path: root/app_expo/components/graph/graphgood.tsx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app_expo/components/graph/graphgood.tsx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 440 deletions
diff --git a/app_expo/components/graph/graphgood.tsx b/app_expo/components/graph/graphgood.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d70e25..0000000
--- a/app_expo/components/graph/graphgood.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { useState, useEffect, useRef, useMemo, useCallback } from 'react'
-import { StyleProp, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'
-import { observer } from 'mobx-react-lite'
-import { color, typography } from '../../theme'
-import { Text } from '../'
-import { flatten } from 'ramda'
-//import data from "../../data/miserables.json"
-//import genRandomTree from "../../data/randomdata";
-//import rando from "../../data/rando.json"
-import { ForceGraph2D, ForceGraph3D, ForceGraphVR, ForceGraphAR } from 'react-force-graph'
-import * as d3 from 'd3-force-3d'
-import * as three from 'three'
-import SpriteText from 'three-spritetext'
-const CONTAINER: ViewStyle = {
- justifyContent: 'center',
-const TEXT: TextStyle = {
- fontFamily: typography.primary,
- fontSize: 14,
- color: color.primary,
-export interface GraphProps {
- /**
- * An optional style override useful for padding & margin.
- */
- style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>
- physics
- setPhysics
- gData
- nodeIds: string[]
- * Describe your component here
- */
-export const Graph = observer(function Graph(props: GraphProps): JSX.Element {
- const { style, physics, setPhysics, gData, nodeIds } = props
- const styles = flatten([CONTAINER, style])
- const fgRef = useRef()
- const GROUPS: number = 12
- const NODE_R: number = 8
- //const gData = genRandomTree(200);
- //const [charge, setCharge] = useState(-30);
- //const [link, setLink] = useState(-30);
- useEffect(() => {
- const fg = fgRef.current
- //fg.d3Force('center').strength(0.05);
- if (physics.gravityOn) {
- fg.d3Force('x', d3.forceX().strength(physics.gravity))
- fg.d3Force('y', d3.forceY().strength(physics.gravity))
- if (physics.threedim) {
- if (physics.galaxy) {
- fg.d3Force('y', d3.forceY().strength(physics.gravity / 5))
- fg.d3Force('z', d3.forceZ().strength(physics.gravity / 5))
- } else {
- fg.d3Force('y', d3.forceY().strength(physics.gravity))
- fg.d3Force('z', d3.forceZ().strength(physics.gravity))
- }
- } else {
- fg.d3Force('z', null)
- }
- } else {
- fg.d3Force('x', null)
- fg.d3Force('y', null)
- physics.threedim ? fg.d3Force('z', null) : null
- }
- fg.d3Force('link').strength(physics.linkStrength)
- fg.d3Force('link').iterations(physics.linkIts)
- physics.collision
- ? fg.d3Force('collide', d3.forceCollide().radius(20))
- : fg.d3Force('collide', null)
- fg.d3Force('charge').strength(physics.charge)
- })
- // For the expandable version of the graph
- const nodesById = useMemo(() => {
- const nodesById = Object.fromEntries( => [node.index, node]))
- console.log(nodesById)
- // link parent/children
- gData.nodes.forEach((node) => {
- typeof physics.rootId === 'number'
- ? (node.collapsed = node.index !== physics.rootId)
- : (node.collapsed = !== physics.rootId)
- node.childLinks = []
- })
- gData.links.forEach((link) => nodesById[link.sourceIndex].childLinks.push(link))
- return nodesById
- }, [gData])
- const getPrunedTree = useCallback(() => {
- const visibleNodes = []
- const visibleLinks = []
- ;(function traverseTree(node = nodesById[physics.rootId]) {
- visibleNodes.push(node)
- if (node.collapsed) return
- visibleLinks.push(...node.childLinks)
- node.childLinks
- .map((link) =>
- typeof link.targetIndex === 'object' ? link.targetIndex : nodesById[link.targetIndex],
- ) // get child node
- .forEach(traverseTree)
- })()
- return { nodes: visibleNodes, links: visibleLinks }
- }, [nodesById])
- const [prunedTree, setPrunedTree] = useState(getPrunedTree())
- const handleNodeClick = useCallback((node) => {
- node.collapsed = !node.collapsed // toggle collapse state
- setPrunedTree(getPrunedTree())
- }, [])
- //highlighting
- const [highlightNodes, setHighlightNodes] = useState(new Set())
- const [highlightLinks, setHighlightLinks] = useState(new Set())
- const [hoverNode, setHoverNode] = useState(null)
- const updateHighlight = () => {
- setHighlightNodes(highlightNodes)
- setHighlightLinks(highlightLinks)
- }
- const handleBackgroundClick = (event) => {
- highlightNodes.clear()
- highlightLinks.clear()
- setSelectedNode(null)
- updateHighlight()
- }
- const handleNodeHover = (node) => {
- console.log('hover')
- if (!selectedNode) {
- highlightNodes.clear()
- highlightLinks.clear()
- if (node) {
- highlightNodes.add(node)
- node.neighbors.forEach((neighbor) => highlightNodes.add(neighbor))
- node.links.forEach((link) => highlightLinks.add(link))
- }
- setHoverNode(node || null)
- updateHighlight()
- }
- }
- const handleLinkHover = (link) => {
- highlightNodes.clear()
- highlightLinks.clear()
- if (link) {
- highlightLinks.add(link)
- highlightNodes.add(link.source)
- highlightNodes.add(
- }
- updateHighlight()
- }
- // Normally the graph doesn't update when you just change the physics parameters
- // This forces the graph to make a small update when you do
- useEffect(() => {
- fgRef.current.d3ReheatSimulation()
- }, [physics])
- /* const paintRing = useCallback((node, ctx) => {
- * // add ring just for highlighted nodes
- * ctx.beginPath();
- * ctx.arc(node.x, node.y, NODE_R * 1.4, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
- * ctx.fillStyle = node === hoverNode ? 'red' : 'orange';
- * ctx.fill();
- * }, [hoverNode]);
- */
- /* autoPauseRedraw={false}
-linkWidth={link => highlightLinks.has(link) ? 5 : 1}
-linkDirectionalParticleWidth={link => highlightLinks.has(link) ? 4 : 0}
-nodeCanvasObjectMode={node => highlightNodes.has(node) ? 'before' : undefined}
- nodeRelSize={NODE_R} */
- //nodeColor={(node) =>
- // !node.childLinks.length ? "green" : node.collapsed ? "red" : "yellow"
- //}
- const [selectedNode, setSelectedNode] = useState({})
- //shitty handler to check for doubleClicks
- const [doubleClick, setDoubleClick] = useState(0)
- const [localGraphData, setLocalGraphData] = useState({
- nodes: [],
- links: [],
- })
- const updateLocalGraph = (node) => {
- console.log(localGraphData)
- // localGraphData.nodes.length ? setLocalGraphData({ nodes: [], links: [] }) : null
- let g = localGraphData
- if (!node.local) {
- node.local = true
- g.nodes.push(node)
- }
- node.neighbors.forEach((neighbor) => {
- if (neighbor !== node || !neighbor.local) {
- const newNode: boolean = g.nodes.every((existingNode) => {
- if (existingNode === neighbor) {
- return false
- } else {
- return true
- }
- })
- if (newNode) {
- neighbor.local = true
- g.nodes.push(neighbor)
- }
- }
- })
- node.links.forEach((neighborLink) => {
- const newLink: boolean = g.links.every((existingLink) => {
- if (existingLink === neighborLink) {
- return false
- } else {
- return true
- }
- })
- newLink && g.links.push(neighborLink)
- })
- setLocalGraphData(g)
- setPhysics({ ...physics, local: true })
- }
- const selectClick = (node, event) => {
- highlightNodes.clear()
- highlightLinks.clear()
- console.log(localGraphData)
- if (event.timeStamp - doubleClick < 400) {
- updateLocalGraph(node)
- }
- if (node) {
- highlightNodes.add(node)
- node.neighbors.forEach((neighbor) => highlightNodes.add(neighbor))
- node.links.forEach((link) => highlightLinks.add(link))
- }
- setSelectedNode(node || null)
- updateHighlight()
- setDoubleClick(event.timeStamp)
- }
- return (
- <View>
- {!physics.threedim ? (
- <ForceGraph2D
- ref={fgRef}
- autoPauseRedraw={false}
- //graphData={gData}
- graphData={physics.local ? localGraphData : physics.collapse ? prunedTree : gData}
- nodeAutoColorBy={physics.colorful ? 'id' : undefined}
- nodeColor={
- !physics.colorful
- ? (node) => {
- if (highlightNodes.size === 0) {
- return 'rgb(100, 100, 100, 1)'
- } else {
- return highlightNodes.has(node) ? 'purple' : 'rgb(50, 50, 50, 0.5)'
- }
- // !node.childLinks.length ? "green" : node.collapsed ? "red" : "yellow"
- }
- : undefined
- }
- linkAutoColorBy={physics.colorful ? 'target' : undefined}
- //linkAutoColorBy={(d) => gData.nodes[d.source].id % GROUPS}
- linkColor={
- !physics.colorful
- ? (link) => {
- if (highlightLinks.size === 0) {
- return 'rgb(50, 50, 50, 0.8)'
- } else {
- return highlightLinks.has(link) ? 'purple' : 'rgb(50, 50, 50, 0.2)'
- }
- // !node.childLinks.length ? "green" : node.collapsed ? "red" : "yellow"
- }
- : undefined
- //highlightLinks.has(link) ? "purple" : "grey"
- // !node.childLinks.length ? "green" : node.collapsed ? "red" : "yellow"
- }
- linkDirectionalParticles={physics.particles}
- onNodeClick={!physics.collapse ? selectClick : handleNodeClick}
- nodeLabel={(node) => node.title}
- //nodeVal ={(node)=> node.childLinks.length * 0.5 + 1}
- //d3VelocityDecay={visco}
- linkWidth={(link) =>
- highlightLinks.has(link) ? 3 * physics.linkWidth : physics.linkWidth
- }
- linkOpacity={physics.linkOpacity}
- nodeRelSize={physics.nodeRel}
- nodeVal={(node) =>
- highlightNodes.has(node) ? node.neighbors.length + 5 : node.neighbors.length + 3
- }
- linkDirectionalParticleWidth={physics.particleWidth}
- nodeCanvasObject={(node, ctx, globalScale) => {
- if (physics.labels) {
- if (globalScale > physics.labelScale || highlightNodes.has(node)) {
- const label = node.title.substring(0, Math.min(node.title.length, 30))
- const fontSize = 12 / globalScale
- ctx.font = `${fontSize}px Sans-Serif`
- const textWidth = ctx.measureText(label).width
- const bckgDimensions = [textWidth * 1.1, fontSize].map((n) => n + fontSize * 0.5) // some padding
- const fadeFactor = Math.min(
- (3 * (globalScale - physics.labelScale)) / physics.labelScale,
- 1,
- )
- ctx.fillStyle =
- 'rgba(20, 20, 20, ' +
- (highlightNodes.size === 0
- ? 0.5 * fadeFactor
- : highlightNodes.has(node)
- ? 0.5
- : 0.15 * fadeFactor) +
- ')'
- ctx.fillRect(
- node.x - bckgDimensions[0] / 2,
- node.y - bckgDimensions[1] / 2,
- ...bckgDimensions,
- )
- ctx.textAlign = 'center'
- ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'
- ctx.fillStyle =
- 'rgb(255, 255, 255, ' +
- (highlightNodes.size === 0
- ? fadeFactor
- : highlightNodes.has(node)
- ? 1
- : 0.3 * fadeFactor) +
- ')'
- ctx.fillText(label, node.x, node.y)
- node.__bckgDimensions = bckgDimensions // to re-use in nodePointerAreaPaint
- }
- }
- }}
- nodeCanvasObjectMode={() => 'after'}
- onNodeHover={physics.hover ? handleNodeHover : null}
- //onLinkHover={physics.hover ? handleLinkHover : null}
- d3AlphaDecay={physics.alphaDecay}
- d3AlphaMin={physics.alphaTarget}
- d3VelocityDecay={physics.velocityDecay}
- onBackgroundClick={handleBackgroundClick}
- />
- ) : (
- <ForceGraph3D
- ref={fgRef}
- autoPauseRedraw={false}
- graphData={gData}
- //graphData={physics.collapse ? prunedTree : gData}
- nodeAutoColorBy={physics.colorful ? 'id' : undefined}
- nodeColor={
- !physics.colorful
- ? (node) => {
- if (highlightNodes.size === 0) {
- return 'rgb(100, 100, 100, 1)'
- } else {
- return highlightNodes.has(node) ? 'purple' : 'rgb(50, 50, 50, 0.5)'
- }
- // !node.childLinks.length ? "green" : node.collapsed ? "red" : "yellow"
- }
- : undefined
- }
- linkAutoColorBy={physics.colorful ? 'target' : undefined}
- //linkAutoColorBy={(d) => gData.nodes[d.source].id % GROUPS}
- linkColor={
- !physics.colorful
- ? (link) => {
- if (highlightLinks.size === 0) {
- return 'rgb(50, 50, 50, 0.8)'
- } else {
- return highlightLinks.has(link) ? 'purple' : 'rgb(50, 50, 50, 0.2)'
- }
- // !node.childLinks.length ? "green" : node.collapsed ? "red" : "yellow"
- }
- : undefined
- //highlightLinks.has(link) ? "purple" : "grey"
- // !node.childLinks.length ? "green" : node.collapsed ? "red" : "yellow"
- }
- linkDirectionalParticles={physics.particles}
- //onNodeClick={!physics.collapse ? null : handleNodeClick}
- nodeLabel={(node) => node.title}
- //nodeVal ={(node)=> node.childLinks.length * 0.5 + 1}
- //d3VelocityDecay={visco}
- linkWidth={(link) =>
- highlightLinks.has(link) ? 3 * physics.linkWidth : physics.linkWidth
- }
- linkOpacity={physics.linkOpacity}
- nodeRelSize={physics.nodeRel}
- nodeVal={(node) =>
- highlightNodes.has(node) ? node.neighbors.length + 5 : node.neighbors.length + 3
- }
- linkDirectionalParticleWidth={physics.particleWidth}
- onNodeHover={physics.hover ? handleNodeHover : null}
- //onLinkHover={physics.hover ? handleLinkHover : null}
- d3AlphaDecay={physics.alphaDecay}
- d3AlphaMin={physics.alphaTarget}
- d3VelocityDecay={physics.velocityDecay}
- nodeThreeObject={
- !physics.labels
- ? undefined
- : (node) => {
- if (highlightNodes.has(node)) {
- console.log(node.title)
- const sprite = new SpriteText(node.title.substring(0, 30))
- console.log('didnt crash here 2')
- sprite.color = '#ffffff'
- sprite.textHeight = 8
- return sprite
- } else {
- return undefined
- }
- }
- }
- nodeThreeObjectExtend={true}
- />
- )}
- </View>
- )