import { HamburgerIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons' import { Box, Flex, Heading, IconButton, Slide, Tooltip, useDisclosure, useOutsideClick, useTheme, } from '@chakra-ui/react' import { useAnimation } from '@lilib/hooks' import { useWindowSize, useWindowWidth } from '@react-hook/window-size' import * as d3int from 'd3-interpolate' import { GraphData, LinkObject, NodeObject } from 'force-graph' import Head from 'next/head' import React, { ComponentPropsWithoutRef, forwardRef, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'react' import type { ForceGraph2D as TForceGraph2D, ForceGraph3D as TForceGraph3D, } from 'react-force-graph' import { BiChart, BiNetworkChart } from 'react-icons/bi' import { BsReverseLayoutSidebarInsetReverse } from 'react-icons/bs' import ReconnectingWebSocket from 'reconnecting-websocket' import SpriteText from 'three-spritetext' import useUndo from 'use-undo' import wrap from 'word-wrap' import { OrgRoamGraphReponse, OrgRoamLink, OrgRoamNode } from '../api' import { algos, colorList, initialBehavior, initialFilter, initialLocal, initialMouse, initialPhysics, initialVisuals, TagColors, } from '../components/config' import { ContextMenu } from '../components/contextmenu' import Sidebar from '../components/Sidebar' import { Tweaks } from '../components/Tweaks' import { usePersistantState } from '../util/persistant-state' import { ThemeContext, ThemeContextProps } from '../util/themecontext' import { openNodeInEmacs } from '../util/webSocketFunctions' const d3promise = import('d3-force-3d') // react-force-graph fails on import when server-rendered // const ForceGraph2D = ( !!global.window ? require('react-force-graph').ForceGraph2D : null ) as typeof TForceGraph2D const ForceGraph3D = ( !!global.window ? require('react-force-graph').ForceGraph3D : null ) as typeof TForceGraph3D export type NodeById = { [nodeId: string]: OrgRoamNode | undefined } export type LinksByNodeId = { [nodeId: string]: OrgRoamLink[] | undefined } export type NodesByFile = { [file: string]: OrgRoamNode[] | undefined } export type NodeByCite = { [key: string]: OrgRoamNode | undefined } export type Tags = string[] export type Scope = { nodeIds: string[] } export default function Home() { // only render on the client const [showPage, setShowPage] = useState(false) useEffect(() => { setShowPage(true) }, []) if (!showPage) { return null } return ( <> ORUI ) } export function GraphPage() { const [threeDim, setThreeDim] = usePersistantState('3d', false) const [tagColors, setTagColors] = usePersistantState('tagCols', {}) const [scope, setScope] = useState({ nodeIds: [] }) const [physics, setPhysics] = usePersistantState('physics', initialPhysics) const [filter, setFilter] = usePersistantState('filter', initialFilter) const [visuals, setVisuals] = usePersistantState('visuals', initialVisuals) const [graphData, setGraphData] = useState(null) const [emacsNodeId, setEmacsNodeId] = useState(null) const [behavior, setBehavior] = usePersistantState('behavior', initialBehavior) const [mouse, setMouse] = usePersistantState('mouse', initialMouse) const [local, setLocal] = usePersistantState('local', initialLocal) const [ previewNodeState, { set: setPreviewNode, reset: resetPreviewNode, undo: previousPreviewNode, redo: nextPreviewNode, canUndo, canRedo, }, ] = useUndo({}) const { past: pastPreviewNodes, present: previewNode, future: futurePreviewNodes, } = previewNodeState const [sidebarHighlightedNode, setSidebarHighlightedNode] = useState(null) const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure() const nodeByIdRef = useRef({}) const linksByNodeIdRef = useRef({}) const nodeByCiteRef = useRef({}) const tagsRef = useRef([]) const graphRef = useRef(null) const variablesRef = useRef<{ [variable: string]: string }>({}) const currentGraphDataRef = useRef({ nodes: [], links: [] }) const updateGraphData = (orgRoamGraphData: OrgRoamGraphReponse) => { const oldNodeById = nodeByIdRef.current tagsRef.current = orgRoamGraphData.tags ?? [] const importNodes = orgRoamGraphData.nodes ?? [] const importLinks = orgRoamGraphData.links ?? [] const nodesByFile = importNodes.reduce((acc, node) => { return { ...acc, [node.file]: [...(acc[node.file] ?? []), node], } }, {}) const headingLinks: OrgRoamLink[] = Object.keys(nodesByFile).flatMap((file) => { const nodesInFile = nodesByFile[file] ?? [] // "file node" as opposed to "heading node" const fileNode = nodesInFile.find((node) => node.level === 0) const headingNodes = nodesInFile.filter((node) => node.level !== 0) if (!fileNode) { return [] } return => { const smallerHeadings = nodesInFile.filter((node) => { if ( node.level >= headingNode.level || node.pos >= headingNode.pos || !headingNode.olp?.includes(node.title) //|| // node.level >= headingNode.level - headingNode.olp.reverse().indexOf(node.title) ) { return false } return true }) // get the nearest heading const target = smallerHeadings.reduce((acc, node) => { if (node.level > acc.level) { acc = node } return acc }, fileNode) return { source:, target: target?.id ||, type: 'heading', } }) }) // we want to support both linking to only the file node and to the next heading // to do this we need both links, as we can't really toggle between them without // recalculating the entire graph otherwise const fileLinks: OrgRoamLink[] = Object.keys(nodesByFile).flatMap((file) => { const nodesInFile = nodesByFile[file] ?? [] // "file node" as opposed to "heading node" const fileNode = nodesInFile.find((node) => node.level === 0) const headingNodes = nodesInFile.filter((node) => node.level !== 0) if (!fileNode) { return [] } return => { return { source:, target:, type: 'parent', } }) }) nodeByIdRef.current = Object.fromEntries( => [, node])) const dirtyLinks = [...importLinks, ...headingLinks, ...fileLinks] const nonExistantNodes: OrgRoamNode[] = [] const links = => { const sourceId = link.source as string const targetId = as string if (!nodeByIdRef.current[sourceId]) { nonExistantNodes.push({ id: sourceId, tags: ['bad'], properties: { FILELESS: 'yes', bad: 'yes' }, file: '', title: sourceId, level: 0, pos: 0, olp: null, }) return {, type: 'bad' } } if (!nodeByIdRef.current[targetId]) { nonExistantNodes.push({ id: targetId, tags: ['bad'], properties: { FILELESS: 'yes', bad: 'yes' }, file: '', title: targetId, level: 0, pos: 0, olp: null, }) return {, type: 'bad' } } return link }) nodeByIdRef.current = { ...nodeByIdRef.current, ...Object.fromEntries( => [, node])), } linksByNodeIdRef.current = links.reduce((acc, link) => { return { ...acc, [link.source]: [...(acc[link.source] ?? []), link], []: [...(acc[] ?? []), link], } }, {}) const nodes = [...importNodes, ...nonExistantNodes] nodeByCiteRef.current = nodes.reduce((acc, node) => { const ref = as string if (!ref?.includes('cite')) { return acc } const key = ref.replaceAll(/cite:(.*)/g, '$1') if (!key) { return acc } return { ...acc, [key]: node, } }, {}) const orgRoamGraphDataProcessed = { nodes, links, } const currentGraphData = currentGraphDataRef.current if (currentGraphData.nodes.length === 0) { // react-force-graph modifies the graph data implicitly, // so we make sure there's no overlap between the objects we pass it and // nodeByIdRef, linksByNodeIdRef const orgRoamGraphDataClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orgRoamGraphDataProcessed)) currentGraphDataRef.current = orgRoamGraphDataClone setGraphData(orgRoamGraphDataClone) return } const newNodes = [ ...currentGraphData.nodes.flatMap((node: NodeObject) => { const newNode = nodeByIdRef.current[node?.id!] ?? false if (!newNode) { return [] } return [{ ...node, ...newNode }] }), ...Object.keys(nodeByIdRef.current) .filter((id) => !oldNodeById[id]) .map((id) => { return nodeByIdRef.current[id] as NodeObject }), ] const nodeIndex = newNodes.reduce<{ [id: string]: number }>((acc, node, index) => { const id = node?.id as string return { ...acc, [id]: index, } }, {}) const newerLinks = => { const [source, target] = normalizeLinkEnds(link) return {, source: newNodes[nodeIndex![source]], target: newNodes[nodeIndex![target]], } }) setGraphData({ nodes: newNodes as NodeObject[], links: newerLinks }) } useEffect(() => { if (!graphData) { return } currentGraphDataRef.current = graphData }, [graphData]) const { setEmacsTheme } = useContext(ThemeContext) const scopeRef = useRef({ nodeIds: [] }) const behaviorRef = useRef(initialBehavior) behaviorRef.current = behavior const WebSocketRef = useRef(null) scopeRef.current = scope const followBehavior = ( command: string, emacsNode: string, speed: number = 2000, padding: number = 200, ) => { if (command === 'color') { return } const fg = graphRef.current const sr = scopeRef.current const bh = behaviorRef.current const links = linksByNodeIdRef.current[emacsNode] ?? [] const nodes = Object.fromEntries( [emacsNode as string, ...links.flatMap((link) => [link.source,])].map( (nodeId) => [nodeId, {}], ), ) if (command === 'zoom') { if (sr.nodeIds.length) { setScope({ nodeIds: [] }) } setTimeout( () => fg.zoomToFit(speed, padding, (node: NodeObject) => nodes[ as string]), 50, ) return } if (!sr.nodeIds.length) { setScope({ nodeIds: [emacsNode] }) setTimeout(() => { fg.centerAt(0, 0, 10) fg.zoomToFit(1, padding) }, 50) return } if (bh.localSame !== 'add') { setScope({ nodeIds: [emacsNode] }) setTimeout(() => { fg.centerAt(0, 0, 10) fg.zoomToFit(1, padding) }, 50) return } // if the node is in the scoped nodes, add it to scope instead of replacing it if ( !sr.nodeIds.includes(emacsNode) || !sr.nodeIds.some((scopeId: string) => { return nodes[scopeId] }) ) { setScope({ nodeIds: [emacsNode] }) setTimeout(() => { fg.centerAt(0, 0, 10) fg.zoomToFit(1, padding) }, 50) return } setScope((currentScope: Scope) => ({ ...currentScope, nodeIds: [...currentScope.nodeIds, emacsNode as string], })) setTimeout(() => { fg.centerAt(0, 0, 10) fg.zoomToFit(1, padding) }, 50) } useEffect(() => { // initialize websocket WebSocketRef.current = new ReconnectingWebSocket('ws://localhost:35903') WebSocketRef.current.addEventListener('open', () => { console.log('Connection with Emacs established') }) WebSocketRef.current.addEventListener('message', (event: any) => { const bh = behaviorRef.current const message = JSON.parse( switch (message.type) { case 'graphdata': return updateGraphData( case 'variables': console.log( variablesRef.current = return case 'theme': return setEmacsTheme(['custom',]) case 'command': switch ( { case 'local': const speed = behavior.zoomSpeed const padding = behavior.zoomPadding followBehavior('local',, speed, padding) setEmacsNodeId( break case 'zoom': { const speed = message?.data?.speed || bh.zoomSpeed const padding = message?.data?.padding || bh.zoomPadding followBehavior('zoom',, speed, padding) setEmacsNodeId( break } case 'follow': { followBehavior(bh.follow,, bh.zoomSpeed, bh.zoomPadding) setEmacsNodeId( break } default: return console.error('unknown message type', message.type) } } }) }, []) useEffect(() => { const fg = graphRef.current if (!fg || scope.nodeIds.length > 1) { return } if (!scope.nodeIds.length && physics.gravityOn) { fg.zoomToFit() return } setTimeout(() => { fg.zoomToFit(5, 200) }, 50) }, [scope.nodeIds]) const [windowWidth, windowHeight] = useWindowSize() const contextMenuRef = useRef() const [contextMenuTarget, setContextMenuTarget] = useState(null) type ContextPos = { left: number | undefined right: number | undefined top: number | undefined bottom: number | undefined } const [contextPos, setContextPos] = useState({ left: 0, top: 0, right: undefined, bottom: undefined, }) const contextMenu = useDisclosure() useOutsideClick({ ref: contextMenuRef, handler: () => { contextMenu.onClose() }, }) const openContextMenu = (target: OrgRoamNode | string, event: any, coords?: ContextPos) => { coords ? setContextPos(coords) : setContextPos({ left: event.pageX, top: event.pageY, right: undefined, bottom: undefined }) setContextMenuTarget(target) contextMenu.onOpen() } const handleLocal = (node: OrgRoamNode, add: string) => { if (add === 'replace') { setScope({ nodeIds: [] }) return } if (scope.nodeIds.includes( as string)) { return } setScope((currentScope: Scope) => ({ ...currentScope, nodeIds: [...currentScope.nodeIds, as string], })) return } const [mainItem, setMainItem] = useState({ type: 'Graph', title: 'Graph', icon: , }) const [mainWindowWidth, setMainWindowWidth] = usePersistantState( 'mainWindowWidth', windowWidth, ) return ( {graphData && ( )} {/* * * {mainItem.icon} * * {mainItem.title} * */} {scope.nodeIds.length > 0 && ( } aria-label="Exit local mode" onClick={() => setScope((currentScope: Scope) => ({ ...currentScope, nodeIds: [], })) } variant="subtle" /> )} } aria-label="Close file-viewer" variant="subtle" onClick={isOpen ? onClose : onOpen} /> {contextMenu.isOpen && (
) } export interface GraphProps { nodeById: NodeById linksByNodeId: LinksByNodeId graphData: GraphData physics: typeof initialPhysics threeDim: boolean filter: typeof initialFilter emacsNodeId: string | null visuals: typeof initialVisuals behavior: typeof initialBehavior mouse: typeof initialMouse local: typeof initialLocal scope: Scope setScope: any webSocket: any tagColors: { [tag: string]: string } setPreviewNode: any sidebarHighlightedNode: OrgRoamNode | null windowWidth: number windowHeight: number setContextMenuTarget: any openContextMenu: any contextMenu: any handleLocal: any mainWindowWidth: number setMainWindowWidth: any variables: { [variable: string]: string } graphRef: any } export const Graph = function (props: GraphProps) { const { graphRef, physics, graphData, threeDim, linksByNodeId, filter, emacsNodeId, nodeById, visuals, behavior, mouse, scope, local, setScope, webSocket, tagColors, setPreviewNode, sidebarHighlightedNode, windowWidth, windowHeight, setContextMenuTarget, openContextMenu, contextMenu, handleLocal, variables, } = props const { dailyDir, roamDir } = variables const [hoverNode, setHoverNode] = useState(null) const theme = useTheme() const { emacsTheme } = useContext(ThemeContext) const handleClick = (click: string, node: OrgRoamNode, event: any) => { switch (click) { case mouse.preview: { setPreviewNode(node) break } case mouse.local: { handleLocal(node, behavior.localSame) break } case mouse.follow: { openNodeInEmacs(node, webSocket) break } case mouse.context: { openContextMenu(node, event) } default: break } } const findNthNeighbors = (ids: string[], n: number) => { let queue = [ids[0]] let todo: string[] = [] const completed = [ids[0]] Array.from({ length: n }, () => { queue.forEach((node) => { const links = filteredLinksByNodeIdRef.current[node as string] ?? [] links.forEach((link) => { const [sourceId, targetId] = normalizeLinkEnds(link) if (!completed.includes(sourceId)) { todo.push(sourceId) return } if (!completed.includes(targetId)) { todo.push(targetId) return } return }) }) queue = todo todo.forEach((neighbor) => neighbor && completed.push(neighbor)) todo = [] }) return completed } const centralHighlightedNode = useRef(null) useEffect(() => { if (!emacsNodeId) { return } setHoverNode(nodeById[emacsNodeId] as NodeObject) }, [emacsNodeId]) const filteredLinksByNodeIdRef = useRef({}) const hiddenNodeIdsRef = useRef({}) const filteredGraphData = useMemo(() => { hiddenNodeIdsRef.current = {} const filteredNodes = graphData?.nodes ?.filter((nodeArg) => { const node = nodeArg as OrgRoamNode if ( filter.tagsBlacklist.length && filter.tagsBlacklist.some((tag) => node?.tags?.indexOf(tag) > -1) ) { hiddenNodeIdsRef.current = { ...hiddenNodeIdsRef.current, []: node } return false } if ( filter.tagsWhitelist.length > 0 && !filter.tagsWhitelist.some((tag) => node?.tags?.indexOf(tag) > -1) ) { hiddenNodeIdsRef.current = { ...hiddenNodeIdsRef.current, []: node } return false } if (filter.filelessCites && node?.properties?.FILELESS) { hiddenNodeIdsRef.current = { ...hiddenNodeIdsRef.current, []: node } return false } if (filter?.bad && node?.properties?.bad) { hiddenNodeIdsRef.current = { ...hiddenNodeIdsRef.current, []: node } return false } if (filter.dailies && dailyDir && node.file?.includes(dailyDir)) { hiddenNodeIdsRef.current = { ...hiddenNodeIdsRef.current, []: node } return false } if (filter.noter && { hiddenNodeIdsRef.current = { ...hiddenNodeIdsRef.current, []: node } return false } return true }) .filter((node) => { const links = linksByNodeId[node?.id as string] ?? [] const unhiddenLinks = links.filter( (link) => !hiddenNodeIdsRef.current[link.source] && !hiddenNodeIdsRef.current[], ) if (!filter.orphans) { return true } if (filter.parent) { return unhiddenLinks.length !== 0 } if (unhiddenLinks.length === 0) { return false } return unhiddenLinks.some((link) => !['parent', 'heading'].includes(link.type)) }) const filteredNodeIds = => as string) const filteredLinks = graphData.links.filter((link) => { const [sourceId, targetId] = normalizeLinkEnds(link) if ( !filteredNodeIds.includes(sourceId as string) || !filteredNodeIds.includes(targetId as string) ) { return false } const linkRoam = link as OrgRoamLink if (!filter.parent) { return !['parent', 'heading'].includes(linkRoam.type) } if (filter.parent === 'heading') { return linkRoam.type !== 'parent' } return linkRoam.type !== 'heading' }) filteredLinksByNodeIdRef.current = filteredLinks.reduce((acc, linkArg) => { const link = linkArg as OrgRoamLink const [sourceId, targetId] = normalizeLinkEnds(link) return { ...acc, [sourceId]: [...(acc[sourceId] ?? []), link], [targetId]: [...(acc[targetId] ?? []), link], } }, {}) return { nodes: filteredNodes, links: filteredLinks } }, [filter, graphData]) const [scopedGraphData, setScopedGraphData] = useState({ nodes: [], links: [] }) useEffect(() => { if (!scope.nodeIds.length) { return } const oldScopedNodes = scope.nodeIds.length > 1 ? scopedGraphData.nodes : [] const oldScopedNodeIds = => as string) const neighbs = findNthNeighbors(scope.nodeIds, local.neighbors) const newScopedNodes = filteredGraphData.nodes .filter((node) => { if (oldScopedNodes.length) { if (oldScopedNodeIds.includes( as string)) { return false } const links = filteredLinksByNodeIdRef.current[ as string] ?? [] return links.some((link) => { const [source, target] = normalizeLinkEnds(link) return scope.nodeIds.includes(source) || scope.nodeIds.includes(target) }) } return neighbs.includes( as string) // this creates new nodes, to separate them from the nodes in the global graph // and positions them in the center, so that the camera is not so jumpy }) .map((node) => { return { ...node, x: 0, y: 0, vy: 0, vx: 0 } }) const scopedNodes = [...oldScopedNodes, ...newScopedNodes] const scopedNodeIds = => as string) const oldScopedLinks = scope.nodeIds.length > 1 ? scopedGraphData.links : [] const newScopedLinks = filteredGraphData.links .filter((link) => { // we need to cover both because force-graph modifies the original data // but if we supply the original data on each render, the graph will re-render sporadically const [sourceId, targetId] = normalizeLinkEnds(link) if ( oldScopedLinks.length && oldScopedNodeIds.includes(targetId) && oldScopedNodeIds.includes(sourceId) ) { return false } return ( scopedNodeIds.includes(sourceId as string) && scopedNodeIds.includes(targetId as string) ) }) .map((link) => { const [sourceId, targetId] = normalizeLinkEnds(link) return { source: sourceId, target: targetId } }) const scopedLinks = [...oldScopedLinks, ...newScopedLinks] setScopedGraphData({ nodes: scopedNodes, links: scopedLinks }) }, [ local.neighbors, filter, scope, JSON.stringify(graphData), filteredGraphData.links, filteredGraphData.nodes, ]) useEffect(() => { ;(async () => { const fg = graphRef.current const d3 = await d3promise if (physics.gravityOn && !(scope.nodeIds.length && !physics.gravityLocal)) { fg.d3Force('x', d3.forceX().strength(physics.gravity)) fg.d3Force('y', d3.forceY().strength(physics.gravity)) threeDim && fg.d3Force('z', d3.forceZ().strength(physics.gravity)) } else { fg.d3Force('x', null) fg.d3Force('y', null) threeDim && fg.d3Force('z', null) } physics.centering ? fg.d3Force('center', d3.forceCenter().strength(physics.centeringStrength)) : fg.d3Force('center', null) physics.linkStrength && fg.d3Force('link').strength(physics.linkStrength) physics.linkIts && fg.d3Force('link').iterations(physics.linkIts) physics.charge && fg.d3Force('charge').strength(physics.charge) fg.d3Force( 'collide', physics.collision ? d3.forceCollide().radius(physics.collisionStrength) : null, ) })() }, [physics, threeDim, scope]) // Normally the graph doesn't update when you just change the physics parameters // This forces the graph to make a small update when you do useEffect(() => { graphRef.current?.d3ReheatSimulation() }, [physics, scope.nodeIds.length]) // shitty handler to check for doubleClicks const lastNodeClickRef = useRef(0) const [opacity, setOpacity] = useState(1) const [fadeIn, cancel] = useAnimation((x) => setOpacity(x), { duration: visuals.animationSpeed, algorithm: algos[visuals.algorithmName], }) const [fadeOut, fadeOutCancel] = useAnimation( (x) => setOpacity(Math.min(opacity, -1 * (x - 1))), { duration: visuals.animationSpeed, algorithm: algos[visuals.algorithmName], }, ) const highlightedNodes = useMemo(() => { if (!centralHighlightedNode.current) { return {} } const links = filteredLinksByNodeIdRef.current[!] if (!links) { return {} } return Object.fromEntries( [ centralHighlightedNode.current?.id! as string, ...links.flatMap((link) => [link.source,]), ].map((nodeId) => [nodeId, {}]), ) }, [ JSON.stringify(centralHighlightedNode.current), JSON.stringify(filteredLinksByNodeIdRef.current), ]) useEffect(() => { if (sidebarHighlightedNode?.id) { setHoverNode(sidebarHighlightedNode) } else { setHoverNode(null) } }, [sidebarHighlightedNode]) const lastHoverNode = useRef(null) useEffect(() => { centralHighlightedNode.current = hoverNode if (hoverNode) { lastHoverNode.current = hoverNode as OrgRoamNode } if (!visuals.highlightAnim) { return hoverNode ? setOpacity(1) : setOpacity(0) } if (hoverNode) { fadeIn() } else { // to prevent fadeout animation from starting at 1 // when quickly moving away from a hovered node cancel() opacity > 0.5 ? fadeOut() : setOpacity(0) } }, [hoverNode]) const highlightColors = useMemo(() => { return Object.fromEntries( => { const color1 = getThemeColor(color, theme) const crisscross = => [ color2, d3int.interpolate(color1, getThemeColor(color2, theme)), ]) return [color, Object.fromEntries(crisscross)] }), ) }, [emacsTheme]) const previouslyHighlightedNodes = useMemo(() => { const previouslyHighlightedLinks = filteredLinksByNodeIdRef.current[lastHoverNode.current?.id!] ?? [] return Object.fromEntries( [ lastHoverNode.current?.id! as string, ...previouslyHighlightedLinks.flatMap((link) => normalizeLinkEnds(link)), ].map((nodeId) => [nodeId, {}]), ) }, [JSON.stringify(hoverNode), lastHoverNode.current, filteredLinksByNodeIdRef.current]) const getNodeColorById = (id: string) => { const linklen = filteredLinksByNodeIdRef.current[id!]?.length ?? 0 /* const parentCiteNeighbors = linklen * ? linksByNodeId[id!]?.filter((link) => ['parent', 'heading', 'cite', 'ref'].includes(link.type)).length * : 0 * const neighbors = filter.parent ? linklen : linklen - parentCiteNeighbors! */ return visuals.nodeColorScheme[ numberWithinRange(linklen, 0, visuals.nodeColorScheme.length - 1) ] } const getLinkNodeColor = (sourceId: string, targetId: string) => { return filteredLinksByNodeIdRef.current[sourceId]!.length > filteredLinksByNodeIdRef.current[targetId]!.length ? getNodeColorById(sourceId) : getNodeColorById(targetId) } const getLinkColor = ( sourceId: string, targetId: string, needsHighlighting: boolean, theme: any, ) => { if (!visuals.linkHighlight && !visuals.linkColorScheme && !needsHighlighting) { const nodeColor = getLinkNodeColor(sourceId, targetId) return getThemeColor(nodeColor, theme) } if (!needsHighlighting && !visuals.linkColorScheme) { const nodeColor = getLinkNodeColor(sourceId, targetId) return highlightColors[nodeColor][visuals.backgroundColor](visuals.highlightFade * opacity) } if (!needsHighlighting) { return highlightColors[visuals.linkColorScheme][visuals.backgroundColor]( visuals.highlightFade * opacity, ) } if (!visuals.linkHighlight && !visuals.linkColorScheme) { const nodeColor = getLinkNodeColor(sourceId, targetId) return getThemeColor(nodeColor, theme) } if (!visuals.linkHighlight) { return getThemeColor(visuals.linkColorScheme, theme) } if (!visuals.linkColorScheme) { return highlightColors[getLinkNodeColor(sourceId, targetId)][visuals.linkHighlight](opacity) } return highlightColors[visuals.linkColorScheme][visuals.linkHighlight](opacity) } const getNodeColor = (node: OrgRoamNode, theme: any) => { const needsHighlighting = highlightedNodes[!] || previouslyHighlightedNodes[!] // if we are matching the node color and don't have a highlight color // or we don't have our own scheme and we're not being highlighted if (visuals.emacsNodeColor && === emacsNodeId) { return getThemeColor(visuals.emacsNodeColor, theme) } if (tagColors && node?.tags.some((tag) => tagColors[tag])) { const tagColor = tagColors[node?.tags.filter((tag) => tagColors[tag])[0]] return needsHighlighting ? highlightColors[tagColor][tagColor](visuals.highlightFade * opacity) : highlightColors[tagColor][visuals.backgroundColor](visuals.highlightFade * opacity) } if (visuals.citeNodeColor && node?.properties?.ROAM_REFS && node?.properties?.FILELESS) { return needsHighlighting ? getThemeColor(visuals.citeNodeColor, theme) : highlightColors[visuals.citeNodeColor][visuals.backgroundColor]( visuals.highlightFade * opacity, ) } if (visuals.refNodeColor && { return needsHighlighting ? getThemeColor(visuals.refNodeColor, theme) : highlightColors[visuals.refNodeColor][visuals.backgroundColor]( visuals.highlightFade * opacity, ) } if (!needsHighlighting) { return highlightColors[getNodeColorById( as string)][visuals.backgroundColor]( visuals.highlightFade * opacity, ) } if (!visuals.nodeHighlight) { return getThemeColor(getNodeColorById( as string), theme) } return highlightColors[getNodeColorById( as string)][visuals.nodeHighlight](opacity) } const labelTextColor = useMemo( () => getThemeColor(visuals.labelTextColor, theme), [visuals.labelTextColor, emacsTheme], ) const labelBackgroundColor = useMemo( () => getThemeColor(visuals.labelBackgroundColor, theme), [visuals.labelBackgroundColor, emacsTheme], ) const nodeSize = (node: NodeObject) => { const links = filteredLinksByNodeIdRef.current[!] ?? [] const parentNeighbors = links.length ? links.filter((link) => link.type === 'parent').length : 0 const basicSize = 3 + links.length * visuals.nodeSizeLinks - (!filter.parent ? parentNeighbors : 0) if (visuals.highlightNodeSize === 1) { return basicSize } const highlightSize = highlightedNodes[!] || previouslyHighlightedNodes[!] ? 1 + opacity * (visuals.highlightNodeSize - 1) : 1 return basicSize * highlightSize } const [dragging, setDragging] = useState(false) const scaleRef = useRef(1) const graphCommonProps: ComponentPropsWithoutRef = { graphData: scope.nodeIds.length ? scopedGraphData : filteredGraphData, width: windowWidth, height: windowHeight, backgroundColor: getThemeColor(visuals.backgroundColor, theme), warmupTicks: scope.nodeIds.length === 1 ? 100 : scope.nodeIds.length > 1 ? 20 : 0, //onZoom: ({ k, x, y }) => setZoom(k), onZoom: ({ k, x, y }) => (scaleRef.current = k), //nodeLabel: (node) => (node as OrgRoamNode).title, nodeColor: (node) => { return getNodeColor(node as OrgRoamNode, theme) }, nodeRelSize: visuals.nodeRel, nodeVal: (node) => { return nodeSize(node) / Math.pow(scaleRef.current, visuals.nodeZoomSize) }, nodeCanvasObject: (node, ctx, globalScale) => { if (!node) { return } if (dragging) { return } if (!visuals.labels) { return } const wasHighlightedNode = previouslyHighlightedNodes[!] if ( (globalScale <= visuals.labelScale || visuals.labels === 1) && !highlightedNodes[!] && !wasHighlightedNode ) { return } const nodeTitle = (node as OrgRoamNode).title! const label = nodeTitle.substring(0, visuals.labelLength) const fontSize = visuals.labelFontSize / (0.75 * Math.min(Math.max(0.5, globalScale), 3)) const textWidth = ctx.measureText(label).width const bckgDimensions = [textWidth * 1.1, fontSize].map((n) => n + fontSize * 0.5) as [ number, number, ] // some padding const fadeFactor = Math.min((3 * (globalScale - visuals.labelScale)) / visuals.labelScale, 1) // draw label background const getLabelOpacity = () => { if (visuals.labels === 1) { return opacity } if (globalScale <= visuals.labelScale) { return opacity } return highlightedNodes[!] || previouslyHighlightedNodes[!] ? Math.max(fadeFactor, opacity) : 1 * fadeFactor * (-1 * (visuals.highlightFade * opacity - 1)) } const nodeS = 8 * Math.cbrt(nodeSize(node) * visuals.nodeRel) if (visuals.labelBackgroundColor && visuals.labelBackgroundOpacity) { const backgroundOpacity = getLabelOpacity() * visuals.labelBackgroundOpacity const labelBackground = hexToRGBA(labelBackgroundColor, backgroundOpacity) ctx.fillStyle = labelBackground ctx.fillRect( node.x! - bckgDimensions[0] / 2, node.y! - bckgDimensions[1] / 2 + nodeS, ...bckgDimensions, ) } // draw label text const textOpacity = getLabelOpacity() ctx.textAlign = 'center' ctx.textBaseline = 'middle' const labelText = hexToRGBA(labelTextColor, textOpacity) ctx.fillStyle = labelText ctx.font = `${fontSize}px Sans-Serif` const wordsArray = wrap(label, { width: visuals.labelWordWrap }).split('\n') const truncatedWords = nodeTitle.length > visuals.labelLength ? [...wordsArray.slice(0, -1), `${wordsArray.slice(-1)}...`] : wordsArray truncatedWords.forEach((word, index) => { ctx.fillText(word, node.x!, node.y! + nodeS + visuals.labelLineSpace * fontSize * index) }) }, nodeCanvasObjectMode: () => 'after', linkDirectionalParticles: visuals.particles ? visuals.particlesNumber : undefined, linkDirectionalArrowLength: visuals.arrows ? visuals.arrowsLength : undefined, linkDirectionalArrowRelPos: visuals.arrowsPos, linkDirectionalArrowColor: visuals.arrowsColor ? () => getThemeColor(visuals.arrowsColor, theme) : undefined, linkColor: (link) => { const sourceId = typeof link.source === 'object' ?! : (link.source as string) const targetId = typeof === 'object' ?! : ( as string) const linkIsHighlighted = isLinkRelatedToNode(link, centralHighlightedNode.current) const linkWasHighlighted = isLinkRelatedToNode(link, lastHoverNode.current) const needsHighlighting = linkIsHighlighted || linkWasHighlighted const roamLink = link as OrgRoamLink if (visuals.refLinkColor && roamLink.type === 'ref') { return needsHighlighting && (visuals.refLinkHighlightColor || visuals.linkHighlight) ? highlightColors[visuals.refLinkColor][ visuals.refLinkHighlightColor || visuals.linkHighlight ](opacity) : highlightColors[visuals.refLinkColor][visuals.backgroundColor]( visuals.highlightFade * opacity, ) } if (visuals.citeLinkColor && roamLink.type?.includes('cite')) { return needsHighlighting && (visuals.citeLinkHighlightColor || visuals.linkHighlight) ? highlightColors[visuals.citeLinkColor][ visuals.citeLinkHighlightColor || visuals.linkHighlight ](opacity) : highlightColors[visuals.citeLinkColor][visuals.backgroundColor]( visuals.highlightFade * opacity, ) } return getLinkColor(sourceId as string, targetId as string, needsHighlighting, theme) }, linkWidth: (link) => { if (visuals.highlightLinkSize === 1) { return visuals.linkWidth } const linkIsHighlighted = isLinkRelatedToNode(link, centralHighlightedNode.current) const linkWasHighlighted = isLinkRelatedToNode(link, lastHoverNode.current) return linkIsHighlighted || linkWasHighlighted ? visuals.linkWidth * (1 + opacity * (visuals.highlightLinkSize - 1)) : visuals.linkWidth }, linkDirectionalParticleWidth: visuals.particlesWidth, d3AlphaDecay: physics.alphaDecay, d3AlphaMin: physics.alphaMin, d3VelocityDecay: physics.velocityDecay, onNodeClick: (nodeArg: NodeObject, event: any) => { const node = nodeArg as OrgRoamNode //contextMenu.onClose() const doubleClickTimeBuffer = 200 const isDoubleClick = event.timeStamp - lastNodeClickRef.current < doubleClickTimeBuffer lastNodeClickRef.current = event.timeStamp if (isDoubleClick) { return handleClick('double', node, event) } const prevNodeClickTime = lastNodeClickRef.current return setTimeout(() => { if (lastNodeClickRef.current !== prevNodeClickTime) { return } return handleClick('click', node, event) }, doubleClickTimeBuffer) }, /* onBackgroundClick: () => { * contextMenu.onClose() * setHoverNode(null) * if (scope.nodeIds.length === 0) { * return * } * if (mouse.backgroundExitsLocal) { * setScope((currentScope: Scope) => ({ * ...currentScope, * nodeIds: [], * })) * } * }, */ onNodeHover: (node) => { if (!visuals.highlight) { return } if (dragging) { return } if (!hoverNode) { fadeOutCancel() setOpacity(0) } setHoverNode(node) }, onNodeRightClick: (nodeArg, event) => { const node = nodeArg as OrgRoamNode handleClick('right', node, event) }, onNodeDrag: (node) => { //contextMenu.onClose() setHoverNode(node) setDragging(true) }, onNodeDragEnd: () => { setHoverNode(null) setDragging(false) }, } return ( {threeDim ? ( { if (!visuals.labels) { return } if (visuals.labels < 3 && !highlightedNodes[!]) { return } const sprite = new SpriteText(node.title.substring(0, 40)) sprite.color = getThemeColor(visuals.labelTextColor, theme) sprite.backgroundColor = getThemeColor(visuals.labelBackgroundColor, theme) sprite.padding = 2 sprite.textHeight = 8 return sprite }} /> ) : ( { const linkArg = link as OrgRoamLink if (visuals.citeDashes && linkArg.type?.includes('cite')) { return [visuals.citeDashLength, visuals.citeGapLength] } if (visuals.refDashes && linkArg.type == 'ref') { return [visuals.refDashLength, visuals.refGapLength] } return null }} /> )} ) } function isLinkRelatedToNode(link: LinkObject, node: NodeObject | null) { return ( (link.source as NodeObject)?.id! === node?.id! || ( as NodeObject)?.id! === node?.id! ) } function numberWithinRange(num: number, min: number, max: number) { return Math.min(Math.max(num, min), max) } export function normalizeLinkEnds(link: OrgRoamLink | LinkObject): [string, string] { // we need to cover both because force-graph modifies the original data // but if we supply the original data on each render, the graph will re-render sporadically const sourceId = typeof link.source === 'object' ? (! as string) : (link.source as string) const targetId = typeof === 'object' ? (! as string) : ( as string) return [sourceId, targetId] } export function getThemeColor(name: string, theme: any) { return name.split('.').reduce((o, i) => o[i], theme.colors) } export function hexToRGBA(hex: string, opacity: number) { return ( 'rgba(' + (hex = hex.replace('#', '')) .match(new RegExp('(.{' + hex.length / 3 + '})', 'g'))! .map((l) => parseInt(hex.length % 2 ? l + l : l, 16)) .concat(isFinite(opacity) ? opacity : 1) .join(',') + ')' ) }