import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react' import dynamic from 'next/dynamic' import { usePersistantState } from '../util/persistant-state' const d3promise = import('d3-force-3d') import type { ForceGraph2D as TForceGraph2D } from 'react-force-graph' import { OrgRoamGraphReponse, OrgRoamLink, OrgRoamNode } from '../api' import { GraphData, NodeObject } from 'force-graph' import { useWindowSize } from '@react-hook/window-size' import { Accordion, AccordionButton, AccordionItem, AccordionIcon, AccordionPanel, Text, Heading, VStack, StackDivider, Button, CloseButton, Slider, SliderThumb, SliderTrack, SliderFilledTrack, Switch, FormControl, FormLabel, Box, Container, Icon, IconButton, Tooltip, Menu, MenuList, MenuButton, MenuItem, MenuGroup, MenuDivider, MenuOptionGroup, MenuItemOption, } from '@chakra-ui/react' import { InfoOutlineIcon, RepeatClockIcon, ChevronDownIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons' // react-force-graph fails on import when server-rendered // const ForceGraph2D = ( !!global.window ? require('react-force-graph').ForceGraph2D : null ) as typeof TForceGraph2D export type NodeById = { [nodeId: string]: OrgRoamNode | undefined } export type LinksByNodeId = { [nodeId: string]: OrgRoamLink[] | undefined } const initialPhysics = { enabled: true, charge: -350, collision: true, linkStrength: 0.1, linkIts: 1, particles: 0, linkOpacity: 0.4, linkWidth: 1, particleWidth: 4, nodeRel: 4, labels: true, labelScale: 1.5, alphaDecay: 0.02, alphaTarget: 0, alphaMin: 0, velocityDecay: 0.25, gravity: 0.5, gravityOn: true, colorful: true, galaxy: true, ticks: 1, hover: 'highlight', click: 'select', doubleClick: 'local', } const initialTheme = { base1: '#1c1f24', base2: '#21272d', base3: '#23272e', base4: '#484854', base5: '#62686E', base6: '#757B80', base7: '#9ca0a4', base8: '#DFDFDF', bg: '#242730', 'bg-alt': '#2a2e38', blue: '#51afef', cyan: '#5cEfFF', 'dark-blue': '#1f5582', 'dark-cyan': '#6A8FBF', fg: '#bbc2cf', 'fg-alt': '#5D656B', green: '#7bc275', grey: '#484854', magenta: '#C57BDB', orange: '#e69055', red: '#ff665c', teal: '#4db5bd', violet: '#a991f1', yellow: '#FCCE7B', } export default function Home() { // only render on the client const [showPage, setShowPage] = useState(false) useEffect(() => { setShowPage(true) }, []) if (!showPage) { return null } return } export function GraphPage() { const [physics, setPhysics] = usePersistantState('physics', initialPhysics) const [theme, setTheme] = useState(initialTheme) const [graphData, setGraphData] = useState(null) const nodeByIdRef = useRef({}) const linksByNodeIdRef = useRef({}) useEffect(() => { fetch('http://localhost:35901/theme') .then((res) => res.json()) .then((emacsTheme) => { setTheme(emacsTheme) }) fetch('http://localhost:35901/graph') .then((res) => res.json()) .then((orgRoamGraphData: OrgRoamGraphReponse) => { nodeByIdRef.current = Object.fromEntries( => [, node]), ) linksByNodeIdRef.current = orgRoamGraphData.links.reduce((acc, link) => { return { ...acc, [link.source]: [...(acc[link.source] ?? []), link], []: [...(acc[] ?? []), link], } }, {}) // react-force-graph modifies the graph data implicitly, // so we make sure there's no overlap between the objects we pass it and // nodeByIdRef, linksByNodeIdRef const orgRoamGraphDataClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orgRoamGraphData)) setGraphData(orgRoamGraphDataClone) }) }, []) const [threeDim, setThreeDim] = useState(false) const [local, setLocal] = useState(false) if (!graphData) { return null } return (
) } export interface TweakProps { physics: typeof initialPhysics setPhysics: any threeDim: boolean local: boolean } export const Tweaks = function (props: TweakProps) { const { physics, setPhysics, threeDim, local } = props interface InfoTooltipProps { infoText: string } const InfoTooltip = (props: InfoTooltipProps) => { const { infoText } = props return ( ) } interface SliderWithInfo { min: number max: number step: number value: number onChange: (arg0: number) => void label: string infoText: string } const SliderWithInfo = (props: SliderWithLabel) => { const { min, max, step, value, onChange, label, infoText } = props return ( {label} ) } interface SliderWithoutInfo { min: number max: number step: number val: number change: (arg0: number) => void label: string physics: typeof initialPhysics setPhysics: any } const SliderWithoutInfo = (props: SliderWithoutInfo) => { const { min, max, step, physics, setPhysics, label } = props return ( {label} setPhysics({ ...physics, gravity: value })} min={min} max={max} step={step} focusThumbOnChange={false} > ) } return ( } onClick={() => setPhysics(initialPhysics)} /> Physics setPhysics({ ...physics, enabled: !physics.enabled })} isChecked={physics.enabled} /> } align="stretch" > Gravity setPhysics({ ...physics, gravityOn: !physics.gravityOn })} isChecked={physics.gravityOn} /> {physics.gravityOn && ( Strength setPhysics({ ...physics, gravity: value })} min={0} max={1} step={0.01} > )} Repulsive Force setPhysics({ ...physics, charge: -value })} min={0} max={1000} > Collision setPhysics({ ...physics, collision: !physics.collision })} isChecked={physics.collision} /> {physics.collision && ( Strength setPhysics({ ...physics, collisionStrength: value })} min={0} max={2} > )} Link Strength setPhysics({ ...physics, linkStrength: value })} min={0} max={2} step={0.01} > Link Iterations setPhysics({ ...physics, linkIts: value })} min={0} max={6} step={1} > Viscosity setPhysics({ ...physics, velocityDecay: value })} min={0} max={1} step={0.01} > Advanced } align="stretch" > Simulation Ticks Alpha Decay setPhysics({ ...physics, alphaDecay: value })} min={0} max={1} step={0.01} > Alpha Minimum setPhysics({ ...physics, alphaMin: value })} min={0.01} max={1} step={0.01} > {/* */} Visual } align="stretch" > Ayyyy Behavior } align="stretch" > Hover Higlight }> {physics.hover} Off On Click Double-click Visual } align="stretch" > Ayyyy ) } export interface GraphProps { nodeById: NodeById linksByNodeId: LinksByNodeId graphData: GraphData physics: typeof initialPhysics threeDim: boolean local: boolean } export const Graph = function (props: GraphProps) { const { physics, graphData, threeDim, local, linksByNodeId, nodeById } = props const forceGraphRef = useRef(null) // react-force-graph does not track window size // // does not work below a certain width const [windowWidth, windowHeight] = useWindowSize() const [hoverNode, setHoverNode] = useState(null) const [selectedNode, setSelectedNode] = useState() const centralHighlightedNode = selectedNode ?? hoverNode const highlightedNodes = (() => { if (!centralHighlightedNode) { return {} } const links = linksByNodeId[!] if (!links) { return {} } return Object.fromEntries( [! as string, ...links.flatMap((link) => [link.source,]), ].map((nodeId) => [nodeId, {}]), ) })() useEffect(() => { ;(async () => { const fg = forceGraphRef.current const d3 = await d3promise //fg.d3Force('center').strength(0.05); if (physics.gravityOn) { fg.d3Force('x', d3.forceX().strength(physics.gravity)) fg.d3Force('y', d3.forceY().strength(physics.gravity)) if (threeDim) { if (physics.galaxy) { fg.d3Force('x', d3.forceX().strength(physics.gravity / 5)) fg.d3Force('z', d3.forceZ().strength(physics.gravity / 5)) } else { fg.d3Force('x', d3.forceX().strength(physics.gravity)) fg.d3Force('z', d3.forceZ().strength(physics.gravity)) } } else { fg.d3Force('z', null) } } else { fg.d3Force('x', null) fg.d3Force('y', null) threeDim ? fg.d3Force('z', null) : null } fg.d3Force('link').strength(physics.linkStrength) fg.d3Force('link').iterations(physics.linkIts) physics.collision ? fg.d3Force('collide', d3.forceCollide().radius(20)) : fg.d3Force('collide', null) fg.d3Force('charge').strength(physics.charge) })() }) // Normally the graph doesn't update when you just change the physics parameters // This forces the graph to make a small update when you do useEffect(() => { forceGraphRef.current?.d3ReheatSimulation() }, [physics]) //shitty handler to check for doubleClicks const [doubleClick, setDoubleClick] = useState(0) const [localGraphData, setLocalGraphData] = useState({ nodes: [], links: [], }) const selectClick = (node: NodeObject, event: any) => {'org-protocol://roam-node?node=' +, '_self') if (event.timeStamp - doubleClick < 400) { // getLocalGraphData(node) } // setDoubleClick(event.timeStamp) if (node) { return setSelectedNode(node) } } return (
{ if (!physics.colorful) { if (Object.keys(highlightedNodes).length === 0) { return 'rgb(100, 100, 100, 1)' } return highlightedNodes[!] ? '#a991f1' : 'rgb(50, 50, 50, 0.5)' } const palette = [ '#ff665c', '#e69055', '#7bc275', '#4db5bd', '#FCCE7B', '#51afef', '#1f5582', '#C57BDB', '#a991f1', '#5cEfFF', '#6A8FBF', ] // random return palette[0] if (node.neighbors.length === 1 || node.neighbors.length === 2) { return palette[node.neighbors[0].index % 11] } return palette[node.index % 11] }} linkColor={(link) => { if (Object.keys(highlightedNodes).length === 0) { return 'rgb(50, 50, 50, 0.8)' } const linkIsHighlighted = (link.source as NodeObject).id! === centralHighlightedNode?.id! || ( as NodeObject).id! === centralHighlightedNode?.id! return linkIsHighlighted ? '#a991f1' : 'rgb(50, 50, 50, 0.2)' }} linkDirectionalParticles={physics.particles} linkDirectionalParticleWidth={physics.particleWidth} nodeLabel={(node) => (node as OrgRoamNode).title} linkWidth={(link) => { const linkIsHighlighted = (link.source as NodeObject).id! === centralHighlightedNode?.id! || ( as NodeObject).id! === centralHighlightedNode?.id! return linkIsHighlighted ? 3 * physics.linkWidth : physics.linkWidth }} nodeRelSize={physics.nodeRel} nodeVal={(node) => { const links = props.linksByNodeId[!] ?? [] const basicSize = 3 + links.length const highlightSize = highlightedNodes[!] ? 2 : 0 return basicSize + highlightSize }} nodeCanvasObject={(node, ctx, globalScale) => { if (!physics.labels) { return } if (globalScale <= physics.labelScale && !highlightedNodes[!]) { return } const nodeTitle = (node as OrgRoamNode).title const label = nodeTitle.substring(0, Math.min(nodeTitle.length, 30)) // const label = 'label' const fontSize = 12 / globalScale const textWidth = ctx.measureText(label).width const bckgDimensions = [textWidth * 1.1, fontSize].map((n) => n + fontSize * 0.5) as [ number, number, ] // some padding const fadeFactor = Math.min( (3 * (globalScale - physics.labelScale)) / physics.labelScale, 1, ) // draw label background ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(20, 20, 20, ' + (highlightedNodes.length === 0 ? 0.5 * fadeFactor : highlightedNodes[!] ? 0.5 : 0.15 * fadeFactor) + ')' ctx.fillRect( node.x! - bckgDimensions[0] / 2, node.y! - bckgDimensions[1] / 2, ...bckgDimensions, ) // draw label text ctx.textAlign = 'center' ctx.textBaseline = 'middle' ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 255, 255, ' + (highlightedNodes.length === 0 ? fadeFactor : highlightedNodes[!] ? 1 : 0.3 * fadeFactor) + ')' ctx.font = `${fontSize}px Sans-Serif` ctx.fillText(label, node.x!, node.y!) }} nodeCanvasObjectMode={() => 'after'} d3AlphaDecay={physics.alphaDecay} d3AlphaMin={physics.alphaMin} d3VelocityDecay={physics.velocityDecay} backgroundColor={'#242730'} onNodeClick={selectClick} onBackgroundClick={() => { setSelectedNode(null) }} onNodeHover={(node) => { if (!physics.hover) { return } setHoverNode(node) }} />
) }