import { Box, StackDivider, VStack } from '@chakra-ui/react' import React from 'react' import { ColorMenu } from '../Visual/ColorMenu' import { colorList, initialVisuals } from '../../config' import { EnableSection } from '../EnableSection' import { SliderWithInfo } from '../SliderWithInfo' export interface CitationsPanelProps { visuals: typeof initialVisuals setVisuals: any } export const CitationsPanel = (props: CitationsPanelProps) => { const { visuals, setVisuals } = props return ( <VStack spacing={2} justifyContent="flex-start" divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} align="stretch" color="gray.800" > <Box> <EnableSection label="Dash cite links" infoText="Add dashes to citation links made with org-roam-bibtex" value={visuals.citeDashes} onChange={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, citeDashes: !visuals.citeDashes })} > <SliderWithInfo label="Dash length" value={visuals.citeDashLength / 10} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, citeDashLength: value * 10 })} /> <SliderWithInfo label="Gap length" value={visuals.citeGapLength / 5} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, citeGapLength: value * 5 })} /> </EnableSection> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Citation node color" setVisuals={setVisuals} value={'citeNodeColor'} visValue={visuals.citeNodeColor} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Citation link color" setVisuals={setVisuals} value={'citeLinkColor'} visValue={visuals.citeLinkColor} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Reference link highlight" setVisuals={setVisuals} value={'citeLinkHighlightColor'} visValue={visuals.citeLinkHighlightColor} /> <EnableSection label="Dash ref links" infoText="Add dashes to citation links, whose target has a note, made with org-roam-bibtex" value={visuals.refDashes} onChange={() => setVisuals({ ...visuals, refDashes: !visuals.refDashes })} > <SliderWithInfo label="Dash length" value={visuals.refDashLength / 10} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, refDashLength: value * 10 })} /> <SliderWithInfo label="Gap length" value={visuals.refGapLength / 5} onChange={(value) => setVisuals({ ...visuals, refGapLength: value * 5 })} /> </EnableSection> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Reference node color" setVisuals={setVisuals} value={'refNodeColor'} visValue={visuals.refNodeColor} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Reference link color" setVisuals={setVisuals} value={'refLinkColor'} visValue={visuals.refLinkColor} /> <ColorMenu colorList={colorList} label="Reference link highlight" setVisuals={setVisuals} value={'refLinkHighlightColor'} visValue={visuals.refLinkHighlightColor} /> </Box> </VStack> ) }