import React from "react" import { View, ViewStyle, TextStyle, ImageStyle, SafeAreaView } from "react-native" import { useNavigation } from "@react-navigation/native" import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite" import { Button, Header, Screen, Text, Wallpaper, AutoImage as Image } from "../../components" import { color, spacing, typography } from "../../theme" const bowserLogo = require("./bowser.png") const FULL: ViewStyle = { flex: 1 } const CONTAINER: ViewStyle = { backgroundColor: color.transparent, paddingHorizontal: spacing[4], } const TEXT: TextStyle = { color: color.palette.white, fontFamily: typography.primary, } const BOLD: TextStyle = { fontWeight: "bold" } const HEADER: TextStyle = { paddingTop: spacing[3], paddingBottom: spacing[4] + spacing[1], paddingHorizontal: 0, } const HEADER_TITLE: TextStyle = { ...TEXT, ...BOLD, fontSize: 12, lineHeight: 15, textAlign: "center", letterSpacing: 1.5, } const TITLE_WRAPPER: TextStyle = { ...TEXT, textAlign: "center", } const TITLE: TextStyle = { ...TEXT, ...BOLD, fontSize: 28, lineHeight: 38, textAlign: "center", } const ALMOST: TextStyle = { ...TEXT, ...BOLD, fontSize: 26, fontStyle: "italic", } const BOWSER: ImageStyle = { alignSelf: "center", marginVertical: spacing[5], maxWidth: "100%", width: 343, height: 230, } const CONTENT: TextStyle = { ...TEXT, color: "#BAB6C8", fontSize: 15, lineHeight: 22, marginBottom: spacing[5], } const CONTINUE: ViewStyle = { paddingVertical: spacing[4], paddingHorizontal: spacing[4], backgroundColor: color.palette.deepPurple, } const CONTINUE_TEXT: TextStyle = { ...TEXT, ...BOLD, fontSize: 13, letterSpacing: 2, } const FOOTER: ViewStyle = { backgroundColor: "#20162D" } const FOOTER_CONTENT: ViewStyle = { paddingVertical: spacing[4], paddingHorizontal: spacing[4], } export const WelcomeScreen = observer(function WelcomeScreen() { const navigation = useNavigation() const nextScreen = () => navigation.navigate("demo") return (
This probably isn't what your app is going to look like. Unless your designer handed you this screen and, in that case, congrats! You're ready to ship. For everyone else, this is where you'll see a live preview of your fully functioning app using Ignite.