import { CloseIcon, RepeatClockIcon, ChevronDownIcon, SettingsIcon, InfoOutlineIcon, RepeatIcon, ArrowRightIcon, AddIcon, DeleteIcon, CheckCircleIcon, } from '@chakra-ui/icons' import { Accordion, AccordionButton, AccordionIcon, AccordionItem, AccordionPanel, Box, Button, Flex, IconButton, Menu, MenuButton, MenuItem, MenuList, MenuOptionGroup, MenuItemOption, Select, Slider, SliderFilledTrack, SliderThumb, SliderTrack, StackDivider, Switch, Text, Tooltip, VStack, Heading, Collapse, Grid, Portal, SlideFade, Input, } from '@chakra-ui/react' import { CUIAutoComplete } from 'chakra-ui-autocomplete' import React, { useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react' import Scrollbars from 'react-custom-scrollbars-2' import { initialPhysics, initialFilter, initialVisuals, initialMouse, initialBehavior, TagColors, colorList, } from './config' import { ThemeContext } from '../util/themecontext' import { usePersistantState } from '../util/persistant-state' export interface TweakProps { physics: typeof initialPhysics setPhysics: any threeDim: boolean setThreeDim: (newValue: boolean) => void filter: typeof initialFilter setFilter: any visuals: typeof initialVisuals setVisuals: any mouse: typeof initialMouse setMouse: any behavior: typeof initialBehavior setBehavior: any tags: string[] tagColors: TagColors setTagColors: any } export const Tweaks = (props: TweakProps) => { const { physics, setPhysics, threeDim, setThreeDim, filter, setFilter, visuals, setVisuals, mouse, setMouse, behavior, setBehavior, tags, tagColors, setTagColors, } = props const [showTweaks, setShowTweaks] = usePersistantState('showTweaks', false) const { highlightColor, setHighlightColor } = useContext(ThemeContext) const setVisualsCallback = useCallback((val) => setVisuals(val), []) const setPhysicsCallback = useCallback((val: number, phys: string, scale: number) => { setPhysics((curr: typeof initialPhysics) => { return { ...curr, [phys]: val / scale } }) }, []) return !showTweaks ? ( <Box position="absolute" zIndex="overlay" marginTop={10} marginLeft={10} display={showTweaks ? 'none' : 'block'} > <IconButton variant="ghost" aria-label="Settings" icon={<SettingsIcon />} onClick={() => setShowTweaks(true)} /> </Box> ) : ( <Box bg="alt.100" w="xs" marginTop={10} marginLeft={10} borderRadius="xl" paddingBottom={5} zIndex={300} position="relative" boxShadow="xl" maxH={0.92 * globalThis.innerHeight} marginBottom={10} > <Box display="flex" justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center" paddingRight={2} paddingTop={1} > <Tooltip label={'Switch to ' + threeDim ? '2D' : '3D' + ' view'}> <Button onClick={() => setThreeDim(!threeDim)} variant="ghost" zIndex="overlay"> {threeDim ? '3D' : '2D'} </Button> </Tooltip> <Box display="flex" alignItems="center"> <Tooltip label="Reset settings to defaults"> <IconButton aria-label="Reset Defaults" icon={<RepeatClockIcon />} onClick={() => { setVisuals(initialVisuals) setFilter(initialFilter) setMouse(initialMouse) setPhysics(initialPhysics) setBehavior(initialBehavior) }} variant="none" size="sm" /> </Tooltip> <IconButton size="sm" icon={<CloseIcon />} aria-label="Close Tweak Panel" variant="ghost" onClick={() => setShowTweaks(false)} /> </Box> </Box> <Scrollbars autoHeight autoHeightMax={0.85 * globalThis.innerHeight} autoHide renderThumbVertical={({ style, ...props }) => ( <Box {...props} style={{, borderRadius: 10, }} bg={highlightColor} /> )} > <Accordion allowMultiple allowToggle color="black"> <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton> <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} /> <Heading size="sm">Filter</Heading> </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel> <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" paddingLeft={7} color="gray.800" > <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>Link children to...</Text> <Menu isLazy placement="right"> <MenuButton as={Button} rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />} colorScheme="" color="black" > {(() => { switch (filter.parent) { case 'parent': return <Text>File</Text> case 'heading': return <Text>Heading</Text> default: return <Text>Nothing</Text> } })()} </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList bgColor="gray.200" zIndex="popover"> <MenuItem onClick={() => setFilter((curr: typeof initialFilter) => ({ ...curr, parent: '' })) } > Nothing </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setFilter((curr: typeof initialFilter) => ({ ...curr, parent: 'parent', })) } > Parent file node </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setFilter((curr: typeof initialFilter) => ({ ...curr, parent: 'heading', })) } > Next highest heading node </MenuItem> </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> </Flex> <Flex justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>Orphans</Text> <Switch onChange={() => { setFilter((curr: typeof initialFilter) => { return { ...curr, orphans: !curr.orphans } }) }} isChecked={filter.orphans} ></Switch> </Flex> <Flex justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>Citations without note files</Text> <Switch onChange={() => { setFilter({ ...filter, filelessCites: !filter.filelessCites }) }} isChecked={filter.filelessCites} ></Switch> </Flex> <Flex justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>Non-existant nodes</Text> <Switch onChange={() => { setTagColors({ ...tagColors, bad: 'white' }) setFilter({ ...filter, bad: !filter.bad }) }} isChecked={filter.bad} ></Switch> </Flex> </VStack> <Accordion padding={0} allowToggle allowMultiple paddingLeft={3}> <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton> Tag filters <AccordionIcon /> </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel pr={0} mr={0}> <TagPanel highlightColor={highlightColor} filter={filter} setFilter={setFilter} tags={tags} mode="blacklist" /> <TagPanel highlightColor={highlightColor} filter={filter} setFilter={setFilter} tags={tags} mode="whitelist" /> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton> Tag Colors <AccordionIcon /> </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel pr={0} mr={0}> <TagColorPanel tags={tags} colorList={colorList} tagColors={tagColors} setTagColors={setTagColors} highlightColor={highlightColor} /> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> </Accordion> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton display="flex" justifyContent="space-between"> <Box display="flex"> <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} /> <Heading size="sm">Physics</Heading> </Box> {/* <Switch id="physicsOn" onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, enabled: !physics.enabled })} isChecked={physics.enabled} /> */} </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel> <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" paddingLeft={7} color="gray.800" > <EnableSection label="Gravity" value={physics.gravityOn} onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, gravityOn: !physics.gravityOn })} > <Flex justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>Also in local</Text> <Switch onChange={() => { setPhysics((curr: typeof initialPhysics) => { return { ...curr, gravityLocal: !curr.gravityLocal } }) }} isChecked={physics.gravityLocal} ></Switch> </Flex> <SliderWithInfo label="Strength" value={physics.gravity * 10} onChange={(v: number) => setPhysicsCallback(v, 'gravity', 10)} /> </EnableSection> <SliderWithInfo value={-physics.charge / 100} onChange={(v) => setPhysicsCallback(v, 'charge', -1 / 100)} label="Repulsive Force" /> <EnableSection label="Collision" infoText="Perfomance sap, disable if slow" value={physics.collision} onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, collision: !physics.collision })} > <SliderWithInfo value={physics.collisionStrength / 5} onChange={(v) => setPhysicsCallback(v, 'collisionStrength', 1 / 5)} label="Collision Radius" infoText="Easy with this one, high values can lead to a real jiggly mess" /> </EnableSection> <SliderWithInfo value={physics.linkStrength * 5} onChange={(v) => setPhysicsCallback(v, 'linkStrength', 5)} label="Link Force" /> <SliderWithInfo label="Link Iterations" value={physics.linkIts} onChange={(v) => setPhysicsCallback(v, 'linkIts', 1)} min={0} max={6} step={1} infoText="How many links down the line the physics of a single node affects (Slow)" /> <SliderWithInfo label="Viscosity" value={physics.velocityDecay * 10} onChange={(v) => setPhysicsCallback(v, 'velocityDecay', 10)} /> </VStack> <Box> <Accordion paddingLeft={3} allowToggle> <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton> <Text>Advanced</Text> <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} /> </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel> <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" paddingLeft={3} color="gray.800" > <SliderWithInfo label="Stabilization rate" value={physics.alphaDecay * 50} onChange={(v) => setPhysicsCallback(v, 'alphaDecay', 50)} /> <EnableSection label="Center nodes" value={physics.centering} onChange={() => setPhysics({ ...physics, centering: !physics.centering })} infoText="Keeps the nodes in the center of the viewport. If disabled you can drag the nodes anywhere you want." > <SliderWithInfo label="Centering Strength" value={physics.centeringStrength} max={2} step={0.01} onChange={(v) => setPhysicsCallback(v, 'centeringStrength', 1)} /> </EnableSection> </VStack> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> </Accordion> </Box> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton> <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} /> <Heading size="sm">Visual</Heading> </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel> <VStack justifyContent="flex-start" align="stretch"> <Accordion allowToggle defaultIndex={[0]} paddingLeft={3}> <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton> <Flex justifyContent="space-between" w="100%"> <Text>Colors</Text> <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} /> </Flex> </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel> <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" color="gray.800" > <Box> <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>Nodes</Text> <Tooltip label="Shuffle node colors"> <IconButton aria-label="Shuffle node colors" size="sm" icon={<RepeatIcon />} variant="ghost" onClick={() => { const arr = visuals.nodeColorScheme ?? [] setVisuals({ ...visuals, //shuffle that guy //definitely thought of this myself nodeColorScheme: arr .map((x: any) => [Math.random(), x]) .sort(([a], [b]) => a - b) .map(([_, x]) => x), }) }} /> </Tooltip> <Tooltip label="Cycle node colors"> <IconButton aria-label="Shift node colors" icon={<ArrowRightIcon />} size="sm" variant="ghost" onClick={() => { const arr = visuals.nodeColorScheme ?? [] setVisuals({ ...visuals, nodeColorScheme: [...arr.slice(1, arr.length), arr[0]], }) }} /> </Tooltip> <Menu isLazy placement="right" closeOnSelect={false} matchWidth> <MenuButton width={20} as={Button} colorScheme="" color="black" rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />} > <Flex height={6} width={6} flexDirection="column" flexWrap="wrap"> { => ( <Box key={color} bgColor={color} flex="1 1 8px" borderRadius="2xl" ></Box> ))} </Flex> </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList minW={10} zIndex="popover" bgColor="gray.200"> <MenuOptionGroup width={500} type="checkbox" defaultValue={visuals.nodeColorScheme} onChange={(colors) => { if (!colors.length) { return } setVisuals({ ...visuals, nodeColorScheme: colors }) }} > { => ( <MenuItemOption key={color} isChecked={visuals.nodeColorScheme.some((c) => c === color)} value={color} isDisabled={ visuals.nodeColorScheme.length === 1 && visuals.nodeColorScheme[0] === color } > <Box justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center" display="flex" > <Box bgColor={color} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6} ></Box> </Box> </MenuItemOption> ))} </MenuOptionGroup> </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> </Flex> <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>Links</Text> <Menu isLazy placement="right"> <MenuButton as={Button} colorScheme="" color="black" rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />} > <Box> {visuals.linkColorScheme ? ( <Box bgColor={visuals.linkColorScheme} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6} ></Box> ) : ( <Flex height={6} width={6} flexDirection="column" flexWrap="wrap" > { => ( <Box key={color} bgColor={color} flex="1 1 8px" borderRadius="2xl" ></Box> ))} </Flex> )} </Box> </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList minW={10} zIndex="popover" bgColor="gray.200"> <MenuItem onClick={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, linkColorScheme: '' })} justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center" display="flex" > <Flex height={6} width={6} flexDirection="column" flexWrap="wrap" > { => ( <Box key={color} bgColor={color} flex="1 1 8px" borderRadius="2xl" ></Box> ))} </Flex> </MenuItem> { => ( <MenuItem key={color} onClick={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, linkColorScheme: color, }) } justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center" display="flex" > <Box bgColor={color} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6} ></Box> </MenuItem> ))} </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> </Flex> <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>Accent</Text> <Menu isLazy placement="right"> <MenuButton as={Button} colorScheme="" color="black" rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />} > { <Box bgColor={highlightColor} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6} ></Box> } </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList minW={10} zIndex="popover" bgColor="gray.200"> { => ( <MenuItem key={color} onClick={() => setHighlightColor(color)} justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center" display="flex" > <Box bgColor={color} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6} ></Box> </MenuItem> ))} </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> </Flex> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Link highlight" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value="linkHighlight" visValue={visuals.linkHighlight} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Node highlight" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value="nodeHighlight" visValue={visuals.nodeHighlight} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Background" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value="backgroundColor" visValue={visuals.backgroundColor} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Emacs node" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value="emacsNodeColor" visValue={visuals.emacsNodeColor} /> </Box> </VStack> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton> <Flex justifyContent="space-between" w="100%"> <Text>Nodes & Links</Text> <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} /> </Flex> </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel> <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" color="gray.800" > <Box> <SliderWithInfo label="Node size" value={visuals.nodeRel} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, nodeRel: value })} /> <SliderWithInfo label="Node connections size scale" value={visuals.nodeSizeLinks} min={0} max={2} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, nodeSizeLinks: value })} /> <SliderWithInfo label="Node zoom invariance" value={visuals.nodeZoomSize} min={0} max={2} infoText="How much the graph will try to keep the nodesize consistent across zoom scales. 0 is no consistency, node will always be their true size, 1 is linear, 2 is quadratic." onChange={(value) => setVisuals((prev: typeof initialVisuals) => ({ ...prev, nodeZoomSize: value, })) } /> {threeDim && ( <> <SliderWithInfo label="Node opacity" value={visuals.nodeOpacity} min={0} max={1} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, nodeOpacity: value })} /> <SliderWithInfo label="Node resolution" value={visuals.nodeResolution} min={5} max={32} step={1} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, nodeResolution: value }) } /> </> )} <SliderWithInfo label="Link width" value={visuals.linkWidth} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, linkWidth: value })} /> {threeDim && ( <SliderWithInfo label="Link opacity" min={0} max={1} value={visuals.linkOpacity} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, linkOpacity: value })} /> )} <EnableSection label="Link arrows" value={visuals.arrows} onChange={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, arrows: !visuals.arrows })} > <SliderWithInfo label="Arrow size" value={visuals.arrowsLength / 10} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, arrowsLength: 10 * value }) } /> <SliderWithInfo label="Arrow Position" value={visuals.arrowsPos} min={0} max={1} step={0.01} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, arrowsPos: value })} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Arrow Color" key="arrow" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value="arrowsColor" visValue={visuals.arrowsColor} /> </EnableSection> <EnableSection label="Directional Particles" value={visuals.particles} onChange={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, particles: !visuals.particles }) } > <SliderWithInfo label="Particle Number" value={visuals.particlesNumber} max={5} step={1} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, particlesNumber: value }) } /> <SliderWithInfo label="Particle Size" value={visuals.particlesWidth} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, particlesWidth: value }) } /> </EnableSection> </Box> </VStack> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> {/* <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" paddingLeft={7} color="gray.800" > */} <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton> <Flex justifyContent="space-between" w="100%"> <Text>Labels</Text> <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} /> </Flex> </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel> <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" color="gray.800" > <Box> <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>Show labels</Text> <Menu isLazy placement="right"> <MenuButton as={Button} colorScheme="" color="black" rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />} > {!visuals.labels ? 'Never' : visuals.labels < 2 ? 'On Highlight' : 'Always'} </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList zIndex="popover" bgColor="gray.200"> <MenuItem onClick={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, labels: 0 })}> Never </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, labels: 1 })}> On Highlight </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, labels: 2 })}> Always </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, labels: 3 })}> Always (even in 3D) </MenuItem> </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> </Flex> <VStack spacing={1} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.400" />} align="stretch" paddingLeft={2} color="gray.800" > <SliderWithInfo label="Label font size" value={visuals.labelFontSize} min={5} max={20} step={0.5} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, labelFontSize: value })} /> <SliderWithInfo label="Max. label characters" value={visuals.labelLength} min={10} max={100} step={1} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, labelLength: value })} /> <SliderWithInfo label="Max. label line length" value={visuals.labelWordWrap} min={10} max={100} step={1} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, labelWordWrap: value })} /> <SliderWithInfo label="Space between label lines" value={visuals.labelLineSpace} min={0.2} max={3} step={0.1} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, labelLineSpace: value }) } /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Text" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value="labelTextColor" visValue={visuals.labelTextColor} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Background" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value="labelBackgroundColor" visValue={visuals.labelBackgroundColor} /> <Collapse in={!!visuals.labelBackgroundColor} animateOpacity> <Box paddingTop={2}> <SliderWithInfo label="Background opacity" value={visuals.labelBackgroundOpacity} onChange={(value) => { console.log(visuals.labelBackgroundOpacity) setVisuals({ ...visuals, labelBackgroundOpacity: value }) }} min={0} max={1} step={0.01} /> </Box> </Collapse> <Collapse in={visuals.labels > 1} animateOpacity> <Box paddingTop={2}> <SliderWithInfo label="Label Appearance Scale" value={visuals.labelScale * 5} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, labelScale: value / 5 }) } /> </Box> </Collapse> </VStack> </Box> </VStack> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton> <Flex justifyContent="space-between" w="100%"> <Text>Highlighting</Text> <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} /> </Flex> </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel> <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" color="gray.800" > <Box> <EnableSection label="Highlight" onChange={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, highlight: !visuals.highlight }) } value={visuals.highlight} > <VStack spacing={1} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.400" />} align="stretch" paddingLeft={0} > <SliderWithInfo label="Highlight Link Thickness" value={visuals.highlightLinkSize} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, highlightLinkSize: value }) } /> <SliderWithInfo label="Highlight Node Size" value={visuals.highlightNodeSize} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, highlightNodeSize: value }) } /> <SliderWithInfo min={0} max={1} label="Highlight Fade" value={visuals.highlightFade} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, highlightFade: value }) } /> {/*<Flex justifyContent="space-between"> <Text> Highlight node color </Text> </Flex> <Flex justifyContent="space-between"> <Text> Highlight link color </Text> </Flex>*/} <EnableSection label="Highlight Animation" onChange={() => { setVisuals({ ...visuals, highlightAnim: !visuals.highlightAnim }) }} value={visuals.highlightAnim} > <SliderWithInfo label="Animation speed" onChange={(v) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, animationSpeed: v })} value={visuals.animationSpeed} infoText="Slower speed has a chance of being buggy" min={50} max={1000} step={10} /> <Select placeholder={visuals.algorithmName} onChange={(v) => { setVisuals({ ...visuals, algorithmName: }) }} > { string) => ( <option key={opt} value={opt}> {opt} </option> ))} </Select> </EnableSection> </VStack> </EnableSection> </Box> </VStack> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton> <Flex justifyContent="space-between" w="100%"> <Text>Citations</Text> <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} /> </Flex> </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel> <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" color="gray.800" > <Box> <EnableSection label="Dash cite links" infoText="Add dashes to citation links made with org-roam-bibtex" value={visuals.citeDashes} onChange={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, citeDashes: !visuals.citeDashes }) } > <SliderWithInfo label="Dash length" value={visuals.citeDashLength / 10} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, citeDashLength: value * 10 }) } /> <SliderWithInfo label="Gap length" value={visuals.citeGapLength / 5} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, citeGapLength: value * 5 }) } /> </EnableSection> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Citation node color" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value={'citeNodeColor'} visValue={visuals.citeNodeColor} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Citation link color" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value={'citeLinkColor'} visValue={visuals.citeLinkColor} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Reference link highlight" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value={'citeLinkHighlightColor'} visValue={visuals.citeLinkHighlightColor} /> <EnableSection label="Dash ref links" infoText="Add dashes to citation links, whose target has a note, made with org-roam-bibtex" value={visuals.refDashes} onChange={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, refDashes: !visuals.refDashes }) } > <SliderWithInfo label="Dash length" value={visuals.refDashLength / 10} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, refDashLength: value * 10 }) } /> <SliderWithInfo label="Gap length" value={visuals.refGapLength / 5} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, refGapLength: value * 5 }) } /> </EnableSection> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Reference node color" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value={'refNodeColor'} visValue={visuals.refNodeColor} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Reference link color" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value={'refLinkColor'} visValue={visuals.refLinkColor} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Reference link highlight" setVisuals={setVisualsCallback} value={'refLinkHighlightColor'} visValue={visuals.refLinkHighlightColor} /> </Box> </VStack> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> </Accordion> </VStack> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> <AccordionItem> <AccordionButton> <AccordionIcon marginRight={2} /> <Heading size="sm">Behavior</Heading> </AccordionButton> <AccordionPanel> <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" paddingLeft={7} color="gray.800" > <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between"> <Flex> <Text>Expand Node</Text> <InfoTooltip infoText="View only the node and its direct neighbors" /> </Flex> <Menu isLazy placement="right"> <MenuButton as={Button} rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />} colorScheme="" color="black" > <Text> {mouse.local ? mouse.local[0]!.toUpperCase() + mouse.local!.slice(1) : 'Never'} </Text> </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList zIndex="popover" bgColor="gray.200"> <MenuItem onClick={() => setMouse({ ...mouse, local: '' })}>Never</MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setMouse({ ...mouse, local: 'click' })}> Click </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setMouse({ ...mouse, local: 'double' })}> Double Click </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setMouse({ ...mouse, local: 'right' })}> Right Click </MenuItem> </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> </Flex> <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>Open in Emacs</Text> <Menu isLazy placement="right"> <MenuButton as={Button} rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />} colorScheme="" color="black" > <Text> {mouse.follow ? mouse.follow[0]!.toUpperCase() + mouse.follow!.slice(1) : 'Never'} </Text> </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList bgColor="gray.200" zIndex="popover"> <MenuItem onClick={() => setMouse({ ...mouse, follow: '' })}> Never </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setMouse({ ...mouse, follow: 'click' })}> Click </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setMouse({ ...mouse, follow: 'double' })}> Double Click </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setMouse({ ...mouse, follow: 'right' })}> Right Click </MenuItem> </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> </Flex> <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>Follow Emacs by...</Text> <Menu isLazy placement="right"> <MenuButton as={Button} rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />} colorScheme="" color="black" > <Text>{behavior.follow[0].toUpperCase() + behavior.follow.slice(1)}</Text> </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList bgColor="gray.200" zIndex="popover"> <MenuItem onClick={() => setBehavior({ ...behavior, follow: 'color' })}> Just coloring the currently opened node </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setBehavior({ ...behavior, follow: 'local' })}> Opening the local graph </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setBehavior({ ...behavior, follow: 'zoom' })}> Zooming to the current node </MenuItem> </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> </Flex> <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between"> <Flex> <Text>Local graph</Text> <InfoTooltip infoText="When in local mode and clicking a new node, should I add that node's local graph or open the new one?" /> </Flex> <Menu isLazy placement="right"> <MenuButton as={Button} rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />} colorScheme="" color="black" > <Text>{behavior.localSame === 'add' ? 'Add' : 'Replace'}</Text> </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList bgColor="gray.200" zIndex="popover"> <MenuItem onClick={() => setBehavior({ ...behavior, localSame: 'replace' })} > Open that nodes graph </MenuItem> <MenuItem onClick={() => setBehavior({ ...behavior, localSame: 'add' })}> Add node to local graph </MenuItem> </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> </Flex> <SliderWithInfo label="Zoom speed" value={behavior.zoomSpeed} min={0} max={4000} step={100} onChange={(value) => setBehavior({ ...behavior, zoomSpeed: value })} /> <SliderWithInfo label="Zoom padding" value={behavior.zoomPadding} min={0} max={400} step={1} onChange={(value) => setBehavior({ ...behavior, zoomPadding: value })} infoText="How much to zoom out to accomodate all nodes when changing the view." /> </VStack> </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> </Accordion> </Scrollbars> </Box> ) } export interface InfoTooltipProps { infoText?: string | boolean } export const InfoTooltip = (props: InfoTooltipProps) => { const { infoText } = props return ( <Box paddingLeft="1"> <Tooltip label={infoText} placement="top" color="gray.100" bg="gray.800" hasArrow> <InfoOutlineIcon /> </Tooltip> </Box> ) } export interface SliderWithInfoProps { min?: number max?: number step?: number value: number onChange: (arg0: number) => void label: string infoText?: string } export const SliderWithInfo = ({ min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.1, value = 1, }: SliderWithInfoProps) => { const { onChange, label, infoText } = rest const { highlightColor } = useContext(ThemeContext) return ( <Box key={label}> <Box display="flex" alignItems="flex-end"> <Text>{label}</Text> {infoText && <InfoTooltip infoText={infoText} />} </Box> <Slider value={value} onChange={onChange} min={min} max={max} step={step}> <SliderTrack> <SliderFilledTrack /> </SliderTrack> <Tooltip bg={highlightColor} label={value.toFixed(1)}> <SliderThumb bg="white" /> </Tooltip> </Slider> </Box> ) } export interface EnableSectionProps { label: string value: boolean | number onChange: () => void infoText?: string children: React.ReactNode } export const EnableSection = (props: EnableSectionProps) => { const { value, onChange, label, infoText, children } = props return ( <Box paddingTop={2} key={label}> <Box display="flex" justifyContent="space-between" paddingBottom={2}> <Box display="flex" alignItems="center"> <Text>{label}</Text> {infoText && <InfoTooltip infoText={infoText} />} </Box> <Switch isChecked={!!value} onChange={onChange} /> </Box> <Collapse in={!!value} animateOpacity> <Box paddingLeft={4} paddingTop={2} paddingBottom={2}> {children} </Box> </Collapse> </Box> ) } export interface DropDownMenuProps { textArray: string[] onClickArray: (() => void)[] displayValue: string } export const DropDownMenu = (props: DropDownMenuProps) => { const { textArray, onClickArray, displayValue } = props return ( <Menu isLazy placement="right"> <MenuButton as={Button} rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />}> {displayValue} </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList zIndex="popover"> {, i) => { ;<MenuItem onClick={onClickArray[i]}> {option} </MenuItem> })} </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> ) } export interface ColorMenuProps { label: string colorList: string[] value: string visValue: string setVisuals?: any } export const ColorMenu = (props: ColorMenuProps) => { const { label, colorList, value, visValue, setVisuals } = props const clickCallback = useCallback( (color) => setVisuals((curr: typeof initialVisuals) => { return { ...curr, [value]: color, } }), [], ) return ( <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between"> <Text>{label}</Text> <Menu isLazy placement="right"> <MenuButton as={Button} colorScheme="" color="black" rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />}> {<Box bgColor={visValue} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6}></Box>} </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList minW={10} zIndex="popover" bgColor="gray.200"> <MenuItem onClick={() => clickCallback('')} justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center" display="flex" > <Box height={6} width={6}></Box> </MenuItem> { string) => ( <MenuItem key={color} onClick={() => clickCallback(color)} justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center" display="flex" > <Box bgColor={color} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6}></Box> </MenuItem> ))} </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> </Flex> ) } export interface TagPanelProps { tags: string[] filter: typeof initialFilter setFilter: any highlightColor: string mode: string } export const TagPanel = (props: TagPanelProps) => { const { filter, setFilter, tags, highlightColor, mode } = props const tagArray = => { return { value: tag, label: tag } }) const currentTags = mode === 'blacklist' ? 'tagsBlacklist' : 'tagsWhitelist' const [selectedItems, setSelectedItems] = useState<typeof tagArray>( filter[currentTags].map((tag) => { return { value: tag, label: tag } }), ) return ( <CUIAutoComplete items={tagArray} label={'Add tag to ' + mode} placeholder=" " onCreateItem={(item) => null} disableCreateItem={true} selectedItems={selectedItems} onSelectedItemsChange={(changes) => { if (changes.selectedItems) { setSelectedItems(changes.selectedItems) setFilter({ ...filter, [currentTags]: => item.value) }) } }} listItemStyleProps={{ overflow: 'hidden' }} highlightItemBg="gray.400" toggleButtonStyleProps={{ variant: 'outline' }} inputStyleProps={{ focusBorderColor: highlightColor, color: 'gray.800', borderColor: 'gray.600', }} tagStyleProps={{ rounded: 'full', bg: highlightColor, height: 8, paddingLeft: 4, fontWeight: 'bold', }} hideToggleButton itemRenderer={(selected) => selected.label} /> ) } export interface TagColorPanelProps { tags: string[] highlightColor: string colorList: string[] tagColors: TagColors setTagColors: any } export const TagColorPanel = (props: TagColorPanelProps) => { const { colorList, tagColors, setTagColors, highlightColor, tags } = props const tagArray = => { return { value: tag, label: tag } }) const [selectedItems, setSelectedItems] = useState<typeof tagArray>( Object.keys(tagColors).map((tag) => { return { value: tag, label: tag } }), ) return ( <Box> <CUIAutoComplete items={tagArray} label="Add tag to filter" placeholder=" " disableCreateItem={true} selectedItems={selectedItems} onSelectedItemsChange={(changes) => { if (changes.selectedItems) { setSelectedItems(Array.from(new Set(changes.selectedItems))) setTagColors( Object.fromEntries( Array.from(new Set(changes.selectedItems)).map((item) => { return [item.label, tagColors[item.label] ?? 'gray.600'] }), ), ) } }} listItemStyleProps={{ overflow: 'hidden' }} highlightItemBg="gray.400" toggleButtonStyleProps={{ variant: 'outline' }} inputStyleProps={{ focusBorderColor: highlightColor, color: 'gray.800', borderColor: 'gray.600', }} tagStyleProps={{ display: 'none', rounded: 'full', bg: highlightColor, height: 8, paddingLeft: 4, fontWeight: 'bold', }} hideToggleButton itemRenderer={(selected) => selected.label} /> <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" color="gray.800" > {Object.keys(tagColors).map((tag) => { return ( <Flex key={tag} alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between" width="100%" pl={2}> <Box width="100%"> <Text fontWeight="bold">{tag}</Text> </Box> <Menu isLazy placement="right"> <MenuButton as={Button} colorScheme="" color="black"> {<Box bgColor={tagColors[tag]} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6}></Box>} </MenuButton> <Portal> {' '} <MenuList minW={10} zIndex="popover" bgColor="gray.200"> { string) => ( <MenuItem key={color} onClick={() => setTagColors({ ...tagColors, [tag]: color, }) } justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center" display="flex" > <Box bgColor={color} borderRadius="sm" height={6} width={6}></Box> </MenuItem> ))} </MenuList> </Portal> </Menu> <IconButton aria-label="Delete tag color" variant="ghost" icon={<DeleteIcon />} onClick={() => { setTagColors( Object.fromEntries( Array.from(new Set(selectedItems)).map((item) => { return [item.label, tagColors[item.label] ?? 'gray.600'] }), ), ) setSelectedItems(selectedItems.filter((item) => item.value !== tag)) }} /> </Flex> ) })} </VStack> </Box> ) }