# Yeetube ## About - Emacs YouTube Front-End This package provides the ability to scrape YouTube, with the results displayed in a proced-like buffer. *Inspired by [ytfzf](https://github.com/pystardust/ytfzf) & [ytel](https://github.com/grastello/ytel)* *This package does not use Invidious or YouTube's API* ## Installation ### Straight.el ``` emacs-lisp (straight-use-package '(yeetube :type git :host nil :repo "https://git.thanosapollo.com/yeetube")) ``` ### Manual ``` shell $ git clone https://git.thanosapollo.com/yeetube ``` Add this to your emacs configuration ``` emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/yeetube") (load-file "~/path/to/yeetube.el") ``` ### Dependencies - [mpv](https://mpv.io/): default multimedia player - [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp): download functionality *Debian/Ubuntu* ``` shell sudo apt install mpv yt-dlp ``` ### Configuration #### Media Player By default `yeetube-player` is set to `yeetube-mpv`, you can use [mpv.el](https://github.com/kljohann/mpv.el), [GNU/Emms](https://www.gnu.org/software/emms/) or other similar packages like so: ``` emacs-lisp (setf yeetube-player 'emms-play-url) ```