path: root/yeetube.el
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-07-07fix(yeetube-search): fix is-youtube?Thanos Apollo
Change to check yeetube-query-url.
2023-07-06Add error handlersThanos Apollo
yeetube-toggle functions: - Throw error to have mpv installed and set it to the default value if not already done so - toggle-video just checks if it's not nil(meaning it's installed assuming user has not changed default value), making it easier to reset it yeetube-search - Throw condition errors if user has set yeetube-search-limits too high.
2023-07-06(fix) yeetube-fix-title: adjust for "&"Thanos Apollo
2023-07-06yeetube-results-limit: update docstring for invidious instancesThanos Apollo
2023-07-06rename: yeetube-read-documentation -> yeetube-read-manualThanos Apollo
2023-07-06note: issue? for not killing previous instances of mpvThanos Apollo
if user plays with --no-video flag and then opens a new url without --no-video flag, it will not kill previous session. Not sure if I should fix this with killing all instances of mpv or just let it be as is.
2023-07-06yeetube-mode-map: Update KeybindingsThanos Apollo
Add yeetube-toggle-pause-mpv & yeetube-toggle-video-mpv
2023-07-06yeetube-insert-info: add warning if mpv is nil and update keysThanos Apollo
2023-07-06Add yeetube-toggle-pause-mpvThanos Apollo
Play/pause mpv
2023-07-06Add yeetube-toggle-video-mpvThanos Apollo
Toggle between video on/off for mpv player
2023-07-06yeetube-player: use socketThanos Apollo
Change this to enable remote control
2023-07-06yeetube-insert-content: renamesThanos Apollo
rename camel-case variables -> proper lisp names using dashes
2023-07-06yeetube-search: Add new var, renames & styleThanos Apollo
Add new variable: is-youtube? removing all the repetitive if statements Renames: rename videoIds videoTitles etc -> video-titles video-ids Style code
2023-07-06rename: yeetube-info -> yeetube-insert-infoThanos Apollo
2023-07-06Add yeetube-read-documentationThanos Apollo
2023-07-06yeetube-results-limit: default to 10Thanos Apollo
Some invidious instances don't retrieve enough results for certain queries. It's recommended to keep it as 10 if you are using invidious.
2023-07-06fix: Adjust titlesThanos Apollo
Add "duck-tape" function to fix titles that keep "unicode" ='= and ="=
2023-07-05fix: adjust for multiple urls in invidiousThanos Apollo
invidious search does not auto translates spaces to "+". This fixes the issue ensuring every space in search QUERY is replaced with +
2023-07-05checkdoc: Auto Update DocstringsThanos Apollo
2023-07-05Mark as version 1.0.0Thanos Apollo
- Add invidious instances support - Make interface more usable & customizable
2023-07-05Update commentary & default urlThanos Apollo
2023-07-05fix: remove unused variablesThanos Apollo
2023-07-05Add support for localhostThanos Apollo
Check if url contains localhost, then ask for port
2023-07-05style & display search queryThanos Apollo
2023-07-05Add yeetube-change-query-urlThanos Apollo
Change URL interactively Add kbindings, update info & variable watchers as well.
2023-07-05Remove *bold* for info variablesThanos Apollo
2023-07-05Add yeetube-query-url indication in *Yeetube Search* bufferThanos Apollo
2023-07-05update yeetube-search to support invidiousThanos Apollo
Use yeetube-check-if-youtube to seperate searching process. Adjust yeetube-query-url since both invidious and youtube can use URL/search?q= Everything else remains the same since they are almost identical.
2023-07-05Add yeetube-insert-contentThanos Apollo
This was used in yeetube-search. Keeping them seperate to make debugging easier & make it less spaghetti like
2023-07-05Add yeetube-check-if-youtubeThanos Apollo
Check if it's youtube Will be used to differentiate between invidious/youtube
2023-07-05fix: Remove titles & videoids that contain vssLoggingContextThanos Apollo
This marks version v0.0.1 making it a "usable" package
2023-07-04fix: Do not switch buffer after yeetube-playThanos Apollo
2023-07-04yeetube-mode-map: update keybindings & infoThanos Apollo
Add yeetube-change-download-audio-format keybinding, making it easier to change it by default.
2023-07-04yeetube-update-info: use push-markThanos Apollo
Use push-mark and let a variable for buffer to always switch. Replace kill-visual-line with kill-region to not mess with the kill-ring
2023-07-04Add yeetube-change-download-audio-formatThanos Apollo
Create an interactive function to change download audio format & watch for its value using variable watchers using yeetube-update-info
2023-07-04Add yeetube-change-download-directoryThanos Apollo
2023-07-04fix: Unused lexical variableThanos Apollo
Add _ for 'operation' and 'where' Change 'string-equal to 'equal(personal preference)
2023-07-03fix updatesThanos Apollo
2023-07-03Add yeetube-update-info and variable-watchersThanos Apollo
Update yeetube-player and yeetube-download-directory displayed in *Yeetube Search* buffer each time user changes their values
2023-07-03Add yeetube-info & yeetube-info-keys customThanos Apollo
Create a yeetube-info function that displays - Yeetube Player - Yeetube Download Directory when yeetube-info-keys t display default keybindings
2023-07-03yeetube-results-limit: change to 15Thanos Apollo
2023-07-03yeetube-search: Display infoThanos Apollo
Display Download directory & yeetube player
2023-07-03yeetube-download-videos: Check for audio-formatThanos Apollo
If yeetube-download-audio-format, covert to the specified format. If nil use the default.
2023-07-03melpafy: Use shell-quote-argument for async-shell-commandsThanos Apollo
Use shell-quote-arguments and fix download as audio format
2023-07-03yeetube-play: Move to call-process-shell-commandThanos Apollo
Redo this function using call-process-shell-command & kill all previous commands with 'yeetube-player' This way the user can just select video/song to play and get back to whatever he was working on, without generating new buffers that async-shell-command does.
2023-07-03melpafy: fix header, dependencies & namings. Add quit keyThanos Apollo
Fix header issues with `package-lint`. Add quit key(q) to make it more like a special-mode buffer. speical-mode could be an option, but using org-mode it's easier to make the search results look decent.
2023-07-02update docstringsThanos Apollo
2023-07-02change from prefix yt- to yeetube-Thanos Apollo
2023-07-02fix titles with commas & add open in browser key docThanos Apollo
2023-07-01require cl-libThanos Apollo