import React, { ComponentPropsWithoutRef, useEffect, useRef, useState, useMemo } from 'react'
import { usePersistantState } from '../util/persistant-state'
const d3promise = import('d3-force-3d')
import type {
ForceGraph2D as TForceGraph2D,
ForceGraph3D as TForceGraph3D,
} from 'react-force-graph'
import { OrgRoamGraphReponse, OrgRoamLink, OrgRoamNode } from '../api'
import { GraphData, NodeObject } from 'force-graph'
import { useWindowSize } from '@react-hook/window-size'
import { useAnimation } from '@lilib/hooks'
import { Button, Box, IconButton, useTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { SettingsIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons'
import { initialPhysics, initialFilter } from '../components/config'
import { Tweaks } from '../components/tweaks'
// react-force-graph fails on import when server-rendered
const ForceGraph2D = (
!!global.window ? require('react-force-graph').ForceGraph2D : null
) as typeof TForceGraph2D
const ForceGraph3D = (
!!global.window ? require('react-force-graph').ForceGraph3D : null
) as typeof TForceGraph3D
export type NodeById = { [nodeId: string]: OrgRoamNode | undefined }
export type ParentNodesByFile = {
[adultness: string]: { [nodeFile: string]: string[] } | undefined
export type LinksByNodeId = { [nodeId: string]: OrgRoamLink[] | undefined }
export type Scope = {
nodeIds: string[]
export default function Home() {
// only render on the client
const [showPage, setShowPage] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
if (!showPage) {
return null
export function GraphPage() {
const [physics, setPhysics] = usePersistantState('physics', initialPhysics)
const [filter, setFilter] = usePersistantState('filter', initialFilter)
const [graphData, setGraphData] = useState(null)
const [emacsNodeId, setEmacsNodeId] = useState(null)
const nodeByIdRef = useRef({})
const linksByNodeIdRef = useRef({})
const fetchGraphData = () => {
return fetch('http://localhost:35901/graph')
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((orgRoamGraphData: OrgRoamGraphReponse) => {
nodeByIdRef.current = Object.fromEntries( => [, node]),
linksByNodeIdRef.current = orgRoamGraphData.links.reduce((acc, link) => {
return {
[link.source]: [...(acc[link.source] ?? []), link],
[]: [...(acc[] ?? []), link],
}, {})
// react-force-graph modifies the graph data implicitly,
// so we make sure there's no overlap between the objects we pass it and
// nodeByIdRef, linksByNodeIdRef
const orgRoamGraphDataClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orgRoamGraphData))
useEffect(() => {
const trackEmacs = new EventSource('')
trackEmacs.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
const emacsNodeId =
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
if (!emacsNodeId) {
}, [emacsNodeId])
const [threeDim, setThreeDim] = useState(false)
if (!graphData) {
return null
return (
export interface GraphProps {
nodeById: NodeById
linksByNodeId: LinksByNodeId
graphData: GraphData
physics: typeof initialPhysics
threeDim: boolean
filter: typeof initialFilter
emacsNodeId: string | null
export const Graph = function (props: GraphProps) {
const { physics, graphData, threeDim, linksByNodeId, filter, emacsNodeId, nodeById } = props
const graph2dRef = useRef(null)
const graph3dRef = useRef(null)
// react-force-graph does not track window size
// does not work below a certain width
const [windowWidth, windowHeight] = useWindowSize()
const [hoverNode, setHoverNode] = useState(null)
const [scope, setScope] = useState({ nodeIds: [] })
useEffect(() => {
if (!emacsNodeId) {
switch (physics.follow) {
case 'Local':
setScope({ nodeIds: [emacsNodeId] })
case 'Zoom':
}, [emacsNodeId])
const centralHighlightedNode = hoverNode
const highlightedNodes = useMemo(() => {
if (!centralHighlightedNode) {
return {}
const links = linksByNodeId[!]
if (!links) {
return {}
return Object.fromEntries(
[! as string,
...links.flatMap((link) => [link.source,]),
].map((nodeId) => [nodeId, {}]),
}, [centralHighlightedNode, linksByNodeId])
const filteredNodes = useMemo(() => {
return graphData.nodes.filter((node) => {
const links = linksByNodeId[ as string] ?? []
let showNode = true
if (filter.orphans) {
if (filter.parents) {
showNode = links.length !== 0
} else {
if (links.length === 0) {
showNode = false
} else {
if (
links.length -
links.filter((link) => link.type === 'parent' || link.type === 'cite').length ===
) {
showNode = false
return showNode
}, [filter, graphData.nodes, linksByNodeId])
const filteredLinks = useMemo(() => {
return graphData.links.filter((link) => {
// we need to cover both because force-graph modifies the original data
// but if we supply the original data on each render, the graph will re-render sporadically
//const sourceId = typeof link.source === 'object' ?! : (link.source as string)
//const targetId = typeof === 'object' ?! : ( as string)
let showNode = true
if (!filter.parents && link.type === 'parent') {
showNode = false
return link.type !== 'cite' && showNode
}, [filter, JSON.stringify(graphData.links)])
const scopedNodes = useMemo(() => {
return filteredNodes.filter((node) => {
const links = linksByNodeId[ as string] ?? []
/* if (physics.orphans && links.length === 0) {
* return false
* } */
return (
scope.nodeIds.includes( as string) ||
links.some((link) => {
return scope.nodeIds.includes(link.source) || scope.nodeIds.includes(
}, [filteredNodes, linksByNodeId, scope.nodeIds])
const scopedNodeIds = => as string)
const scopedLinks = useMemo(() => {
return filteredLinks.filter((link) => {
// we need to cover both because force-graph modifies the original data
// but if we supply the original data on each render, the graph will re-render sporadically
const sourceId = typeof link.source === 'object' ?! : (link.source as string)
const targetId = typeof === 'object' ?! : ( as string)
return (
scopedNodeIds.includes(sourceId as string) && scopedNodeIds.includes(targetId as string)
}, [filteredLinks, scopedNodes])
const scopedGraphData = useMemo(
() =>
scope.nodeIds.length === 0
? { nodes: filteredNodes, links: filteredLinks }
: {
nodes: scopedNodes,
links: scopedLinks,
[filter, scope, JSON.stringify(Object.keys(nodeById))],
// make sure the camera position and zoom or fine when the list of nodes to render is changed
useEffect(() => {
// this setTimeout was added holistically because the behavior is better when we put
// zoomToFit off a little bit
setTimeout(() => {
const fg = threeDim ? graph3dRef.current : graph2dRef.current
fg?.zoomToFit(0, 200)
}, 1)
}, [JSON.stringify(scopedNodeIds)])
useEffect(() => {
;(async () => {
const fg = threeDim ? graph3dRef.current : graph2dRef.current
const d3 = await d3promise
if (physics.gravityOn) {
fg.d3Force('x', d3.forceX().strength(physics.gravity))
fg.d3Force('y', d3.forceY().strength(physics.gravity))
if (threeDim) {
if (physics.galaxy) {
fg.d3Force('x', d3.forceX().strength(physics.gravity / 5))
fg.d3Force('z', d3.forceZ().strength(physics.gravity / 5))
} else {
fg.d3Force('x', d3.forceX().strength(physics.gravity))
fg.d3Force('z', d3.forceZ().strength(physics.gravity))
} else {
fg.d3Force('z', null)
} else {
fg.d3Force('x', null)
fg.d3Force('y', null)
threeDim ? fg.d3Force('z', null) : null
physics.linkStrength && fg.d3Force('link').strength(physics.linkStrength)
physics.linkIts && fg.d3Force('link').iterations(physics.linkIts)
physics.charge && fg.d3Force('charge').strength(physics.charge)
fg.d3Force('collide', physics.collision ? d3.forceCollide().radius(20) : null)
// Normally the graph doesn't update when you just change the physics parameters
// This forces the graph to make a small update when you do
useEffect(() => {
}, [physics])
//shitty handler to check for doubleClicks
const lastNodeClickRef = useRef(0)
const onNodeClick = (node: NodeObject, event: any) => {
const isDoubleClick = event.timeStamp - lastNodeClickRef.current < 400
lastNodeClickRef.current = event.timeStamp
if (isDoubleClick) {'org-protocol://roam-node?node=' +, '_self')
setScope((currentScope) => ({
nodeIds: [...currentScope.nodeIds, as string],
// easing algorithms
const [opacity, setOpacity] = useState(1)
const [fadeIn, cancel] = useAnimation((x) => setOpacity(x), {
duration: physics.animationSpeed,
algorithm: physics.algorithms[physics.algorithmName],
const [fadeOut, fadeOutCancel] = useAnimation(
(x) => setOpacity(Math.min(opacity, -1 * (x - 1))),
duration: physics.animationSpeed,
algorithm: physics.algorithms[physics.algorithmName],
const lastHoverNode = useRef()
useEffect(() => {
hoverNode && (lastHoverNode.current = hoverNode)
if (!physics.highlightAnim) {
if (hoverNode) {
} else {
opacity > 0.5 ? fadeOut() : setOpacity(0)
}, [hoverNode])
const theme = useTheme()
const graphCommonProps: ComponentPropsWithoutRef = {
graphData: scopedGraphData,
width: windowWidth,
height: windowHeight,
backgroundColor: theme.white,
nodeLabel: (node) => (node as OrgRoamNode).title,
nodeColor: (node) => {
if (!physics.colorful) {
if (!physics.highlightAnim) {
return Object.keys(highlightedNodes).length === 0
? highlightedNodes[!]
? theme.colors.purple[500]
: theme.colors.gray[400]
: theme.colors.gray[500]
return Object.keys(highlightedNodes).length === 0
? lastHoverNode.current?.id! ===!
? theme.colors.purple['inter'](opacity)
: theme.colors.gray['inter'](opacity)
: highlightedNodes[!]
? theme.colors.purple['inter'](opacity)
: theme.colors.gray['inter'](opacity)
const palette = ['pink', 'purple', 'blue', 'cyan', 'teal', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red']
// otherwise links with parents get shown as having one note
const linklen = linksByNodeId[!]?.length ?? 0
const parentCiteNeighbors = linklen
? linksByNodeId[]?.filter((link) => link.type === 'parent' || link.type === 'cite')
: 0
const neighbors = filter.parents ? linklen : linklen - parentCiteNeighbors
return theme.colors[palette[numbereWithinRange(neighbors, 0, palette.length - 1)]][500]
nodeRelSize: physics.nodeRel,
nodeVal: (node) => {
const links = linksByNodeId[!] ?? []
const parentNeighbors = links.length
? links.filter((link) => link.type === 'parent' || link.type === 'cite').length
: 0
const basicSize = 3 + links.length - (!filter.parents ? parentNeighbors : 0)
if (physics.highlightAnim) {
const wasNeighbor = (link) =>
link.source === lastHoverNode.current?.id! || === lastHoverNode.current?.id!
const wasHighlightedNode = links.some(wasNeighbor)
const highlightSize = highlightedNodes[!]
? 1 + opacity * (physics.highlightNodeSize - 1)
: lastHoverNode.current?.id! ===!
? 1 + opacity * (physics.highlightNodeSize - 1)
: wasHighlightedNode
? 1 + opacity * (physics.highlightNodeSize - 1)
: 1
return basicSize * highlightSize
} else {
const highlightSize = highlightedNodes[!] ? physics.highlightNodeSize : 1
return basicSize * highlightSize
nodeCanvasObject: (node, ctx, globalScale) => {
if (!physics.labels) {
const links = linksByNodeId[!] ?? []
const wasHighlightedNode =
physics.highlightAnim &&
(link) =>
link.source === lastHoverNode.current?.id! || === lastHoverNode.current?.id!,
if (globalScale <= physics.labelScale && !highlightedNodes[!] && !wasHighlightedNode) {
const nodeTitle = (node as OrgRoamNode).title!
const label = nodeTitle.substring(0, Math.min(nodeTitle.length, 30))
// const label = 'label'
const fontSize = 12 / globalScale
const textWidth = ctx.measureText(label).width
const bckgDimensions = [textWidth * 1.1, fontSize].map((n) => n + fontSize * 0.5) as [
] // some padding
const fadeFactor = Math.min((3 * (globalScale - physics.labelScale)) / physics.labelScale, 1)
// draw label background
const getLabelOpacity = () => {
if (physics.highlightAnim) {
if (globalScale <= physics.labelScale) {
return opacity
return Object.keys(highlightedNodes).length === 0
? lastHoverNode.current?.id! ===
? 1
: 1 * fadeFactor * (-1 * (0.5 * opacity - 1))
: highlightedNodes[!] || wasHighlightedNode
? 1
: 1 * fadeFactor * (-1 * (0.5 * opacity - 1))
} else {
return Object.keys(highlightedNodes).length === 0
? 1 * fadeFactor
: highlightedNodes[!]
? 1
: 1 * fadeFactor
const backgroundOpacity = 0.5 * getLabelOpacity()
ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(20, 20, 20, ${backgroundOpacity})`
node.x! - bckgDimensions[0] / 2,
node.y! - bckgDimensions[1] / 2,
// draw label text
const textOpacity = 2 * backgroundOpacity
ctx.textAlign = 'center'
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'
ctx.fillStyle = `rgb(255, 255, 255, ${textOpacity})`
ctx.font = `${fontSize}px Sans-Serif`
ctx.fillText(label, node.x!, node.y!)
nodeCanvasObjectMode: () => 'after',
linkDirectionalParticles: physics.particles ? physics.particlesNumber : undefined,
linkColor: (link) => {
const linkIsHighlighted =
(link.source as NodeObject).id! === centralHighlightedNode?.id! ||
( as NodeObject).id! === centralHighlightedNode?.id!
if (physics.highlightAnim) {
const linkWasHighlighted =
(link.source as NodeObject).id! === lastHoverNode.current?.id! ||
( as NodeObject).id! === lastHoverNode.current?.id!
return linkIsHighlighted
? theme.colors.purple['inter'](opacity) /*the.colors.purple[500]*/
: linkWasHighlighted
? theme.colors.purple['inter'](opacity) /*the.colors.purple[500]*/
: theme.colors.gray[500]
} else {
return linkIsHighlighted ? theme.colors.purple[500] : theme.colors.gray[500]
linkWidth: (link) => {
const linkIsHighlighted =
(link.source as NodeObject).id! === centralHighlightedNode?.id! ||
( as NodeObject).id! === centralHighlightedNode?.id!
if (!physics.highlightAnim) {
return linkIsHighlighted ? physics.linkWidth * physics.highlightLinkSize : physics.linkWidth
const linkWasHighlighted =
(link.source as NodeObject).id! === lastHoverNode.current?.id! ||
( as NodeObject).id! === lastHoverNode.current?.id!
return linkIsHighlighted
? physics.linkWidth * (1 + opacity * (physics.highlightLinkSize - 1))
: linkWasHighlighted
? physics.linkWidth * (1 + opacity * (physics.highlightLinkSize - 1))
: physics.linkWidth
linkDirectionalParticleWidth: physics.particlesWidth,
d3AlphaDecay: physics.alphaDecay,
d3AlphaMin: physics.alphaMin,
d3VelocityDecay: physics.velocityDecay,
onBackgroundClick: () => {
setScope((currentScope) => ({
nodeIds: [],
onNodeHover: (node) => {
if (!physics.hover) {
return (
{threeDim ? (
) : (
function numbereWithinRange(num: number, min: number, max: number) {
return Math.min(Math.max(num, min), max)