path: root/components/Sidebar/index.tsx
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Diffstat (limited to 'components/Sidebar/index.tsx')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/components/Sidebar/index.tsx b/components/Sidebar/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..957669c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/Sidebar/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+import React, { useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
+import { Toolbar } from './Toolbar'
+import { TagBar } from './TagBar'
+import { Note } from './Note'
+import {
+ Button,
+ Slide,
+ VStack,
+ Flex,
+ Heading,
+ Box,
+ IconButton,
+ Tooltip,
+ HStack,
+ TagLabel,
+ Tag,
+ TagRightIcon,
+} from '@chakra-ui/react'
+import { Collapse } from './Collapse'
+import { Scrollbars } from 'react-custom-scrollbars-2'
+import {
+ ChevronLeftIcon,
+ ChevronRightIcon,
+ CloseIcon,
+ HamburgerIcon,
+ ViewIcon,
+ ViewOffIcon,
+} from '@chakra-ui/icons'
+import { BiDotsVerticalRounded, BiFile, BiNetworkChart } from 'react-icons/bi'
+import { BsReverseLayoutSidebarInsetReverse } from 'react-icons/bs'
+import { GraphData, NodeObject, LinkObject } from 'force-graph'
+import { OrgRoamNode } from '../../api'
+import { ThemeContext } from '../../util/themecontext'
+import { LinksByNodeId, NodeByCite, NodeById, Scope } from '../../pages/index'
+import { Resizable } from 're-resizable'
+import { usePersistantState } from '../../util/persistant-state'
+import { initialFilter, TagColors } from '../config'
+export interface SidebarProps {
+ isOpen: boolean
+ onClose: any
+ onOpen: any
+ nodeById: NodeById
+ previewNode: NodeObject
+ setPreviewNode: any
+ linksByNodeId: LinksByNodeId
+ nodeByCite: NodeByCite
+ setSidebarHighlightedNode: any
+ canUndo: any
+ canRedo: any
+ resetPreviewNode: any
+ previousPreviewNode: any
+ nextPreviewNode: any
+ openContextMenu: any
+ scope: Scope
+ setScope: any
+ windowWidth: number
+ filter: typeof initialFilter
+ setFilter: any
+ tagColors: TagColors
+ setTagColors: any
+const Sidebar = (props: SidebarProps) => {
+ const {
+ isOpen,
+ onOpen,
+ onClose,
+ previewNode,
+ setPreviewNode,
+ nodeById,
+ linksByNodeId,
+ nodeByCite,
+ setSidebarHighlightedNode,
+ canUndo,
+ canRedo,
+ resetPreviewNode,
+ previousPreviewNode,
+ nextPreviewNode,
+ openContextMenu,
+ scope,
+ setScope,
+ windowWidth,
+ filter,
+ setFilter,
+ tagColors,
+ setTagColors,
+ } = props
+ const { highlightColor } = useContext(ThemeContext)
+ const [previewRoamNode, setPreviewRoamNode] = useState<OrgRoamNode>()
+ const [sidebarWidth, setSidebarWidth] = usePersistantState<number>('sidebarWidth', 400)
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!previewNode?.id) {
+ onClose()
+ return
+ }
+ onOpen()
+ setPreviewRoamNode(previewNode as OrgRoamNode)
+ }, [previewNode?.id])
+ const [justification, setJustification] = useState(1)
+ const justificationList = ['justify', 'start', 'end', 'center']
+ const [font, setFont] = useState('sans serif')
+ const [indent, setIndent] = useState(0)
+ //maybe want to close it when clicking outside, but not sure
+ //const outsideClickRef = useRef();
+ return (
+ <Collapse
+ animateOpacity={false}
+ dimension="width"
+ in={isOpen}
+ //style={{ position: 'relative' }}
+ unmountOnExit
+ startingSize={0}
+ style={{ height: '100vh' }}
+ >
+ <Resizable
+ size={{ height: '100vh', width: sidebarWidth }}
+ onResizeStop={(e, direction, ref, d) => {
+ setSidebarWidth((curr: number) => curr + d.width)
+ }}
+ enable={{
+ top: false,
+ right: false,
+ bottom: false,
+ left: true,
+ topRight: false,
+ bottomRight: false,
+ bottomLeft: false,
+ topLeft: false,
+ }}
+ minWidth="220px"
+ maxWidth={windowWidth - 200}
+ >
+ <Flex flexDir="column" h="100vh" pl={2} color="black" bg="alt.100" width="100%">
+ <Flex
+ //whiteSpace="nowrap"
+ // overflow="hidden"
+ // textOverflow="ellipsis"
+ pl={4}
+ alignItems="center"
+ color="black"
+ width="100%"
+ >
+ <Flex flexShrink={0}>
+ <BiFile
+ onContextMenu={(e) => {
+ e.preventDefault()
+ openContextMenu(previewNode, e)
+ }}
+ />
+ </Flex>
+ <Flex
+ whiteSpace="nowrap"
+ textOverflow="ellipsis"
+ overflow="hidden"
+ onContextMenu={(e) => {
+ e.preventDefault()
+ openContextMenu(previewNode, e)
+ }}
+ >
+ <Heading
+ pl={2}
+ whiteSpace="nowrap"
+ textOverflow="ellipsis"
+ overflow="hidden"
+ lineHeight={1}
+ size="sm"
+ fontWeight={600}
+ color={'gray.800'}
+ >
+ {previewRoamNode?.title}
+ </Heading>
+ </Flex>
+ <Flex flexDir="row" ml="auto">
+ <IconButton
+ // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-undef
+ m={1}
+ icon={<BiDotsVerticalRounded />}
+ aria-label="Options"
+ variant="subtle"
+ onClick={(e) => {
+ openContextMenu(previewNode, e, {
+ left: undefined,
+ top: 12,
+ right: -windowWidth + 20,
+ bottom: undefined,
+ })
+ }}
+ />
+ </Flex>
+ </Flex>
+ <Toolbar
+ {...{
+ setJustification,
+ setIndent,
+ setFont,
+ justification,
+ setPreviewNode,
+ canUndo,
+ canRedo,
+ resetPreviewNode,
+ previousPreviewNode,
+ nextPreviewNode,
+ }}
+ />
+ {/* <Scrollbars
+ * //autoHeight
+ * autoHeightMax={600}
+ * autoHide
+ * renderThumbVertical={({ style, ...props }) => (
+ * <Box
+ * style={{
+ *,
+ * borderRadius: 0,
+ * // backgroundColor: highlightColor,
+ * }}
+ * //color="alt.100"
+ * {...props}
+ * />
+ * )}
+ * > */}
+ <VStack flexGrow={1} overflow="scroll" alignItems="left" bg="alt.100" paddingLeft={4}>
+ <TagBar
+ {...{ filter, setFilter, tagColors, setTagColors, openContextMenu, previewNode }}
+ />
+ <Note
+ {...{
+ setPreviewNode,
+ previewNode,
+ nodeById,
+ nodeByCite,
+ setSidebarHighlightedNode,
+ justification,
+ justificationList,
+ linksByNodeId,
+ openContextMenu,
+ }}
+ />
+ </VStack>
+ {/*</Scrollbars>*/}
+ </Flex>
+ </Resizable>
+ </Collapse>
+ )
+export default Sidebar