AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-11-06emacs: Rewrite without straightThanos Apollo
2024-11-06guix: home: Remove nyxtThanos Apollo
2024-11-06emacs: Add vc configuration.Thanos Apollo
2024-11-06emacs: Add cape.Thanos Apollo
2024-11-06emacs: erc: Refactor for znc serverThanos Apollo
2024-11-06emacs: elfeed: Add fsf feed.Thanos Apollo
2024-11-06emacs: org-roam: Update display-template & journal template.Thanos Apollo
2024-11-06emacs: org: Update keybindingsThanos Apollo
2024-11-04guix: uranus: Add tailscale & update cgit descThanos Apollo
2024-10-31Merge branch '#hermes'Thanos Apollo
2024-10-31sway: hermes: Add brightnessctl bindings.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-30nyxt: Use html duckduckgoThanos Apollo
2024-10-30isyncrc: Switch to mailboxThanos Apollo
2024-10-30emacs: Style.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-30emacs: modus-themes: Use default string face.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-30emacs: Update smtp credsThanos Apollo
2024-10-30emacs: emms: Update configThanos Apollo
2024-10-30emacs: debbugs: Update configThanos Apollo
2024-10-30emacs: gptel: Update ollama models.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-30emacs: disable global-visual-lineThanos Apollo
2024-10-30emacs: consult: Update keybindings.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-30emacs: org-roam: Update templates & use custom repo.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-22nyxt: Update font & keybindsThanos Apollo
2024-10-22guix: home: Add pearl & remove emacs-elpy.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-22nyxt: Add ddh.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-22alacritty: Update background & font.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-16Merge branch 'uranus'Thanos Apollo
2024-10-16guix: uranus: Update ngix configuration & cgit.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-16guix: home: Add font-fira-code package.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-16emacs: Use Fira Mono font.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-15alacritty: change opacity.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-15guix: system: Remove transmission configuration.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-15guix: home: Remove unused packages.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-14Remove xinitrcThanos Apollo
2024-10-14emacs: Adjust for uranusThanos Apollo
2024-10-14guix: uranus: Remove unused modules.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-14guix: Add uranus (server).Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: style.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: Add org-table-insert-numbers.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: gptel: Add med directive.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: notmuch: Rewrite config.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: org-roam: Disable straight.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: emms: Disable straight.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: gnosis: Update custom-values & enable auto push.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: magit-todos: Update keywords.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: elfeed: Update feeds.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: Improve integration with eshell & eat.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: Remove vterm.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: Remove elpy.Thanos Apollo
2024-10-08emacs: Update org-mode configuration.Thanos Apollo