;;; yeetube.el --- YouTube Front End -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2023 Thanos Apollo ;; Author: Thanos Apollo ;; Keywords: extensions youtube videos ;; URL: https://git.thanosapollo.com/yeetube ;; Version: 2.0.2 (defvar yeetube--version '2.0.2) ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.2")) ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This package provides a YouTube front-end for Emacs. ;;; Code: (require 'url) (require 'cl-lib) (require 'yeetube-buffer) (require 'yeetube-mpv) (defgroup yeetube nil "Youtube Front-end." :group 'external :prefix "yeetube-") (defcustom yeetube-results-limit 15 "Define a limit for search results." :type 'number :safe #'numberp :group 'yeetube) (defcustom yeetube-results-prefix "+" "Define prefix to display results with." :type 'string :safe #'stringp :group 'yeetube) (defcustom yeetube-query-url "https://www.youtube.com" "Search URL." :type 'string :safe #'stringp :group 'yeetube) (defcustom yeetube-download-audio-format nil "Select download video as audio FORMAT. If nil download output will be the default format. Example Usage: (setf yeetube-download-audio-format \"m4a\")" :type 'string :safe #'stringp :group 'yeetube) (defcustom yeetube-display-info-keys t "Display default keybindings." :type 'boolean :safe #'booleanp :group 'yeetube) (defcustom yeetube-player #'yeetube-mpv "Select media player function." :type 'function :safe #'function :group 'yeetube) (defcustom yeetube-download-directory "~/Downloads" "Default directory to downlaod videos." :type 'string :safe #'stringp :group 'yeetube) (defcustom yeetube-display-view-count t "Show video view count." :type 'boolean :safe #'booleanp :group 'yeetube) (define-minor-mode yeetube-mode "Yeetube mode." :init-value nil :lighter " yeetube-mode" :keymap (let ((yeetube-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key yeetube-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'yeetube-play) (define-key yeetube-mode-map (kbd "d") 'yeetube-download-video) (define-key yeetube-mode-map (kbd "u") 'yeetube-change-platform) (define-key yeetube-mode-map (kbd "q") 'kill-current-buffer) (define-key yeetube-mode-map (kbd "D") 'yeetube-change-download-directory) (define-key yeetube-mode-map (kbd "a") 'yeetube-change-download-audio-format) (define-key yeetube-mode-map (kbd "p") 'yeetube-mpv-toggle-pause) (define-key yeetube-mode-map (kbd "v") 'yeetube-mpv-toggle-video) (define-key yeetube-mode-map (kbd "V") 'yeetube-mpv-toggle-no-video-flag) (define-key yeetube-mode-map (kbd "s") 'yeetube-save-video) (define-key yeetube-mode-map (kbd "P") 'yeetube-play-saved-video) yeetube-mode-map)) (defvar yeetube-yt-dlp (executable-find "yt-dlp")) (defvar yeetube-content nil) (defvar yeetube-saved-videos nil) (defvar yeetube-last-played nil) (defun yeetube-get-url () "Get url for subject in *yeetube* buffer at point." (let ((item-num (line-number-at-pos))) (cadr (nth (- item-num 1) (reverse yeetube-content))))) (defun yeetube-play () "Play video at point in *yeetube* buffer." (interactive) (let ((url (yeetube-get-url))) (funcall yeetube-player (concat "https://youtube.com/watch?v=" url)))) (defun yeetube-load-saved-videos () "Load saved videos." (interactive) (let ((file-path (concat user-emacs-directory "yeetube"))) (if (file-exists-p file-path) (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents file-path) (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((contents (read (current-buffer)))) (setf yeetube-saved-videos contents))) (write-region "nil" nil file-path)))) (defun yeetube-save-video () "Save url at point." (interactive) (yeetube-load-saved-videos) (let ((name (read-string "Save as: ")) (url (yeetube-get-url))) (push (cons name url) yeetube-saved-videos))) (defun yeetube-play-saved-video () "Select & Play a saved video." (interactive) (yeetube-load-saved-videos) (let ((video (completing-read "Select video: " yeetube-saved-videos nil t))) (funcall yeetube-player (cdr (assoc video yeetube-saved-videos))))) (defun yeetube-remove-saved-video () "Select video to remove from saved videos." (interactive) (yeetube-load-saved-videos) (let ((video (completing-read "Select video: " yeetube-saved-videos nil t))) (setf yeetube-saved-videos (remove (assoc video yeetube-saved-videos) yeetube-saved-videos)))) (defun yeetube-remove-all-saved-videos () "Clear yeetube saved." (interactive) (let ((clear-saved (y-or-n-p "Delete saved?"))) (when clear-saved (setf yeetube-saved-videos nil)))) ;; Usually titles from youtube get messed up, ;; This should fix some of the common issues. (defun yeetube-fix-title (title) "Adjust TITLE." (let ((replacements '(("&" . "&") (""" . "\"") ("'" . "'") ("u0026" . "&") ("\\\\" . "")))) (mapc (lambda (replacement) (setf title (replace-regexp-in-string (car replacement) (cdr replacement) title))) replacements) title)) ;;;###autoload (defun yeetube-search (query) "Search for QUERY." (interactive "sYeetube Search: ") (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously (concat yeetube-query-url "/search?q=" (replace-regexp-in-string " " "+" query) "&type=video") t t 30) (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) 'utf-8) (goto-char (point-min)) (toggle-enable-multibyte-characters) (yeetube-get-content-youtube) (yeetube-buffer-create query yeetube-content 'yeetube-mode))) (defun yeetube-get-content-youtube () "Get content from youtube." (setf yeetube-content nil) ;; we define these temp lists to keep tract of video-ids and ;; video-titles, ensuring we push only unique ones to ;; yeetube-content (let ((video-ids nil) (video-titles nil)) (while (and (< (length video-ids) yeetube-results-limit) (search-forward "videoId" nil t)) (let* ((videoid-start (point)) (videoid-end (search-forward ",")) (videoid (buffer-substring (+ videoid-start 3) (- videoid-end 2)))) (unless (and (member videoid video-ids) (not (and (>= (length videoid) 9) (<= (length videoid) 13) (string-match-p "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$" videoid)))) (push videoid video-ids) ;; (search-backward "videoid") (search-forward "\"title\":") (search-forward "text") (let* ((title-start (point)) (title-end (search-forward ",\"")) (title (buffer-substring (+ title-start 3) (- title-end 5)))) (unless (member title video-titles) (push title video-titles) ;; (search-backward "videoid") (search-forward "viewCountText" nil t) (search-forward "text" nil t) (let* ((view-count-start (point)) (view-count-end (search-forward " ")) (view-count (buffer-substring (+ view-count-start 3) (- view-count-end 0)))) ;; Get video duration (search-forward "lengthText" nil t) (search-forward "text" nil t) (let* ((video-duration-start (point)) (video-duration-end (search-forward "},")) (video-duration (buffer-substring (+ video-duration-start 3) (- video-duration-end 3)))) (search-backward "videoid") (push `(,title ,videoid ,view-count ,video-duration) yeetube-content)))))))))) ;;;###autoload (defun yeetube-download-video () "Download using link at point in *yeetube* buffer with yt-dlp." (interactive) (let ((url (yeetube-get-url))) (when (string-prefix-p "http" url) (let ((default-directory yeetube-download-directory)) (call-process-shell-command (if yeetube-download-audio-format (format "%s '%s' --extract-audio --audio-format %s" (executable-find "yt-dlp") url yeetube-download-audio-format) (format "%s '%s'" (executable-find "yt-dlp") url)) nil 0) (message "Downloading %s " url))))) ;;;###autoload (defun yeetube-download-videos () "Download one or multiple videos using yt-dlp. This command is not meant to be used in the *Yeetube Search* buffer. Usage Example: Open a Dired buffer and navigate where you want to download your videos, then run this command interactively. You can leave the 'Custom name:' prompt blank to keep the default name." (interactive) (let ((url "") (name "") (download-counter 1) (stored-contents nil)) ;; Read links and names until "q" is entered (while (not (string= url "q")) (setf url (read-string "Enter URL (q to quit): ")) (unless (string= url "q") (setf name (read-string (format "Custom name (download counter: %d) " download-counter))) (push (cons url name) stored-contents) (setf download-counter (1+ download-counter)))) ;; Process the collected links and names (dolist (pair stored-contents) (let ((url (car pair)) (name (cdr pair))) (call-process-shell-command (format "%s '%s' -o %s" (executable-find "yt-dlp") url name) nil 0))))) (defun yeetube-insert-info () "Insert default keybindings at *Yeetube Search* buffer." (insert "\n\n** Info" (format "\nDownload Directory: %s" yeetube-download-directory) (format "\nDownload as audio format: %s" yeetube-download-audio-format)) (when yeetube-display-info-keys (insert "\n\n*** Keybindings" "\n" "\n~RET~ -> Play Video\n" "\n~v~ -> Toggle Video\n" "\n~V~ -> Toggle no-video flag\n" "\n~p~ -> Toggle Pause\n" "\n~C-c C-o~ -> Open In Browser\n" "\n~d~ -> Download\n" "\n~D~ -> Change Download Directory\n" "\n~a~ -> Change Download (Audio) Format\n" "\n~q~ -> Quit\n" "\n~s~ -> Save video\n" "\n~P~ -> Play Saved Video"))) (defun yeetube-change-download-directory () "Change download directory." (interactive) (setf yeetube-download-directory (read-directory-name "Select a directory: "))) (defun yeetube-change-download-audio-format (audio-format) "Change download format to AUDIO-FORMAT." (interactive "sSpecify Audio Format(no for nil): ") (setf yeetube-download-audio-format audio-format) (when (equal yeetube-download-audio-format "no") (setf yeetube-download-audio-format nil))) (defun yeetube-update-saved-videos-list (_symbol new-value _where _environment) "Updated saved videos. SYMBOL-NAME is the name of the symbol to update. NEW-VALUE is the new value for the symbol. OPERATION is the operation to perform. WHERE indicates where in the buffer the update should happen." (with-temp-buffer (find-file (concat user-emacs-directory "yeetube")) (erase-buffer) (setf yeetube-saved-videos new-value) (insert (pp-to-string yeetube-saved-videos)) (save-buffer) (kill-buffer))) (defun yeetube-version () "Show Yeetube Version." (interactive) (message "Yeetube Version: %s" yeetube--version)) (provide 'yeetube) ;;; yeetube.el ends here