import { TextStyle } from "react-native"
import { color, typography } from "../../theme"

 * All text will start off looking like this.
const BASE: TextStyle = {
  fontFamily: typography.primary,
  color: color.text,
  fontSize: 15,

 * All the variations of text styling within the app.
 * You want to customize these to whatever you need in your app.
export const presets = {
   * The default text styles.
  default: BASE,

   * A bold version of the default text.
  bold: { ...BASE, fontWeight: "bold" } as TextStyle,

   * Large headers.
  header: { ...BASE, fontSize: 24, fontWeight: "bold" } as TextStyle,

   * Field labels that appear on forms above the inputs.
  fieldLabel: { ...BASE, fontSize: 13, color: color.dim } as TextStyle,

   * A smaller piece of secondard information.
  secondary: { ...BASE, fontSize: 9, color: color.dim } as TextStyle,

 * A list of preset names.
export type TextPresets = keyof typeof presets