import * as React from "react" import { ViewStyle, TextStyle, Alert } from "react-native" import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react-native" import { StoryScreen, Story, UseCase } from "../../../storybook/views" import { Button } from "./button" declare let module const buttonStyleArray: ViewStyle[] = [{ paddingVertical: 100 }, { borderRadius: 0 }] const buttonTextStyleArray: TextStyle[] = [{ fontSize: 20 }, { color: "#a511dc" }] storiesOf("Button", module) .addDecorator((fn) => <StoryScreen>{fn()}</StoryScreen>) .add("Style Presets", () => ( <Story> <UseCase text="Primary" usage="The primary button."> <Button text="Click It" preset="primary" onPress={() => Alert.alert("pressed")} /> </UseCase> <UseCase text="Disabled" usage="The disabled behaviour of the primary button."> <Button text="Click It" preset="primary" onPress={() => Alert.alert("pressed")} disabled /> </UseCase> <UseCase text="Array Style" usage="Button with array style"> <Button text="Click It" preset="primary" onPress={() => Alert.alert("pressed")} style={buttonStyleArray} textStyle={buttonTextStyleArray} /> </UseCase> </Story> ))