{ "common": { "ok": "OK!", "cancel": "Cancel", "back": "Back" }, "errors": { "invalidEmail": "Invalid email address." }, "welcomeScreen": { "poweredBy": "POWERED BY IGNITE", "readyForLaunch": "Ready for launch.", "continue": "CONTINUE" }, "demoScreen": { "howTo": "HOW TO", "title": "What’s In This Stack?", "tagLine": "Congratulations, you’ve got a very advanced React Native app template here. Take advantage of this boilerplate!", "reactotron": "Demo Reactotron", "demoList": "Demo List", "androidReactotronHint": "If this doesn't work, ensure the Reactotron desktop app is running, run adb reverse tcp:9090 tcp:9090 from your terminal, and reload the app.", "iosReactotronHint": "If this doesn't work, ensure the Reactotron desktop app is running and reload app.", "macosReactotronHint": "If this doesn't work, ensure the Reactotron desktop app is running and reload app.", "webReactotronHint": "If this doesn't work, ensure the Reactotron desktop app is running and reload app.", "windowsReactotronHint": "If this doesn't work, ensure the Reactotron desktop app is running and reload app." }, "demoListScreen": { "title": "Demo List" }, "storybook": { "placeholder": "Placeholder", "field": "Field" } }