import unified from 'unified' //import createStream from 'unified-stream' import uniorgParse from 'uniorg-parse' import uniorg2rehype from 'uniorg-rehype' import uniorgSlug from 'uniorg-slug' import extractKeywords from 'uniorg-extract-keywords' import attachments from 'uniorg-attach' // rehypeHighlight does not have any types // add error thing here // import highlight from 'rehype-highlight' import katex from 'rehype-katex' import 'katex/dist/katex.css' import rehype2react from 'rehype-react' import remarkParse from 'remark-parse' import remarkGFM from 'remark-gfm' // remark wikilinks does not have any type declarations //@ts-expect-error import remarkWikiLinks from 'remark-wiki-link' import remarkMath from 'remark-math' import remarkFrontMatter from 'remark-frontmatter' import remarkExtractFrontMatter from 'remark-extract-frontmatter' // remark sectionize does not have any type declarations //@ts-expect-error import remarkSectionize from 'remark-sectionize' import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype' import { PreviewLink } from '../components/Sidebar/Link' import { LinksByNodeId, NodeByCite, NodeById, normalizeLinkEnds } from '../pages' import React, { createContext, ReactNode, useMemo } from 'react' import { OrgImage } from '../components/Sidebar/OrgImage' import { Section } from '../components/Sidebar/Section' import { NoteContext } from './NoteContext' import { OrgRoamLink, OrgRoamNode } from '../api' export interface ProcessedOrgProps { nodeById: NodeById previewNode: OrgRoamNode setPreviewNode: any previewText: any nodeByCite: NodeByCite setSidebarHighlightedNode: any openContextMenu: any outline: boolean collapse: boolean linksByNodeId: LinksByNodeId macros?: { [key: string]: string } } export const ProcessedOrg = (props: ProcessedOrgProps) => { const { nodeById, setSidebarHighlightedNode, setPreviewNode, previewText, nodeByCite, previewNode, openContextMenu, outline, collapse, linksByNodeId, macros, } = props if (!previewNode || !linksByNodeId) { return null } const orgProcessor = unified() .use(uniorgParse) .use(extractKeywords) .use(attachments) .use(uniorgSlug) .use(uniorg2rehype, { useSections: true }) const nodesInNote = linksByNodeId[previewNode?.id!]?.reduce((acc: NodeById, link: OrgRoamLink) => { const links = normalizeLinkEnds(link) const relevantLink = links.filter((l) => l !=='') return { ...acc, [relevantLink]: nodeById[relevantLink], } }, {}) || {} const linkEntries = Object.entries(nodesInNote) const wikiLinkResolver = (wikiLink: string): string[] => { const entry = linkEntries.find((idNodeArray) => { return idNodeArray?.[1]?.title === wikiLink }) const id = entry?.[0] ?? '' return [id] } const wikiLinkProcessor = (wikiLink: string): string => { console.log(wikiLink) return `id:${wikiLink}` } const mdProcessor = unified() .use(remarkParse) .use(remarkFrontMatter, ['yaml']) .use(remarkExtractFrontMatter) .use(remarkWikiLinks, { permaLinks: Object.keys(nodesInNote), pageResolver: wikiLinkResolver, hrefTemplate: wikiLinkProcessor, }) .use(remarkSectionize) .use(remarkMath) .use(remarkGFM) .use(remarkRehype) //.data('settings', { fragment: true }) // .use(highlight) const isMarkdown = previewNode?.file?.slice(-3) === '.md' const baseProcessor = isMarkdown ? mdProcessor : orgProcessor console.log(macros) const processor = useMemo( () => baseProcessor .use(katex, { trust: (context) => ['\\htmlId', '\\href'].includes(context.command), macros: { '\\eqref': '\\href{###1}{(\\text{#1})}', '\\ref': '\\href{###1}{\\text{#1}}', '\\label': '\\htmlId{#1}{}', // '\\weird': '\\textbf{#1}', ...macros, }, }) .use(rehype2react, { createElement: React.createElement, // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name components: { a: ({ children, href }) => { return ( {children} ) }, img: ({ src }) => { return }, section: ({ children, className }) => (
), p: ({ children }) => { return

{children as ReactNode}

}, }, }), [previewNode?.id], ) const text = useMemo(() => processor.processSync(previewText).result, [previewText]) return ( {text as ReactNode} ) } function useCallBack(arg0: () => unified.Processor) { throw new Error('Function not implemented.') }