path: root/Other_Tools
diff options
authorApprentice Harper <[email protected]>2015-04-13 07:45:43 +0100
committerApprentice Alf <[email protected]>2015-04-13 07:45:43 +0100
commit9b7725521289b6f8745874488dc55fe1e5293980 (patch)
treeed3f09cc6a1987a2bc7b5a734d18be2368035e98 /Other_Tools
parent46426a9eaec78fa8903f29a49d9989e02b80cc4d (diff)
Starting to move ignoblekeyfetch into all tools.
Diffstat (limited to 'Other_Tools')
2 files changed, 243 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Other_Tools/DRM_Key_Scripts/Barnes_and_Noble_ePubs/ignoblekeyfetch.pyw b/Other_Tools/DRM_Key_Scripts/Barnes_and_Noble_ePubs/ignoblekeyfetch.pyw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ecbe96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Other_Tools/DRM_Key_Scripts/Barnes_and_Noble_ePubs/ignoblekeyfetch.pyw
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import with_statement
+# ignoblekeyfetch.pyw, version 1.0
+# Copyright © 2015 Apprentice Harper
+# Released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence, version 3
+# <>
+# Based on discoveries by "Nobody You Know"
+# Windows users: Before running this program, you must first install Python.
+# We recommend ActiveState Python 2.7.X for Windows from
+# Then save this script file as ignoblekeyfetch.pyw and double-click on it to run it.
+# Mac OS X users: Save this script file as ignoblekeyfetch.pyw. You can run this
+# program from the command line (python ignoblekeygen.pyw) or by double-clicking
+# it when it has been associated with PythonLauncher.
+# Revision history:
+# 1.0 - Initial release
+Fetch Barnes & Noble EPUB user key from B&N servers using email and password
+__license__ = 'GPL v3'
+__version__ = "1.0"
+import sys
+import os
+# Wrap a stream so that output gets flushed immediately
+# and also make sure that any unicode strings get
+# encoded using "replace" before writing them.
+class SafeUnbuffered:
+ def __init__(self, stream):
+ = stream
+ self.encoding = stream.encoding
+ if self.encoding == None:
+ self.encoding = "utf-8"
+ def write(self, data):
+ if isinstance(data,unicode):
+ data = data.encode(self.encoding,"replace")
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(, attr)
+ from calibre.constants import iswindows, isosx
+ iswindows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
+ isosx = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
+def unicode_argv():
+ if iswindows:
+ # Uses shell32.GetCommandLineArgvW to get sys.argv as a list of Unicode
+ # strings.
+ # Versions 2.x of Python don't support Unicode in sys.argv on
+ # Windows, with the underlying Windows API instead replacing multi-byte
+ # characters with '?'. So use shell32.GetCommandLineArgvW to get sys.argv
+ # as a list of Unicode strings and encode them as utf-8
+ from ctypes import POINTER, byref, cdll, c_int, windll
+ from ctypes.wintypes import LPCWSTR, LPWSTR
+ GetCommandLineW = cdll.kernel32.GetCommandLineW
+ GetCommandLineW.argtypes = []
+ GetCommandLineW.restype = LPCWSTR
+ CommandLineToArgvW = windll.shell32.CommandLineToArgvW
+ CommandLineToArgvW.argtypes = [LPCWSTR, POINTER(c_int)]
+ CommandLineToArgvW.restype = POINTER(LPWSTR)
+ cmd = GetCommandLineW()
+ argc = c_int(0)
+ argv = CommandLineToArgvW(cmd, byref(argc))
+ if argc.value > 0:
+ # Remove Python executable and commands if present
+ start = argc.value - len(sys.argv)
+ return [argv[i] for i in
+ xrange(start, argc.value)]
+ # if we don't have any arguments at all, just pass back script name
+ # this should never happen
+ return [u""]
+ else:
+ argvencoding = sys.stdin.encoding
+ if argvencoding == None:
+ argvencoding = "utf-8"
+ return [arg if (type(arg) == unicode) else unicode(arg,argvencoding) for arg in sys.argv]
+class IGNOBLEError(Exception):
+ pass
+def fetch_key(email, password):
+ # remove spaces and case from name and CC numbers.
+ if type(email)==unicode:
+ email = email.encode('utf-8')
+ if type(password)==unicode:
+ password = password.encode('utf-8')
+ import random
+ random = "%030x" % random.randrange(16**30)
+ import urllib, urllib2
+ fetch_url = ""
+ fetch_url += urllib.quote(password,'')+"&devID=PC_BN_2.5.6.9575_"+random+"&emailAddress="
+ fetch_url += urllib.quote(email,"")+"&outFormat=5&schema=1&service=1&stage=deviceHashB"
+ #print fetch_url
+ found = ''
+ try:
+ req = urllib2.Request(fetch_url)
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
+ the_page =
+ #print the_page
+ import re
+ found ='ccHash>(.+?)</ccHash', the_page).group(1)
+ except:
+ found = ''
+ return found
+def cli_main():
+ sys.stdout=SafeUnbuffered(sys.stdout)
+ sys.stderr=SafeUnbuffered(sys.stderr)
+ argv=unicode_argv()
+ progname = os.path.basename(argv[0])
+ if len(argv) != 4:
+ print u"usage: {0} <email> <password> <keyfileout.b64>".format(progname)
+ return 1
+ email, password, keypath = argv[1:]
+ userkey = fetch_key(email, password)
+ if len(userkey) == 28:
+ open(keypath,'wb').write(userkey)
+ return 0
+ print u"Failed to fetch key."
+ return 1
+def gui_main():
+ try:
+ import Tkinter
+ import Tkconstants
+ import tkMessageBox
+ import traceback
+ except:
+ return cli_main()
+ class DecryptionDialog(Tkinter.Frame):
+ def __init__(self, root):
+ Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, root, border=5)
+ self.status = Tkinter.Label(self, text=u"Enter parameters")
+ self.status.pack(fill=Tkconstants.X, expand=1)
+ body = Tkinter.Frame(self)
+ body.pack(fill=Tkconstants.X, expand=1)
+ sticky = Tkconstants.E + Tkconstants.W
+ body.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=2)
+ Tkinter.Label(body, text=u"Account email address").grid(row=0)
+ = Tkinter.Entry(body, width=40)
+, column=1, sticky=sticky)
+ Tkinter.Label(body, text=u"Account password").grid(row=1)
+ self.ccn = Tkinter.Entry(body, width=40)
+ self.ccn.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=sticky)
+ Tkinter.Label(body, text=u"Output file").grid(row=2)
+ self.keypath = Tkinter.Entry(body, width=40)
+ self.keypath.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=sticky)
+ self.keypath.insert(2, u"bnepubkey.b64")
+ button = Tkinter.Button(body, text=u"...", command=self.get_keypath)
+ button.grid(row=2, column=2)
+ buttons = Tkinter.Frame(self)
+ buttons.pack()
+ botton = Tkinter.Button(
+ buttons, text=u"Fetch", width=10, command=self.generate)
+ botton.pack(side=Tkconstants.LEFT)
+ Tkinter.Frame(buttons, width=10).pack(side=Tkconstants.LEFT)
+ button = Tkinter.Button(
+ buttons, text=u"Quit", width=10, command=self.quit)
+ button.pack(side=Tkconstants.RIGHT)
+ def get_keypath(self):
+ keypath = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(
+ parent=None, title=u"Select B&N ePub key file to produce",
+ defaultextension=u".b64",
+ filetypes=[('base64-encoded files', '.b64'),
+ ('All Files', '.*')])
+ if keypath:
+ keypath = os.path.normpath(keypath)
+ self.keypath.delete(0, Tkconstants.END)
+ self.keypath.insert(0, keypath)
+ return
+ def generate(self):
+ email =
+ password = self.ccn.get()
+ keypath = self.keypath.get()
+ if not email:
+ self.status['text'] = u"Email address not given"
+ return
+ if not password:
+ self.status['text'] = u"Account password not given"
+ return
+ if not keypath:
+ self.status['text'] = u"Output keyfile path not set"
+ return
+ self.status['text'] = u"Fetching..."
+ try:
+ userkey = fetch_key(email, password)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.status['text'] = u"Error: {0}".format(e.args[0])
+ return
+ if len(userkey) == 28:
+ open(keypath,'wb').write(userkey)
+ self.status['text'] = u"Keyfile fetched successfully"
+ else:
+ self.status['text'] = u"Keyfile fetch failed."
+ root = Tkinter.Tk()
+ root.title(u"Barnes & Noble ePub Keyfile Fetch v.{0}".format(__version__))
+ root.resizable(True, False)
+ root.minsize(300, 0)
+ DecryptionDialog(root).pack(fill=Tkconstants.X, expand=1)
+ root.mainloop()
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ sys.exit(cli_main())
+ sys.exit(gui_main())
diff --git a/Other_Tools/DRM_Key_Scripts/Kindle_for_Android/androidkindlekey.pyw b/Other_Tools/DRM_Key_Scripts/Kindle_for_Android/androidkindlekey.pyw
index 6e6aef7..7a25710 100644
--- a/Other_Tools/DRM_Key_Scripts/Kindle_for_Android/androidkindlekey.pyw
+++ b/Other_Tools/DRM_Key_Scripts/Kindle_for_Android/androidkindlekey.pyw
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
from __future__ import with_statement
-# Copyright © 2013-15 by Thom
-# Some portions Copyright © 2010-15 by some_updates, Apprentice Alf and Apprentice Harper
+# Copyright © 2013-15 by Thom and Apprentice Harper
+# Some portions Copyright © 2010-15 by some_updates and Apprentice Alf
# Revision history:
-# 1.0 - Android serial number extracted from AmazonSecureStorage.xml
-# 1.1 - Fixes and enhancements of some kind
+# 1.0 - AmazonSecureStorage.xml decryption to serial number
+# 1.1 - map_data_storage.db decryption to serial number
# 1.2 - Changed to be callable from AppleScript by returning only serial number
# - and changed name to
# - and added in unicode command line support