import { ViewStyle, TextStyle } from 'react-native' import { color, spacing } from '../../theme' /** * All text will start off looking like this. */ const BASE_VIEW: ViewStyle = { paddingVertical: spacing[2], paddingHorizontal: spacing[2], borderRadius: 4, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', } const BASE_TEXT: TextStyle = { paddingHorizontal: spacing[3], } /** * All the variations of text styling within the app. * * You want to customize these to whatever you need in your app. */ export const viewPresets: Record<string, ViewStyle> = { /** * A smaller piece of secondard information. */ primary: { ...BASE_VIEW, backgroundColor: } as ViewStyle, /** * A button without extras. */ link: { ...BASE_VIEW, paddingHorizontal: 0, paddingVertical: 0, alignItems: 'flex-start', } as ViewStyle, } export const textPresets: Record<ButtonPresetNames, TextStyle> = { primary: { ...BASE_TEXT, fontSize: 9, color: color.palette.white, } as TextStyle, link: { ...BASE_TEXT, color: color.text, paddingHorizontal: 0, paddingVertical: 0, } as TextStyle, } /** * A list of preset names. */ export type ButtonPresetNames = keyof typeof viewPresets