org-gnosis ========== This is a roam-inspired note-taking system for GNU Emacs. It is designed to serve as a minimalistic, drop-in alternative to org-roam. It is currently under development & destined to be part of the gnosis package . Installation ============ (use-package org-gnosis :vc (:url "") :ensure t :init (define-prefix-command 'thanos/notes-map) :config (setf org-gnosis-dir "~/Notes" org-gnosis-journal-template "* Daily Notes\n\n* Goals\n+ [] Workout\n+ [] Study\n\n* Extras" org-gnosis-show-tags t) ;; enable if you use a vertical completion-system e.g vertico :bind (("C-c n" . thanos/notes-map) :map thanos/notes-map ("f" . org-gnosis-find) ("i" . org-gnosis-insert) ("j j" . org-gnosis-journal) ("j f" . org-gnosis-journal-find) ("j i" . org-gnosis-journal-insert) :map thanos/journal-map :map org-mode-map ("C-c C-." . org-gnosis-insert-tag) ("C-c i" . org-id-get-create)))