import React from 'react'
import { StyleProp, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'
import { KeyboardOffsets, ScreenPresets } from './screen.presets'

export interface ScreenProps {
   * Children components.
  children?: React.ReactNode

   * An optional style override useful for padding & margin.
  style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>

   * One of the different types of presets.
  preset?: ScreenPresets

   * An optional background color
  backgroundColor?: string

   * An optional status bar setting. Defaults to light-content.
  statusBar?: 'light-content' | 'dark-content'

   * Should we not wrap in SafeAreaView? Defaults to false.
  unsafe?: boolean

   * By how much should we offset the keyboard? Defaults to none.
  keyboardOffset?: KeyboardOffsets

   * Should keyboard persist on screen tap. Defaults to handled.
   * Only applies to scroll preset.
  keyboardShouldPersistTaps?: 'handled' | 'always' | 'never'