/* eslint-disable react-native/no-inline-styles */
/* eslint-disable react-native/no-color-literals */
import * as React from "react"
import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react-native"
import { StoryScreen, Story, UseCase } from "../../../storybook/views"
import { Text, FormRow } from "../"
import { color } from "../../theme/color"
import { ViewStyle } from "react-native"
declare let module
color: color.storybookTextColor,
const arrayStyle: ViewStyle[] = [{ borderWidth: 5 }, { borderColor: "#32cd32" }]
storiesOf("FormRow", module)
.addDecorator((fn) => {fn()})
.add("Assembled", () => (
Hello! I am at the top
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi officia quo rerum
impedit asperiores hic ex quae, quam dolores vel odit doloribus, tempore atque deserunt
possimus incidunt, obcaecati numquam officiis.
...one more thing
🎉 Footers!
My borders are still there, but they are clear. This causes the text to still align
properly due to the box model of flexbox.
I'm round
I'm square and have a custom style.
.add("Presets", () => (
Curved borders at the top.
Nothing below
No curves and empty at the bottom.
Curved at the bottom
Line at the top.
Curves all around.
Curves nowhere.
Curves nowhere.
.add("Styling", () => (
Array style.