path: root/yeetube.el
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-16yeetube--mpv-socket: use temporary-file-directoryThanos Apollo
2023-07-16fix: require emacs 27.2 -- pacakge-lint issueThanos Apollo
2023-07-16Mark as version 1.3.0...- Display last played option - Fix yeetube-player 'not playing' using 'find-executable for mpv Thanos Apollo
2023-07-15yeetube-play: kill mpv...There was an issue that using different flags wouldn't kill current playing song. If user is using the mpv which is the default, this should not be an issue any more. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-15Set custom socket...Define & apply `yeetube--mpv-socket` Thanos Apollo
2023-07-15yeetube-player: Adjust with find-executable...Change yeetube-player to use (excutable-find "mpv") and adjust yeetube-toggle functions This probably fixes issues like #3 Thanos Apollo
2023-07-13Add yeetube--draw-buffer...Seperate the creation of *Yeetube Search* buffer to an "isolated" function. Making yeetube-search less complicated. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-12Display currently playing video/song...Add yeetube--currently-playing variable Add yeetube--get-title function that gets the context at point Use yeetube--get-title with yeetube-play & add currenlty playing info in yeetube-insert-info Thanos Apollo
2023-07-08Update KeywordsThanos Apollo
2023-07-08Mark as version 1.2.0...- Fix integration between yeetube-search and yeetube-results-limit yeetube-search does not "fail" anymore if yeetube-search does not find enough video-ids to satisfy yeetube-results-limit. yeetube-results-limit is now just a limit just like it should have been from the start. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-08yeetube-results-limit: Set to 15 by default...Since we don't have to worry about invidious instances that only display 10 results anymore. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-08yeetube-search: make yeetube-results limit only be a limiting factor...Previously the while loop would run until there are enough video-ids to satisfy yeetube-results-limit(which was a stupid design by me). Change to run loop while video-ids < limit & if search-forward VIDEO-ID succeeds. This also makes the previous error messages unnecessary. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-08fix: indentationThanos Apollo
2023-07-07Mark as version 1.1.0...- fix issues with titles - Use socket for mpv to allow for pause/play functionality - Add error handlers/warnings Thanos Apollo
2023-07-07remove yeetube-read-manual...Who reads the manual anyway? Thanos Apollo
2023-07-07change:(yeetube-change-download-audio-format)...Change it so it takes FORMAT as an argument to make it easier to test Thanos Apollo
2023-07-07fix(yeetube-search): fix is-youtube?...Change to check yeetube-query-url. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06Add error handlers...yeetube-toggle functions: - Throw error to have mpv installed and set it to the default value if not already done so - toggle-video just checks if it's not nil(meaning it's installed assuming user has not changed default value), making it easier to reset it yeetube-search - Throw condition errors if user has set yeetube-search-limits too high. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06(fix) yeetube-fix-title: adjust for "&"Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06yeetube-results-limit: update docstring for invidious instancesThanos Apollo
2023-07-06rename: yeetube-read-documentation -> yeetube-read-manualThanos Apollo
2023-07-06note: issue? for not killing previous instances of mpv...if user plays with --no-video flag and then opens a new url without --no-video flag, it will not kill previous session. Not sure if I should fix this with killing all instances of mpv or just let it be as is. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06yeetube-mode-map: Update Keybindings...Add yeetube-toggle-pause-mpv & yeetube-toggle-video-mpv Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06yeetube-insert-info: add warning if mpv is nil and update keysThanos Apollo
2023-07-06Add yeetube-toggle-pause-mpv...Play/pause mpv Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06Add yeetube-toggle-video-mpv...Toggle between video on/off for mpv player Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06yeetube-player: use socket...Change this to enable remote control Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06yeetube-insert-content: renames...rename camel-case variables -> proper lisp names using dashes Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06yeetube-search: Add new var, renames & style...Add new variable: is-youtube? removing all the repetitive if statements Renames: rename videoIds videoTitles etc -> video-titles video-ids Style code Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06rename: yeetube-info -> yeetube-insert-infoThanos Apollo
2023-07-06Add yeetube-read-documentation...Opens Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06yeetube-results-limit: default to 10...Some invidious instances don't retrieve enough results for certain queries. It's recommended to keep it as 10 if you are using invidious. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06fix: Adjust titles...Add "duck-tape" function to fix titles that keep "unicode" ='= and ="= Thanos Apollo
2023-07-05fix: adjust for multiple urls in invidious...invidious search does not auto translates spaces to "+". This fixes the issue ensuring every space in search QUERY is replaced with + Thanos Apollo
2023-07-05checkdoc: Auto Update DocstringsThanos Apollo
2023-07-05Mark as version 1.0.0...- Add invidious instances support - Make interface more usable & customizable Thanos Apollo
2023-07-05Update commentary & default urlThanos Apollo
2023-07-05fix: remove unused variablesThanos Apollo
2023-07-05Add support for localhost...Check if url contains localhost, then ask for port Thanos Apollo
2023-07-05style & display search queryThanos Apollo
2023-07-05Add yeetube-change-query-url...Change URL interactively Add kbindings, update info & variable watchers as well. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-05Remove *bold* for info variablesThanos Apollo
2023-07-05Add yeetube-query-url indication in *Yeetube Search* bufferThanos Apollo
2023-07-05update yeetube-search to support invidious...Use yeetube-check-if-youtube to seperate searching process. Adjust yeetube-query-url since both invidious and youtube can use URL/search?q= Everything else remains the same since they are almost identical. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-05Add yeetube-insert-content...This was used in yeetube-search. Keeping them seperate to make debugging easier & make it less spaghetti like Thanos Apollo
2023-07-05Add yeetube-check-if-youtube...Check if it's youtube Will be used to differentiate between invidious/youtube Thanos Apollo
2023-07-05fix: Remove titles & videoids that contain vssLoggingContext...This marks version v0.0.1 making it a "usable" package Thanos Apollo
2023-07-04fix: Do not switch buffer after yeetube-playThanos Apollo
2023-07-04yeetube-mode-map: update keybindings & info...Add yeetube-change-download-audio-format keybinding, making it easier to change it by default. Thanos Apollo
2023-07-04yeetube-update-info: use push-mark...Use push-mark and let a variable for buffer to always switch. Replace kill-visual-line with kill-region to not mess with the kill-ring Thanos Apollo