "This is the Psyco-aware version of thread.start_new_thread()."
- return original_start_new_thread(psyco_thread_stub, (callable, args, kw))
-original_settrace = sys.settrace
-original_setprofile = sys.setprofile
-original_start_new_thread = thread.start_new_thread
-sys.settrace = psyco_settrace
-sys.setprofile = psyco_setprofile
-thread.start_new_thread = psyco_start_new_thread
-# hack to patch threading._start_new_thread if the module is
-# already loaded
-if ('threading' in sys.modules and
- hasattr(sys.modules['threading'], '_start_new_thread')):
- sys.modules['threading']._start_new_thread = psyco_start_new_thread