# German translation of guix-packages.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 the authors of Guix (msgids)
# This file is distributed under the same license as the guix package.
# Mario Blättermann <mario.blaettermann@gmail.com>, 2014.
# Florian Pelz <pelzflorian@pelzflorian.de>, 2018, 2020.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: guix-packages 1.2.0-pre3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-guix@gnu.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-05 17:27+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-09 01:09+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Florian Pelz <pelzflorian@pelzflorian.de>\n"
"Language-Team: German <translation-team-de@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address.\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n"

#: gnu/packages/abiword.scm:115
msgid "Word processing program"
msgstr "Textverarbeitungsprogramm"

#. TRANSLATORS: Dear translator, We would like to inform you that package
#. descriptions may occasionally include Texinfo markup.  Texinfo markup
#. looks like "@code{rm -rf}", "@emph{important}", etc.  When translating,
#. please leave markup as is.
#: gnu/packages/abiword.scm:124
msgid ""
"AbiWord is a word processing program.  It is rapidly\n"
"becoming a state of the art word processor, with lots of features useful for\n"
"your daily work, personal needs, or for just some good old typing fun."
msgstr "AbiWord entwickelt sich schnell zu einem Textverarbeitungsprogramm auf dem Stand der Technik, mit zahlreichen Funktionalitäten, die nützlich sind für Ihre tägliche Arbeit, privaten Gebrauch oder schlicht für die Freude am Tippen."

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:85 gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:846
msgid "Spell checker"
msgstr "Rechtschreibprüfung"

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:87
msgid ""
"Aspell is a spell-checker which can be used either as a library or as\n"
"a standalone program.  Notable features of Aspell include its full support of\n"
"documents written in the UTF-8 encoding and its ability to use multiple\n"
"dictionaries, including personal ones."
msgstr "Aspell ist ein Programm zur Rechtschreibprüfung, das entweder als eine Programmbibliothek oder als eigenständiges Programm benutzt werden kann.  Nennenswerte Funktionalitäten von Aspell sind unter anderem seine vollständige Unterstützung für mit der UTF-8-Kodierung geschriebene Dokumente und seine Fähigkeit, mehrere Wörterbücher zu benutzen, einschließlich eigener Wörterbücher."

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:136
msgid "This package provides a dictionary for the GNU Aspell spell checker."
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet ein Wörterbuch für das GNU-Aspell-Rechtschreibprüfprogramm."

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:425 gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:896
#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:969
msgid ""
"This package provides a dictionary for the Hunspell spell-checking\n"
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet ein Wörterbuch für die Hunspell-Rechtschreibbibliothek."

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:443
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for English"
msgstr "Hunspell-Wörterbuch für Englisch"

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:447
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for Australian English"
msgstr "Hunspell-Wörterbuch für Australisches Englisch"

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:451
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for Canadian English"
msgstr "Hunspell-Wörterbuch für Kanadisches Englisch"

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:455
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for British English, with -ise endings"
msgstr "Hunspell-Wörterbuch für Britisches Englisch mit -ise-Endungen"

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:459
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for British English, with -ize endings"
msgstr "Hunspell-Wörterbuch für Britisches Englisch mit -ize-Endungen"

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:463
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for United States English"
msgstr "Hunspell-Wörterbuch für US-Amerikanisches Englisch"

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:506
msgid "Interactive spell-checking tool for Unix"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/aspell.scm:507
msgid ""
"Ispell is an interactive spell-checking tool supporting many\n"
"European languages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:185
msgid "Embedded Audio Acceleration"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:186
msgid ""
"OpenSLES is a royalty-free, cross-platform,\n"
"hardware-accelerated audio API tuned for embedded systems.  It provides a\n"
"standardized, high-performance, low-latency method to access audio\n"
"functionality for developers of native applications on embedded mobile\n"
"multimedia devices, enabling straightforward cross-platform deployment of\n"
"hardware and software audio capabilities, reducing implementation effort, and\n"
"promoting the market for advanced audio."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:221
msgid "Software Synthesizer"
msgstr "Software-Synthesizer"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:222
msgid ""
"WildMIDI is a simple software midi player which has a core\n"
"softsynth library that can be use with other applications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:245
msgid "WebRTC's Audio Processing Library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:246
msgid ""
"WebRTC-Audio-Processing library based on Google's\n"
"implementation of WebRTC."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:265
msgid "VisualOn AAC Encoder"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:266
msgid ""
"VO-AACENC is the VisualOn implementation of Advanced Audio\n"
"Coding (AAC) encoder."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:294
msgid "ALSA interfacing library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:295
msgid ""
"TinyALSA is a small library to interface with ALSA in the\n"
"Linux kernel."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:339
msgid "Audio tracking library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:340
msgid ""
"LibOpenMPT is a cross-platform C++ and C module playback\n"
"library.  It is based on the player code of the Open ModPlug Tracker project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:371
msgid "Open Fingerprint Architecture"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:372
msgid ""
"LibOFA is an audio fingerprint library, created and provided\n"
"by MusicIP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:395
msgid "Freeware Advanced Audio Coder"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:396
msgid "FAAC is an MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC encoder."
msgstr "FAAC ist ein Encoder für MPEG-4 und MPEG-2 AAC."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:424
msgid "MIDI to WAVE converter library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:425
msgid ""
"LibTiMidity is a MIDI to WAVE converter library that uses\n"
"Gravis Ultrasound-compatible patch files to generate digital audio data from\n"
"General MIDI files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:449 gnu/packages/audio.scm:468
msgid "Adaptive Multi Rate Codec"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:450
msgid ""
"VO-AMR is a library of VisualOn implementation of\n"
"Adaptive Multi Rate Narrowband and Wideband (AMR-NB and AMR-WB) speech codec."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:469
msgid ""
"OpenCore-AMR is a library of OpenCORE Framework\n"
"implementation of Adaptive Multi Rate Narrowband and Wideband\n"
"(AMR-NB and AMR-WB) speech codec."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:528
msgid "Realtime modular synthesizer and effect processor"
msgstr "Echtzeitfähiger modularer Synthesizer und Effektverarbeiter"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:530
msgid ""
"AlsaModularSynth is a digital implementation of a classical analog\n"
"modular synthesizer system.  It uses virtual control voltages to control the\n"
"parameters of the modules.  The control voltages which control the frequency\n"
"e.g. of the VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) and VCF (Voltage Controlled\n"
"Filter) modules follow the convention of 1V / Octave."
msgstr "AlsaModularSynth ist eine digitale Implementierung eines klassischen analogen modularen Synthesizersystems.  Es benutzt virtuelle Steuerungsspannungen, um die Modulparameter zu steuern.  Die Steuerungsspannungen, die die Frequenz z.B. der Module VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator, spannungsgesteuerter Oszillator) und VCF (Voltage ControlledFilter, spannungsgesteuertes Filter) steuern, folgen der Konvention von 1V pro Oktave."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:569
msgid "Library for audio labelling"
msgstr "Programmbibliothek für Audio-Labelling"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:571
msgid ""
"aubio is a tool designed for the extraction of annotations from audio\n"
"signals.  Its features include segmenting a sound file before each of its\n"
"attacks, performing pitch detection, tapping the beat and producing MIDI\n"
"streams from live audio."
msgstr "aubio ist ein Werkzeug für die Extraktion von Annotationen aus Audio-Signalen.  Zu seinen Funktionalitäten gehört die Segmentierung einer Ton-Datei vor jeder Anschwellung, Tonhöhenbestimmung, Beat-Extraktion und das Erstellen von MIDI-Strömen aus Live-Audio."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:695
msgid "Digital audio workstation"
msgstr "Digital Audio Workstation"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:697
msgid ""
"Ardour is a multi-channel digital audio workstation, allowing users to\n"
"record, edit, mix and master audio and MIDI projects.  It is targeted at audio\n"
"engineers, musicians, soundtrack editors and composers."
msgstr "Ardour ist eine mehrkanalige Digital Audio Workstation, die es Nutzern ermöglicht, Audio- und MIDI-Projekte aufzunehmen, zu bearbeiten, zu mischen und zu mastern.  Seine Zielgruppe sind Tontechniker, Musiker, Soundtrack-Verfasser und Komponisten."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:836
msgid "Software for recording and editing sounds"
msgstr "Software zum Aufnehmen und Bearbeiten von Ton"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:838
msgid ""
"Audacity is a multi-track audio editor designed for recording, playing\n"
"and editing digital audio.  It features digital effects and spectrum analysis\n"
msgstr "Audacity ist ein mehrspuriges Audiobearbeitungsprogramm zum Aufnehmen, Abspielen und Bearbeiten von digitalen Tondateien.  Es bietet digitale Effekte und Spektrumsanalysewerkzeuge."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:893
msgid "Library to handle various audio file formats"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:894
msgid ""
"This is an open-source version of SGI's audiofile library.\n"
"It provides a uniform programming interface for processing of audio data to\n"
"and from audio files of many common formats.\n"
"Currently supported file formats include AIFF/AIFF-C, WAVE, and NeXT/Sun\n"
".snd/.au, BICS, and raw data.  Supported compression formats are currently\n"
"G.711 mu-law and A-law."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:934
msgid "Pitch-correction LADSPA audio plugin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:936
msgid ""
"Autotalent is a LADSPA plugin for real-time pitch-correction.  Among its\n"
"controls are allowable notes, strength of correction, LFO for vibrato and\n"
"formant warp."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:978
msgid "Tonewheel organ synthesizer"
msgstr "Tonrad-Orgel-Synthesizer"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:980
msgid ""
"AZR-3 is a port of the free VST plugin AZR-3.  It is a tonewheel organ\n"
"with drawbars, distortion and rotating speakers.  The organ has three\n"
"sections, two polyphonic sections with nine drawbars each and one monophonic\n"
"bass section with five drawbars.  A standalone JACK application and LV2\n"
"plugins are provided."
msgstr "AZR-3 ist eine Portierung des freien VST-Plugins AZR-3.  Es handelt sich um eine Tonrad-Orgel mit Zugriegeln, Verzerrung und rotierenden Lautsprechern.  Die Orgel hat drei Teile, zwei mehrtönige mit neun Zugriegeln und einen eintönigen Bass-Teil mit fünf Zugriegeln.  Eine eigenständige JACK-Anwendung und LV2-Plugins stehen zur Verfügung."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1017
msgid "Audio plug-in pack for LV2 and JACK environments"
msgstr "Audio-Plugin-Sammlung für LV2- und JACK-Umgebungen"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1019
msgid ""
"Calf Studio Gear is an audio plug-in pack for LV2 and JACK environments.\n"
"The suite contains lots of effects (delay, modulation, signal processing,\n"
"filters, equalizers, dynamics, distortion and mastering effects),\n"
"instruments (SF2 player, organ simulator and a monophonic synthesizer) and\n"
"tools (analyzer, mono/stereo tools, crossovers)."
msgstr "Calf Studio Gear ist eine Sammlung von Audio-Plugins für LV2- und JACK-Umgebungen.  Die Zusammenstellung enthält zahlreiche Effekte (Verzögerung, Modulation, Signalverarbeitung, Filter, Entzerrer, Dynamik, Verzerrung und Mastering-Effekte), Instrumente (SF2-Spieler, Orgelsimulator und einen monophonen Synthesizer) und Werkzeuge (Analyzer, Mono-/Stereo-Werkzeuge, Crossover)."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1062
msgid "LV2 port of the CAPS audio plugin collection"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1064
msgid ""
"LV2 port of CAPS, a collection of audio plugins comprising basic virtual\n"
"guitar amplification and a small range of classic effects, signal processors and\n"
"generators of mostly elementary and occasionally exotic nature."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1101
msgid "LV2 plugins for live use"
msgstr "LV2-Plugins für Liveaufnahmen"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1103
msgid ""
"The infamous plugins are a collection of LV2 audio plugins for live\n"
"performances.  The plugins include a cellular automaton synthesizer, an\n"
"envelope follower, distortion effects, tape effects and more."
msgstr "Diese berüchtigten Plugins sind eine Sammlung von LV2-Audio-Plugins für Live-Darbietungen.  Zu den Plugins gehören ein Zellulärer-Automaten-Synthesizer, ein Envelope Follower, Verzerrungseffekte, Tape-Effekte und mehr."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1134
msgid "The SWH Plugins package for the LADSPA plugin system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1135
msgid "This package provides Steve Harris's LADSPA plugins."
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet Steve Harris’ LADSPA-Plugin für einen Stereo-Nachhall-Effekt."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1175
msgid "SWH plugins in LV2 format"
msgstr "SWH-Plugins im LV2-Format"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1177
msgid ""
"Swh-plugins-lv2 is a collection of audio plugins in LV2 format.  Plugin\n"
"classes include: dynamics (compressor, limiter), time (delay, chorus,\n"
"flanger), ringmodulator, distortion, filters, pitchshift, oscillators,\n"
"emulation (valve, tape), bit fiddling (decimator, pointer-cast), etc."
msgstr "Swh-plugins-lv2 ist eine Sammlung von Audio-Plugins im LV2-Format.  Zu den Pluginkategorien gehören Dynamik (Kompressor, Limiter), Zeit (Verzögerung, Chorus, Flanger), Ringmodulator, Verzerrung, Filter, Tonhöhenabweichung, Oszillatoren, Emulation (Ventil, Band), Bit-Fiddling (Decimator, Pointer-Cast) usw."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1244
msgid "Sound Synthesis with Physical Models"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1245
msgid ""
"Tao is a software package for sound synthesis using physical\n"
"models.  It provides a virtual acoustic material constructed from masses and\n"
"springs which can be used as the basis for building quite complex virtual\n"
"musical instruments.  Tao comes with a synthesis language for creating and\n"
"playing instruments and a C++ API for those who would like to use it as an\n"
"object library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1281
msgid "Sound and music computing system"
msgstr "Ton- und Musikrechensystem"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1283
msgid ""
"Csound is a user-programmable and user-extensible sound processing\n"
"language and software synthesizer."
msgstr "Csound ist eine nutzerprogrammierbare und nutzererweiterbare Tonverarbeitungssprache und ein Software-Synthesizer."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1325 gnu/packages/audio.scm:3763
msgid "C++ wrapper around the ALSA API"
msgstr "C++-Wrapper um die ALSA-Programmierschnittstelle"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1327
msgid ""
"clalsadrv is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA API simplifying access to\n"
"ALSA PCM devices."
msgstr "clalsadrv ist ein C++-Wrapper um die ALSA-Programmierschnittstelle, der den Zugang zu ALSA-PCM-Geräten vereinfacht."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1364
msgid "LADSPA ambisonics plugins"
msgstr "LADSPA-Ambisonics-Plugins"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1366
msgid ""
"The AMB plugins are a set of LADSPA ambisonics plugins, mainly to be\n"
"used within Ardour.  Features include: mono and stereo to B-format panning,\n"
"horizontal rotator, square, hexagon and cube decoders."
msgstr "Die AMB-Plugins sind eine Reihe von LADSPA-Ambisonics-Plugins und hauptsächlich für die Nutzung mit Ardour gedacht.  Sie bieten Panning von Mono oder Stereo zum B-Format, horizontalen Rotierer, Quadrat-, Sechseck und Würfel-Decoder."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1401
msgid "Chorus, phaser, and vintage high-pass and low-pass filters"
msgstr "Chorus-, Phaser- und Vintage-Hochpass und -Tiefpass-Filter"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1403
msgid ""
"This package provides various LADSPA plugins.  @code{cs_chorus} and\n"
"@code{cs_phaser} provide chorus and phaser effects, respectively;\n"
"@code{mvclpf24} provides four implementations of the low-pass filter used in\n"
"vintage Moog synthesizers; @code{mvchpf24} is based on the voltage-controlled\n"
"high-pass filter by Robert Moog.  The filters attempt to accurately emulate\n"
"the non-linear circuit elements of their original analog counterparts."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Paket bietet verschiedene LADSPA-Plugins.  @code{cs_chorus} und\n"
"@code{cs_phaser} bieten jeweils Chorus- und Phaser-Effekte; @code{mvclpf24} bietet vier Implementierungen des Tiefpassfilters, der in Vintage-Moog-Synthesizern benutzt wird; @code{mvchpf24} basiert auf dem spannungsgesteuerten Hochpassfilter von Robert Moog.  Die Filter versuchen, die nicht-linearen Schaltkreiselemente ihrer ursprünglichen analogen Gegenstücke zu emulieren."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1441
msgid "LADSPA reverb plugin"
msgstr "LADSPA-Nachhall-Plugin"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1443
msgid ""
"This package provides a stereo reverb LADSPA plugin based on the\n"
"well-known greverb."
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet ein Stereo-Nachhall-LADSPA-Plugin basierend auf dem wohlbekannten greverb."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1477
msgid "LADSPA four-band parametric equalizer plugin"
msgstr "LADSPA-Vierband-Parametrischer-Equalizer-Plugin"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1479
msgid ""
"This package provides a LADSPA plugin for a four-band parametric\n"
"equalizer.  Each section has an active/bypass switch, frequency, bandwidth and\n"
"gain controls.  There is also a global bypass switch and gain control.\n"
"The 2nd order resonant filters are implemented using a Mitra-Regalia style\n"
"lattice filter, which is stable even while parameters are being changed.\n"
"All switches and controls are internally smoothed, so they can be used @code{live}\n"
"without any clicks or zipper noises.  This makes this plugin suitable for use\n"
"in systems that allow automation of plugin control ports, such as Ardour, or\n"
"for stage use."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Paket bietet ein LADSPA-Plugin für einen Vierband-Parametrischen-Equalizer.  Jeder Teil hat einen Active-/Bypass-Umschalter sowie eine Frequenz-, Bandbreiten- und Verstärkungssteuerung.  Es gibt auch einen globalen Bypass-Umschalter und Verstärkungssteuerung.\n"
"Die resonanten Filter 2. Ordnung sind mit Hilfe eines Mitra-Regalia-artigen Lattice-Filters implementiert, welcher stabil ist, selbst wenn Parameter geändert werden.\n"
"Alle Umschalter und Steuerungen werden intern geglättet, damit sie @i{live} ohne Klick- oder Reißgeräusche benutzt werden können.  Dadurch ist das Plugin in Systemen wie z.B. Ardour, die die Automatisierung von Plugin-Steuerungs-Ports ermöglichen, oder auf Bühnen nutzbar."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1522
msgid "LADSPA stereo width plugin"
msgstr "LADSPA-Stereobreiten-Plugin"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1524
msgid ""
"This package provides a LADSPA plugin to manipulate the stereo width of\n"
"audio signals."
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet ein LADSPA-Plugin, um die Stereobreite von Audiosignalen zu ändern."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1559
msgid "LADSPA plugin for synthesizer oscillators"
msgstr "LADSPA-Plugin für Synthesizer-Oszillatoren"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1561
msgid ""
"The @code{blvco} LADSPA plugin provides three anti-aliased oscillators:\n"
"@item Pulse-VCO, a dirac pulse oscillator with flat amplitude spectrum\n"
"@item Saw-VCO, a sawtooth oscillator with 1/F amplitude spectrum\n"
"@item Rec-VCO, a square / rectangle oscillator\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
"All oscillators are low-pass filtered to provide waveforms similar to the\n"
"output of analog synthesizers such as the Moog Voyager."
msgstr ""
"Das @code{blvco}-LADSPA-Plugin bietet drei Oszillatoren mit Antialiasing:\n"
"@item Pulse-VCO, ein Dirac-Puls-Oszillator mit flachem Amplitudenspektrum\n"
"@item Saw-VCO, einen Sägezahn-Oszillator mit 1/F-Amplitudenspektrum\n"
"@item Rec-VCO, einen Quadrat-/Rechtecksoszillator\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
"Alle Oszillatoren sind tiefpassgefiltert, um Wellenformen ähnlich der Ausgabe von Analog-Synthesizern wie dem Moog Voyager zu bieten."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1603
msgid "LADSPA Autowah effect plugin"
msgstr "LADSPA-Autowah-Effekt-Plugin"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1605
msgid ""
"This package provides a LADSPA plugin for a Wah effect with envelope\n"
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet ein LADSPA-Plugin für einen Wah-Effekt mit Envelope-Follower."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1639
msgid "LADSPA stereo reverb plugin"
msgstr "LADSPA-Stereo-Nachhall-Plugin"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1641
msgid "This package provides a LADSPA plugin for a stereo reverb effect."
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet ein LADSPA-Plugin für einen Stereo-Nachhall-Effekt."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1680
msgid "SoundFont synthesizer"
msgstr "SoundFont-Synthesizer"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1682
msgid ""
"FluidSynth is a real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2\n"
"specifications.  FluidSynth reads and handles MIDI events from the MIDI input\n"
"device.  It is the software analogue of a MIDI synthesizer.  FluidSynth can\n"
"also play midifiles using a Soundfont."
msgstr "FluidSynth ist ein Echtzeit-Software-Synthesizer basierend auf den SoundFont-2-Spezifikationen.  FluidSynth liest und behandelt MIDI-Ereignisse von dem MIDI-Eingabegerät.  Es ist das Software-Analogon eines MIDI-Synthesizers.  FluidSynth kann auch Midifiles unter Benutzung eines Soundfonts abspielen."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1719
msgid "MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC decoder"
msgstr "MPEG-4- und MPEG-2-AAC-Decoder"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1721
msgid "FAAD2 is an MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC decoder supporting LC, Main, LTP, SBR, -PS, and DAB+."
msgstr "FAAD2 ist ein MPEG-4- und MPEG-2-AAC-Decoder, der LC, Main, LTP, SBR, PS und DAB+ unterstützt."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1760
msgid "Signal processing language"
msgstr "Signalverarbeitungssprache"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1762
msgid "Faust is a programming language for realtime audio signal processing."
msgstr "Faust ist eine Programmiersprache für Echtzeit-Audiosignalverarbeitung."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1829
msgid "GUS compatible patches for MIDI players"
msgstr "GUS-kompatible Patches für MIDI-Abspieler"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1831
msgid ""
"FreePats is a project to create a free and open set of GUS compatible\n"
"patches that can be used with softsynths such as Timidity and WildMidi."
msgstr "FreePats ist ein Projekt, eine freie und offene Sammlung von GUS-kompatiblen Patches zu erstellen, die mit Softsynths wie Timidity und WildMidi benutzt werden können."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1883
msgid "Virtual guitar amplifier"
msgstr "Virtueller Gitarrenverstärker"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1884
msgid ""
"Guitarix is a virtual guitar amplifier running JACK.\n"
"Guitarix takes the signal from your guitar as a mono-signal from your sound\n"
"card.  The input is processed by a main amp and a rack-section.  Both can be\n"
"routed separately and deliver a processed stereo-signal via JACK.  You may\n"
"fill the rack with effects from more than 25 built-in modules including stuff\n"
"from a simple noise gate to modulation effects like flanger, phaser or\n"
msgstr ""
"Guitarix ist ein virtueller Gitarrenverstärker für JACK.\n"
"Guitarix nimmt das Signal von Ihrer Gitarre als ein Monosignal Ihrer Soundkarte entgegen.  Die Eingabe wird von einem Hauptverstärker und einer Rack-Section verarbeitet.  Beide können separat geroutet werden und liefern ein verarbeitetes Stereo-Signal via JACK.  Sie können das Rack mit Effekten aus mehr als 25 eingebauten Modulen füllen.  Die Auswahl reicht von einfachen Noise-Gates bis hin zu Modulationseffekten wie Flanger, Phaser oder Auto-Wah."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1938
msgid "Audio effects processor"
msgstr "Audioeffektverarbeiter"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1940
msgid ""
"Rakarrack is a richly featured multi-effects processor emulating a\n"
"guitar effects pedalboard.  Effects include compressor, expander, noise gate,\n"
"equalizers, exciter, flangers, chorus, various delay and reverb effects,\n"
"distortion modules and many more.  Most of the effects engine is built from\n"
"modules found in the excellent software synthesizer ZynAddSubFX.  Presets and\n"
"user interface are optimized for guitar, but Rakarrack processes signals in\n"
"stereo while it does not apply internal band-limiting filtering, and thus is\n"
"well suited to all musical instruments and vocals."
msgstr "Rakarrack ist ein Multi-Effekt-Verarbeitungsprogramm mit reichhaltigen Funktionalitäten, welches ein Gitarreneffekte-Pedalboard emuliert.  Effekte sind unter anderem Kompressor, Expander, Noise-Gate, Equalizer, Exciter, Flanger, Chorus, verschiedene Verzögerungs- und Nachhall-Effekte, Verzerrungsmodule und vieles mehr.  Der Großteil der Effekt-Engine setzt sich zusammen aus Modulen, die im exzellenten Software-Synthesizer ZynAddSubFX zu finden sind.  Voreinstellungen und Benutzerschnittstelle sind optimiert für die Gitarre, aber Rakarrack verarbeitet Signale in Stereo, während es keine interne bandbegrenzende Filterung durchführt, und ist daher für alle Musikinstrumente und Vocals gut geeignet."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1987
msgid "LV2 convolution reverb"
msgstr "LV2-Faltungs-Nachhall"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:1989
msgid ""
"IR is a low-latency, real-time, high performance signal convolver\n"
"especially for creating reverb effects.  It supports impulse responses with 1,\n"
"2 or 4 channels, in any soundfile format supported by libsndfile."
msgstr "IR ist ein Programm für Signalfaltungen mit niedriger Latenz, in Echtzeit und mit hoher Leistung besonders zum Generieren von Nachhall-Effekten.  Es unterstützt Impulsantworten mit 1, 2 oder 4 Kanälen in einem beliebigen Tondateienformat, das von libsndfile unterstützt wird."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2028
msgid "JACK audio connection kit"
msgstr "JACK-Audioverbindungs-Kit"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2030
msgid ""
"JACK is a low-latency audio server.  It can connect a number of\n"
"different applications to an audio device, as well as allowing them to share\n"
"audio between themselves.  JACK is different from other audio server efforts\n"
"in that it has been designed from the ground up to be suitable for\n"
"professional audio work.  This means that it focuses on two key areas:\n"
"synchronous execution of all clients, and low latency operation."
msgstr "JACK ist ein Audio-Server mit niedriger Latenz.  Er kann eine Reihe verschiedener Anwendungen mit einem Audiogerät verbinden und ihnen zudem ermöglichen, untereinander Audio auszutauschen.  JACK unterscheidet sich von anderen Audioservern darin, dass JACK von Anfang an für professionelle Audio-Arbeiten entwickelt wurde.  Das bedeutet, dass JACK den Fokus auf zwei Schlüsselbereiche legt: synchrone Ausführung aller Clients und niedrige Latenz."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2124
msgid "Simple LV2 host for JACK"
msgstr "Einfacher LV2-Host für JACK"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2126
msgid ""
"Jalv is a simple but fully featured LV2 host for JACK.  It runs LV2\n"
"plugins and exposes their ports as JACK ports, essentially making any LV2\n"
"plugin function as a JACK application."
msgstr "Jalv ist ein einfacher, aber voll funktionsfähiger LV2-Host für JACK.  Er führt LV2-Plugins aus und stellt ihre Ports als JACK-Ports zur Verfügung, wodurch quasi jede LV2-Plugin-Funktion zu einer JACK-Anwendung wird."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2170
msgid "Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API (LADSPA)"
msgstr "Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API (LADSPA)"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2172
msgid ""
"LADSPA is a standard that allows software audio processors and effects\n"
"to be plugged into a wide range of audio synthesis and recording packages."
msgstr "LADSPA ist ein Standard, der es Software-Audioverarbeitungsprogrammen und Effekten ermöglicht, in einer großen Spanne von Audiosynthese- und -aufnahmeprogrammen eingesetzt zu werden."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2224
msgid "Audio application session manager"
msgstr "Audioanwendungs-Sitzungsverwaltung"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2226
msgid ""
"LASH is a session management system for audio applications.  It allows\n"
"you to save and restore audio sessions consisting of multiple interconneced\n"
"applications, restoring program state (i.e. loaded patches) and the\n"
"connections between them."
msgstr "LASH ist ein Sitzungsverwaltungssystem für Audioanwendungen.  Es ermöglicht Ihnen, Audiositzungen aus mehreren untereinander verbundenen Anwendungen zu sichern und wiederherzustellen, wobei der Programmzustand (d.h. geladene Patches) und die Verbindung zwischen ihnen wiederhergestellt wird."

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2247
msgid "Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2249
msgid ""
"The Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP (bs2b) library and plugins is\n"
"designed to improve headphone listening of stereo audio records.  Recommended\n"
"for headphone prolonged listening to disable superstereo fatigue without\n"
"essential distortions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2272
msgid "Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP - LADSPA plugin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2273
msgid ""
"The Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP (bs2b) library and\n"
"plugins is designed to improve headphone listening of stereo audio records.\n"
"Recommended for headphone prolonged listening to disable superstereo fatigue\n"
"without essential distortions.  This package contains a LADSPA plugin for use\n"
"with applications that support them (e.g. PulseAudio)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2297
msgid "Implementation of the Open Sound Control protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2299
msgid ""
"liblo is a lightweight library that provides an easy to use\n"
"implementation of the Open Sound Control (@dfn{OSC}) protocol."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2323
msgid "Common API for real-time audio I/O"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2325
msgid ""
"RtAudio is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API for real-time\n"
"audio input/output.  It was designed with the following objectives:\n"
"@item object-oriented C++ design\n"
"@item simple, common API across all supported platforms\n"
"@item only one source and one header file for easy inclusion in programming\n"
"@item allow simultaneous multi-api support\n"
"@item support dynamic connection of devices\n"
"@item provide extensive audio device parameter control\n"
"@item allow audio device capability probing\n"
"@item automatic internal conversion for data format, channel number\n"
"compensation, (de)interleaving, and byte-swapping\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2360
msgid "Bindings for PortAudio v19"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2361
msgid ""
"This package provides bindings for PortAudio v19, the\n"
"cross-platform audio input/output stream library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2386
msgid "Python bindings for liblo"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2388
msgid ""
"Pyliblo is a Python wrapper for the liblo Open Sound Control (OSC)\n"
"library.  It supports almost the complete functionality of liblo, allowing you\n"
"to send and receive OSC messages using a nice and simple Python API.  Also\n"
"included are the command line utilities @code{send_osc} and @code{dump_osc}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2436
msgid "Library to simplify use of LV2 plugins in applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2438
msgid ""
"Lilv is a C library to make the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible\n"
"for applications.  Lilv is the successor to SLV2, rewritten to be\n"
"significantly faster and have minimal dependencies."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2464
msgid "LV2 audio plugin specification"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2466
msgid ""
"LV2 is an open specification for audio plugins and host applications.\n"
"At its core, LV2 is a simple stable interface, accompanied by extensions which\n"
"add functionality to support the needs of increasingly powerful audio\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2502
msgid "LV2 port of the mda Piano plugin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2503
msgid "An LV2 port of the mda Piano VSTi."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2516
msgid "LV2 port of the mda EPiano plugin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2517
msgid "An LV2 port of the mda EPiano VSTi."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2547
msgid "C++ libraries for LV2 plugins"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2549
msgid ""
"The LV2 Toolkit (LVTK) contains libraries that wrap the LV2 C API and\n"
"extensions into easy to use C++ classes.  It is the successor of\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2590
msgid "3D audio API"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2592
msgid ""
"OpenAL provides capabilities for playing audio in a virtual 3D\n"
"environment.  Distance attenuation, doppler shift, and directional sound\n"
"emitters are among the features handled by the API.  More advanced effects,\n"
"including air absorption, occlusion, and environmental reverb, are available\n"
"through the EFX extension.  It also facilitates streaming audio, multi-channel\n"
"buffers, and audio capture."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2622
msgid "Free implementation of OpenAL's ALUT standard"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2623
msgid "freealut is the OpenAL Utility Toolkit."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2654
msgid "Modular patch bay for audio and MIDI systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2656
msgid ""
"Patchage is a modular patch bay for audio and MIDI systems based on JACK\n"
"and ALSA."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2684
msgid "Portable C audio library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2686
msgid ""
"The Portable C Audio Library (pcaudiolib) provides a C@tie{}API to\n"
"different audio devices such as ALSA or PulseAudio."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2717
msgid "Jack server control application"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2718
msgid ""
"Control a Jack server.  Allows you to plug various sources\n"
"into various outputs and to start, stop and configure jackd"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2751
msgid "Stereo audio recorder for JACK"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2752
msgid ""
"QJackRcd is a simple graphical stereo recorder for JACK\n"
"supporting silence processing for automatic pause, file splitting, and\n"
"background file post-processing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2865
msgid "Synthesis engine and programming language"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2866
msgid ""
"SuperCollider is a synthesis engine (@code{scsynth} or\n"
"@code{supernova}) and programming language (@code{sclang}).  It can be used\n"
"for experimenting with sound synthesis and algorithmic composition.\n"
"SuperCollider requires jackd to be installed in your user profile and your\n"
"user must be allowed to access the realtime features of the kernel.  Search\n"
"for \"realtime\" in the index of the Guix manual to learn how to achieve this\n"
"using Guix System."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2897
msgid "Real-time audio utility library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2899
msgid ""
"Raul (Real-time Audio Utility Library) is a C++ utility library primarily\n"
"aimed at audio/musical applications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2937
msgid "Sampling rate conversion and filter design utilities"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2938
msgid ""
"This package contains the @command{resample} and\n"
"@command{windowfilter} command line utilities.  The @command{resample} command\n"
"allows changing the sampling rate of a sound file, while the\n"
"@command{windowfilter} command allows designing Finite Impulse Response (FIR)\n"
"filters using the so-called @emph{window method}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2979
msgid "Audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:2981
msgid ""
"Rubber Band is a library and utility program that permits changing the\n"
"tempo and pitch of an audio recording independently of one another."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3007
msgid "Cross-platform MIDI library for C++"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3009
msgid ""
"RtMidi is a set of C++ classes (RtMidiIn, RtMidiOut, and API specific\n"
"classes) that provide a common cross-platform API for realtime MIDI\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3035
msgid "Library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3037
msgid ""
"Sratom is a library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF, particularly\n"
"the Turtle syntax."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3063
msgid "Library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3065
msgid ""
"Suil is a lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs.\n"
"Suil makes it possible to load a UI of a toolkit in a host using another\n"
"toolkit.  The API is designed such that hosts do not need to explicitly\n"
"support specific toolkits – if Suil supports a particular toolkit, then UIs in\n"
"that toolkit will work in all hosts that use Suil automatically.\n"
"Suil currently supports every combination of Gtk, Qt, and X11."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3095
msgid "Library implementing the EBU R 128 loudness standard"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3097
msgid ""
"@code{libebur128} is a C library that implements the EBU R 128 standard\n"
"for loudness normalisation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3149
msgid "Software synthesizer for playing MIDI files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3151
msgid ""
"TiMidity++ is a software synthesizer.  It can play MIDI files by\n"
"converting them into PCM waveform data; give it a MIDI data along with digital\n"
"instrument data files, then it synthesizes them in real-time, and plays.  It\n"
"can not only play sounds, but also can save the generated waveforms into hard\n"
"disks as various audio file formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3189
msgid "Modular and extensible audio processing system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3191
msgid ""
"Vamp is an audio processing plugin system for plugins that extract\n"
"descriptive information from audio data — typically referred to as audio\n"
"analysis plugins or audio feature extraction plugins."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3231
msgid "Library for time stretching and pitch scaling of audio"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3233
msgid ""
"SBSMS (Subband Sinusoidal Modeling Synthesis) is software for time\n"
"stretching and pitch scaling of audio.  This package contains the library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3268
msgid "Hybrid lossless audio codec"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3270
msgid ""
"WavPack is an audio compression format with lossless, lossy and hybrid\n"
"compression modes.  This package contains command-line programs and library to\n"
"encode and decode wavpack files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3289
msgid "Mod file playing library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3291
msgid ""
"Libmodplug renders mod music files as raw audio data, for playing or\n"
"conversion.  mod, .s3m, .it, .xm, and a number of lesser-known formats are\n"
"supported.  Optional features include high-quality resampling, bass expansion,\n"
"surround and reverb."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3310
msgid "Module player library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3312
msgid ""
"Libxmp is a library that renders module files to PCM data.  It supports\n"
"over 90 mainstream and obscure module formats including Protracker (MOD),\n"
"Scream Tracker 3 (S3M), Fast Tracker II (XM), and Impulse Tracker (IT)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3335
msgid "Extended module player"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3337
msgid ""
"Xmp is a portable module player that plays over 90 mainstream and\n"
"obscure module formats, including Protracker MOD, Fasttracker II XM, Scream\n"
"Tracker 3 S3M and Impulse Tracker IT files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3363
msgid "Audio processing library for changing tempo, pitch and playback rate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3365
msgid ""
"SoundTouch is an audio processing library for changing the tempo, pitch\n"
"and playback rates of audio streams or audio files.  It is intended for\n"
"application developers writing sound processing tools that require tempo/pitch\n"
"control functionality, or just for playing around with the sound effects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3402
msgid "Sound processing utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3404
msgid ""
"SoX (Sound eXchange) is a command line utility that can convert\n"
"various formats of computer audio files to other formats.  It can also\n"
"apply various effects to these sound files, and, as an added bonus, SoX\n"
"can play and record audio files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3427
msgid "One-dimensional sample-rate conversion library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3429
msgid ""
"The SoX Resampler library (libsoxr) performs one-dimensional sample-rate\n"
"conversion.  It may be used, for example, to resample PCM-encoded audio."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3451
msgid "MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3453
msgid ""
"TwoLAME is an optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder based on\n"
"tooLAME by Mike Cheng, which in turn is based upon the ISO dist10 code and\n"
"portions of LAME."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3511
msgid "Audio I/O library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3513
msgid ""
"PortAudio is a portable C/C++ audio I/O library providing a simple API\n"
"to record and/or play sound using a callback function or a blocking read/write\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3540
msgid "Graphical user interface for FluidSynth"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3542
msgid ""
"Qsynth is a GUI front-end application for the FluidSynth SoundFont\n"
"synthesizer written in C++."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3579
msgid "Networked audio system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3581
msgid ""
"RSound allows you to send audio from an application and transfer it\n"
"directly to a different computer on your LAN network.  It is an audio daemon\n"
"with a much different focus than most other audio daemons."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3612
msgid "JACK audio frequency analyzer and display"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3614
msgid ""
"XJackFreak is an audio analysis and equalizing tool for the Jack Audio\n"
"Connection Kit.  It can display the FFT of any input, modify it and output the\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3664
msgid "Fast, partitioned convolution engine library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3666
msgid ""
"Zita convolver is a C++ library providing a real-time convolution\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3716
msgid "C++ library for resampling audio signals"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3718
msgid ""
"Libzita-resampler is a C++ library for resampling audio signals.  It is\n"
"designed to be used within a real-time processing context, to be fast, and to\n"
"provide high-quality sample rate conversion."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3765
msgid ""
"Zita-alsa-pcmi is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA API.  It provides easy\n"
"access to ALSA PCM devices, taking care of the many functions required to\n"
"open, initialise and use a hw: device in mmap mode, and providing floating\n"
"point audio data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3791
msgid "Cue and toc file parsers and utilities"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3792
msgid ""
"Cuetools is a set of programs that are useful for manipulating\n"
"and using CUE sheet (cue) files and Table of Contents (toc) files.  CUE and TOC\n"
"files are a way to represent the layout of a data or audio CD in a\n"
"machine-readable ASCII format."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3811
msgid "WAVE audio data processing tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3812
msgid ""
"shntool is a multi-purpose WAVE data processing and reporting\n"
"utility.  File formats are abstracted from its core, so it can process any file\n"
"that contains WAVE data, compressed or not---provided there exists a format\n"
"module to handle that particular file type.  It can also generate CUE files, and\n"
"use them split WAVE data into multiple files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3851
msgid "DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3852
msgid ""
"Dcadec is a DTS Coherent Acoustics surround sound decoder\n"
"with support for HD extensions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3888
msgid "Tool to adjust loudness of media files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3890
msgid ""
"BS1770GAIN is a loudness scanner compliant with ITU-R BS.1770 and its\n"
"flavors EBU R128, ATSC A/85, and ReplayGain 2.0.  It helps normalizing the\n"
"loudness of audio and video files to the same level."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3921
msgid "Lightweight audio filtering library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3922
msgid ""
"An easy to use audio filtering library made from webrtc\n"
"code, used in @code{libtoxcore}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3974
msgid "GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3975
msgid ""
"This C library provides an encoder and a decoder for the GSM\n"
"06.10 RPE-LTP lossy speech compression algorithm."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3996
msgid "ALSA wrappers for Python"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:3998
msgid ""
"This package contains wrappers for accessing the ALSA API from Python.\n"
"It is currently fairly complete for PCM devices, and has some support for\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4021
msgid "LDAC Bluetooth encoder and ABR library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4022
msgid ""
"This package provides an encoder for the LDAC\n"
"high-resolution Bluetooth audio streaming codec for streaming at up to 990\n"
"kbps at 24 bit/96 kHz."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4068
msgid "Bluetooth ALSA backend"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4069
msgid ""
"This project is a rebirth of a direct integration between\n"
"Bluez and ALSA.  Since Bluez >= 5, the build-in integration has been removed\n"
"in favor of 3rd party audio applications.  From now on, Bluez acts as a\n"
"middleware between an audio application, which implements Bluetooth audio\n"
"profile, and a Bluetooth audio device.  BlueALSA registers all known Bluetooth\n"
"audio profiles in Bluez, so in theory every Bluetooth device (with audio\n"
"capabilities) can be connected.  In order to access the audio stream, one has\n"
"to connect to the ALSA PCM device called @code{bluealsa}.  The device is based\n"
"on the ALSA software PCM plugin."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4132
msgid "Sound editor"
msgstr "Datenstromeditor"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4135
msgid ""
"Snd is a sound editor modelled loosely after Emacs.  It can be\n"
"customized and extended using either the s7 Scheme implementation (included in\n"
"the Snd sources), Ruby, or Forth."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4164
msgid "LV2 plugin for broadband noise reduction"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4165
msgid ""
"Noise Repellent is an LV2 plugin to reduce noise.  It has\n"
"the following features:\n"
"@item Spectral gating and spectral subtraction suppression rule\n"
"@item Adaptive and manual noise thresholds estimation\n"
"@item Adjustable noise floor\n"
"@item Adjustable offset of thresholds to perform over-subtraction\n"
"@item Time smoothing and a masking estimation to reduce artifacts\n"
"@item Basic onset detector to avoid transients suppression\n"
"@item Whitening of the noise floor to mask artifacts and to recover higher\n"
"  frequencies\n"
"@item Option to listen to the residual signal\n"
"@item Soft bypass\n"
"@item Noise profile saved with the session\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4224
msgid "Command-line audio visualizer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4225
msgid ""
"@code{cli-visualizer} displays fast-Fourier\n"
"transforms (FFTs) of the sound being played, as well as other graphical\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4278
msgid "Console audio visualizer for ALSA, MPD, and PulseAudio"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4279
msgid ""
"C.A.V.A. is a bar audio spectrum visualizer for the terminal\n"
"using ALSA, MPD, PulseAudio, or a FIFO buffer as its input."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4312
msgid "Pro-quality GM soundfont"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4313
msgid "Fluid-3 is Frank Wen's pro-quality GM soundfont."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4336
msgid "Fraunhofer FDK AAC library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4337
msgid ""
"FDK is a library for encoding and decoding Advanced Audio\n"
"Coding (AAC) format audio, developed by Fraunhofer IIS, and included as part of\n"
"Android.  It supports several Audio Object Types including MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC\n"
"LC, HE-AAC (AAC LC + SBR), HE-AACv2 (LC + SBR + PS) as well AAC-LD (low delay)\n"
"and AAC-ELD (enhanced low delay) for real-time communication.  The encoding\n"
"library supports sample rates up to 96 kHz and up to eight channels (7.1\n"
"                                                                     surround)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4376
msgid "Audio editing and playback for OpenShot"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4377
msgid ""
"OpenShot Audio Library (libopenshot-audio) allows\n"
"high-quality editing and playback of audio, and is based on the JUCE\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4403
msgid "XAudio reimplementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4404
msgid ""
"FAudio is an XAudio reimplementation that focuses solely on\n"
"developing fully accurate DirectX Audio runtime libraries."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4429
msgid "Binaural beat synthesizer"
msgstr "Synthesizer für binaurale Beats"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4430
msgid ""
"Gnaural is a programmable auditory binaural beat synthesizer\n"
"intended to be used for brainwave entrainment.  Gnaural supports creation of\n"
"binaural beat tracks of different frequencies and exporting of tracks into\n"
"different audio formats.  Gnaural can also be linked over the internet with\n"
"other Gnaural instances, allowing synchronous sessions between many users."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4464
msgid "Live audio streamer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4465
msgid ""
"DarkIce is a live audio streamer.  It takes audio input from\n"
"a sound card, encodes it into Ogg Vorbis and/or mp3, and sends the audio\n"
"stream to one or more IceCast and/or ShoutCast servers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4489
msgid "Encode or decode Linear/Longitudinal Time Code (LTC) audio"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4490
msgid ""
"Libltc is a POSIX-C Library for handling\n"
"@dfn{Linear/Longitudinal Time Code} (LTC) data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4522
msgid "TTA lossless audio encoder"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4524
msgid ""
"TTA performs lossless compression on multichannel 8,16 and 24 bits\n"
"data of the Wav audio files.  Being lossless means that no data-\n"
"quality is lost in the compression - when uncompressed, the data will\n"
"be identical to the original.  The compression ratios of TTA depend on\n"
"the type of music file being compressed, but the compression size\n"
"will generally range between 30% - 70% of the original.  TTA format\n"
"supports both of ID3v1/v2 and APEv2 tags."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4558
msgid "C library for real-time audio input and output"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4559
msgid ""
"@code{libsoundio} is a C library providing audio input and\n"
"output.  The API is suitable for real-time software such as digital audio\n"
"workstations as well as consumer software such as music players."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4584
msgid "Small GUI toolkit"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4585
msgid ""
"Redkite is a small GUI toolkit developed in C++17 and\n"
"inspired from other well known GUI toolkits such as Qt and GTK.  It is\n"
"minimal on purpose and is intended to be statically linked to applications,\n"
"therefore satisfying any requirements they may have to be self contained,\n"
"as is the case with audio plugins."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4656
msgid "Audio plugin host"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4657
msgid ""
"Carla is a modular audio plugin host, with features like\n"
"transport control, automation of parameters via MIDI CC and remote control\n"
"over OSC.  Carla currently supports LADSPA (including LRDF), DSSI, LV2, VST2,\n"
"and VST3 plugin formats, plus SF2 and SFZ file support.  It uses JACK as the\n"
"default and preferred audio driver but also supports native drivers like ALSA."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4692
msgid "Multitrack audio processing"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4693
msgid ""
"Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio\n"
"processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and\n"
"format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing,\n"
"recording and signal recycling. Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs,\n"
"outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in\n"
"various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like\n"
"oscillators and MIDI-CCs. A versatile console mode user-interface is included\n"
"in the package."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4730
msgid "Library for reading and resampling audio files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4731
msgid ""
"libaudec is a wrapper library over ffmpeg, sndfile and\n"
"libsamplerate for reading and resampling audio files, based on Robin Gareus'\n"
"@code{audio_decoder} code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4762
msgid "LV2 plugin lint tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4763
msgid ""
"lv2lint is an LV2 lint-like tool that checks whether a\n"
"given plugin and its UI(s) match up with the provided metadata and adhere\n"
"to well-known best practices."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4797
msgid "Documentation generator for LV2 plugins"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4799
msgid ""
"lv2toweb allows the user to create an xhtml page with information\n"
"about the given LV2 plugin, provided that the plugin and its UI(s) match up\n"
"with the provided metadata and adhere to well-known best practices."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4825
msgid "GUI toolkit for LV2 plugins"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4826
msgid ""
"ZToolkit (Ztk) is a cross-platform GUI toolkit heavily\n"
"inspired by GTK.  It handles events and low level drawing on behalf of\n"
"the user and provides a high-level API for managing the UI and custom\n"
"widgets.  ZToolkit is written in C and was created to be used for building\n"
"audio plugin UIs, where the dependencies often need to be kept to a\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4858
msgid "Instrument file software library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4860
msgid ""
"libInstPatch is a library for processing digital sample based MIDI\n"
"instrument \"patch\" files.  The types of files libInstPatch supports are used\n"
"for creating instrument sounds for wavetable synthesis.  libInstPatch provides\n"
"an object framework (based on GObject) to load patch files, which can then be\n"
"edited, converted, compressed and saved."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4876
msgid "ZToolkit with SVG support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4903
msgid "Digital signal processing library"
msgstr "Bibliothek für digitale Signalverarbeitung"

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4904
msgid ""
"The LSP DSP library provides a set of functions that perform\n"
"SIMD-optimized computing on several hardware architectures.  All functions\n"
"currently operate on IEEE-754 single-precision floating-point numbers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4935
msgid "Speech codec"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:4937
msgid ""
"Codec 2 is a speech codec designed for communications quality speech\n"
"between 700 and 3200 bit/s.  The main application is low bandwidth HF/VHF\n"
"digital radio."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:5035
msgid "Synchronize musical beat, tempo, and phase across multiple applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/audio.scm:5037
msgid ""
"Ableton Link is a C++ library that synchronizes musical beat, tempo, and phase\n"
"across multiple applications running on one or more devices.  Applications on devices\n"
"connected to a local network discover each other automatically and form a musical\n"
"session in which each participant can perform independently: anyone can start or stop\n"
"while still staying in time."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:138
msgid "Encrypted backup using rsync algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:140
msgid ""
"Duplicity backs up directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes\n"
"and uploading them to a remote or local file server.  Because duplicity uses\n"
"librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the\n"
"parts of files that have changed since the last backup.  Because duplicity\n"
"uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from\n"
"spying and/or modification by the server."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:165
msgid "File verification and repair tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:166
msgid ""
"Par2cmdline uses Reed-Solomon error-correcting codes to\n"
"generate and verify PAR2 recovery files.  These files can be distributed\n"
"alongside the source files or stored together with back-ups to protect against\n"
"transmission errors or @dfn{bit rot}, the degradation of storage media over\n"
"Unlike a simple checksum, PAR2 doesn't merely detect errors: as long as the\n"
"damage isn't too extensive (and smaller than the size of the recovery file), it\n"
"can even repair them."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:203
msgid "Simple incremental backup tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:205
msgid ""
"Hdup2 is a backup utility, its aim is to make backup really simple.  The\n"
"backup scheduling is done by means of a cron job.  It supports an\n"
"include/exclude mechanism, remote backups, encrypted backups and split\n"
"backups (called chunks) to allow easy burning to CD/DVD."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:300
msgid "Multi-format archive and compression library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:302
msgid ""
"Libarchive provides a flexible interface for reading and writing\n"
"archives in various formats such as tar and cpio.  Libarchive also supports\n"
"reading and writing archives compressed using various compression filters such\n"
"as gzip and bzip2.  The library is inherently stream-oriented; readers\n"
"serially iterate through the archive, writers serially add things to the\n"
"archive.  In particular, note that there is currently no built-in support for\n"
"random access nor for in-place modification."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:370
msgid "Provide a list of files to backup"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:372
msgid ""
"Rdup is a utility inspired by rsync and the plan9 way of doing backups.\n"
"Rdup itself does not backup anything, it only print a list of absolute\n"
"file names to standard output.  Auxiliary scripts are needed that act on this\n"
"list and implement the backup strategy."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:402
msgid "Tar-compatible archiver"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:404
msgid ""
"Btar is a tar-compatible archiver which allows arbitrary compression and\n"
"ciphering, redundancy, differential backup, indexed extraction, multicore\n"
"compression, input and output serialisation, and tolerance to partial archive\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:430
msgid "Local/remote mirroring+incremental backup"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:432
msgid ""
"Rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network.\n"
"The target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse\n"
"diffs are stored in a special subdirectory of that target directory, so you\n"
"can still recover files lost some time ago.  The idea is to combine the best\n"
"features of a mirror and an incremental backup.  Rdiff-backup also preserves\n"
"subdirectories, hard links, dev files, permissions, uid/gid ownership,\n"
"modification times, extended attributes, acls, and resource forks.  Also,\n"
"rdiff-backup can operate in a bandwidth efficient manner over a pipe, like\n"
"rsync.  Thus you can use rdiff-backup and ssh to securely back a hard drive up\n"
"to a remote location, and only the differences will be transmitted.  Finally,\n"
"rdiff-backup is easy to use and settings have sensible defaults."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:477
msgid "Deduplicating snapshot backup utility based on rsync"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:478
msgid ""
"rsnapshot is a file system snapshot utility based on rsync.\n"
"rsnapshot makes it easy to make periodic snapshots of local machines, and\n"
"remote machines over SSH.  To reduce the disk space required for each backup,\n"
"rsnapshot uses hard links to deduplicate identical files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:558
msgid "Tools & library for data backup and distributed storage"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:560
msgid ""
"Libchop is a set of utilities and library for data backup and\n"
"distributed storage.  Its main application is @command{chop-backup}, an\n"
"encrypted backup program that supports data integrity checks, versioning,\n"
"distribution among several sites, selective sharing of stored data, adaptive\n"
"compression, and more.  The library itself implements storage techniques such\n"
"as content-addressable storage, content hash keys, Merkle trees, similarity\n"
"detection, and lossless compression."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:689
msgid "Deduplicated, encrypted, authenticated and compressed backups"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:690
msgid ""
"Borg is a deduplicating backup program.  Optionally, it\n"
"supports compression and authenticated encryption.  The main goal of Borg is to\n"
"provide an efficient and secure way to backup data.  The data deduplication\n"
"technique used makes Borg suitable for daily backups since only changes are\n"
"stored.  The authenticated encryption technique makes it suitable for backups\n"
"to not fully trusted targets.  Borg is a fork of Attic."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:734
msgid "Deduplicating backup program"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:735
msgid ""
"Attic is a deduplicating backup program.  The main goal of\n"
"Attic is to provide an efficient and secure way to backup data.  The data\n"
"deduplication technique used makes Attic suitable for daily backups since only\n"
"changes are stored."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:765
msgid "WIM file manipulation library and utilities"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:766
msgid ""
"wimlib is a C library and set of command-line utilities for\n"
"creating, modifying, extracting, and mounting archives in the Windows Imaging\n"
"Format (@dfn{WIM files}).  It can capture and apply WIMs directly from and to\n"
"NTFS volumes using @code{ntfs-3g}, preserving NTFS-specific attributes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:876
msgid "Fast, disk based, rotating network backup system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:878
msgid ""
"With dirvish you can maintain a set of complete images of your\n"
"file systems with unattended creation and expiration.  A dirvish backup vault\n"
"is like a time machine for your data. "
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:969
msgid "Backup program with multiple revisions, encryption and more"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:970
msgid ""
"Restic is a program that does backups right and was designed\n"
"with the following principles in mind:\n"
"@item Easy: Doing backups should be a frictionless process, otherwise you\n"
"might be tempted to skip it.  Restic should be easy to configure and use, so\n"
"that, in the event of a data loss, you can just restore it.  Likewise,\n"
"restoring data should not be complicated.\n"
"@item Fast: Backing up your data with restic should only be limited by your\n"
"network or hard disk bandwidth so that you can backup your files every day.\n"
"Nobody does backups if it takes too much time.  Restoring backups should only\n"
"transfer data that is needed for the files that are to be restored, so that\n"
"this process is also fast.\n"
"@item Verifiable: Much more important than backup is restore, so restic\n"
"enables you to easily verify that all data can be restored.  @item Secure:\n"
"Restic uses cryptography to guarantee confidentiality and integrity of your\n"
"data.  The location the backup data is stored is assumed not to be a trusted\n"
"environment (e.g.  a shared space where others like system administrators are\n"
"able to access your backups).  Restic is built to secure your data against\n"
"such attackers.\n"
"@item Efficient: With the growth of data, additional snapshots should only\n"
"take the storage of the actual increment.  Even more, duplicate data should be\n"
"de-duplicated before it is actually written to the storage back end to save\n"
"precious backup space.\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:1023
msgid "Versatile deduplicating backup tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:1025
msgid ""
"ZBackup is a globally-deduplicating backup tool, based on the\n"
"ideas found in Rsync.  Feed a large @file{.tar} into it, and it will\n"
"store duplicate regions of it only once, then compress and optionally\n"
"encrypt the result.  Feed another @file{.tar} file, and it will also\n"
"re-use any data found in any previous backups.  This way only new\n"
"changes are stored, and as long as the files are not very different,\n"
"the amount of storage required is very low.  Any of the backup files\n"
"stored previously can be read back in full at any time.  The program\n"
"is format-agnostic, so you can feed virtually any files to it."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:1062
msgid "Ext2/3/4 file system dump/restore utilities"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:1063
msgid ""
"Dump examines files in a file system, determines which ones\n"
"need to be backed up, and copies those files to a specified disk, tape or\n"
"other storage medium.  Subsequent incremental backups can then be layered on\n"
"top of the full backup.  The restore command performs the inverse function of\n"
"dump; it can restore a full backup of a file system.  Single files and\n"
"directory subtrees may also be restored from full or partial backups in\n"
"interactive mode."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:1109
msgid "Differential backup and restore"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/backup.scm:1110
msgid ""
"Burp is a network backup and restore program.  It attempts\n"
"to reduce network traffic and the amount of space that is used by each\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:85
msgid "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package"
msgstr "Hallo, GNU-Welt: Ein GNU-Beispielpaket"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:87
msgid ""
"GNU Hello prints the message \"Hello, world!\" and then exits.  It\n"
"serves as an example of standard GNU coding practices.  As such, it supports\n"
"command-line arguments, multiple languages, and so on."
msgstr ""
"GNU Hello gibt die Meldung »Hello, world!« aus und beendet sich dann.\n"
"Es dient als ein Beispiel für die Standardwege zur Erzeugung von GNU-Code.\n"
"Als solches unterstützt es Befehlszeilenargumente, mehrere Sprachen usw."

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:122
msgid "Print lines matching a pattern"
msgstr "Zeilen zurückgeben, die auf ein Muster passen"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:124
msgid ""
"grep is a tool for finding text inside files.  Text is found by\n"
"matching a pattern provided by the user in one or many files.  The pattern\n"
"may be provided as a basic or extended regular expression, or as fixed\n"
"strings.  By default, the matching text is simply printed to the screen,\n"
"however the output can be greatly customized to include, for example, line\n"
"numbers.  GNU grep offers many extensions over the standard utility,\n"
"including, for example, recursive directory searching."
msgstr ""
"Grep ist ein Werkzeug zum Finden von Text in Dateien. Textteile werden durch\n"
"Vergleichen anhand eines vom Benutzer angegebenen Musters in einer oder\n"
"mehreren Dateien gesucht. Das Muster kann als einfacher oder erweiterter\n"
"regulärer Ausdruck oder auch als einfache Zeichenkette angegeben werden.\n"
"In der Voreinstellung wird der Suchtreffer auf dem Bildschirm ausgegeben,\n"
"aber die Ausgabe kann auf vielfältige Weise angepasst werden, um beispiels-\n"
"weise Zeilennummern mitanzuzeigen. GNU Grep bietet viele Erweiterungen\n"
"im Vergleich zum Standardwerkzeug, zum Beispiel die rekursive Suche\n"
"in Verzeichnisstrukturen."

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:146
msgid "Stream editor"
msgstr "Datenstromeditor"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:150
msgid ""
"Sed is a non-interactive, text stream editor.  It receives a text\n"
"input from a file or from standard input and it then applies a series of text\n"
"editing commands to the stream and prints its output to standard output.  It\n"
"is often used for substituting text patterns in a stream.  The GNU\n"
"implementation offers several extensions over the standard utility."
msgstr ""
"Sed ist ein nicht-interaktiver Editor für Text-Datenströme. Er empfängt eine\n"
"Texteingabe aus einer Datei oder der Standardeingabe und wendet eine Reihe von\n"
"Textbearbeitungsbefehlen darauf an. Das Ergebnis wird in der Standardausgabe\n"
"ausgegeben. Er wird häufig zum Ersetzen von Textmustern in einem Datenstrom\n"
"verwendet. Die GNU-Implementierung bietet gegenüber dem Standardwerkzeug\n"
"diverse Erweiterungen."

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:205
msgid "Managing tar archives"
msgstr "Tar-Archive verwalten"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:207
msgid ""
"Tar provides the ability to create tar archives, as well as the\n"
"ability to extract, update or list files in an existing archive.  It is\n"
"useful for combining many files into one larger file, while maintaining\n"
"directory structure and file information such as permissions and\n"
"creation/modification dates.  GNU tar offers many extensions over the\n"
"standard utility."
msgstr ""
"Tar ermöglicht Ihnen das Erstellen oder Entpacken von Tar-Archiven sowie\n"
"die Aktualisierung oder Auflistung von Dateien eines existierenden Archivs.\n"
"Es dient zum Zusammenfassen mehrerer Dateien in einer einzigen Datei, wobei\n"
"die Verzeichnisstruktur und Dateiinformationen wie Erstellungs- und\n"
"Änderungszeitpunkte sowie Zugriffsrechte erhalten bleiben. GNU Tar bietet\n"
"viele Erweiterungen über die Fähigkeiten des Standardwerkzeugs hinaus."

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:236
msgid "Apply differences to originals, with optional backups"
msgstr "Unterschiede auf Originaldateien anwenden, mit optionaler Datensicherung"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:238
msgid ""
"Patch is a program that applies changes to files based on differences\n"
"laid out as by the program \"diff\".  The changes may be applied to one or more\n"
"files depending on the contents of the diff file.  It accepts several\n"
"different diff formats.  It may also be used to revert previously applied\n"
msgstr ""
"Patch ist ein Programm, das Änderungen auf Dateien anwendet, die durch das\n"
"Programm @command{diff} erzeugt wurden. Die Änderungen können auf eine oder mehrere\n"
"Dateien angewandt werden, abhängig vom Inhalt der Diff-Datei. Es akzeptiert\n"
"verschiedene Diff-Formate. Es kann auch dazu genutzt werden, frühere\n"
"Anwendungen von Diff-Dateien rückgängig zu machen."

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:259
msgid "Comparing and merging files"
msgstr "Dateien vergleichen und zusammenführen"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:261
msgid ""
"GNU Diffutils is a package containing tools for finding the\n"
"differences between files.  The \"diff\" command is used to show how two files\n"
"differ, while \"cmp\" shows the offsets and line numbers where they differ.\n"
"\"diff3\" allows you to compare three files.  Finally, \"sdiff\" offers an\n"
"interactive means to merge two files."
msgstr ""
"Das Paket GNU Diffutils enthält Werkzeuge zum Finden von Unterschieden\n"
"zwischen Dateien. Der Befehl »diff« wird dazu verwendet, zwei Dateien\n"
"zu vergleichen, um die Unterschiede kenntlich zu machen, während »cmp« anhand\n"
"von Position und Zeilennummern zeigt, wo genau die Unterschiede liegen.\n"
"Weiterhin bietet »sdiff« eine Möglichkeit, zwei Dateien interaktiv\n"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:295
msgid "Operating on files matching given criteria"
msgstr "Dateien verarbeiten, die zu gegebenen Kriterien passen"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:297
msgid ""
"Findutils supplies the basic file directory searching utilities of the\n"
"GNU system.  It consists of two primary searching utilities: \"find\"\n"
"recursively searches for files in a directory according to given criteria and\n"
"\"locate\" lists files in a database that match a query.  Two auxiliary tools\n"
"are included: \"updatedb\" updates the file name database and \"xargs\" may be\n"
"used to apply commands with arbitrarily long arguments."
msgstr ""
"Das Paket Findutils stellt im GNU-System die grundlegenden Werkzeuge zum Suchen\n"
"in Verzeichnissen bereit. Zwei primäre Suchwerkzeuge sind enthalten: »find«\n"
"sucht anhand angegebener Kriterien rekursiv nach Dateien in Verzeichnissen\n"
"und »locate« listet Dateien in einer Datenbank auf, die einer Abfrage\n"
"entsprechen. Zwei Hilfswerkzeuge sind außerdem enthalten: »updatedb« aktualisiert\n"
"die Dateinamendatenbank und »xargs« dient dazu, Befehle mit willkürlich\n"
"langen Argumenten anzuwenden."

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:375
msgid "Core GNU utilities (file, text, shell)"
msgstr "GNU-Kernprogramme (Datei, Text, Shell)"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:377
msgid ""
"GNU Coreutils package includes all of the basic command-line tools that\n"
"are expected in a POSIX system, excluding shell.  This package is the union of\n"
"the GNU fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils packages.  Most of these tools\n"
"offer extended functionality beyond that which is outlined in the POSIX\n"
msgstr "Das Paket GNU Coreutils enthält alle grundlegenden Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge, die Sie in einem POSIX-System erwarten, bis auf eine Shell. Das Paket stellt die Vereinigung von GNUs fileutils mit Bearbeitungsfunktionen für Dateien, sh-utils und textutils dar. Die meisten dieser Werkzeuge bieten im Vergleich zu den in POSIX festgelegten Standards erweiterte Funktionalität."

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:453
msgid "Remake files automatically"
msgstr "Automatische Neuerzeugung von Dateien"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:455
msgid ""
"Make is a program that is used to control the production of\n"
"executables or other files from their source files.  The process is\n"
"controlled from a Makefile, in which the developer specifies how each file is\n"
"generated from its source.  It has powerful dependency resolution and the\n"
"ability to determine when files have to be regenerated after their sources\n"
"change.  GNU make offers many powerful extensions over the standard utility."
msgstr ""
"Make ist ein Programm, das zur Steuerung der Erstellung von ausführbaren\n"
"oder anderen Dateien aus deren Quelldateien verwendet wird. Der Prozess\n"
"wird über ein »Makefile« gesteuert, in welchem der Entwickler angibt, auf\n"
"welche Weise jede der Dateien aus den Quellen erzeugt werden soll. Das\n"
"Programm verfügt über eine leistungsfähige Abhängigkeitsauflösung und die\n"
"Fähigkeit, zu bestimmen, wann eine Datei neu erstellt werden muss, wenn sich\n"
"deren Quellen geändert hat. GNU Make bietet mächtige Erweiterungen über die\n"
"Fähigkeiten des Standardwerkzeugs hinaus. "

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:536
msgid "Binary utilities: bfd gas gprof ld"
msgstr "Binär-Dienstprogramme: bfd gas gprof ld"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:538
msgid ""
"GNU Binutils is a collection of tools for working with binary files.\n"
"Perhaps the most notable are \"ld\", a linker, and \"as\", an assembler.\n"
"Other tools include programs to display binary profiling information, list\n"
"the strings in a binary file, and utilities for working with archives.  The\n"
"\"bfd\" library for working with executable and object formats is also\n"
msgstr ""
"Die GNU Binutils sind eine Werkzeugsammlung zum Arbeiten mit Binärdateien.\n"
"Die erwähnenswertesten sind »ld«, ein Binder (Linker), und »as«, ein Assembler. Weitere\n"
"enthaltene Werkzeuge zeigen Profiling-Informationen an, listen die\n"
"Zeichenketten in einer Binärdatei auf oder dienen der Arbeit mit Archiven.\n"
"Die »bfd«-Bibliothek zum Arbeiten mit ausführbaren oder Objektformaten\n"
"ist ebenfalls enthalten."

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:672
msgid "The linker wrapper"
msgstr "Der Linker-Wrapper"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:674
msgid ""
"The linker wrapper (or @code{ld-wrapper}) wraps the linker to add any\n"
"missing @code{-rpath} flags, and to detect any misuse of libraries outside of\n"
"the store."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:925
msgid "The GNU C Library"
msgstr "Die GNU-C-Bibliothek"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:927
msgid ""
"Any Unix-like operating system needs a C library: the library which\n"
"defines the \"system calls\" and other basic facilities such as open, malloc,\n"
"printf, exit...\n"
"The GNU C library is used as the C library in the GNU system and most systems\n"
"with the Linux kernel."
msgstr ""
"Jedes Unix-ähnliche Betriebssystem braucht eine C-Bibliothek: Dies ist die\n"
"Bibliothek, welche die »Systemaufrufe« und andere Grundfunktionen wie »open«,\n"
"»malloc«, »printf«, »exit« usw. definiert.\n"
"Die GNU-C-Bibliothek wird als die C-Bibliothek im GNU-System sowie den meisten\n"
"Systemen mit dem Linux-Kernel verwendet."

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:1046
msgid "All the locales supported by the GNU C Library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:1048
msgid ""
"This package provides all the locales supported by the GNU C Library,\n"
"more than 400 in total.  To use them set the @code{LOCPATH} environment variable\n"
"to the @code{share/locale} sub-directory of this package."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:1152
msgid "Small sample of UTF-8 locales"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:1154
msgid ""
"This package provides a small sample of UTF-8 locales mostly useful in\n"
"test environments."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:1185
msgid "Find full path of shell commands"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:1187
msgid ""
"The which program finds the location of executables in PATH, with a\n"
"variety of options.  It is an alternative to the shell \"type\" built-in\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:1292
msgid "Database of current and historical time zones"
msgstr "Datenbank aktueller und historischer Zeitzonen"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:1293
msgid ""
"The Time Zone Database (often called tz or zoneinfo)\n"
"contains code and data that represent the history of local time for many\n"
"representative locations around the globe.  It is updated periodically to\n"
"reflect changes made by political bodies to time zone boundaries, UTC offsets,\n"
"and daylight-saving rules."
msgstr ""
"Die Zeitzonen-Datenbank (oft »tz« oder »zoneinfo« genannt) enthält Code\n"
"und Daten, welche den Verlauf der lokalen Zeit für zahlreiche\n"
"repräsentative Orte rund um den Globus bereitstellen. Diese Daten werden\n"
"regelmäßig aktualisiert, um politisch begründete Änderungen der Zeitzonengrenzen,\n"
"Verschiebung gegenüber der Weltzeit oder der Sommerzeit-Winterzeit-Regelungen\n"

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:1349
msgid "Character set conversion library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/base.scm:1351
msgid ""
"libiconv provides an implementation of the iconv function for systems\n"
"that lack it.  iconv is used to convert between character encodings in a\n"
"program.  It supports a wide variety of different encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:114
msgid "Fast and easy BitTorrent client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:116
msgid ""
"Transmission is a BitTorrent client that comes with graphical,\n"
"textual, and Web user interfaces.  Transmission also has a daemon for\n"
"unattended operations.  It supports local peer discovery, full encryption,\n"
"DHT, µTP, PEX and Magnet Links."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:148
msgid "BitTorrent library of rtorrent"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:150
msgid ""
"LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library used by and developed in parallel\n"
"with the BitTorrent client rtorrent.  It is written in C++ with emphasis on\n"
"speed and efficiency."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:177
msgid "BitTorrent client with ncurses interface"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:179
msgid ""
"rTorrent is a BitTorrent client with an ncurses interface.  It supports\n"
"full encryption, DHT, PEX, and Magnet Links.  It can also be controlled via\n"
"XML-RPC over SCGI."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:211 gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:252
msgid "Console client for the Transmission BitTorrent daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:212
msgid ""
"Tremc is a console client, with a curses interface, for the\n"
"Transmission BitTorrent daemon."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:253
msgid ""
"Transmission-remote-cli is a console client, with a curses\n"
"interface, for the Transmission BitTorrent daemon.  This package is no longer\n"
"maintained upstream."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:301
msgid "Utility for parallel downloading files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:303
msgid ""
"Aria2 is a lightweight, multi-protocol & multi-source command-line\n"
"download utility.  It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink.\n"
"Aria2 can be manipulated via built-in JSON-RPC and XML-RPC interfaces."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:334
msgid "Universal download manager with GTK+ interface"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:336
msgid ""
"uGet is portable download manager with GTK+ interface supporting\n"
"HTTP, HTTPS, BitTorrent and Metalink, supporting multi-connection\n"
"downloads, download scheduling, download rate limiting."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:366
msgid "Utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:368
msgid ""
"mktorrent is a simple command-line utility to create BitTorrent\n"
"@dfn{metainfo} files, often known simply as @dfn{torrents}, from both single\n"
"files and whole directories.  It can add multiple trackers and web seed URLs,\n"
"and set the @code{private} flag to disallow advertisement through the\n"
"distributed hash table (@dfn{DHT}) and Peer Exchange.  Hashing is multi-threaded\n"
"and will take advantage of multiple processor cores where possible."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:406
msgid "Feature-complete BitTorrent implementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:408
msgid ""
"libtorrent-rasterbar is a feature-complete C++ BitTorrent implementation\n"
"focusing on efficiency and scalability.  It runs on embedded devices as well as\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:457
msgid "Graphical BitTorrent client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:459
msgid ""
"qBittorrent is a BitTorrent client programmed in C++/Qt that uses\n"
"libtorrent (sometimes called libtorrent-rasterbar) by Arvid Norberg.\n"
"It aims to be a good alternative to all other BitTorrent clients out there.\n"
"qBittorrent is fast, stable and provides unicode support as well as many\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:530
msgid "Fully-featured cross-platform ​BitTorrent client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm:532
msgid ""
"Deluge contains the common features to BitTorrent clients such as\n"
"Protocol Encryption, DHT, Local Peer Discovery (LSD), Peer Exchange\n"
"(PEX), UPnP, NAT-PMP, Proxy support, Web seeds, global and per-torrent\n"
"speed limits.  Deluge heavily utilises the ​libtorrent library.  It is\n"
"designed to run as both a normal standalone desktop application and as a\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/certs.scm:68
msgid "Python script to extract .pem data from certificate collection"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/certs.scm:70
msgid ""
"certdata2pem.py is a Python script to transform X.509 certificate\n"
"\"source code\" as contained, for example, in the Mozilla sources, into\n"
".pem formatted certificates."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/certs.scm:140
msgid "CA certificates from Mozilla"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/certs.scm:142
msgid ""
"This package provides certificates for Certification Authorities (CA)\n"
"taken from the NSS package and thus ultimately from the Mozilla project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/certs.scm:210
msgid "Let's Encrypt root and intermediate certificates"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/certs.scm:211
msgid ""
"This package provides a certificate store containing only the\n"
"Let's Encrypt root and intermediate certificates.  It is intended to be used\n"
"within Guix."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:125
msgid "Compression library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:127
msgid ""
"zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered --\n"
"that is, not covered by any patents -- lossless data-compression library for\n"
"use on virtually any computer hardware and operating system.  The zlib data\n"
"format is itself portable across platforms.  Unlike the LZW compression method\n"
"used in Unix compress(1) and in the GIF image format, the compression method\n"
"currently used in zlib essentially never expands the data. (LZW can double or\n"
"triple the file size in extreme cases.)  zlib's memory footprint is also\n"
"independent of the input data and can be reduced, if necessary, at some cost\n"
"in compression."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:164
msgid "Zip Compression library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:166
msgid ""
"Minizip is a minimalistic library that supports compressing,\n"
"extracting and viewing ZIP archives.  This version is extracted from\n"
"the @code{zlib} source."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:185
msgid "Replacement for Sun's 'jar' utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:187
msgid ""
"FastJar is an attempt to create a much faster replacement for Sun's\n"
"@code{jar} utility.  Instead of being written in Java, FastJar is written in C."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:216
msgid "C library for manipulating POSIX tar files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:218
msgid ""
"libtar is a C library for manipulating POSIX tar files.  It handles\n"
"adding and extracting files to/from a tar archive."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:235
msgid "General file (de)compression (using lzw)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:264
msgid ""
"GNU Gzip provides data compression and decompression utilities; the\n"
"typical extension is \".gz\".  Unlike the \"zip\" format, it compresses a single\n"
"file; as a result, it is often used in conjunction with \"tar\", resulting in\n"
"\".tar.gz\" or \".tgz\", etc."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:372
msgid "High-quality data compression program"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:374
msgid ""
"bzip2 is a freely available, patent free (see below), high-quality data\n"
"compressor.  It typically compresses files to within 10% to 15% of the best\n"
"available techniques (the PPM family of statistical compressors), whilst\n"
"being around twice as fast at compression and six times faster at\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:429
msgid "Parallel bzip2 compression utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:431
msgid ""
"lbzip2 is a multi-threaded compression utility with support for the\n"
"bzip2 compressed file format.  lbzip2 can process standard bz2 files in\n"
"parallel.  It uses POSIX threading model (pthreads), which allows it to take\n"
"full advantage of symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) systems.  It has been proven\n"
"to scale linearly, even to over one hundred processor cores.  lbzip2 is fully\n"
"compatible with bzip2 – both at file format and command line level."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:464
msgid "Parallel bzip2 implementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:466
msgid ""
"Pbzip2 is a parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file\n"
"compressor that uses pthreads and achieves near-linear speedup on SMP machines.\n"
"The output of this version is fully compatible with bzip2 v1.0.2 (i.e. anything\n"
"compressed with pbzip2 can be decompressed with bzip2)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:504
msgid "General-purpose data compression"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:506
msgid ""
"XZ Utils is free general-purpose data compression software with high\n"
"compression ratio.  XZ Utils were written for POSIX-like systems, but also\n"
"work on some not-so-POSIX systems.  XZ Utils are the successor to LZMA Utils.\n"
"The core of the XZ Utils compression code is based on LZMA SDK, but it has\n"
"been modified quite a lot to be suitable for XZ Utils.  The primary\n"
"compression algorithm is currently LZMA2, which is used inside the .xz\n"
"container format.  With typical files, XZ Utils create 30 % smaller output\n"
"than gzip and 15 % smaller output than bzip2."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:542
msgid "LHA archive decompressor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:543
msgid ""
"Lhasa is a replacement for the Unix LHA tool, for\n"
"decompressing .lzh (LHA / LHarc) and .lzs (LArc) archives.  The backend for the\n"
"tool is a library, so that it can be reused for other purposes.  Lhasa aims to\n"
"be compatible with as many types of lzh/lzs archives as possible.  It also aims\n"
"to generate the same output as the (non-free) Unix LHA tool, so that it will\n"
"act as a free drop-in replacement."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:567
msgid "Data compression library suitable for real-time data de-/compression"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:569
msgid ""
"LZO is a data compression library which is suitable for data\n"
"de-/compression in real-time.  This means it favours speed over\n"
"compression ratio.\n"
"LZO is written in ANSI C.  Both the source code and the compressed data\n"
"format are designed to be portable across platforms."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:592
msgid "Compress or expand files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:594
msgid ""
"Lzop is a file compressor which is very similar to gzip.  Lzop uses the\n"
"LZO data compression library for compression services, and its main advantages\n"
"over gzip are much higher compression and decompression speed (at the cost of\n"
"some compression ratio)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:613
msgid "Lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:615
msgid ""
"Lzip is a lossless data compressor with a user interface similar to the\n"
"one of gzip or bzip2.  Lzip decompresses almost as fast as gzip and compresses\n"
"more than bzip2, which makes it well-suited for software distribution and data\n"
"archiving.  Lzip is a clean implementation of the LZMA algorithm."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:634
msgid "Recover and decompress data from damaged lzip files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:636
msgid ""
"Lziprecover is a data recovery tool and decompressor for files in the lzip\n"
"compressed data format (.lz).  It can test the integrity of lzip files, extract\n"
"data from damaged ones, and repair most files with small errors (up to one\n"
"single-byte error per member) entirely.\n"
"Lziprecover is not a replacement for regular backups, but a last line of defence\n"
"when even the backups are corrupt.  It can recover files by merging the good\n"
"parts of two or more damaged copies, such as can be easily produced by running\n"
"@command{ddrescue} on a failing device.\n"
"This package also includes @command{unzcrash}, a tool to test the robustness of\n"
"decompressors when faced with corrupted input."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:691
msgid "Archives in shell scripts, uuencode/uudecode"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:693
msgid ""
"GNU sharutils is a package for creating and manipulating shell\n"
"archives that can be readily emailed.  A shell archive is a file that can be\n"
"processed by a Bourne-type shell to unpack the original collection of files.\n"
"This package is mostly for compatibility and historical interest."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:725
msgid "Library for SoundFont decompression"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:727
msgid ""
"SfArkLib is a C++ library for decompressing SoundFont files compressed\n"
"with the sfArk algorithm."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:762
msgid "Basic sfArk decompressor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:763
msgid ""
"SfArk extractor converts SoundFonts in the compressed legacy\n"
"sfArk file format to the uncompressed sf2 format."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:781
msgid "Compression tools for some formats used by Microsoft"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:783
msgid ""
"The purpose of libmspack is to provide both compression and\n"
"decompression of some loosely related file formats used by Microsoft."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:824
msgid "Compression algorithm focused on speed"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:825
msgid ""
"LZ4 is a lossless compression algorithm, providing\n"
"compression speed at 400 MB/s per core (0.16 Bytes/cycle).  It also features an\n"
"extremely fast decoder, with speed in multiple GB/s per core (0.71 Bytes/cycle).\n"
"A high compression derivative, called LZ4_HC, is also provided.  It trades CPU\n"
"time for compression ratio."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:867
msgid "Tools to create and extract squashfs file systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:869
msgid ""
"Squashfs is a highly compressed read-only file system for Linux.  It uses\n"
"zlib to compress files, inodes, and directories.  All blocks are packed to\n"
"minimize the data overhead, and block sizes of between 4K and 1M are supported.\n"
"It is intended to be used for archival use, for live CDs, and for embedded\n"
"systems where low overhead is needed.  This package allows you to create and\n"
"extract such file systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:907
msgid "Parallel implementation of gzip"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:909
msgid ""
"This package provides a parallel implementation of gzip that exploits\n"
"multiple processors and multiple cores when compressing data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:933
msgid "Parallel indexing implementation of LZMA"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:935
msgid ""
"The existing XZ Utils provide great compression in the .xz file format,\n"
"but they produce just one big block of compressed data.  Pixz instead produces\n"
"a collection of smaller blocks which makes random access to the original data\n"
"possible and can compress in parallel.  This is especially useful for large\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:970
msgid "Patch binary files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:972
msgid ""
"@command{bsdiff} and @command{bspatch} are tools for building and\n"
"applying patches to binary files.  By using suffix sorting (specifically\n"
"Larsson and Sadakane's @code{qsufsort}) and taking advantage of how\n"
"executable files change, bsdiff routinely produces binary patches 50-80%\n"
"smaller than those produced by @code{Xdelta}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1018
msgid "Tool to unpack Cabinet archives"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1019
msgid "Extracts files out of Microsoft Cabinet (.cab) archives"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1052
msgid "Delta encoder for binary files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1053
msgid ""
"xdelta encodes only the differences between two binary files\n"
"using the VCDIFF algorithm and patch file format described in RFC 3284.  It can\n"
"also be used to apply such patches.  xdelta is similar to @command{diff} and\n"
"@command{patch}, but is not limited to plain text and does not generate\n"
"human-readable output."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1086
msgid "Large file compressor with a very high compression ratio"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1087
msgid ""
"lrzip is a compression utility that uses long-range\n"
"redundancy reduction to improve the subsequent compression ratio of\n"
"larger files.  It can then further compress the result with the ZPAQ or\n"
"LZMA algorithms for maximum compression, or LZO for maximum speed.  This\n"
"choice between size or speed allows for either better compression than\n"
"even LZMA can provide, or a higher speed than gzip while compressing as\n"
"well as bzip2."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1115
msgid "Fast compressor/decompressor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1116
msgid ""
"Snappy is a compression/decompression library.  It does not\n"
"aim for maximum compression, or compatibility with any other compression library;\n"
"instead, it aims for very high speeds and reasonable compression.  For instance,\n"
"compared to the fastest mode of zlib, Snappy is an order of magnitude faster\n"
"for most inputs, but the resulting compressed files are anywhere from 20% to\n"
"100% bigger."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1185
msgid "Command-line file archiver with high compression ratio"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1186
msgid ""
"p7zip is a command-line port of 7-Zip, a file archiver that\n"
"handles the 7z format which features very high compression ratios."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1227
msgid "Compressed C++ iostream"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1228
msgid ""
"gzstream is a small library for providing zlib\n"
"functionality in a C++ iostream."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1277
msgid "Incremental journaling archiver"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1278
msgid ""
"ZPAQ is a command-line archiver for realistic situations with\n"
"many duplicate and already compressed files.  It backs up only those files\n"
"modified since the last update.  All previous versions remain untouched and can\n"
"be independently recovered.  Identical files are only stored once (known as\n"
"@dfn{de-duplication}).  Archives can also be encrypted.\n"
"ZPAQ is intended to back up user data, not entire operating systems.  It ignores\n"
"owner and group IDs, ACLs, extended attributes, or special file types like\n"
"devices, sockets, or named pipes.  It does not follow or restore symbolic links\n"
"or junctions, and always follows hard links."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1378
msgid "Extract CAB files from InstallShield installers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1380
msgid ""
"@command{unshield} is a tool and library for extracting @file{.cab}\n"
" archives from InstallShield installers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1436
msgid "Zstandard real-time compression algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1437
msgid ""
"Zstandard (@command{zstd}) is a lossless compression algorithm\n"
"that combines very fast operation with a compression ratio comparable to that of\n"
"zlib.  In most scenarios, both compression and decompression can be performed in\n"
"‘real time’.  The compressor can be configured to provide the most suitable\n"
"trade-off between compression ratio and speed, without affecting decompression\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1479
msgid "Threaded implementation of the Zstandard compression algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1480
msgid ""
"Parallel Zstandard (PZstandard or @command{pzstd}) is a\n"
"multi-threaded implementation of the @uref{http://zstd.net/, Zstandard\n"
"compression algorithm}.  It is fully compatible with the original Zstandard file\n"
"format and command-line interface, and can be used as a drop-in replacement.\n"
"Compression is distributed over multiple processor cores to improve performance,\n"
"as is the decompression of data compressed in this manner.  Data compressed by\n"
"other implementations will only be decompressed by two threads: one performing\n"
"the actual decompression, the other input and output."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1518
msgid "Compression and file packing utility"
msgstr "Dateien vergleichen und in Archive bündeln"

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1520
msgid ""
"Zip is a compression and file packaging/archive utility.  Zip is useful\n"
"for packaging a set of files for distribution, for archiving files, and for\n"
"saving disk space by temporarily compressing unused files or directories.\n"
"Zip puts one or more compressed files into a single ZIP archive, along with\n"
"information about the files (name, path, date, time of last modification,\n"
"protection, and check information to verify file integrity).  An entire\n"
"directory structure can be packed into a ZIP archive with a single command.\n"
"Zip has one compression method (deflation) and can also store files without\n"
"compression.  Zip automatically chooses the better of the two for each file.\n"
"Compression ratios of 2:1 to 3:1 are common for text files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1582
msgid "Decompression and file extraction utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1584
msgid ""
"UnZip is an extraction utility for archives compressed in .zip format,\n"
"also called \"zipfiles\".\n"
"UnZip lists, tests, or extracts files from a .zip archive.  The default\n"
"behaviour (with no options) is to extract into the current directory, and\n"
"subdirectories below it, all files from the specified zipfile.  UnZip\n"
"recreates the stored directory structure by default."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1629
msgid "Library for accessing zip files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1631
msgid "ZZipLib is a library based on zlib for accessing zip files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1656
msgid "C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1657
msgid ""
"Libzip is a C library for reading, creating, and modifying\n"
"zip archives.  Files can be added from data buffers, files, or compressed data\n"
"copied directly from other zip archives.  Changes made without closing the\n"
"archive can be reverted."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1690
msgid "Universal tool to manage file archives of various types"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1691
msgid ""
"The main command is @command{aunpack} which extracts files\n"
"from an archive.  The other commands provided are @command{apack} (to create\n"
"archives), @command{als} (to list files in archives), and @command{acat} (to\n"
"extract files to standard out).  As @command{atool} invokes external programs\n"
"to handle the archives, not all commands may be supported for a certain type\n"
"of archives."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1715
msgid "Small, stand-alone lzip decompressor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1717
msgid ""
"Lunzip is a decompressor for files in the lzip compression format (.lz),\n"
"written as a single small C tool with no dependencies.  This makes it\n"
"well-suited to embedded and other systems without a C++ compiler, or for use in\n"
"applications such as software installers that need only to decompress files,\n"
"not compress them.\n"
"Lunzip is intended to be fully compatible with the regular lzip package."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1742
msgid "Small, stand-alone lzip compressor and decompressor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1744
msgid ""
"Clzip is a compressor and decompressor for files in the lzip compression\n"
"format (.lz), written as a single small C tool with no dependencies.  This makes\n"
"it well-suited to embedded and other systems without a C++ compiler, or for use\n"
"in other applications like package managers.\n"
"Clzip is intended to be fully compatible with the regular lzip package."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1770
msgid "Lzip data compression C library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1772
msgid ""
"Lzlib is a C library for in-memory LZMA compression and decompression in\n"
"the lzip format.  It supports integrity checking of the decompressed data, and\n"
"all functions are thread-safe.  The library should never crash, even in case of\n"
"corrupted input."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1794
msgid "Parallel lossless data compressor for the lzip format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1796
msgid ""
"Plzip is a massively parallel (multi-threaded) lossless data compressor\n"
"and decompressor that uses the lzip file format (.lz).  Files produced by plzip\n"
"are fully compatible with lzip and can be rescued with lziprecover.\n"
"On multiprocessor machines, plzip can compress and decompress large files much\n"
"faster than lzip, at the cost of a slightly reduced compression ratio (0.4% to\n"
"2%).  The number of usable threads is limited by file size: on files of only a\n"
"few MiB, plzip is no faster than lzip.\n"
"Files that were compressed with regular lzip will also not be decompressed\n"
"faster by plzip, unless the @code{-b} option was used: lzip usually produces\n"
"single-member files which can't be decompressed in parallel."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1829
msgid "Tool for extracting Inno Setup installers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1830
msgid ""
"innoextract allows extracting Inno Setup installers under\n"
"non-Windows systems without running the actual installer using wine."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1868
msgid "General-purpose lossless compression"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1869
msgid ""
"This package provides the reference implementation of Brotli,\n"
"a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm that compresses data using a\n"
"combination of a modern variant of the LZ77 algorithm, Huffman coding and 2nd\n"
"order context modeling, with a compression ratio comparable to the best\n"
"currently available general-purpose compression methods.  It is similar in speed\n"
"with @code{deflate} but offers more dense compression.\n"
"The specification of the Brotli Compressed Data Format is defined in RFC 7932."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1889
msgid "Python interface to google-brotli"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1890
msgid ""
"@code{python-google-brotli} provides a Python interface to\n"
"@code{google-brotli}, an implementation of the Brotli lossless compression\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1911
msgid "Portable lossless data compression library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1912
msgid ""
"UCL implements a number of compression algorithms that\n"
"achieve an excellent compression ratio while allowing fast decompression.\n"
"Decompression requires no additional memory.\n"
"Compared to LZO, the UCL algorithms achieve a better compression ratio but\n"
"decompression is a little bit slower."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1958
msgid "Compression tool for executables"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1960
msgid ""
"The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables (UPX) is an executable file\n"
"compressor.  UPX typically reduces the file size of programs and shared\n"
"libraries by around 50%--70%, thus reducing disk space, network load times,\n"
"download times, and other distribution and storage costs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1988
msgid "Qt/C++ wrapper for Minizip"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:1989
msgid ""
"QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's\n"
"ZIP/UNZIP package that can be used to access ZIP archives.  It uses\n"
"Trolltech's Qt toolkit.\n"
"QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice\n"
"API, and that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or\n"
"whatever you would like to use on your zipped files.\n"
"QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZIP/UNZIP API, for both\n"
"reading from and writing to ZIP archives. "
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2036
msgid "Utilities that transparently operate on compressed files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2038
msgid ""
"Zutils is a collection of utilities able to process any combination of\n"
"compressed and uncompressed files transparently.  If any given file, including\n"
"standard input, is compressed, its decompressed content is used instead.\n"
"@command{zcat}, @command{zcmp}, @command{zdiff}, and @command{zgrep} are\n"
"improved replacements for the shell scripts provided by GNU gzip.\n"
"@command{ztest} tests the integrity of supported compressed files.\n"
"@command{zupdate} recompresses files with lzip, similar to gzip's\n"
"Supported compression formats are bzip2, gzip, lzip, and xz.  Zutils uses\n"
"external compressors: the compressor to be used for each format is configurable\n"
"at run time, and must be installed separately."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2095
msgid "Extract makeself and mojo archives without running untrusted code"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2096
msgid ""
"This package provides a script to unpack self-extracting\n"
"archives generated by @command{makeself} or @command{mojo} without running the\n"
"possibly untrusted extraction shell script."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2123
msgid "Original Lempel-Ziv compress/uncompress programs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2124
msgid ""
"(N)compress provides the original compress and uncompress\n"
"programs that used to be the de facto UNIX standard for compressing and\n"
"uncompressing files.  These programs implement a fast, simple Lempel-Ziv (LZW)\n"
"file compression algorithm."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2153
msgid "Graphical front-end for archive operations"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2154
msgid ""
"Xarchiver is a front-end to various command line archiving\n"
"tools.  It uses GTK+ tool-kit and is designed to be desktop-environment\n"
"independent.  Supported formats are 7z, ARJ, bzip2, gzip, LHA, lzma, lzop,\n"
"RAR, RPM, DEB, tar, and ZIP.  It cannot perform functions for archives, whose\n"
"archiver is not installed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2189
msgid "Multithreaded tar utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2191
msgid ""
"Archive huge numbers of files, or split massive tar archives into smaller\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2210
msgid "Blocking, shuffling and lossless compression library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2212
msgid ""
"Blosc is a high performance compressor optimized for binary data. It has\n"
"been designed to transmit data to the processor cache faster than the\n"
"traditional, non-compressed, direct memory fetch approach via a\n"
"@code{memcpy()} system call.  Blosc is meant not only to reduce the size of\n"
"large datasets on-disk or in-memory, but also to accelerate memory-bound\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2249
msgid "Error code modeler"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2250
msgid ""
"ECM is a utility that converts ECM files, i.e., CD data files\n"
"with their error correction data losslessly rearranged for better compression,\n"
"to their original, binary CD format."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2272
msgid "Combination of the tar archiver and the lzip compressor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/compression.scm:2274
msgid ""
"Tarlz is a massively parallel (multi-threaded) combined implementation of\n"
"the tar archiver and the lzip compressor.  Tarlz creates, lists, and extracts\n"
"archives in a simplified and safer variant of the POSIX pax format compressed\n"
"with lzip, keeping the alignment between tar members and lzip members.  The\n"
"resulting multimember tar.lz archive is fully backward compatible with standard\n"
"tar tools like GNU tar, which treat it like any other tar.lz archive.  Tarlz\n"
"can append files to the end of such compressed archives."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:183
msgid "Clustered RDF storage and query engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:184
msgid ""
"4store is a RDF/SPARQL store written in C, supporting\n"
"either single machines or networked clusters."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:226
msgid "@code{mgo} offers a rich MongoDB driver for Go."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:228
msgid ""
"@code{mgo} (pronounced as mango) is a MongoDB driver for the Go language.\n"
"It implements a rich selection of features under a simple API following\n"
"standard Go idioms."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:274
msgid "Run temporary PostgreSQL databases"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:276
msgid ""
"@code{pg_tmp} creates temporary PostgreSQL databases, suitable for tasks\n"
"like running software test suites.  Temporary databases created with\n"
"@code{pg_tmp} have a limited shared memory footprint and are automatically\n"
"garbage-collected after a configurable number of seconds (the default is\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:303
msgid "Utility for dumping and restoring ElasticSearch indexes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:305
msgid ""
"This package provides a utility for dumping the contents of an\n"
"ElasticSearch index to a compressed file and restoring the dumpfile back to an\n"
"ElasticSearch server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:330
msgid "Fast key-value storage library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:332
msgid ""
"LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library that provides an ordered\n"
"mapping from string keys to string values."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:352
msgid "In-memory caching service"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:353
msgid ""
"Memcached is an in-memory key-value store.  It has a small\n"
"and generic API, and was originally intended for use with dynamic web\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:430
msgid "C++ library for memcached"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:431
msgid ""
"libMemcached is a library to use memcached in C/C++\n"
"applications.  It comes with a complete reference guide and documentation of\n"
"the API, and provides features such as:\n"
"@item Asynchronous and synchronous transport support\n"
"@item Consistent hashing and distribution\n"
"@item Tunable hashing algorithm to match keys\n"
"@item Access to large object support\n"
"@item Local replication\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:469
msgid "Python client for memcached"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:471
msgid ""
"@code{pylibmc} is a client in Python for memcached.  It is a wrapper\n"
"around TangentOrg’s libmemcached library, and can be used as a drop-in\n"
"replacement for the code@{python-memcached} library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:606
msgid "High performance and high availability document database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:608
msgid ""
"Mongo is a high-performance, high availability, schema-free\n"
"document-oriented database.  A key goal of MongoDB is to bridge the gap\n"
"between key/value stores (which are fast and highly scalable) and traditional\n"
"RDBMS systems (which are deep in functionality)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:640
msgid "Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:642
msgid ""
"MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with\n"
"auto-completion and syntax highlighting."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:711
msgid "Fast, easy to use, and popular database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:713
msgid ""
"MySQL is a fast, reliable, and easy to use relational database\n"
"management system that supports the standardized Structured Query\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:966
msgid "SQL database server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:968
msgid ""
"MariaDB is a multi-user and multi-threaded SQL database server, designed\n"
"as a drop-in replacement of MySQL."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:991
msgid "Client library to connect to MySQL or MariaDB"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:992
msgid ""
"The MariaDB Connector/C is used to connect applications\n"
"developed in C/C++ to MariaDB and MySQL databases."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1033
msgid "Powerful object-relational database system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1035
msgid ""
"PostgreSQL is a powerful object-relational database system.  It is fully\n"
"ACID compliant, has full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and\n"
"stored procedures (in multiple languages).  It includes most SQL:2008 data\n"
"TIMESTAMP.  It also supports storage of binary large objects, including\n"
"pictures, sounds, or video."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1089
msgid "Pure-Python MySQL driver"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1091
msgid ""
"PyMySQL is a pure-Python MySQL client library, based on PEP 249.\n"
"Most public APIs are compatible with @command{mysqlclient} and MySQLdb."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1117
msgid "Key-value database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1118
msgid ""
"QDBM is a library of routines for managing a\n"
"database.  The database is a simple data file containing key-value\n"
"pairs.  Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length.\n"
"Binary data as well as character strings can be used as a key or a\n"
"value.  There is no concept of data tables or data types.  Records are\n"
"organized in a hash table or B+ tree."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1153
msgid "Manipulate plain text files as databases"
msgstr "Bearbeitung von Datenbanken in Form einfacher Textdateien"

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1155
msgid ""
"GNU Recutils is a set of tools and libraries for creating and\n"
"manipulating text-based, human-editable databases.  Despite being text-based,\n"
"databases created with Recutils carry all of the expected features such as\n"
"unique fields, primary keys, time stamps and more.  Many different field\n"
"types are supported, as is encryption."
msgstr ""
"Die GNU Recutils sind eine Sammlung von Werkzeugen und Bibliotheken zum\n"
"Erstellen und Bearbeiten textbasierter, menschenlesbarer Datenbanken. Obwohl\n"
"rein textbasiert, bieten die mit Recutils erzeugten Datenbanken alles, was Sie\n"
"von einer Datenbank erwarten, wie eindeutige Felder, Primärschlüssel,\n"
"Zeitstempel und vieles mehr. Viele verschiedene Feldtypen sowie Verschlüsselung\n"
"werden unterstützt."

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1177
msgid "Emacs mode for working with recutils database files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1178
msgid ""
"This package provides an Emacs major mode @code{rec-mode}\n"
"for working with GNU Recutils text-based, human-editable databases.  It\n"
"supports editing, navigation, and querying of recutils database files\n"
"including field and record folding."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1272
msgid "Persistent key-value store for fast storage"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1274
msgid ""
"RocksDB is a library that forms the core building block for a fast\n"
"key-value server, especially suited for storing data on flash drives.  It\n"
"has a @dfn{Log-Structured-Merge-Database} (LSM) design with flexible tradeoffs\n"
"between @dfn{Write-Amplification-Factor} (WAF), @dfn{Read-Amplification-Factor}\n"
"(RAF) and @dfn{Space-Amplification-Factor} (SAF).  It has multi-threaded\n"
"compactions, making it specially suitable for storing multiple terabytes of\n"
"data in a single database.  RocksDB is partially based on @code{LevelDB}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1335
msgid "Command-line tool for accessing SPARQL endpoints over HTTP"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1336
msgid ""
"Sparql-query is a command-line tool for accessing SPARQL\n"
"endpoints over HTTP.  It has been intentionally designed to @code{feel} similar to\n"
"tools for interrogating SQL databases.  For example, you can enter a query over\n"
"several lines, using a semi-colon at the end of a line to indicate the end of\n"
"your query.  It also supports readline so that you can more easily recall and\n"
"edit previous queries, even across sessions.  It can be used non-interactively,\n"
"for example from a shell script."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1427
msgid "Database change management tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1429
msgid ""
"Sqitch is a standalone change management system for database schemas,\n"
"which uses SQL to describe changes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1456
msgid "Text console-based database viewer and editor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1458
msgid ""
"SQLcrush lets you view and edit a database directly from the text\n"
"console through an ncurses interface.  You can explore each table's structure,\n"
"browse and edit the contents, add and delete entries, all while tracking your\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1494
msgid "Trivial database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1496
msgid ""
"TDB is a Trivial Database.  In concept, it is very much like GDBM,\n"
"and BSD's DB except that it allows multiple simultaneous writers and uses\n"
"locking internally to keep writers from trampling on each other.  TDB is also\n"
"extremely small."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1515
msgid "Database independent interface for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1516
msgid "This package provides an database interface for Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1563
msgid "Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1564
msgid ""
"An SQL to OO mapper with an object API inspired by\n"
"Class::DBI (with a compatibility layer as a springboard for porting) and a\n"
"resultset API that allows abstract encapsulation of database operations.  It\n"
"aims to make representing queries in your code as perl-ish as possible while\n"
"still providing access to as many of the capabilities of the database as\n"
"possible, including retrieving related records from multiple tables in a\n"
"single query, \"JOIN\", \"LEFT JOIN\", \"COUNT\", \"DISTINCT\", \"GROUP BY\",\n"
"\"ORDER BY\" and \"HAVING\" support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1595
msgid "Cursor with built-in caching support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1596
msgid ""
"DBIx::Class::Cursor::Cached provides a cursor class with\n"
"built-in caching support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1618
msgid "Introspect many-to-many relationships"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1619
msgid ""
"Because the many-to-many relationships are not real\n"
"relationships, they can not be introspected with DBIx::Class.  Many-to-many\n"
"relationships are actually just a collection of convenience methods installed\n"
"to bridge two relationships.  This DBIx::Class component can be used to store\n"
"all relevant information about these non-relationships so they can later be\n"
"introspected and examined."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1677
msgid "Create a DBIx::Class::Schema based on a database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1678
msgid ""
"DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader automates the definition of a\n"
"DBIx::Class::Schema by scanning database table definitions and setting up the\n"
"columns, primary keys, unique constraints and relationships."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1702
msgid "DBI PostgreSQL interface"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1703
msgid ""
"This package provides a PostgreSQL driver for the Perl5\n"
"@dfn{Database Interface} (DBI)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1740
msgid "DBI MySQL interface"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1741
msgid ""
"This package provides a MySQL driver for the Perl5\n"
"@dfn{Database Interface} (DBI)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1760
msgid "SQlite interface for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1761
msgid ""
"DBD::SQLite is a Perl DBI driver for SQLite, that includes\n"
"the entire thing in the distribution.  So in order to get a fast transaction\n"
"capable RDBMS working for your Perl project you simply have to install this\n"
"module, and nothing else."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1784
#, scheme-format
msgid "Parse and utilize MySQL's /etc/my.cnf and ~/.my.cnf files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1786
msgid ""
"@code{MySQL::Config} emulates the @code{load_defaults} function from\n"
"libmysqlclient.  It will fill an array with long options, ready to be parsed by\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1814 gnu/packages/databases.scm:1843
msgid "Generate SQL from Perl data structures"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1815
msgid ""
"This module was inspired by the excellent DBIx::Abstract.\n"
"While based on the concepts used by DBIx::Abstract, the concepts used have\n"
"been modified to make the SQL easier to generate from Perl data structures.\n"
"The underlying idea is for this module to do what you mean, based on the data\n"
"structures you provide it, so that you don't have to modify your code every\n"
"time your data changes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1845
msgid ""
"This module is nearly identical to @code{SQL::Abstract} 1.81, and exists\n"
"to preserve the ability of users to opt into the new way of doing things in\n"
"later versions according to their own schedules.\n"
"It is an abstract SQL generation module based on the concepts used by\n"
"@code{DBIx::Abstract}, with several important differences, especially when it\n"
"comes to @code{WHERE} clauses.  These concepts were modified to make the SQL\n"
"easier to generate from Perl data structures.\n"
"The underlying idea is for this module to do what you mean, based on the data\n"
"structures you provide it.  You shouldn't have to modify your code every time\n"
"your data changes, as this module figures it out."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1880
msgid "Split SQL code into atomic statements"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1881
msgid ""
"This module tries to split any SQL code, even including\n"
"non-standard extensions, into the atomic statements it is composed of."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1899
msgid "SQL tokenizer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1900
msgid ""
"SQL::Tokenizer is a tokenizer for SQL queries.  It does not\n"
"claim to be a parser or query verifier.  It just creates sane tokens from a\n"
"valid SQL query."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1918
msgid "Data source abstraction library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1919
msgid ""
"Unixodbc is a library providing an API with which to access\n"
"data sources.  Data sources include SQL Servers and any software with an ODBC\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1943
msgid "In-memory key/value and document store"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1945
msgid ""
"UnQLite is an in-process software library which implements a\n"
"self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional NoSQL\n"
"database engine.  UnQLite is a document store database similar to\n"
"MongoDB, Redis, CouchDB, etc. as well as a standard Key/Value store\n"
"similar to BerkeleyDB, LevelDB, etc."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1973
msgid "Key-value cache and store"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:1974
msgid ""
"Redis is an advanced key-value cache and store.  Redis\n"
"supports many data structures including strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted\n"
"sets, bitmaps and hyperloglogs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2001
msgid "Kyoto Cabinet is a modern implementation of the DBM database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2003
msgid ""
"Kyoto Cabinet is a standalone file-based database that supports Hash\n"
"and B+ Tree data storage models.  It is a fast key-value lightweight\n"
"database and supports many programming languages.  It is a NoSQL database."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2029
msgid "Tokyo Cabinet is a modern implementation of the DBM database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2031
msgid ""
"Tokyo Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database.\n"
"The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a\n"
"key and a value.  Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length.\n"
"Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value.\n"
"There is neither concept of data tables nor data types.  Records are\n"
"organized in hash table, B+ tree, or fixed-length array."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2067
msgid "NoSQL data engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2069
msgid ""
"WiredTiger is an extensible platform for data management.  It supports\n"
"row-oriented storage (where all columns of a row are stored together),\n"
"column-oriented storage (where columns are stored in groups, allowing for\n"
"more efficient access and storage of column subsets) and log-structured merge\n"
"trees (LSM), for sustained throughput under random insert workloads."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2120
msgid "WiredTiger bindings for GNU Guile"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2122
msgid ""
"This package provides Guile bindings to the WiredTiger ``NoSQL''\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2150
msgid "Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.x"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2152
msgid "The DB::File module provides Perl bindings to the Berkeley DB version 1.x."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2180
msgid "Lightning Memory-Mapped Database library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2182
msgid ""
"The @dfn{Lightning Memory-Mapped Database} (LMDB) is a high-performance\n"
"transactional database.  Unlike more complex relational databases, LMDB handles\n"
"only key-value pairs (stored as arbitrary byte arrays) and relies on the\n"
"underlying operating system for caching and locking, keeping the code small and\n"
"The use of ‘zero-copy’ memory-mapped files combines the persistence of classic\n"
"disk-based databases with high read performance that scales linearly over\n"
"multiple cores.  The size of each database is limited only by the size of the\n"
"virtual address space — not physical RAM."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2215
msgid "C++11 wrapper for the LMDB embedded B+ tree database library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2216
msgid ""
"@code{lmdbxx} is a comprehensive @code{C++} wrapper for the\n"
"@code{LMDB} embedded database library, offering both an error-checked\n"
"procedural interface and an object-oriented resource interface with RAII\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2248
msgid "C++ connector for PostgreSQL"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2250
msgid ""
"Libpqxx is a C++ library to enable user programs to communicate with the\n"
"PostgreSQL database back-end.  The database back-end can be local or it may be\n"
"on another machine, accessed via TCP/IP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2273
msgid "Small object-relational mapping utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2275
msgid ""
"Peewee is a simple and small ORM (object-relation mapping) tool.  Peewee\n"
"handles converting between pythonic values and those used by databases, so you\n"
"can use Python types in your code without having to worry.  It has built-in\n"
"support for sqlite, mysql and postgresql.  If you already have a database, you\n"
"can autogenerate peewee models using @code{pwiz}, a model generator."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2311
msgid "Easy async ORM for python, built with relations in mind"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2313
msgid ""
"Tortoise ORM is an easy-to-use asyncio ORM (Object Relational Mapper)\n"
"inspired by Django.  Tortoise ORM was build with relations in mind and\n"
"admiration for the excellent and popular Django ORM.  It’s engraved in its\n"
"design that you are working not with just tables, you work with relational\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2356
msgid "Library providing transparent encryption of SQLite database files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2357
msgid ""
"SQLCipher is an implementation of SQLite, extended to\n"
"provide transparent 256-bit AES encryption of database files.  Pages are\n"
"encrypted before being written to disk and are decrypted when read back.  It’s\n"
"well suited for protecting embedded application databases and for mobile\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2389 gnu/packages/databases.scm:2414
msgid "Python ODBC Library"
msgstr "ODBC-Bibliothek für Python"

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2390
msgid ""
"@code{python-pyodbc-c} provides a Python DB-API driver\n"
"for ODBC."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2415
msgid ""
"@code{python-pyodbc} provides a Python DB-API driver\n"
"for ODBC."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2447
msgid "Read Microsoft Access databases"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2448
msgid ""
"MDB Tools is a set of tools and applications to read the\n"
"proprietary MDB file format used in Microsoft's Access database package.  This\n"
"includes programs to export schema and data from Microsoft's Access database\n"
"file format to other databases such as MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, PostgreSQL,\n"
"etc., and an SQL engine for performing simple SQL queries."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2492
msgid "Python binding for the ‘Lightning’ database (LMDB)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2494
msgid ""
"python-lmdb or py-lmdb is a Python binding for the @dfn{Lightning\n"
"Memory-Mapped Database} (LMDB), a high-performance key-value store."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2531
msgid "ActiveRecord ORM for Python"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2533
msgid ""
"Orator provides a simple ActiveRecord-like Object Relational Mapping\n"
"implementation for Python."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2578
msgid "Multi-model database system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2579
msgid ""
"Virtuoso is a scalable cross-platform server that combines\n"
"relational, graph, and document data management with web application server\n"
"and web services platform functionality."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2605
msgid ""
"Cassandra Cluster Manager for Apache Cassandra clusters on\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2607
msgid ""
"Cassandra Cluster Manager is a development tool for testing\n"
"local Cassandra clusters. It creates, launches and removes Cassandra clusters\n"
"on localhost."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2633
msgid "SQLite bindings for Python"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2635
msgid ""
"Pysqlite provides SQLite bindings for Python that comply to the\n"
"Database API 2.0T."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2660
msgid "Database abstraction library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2662
msgid ""
"SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that\n"
"gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.  It\n"
"provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence patterns,\n"
"designed for efficient and high-performing database access, adapted into a\n"
"simple and Pythonic domain language."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2701
msgid "Various utility functions for SQLAlchemy"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2703
msgid ""
"SQLAlchemy-utils provides various utility functions and custom data types\n"
"for SQLAlchemy.  SQLAlchemy is an SQL database abstraction library for Python.\n"
"You might also want to install the following optional dependencies:\n"
"@item @code{python-passlib}\n"
"@item @code{python-babel}\n"
"@item @code{python-cryptography}\n"
"@item @code{python-pytz}\n"
"@item @code{python-psycopg2}\n"
"@item @code{python-furl}\n"
"@item @code{python-flask-babel}\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2753
msgid "Mock helpers for SQLAlchemy"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2755
msgid ""
"This package provides mock helpers for SQLAlchemy that makes it easy\n"
"to mock an SQLAlchemy session while preserving the ability to do asserts.\n"
"Normally Normally SQLAlchemy's expressions cannot be easily compared as\n"
"comparison on binary expression produces yet another binary expression, but\n"
"this library provides functions to facilitate such comparisons."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2788
msgid "Database migration tool for SQLAlchemy"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2790
msgid ""
"Alembic is a lightweight database migration tool for usage with the\n"
"SQLAlchemy Database Toolkit for Python."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2816
msgid "Tiny key value database with concurrency support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2818
msgid ""
"PickleShare is a small ‘shelve’-like datastore with concurrency support.\n"
"Like shelve, a PickleShareDB object acts like a normal dictionary.  Unlike\n"
"shelve, many processes can access the database simultaneously.  Changing a\n"
"value in database is immediately visible to other processes accessing the same\n"
"database.  Concurrency is possible because the values are stored in separate\n"
"files.  Hence the “database” is a directory where all files are governed by\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2870
msgid "Another Python SQLite Wrapper"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2871
msgid ""
"APSW is a Python wrapper for the SQLite\n"
"embedded relational database engine.  In contrast to other wrappers such as\n"
"pysqlite it focuses on being a minimal layer over SQLite attempting just to\n"
"translate the complete SQLite API into Python."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2896
msgid "Asyncio bridge for sqlite3"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2898
msgid ""
"The package aiosqlite replicates the standard sqlite3 module, but with\n"
"async versions of all the standard connection and cursor methods, and context\n"
"managers for automatically closing connections."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2918
msgid "Neo4j driver code written in Python"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2919
msgid ""
"This package provides the Neo4j Python driver that connects\n"
"to the database using Neo4j's binary protocol.  It aims to be minimal, while\n"
"being idiomatic to Python."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2938
msgid "Library and toolkit for working with Neo4j in Python"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2939
msgid ""
"This package provides a client library and toolkit for\n"
"working with Neo4j from within Python applications and from the command\n"
"line.  The core library has no external dependencies and has been carefully\n"
"designed to be easy and intuitive to use."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2963
msgid "Python PostgreSQL adapter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2965
msgid ""
"psycopg2 is a thread-safe PostgreSQL adapter that implements DB-API\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2990
msgid "SQLAlchemy schema displayer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:2991
msgid ""
"This package provides a program to build Entity\n"
"Relationship diagrams from a SQLAlchemy model (or directly from the\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3023
msgid "Database migrations with SQL"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3025
msgid ""
"Yoyo is a database schema migration tool.  Migrations are written as SQL\n"
"files or Python scripts that define a list of migration steps."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3046
msgid "MySQLdb is an interface to the popular MySQL database server for Python"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3047
msgid ""
"MySQLdb is an interface to the popular MySQL database server\n"
"for Python.  The design goals are:\n"
"@item Compliance with Python database API version 2.0 [PEP-0249],\n"
"@item Thread-safety,\n"
"@item Thread-friendliness (threads will not block each other).\n"
"@end enumerate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3072
msgid "Python extension that wraps protocol parsing code in hiredis"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3073
msgid ""
"Python-hiredis is a python extension that wraps protocol\n"
"parsing code in hiredis.  It primarily speeds up parsing of multi bulk replies."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3098
msgid "Fake implementation of redis API for testing purposes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3100
msgid ""
"Fakeredis is a pure-Python implementation of the redis-py Python client\n"
"that simulates talking to a redis server.  It was created for a single purpose:\n"
"to write unit tests.\n"
"Setting up redis is not hard, but one often wants to write unit tests that don't\n"
"talk to an external server such as redis.  This module can be used as a\n"
"reasonable substitute."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3129
msgid "Redis Python client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3131
msgid "This package provides a Python interface to the Redis key-value store."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3173
msgid "Simple job queues for Python"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3175
msgid ""
"RQ (Redis Queue) is a simple Python library for queueing jobs and\n"
"processing them in the background with workers.  It is backed by Redis and it\n"
"is designed to have a low barrier to entry."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3215
msgid "Job scheduling capabilities for RQ (Redis Queue)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3217
msgid ""
"This package provides job scheduling capabilities to @code{python-rq}\n"
"(Redis Queue)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3236
msgid "Port of asyncio-redis to trollius"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3237
msgid ""
"@code{trollius-redis} is a Redis client for Python\n"
"  trollius.  It is an asynchronous IO (PEP 3156) implementation of the\n"
"  Redis protocol."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3264
msgid "Non-validating SQL parser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3265
msgid ""
"Sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser for Python.  It\n"
"provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3284
msgid "Library to write SQL queries in a pythonic way"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3285
msgid ""
"@code{python-sql} is a library to write SQL queries, that\n"
"transforms idiomatic python function calls to well-formed SQL queries."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3309
msgid "SQL query builder API for Python"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3311
msgid ""
"PyPika is a python SQL query builder that exposes the full richness of\n"
"the SQL language using a syntax that reflects the resulting query."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3405
msgid "Various tools for interacting with MongoDB and BSON"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3407
msgid ""
"This package includes a collection of tools related to MongoDB.\n"
"@table @code\n"
"@item bsondump\n"
"Display BSON files in a human-readable format\n"
"@item mongoimport\n"
"Convert data from JSON, TSV or CSV and insert them into a collection\n"
"@item mongoexport\n"
"Write an existing collection to CSV or JSON format\n"
"@item mongodump/mongorestore\n"
"Dump MongoDB backups to disk in the BSON format\n"
"@item mongorestore\n"
"Read MongoDB backups in the BSON format, and restore them to a live database\n"
"@item mongostat\n"
"Monitor live MongoDB servers, replica sets, or sharded clusters\n"
"@item mongofiles\n"
"Read, write, delete, or update files in GridFS\n"
"@item mongooplog\n"
"Replay oplog entries between MongoDB servers\n"
"@item mongotop\n"
"Monitor read/write activity on a mongo server\n"
"@end table"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3544
msgid "Columnar in-memory analytics"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3545
msgid ""
"Apache Arrow is a columnar in-memory analytics layer\n"
"designed to accelerate big data.  It houses a set of canonical in-memory\n"
"representations of flat and hierarchical data along with multiple\n"
"language-bindings for structure manipulation.  It also provides IPC and common\n"
"algorithm implementations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3582
msgid "Python bindings for Apache Arrow"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3584
msgid ""
"This library provides a Pythonic API wrapper for the reference Arrow C++\n"
"implementation, along with tools for interoperability with pandas, NumPy, and\n"
"other traditional Python scientific computing packages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3606
msgid "CrateDB Python client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3608
msgid ""
"This package provides a Python client library for CrateDB.\n"
"It implements the Python DB API 2.0 specification and includes support for\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3625
msgid "Database independent abstraction layer in C"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3627
msgid ""
"This library implements a database independent abstraction layer in C,\n"
"similar to the DBI/DBD layer in Perl.  Writing one generic set of code,\n"
"programmers can leverage the power of multiple databases and multiple\n"
"simultaneous database connections by using this framework."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3692
msgid "Database drivers for the libdbi framework"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3694
msgid ""
"The @code{libdbi-drivers} library provides the database specific drivers\n"
"for the @code{libdbi} framework.\n"
"The drivers officially supported by @code{libdbi} are:\n"
"@item MySQL,\n"
"@item PostgreSQL,\n"
"@item SQLite.\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3736
msgid "C++ Database Access Library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/databases.scm:3738
msgid ""
"SOCI is an abstraction layer for several database backends, including\n"
"PostreSQL, SQLite, ODBC and MySQL."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:104
msgid "Heuristical file minimizer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:106
msgid ""
"Delta assists you in minimizing \"interesting\" files subject to a test\n"
"of their interestingness.  A common such situation is when attempting to\n"
"isolate a small failure-inducing substring of a large input that causes your\n"
"program to exhibit a bug."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:165
msgid "Reducer for interesting code"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:167
msgid ""
"C-Reduce is a tool that takes a large C or C++ program that has a\n"
"property of interest (such as triggering a compiler bug) and automatically\n"
"produces a much smaller C/C++ program that has the same property.  It is\n"
"intended for use by people who discover and report bugs in compilers and other\n"
"tools that process C/C++ code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:236
msgid "Security-oriented fuzzer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:238
msgid ""
"American fuzzy lop is a security-oriented fuzzer that employs a novel\n"
"type of compile-time instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically\n"
"discover clean, interesting test cases that trigger new internal states in the\n"
"targeted binary.  This substantially improves the functional coverage for the\n"
"fuzzed code.  The compact synthesized corpora produced by the tool are also\n"
"useful for seeding other, more labor- or resource-intensive testing regimes\n"
"down the road."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:378
msgid "Machine emulator and virtualizer (without GUI) for american fuzzy lop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:380
msgid ""
"QEMU is a generic machine emulator and virtualizer.  This package\n"
"of QEMU is used only by the american fuzzy lop package.\n"
"When used as a machine emulator, QEMU can run OSes and programs made for one\n"
"machine (e.g. an ARM board) on a different machine---e.g., your own PC.  By\n"
"using dynamic translation, it achieves very good performance.\n"
"When used as a virtualizer, QEMU achieves near native performances by\n"
"executing the guest code directly on the host CPU.  QEMU supports\n"
"virtualization when executing under the Xen hypervisor or using\n"
"the KVM kernel module in Linux.  When using KVM, QEMU can virtualize x86,\n"
"server and embedded PowerPC, and S390 guests."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:448
msgid "Expose race conditions in Makefiles"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:450
msgid ""
"Stress Make is a customized GNU Make that explicitly manages the order\n"
"in which concurrent jobs are run to provoke erroneous behavior into becoming\n"
"manifest.  It can run jobs in the order in which they're launched, in backwards\n"
"order, or in random order.  The thought is that if code builds correctly with\n"
"Stress Make, then it is likely that the @code{Makefile} contains no race\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:477
msgid "Transparent application input fuzzer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:478
msgid ""
"Zzuf is a transparent application input fuzzer.  It works by\n"
"intercepting file operations and changing random bits in the program's\n"
"input.  Zzuf's behaviour is deterministic, making it easy to reproduce bugs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:531
msgid "Memory scanner"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:532
msgid ""
"Scanmem is a debugging utility designed to isolate the\n"
"address of an arbitrary variable in an executing process.  Scanmem simply\n"
"needs to be told the pid of the process and the value of the variable at\n"
"several different times.  After several scans of the process, scanmem isolates\n"
"the position of the variable and allows you to modify its value."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:562
msgid ""
"Remake is an enhanced version of GNU Make that adds improved\n"
"error reporting, better tracing, profiling, and a debugger."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:620
msgid "Record and reply debugging framework"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:622
msgid ""
"rr is a lightweight tool for recording, replaying and debugging\n"
"execution of applications (trees of processes and threads).  Debugging extends\n"
"GDB with very efficient reverse-execution, which in combination with standard\n"
"GDB/x86 features like hardware data watchpoints, makes debugging much more\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:649
msgid "C library for producing symbolic backtraces"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:650
msgid ""
"The @code{libbacktrace} library can be linked into a C/C++\n"
"program to produce symbolic backtraces."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:690
msgid "Memory leaks detection tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:691
msgid ""
"The libleak tool detects memory leaks by hooking memory\n"
"functions such as @code{malloc}.  It comes as a shared object to be pre-loaded\n"
"via @code{LD_PRELOAD} when launching the application.  It prints the full call\n"
"stack at suspicious memory leak points.  Modifying or recompiling the target\n"
"program is not required, and the detection can be enabled or disabled while\n"
"the target application is running.  The overhead incurred by libleak is\n"
"smaller than that of other tools such as Valgrind, and it aims to be easier to\n"
"use than similar tools like @command{mtrace}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:726
msgid "Debugging tool for MSP430 MCUs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/debug.scm:727
msgid ""
"MspDebug supports FET430UIF, eZ430, RF2500 and Olimex\n"
"MSP430-JTAG-TINY programmers, as well as many other compatible\n"
"devices.  It can be used as a proxy for gdb or as an independent\n"
"debugger with support for programming, disassembly and reverse\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/dejagnu.scm:78
msgid "GNU software testing framework"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/dejagnu.scm:80
msgid ""
"DejaGnu is a framework for testing software.  In effect, it serves as\n"
"a front-end for all tests written for a program.  Thus, each program can have\n"
"multiple test suites, which are then all managed by a single harness."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:263
msgid "Scrolling, platform-jumping, ancient pyramid exploring game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:265
msgid ""
"Abe's Amazing Adventure is a scrolling,\n"
"platform-jumping, key-collecting, ancient pyramid exploring game, vaguely in\n"
"the style of similar games for the Commodore+4."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:333
msgid "Action game in four spatial dimensions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:335
msgid ""
"Adanaxis is a fast-moving first person shooter set in deep space, where\n"
"the fundamentals of space itself are changed.  By adding another dimension to\n"
"space this game provides an environment with movement in four directions and\n"
"six planes of rotation.  Initially the game explains the 4D control system via\n"
"a graphical sequence, before moving on to 30 levels of gameplay with numerous\n"
"enemy, ally, weapon and mission types.  Features include simulated 4D texturing,\n"
"mouse and joystick control, and original music."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:377
msgid "Retro platform game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:379
msgid ""
"Guide Alex the Allegator through the jungle in order to save his\n"
"girlfriend Lola from evil humans who want to make a pair of shoes out of her.\n"
"Plenty of classic platforming in four nice colors guaranteed!\n"
"The game includes a built-in editor so you can design and share your own maps."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:408
msgid "Tron clone in 3D"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:409
msgid ""
"Armagetron Advanced is a multiplayer game in 3d that\n"
"attempts to emulate and expand on the lightcycle sequence from the movie Tron.\n"
"It's an old school arcade game slung into the 21st century.  Highlights\n"
"include a customizable playing arena, HUD, unique graphics, and AI bots.  For\n"
"the more advanced player there are new game modes and a wide variety of\n"
"physics settings to tweak as well."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:465
msgid "3D space shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilities"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:467
msgid ""
"Space is a vast area, an unbounded territory where it seems there is\n"
"a room for everybody, but reversal of fortune put things differently.  The\n"
"hordes of hostile creatures crawled out from the dark corners of the universe,\n"
"craving to conquer your homeland.  Their force is compelling, their legions\n"
"are interminable.  However, humans didn't give up without a final showdown and\n"
"put their best pilot to fight back.  These malicious invaders chose the wrong\n"
"galaxy to conquer and you are to prove it!  Go ahead and make alien aggressors\n"
"regret their insolence."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:533
msgid "Antagonistic Tetris-style falling brick game for text terminals"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:535
msgid ""
"Bastet (short for Bastard Tetris) is a simple ncurses-based falling brick\n"
"game.  Unlike normal Tetris, Bastet does not choose the next brick at random.\n"
"Instead, it uses a special algorithm to choose the worst brick possible.\n"
"Playing bastet can be a painful experience, especially if you usually make\n"
"canyons and wait for the long I-shaped block to clear four rows at a time."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:581
msgid "Platform action game featuring a blob with a lot of weapons"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:582
msgid ""
"Blobwars: Metal Blob Solid is a 2D platform game, the first\n"
"in the Blobwars series.  You take on the role of a fearless Blob agent.  Your\n"
"mission is to infiltrate various enemy bases and rescue as many MIAs as\n"
"possible, while battling many vicious aliens."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:675
msgid "Collection of the old text-based games and amusements"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:677
msgid ""
"These are the BSD games.  See the fortune-mod package for fortunes.\n"
"Action: atc (keep the airplanes safe), hack (explore the dangerous Dungeon),\n"
"hunt (kill the others for the Pair of Boots, multi-player only), robots (avoid\n"
"the evil robots), sail (game of naval warfare with wooden ships), snake (steal\n"
"the $$ from the cave, anger the snake, and get out alive), tetris (game of\n"
"lining up the falling bricks of different shapes), and worm (eat, grow big,\n"
"and neither bite your tail, nor ram the wall).\n"
"Amusements: banner (prints a large banner), bcd & morse & ppt (print a punch\n"
"card, or paper tape, or Morse codes), caesar & rot13 (ciphers and deciphers\n"
"the input), factor (factorizes a number), number (translates numbers into\n"
"text), pig (translates from English to Pig Latin), pom (should print the\n"
"Moon's phase), primes (generates primes), rain & worms (plays an screen-saver\n"
"in terminal), random (prints randomly choosen lines from files, or returns a\n"
"random exit-code), and wtf (explains what do some acronyms mean).\n"
"Board: backgammon (lead the men out of board faster than the friend do),\n"
"boggle (find the words in the square of letters), dab (game of dots and\n"
"boxes), gomoku (game of five in a row), hangman (guess a word before man is\n"
"hanged), and monop (game of monopoly, hot-seat only).  Also the card-games:\n"
"canfield, cribbage, fish (juniors game), and mille.\n"
"Quests: adventure (search for treasures with the help of wizard),\n"
"battlestar (explore the world around, starting from dying spaceship),\n"
"phantasia (role-play as an rogue), trek (hunt the Klingons, and save the\n"
"Federation), and wump (hunt the big smelly Wumpus in a dark cave).\n"
"Quizes: arithmetic, and quiz."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:770
msgid "3D first person tank battle game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:772
msgid ""
"BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that\n"
"allows users to play against each other in a network environment.\n"
"There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue tanks\n"
"are black).  Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while\n"
"being destroyed or destroying a teammate scores a loss.  Rogues have\n"
"no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates\n"
"and they do not have a team score.\n"
"There are two main styles of play: capture-the-flag and free-for-all.\n"
"In capture-the-flag, each team (except rogues) has a team base and\n"
"each team with at least one player has a team flag.  The object is to\n"
"capture an enemy team's flag by bringing it to your team's base.  This\n"
"destroys every player on the captured team, subtracts one from that\n"
"team's score, and adds one to your team's score.  In free-for-all,\n"
"there are no team flags or team bases.  The object is simply to get as\n"
"high a score as possible."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:844
msgid "Survival horror roguelike video game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:846
msgid ""
"Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (or \"DDA\" for short) is a roguelike set\n"
"in a post-apocalyptic world.  Struggle to survive in a harsh, persistent,\n"
"procedurally generated world.  Scavenge the remnants of a dead civilization\n"
"for food, equipment, or, if you are lucky, a vehicle with a full tank of gas\n"
"to get you out of Dodge.  Fight to defeat or escape from a wide variety of\n"
"powerful monstrosities, from zombies to giant insects to killer robots and\n"
"things far stranger and deadlier, and against the others like yourself, that\n"
"want what you have."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:902
msgid "Implementation of the @i{Theme Hospital} game engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:904
msgid ""
"This package provides a reimplementation of the 1997 Bullfrog business\n"
"simulation game @i{Theme Hospital}.  As well as faithfully recreating the\n"
"original engine, CorsixTH adds support for high resolutions, custom levels and\n"
"more.  This package does @emph{not} provide the game assets."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:945
msgid "Speaking cow text filter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:946
msgid ""
"Cowsay is basically a text filter.  Send some text into it,\n"
"and you get a cow saying your text.  If you think a talking cow isn't enough,\n"
"cows can think too: all you have to do is run @command{cowthink}.  If you're\n"
"tired of cows, a variety of other ASCII-art messengers are available."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:986
msgid "Rainbow coloring effect for text console display"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:987
msgid ""
"@command{lolcat} concatenates files and streams like\n"
"regular @command{cat}, but it also adds terminal escape codes between\n"
"characters and lines resulting in a rainbow effect."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1101
msgid "3D billiard game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1102
msgid ""
"FooBillard++ is an advanced 3D OpenGL billiard game\n"
"based on the original foobillard 3.0a sources from Florian Berger.\n"
"You can play it with one or two players or against the computer.\n"
"The game features:\n"
"@item Wood paneled table with gold covers and gold diamonds.\n"
"@item Reflections on balls.\n"
"@item Zoom in and out, rotation, different angles and bird's eye view.\n"
"@item Different game modes: 8 or 9-ball, Snooker or Carambole.\n"
"@item Tournaments.  Compete against other players.\n"
"@item Animated cue with strength and eccentric hit adjustment.\n"
"@item Jump shots and snipping.\n"
"@item Realistic gameplay and billiard sounds.\n"
"@item Red-Green stereo.\n"
"@item And much more.\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1163
msgid "Free content game based on the Doom engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1172
msgid ""
"The Freedoom project aims to create a complete free content first person\n"
"shooter game.  Freedoom by itself is just the raw material for a game: it must\n"
"be paired with a compatible game engine (such as @code{prboom-plus}) to be\n"
"played.  Freedoom complements the Doom engine with free levels, artwork, sound\n"
"effects and music to make a completely free game."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1220
msgid "Isometric role-playing game against killer robots"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1222
msgid ""
"Freedroid RPG is an @dfn{RPG} (Role-Playing Game) with isometric graphics.\n"
"The game tells the story of a world destroyed by a conflict between robots and\n"
"their human masters.  To restore peace to humankind, the player must complete\n"
"numerous quests while fighting off rebelling robots---either by taking control\n"
"of them, or by simply blasting them to pieces with melee and ranged weapons in\n"
"real-time combat."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1299
msgid "Software for exploring cellular automata"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1301
msgid ""
"Golly simulates Conway's Game of Life and many other types of cellular\n"
"automata.  The following features are available:\n"
"@item Support for bounded and unbounded universes, with cells of up to 256\n"
"  states.\n"
"@item Support for multiple algorithms, including Bill Gosper's Hashlife\n"
"  algorithm.\n"
"@item Loading patterns from BMP, PNG, GIF and TIFF image files.\n"
"@item Reading RLE, macrocell, Life 1.05/1.06, dblife and MCell files.\n"
"@item Scriptable via Lua or Python.\n"
"@item Extracting patterns, rules and scripts from zip files.\n"
"@item Downloading patterns, rules and scripts from online archives.\n"
"@item Pasting patterns from the clipboard.\n"
"@item Unlimited undo/redo.\n"
"@item Configurable keyboard shortcuts.\n"
"@item Auto fit option to keep patterns within the view.\n"
"@end enumerate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1346
msgid "Re-implementation of Caesar III game engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1348
msgid ""
"Engine for Caesar III, a city-building real-time strategy game.\n"
"Julius includes some UI enhancements while preserving the logic (including\n"
"bugs) of the original game, so that saved games are compatible.  This package\n"
"does not include game data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1380
msgid "Re-implementation of Caesar III game engine with gameplay changes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1382
msgid ""
"Fork of Julius, an engine for the a city-building real-time strategy\n"
"game Caesar III.  Gameplay enhancements include:\n"
"@item roadblocks;\n"
"@item market special orders;\n"
"@item global labour pool;\n"
"@item partial warehouse storage;\n"
"@item increased game limits;\n"
"@item zoom controls.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1420
msgid "Puzzle/platform game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1421
msgid ""
"Me and My Shadow is a puzzle/platform game in which you try\n"
"to reach the exit by solving puzzles.  Spikes, moving blocks, fragile blocks\n"
"and much more stand between you and the exit.  Record your moves and let your\n"
"shadow mimic them to reach blocks you couldn't reach alone."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1479
msgid "2D retro side-scrolling game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1480
msgid ""
"@code{Open Surge} is a 2D retro side-scrolling platformer\n"
"inspired by the Sonic games.  The player runs at high speeds through each\n"
"level while collecting items and avoiding obstacles.  The game includes a\n"
"built-in level editor."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1525
msgid "Multiplayer dungeon game involving knights and quests"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1526
msgid ""
"Knights is a multiplayer game involving several knights who\n"
"must run around a dungeon and complete various quests.  Each game revolves\n"
"around a quest – for example, you might have to find some items and carry them\n"
"back to your starting point.  This may sound easy, but as there are only\n"
"enough items in the dungeon for one player to win, you may end up having to\n"
"kill your opponents to get their stuff!  Other quests involve escaping from\n"
"the dungeon, fighting a duel to the death against the enemy knights, or\n"
"destroying an ancient book using a special wand."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1572
msgid "Chess board for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1573
msgid ""
"GNOME Chess provides a 2D board for playing chess games\n"
"against human or computer players.  It supports loading and saving games in\n"
"Portable Game Notation.  To play against a computer, install a chess engine\n"
"such as chess or stockfish."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1627
msgid "Backgammon game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1628
msgid ""
"The GNU backgammon application (also known as \"gnubg\") can\n"
"be used for playing, analyzing and teaching the game.  It has an advanced\n"
"evaluation engine based on artificial neural networks suitable for both\n"
"beginners and advanced players.  In addition to a command-line interface, it\n"
"also features an attractive, 3D representation of the playing board."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1667
msgid "3d Rubik's cube game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1669
msgid ""
"GNUbik is a puzzle game in which you must manipulate a cube to make\n"
"each of its faces have a uniform color.  The game is customizable, allowing\n"
"you to set the size of the cube (the default is 3x3) or to change the colors.\n"
"You may even apply photos to the faces instead of colors.  The game is\n"
"scriptable with Guile."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1691
msgid "The game of Shogi (Japanese chess)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1692
msgid ""
"GNU Shogi is a program that plays the game Shogi (Japanese\n"
"Chess).  It is similar to standard chess but this variant is far more complicated."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1723
msgid "Tetris clone based on the SDL library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1725
msgid ""
"LTris is a tetris clone: differently shaped blocks are falling down the\n"
"rectangular playing field and can be moved sideways or rotated by 90 degree\n"
"units with the aim of building lines without gaps which then disappear (causing\n"
"any block above the deleted line to fall down).  LTris has three game modes: In\n"
"Classic you play until the stack of blocks reaches the top of the playing field\n"
"and no new blocks can enter.  In Figures the playing field is reset to a new\n"
"figure each level and later on tiles and lines suddenly appear.  In Multiplayer\n"
"up to three players (either human or CPU) compete with each other sending\n"
"removed lines to all opponents.  There is also a Demo mode in which you can\n"
"watch your CPU playing while enjoying a cup of tea!"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1849
msgid "Classic dungeon crawl game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1850
msgid ""
"NetHack is a single player dungeon exploration game that runs\n"
"on a wide variety of computer systems, with a variety of graphical and text\n"
"interfaces all using the same game engine.  Unlike many other Dungeons &\n"
"Dragons-inspired games, the emphasis in NetHack is on discovering the detail of\n"
"the dungeon and not simply killing everything in sight - in fact, killing\n"
"everything in sight is a good way to die quickly.  Each game presents a\n"
"different landscape - the random number generator provides an essentially\n"
"unlimited number of variations of the dungeon and its denizens to be discovered\n"
"by the player in one of a number of characters: you can pick your race, your\n"
"role, and your gender."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1894
msgid "Logical tile puzzle"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1896
msgid ""
"PipeWalker is a simple puzzle game with many diffent themes: connect all\n"
"computers to one network server, bring water from a source to the taps, etc.\n"
"The underlying mechanism is always the same: you must turn each tile in the\n"
"grid in the right direction to combine all components into a single circuit.\n"
"Every puzzle has a complete solution, although there may be more than one."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1944
msgid "Version of the classic 3D shoot'em'up game Doom"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1946
msgid "PrBoom+ is a Doom source port developed from the original PrBoom project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1994
msgid "Action platformer game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:1996
msgid ""
"ReTux is an action platformer loosely inspired by the Mario games,\n"
"utilizing the art assets from the @code{SuperTux} project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2105
msgid "A classical roguelike/sandbox game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2107
msgid ""
"RogueBox Adventures is a graphical roguelike with strong influences\n"
"from sandbox games like Minecraft or Terraria.  The main idea of RogueBox\n"
"Adventures is to offer the player a kind of roguelike toy-world.  This world\n"
"can be explored and changed freely."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2218
msgid "Help Barbie the seahorse float on bubbles to the moon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2220
msgid ""
"Barbie Seahorse Adventures is a retro style platform arcade game.\n"
"You are Barbie the seahorse who travels through the jungle, up to the\n"
"volcano until you float on bubbles to the moon.  On the way to your\n"
"final destination you will encounter various enemies, servants of the\n"
"evil overlord who has stolen the galaxy crystal.  Avoid getting hit\n"
"and defeat them with your bubbles!"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2299
msgid "Fast-paced local multiplayer arcade game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2300
msgid ""
"In SuperStarfighter, up to four local players compete in a\n"
"2D arena with fast-moving ships and missiles.  Different game types are\n"
"available, as well as a single-player mode with AI-controlled ships."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2400
msgid "UFO: AI map generator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2402
msgid ""
"This package provides @command{ufo2map}, a program used to generate\n"
"maps for the UFO: Alien Invasion strategy game."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2442
msgid "UFO: AI data files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2444
msgid "This package contains maps and other assets for UFO: Alien Invasion."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2529
msgid "Turn-based tactical strategy game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2531
msgid ""
"UFO: Alien Invasion is a tactical strategy game set in the year 2084.\n"
"You control a secret organisation charged with defending Earth from a brutal\n"
"alien enemy.  Build up your bases, prepare your team, and dive head-first into\n"
"the fast and flowing turn-based combat.\n"
"Over the long term you will need to conduct research into the alien threat to\n"
"figure out their mysterious goals and use their powerful weapons for your own\n"
"ends.  You will produce unique items and use them in combat against your\n"
"You can also use them against your friends with the multiplayer functionality.\n"
"Warning: This is a pre-release version of UFO: AI!  Some things may not work\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2568
msgid "User interface for gnushogi"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2569
msgid "A graphical user interface for the package @code{gnushogi}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2621
msgid "GNU/Linux port of the indie game \"l'Abbaye des Morts\""
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2622
msgid ""
"L'Abbaye des Morts is a 2D platform game set in 13th century\n"
"France.  The Cathars, who preach about good Christian beliefs, were being\n"
"expelled by the Catholic Church out of the Languedoc region in France.  One of\n"
"them, called Jean Raymond, found an old church in which to hide, not knowing\n"
"that beneath its ruins lay buried an ancient evil."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2674
msgid "Dungeon exploration roguelike"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2675
msgid ""
"Angband is a Classic dungeon exploration roguelike.  Explore\n"
"the depths below Angband, seeking riches, fighting monsters, and preparing to\n"
"fight Morgoth, the Lord of Darkness."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2722
msgid "Lemmings clone"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2724
msgid ""
"Pingus is a free Lemmings-like puzzle game in which the player takes\n"
"command of a bunch of small animals and has to guide them through levels.\n"
"Since the animals walk on their own, the player can only influence them by\n"
"giving them commands, like build a bridge, dig a hole, or redirect all animals\n"
"in the other direction.  Multiple such commands are necessary to reach the\n"
"level's exit.  The game is presented in a 2D side view."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2746
msgid "Convert English text to humorous dialects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2747
msgid ""
"The GNU Talk Filters are programs that convert English text\n"
"into stereotyped or otherwise humorous dialects.  The filters are provided as\n"
"a C library, so they can easily be integrated into other programs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2791
msgid "Shoot'em up fangame and libre clone of Touhou Project"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2793
msgid ""
"The player controls a character (one of three: Good, Bad, and Dead),\n"
"dodges the missiles (lots of it cover the screen, but the character's hitbox\n"
"is very small), and shoot at the adversaries that keep appear on the screen."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2836
msgid "Simulate the display from \"The Matrix\""
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2837
msgid ""
"CMatrix simulates the display from \"The Matrix\" and is\n"
"based on the screensaver from the movie's website.  It works with terminal\n"
"settings up to 132x300 and can scroll lines all at the same rate or\n"
"asynchronously and at a user-defined speed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2857
msgid "Full chess implementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2858
msgid ""
"GNU Chess is a chess engine.  It allows you to compete\n"
"against the computer in a game of chess, either through the default terminal\n"
"interface or via an external visual interface such as GNU XBoard."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2918
msgid "Twisted adventures of young pig farmer Dink Smallwood"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2920
msgid ""
"GNU FreeDink is a free and portable re-implementation of the engine\n"
"for the role-playing game Dink Smallwood.  It supports not only the original\n"
"game data files but it also supports user-produced game mods or \"D-Mods\".\n"
"To that extent, it also includes a front-end for managing all of your D-Mods."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2946
msgid "Game data for GNU Freedink"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2948
msgid "This package contains the game data of GNU Freedink."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2971
msgid "Front-end for managing and playing Dink Modules"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:2972
msgid ""
"DFArc makes it easy to play and manage the GNU FreeDink game\n"
"and its numerous D-Mods."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3024
msgid "Graphical user interface for chess programs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3025
msgid ""
"GNU XBoard is a graphical board for all varieties of chess,\n"
"including international chess, xiangqi (Chinese chess), shogi (Japanese chess)\n"
"and Makruk.  Several lesser-known variants are also supported.  It presents a\n"
"fully interactive graphical interface and it can load and save games in the\n"
"Portable Game Notation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3059
msgid "Typing tutor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3061
msgid ""
"GNU Typist is a universal typing tutor.  It can be used to learn and\n"
"practice touch-typing.  Several tutorials are included; in addition to\n"
"tutorials for the standard QWERTY layout, there are also tutorials for the\n"
"alternative layouts Dvorak and Colemak, as well as for the numpad.  Tutorials\n"
"are primarily in English, however some in other languages are provided."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3127
msgid "3D game engine written in C++"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3129
msgid ""
"The Irrlicht Engine is a high performance realtime 3D engine written in\n"
"C++.  Features include an OpenGL renderer, extensible materials, scene graph\n"
"management, character animation, particle and other special effects, support\n"
"for common mesh file formats, and collision detection."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3181
msgid "2D space shooter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3183
msgid ""
"M.A.R.S. is a 2D space shooter with pretty visual effects and\n"
"attractive physics.  Players can battle each other or computer controlled\n"
"enemies in different game modes such as space ball, death match, team death\n"
"match, cannon keep, and grave-itation pit."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3247
msgid "Infinite-world block sandbox game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3249
msgid ""
"Minetest is a sandbox construction game.  Players can create and destroy\n"
"various types of blocks in a three-dimensional open world.  This allows\n"
"forming structures in every possible creation, on multiplayer servers or as a\n"
"single player.  Mods and texture packs allow players to personalize the game\n"
"in different ways."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3285
msgid "Main game data for the Minetest game engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3287
msgid "Game data for the Minetest infinite-world block sandbox game."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3308
msgid "Minecraft clone based on Minetest engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3310
msgid ""
"MineClone is a Minetest subgame, that aims to recreate Minecraft as\n"
"closely as the engine allows."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3346
msgid "Curses Implementation of the Glk API"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3348
msgid ""
"Glk defines a portable API for applications with text UIs.  It was\n"
"primarily designed for interactive fiction, but it should be suitable for many\n"
"interactive text utilities, particularly those based on a command line.\n"
"This is an implementation of the Glk library which runs in a terminal window,\n"
"using the @code{curses.h} library for screen control."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3386
msgid "Interpreter for Glulx VM"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3388
msgid ""
"Glulx is a 32-bit portable virtual machine intended for writing and\n"
"playing interactive fiction.  It was designed by Andrew Plotkin to relieve\n"
"some of the restrictions in the venerable Z-machine format.  This is the\n"
"reference interpreter, using the Glk API."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3414
msgid "Cross platform GUI library specifically for games"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3416
msgid ""
"Fifechan is a lightweight cross platform GUI library written in C++\n"
"specifically designed for games.  It has a built in set of extendable GUI\n"
"Widgets, and allows users to create more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3510
msgid "FIFE is a multi-platform isometric game engine written in C++"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3512
msgid ""
"@acronym{FIFE, Flexible Isometric Free Engine} is a multi-platform\n"
"isometric game engine.  Python bindings are included allowing users to create\n"
"games using Python as well as C++."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3545
msgid "Z-machine interpreter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3547
msgid ""
"Fizmo is a console-based Z-machine interpreter.  It is used to play\n"
"interactive fiction, also known as text adventures, which were implemented\n"
"either by Infocom or created using the Inform compiler."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3565
msgid "Play the game of Go"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3567
msgid ""
"GNU Go is a program that plays the game of Go, in which players\n"
"place stones on a grid to form territory or capture other stones.  While\n"
"it can be played directly from the terminal, rendered in ASCII characters,\n"
"it is also possible to play GNU Go with 3rd party graphical interfaces or\n"
"even in Emacs.  It supports the standard game storage format (SGF, Smart\n"
"Game Format) and inter-process communication format (GMP, Go Modem\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3595
msgid "High-speed arctic racing game based on Tux Racer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3597
msgid ""
"Extreme Tux Racer, or etracer as it is called for short, is\n"
"a simple OpenGL racing game featuring Tux, the Linux mascot.  The goal of the\n"
"game is to slide down a snow- and ice-covered mountain as quickly as possible,\n"
"avoiding the trees and rocks that will slow you down.\n"
"Collect herrings and other goodies while sliding down the hill, but avoid fish\n"
"This game is based on the GPL version of the famous game TuxRacer."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3667
msgid "3D kart racing game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3668
msgid ""
"SuperTuxKart is a 3D kart racing game, with a focus on\n"
"having fun over realism.  You can play with up to 4 friends on one PC, racing\n"
"against each other or just trying to beat the computer; single-player mode is\n"
"also available."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3743
msgid "Isometric realtime strategy, economy and city building simulation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3745
msgid ""
"Unknown Horizons is a 2D realtime strategy simulation with an emphasis\n"
"on economy and city building.  Expand your small settlement to a strong and\n"
"wealthy colony, collect taxes and supply your inhabitants with valuable\n"
"goods.  Increase your power with a well balanced economy and with strategic\n"
"trade and diplomacy."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3800
msgid "Game of jumping to the next floor, trying not to fall"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3802
msgid ""
"GNUjump is a simple, yet addictive game in which you must jump from\n"
"platform to platform to avoid falling, while the platforms drop at faster rates\n"
"the higher you go.  The game features multiplayer, unlimited FPS, smooth floor\n"
"falling, themeable graphics and sounds, and replays."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3836
msgid "Turn-based strategy game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3838
msgid ""
"The Battle for Wesnoth is a fantasy, turn based tactical strategy game,\n"
"with several single player campaigns, and multiplayer games (both networked and\n"
"Battle for control on a range of maps, using variety of units which have\n"
"advantages and disadvantages against different types of attacks.  Units gain\n"
"experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the\n"
"next campaign."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3860
msgid "Dedicated @emph{Battle for Wesnoth} server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3861
msgid ""
"This package contains a dedicated server for @emph{The\n"
"Battle for Wesnoth}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3902
msgid "Mouse and keyboard discovery for children"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3904
msgid ""
"Gamine is a game designed for young children who are learning to use the\n"
"mouse and keyboard.  The child uses the mouse to draw colored dots and lines\n"
"on the screen and keyboard to display letters."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3937
msgid "Client for 'The Mana World' and similar games"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3939
msgid ""
"ManaPlus is a 2D MMORPG client for game servers.  It is the only\n"
"fully supported client for @uref{http://www.themanaworld.org, The mana\n"
"world}, @uref{http://evolonline.org, Evol Online} and\n"
"@uref{http://landoffire.org, Land of fire}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3990
msgid "Transportation economics simulator game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:3991
msgid ""
"OpenTTD is a game in which you transport goods and\n"
"passengers by land, water and air.  It is a re-implementation of Transport\n"
"Tycoon Deluxe with many enhancements including multiplayer mode,\n"
"internationalization support, conditional orders and the ability to clone,\n"
"autoreplace and autoupdate vehicles.  This package only includes the game\n"
"engine.  When you start it you will be prompted to download a graphics set."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4049
msgid "Base graphics set for OpenTTD"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4051
msgid ""
"The OpenGFX project is an implementation of the OpenTTD base graphics\n"
"set that aims to ensure the best possible out-of-the-box experience.\n"
"OpenGFX provides you with...\n"
"@item All graphics you need to enjoy OpenTTD.\n"
"@item Uniquely drawn rail vehicles for every climate.\n"
"@item Completely snow-aware rivers.\n"
"@item Different river and sea water.\n"
"@item Snow-aware buoys.\n"
"@end enumerate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4096
msgid "Base sounds for OpenTTD"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4097
msgid ""
"OpenSFX is a set of free base sounds for OpenTTD which make\n"
"it possible to play OpenTTD without requiring the proprietary sound files from\n"
"the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4134
msgid "Music set for OpenTTD"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4135
msgid ""
"OpenMSX is a music set for OpenTTD which makes it possible\n"
"to play OpenTTD without requiring the proprietary music from the original\n"
"Transport Tycoon Deluxe."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4204
msgid "Title sequences for OpenRCT2"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4206
msgid "openrct2-title-sequences is a set of title sequences for OpenRCT2."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4244
msgid "Objects for OpenRCT2"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4246
msgid "openrct2-objects is a set of objects for OpenRCT2."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4306
msgid "Free software re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4307
msgid ""
"OpenRCT2 is a free software re-implementation of\n"
"RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 (RCT2).  The gameplay revolves around building and\n"
"maintaining an amusement park containing attractions, shops and facilities.\n"
"Note that this package does @emph{not} provide the game assets (sounds,\n"
"images, etc.)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4349
msgid "Pinball simulator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4350
msgid ""
"The Emilia Pinball Project is a pinball simulator.  There\n"
"are only two levels to play with, but they are very addictive."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4373
msgid "Board game inspired by The Settlers of Catan"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4374
msgid ""
"Pioneers is an emulation of the board game The Settlers of\n"
"Catan.  It can be played on a local network, on the internet, and with AI\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4415 gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4879
msgid "Logic puzzle game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4416
msgid ""
"The goal of this logic game is to open all cards in a 6x6\n"
"grid, using a number of hints as to their relative position.  The game idea\n"
"is attributed to Albert Einstein."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4444
msgid "MUD and telnet client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4446
msgid ""
"POWWOW is a client software which can be used for telnet as well as for\n"
"@dfn{Multi-User Dungeon} (MUD).  Additionally it can serve as a nice client for\n"
"the chat server psyced with the specific config located at\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4556
msgid "Arena shooter derived from the Cube 2 engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4558
msgid ""
"Red Eclipse is an arena shooter, created from the Cube2 engine.\n"
"Offering an innovative parkour system and distinct but all potent weapons,\n"
"Red Eclipse provides fast paced and accessible gameplay."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4621
msgid "Text adventure game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4623
msgid ""
"Grue Hunter is a text adventure game written in Perl.  You must make\n"
"your way through an underground cave system in search of the Grue.  Can you\n"
"capture it and get out alive?"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4665
msgid "Old-school earthworm action game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4667
msgid ""
"lierolibre is an earthworm action game where you fight another player\n"
"(or the computer) underground using a wide array of weapons.\n"
"@item 2 worms, 40 weapons, great playability, two game modes: Kill'em All\n"
"and Game of Tag, plus AI-players without true intelligence!\n"
"@item Dat nostalgia.\n"
"@item Extensions via a hidden F1 menu:\n"
"@item Replays\n"
"@item Game controller support\n"
"@item Powerlevel palettes\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"@item Ability to write game variables to plain text files.\n"
"@item Ability to load game variables from both EXE and plain text files.\n"
"@item Scripts to extract and repack graphics, sounds and levels.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"To switch between different window sizes, use F6, F7 and F8, to switch to\n"
"fullscreen, use F5 or Alt+Enter."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4745
msgid "Play tennis against the computer or a friend"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4746
msgid ""
"Tennix is a 2D tennis game.  You can play against the\n"
"computer or against another player using the keyboard.  The game runs\n"
"in-window at 640x480 resolution or fullscreen."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4826
msgid "3D Real-time strategy and real-time tactics game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4828
msgid ""
"Warzone 2100 offers campaign, multi-player, and single-player skirmish\n"
"modes.  An extensive tech tree with over 400 different technologies, combined\n"
"with the unit design system, allows for a wide variety of possible units and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4902
msgid "Fantasy real-time strategy game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4904
msgid ""
"In Widelands, you are the regent of a small clan.  You start out with\n"
"nothing but your headquarters, where all your resources are stored.\n"
"In the course of the game, you will build an ever growing settlement.  Every\n"
"member of your clan will do his or her part to produce more resources---wood,\n"
"food, iron, gold and more---to further this growth.  The economic network is\n"
"complex and different in the four tribes (Barbarians, Empire, Atlanteans, and\n"
"As you are not alone in the world, you will meet other clans sooner or later.\n"
"Some of them may be friendly and you may eventually trade with them.  However,\n"
"if you want to rule the world, you will have to train soldiers and fight.\n"
"Widelands offers single-player mode with different campaigns; the campaigns\n"
"all tell stories of tribes and their struggle in the Widelands universe!\n"
"However, settling really starts when you unite with friends over the Internet\n"
"or LAN to build up new empires together---or to crush each other in the dusts\n"
"of war.  Widelands also offers an Artificial Intelligence to challenge you."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4952
msgid "2D scrolling shooter game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4954
msgid ""
"In the year 2579, the intergalactic weapons corporation, WEAPCO, has\n"
"dominated the galaxy.  Guide Chris Bainfield and his friend Sid Wilson on\n"
"their quest to liberate the galaxy from the clutches of WEAPCO.  Along the\n"
"way, you will encounter new foes, make new allies, and assist local rebels\n"
"in strikes against the evil corporation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4985
msgid "Fast-paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:4987
msgid ""
"In this game you are the captain of the cargo ship Chromium B.S.U. and\n"
"are responsible for delivering supplies to the troops on the front line.  Your\n"
"ship has a small fleet of robotic fighters which you control from the relative\n"
"safety of the Chromium vessel."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5069
msgid "Drawing software for children"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5071
msgid ""
"Tux Paint is a free drawing program designed for young children (kids\n"
"ages 3 and up).  It has a simple, easy-to-use interface; fun sound effects;\n"
"and an encouraging cartoon mascot who helps guide children as they use the\n"
"program.  It provides a blank canvas and a variety of drawing tools to help\n"
"your child be creative."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5110
msgid "Stamp images for Tux Paint"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5112
msgid ""
"This package contains a set of \"Rubber Stamp\" images which can be used\n"
"with the \"Stamp\" tool within Tux Paint."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5159
msgid "Configure Tux Paint"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5161
msgid "Tux Paint Config is a graphical configuration editor for Tux Paint."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5211
msgid "2D platformer game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5212
msgid ""
"SuperTux is a classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in\n"
"a style similar to the original Super Mario games."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5245
msgid "MUD client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5247
msgid ""
"TinTin++ is a MUD client which supports MCCP (Mud Client Compression\n"
"Protocol), MMCP (Mud Master Chat Protocol), xterm 256 colors, most TELNET\n"
"options used by MUDs, as well as those required to login via telnet on\n"
"Linux / Mac OS X servers, and an auto mapper with a VT100 map display."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5292
msgid "Programming game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5293
msgid ""
"Learn programming, playing with ants and spider webs ;-)\n"
"Your robot ant can be programmed in many languages: OCaml, Python, C, C++,\n"
"Java, Ruby, Lua, JavaScript, Pascal, Perl, Scheme, Vala, Prolog.  Experienced\n"
"programmers may also add their own favorite language."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5331
msgid "Keyboard mashing and doodling game for babies"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5332
msgid ""
"Bambam is a simple baby keyboard (and gamepad) masher\n"
"application that locks the keyboard and mouse and instead displays bright\n"
"colors, pictures, and sounds."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5396
msgid "Arcade-style fire fighting game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5398
msgid ""
"Mr. Rescue is an arcade styled 2d action game centered around evacuating\n"
"civilians from burning buildings.  The game features fast-paced fire\n"
"extinguishing action, intense boss battles, a catchy soundtrack, and lots of\n"
"throwing people around in pseudo-randomly generated buildings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5508
msgid "Non-euclidean graphical rogue-like game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5510
msgid ""
"HyperRogue is a game in which the player collects treasures and fights\n"
"monsters -- rogue-like but for the fact that it is played on the hyperbolic\n"
"plane and not in euclidean space.\n"
"In HyperRogue, the player can move through different parts of the world, which\n"
"are home to particular creatures and may be subject to their own rules of\n"
"While the game can use ASCII characters to display the the classical rogue\n"
"symbols, it still needs graphics to render the non-euclidean world."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5555
msgid "Shooter with space station destruction"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5557
msgid ""
"Kobo Deluxe is an enhanced version of Akira Higuchi's XKobo graphical game\n"
"for Un*x systems with X11."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5588
msgid "Turn-based empire building strategy game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5589
msgid ""
"Freeciv is a turn-based empire building strategy game\n"
"inspired by the history of human civilization.  The game commences in\n"
"prehistory and your mission is to lead your tribe from the Stone Age\n"
"into the Space Age."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5620
msgid "Recreation of data decryption effect in \"Sneakers\""
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5622
msgid ""
"@code{No More Secrets} provides a command line tool called \"nms\"\n"
"that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen on screen in the 1992\n"
"movie \"Sneakers\".\n"
"This command works on piped data.  Pipe any ASCII or UTF-8 text to nms, and\n"
"it will apply the hollywood effect, initially showing encrypted data, then\n"
"starting a decryption sequence to reveal the original plaintext characters."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5649
msgid "Data files for MegaGlest"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5650
msgid "This package contains the data files required for MegaGlest."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5703
msgid "3D real-time strategy (RTS) game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5704
msgid ""
"MegaGlest is a cross-platform 3D real-time strategy (RTS)\n"
"game, where you control the armies of one of seven different factions: Tech,\n"
"Magic, Egypt, Indians, Norsemen, Persian or Romans."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5755
msgid "Side-scrolling physics platformer with a ball of tar"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5756
msgid ""
"In FreeGish you control Gish, a ball of tar who lives\n"
"happily with his girlfriend Brea, until one day a mysterious dark creature\n"
"emerges from a sewer hole and pulls her below ground."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5795
msgid "Classic overhead run-and-gun game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5796
msgid ""
"C-Dogs SDL is a classic overhead run-and-gun game,\n"
"supporting up to 4 players in co-op and deathmatch modes.  Customize your\n"
"player, choose from many weapons, and blast, slide and slash your way through\n"
"over 100 user-created campaigns."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5896
msgid "3D puzzle game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:5897
msgid ""
"Kiki the nano bot is a 3D puzzle game.  It is basically a\n"
"mixture of the games Sokoban and Kula-World.  Your task is to help Kiki, a\n"
"small robot living in the nano world, repair its maker."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6008
msgid "2D retro multiplayer shooter game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6009
msgid ""
"Teeworlds is an online multiplayer game.  Battle with up to\n"
"16 players in a variety of game modes, including Team Deathmatch and Capture\n"
"The Flag.  You can even design your own maps!"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6070
msgid "Puzzle game with a dexterity component"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6071
msgid ""
"Enigma is a puzzle game with 550 unique levels.  The object\n"
"of the game is to find and uncover pairs of identically colored ‘Oxyd’ stones.\n"
"Simple?  Yes.  Easy?  Certainly not!  Hidden traps, vast mazes, laser beams,\n"
"and most of all, countless hairy puzzles usually block your direct way to the\n"
"Oxyd stones.  Enigma’s game objects (and there are hundreds of them, lest you\n"
"get bored) interact in many unexpected ways, and since many of them follow the\n"
"laws of physics (Enigma’s special laws of physics, that is), controlling them\n"
"with the mouse isn’t always trivial."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6105
msgid "Abstract puzzle game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6106
msgid ""
"Chroma is an abstract puzzle game. A variety of colourful\n"
"shapes are arranged in a series of increasingly complex patterns, forming\n"
"fiendish traps that must be disarmed and mysterious puzzles that must be\n"
"manipulated in order to give up their subtle secrets.  Initially so\n"
"straightforward that anyone can pick it up and begin to play, yet gradually\n"
"becoming difficult enough to tax even the brightest of minds."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6175
msgid "Puzzle game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6176
msgid ""
"Fish Fillets NG is strictly a puzzle game.  The goal in\n"
"every of the seventy levels is always the same: find a safe way out.  The fish\n"
"utter witty remarks about their surroundings, the various inhabitants of their\n"
"underwater realm quarrel among themselves or comment on the efforts of your\n"
"fish.  The whole game is accompanied by quiet, comforting music."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6259
msgid "Roguelike dungeon crawler game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6260
msgid ""
"Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (also known as \"Crawl\" or DCSS\n"
"for short) is a roguelike adventure through dungeons filled with dangerous\n"
"monsters in a quest to find the mystifyingly fabulous Orb of Zot."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6306
msgid "Graphical roguelike dungeon crawler game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6336
msgid "Cross-platform third-person action game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6337
msgid ""
"Lugaru is a third-person action game.  The main character,\n"
"Turner, is an anthropomorphic rebel bunny rabbit with impressive combat skills.\n"
"In his quest to find those responsible for slaughtering his village, he uncovers\n"
"a far-reaching conspiracy involving the corrupt leaders of the rabbit republic\n"
"and the starving wolves from a nearby den.  Turner takes it upon himself to\n"
"fight against their plot and save his fellow rabbits from slavery."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6387
msgid "Data files for 0ad"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6388
msgid "0ad-data provides the data files required by the game 0ad."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6506
msgid "3D real-time strategy game of ancient warfare"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6507
msgid ""
"0 A.D. is a real-time strategy (RTS) game of ancient\n"
"warfare.  It's a historically-based war/economy game that allows players to\n"
"relive or rewrite the history of twelve ancient civilizations, each depicted\n"
"at their peak of economic growth and military prowess.\n"
"0ad needs a window manager that supports 'Extended Window Manager Hints'."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6582
msgid "Colossal Cave Adventure"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6583
msgid ""
"The original Colossal Cave Adventure from 1976 was the\n"
"origin of all text adventures, dungeon-crawl (computer) games, and\n"
"computer-hosted roleplaying games.  This is the last version released by\n"
"Crowther & Woods, its original authors, in 1995.  It has been known as\n"
"\"adventure 2.5\" and \"430-point adventure\"."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6594
msgid "Single-player, RPG roguelike game set in the world of Eyal"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6702
msgid ""
"Tales of Maj’Eyal (ToME) RPG, featuring tactical turn-based\n"
"combat and advanced character building.  Play as one of many unique races and\n"
"classes in the lore-filled world of Eyal, exploring random dungeons, facing\n"
"challenging battles, and developing characters with your own tailored mix of\n"
"abilities and powers.  With a modern graphical and customisable interface,\n"
"intuitive mouse control, streamlined mechanics and deep, challenging combat,\n"
"Tales of Maj’Eyal offers engaging roguelike gameplay for the 21st century."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6747
msgid "First person shooter engine for Quake 1"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6748
msgid ""
"Quakespasm is a modern engine for id software's Quake 1.\n"
"It includes support for 64 bit CPUs, custom music playback, a new sound driver,\n"
"some graphical niceities, and numerous bug-fixes and other improvements."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6806
msgid ""
"vkquake is a modern engine for id software's Quake 1.\n"
"It includes support for 64 bit CPUs, custom music playback, a new sound driver,\n"
"some graphical niceities, and numerous bug-fixes and other improvements."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6857
msgid "First person shooter engine based on quake2"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6858
msgid ""
"Yamagi Quake II is an enhanced client for id Software's Quake II.\n"
"The main focus is an unchanged single player experience like back in 1997,\n"
"thus the gameplay and the graphics are unaltered.  However the user may use one\n"
"of the unofficial retexturing packs.  In comparison with the official client,\n"
"over 1000 bugs were fixed and an extensive code audit done,\n"
"making Yamagi Quake II one of the most solid Quake II implementations available."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6886
msgid "Sudoku for your terminal"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6887
msgid "Nudoku is a ncurses-based Sudoku game for your terminal."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6933
msgid "Realistic physics puzzle game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6934
msgid ""
"The Butterfly Effect (tbe) is a game that uses\n"
"realistic physics simulations to combine lots of simple mechanical\n"
"elements to achieve a simple goal in the most complex way possible."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6977
msgid "Game of lonely space adventure"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:6979
msgid ""
"Pioneer is a space adventure game set in our galaxy at the turn of the\n"
"31st century.  The game is open-ended, and you are free to eke out whatever\n"
"kind of space-faring existence you can think of.  Look for fame or fortune by\n"
"exploring the millions of star systems.  Turn to a life of crime as a pirate,\n"
"smuggler or bounty hunter.  Forge and break alliances with the various\n"
"factions fighting for power, freedom or self-determination.  The universe is\n"
"whatever you make of it."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7006
msgid "Hacking contribution graphs in git"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7008
msgid ""
"Badass generates false commits for a range of dates, essentially\n"
"hacking the gamification of contribution graphs on platforms such as\n"
"Github or Gitlab."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7081
msgid "Educational programming strategy game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7082
msgid ""
"Colobot: Gold Edition is a real-time strategy game, where\n"
"you can program your units (bots) in a language called CBOT, which is similar\n"
"to C++ and Java.  Your mission is to find a new planet to live and survive.\n"
"You can save humanity and get programming skills!"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7174
msgid "Modern Doom 2 source port"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7175
msgid ""
"GZdoom is a port of the Doom 2 game engine, with a modern\n"
"renderer.  It improves modding support with ZDoom's advanced mapping features\n"
"and the new ZScript language.  In addition to Doom, it supports Heretic, Hexen,\n"
"Strife, Chex Quest, and fan-created games like Harmony, Hacx and Freedoom."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7210
msgid "Multiplayer Doom port"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7211
msgid ""
"Odamex is a modification of the Doom engine that\n"
"allows players to easily join servers dedicated to playing Doom\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7236
msgid ""
"Doom source port preserving the look, feel, and bugs of vanilla\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7239
msgid ""
"Chocolate Doom takes a different approach to other source ports.  Its\n"
"aim is to accurately reproduce the experience of playing Vanilla Doom.  It is\n"
"a conservative, historically accurate Doom source port, which is compatible\n"
"with the thousands of mods and levels that were made before the Doom source\n"
"code was released.  Rather than flashy new graphics, Chocolate Doom's main\n"
"features are its accurate reproduction of the game as it was played in the\n"
"1990s.  The project is developed around a carefully-considered philosophy that\n"
"intentionally restricts which features may be added (and rejects any that\n"
"affect gameplay)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7275
msgid ""
"Limit-removing enhanced-resolution Doom source port based on\n"
"Chocolate Doom"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7278
msgid ""
"Crispy Doom is a friendly fork of Chocolate Doom that provides a higher\n"
"display resolution, removes the static limits of the Doom engine and offers\n"
"further optional visual, tactical and physical enhancements while remaining\n"
"entirely config file, savegame, netplay and demo compatible with the\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7350
msgid "C11 / gnu11 utilities C library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7351
msgid "This package provides C11 / gnu11 utilities C library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7408
msgid "The Fortune Cookie program from BSD games"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7409
msgid ""
"Fortune is a command-line utility which displays a random\n"
"quotation from a collection of quotes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7449
msgid "Data files for Xonotic"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7451
msgid "Xonotic-data provides the data files required by the game Xonotic."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7645
msgid "Fast-paced first-person shooter game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7647
msgid ""
"Xonotic is a free, fast-paced first-person shooter.\n"
"The project is geared towards providing addictive arena shooter\n"
"gameplay which is all spawned and driven by the community itself.\n"
"Xonotic is a direct successor of the Nexuiz project with years of\n"
"development between them, and it aims to become the best possible\n"
"open-source FPS of its kind."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7697
msgid "Portable Z-machine interpreter (ncurses version) for text adventure games"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7698
msgid ""
"Frotz is an interpreter for Infocom games and other Z-machine\n"
"games in the text adventure/interactive fiction genre.  This version of Frotz\n"
"complies with standard 1.0 of Graham Nelson's specification.  It plays all\n"
"Z-code games V1-V8, including V6, with sound support through libao, and uses\n"
"ncurses for text display."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7739
msgid "Portable Z-machine dumb interpreter for text adventure games"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7740
msgid ""
"Frotz is an interpreter for Infocom games and\n"
"other Z-machine games in the text adventure/interactive fiction genre.\n"
"dfrotz is the dumb interface version.  You get no screen control; everything\n"
"is just printed to the terminal line by line.  The terminal handles all the\n"
"scrolling.  Maybe you'd like to experience what it's like to play Adventure on\n"
"a teletype.  A much cooler use for compiling Frotz with the dumb interface is\n"
"that it can be wrapped in CGI scripting, PHP, and the like to allow people\n"
"to play games on webpages.  It can also be made into a chat bot."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7803
msgid "Portable Z-machine interpreter (SDL port) for text adventure games"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7804
msgid ""
"Frotz is an interpreter for Infocom games and other Z-machine\n"
"games in the text adventure/interactive fiction genre.  This version of Frotz\n"
"using SDL fully supports all these versions of the Z-Machine including the\n"
"graphical version 6.  Graphics and sound are created through the use of the SDL\n"
"libraries.  AIFF sound effects and music in MOD and OGG formats are supported\n"
"when packaged in Blorb container files or optionally from individual files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7896
msgid "Puzzle with bubbles"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7898
msgid ""
"Frozen-Bubble is a clone of the popular Puzzle Bobble game, in which\n"
"you attempt to shoot bubbles into groups of the same color to cause them to\n"
"Players compete as penguins and must use the arrow keys to aim a colored\n"
"bubble at groups of bubbles.  The objective is to clear all the bubbles off\n"
"the screen before a bubble passes below a line at the bottom.\n"
"It features 100 single-player levels, a two-player mode, music and striking\n"
"graphics.  A level editor is also included to allow players to create and play\n"
"their own levels."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7933
msgid "Game controller library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7934
msgid ""
"Libmanette is a small GObject library giving you simple\n"
"access to game controllers.  It supports the de-facto standard gamepads as\n"
"defined by the W3C standard Gamepad specification or as implemented by the SDL\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7980
msgid "GNOME version of Tetris"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:7981
msgid ""
"Quadrapassel comes from the classic falling-block game,\n"
"Tetris.  The goal of the game is to create complete horizontal lines of\n"
"blocks, which will disappear.  The blocks come in seven different shapes made\n"
"from four blocks each: one straight, two L-shaped, one square, and two\n"
"S-shaped.  The blocks fall from the top center of the screen in a random\n"
"order.  You rotate the blocks and move them across the screen to drop them in\n"
"complete lines.  You score by dropping blocks fast and completing lines.  As\n"
"your score gets higher, you level up and the blocks fall faster."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8034
msgid "2D space trading and combat game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8035
msgid ""
"Endless Sky is a 2D space trading and combat game.  Explore\n"
"other star systems.  Earn money by trading, carrying passengers, or completing\n"
"missions.  Use your earnings to buy a better ship or to upgrade the weapons and\n"
"engines on your current one.  Blow up pirates.  Take sides in a civil war.  Or\n"
"leave human space behind and hope to find friendly aliens whose culture is more\n"
"civilized than your own."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8184
msgid "Advanced rhythm game designed for both home and arcade use"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8185
msgid ""
"StepMania is a dance and rhythm game.  It features 3D\n"
"graphics, keyboard and dance pad support, and an editor for creating your own\n"
"This package provides the core application, but no song is shipped.  You need\n"
"to download and install them in @file{$HOME/.stepmania-X.Y/Songs} directory."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8270
msgid "Multiplayer tank battle game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8271
msgid ""
"Battle Tanks (also known as \"btanks\") is a funny battle\n"
"game, where you can choose one of three vehicles and eliminate your enemy\n"
"using the whole arsenal of weapons.  It has original cartoon-like graphics and\n"
"cool music, it’s fun and dynamic, it has several network modes for deathmatch\n"
"and cooperative."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8301
msgid "Simple 2D shooting strategy game set in space"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8302
msgid ""
"Slingshot is a two-dimensional strategy game where two\n"
"players attempt to shoot one another through a section of space populated by\n"
"planets.  The main feature of the game is that the shots, once fired, are\n"
"affected by the gravity of the planets."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8349
msgid "4D Tetris"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8350
msgid ""
"4D-TRIS is an alteration of the well-known Tetris game.  The\n"
"game field is extended to 4D space, which has to filled up by the gamer with\n"
"4D hyper cubes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8426
msgid "Port of Arx Fatalis, a first-person role-playing game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8427
msgid ""
"Arx Libertatis is a cross-platform port of Arx Fatalis, a 2002\n"
"first-person role-playing game / dungeon crawler developed by Arkane Studios.\n"
"This port however does not include the game data, so you need to obtain a copy\n"
"of the original Arx Fatalis or its demo to play Arx Libertatis.  Arx Fatalis\n"
"features crafting, melee and ranged combat, as well as a unique casting system\n"
"where the player draws runes in real time to effect the desired spell."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8473
msgid "2d action platformer game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8474
msgid ""
"The Legend of Edgar is a 2D platform game with a persistent world.\n"
"When Edgar's father fails to return home after venturing out one dark and stormy night,\n"
"Edgar fears the worst: he has been captured by the evil sorcerer who lives in\n"
"a fortress beyond the forbidden swamp."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8575
msgid "Multiplayer action game where you control small and nimble humanoids"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8576
msgid ""
"OpenClonk is a multiplayer action/tactics/skill game.  It is\n"
"often referred to as a mixture of The Settlers and Worms.  In a simple 2D\n"
"antfarm-style landscape, the player controls a crew of Clonks, small but\n"
"robust humanoid beings.  The game encourages free play but the normal goal is\n"
"to either exploit valuable resources from the earth by building a mine or\n"
"fight each other on an arena-like map."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8607
msgid "Action Roleplaying Engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8608
msgid ""
"Flare (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) is a simple\n"
"game engine built to handle a very specific kind of game: single-player 2D\n"
"action RPGs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8672
msgid "Fantasy action RPG using the FLARE engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8673
msgid ""
"Flare is a single-player 2D action RPG with\n"
"fast-paced action and a dark fantasy style."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8724
msgid "Action-adventure dungeon crawl game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8725
msgid ""
"Far below the surface of the planet is a place of limitless\n"
"power.  Those that seek to control such a utopia will soon bring an end to\n"
"themselves.  Seeking an end to the troubles that plague him, PSI user Merit\n"
"journeys into the hallowed Orcus Dome in search of answers.\n"
"Meritous is a action-adventure game with simple controls but a challenge to\n"
"find a balance of power versus recovery time during real-time battles.  Set in\n"
"a procedurally generated world, the player can explore thousands of rooms in\n"
"search of powerful artifacts, tools to help them, and to eventually free the\n"
"Orcus Dome from evil."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8788
msgid "Guide a marble across fractal landscapes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8789
msgid ""
"Marble Marcher is a video game that uses a fractal physics\n"
"engine and fully procedural rendering to produce beautiful and unique\n"
"gameplay.  The game is played on the surface of evolving fractals.  The goal\n"
"of the game is to get your marble to the flag as quickly as possible.  But be\n"
"careful not to fall off the level or get crushed by the fractal!  There are 24\n"
"levels to unlock."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8830
msgid "Libraries for 3D simulations and games"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8831
msgid ""
"SimGear is a set of libraries designed to be used as\n"
"building blocks for quickly assembling 3D simulations, games, and\n"
"visualization applications.  SimGear is developed by the FlightGear project\n"
"and also provides the base for the FlightGear Flight Simulator."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8923
msgid "Flight simulator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8924
msgid ""
"The goal of the FlightGear project is to create a\n"
"sophisticated flight simulator framework for use in research or academic\n"
"environments, pilot training, as an industry engineering tool, for DIY-ers to\n"
"pursue their favorite interesting flight simulation idea, and last but\n"
"certainly not least as a fun, realistic, and challenging desktop flight\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8970
msgid "Multiplayer platform game with bunnies"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:8971
msgid ""
"You, as a bunny, have to jump on your opponents to make them\n"
"explode.  It is a true multiplayer game; you cannot play this alone.  You can\n"
"play with up to four players simultaneously.  It has network support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9032
msgid "Turn-based artillery game featuring fighting hedgehogs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9034
msgid ""
"Hedgewars is a turn based strategy, artillery, action and comedy game,\n"
"featuring the antics of pink hedgehogs with attitude as they battle from the\n"
"depths of hell to the depths of space.\n"
"As commander, it's your job to assemble your crack team of hedgehog soldiers\n"
"and bring the war to your enemy."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9066
msgid "Stealth coffee-break roguelike game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9067
msgid ""
"Harmonist: Dayoriah Clan Infiltration is a stealth\n"
"coffee-break roguelike game.  The game has a heavy focus on tactical\n"
"positioning, light and noise mechanisms, making use of various terrain types\n"
"and cones of view for monsters.  Aiming for a replayable streamlined experience,\n"
"the game avoids complex inventory management and character building, relying\n"
"on items and player adaptability for character progression."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9198 gnu/packages/games.scm:9381
msgid "Classic 2D point and click adventure game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9199
msgid ""
"Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back is a classic humorous 2D\n"
"point and click adventure game.\n"
"In Drascula you play the role of John Hacker, a British estate agent, that\n"
"gets to meet a gorgeous blond girl who is kidnapped by the notorious vampire\n"
"Count Drascula and embark on a fun yet dangerous quest to rescue her.\n"
"Unfortunately, Hacker is not aware of Drascula's real ambitions: DOMINATING\n"
"the World and demonstrating that he is even more evil than his brother Vlad."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9279
msgid "2D point and click fantasy adventure game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9281
msgid ""
"Lure of the Temptress is a classic 2D point and click adventure game.\n"
"You are Diermot, an unwilling hero who'd prefer a quiet life, and are, to all\n"
"intents and purposes, a good man.  After decades of unrest the King has united\n"
"the warring factions in his kingdom and all his lands are at peace, except\n"
"a remote region around a town called Turnvale.  A revolt has recently taken\n"
"place in Turnvale, a revolt orchestrated by an apprentice sorceress called\n"
"Selena, the titular temptress.  The king calls together his finest horsemen\n"
"and heads off (with you in tow) to Turnvale just to witness how hellish\n"
"mercenary monsters called Skorl are invading the town.\n"
"The king's men are defeated, the king is killed and you fall of your horse and\n"
"bang your head heavily on the ground.  You have been *unconscious for a while\n"
"when you realize that you are in a dingy cell guarded by a not so friendly\n"
"Skorl.  Maybe it would be an idea to try and escape..."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9382
msgid ""
"Flight of the Amazon Queen is a 2D point-and-click\n"
"adventure game set in the 1940s.\n"
"You assume the role of Joe King, a pilot for hire who is given the job\n"
"of flying Faye Russell (a famous movie star) into the Amazon jungle\n"
"for a photo shoot.  Of course, things never go according to plans.\n"
"After an unfortunate turn of events they find themselves stranded in\n"
"the heart of the Amazon jungle, where Joe will embark on a quest to\n"
"rescue a kidnapped princess and in the process, discover the true\n"
"sinister intentions of a suspiciously located Lederhosen company.  In\n"
"a rich 2D environment, Joe will cross paths with a variety of unlikely\n"
"jungle inhabitants including, but not limited to, a tribe of Amazon\n"
"women and 6-foot-tall pygmies."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9482
msgid "Classic 2D point and click science-fiction adventure game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9484
msgid ""
"Beneath a Steel Sky is a science-fiction thriller set in a bleak\n"
"post-apocalyptic vision of the future.  It revolves around Union City,\n"
"where selfishness, rivalry, and corruption by its citizens seems to be\n"
"all too common, those who can afford it live underground, away from\n"
"the pollution and social problems which are plaguing the city.\n"
"You take on the role of Robert Foster, an outcast of sorts from the\n"
"city since a boy who was raised in a remote environment outside of\n"
"Union City simply termed ``the gap''.  Robert's mother took him away\n"
"from Union City as a child on their way to ``Hobart'' but the\n"
"helicopter crashed on its way.  Unfortunately, Robert's mother died,\n"
"but he survived and was left to be raised by a local tribe from the\n"
"Years later, Union City security drops by and abducts Robert, killing\n"
"his tribe in the process; upon reaching the city the helicopter taking\n"
"him there crashes with him escaping, high upon a tower block in the\n"
"middle of the city.  He sets out to discover the truth about his past,\n"
"and to seek vengeance for the killing of his tribe."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9545
msgid "Program a little robot and watch it explore a world"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9547
msgid ""
"GNU Robots is a game in which you program a robot to explore a world\n"
"full of enemies that can hurt it, obstacles and food to be eaten.  The goal of\n"
"the game is to stay alive and collect prizes.  The robot program conveniently\n"
"may be written in a plain text file in the Scheme programming language."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9616
msgid "Toy train simulation game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9617
msgid ""
"Ri-li is a game in which you drive a wooden toy\n"
"steam locomotive across many levels and collect all the coaches to\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9671
msgid "Turn-based space empire and galactic conquest computer game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9673
msgid ""
"FreeOrion is a turn-based space empire and galactic conquest (4X)\n"
"computer game being designed and built by the FreeOrion project.  Control an\n"
"empire with the goal of exploring the galaxy, expanding your territory,\n"
"exploiting the resources, and exterminating rival alien empires.  FreeOrion is\n"
"inspired by the tradition of the Master of Orion games, but is not a clone or\n"
"remake of that series or any other game."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9727
msgid "Program playing the game of Go"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9729
msgid ""
"Leela-zero is a Go engine with no human-provided knowledge, modeled after\n"
"the AlphaGo Zero paper.  The current best network weights file for the engine\n"
"can be downloaded from @url{https://zero.sjeng.org/best-network}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9802
msgid "Qt GUI to play the game of Go"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9804
msgid ""
"This a tool for Go players which performs the following functions:\n"
"@item SGF editor,\n"
"@item Analysis frontend for Leela Zero (or compatible engines),\n"
"@item GTP interface (to play against an engine),\n"
"@item IGS client (to play on the internet),\n"
"@item Export games to a variety of formats.\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9846
msgid "Stamp drawing toy"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9847
msgid ""
"KTuberling is a drawing toy intended for small children and\n"
"adults who remain young at heart.  The game has no winner; the only purpose is\n"
"to make the funniest faces you can.  Several activities are possible, e.g.:\n"
"@item Give the potato a funny face, clothes, and other goodies\n"
"@item Build a small town, complete with school, zoo, and fire department\n"
"@item Create a fantastic moonscape with spaceships and aliens\n"
"@item Top a pizza\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"KTuberling can speak the name of each the object in several languages,\n"
"to assist in learning basic vocabulary.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9893
msgid "Number logic game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9894
msgid ""
"Picmi is a number logic game in which cells in a grid have\n"
"to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the\n"
"grid.  The aim is to reveal a hidden picture.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9931
msgid "Miniature golf game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9932
msgid ""
"Kolf is a miniature golf game for one to ten players.  The\n"
"game is played from an overhead view, with a short bar representing the golf\n"
"club.  Kolf features many different types of objects, such as water hazards,\n"
"slopes, sand traps, and black holes (warps), among others.\n"
"Features are:\n"
"@item Single and Multi-player (up to ten players) modes\n"
"@item High scores table\n"
"@item Dynamic courses\n"
"@item Third-party courses\n"
"@item Course editor\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9975
msgid "Shared library for kmahjongg and kshisen"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:9976
msgid ""
"Shared library and common files for kmahjongg, kshisen and\n"
"other Mah Jongg like games."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10009
msgid "Tile laying patience"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10010
msgid ""
"In KMahjongg the tiles are scrambled and staked on top of\n"
"each other to resemble a certain shape.  The player is then expected to remove\n"
"all the tiles off the game board by locating each tile's matching pair.\n"
"A variety of tile layouts are included, as well as an editor to create new\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10051
msgid "Shisen-Sho solitaire game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10052
msgid ""
"KShisen is a solitaire-like game played using the standard\n"
"set of Mahjong tiles.  Unlike Mahjong however, KShisen has only one layer of\n"
"scrambled tiles\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10089
msgid "Classical Mah Jongg game for 4 players"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10090
msgid ""
"Kajongg is the ancient Chinese board game for 4 players.\n"
"If you are looking for the Mah Jongg solitaire please use the application\n"
"Kajongg can be used in two different ways: Scoring a manual game where you\n"
"play as always and use Kajongg for the computation of scores and for\n"
"bookkeeping.  Or you can use Kajongg to play against any combination of other\n"
"human players or computer players.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10132
msgid "Breakout like game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10133
msgid ""
"KBreakout is similar to the classics breakout and xboing,\n"
"featuring a number of added graphical enhancements and effects.  You control a\n"
"paddle at the bottom of the playing-field, and must destroy bricks at the top\n"
"by bouncing balls against them.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10171
msgid "Classical mine sweeper game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10172
msgid ""
"KMines is a classic Minesweeper game.  The idea is to\n"
"uncover all the squares without blowing up any mines.  When a mine is blown\n"
"up, the game is over.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10209
msgid "Simple turn-based strategy game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10210
msgid ""
"Konquest is the KDE version of Gnu-Lactic Konquest.  Players\n"
"conquer other planets by sending ships to them.  The goal is to build an\n"
"interstellar empire and ultimately conquer all other player's planets.  The\n"
"game can be played with up to nine empires, commanded either by the computer\n"
"or by puny earthlings.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10249
msgid "Jezzball arcade game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10250
msgid ""
"KBounce is a single player arcade game with the elements of\n"
"puzzle.  It is played on a field, surrounded by wall, with two or more balls\n"
"bouncing around within the walls.  The object of the game is to build new\n"
"walls to decrease the size of the active field.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10288
msgid "Single player falling blocks puzzle game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10289
msgid ""
"KBlocks is the classic Tetris-like falling blocks game.\n"
"The idea is to stack the falling blocks to create horizontal lines without any\n"
"gaps.  When a line is completed it is removed, and more space is available in\n"
"the play area.  When there is not enough space for blocks to fall, the game is\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10332
msgid "Sudoku puzzle game and solver"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10333
msgid ""
"KSudoku is a Sudoku game and solver, supporting a range of\n"
"2D and 3D Sudoku variants.  In addition to playing Sudoku, it can print Sudoku\n"
"puzzle sheets and find the solution to any Sudoku puzzle.\n"
"The word Sudoku means \"single number in an allotted place\" in Japanese.\n"
"These are the basic rules: Every Sudoku is a square divided into 3x3\n"
"subsquares with 3x3 cells each.\n"
"Some cells are filled with a number at the beginning.  The remaining ones are\n"
"to be filled by the player using numbers from 1 to 9, without repeating a\n"
"number twice on each column, row or subsquare (each of them must contain only\n"
"one 1, one 2, one 3, and so on).  The game requires logic and patience.\n"
"Solving takes usually 10 to 30 minutes, depending on puzzle level, your skill\n"
"and experience.\n"
"The numerals in Sudoku puzzles are used for convenience (for example in 16x16\n"
"board we use letters): arithmetic relationships between numbers are\n"
"This program supports also 16x16 games with numbers from 1 to 16 and 256\n"
"cells with 16 cols, rows and subsquares!\n"
"More information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10388
msgid "Place 5 equal pieces together, but wait, there are 3 new ones"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10389
msgid ""
"KLines is a simple but highly addictive one player game.\n"
"The player has to move the colored balls around the game board, gathering them\n"
"into the lines of the same color by five.  Once the line is complete it is\n"
"removed from the board, therefore freeing precious space.  In the same time\n"
"the new balls keep arriving by three after each move, filling up the game\n"
"KLines is a single-player game where the player removes colored balls from the\n"
"board by arranging them into lines of five or more.  However, every time the\n"
"player moves a ball, three more balls are added to the board.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10432
msgid "Action and puzzle solving game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10433
msgid ""
"KGoldrunner is an action game where the hero runs through a\n"
"maze, climbs stairs, dig holes and dodges enemies in order to collect all the\n"
"gold nuggets and escape to the next level.  Your enemies are also after the\n"
"gold.  Worse still, they are after you!.\n"
"KGoldrunner is a fast-paced platform game where the player must navigate a\n"
"maze while collecting gold nuggets and avoiding enemies.  A variety of level\n"
"packs are included, as well as an editor to create new levels.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10476
msgid "Three-in-a-row game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10477
msgid ""
"KDiamond is a three-in-a-row game like Bejeweled.  It\n"
"features unlimited fun with randomly generated games and five difficulty\n"
"levels with varying number of diamond colors and board sizes.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10514
msgid "Place 4 pieces in a row"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10515
msgid ""
"KFourInLine is a board game for two players based on the\n"
"Connect-Four game.\n"
"KFourInLine is a game where two players take turns dropping pieces into a\n"
"grid, the winner being the first to place four pieces in a line.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10554
msgid "Find atoms in a grid by shooting electrons"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10555
msgid ""
"KBlackbox is a game of hide and seek played on a grid of\n"
"boxes where the computer has hidden several balls.  The position of the hidden\n"
"balls can be deduced by shooting beams into the box\n"
"KBlackBox is a game of hide and seek played on an grid of boxes, where the\n"
"player shoots rays into the grid to deduce the positions of hidden objects.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10595
msgid "Turn the board pieces to get all computers connected"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10596
msgid ""
"KNetWalk is a small game where you have to build up a\n"
"computer network by rotating the wires to connect the terminals to the server.\n"
"When the network is build, a highscore-list comes up where competitions can be\n"
"fought out.\n"
"KNetwalk is a puzzle game where the player arranges sections of wire to\n"
"connect all the computers on the board.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10634
msgid "Arcade bombing game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10635
msgid ""
"Bomber is a single player arcade game.\n"
"The player is invading various cities in a plane that is decreasing in height.\n"
"The goal of the game is to destroy all the buildings and advance to the next\n"
"level.  Each level gets a bit harder by increasing the speed of the plane and\n"
"the height of the buildings.\n"
"Bomber is a game where you fly a spaceship and attempt to bomb the buildings\n"
"below you.  Each pass the spaceship makes, it gets lower and lower.  If you've\n"
"not destroyed a building in your path, you will crash into it.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10680
msgid "Bomberman clone"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10681
msgid ""
"Granatier is a clone of the classic Bomberman game,\n"
"inspired by the work of the Clanbomber clone.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10718
msgid ""
"Computerized version of the well known strategy board game\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10720
msgid ""
"KsirK is a multi-player network-enabled game.  The goal of\n"
"the game is simply to conquer the world by attacking your neighbors with your\n"
"At the beginning of the game, countries are distributed to all the players.\n"
"Each country contains one army represented by an infantryman.  Each player has\n"
"some armies to distribute to his countries.  On each turn, each player can\n"
"attack his neighbours, eventually conquering one or more countries.  At the\n"
"end of each turn, some bonus armies are distributed to the players in function\n"
"of the number of countries they own.  The winner is the player that conquered\n"
"all the world.\n"
"@item Support for 1-6 human or computer players\n"
"@item Multi-player gaming over a network\n"
"@item You can easily create new skins with SVG graphics and the skin editor\n"
"@item Hot New Stuff support.  You can easily download and install new skins\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10780
msgid "Jigsaw puzzle game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10781
msgid ""
"Palapeli is a jigsaw puzzle game.  Unlike other games in\n"
"that genre, you are not limited to aligning pieces on imaginary grids.  The\n"
"pieces are freely moveable.  Also, Palapeli features real persistency, i.e.\n"
"everything you do is saved on your disk immediately.\n"
"Palapeli is the Finnish word for jigsaw puzzle.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10820
msgid "Yahtzee dice game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10821
msgid ""
"Kiriki is an addictive and fun dice game, designed to be\n"
"played by as many as six players.\n"
"Participants have to collect points by rolling five dice for up to three times\n"
"per single turn to make combinations with the highest score.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10861
msgid "Go board game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10862
msgid ""
"Kigo is an open-source implementation of the popular Go\n"
"Go is a strategic board game for two players.  It is also known as\n"
"igo (Japanese), weiqi or wei ch'i (Chinese) or baduk (Korean).  Go is noted\n"
"for being rich in strategic complexity despite its simple rules.  The game is\n"
"played by two players who alternately place black and white stones (playing\n"
"pieces, now usually made of glass or plastic) on the vacant intersections of a\n"
"grid of 19x19 lines (9x9 or 13x13 for easier games).\n"
"You also need to install a go engine, e.g. @code{gnugo}.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10907
msgid "Game based on Rubik's Cube"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10908
msgid ""
"Kubrick is a game based on the Rubik's Cube puzzle.\n"
"The cube sizes range from 2x2x2 up to 6x6x6, or you can play with irregular\n"
"\"bricks\" such as 5x3x2 or \"mats\" such as 6x4x1 or 2x2x1.  The game has a\n"
"selection of puzzles at several levels of difficulty, as well as demos of\n"
"pretty patterns and solution moves, or you can make up your own puzzles.  The\n"
"game has unlimited undo, redo, save and reload capabilities.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10948
msgid "Lieutnant Skat card game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10949
msgid ""
"Lieutnant Skat (from German \"Offiziersskat\") is a fun and\n"
"engaging card game for two players, where the second player is either live\n"
"opponent, or a built in artificial intelligence.\n"
"Lieutnant Skat is a simplified variant of the Skat card game for two players.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10987
msgid "Pac-Man clone"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:10988
msgid ""
"Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man.\n"
"You must run through the maze to eat all pills without being captured by a\n"
"ghost.  By eating an energizer, Kapman gets the ability to eat ghosts for a\n"
"few seconds.  When a stage is cleared of pills and energizer the player is\n"
"taken to the next stage with slightly increased game speed\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11027
msgid "Two player game with shooting spaceships flying around a sun"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11028
msgid ""
"KSpaceduel is a space battle game for one or two players,\n"
"where two ships fly around a star in a struggle to be the only survivor.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11061
msgid "Classic pen and paper game: five in a line"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11062
msgid ""
"Bovo is a Gomoku (from Japanese 五目並べ - lit.  \"five\n"
"points\") like game for two players, where the opponents alternate in placing\n"
"their respective pictogram on the game board.  The winner is the first to\n"
"complete a line of five markers.  (Also known as: Connect Five, Five in a row,\n"
"X and O, Naughts and Crosses)\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11100
msgid "Port of the classic BSD console game robots"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11101
msgid ""
"Killbots is a simple game of evading killer robots.\n"
"Who created the robots and why they have been programmed to destroy, no one\n"
"knows.  All that is known is that the robots are numerous and their sole\n"
"objective is to destroy you.  Fortunately for you, their creator has focused\n"
"on quantity rather than quality and as a result the robots are severely\n"
"lacking in intelligence.  Your superior wit and a fancy teleportation device\n"
"are your only weapons against the never-ending stream of mindless automatons.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11143
msgid "Snake race played against the computer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11144
msgid ""
"KSnakeDuel is a fast action game where you steer a snake\n"
"which has to eat food.  While eating the snake grows.  But once a player\n"
"collides with the other snake or the wall the game is lost.  This becomes of\n"
"course more and more difficult the longer the snakes grow.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11180
msgid "Simple ball dodging game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11181
msgid ""
"In Kollision you use mouse to control a small blue ball in a\n"
"closed space environment filled with small red balls, which move about\n"
"chaotically.  Your goal is to avoid touching any of those red balls with your\n"
"blue one, because the moment you do the game will be over.  The longer you can\n"
"stay in game the higher will your score be.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11221
msgid "Battleship board game with built-in game server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11222
msgid ""
"KBattleship is a Battle Ship game for KDE.\n"
"Ships are placed on a board which represents the sea.  Players try to hit each\n"
"others ships in turns without knowing where they are placed.  The first player\n"
"to destroy all ships wins the game.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11262
msgid "Old reversi board game, also known as othello"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11263
msgid ""
"KReversi is a simple one player strategy game played\n"
"against the computer.\n"
"If a player's piece is captured by an opposing player, that piece is turned\n"
"over to reveal the color of that player.  A winner is declared when one player\n"
"has more pieces of his own color on the board and there are no more possible\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11303
msgid "Dots and Boxes game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11304
msgid ""
"KSquares is an implementation of the popular paper based\n"
"game Squares.  Two players take turns connecting dots on a grid to complete\n"
"squares, the player with the most squares wins.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11341
msgid "Simple tactical game for number-crunchers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11342
msgid ""
"KJumpingcube is a simple tactical game for one or two\n"
"players, played on a grid of numbered squares.  Each turn, players compete for\n"
"control of the board by capturing or adding to one square.\n"
"This package is part of the KDE games module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11430
msgid "2D motocross platform game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11432
msgid ""
"X-Moto is a challenging 2D motocross platform game, where\n"
"physics play an all important role in the gameplay.  You need to\n"
"control your bike to its limit, if you want to have a chance finishing\n"
"the more difficult challenges."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11478
msgid "Graphical user interface to play chess"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11480
msgid ""
"Eboard is a chess board interface for ICS (Internet Chess Servers)\n"
"and chess engines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11535
msgid "Chess game database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11537
msgid ""
"ChessX is a chess database.  With ChessX you can operate on your\n"
"collection of chess games in many ways: browse, edit, add, organize, analyze,\n"
"etc.  You can also play games on FICS or against an engine."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11587
msgid "Strong chess engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11589
msgid ""
"Stockfish is a very strong chess engine.  It is much stronger than the\n"
"best human chess grandmasters.  It can be used with UCI-compatible GUIs like\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11618
msgid "Violent point-and-click shooting game with nice effects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11620
msgid ""
"Barrage is a rather destructive action game that puts you on a shooting\n"
"range with the objective to hit as many dummy targets as possible within\n"
"3 minutes.  You control a gun that may either fire small or large grenades at\n"
"soldiers, jeeps and tanks.  The gameplay is simple but it is not that easy to\n"
"get high scores."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11644
msgid "Avoid evil foodstuffs and make burgers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11646
msgid ""
"This is a clone of the classic game BurgerTime.  In it, you play\n"
"the part of a chef who must create burgers by stepping repeatedly on\n"
"the ingredients until they fall into place.  And to make things more\n"
"complicated, you also must avoid evil animate food items while\n"
"performing this task, with nothing but your trusty pepper shaker to\n"
"protect you."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11676
msgid "Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries: real-time strategy game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11678
msgid ""
"Seven Kingdoms, designed by Trevor Chan, brings a blend of Real-Time\n"
"Strategy with the addition of trade, diplomacy, and espionage.  The game\n"
"enables players to compete against up to six other kingdoms allowing players\n"
"to conquer opponents by defeating them in war (with troops or machines),\n"
"capturing their buildings with spies, or offering opponents money for their\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11792
msgid "3D floor-tilting game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11794
msgid ""
"In the grand tradition of Marble Madness and Super Monkey Ball,\n"
"Neverball has you guide a rolling ball through dangerous territory.  Balance\n"
"on narrow bridges, navigate mazes, ride moving platforms, and dodge pushers\n"
"and shovers to get to the goal.  Race against the clock to collect coins to\n"
"earn extra balls.  Also included is Neverputt, which is a 3D miniature golf\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11869
msgid "Texas holdem poker game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11871
msgid ""
"With PokerTH you can play the Texas holdem poker game, either against\n"
"computer opponents or against real players online."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11906
msgid "Metroidvania game with vector graphics"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11908
msgid ""
"Pilot your ship inside a planet to find and rescue the colonists trapped\n"
"inside the Zenith Colony."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11938
msgid "High performance X11 animated wallpaper setter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/games.scm:11939
msgid ""
"High performance animated desktop background setter for\n"
"X11 that won't set your CPU on fire, drain your laptop battery, or lower video\n"
"game FPS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:354
msgid "GNU Compiler Collection"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:356
msgid ""
"GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection.  It provides compiler front-ends\n"
"for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, Ada, and\n"
"Go.  It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:541
msgid ""
"GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection.  It provides compiler front-ends\n"
"for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Ada, and Go.\n"
"It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:615
msgid "GNU C++ standard library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:640
msgid "Headers of GNU libstdc++"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:671
msgid "Collection of subroutines used by various GNU programs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:764
msgid "GCC library generating machine code on-the-fly at runtime"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:766
msgid ""
"This package is part of the GNU Compiler Collection and provides an\n"
"embeddable library for generating machine code on-the-fly at runtime.  This\n"
"shared library can then be dynamically-linked into bytecode interpreters and\n"
"other such programs that want to generate machine code on-the-fly at run-time.\n"
"It can also be used for ahead-of-time code generation for building standalone\n"
"compilers.  The just-in-time (jit) part of the name is now something of a\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:778
msgid "Go frontend to GCC"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:780
msgid ""
"This package is part of the GNU Compiler Collection and\n"
"provides the GNU compiler for the Go programming language."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:879
msgid "GNU libstdc++ documentation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:969
msgid "Manipulating sets and relations of integer points bounded by linear constraints"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:972
msgid ""
"isl is a library for manipulating sets and relations of integer points\n"
"bounded by linear constraints.  Supported operations on sets include\n"
"intersection, union, set difference, emptiness check, convex hull, (integer)\n"
"affine hull, integer projection, computing the lexicographic minimum using\n"
"parametric integer programming, coalescing and parametric vertex\n"
"enumeration.  It also includes an ILP solver based on generalized basis\n"
"reduction, transitive closures on maps (which may encode infinite graphs),\n"
"dependence analysis and bounds on piecewise step-polynomials."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:1036
msgid "Library to generate code for scanning Z-polyhedra"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:1038
msgid ""
"CLooG is a free software library to generate code for scanning\n"
"Z-polyhedra.  That is, it finds a code (e.g., in C, FORTRAN...) that\n"
"reaches each integral point of one or more parameterized polyhedra.\n"
"CLooG has been originally written to solve the code generation problem\n"
"for optimizing compilers based on the polytope model.  Nevertheless it\n"
"is used now in various area e.g., to build control automata for\n"
"high-level synthesis or to find the best polynomial approximation of a\n"
"function.  CLooG may help in any situation where scanning polyhedra\n"
"matters.  While the user has full control on generated code quality,\n"
"CLooG is designed to avoid control overhead and to produce a very\n"
"effective code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:1093
msgid "Reference manual for the C programming language"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gcc.scm:1095
msgid ""
"This is a reference manual for the C programming language, as\n"
"implemented by the GNU C Compiler (gcc).  As a reference, it is not intended\n"
"to be a tutorial of the language.  Rather, it outlines all of the constructs\n"
"of the language.  Library functions are not included."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gettext.scm:119
msgid "Tools and documentation for translation (used to build other packages)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gettext.scm:121
msgid ""
"GNU Gettext is a package providing a framework for translating the\n"
"textual output of programs into multiple languages.  It provides translators\n"
"with the means to create message catalogs, and a runtime library to load\n"
"translated messages from the catalogs.  Nearly all GNU packages use Gettext."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gettext.scm:153
msgid "Tools and documentation for translation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gettext.scm:178
msgid "Text styling library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gettext.scm:180
msgid ""
"GNU libtextstyle is a C library that provides an easy way to add styling\n"
"to programs that produce output to a console or terminal emulator window.  It\n"
"allows applications to emit text annotated with styling information, such as\n"
"color, font attributes (weight, posture), or underlining."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gettext.scm:251
msgid "Scripts to ease maintenance of translations"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gettext.scm:253
msgid ""
"The po4a (PO for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and\n"
"more interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools on\n"
"areas where they were not expected like documentation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:127
msgid "2D constrained Delaunay triangulation library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:128
msgid ""
"Poly2Tri-C is a library for generating, refining and rendering\n"
"2-Dimensional Constrained Delaunay Triangulations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:159
msgid "Microraptor GUI"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:160
msgid ""
"MrG is is a C API for creating user interfaces.  It can be\n"
"used as an application writing environment or as an interactive canvas for part\n"
"of a larger interface."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:194
msgid "Image pixel format conversion library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:196
msgid ""
"Babl is a dynamic, any-to-any pixel format translation library.\n"
"It allows converting between different methods of storing pixels, known as\n"
"@dfn{pixel formats}, that have different bit depths and other data\n"
"representations, color models, and component permutations.\n"
"A vocabulary to formulate new pixel formats from existing primitives is\n"
"provided, as well as a framework to add new color models and data types."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:242
msgid "Graph based image processing framework"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:243
msgid ""
"GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) provides infrastructure to\n"
"do demand based cached non destructive image editing on larger than RAM\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:324
msgid "GNU Image Manipulation Program"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:326
msgid ""
"GIMP is an application for image manipulation tasks such as photo\n"
"retouching, composition and authoring.  It supports all common image formats\n"
"as well as specialized ones.  It features a highly customizable interface\n"
"that is extensible via a plugin system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:386
msgid "GIMP plug-in to edit image in fourier space"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:388
msgid ""
"This package provides a simple plug-in to apply the fourier transform on\n"
"an image, allowing you to work with the transformed image inside GIMP.  You\n"
"can draw or apply filters in fourier space and get the modified image with an\n"
"inverse fourier transform."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:416
msgid "Artistic brushes library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:417
msgid ""
"Libmypaint, also called \"brushlib\", is a library for making\n"
"brushstrokes which is used by MyPaint and GIMP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:439
msgid "Default brushes for MyPaint"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:440
msgid ""
"This package provides the default set of brushes for\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:519
msgid "GIMP plugins for texture synthesis"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gimp.scm:521
msgid ""
"This package provides resynthesizer plugins for GIMP, which encompasses\n"
"tools for healing selections (content-aware fill), enlarging the canvas and\n"
"healing the border, increasing the resolution while adding detail, and\n"
"transferring the style of an image."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:270
msgid "UPnP IGD for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:271
msgid "GUPnP-IGD is a library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:325
msgid "CD/DVD burning tool for Gnome"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:326
msgid ""
"Brasero is an application to burn CD/DVD for the Gnome\n"
"Desktop.  It is designed to be as simple as possible and has some unique\n"
"features to enable users to create their discs easily and quickly."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:371
msgid "Cloudproviders Integration API"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:372
msgid ""
"Libcloudproviders is a DBus API that allows cloud storage sync\n"
"clients to expose their services.  Clients such as file managers and desktop\n"
"environments can then provide integrated access to the cloud providers\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:420
msgid "Glib library for feeds"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:421
msgid ""
"LibGRSS is a Glib abstraction to handle feeds in RSS, Atom,\n"
"and other formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:448
msgid "Common JS Modules"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:449
msgid ""
"GNOME-JS-Common provides common modules for GNOME JavaScript\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:531
msgid "GObject JavaScriptCore bridge"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:532
msgid ""
"Seed is a library and interpreter, dynamically bridging\n"
"(through GObjectIntrospection) the WebKit JavaScriptCore engine, with the\n"
"GNOME platform.  It serves as something which enables you to write standalone\n"
"applications in JavaScript, or easily enable your application to be extensible\n"
"in JavaScript."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:590
msgid "Media management library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:591
msgid ""
"Libdmapsharing is a library which allows programs to access,\n"
"share and control the playback of media content using DMAP (DAAP, DPAP & DACP).\n"
"It is written in C using GObject and libsoup."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:625
msgid "GLib Testing Framework"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:626
msgid ""
"GTX is a small collection of convenience functions intended to\n"
"enhance the GLib testing framework.  With specific emphasis on easing the pain\n"
"of writing test cases for asynchronous interactions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:702
msgid "Model to synchronize multiple instances over DBus"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:703
msgid ""
"Dee is a library that uses DBus to provide objects allowing\n"
"you to create Model-View-Controller type programs across DBus.  It also consists\n"
"of utility objects which extend DBus allowing for peer-to-peer discoverability\n"
"of known objects without needing a central registrar."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:783
msgid "Desktop Activity Logging"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:784
msgid ""
"Zeitgeist is a service which logs the users’s activities and\n"
"events, anywhere from files opened to websites visited and conversations.  It\n"
"makes this information readily available for other applications to use.  It is\n"
"able to establish relationships between items based on similarity and usage\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:859
msgid "Access, organize and share your photos on GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:860
msgid ""
"GNOME Photos is a simple and elegant replacement for using a\n"
"file manager to deal with photos.  Enhance, crop and edit in a snap.  Seamless\n"
"cloud integration is offered through GNOME Online Accounts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:921
msgid "Simple music player for GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:922
msgid ""
"GNOME Music is the new GNOME music playing application that\n"
"aims to combine an elegant and immersive browsing experience with simple\n"
"and straightforward controls."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:942
msgid "External Data Representation Library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:943
msgid ""
"PortableXDR is an implementation of External Data\n"
"Representation (XDR) Library.  It is a standard data serialization format, for\n"
"uses such as computer network protocols.  It allows data to be transferred\n"
"between different kinds of computer systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:980
msgid "Text editor product line"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:981
msgid ""
"Tepl is a library that eases the development of\n"
"GtkSourceView-based text editors and IDEs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1013
msgid "Popup dialogs for Kerberos 5"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1014
msgid ""
"krb5-auth-dialog is a simple dialog that monitors Kerberos\n"
"tickets, and pops up a dialog when they are about to expire."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1041
msgid "Notification Daemon for GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1042
msgid ""
"Notification-Daemon is the server implementation of the\n"
"freedesktop.org desktop notification specification."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1082
msgid "Module of GNOME C++ bindings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1083
msgid ""
"The mm-common module provides the build infrastructure\n"
"and utilities shared among the GNOME C++ binding libraries.  Release\n"
"archives of mm-common include the Doxygen tag file for the GNU C++\n"
"Library reference documentation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1123
msgid "WebDav server implementation using libsoup"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1124
msgid ""
"PhoDav was initially developed as a file-sharing mechanism for Spice,\n"
"but it is generic enough to be reused in other projects,\n"
"in particular in the GNOME desktop."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1176
msgid "Color profile manager for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1177
msgid ""
"GNOME Color Manager is a session framework that makes\n"
"it easy to manage, install and generate color profiles\n"
"in the GNOME desktop."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1211
msgid "Web Crawlers for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1212
msgid ""
"GNOME Online Miners provides a set of crawlers that\n"
"go through your online content and index them locally in Tracker.\n"
"It has miners for Facebook, Flickr, Google, ownCloud and SkyDrive."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1241
msgid ""
"GObject-based API over @acronym{SSDP, Simple Service Discovery\n"
"Protocol} for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1243
msgid ""
"This package provides a library to handle resource discovery\n"
"and announcement over @acronym{SSDP, Simple Service Discovery Protocol} and\n"
"a debugging tool, @command{gssdp-device-sniffer}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1273
msgid "PnP API for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1274
msgid ""
"This package provides GUPnP, an object-oriented framework\n"
"for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using\n"
"@code{GObject} and @code{libsoup}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1307
msgid "GUPnP DLNA for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1308
msgid ""
"This package provides a small utility library to\n"
"support DLNA-related tasks such as media profile guessing, transcoding to a\n"
"given profile, etc.  DLNA is a subset of UPnP A/V."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1337
msgid "GUPnP A/V for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1338
msgid ""
"This package provides a small library for handling\n"
"and implementation of UPnP A/V profiles."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1365
msgid "Media art library for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1367
msgid ""
"The libmediaart library is the foundation for media art caching,\n"
"extraction, and lookup for applications on the desktop."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1430
msgid "Initial setup wizard for GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1431
msgid ""
"This package provides a set-up wizard when a\n"
"user logs into GNOME for the first time.  It typically provides a\n"
"tour of all gnome components and allows the user to set them up."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1470
msgid "File sharing for GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1471
msgid ""
"GNOME User Share is a small package that binds together\n"
"various free software projects to bring easy to use user-level file\n"
"sharing to the masses."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1525
msgid "File previewer for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1526
msgid ""
"Sushi is a DBus-activated service that allows applications to\n"
"preview files on the GNOME desktop."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1565
msgid "Share audio, video, and pictures with other devices"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1567
msgid ""
"Rygel is a home media solution (@dfn{UPnP AV MediaServer and\n"
"MediaRenderer}) for GNOME that allows you to easily share audio, video, and\n"
"pictures, and to control a media player on your home network.\n"
"Rygel achieves interoperability with other devices by trying to conform to the\n"
"strict requirements of DLNA and by converting media on-the-fly to formats that\n"
"client devices can handle."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1619
msgid "Network Manager's applet library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1620
msgid ""
"Libnma is an applet library for Network Manager.  It was\n"
"initially part of network-manager-applet and has now become a separate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1645
msgid "Menu support for GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1646
msgid ""
"GNOME Menus contains the libgnome-menu library, the layout\n"
"configuration files for the GNOME menu, as well as a simple menu editor."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1720
msgid "Simple backup tool, for regular encrypted backups"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1722
msgid ""
"Déjà Dup is a simple backup tool, for regular encrypted backups.  It\n"
"uses duplicity as the backend, which supports incremental backups and storage\n"
"either on a local, or remote machine via a number of methods."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1757
msgid "Two-pane graphical file manager for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1759
msgid ""
"GNOME Commander is a two-pane graphical file manager using GNOME\n"
"libraries.  It aims to fulfill the demands of more advanced users who\n"
"like to focus on file management, their work through special applications\n"
"and running smart commands."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1783
msgid "User documentation for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1785
msgid ""
"The GNOME User Documentation explains how to use the GNOME desktop and its\n"
"components.  It covers usage and setup of the core GNOME programs by end-users\n"
"and system administrators."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1809
msgid "Help to get new users started with the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1811
msgid ""
"The GNOME Getting Started Documentation contains GNOME's intuitive\n"
"\"Getting Started\" tour, with video guides, that can be viewed with Yelp.\n"
"It is normally used together with @command{gnome-initial-setup}, but is also\n"
"useful as a tutorial and users' guide for new or less experienced users."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1855
msgid "Diagram creation for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1856
msgid ""
"Dia can be used to draw different types of diagrams, and\n"
"includes support for UML static structure diagrams (class diagrams), entity\n"
"relationship modeling, and network diagrams.  The program supports various file\n"
"formats like PNG, SVG, PDF and EPS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1905
msgid "Library for accessing online service APIs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1907
msgid ""
"libgdata is a GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using\n"
"the GData protocol — most notably, Google's services.  It provides APIs to\n"
"access the common Google services, and has full asynchronous support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1939
msgid "GObject-based library for handling and rendering XPS documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1941
msgid ""
"libgxps is a GObject-based library for handling and rendering XPS\n"
"documents.  This package also contains binaries that can convert XPS documents\n"
"to other formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1984
msgid "Find and insert unusual characters"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:1985
msgid ""
"Characters is a simple utility application to find\n"
"and insert unusual characters.  It allows you to quickly find the\n"
"character you are looking for by searching for keywords."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2005
msgid "Bootstrap GNOME modules built from Git"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2006
msgid ""
"gnome-common contains various files needed to bootstrap\n"
"GNOME modules built from Git.  It contains a common \"autogen.sh\" script that\n"
"can be used to configure a source directory checked out from Git and some\n"
"commonly used macros."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2065
msgid "GNOME's integrated address book"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2067
msgid ""
"GNOME Contacts organizes your contact information from online and\n"
"offline sources, providing a centralized place for managing your contacts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2144
msgid "Libgnome-desktop, gnome-about, and desktop-wide documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2146
msgid ""
"The libgnome-desktop library provides API shared by several applications\n"
"on the desktop, but that cannot live in the platform for various reasons.\n"
"There is no API or ABI guarantee, although we are doing our best to provide\n"
"stability.  Documentation for the API is available with gtk-doc.\n"
"The gnome-about program helps find which version of GNOME is installed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2179
msgid "Documentation utilities for the Gnome project"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2181
msgid ""
"Gnome-doc-utils is a collection of documentation utilities for the\n"
"Gnome project.  It includes xml2po tool which makes it easier to translate\n"
"and keep up to date translations of documentation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2230
msgid "Disk management utility for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2231
msgid "Disk management utility for GNOME."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2264
msgid "GNOME Fonts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2265
msgid ""
"Application to show you the fonts installed on your computer\n"
"for your use as thumbnails.  Selecting any thumbnails shows the full view of how\n"
"the font would look under various sizes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2318
msgid "Libraries for displaying certificates and accessing key stores"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2320
msgid ""
"The GCR package contains libraries used for displaying certificates and\n"
"accessing key stores.  It also provides the viewer for crypto files on the\n"
"GNOME Desktop."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2358
msgid "GNOME docking library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2359
msgid "This library provides docking features for gtk+."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2406
msgid "Accessing passwords from the GNOME keyring"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2408
msgid "Client library to access passwords from the GNOME keyring."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2478
msgid "Daemon to store passwords and encryption keys"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2480
msgid ""
"gnome-keyring is a program that keeps passwords and other secrets for\n"
"users.  It is run as a daemon in the session, similar to ssh-agent, and other\n"
"applications locate it via an environment variable or D-Bus.\n"
"The program can manage several keyrings, each with its own master password,\n"
"and there is also a session keyring which is never stored to disk, but\n"
"forgotten when the session ends."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2551
msgid "GNOME's document viewer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2553
msgid ""
"Evince is a document viewer for multiple document formats.  It\n"
"currently supports PDF, PostScript, DjVu, TIFF and DVI.  The goal\n"
"of Evince is to replace the multiple document viewers that exist\n"
"on the GNOME Desktop with a single simple application."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2597
msgid "GNOME settings for various desktop components"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2599
msgid ""
"Gsettings-desktop-schemas contains a collection of GSettings schemas\n"
"for settings shared by various components of the GNOME desktop."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2633
msgid "Library to easily handle complex data structures"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2635
msgid ""
"Liblarch is a Python library built to easily handle data structures such\n"
"as lists, trees and acyclic graphs.  There's also a GTK binding that will\n"
"allow you to use your data structure in a @code{Gtk.Treeview}.\n"
"Liblarch support multiple views of one data structure and complex filtering.\n"
"That way, you have a clear separation between your data themselves (Model)\n"
"and how they are displayed (View)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2691
msgid "Personal organizer for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2693
msgid ""
"Getting Things GNOME! (GTG) is a personal tasks and TODO list items\n"
"organizer for the GNOME desktop environment inspired by the Getting Things\n"
"Done (GTD) methodology.  GTG is designed with flexibility, adaptability,\n"
"and ease of use in mind so it can be used as more than just GTD software.\n"
"GTG is intended to help you track everything you need to do and need to\n"
"know, from small tasks to large projects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2731
msgid "Utility to implement the Freedesktop Icon Naming Specification"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2733
msgid ""
"To help with the transition to the Freedesktop Icon Naming\n"
"Specification, the icon naming utility maps the icon names used by the\n"
"GNOME and KDE desktops to the icon names proposed in the specification."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2763
msgid "GNOME icon theme"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2764
msgid "Icons for the GNOME desktop."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2801
msgid "Tango icon theme"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2802
msgid ""
"This is an icon theme that follows the Tango visual\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2831
msgid "Database of common MIME types"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2833
msgid ""
"The shared-mime-info package contains the core database of common types\n"
"and the update-mime-database command used to extend it.  It requires glib2 to\n"
"be installed for building the update command.  Additionally, it uses intltool\n"
"for translations, though this is only a dependency for the maintainers.  This\n"
"database is translated at Transifex."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2916
msgid "CUPS administration tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2918
msgid ""
"system-config-printer is a CUPS administration tool.  It's written in\n"
"Python using GTK+, and uses the @acronym{IPP, Internet Printing Protocol} when\n"
"configuring CUPS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2940
msgid "Freedesktop icon theme"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2942
msgid "Freedesktop icon theme."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2974
msgid "GNOME desktop notification library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:2976
msgid ""
"Libnotify is a library that sends desktop notifications to a\n"
"notification daemon, as defined in the Desktop Notifications spec.  These\n"
"notifications can be used to inform the user about an event or display\n"
"some form of information without getting in the user's way."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3022
msgid "GObject plugin system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3024
msgid ""
"Libpeas is a gobject-based plugin engine, targeted at giving every\n"
"application the chance to assume its own extensibility.  It also has a set of\n"
"features including, but not limited to: multiple extension points; on-demand\n"
"(lazy) programming language support for C, Python and JS; simplicity of the\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3063
msgid "OpenGL extension to GTK+"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3064
msgid ""
"GtkGLExt is an OpenGL extension to GTK+.  It provides\n"
"additional GDK objects which support OpenGL rendering in GTK+ and GtkWidget\n"
"API add-ons to make GTK+ widgets OpenGL-capable."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3115
msgid "GTK+ rapid application development tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3116
msgid ""
"Glade is a rapid application development (RAD) tool to\n"
"enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and\n"
"the GNOME desktop environment."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3147
msgid "CSS2 parsing and manipulation library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3149
msgid ""
"Libcroco is a standalone CSS2 parsing and manipulation library.\n"
"The parser provides a low level event driven SAC-like API and a CSS object\n"
"model like API.  Libcroco provides a CSS2 selection engine and an experimental\n"
"XML/CSS rendering engine."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3187
msgid "GNOME's Structured File Library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3189
msgid ""
"Libgsf aims to provide an efficient extensible I/O abstraction for\n"
"dealing with different structured file formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3257
msgid "Render SVG files using Cairo"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3259
msgid ""
"Librsvg is a C library to render SVG files using the Cairo 2D graphics\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3438
msgid "SVG rendering library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3439
msgid ""
"Librsvg is a library to render SVG images to Cairo surfaces.\n"
"GNOME uses this to render SVG icons.  Outside of GNOME, other desktop\n"
"environments use it for similar purposes.  Wikimedia uses it for Wikipedia's SVG\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3465
msgid "Create trees of CORBA Interface Definition Language files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3466
msgid ""
"Libidl is a library for creating trees of CORBA Interface\n"
"Definition Language (idl) files, which is a specification for defining\n"
"portable interfaces. libidl was initially written for orbit (the orb from the\n"
"GNOME project, and the primary means of libidl distribution).  However, the\n"
"functionality was designed to be as reusable and portable as possible."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3513
msgid "CORBA 2.4-compliant Object Request Broker"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3514
msgid ""
"ORBit2 is a CORBA 2.4-compliant Object Request Broker (orb)\n"
"featuring mature C, C++ and Python bindings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3569
msgid "Framework for creating reusable components for use in GNOME applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3570
msgid ""
"Bonobo is a framework for creating reusable components for\n"
"use in GNOME applications, built on top of CORBA."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3601
msgid "Store application preferences"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3602
msgid ""
"Gconf is a system for storing application preferences.  It\n"
"is intended for user preferences; not arbitrary data storage."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3636
msgid "Base MIME and Application database for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3637
msgid ""
"GNOME Mime Data is a module which contains the base MIME\n"
"and Application database for GNOME.  The data stored by this module is\n"
"designed to be accessed through the MIME functions in GnomeVFS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3680
msgid "Access files and folders in GNOME applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3682
msgid ""
"GnomeVFS is the core library used to access files and folders in GNOME\n"
"applications.  It provides a file system abstraction which allows applications\n"
"to access local and remote files with a single consistent API."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3727
msgid "Useful routines for building applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3728
msgid ""
"The libgnome library provides a number of useful routines\n"
"for building modern applications, including session management, activation of\n"
"files and URIs, and displaying help."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3751
msgid "2D drawing library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3752
msgid ""
"Libart is a 2D drawing library intended as a\n"
"high-quality vector-based 2D library with antialiasing and alpha composition."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3779
msgid "Flexible widget for creating interactive structured graphics"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3780
msgid ""
"The GnomeCanvas widget provides a flexible widget for\n"
"creating interactive structured graphics."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3802
msgid "C++ bindings to the GNOME Canvas library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3803
msgid "C++ bindings to the GNOME Canvas library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3835
msgid "Additional widgets for applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3836
msgid ""
"The libgnomeui library provides additional widgets for\n"
"applications.  Many of the widgets from libgnomeui have already been\n"
"ported to GTK+."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3862
msgid "Load glade interfaces and access the glade built widgets"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3863
msgid ""
"Libglade is a library that provides interfaces for loading\n"
"graphical interfaces described in glade files and for accessing the\n"
"widgets built in the loading process."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3893 gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3925
msgid "Printing framework for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3895
msgid ""
"GNOME-print was a printing framework for GNOME.  It has been deprecated\n"
"since ca. 2006, when GTK+ itself incorporated printing support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3969
msgid "Some user interface controls using Bonobo"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3970
msgid ""
"The Bonobo UI library provides a number of user interface\n"
"controls using the Bonobo component framework."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3997
msgid "Window Navigator Construction Kit"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:3999
msgid ""
"Libwnck is the Window Navigator Construction Kit, a library for use in\n"
"writing pagers, tasklists, and more generally applications that are dealing\n"
"with window management.  It tries hard to respect the Extended Window Manager\n"
"Hints specification (EWMH)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4056
msgid "Document-centric objects and utilities"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4057
msgid "A GLib/GTK+ set of document-centric objects and utilities."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4141
msgid "Spreadsheet application"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4143
msgid ""
"GNUmeric is a GNU spreadsheet application, running under GNOME.  It is\n"
"interoperable with other spreadsheet applications.  It has a vast array of\n"
"features beyond typical spreadsheet functionality, such as support for linear\n"
"and non-linear solvers, statistical analysis, and telecommunication\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4183
msgid "Default GNOME 3 themes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4185
msgid "The default GNOME 3 themes (Adwaita and some accessibility themes)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4231
msgid "Manage encryption keys and passwords in the GNOME keyring"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4233
msgid ""
"Seahorse is a GNOME application for managing encryption keys and\n"
"passwords in the GNOME keyring."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4274 gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4502
msgid "Compiler for the GObject type system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4276
msgid ""
"Vala is a programming language that aims to bring modern programming\n"
"language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime\n"
"requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and\n"
"libraries written in C."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4325
msgid "Virtual Terminal Emulator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4327
msgid ""
"VTE is a library (libvte) implementing a terminal emulator widget for\n"
"GTK+, and a minimal sample application (vte) using that.  Vte is mainly used in\n"
"gnome-terminal, but can also be used to embed a console/terminal in games,\n"
"editors, IDEs, etc."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4352
msgid "Enhanced VTE terminal widget"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4354
msgid ""
"VTE is a library (libvte) implementing a terminal emulator widget for\n"
"GTK+, this fork provides additional functions exposed for keyboard text\n"
"selection and URL hints."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4433
msgid "Remote desktop viewer for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4434
msgid ""
"Vinagre is a remote display client supporting the VNC, SPICE\n"
"and RDP protocols."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4475
msgid "Low-level GNOME configuration system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4476
msgid ""
"Dconf is a low-level configuration system.  Its main purpose\n"
"is to provide a backend to GSettings on platforms that don't already have\n"
"configuration storage systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4504
msgid ""
"JSON-GLib is a C library based on GLib providing serialization and\n"
"deserialization support for the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format\n"
"described by RFC 4627.  It provides parser and generator GObject classes and\n"
"various wrappers for the complex data types employed by JSON, such as arrays\n"
"and objects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4553
msgid "High-level API for X Keyboard Extension"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4555
msgid ""
"LibXklavier is a library providing high-level API for X Keyboard\n"
"Extension known as XKB.  This library is intended to support XFree86 and other\n"
"commercial X servers.  It is useful for creating XKB-related software (layout\n"
"indicators etc)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4583
msgid "Python bindings to librsvg"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4585
msgid ""
"This package provides Python bindings to librsvg, the SVG rendering\n"
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet Python-Anbindungen für librsvg, die Bibliothek zum Zeichnen von SVG-Daten."

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4615
msgid "Network-related GIO modules"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4617
msgid ""
"This package contains various network related extensions for the GIO\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4648
msgid "RESTful web api query library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4650
msgid ""
"This library was designed to make it easier to access web services that\n"
"claim to be \"RESTful\".  It includes convenience wrappers for libsoup and\n"
"libxml to ease remote use of the RESTful API."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4771
msgid "GLib-based HTTP Library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4773
msgid ""
"LibSoup is an HTTP client/server library for GNOME.  It uses GObjects\n"
"and the GLib main loop, to integrate well with GNOME applications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4837
msgid "GObject bindings for \"Secret Service\" API"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4839
msgid ""
"Libsecret is a GObject based library for storing and retrieving passwords\n"
"and other secrets.  It communicates with the \"Secret Service\" using DBus."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4880
msgid ""
"Five or More is a game where you try to align\n"
" five or more objects of the same color and shape causing them to disappear.\n"
" On every turn more objects will appear, until the board is full.\n"
" Try to last as long as possible."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4922
msgid "Minesweeper game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4924
msgid ""
"Mines (previously gnomine) is a puzzle game where you locate mines\n"
"floating in an ocean using only your brain and a little bit of luck."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4963
msgid "Write to multiple USB devices at once"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:4965
msgid ""
"MultiWriter can be used to write an ISO file to multiple USB devices at\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5007
msgid "Japanese logic game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5009
msgid ""
"Sudoku is a Japanese logic game that exploded in popularity in 2005.\n"
"GNOME Sudoku is meant to have an interface as simple and unobstrusive as\n"
"possible while still providing features that make playing difficult Sudoku\n"
"more fun."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5055
msgid "Terminal emulator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5057
msgid ""
"GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulator application for accessing a\n"
"UNIX shell environment which can be used to run programs available on\n"
"your system.\n"
"It supports several profiles, multiple tabs and implements several\n"
"keyboard shortcuts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5136
msgid "Color management service"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5137
msgid ""
"Colord is a system service that makes it easy to manage,\n"
"install and generate color profiles to accurately color manage input and\n"
"output devices."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5172
msgid "Geolocation service"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5173
msgid ""
"Geoclue is a D-Bus service that provides location\n"
"information.  The primary goal of the Geoclue project is to make creating\n"
"location-aware applications as simple as possible, while the secondary goal is\n"
"to ensure that no application can access location information without explicit\n"
"permission from user."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5217
msgid "Geocoding and reverse-geocoding library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5219
msgid ""
"geocode-glib is a convenience library for geocoding (finding longitude,\n"
"and latitude from an address) and reverse geocoding (finding an address from\n"
"coordinates) using the Nominatim service.  geocode-glib caches requests for\n"
"faster results and to avoid unnecessary server load."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5288
msgid "System daemon for managing power devices"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5290
msgid ""
"UPower is an abstraction for enumerating power devices,\n"
"listening to device events and querying history and statistics.  Any\n"
"application or service on the system can access the org.freedesktop.UPower\n"
"service via the system message bus."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5332
msgid "Location, time zone, and weather library for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5334
msgid ""
"libgweather is a library to access weather information from online\n"
"services for numerous locations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5417
msgid "GNOME settings daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5419
msgid ""
"This package contains the daemon responsible for setting the various\n"
"parameters of a GNOME session and the applications that run under it.  It\n"
"handles settings such keyboard layout, shortcuts, and accessibility, clipboard\n"
"settings, themes, mouse settings, and startup of other daemons."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5455
msgid "Library to parse and save media playlists for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5456
msgid ""
"Totem-pl-parser is a GObjects-based library to parse and save\n"
"playlists in a variety of formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5490
msgid "Solitaire card games"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5492
msgid ""
"Aisleriot (also known as Solitaire or sol) is a collection of card games\n"
"which are easy to play with the aid of a mouse."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5520
msgid "Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit for GTK+ applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5522
msgid ""
"Amtk is the acronym for @acronym{Amtk, Actions Menus and Toolbars Kit}.\n"
"It is a basic GtkUIManager replacement based on GAction.  It is suitable for\n"
"both a traditional UI or a modern UI with a GtkHeaderBar."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5561
msgid "API documentation browser for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5563
msgid ""
"Devhelp is an API documentation browser for GTK+ and GNOME.  It works\n"
"natively with GTK-Doc (the API reference system developed for GTK+ and used\n"
"throughout GNOME for API documentation)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5640
msgid "Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5642
msgid ""
"Cogl is a small library for using 3D graphics hardware to draw pretty\n"
"pictures.  The API departs from the flat state machine style of OpenGL and is\n"
"designed to make it easy to write orthogonal components that can render\n"
"without stepping on each others toes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5699
msgid "OpenGL-based interactive canvas library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5701 gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5730
msgid ""
"Clutter is an OpenGL-based interactive canvas library, designed for\n"
"creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs,\n"
"presentations, kiosk style applications and so on."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5728
msgid "OpenGL-based interactive canvas library GTK+ widget"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5757
msgid "Integration library for using GStreamer with Clutter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5759
msgid ""
"Clutter-Gst is an integration library for using GStreamer with Clutter.\n"
"It provides a GStreamer sink to upload frames to GL and an actor that\n"
"implements the ClutterGstPlayer interface using playbin.  Clutter is an\n"
"OpenGL-based interactive canvas library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5793
msgid "C library providing a ClutterActor to display maps"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5795
msgid ""
"libchamplain is a C library providing a ClutterActor to display maps.\n"
"It also provides a Gtk+ widget to display maps in Gtk+ applications.  Python\n"
"and Perl bindings are also available.  It supports numerous free map sources\n"
"such as OpenStreetMap, OpenCycleMap, OpenAerialMap, and Maps for free."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5826
msgid "Object mapper from GObjects to SQLite"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5828
msgid ""
"Gom provides an object mapper from GObjects to SQLite.  It helps you\n"
"write applications that need to store structured data as well as make complex\n"
"queries upon that data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5863
msgid "Useful functionality shared among GNOME games"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5865
msgid ""
"libgnome-games-support is a small library intended for internal use by\n"
"GNOME Games, but it may be used by others."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5905
msgid "Sliding block puzzles"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5907
msgid ""
"GNOME Klotski is a set of block sliding puzzles.  The objective is to move\n"
"the patterned block to the area bordered by green markers.  To do so, you will\n"
"need to slide other blocks out of the way.  Complete each puzzle in as few moves\n"
"as possible!"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5947
msgid "Framework for discovering and browsing media"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5949
msgid ""
"Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing easy\n"
"for application developers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5994
msgid "Plugins for the Grilo media discovery library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:5996
msgid ""
"Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing easy\n"
"for application developers.  This package provides plugins for common media\n"
"discovery protocols."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6099
msgid "Simple media player for GNOME based on GStreamer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6100
msgid ""
"Totem is a simple yet featureful media player for GNOME\n"
"which can read a large number of file formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6189
msgid "Music player for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6190
msgid ""
"Rhythmbox is a music playing application for GNOME.  It\n"
"supports playlists, song ratings, and any codecs installed through gstreamer."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6249
msgid "GNOME image viewer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6250
msgid ""
"Eye of GNOME is the GNOME image viewer.  It\n"
"supports image conversion, rotation, and slideshows."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6272
msgid "Extensions for the Eye of GNOME image viewer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6284
msgid ""
"This package provides plugins for the Eye of GNOME (EOG) image viewer,\n"
"@item @dfn{EXIF Display}, which displays camera (EXIF) information;\n"
"@item @dfn{Map}, which displays a map of where the picture was taken on the\n"
"side panel;\n"
"@item @dfn{Slideshow Shuffle}, to shuffle images in slideshow mode.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6324
msgid "GObject bindings for libudev"
msgstr "GObject-Anbindungen für libudev"

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6326
msgid ""
"This library provides GObject bindings for libudev.  It was originally\n"
"part of udev-extras, then udev, then systemd.  It's now a project on its own."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6389
msgid "Userspace virtual file system for GIO"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6391
msgid ""
"GVFS is a userspace virtual file system designed to work with the I/O\n"
"abstraction of GIO.  It contains a GIO module that seamlessly adds GVFS support\n"
"to all applications using the GIO API.  It also supports exposing the GVFS\n"
"mounts to non-GIO applications using FUSE.\n"
"GVFS comes with a set of backends, including trash support, SFTP, SMB, HTTP,\n"
"DAV, and others."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6426
msgid "GLib binding for libusb1"
msgstr "GLib-Anbindungen für libusb1"

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6428
msgid ""
"GUsb is a GObject wrapper for libusb1 that makes it easy to do\n"
"asynchronous control, bulk and interrupt transfers with proper cancellation\n"
"and integration into a mainloop.  This makes it easy to integrate low level\n"
"USB transfers with your high-level application or system daemon."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6466
msgid "Document and image scanner"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6468
msgid ""
"Document Scanner is an easy-to-use application that lets you connect your\n"
"scanner and quickly capture images and documents in an appropriate format.  It\n"
"supports any scanner for which a suitable SANE driver is available, which is\n"
"almost all of them."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6536
msgid "Web browser for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6538
msgid ""
"Eolie is a new web browser for GNOME.  It features Firefox sync support,\n"
"a secret password store, an adblocker, and a modern UI."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6612
msgid "GNOME web browser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6614
msgid ""
"Epiphany is a GNOME web browser targeted at non-technical users.  Its\n"
"principles are simplicity and standards compliance."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6671
msgid "D-Bus debugger"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6673
msgid ""
"D-Feet is a D-Bus debugger, which can be used to inspect D-Bus interfaces\n"
"of running programs and invoke methods on those interfaces."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6695
msgid "XSL stylesheets for Yelp"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6697
msgid ""
"Yelp-xsl contains XSL stylesheets that are used by the yelp help browser\n"
"to format Docbook and Mallard documents."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6728
msgid "GNOME help browser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6730
msgid ""
"Yelp is the help viewer in Gnome.  It natively views Mallard, DocBook,\n"
"man, info, and HTML documents.  It can locate documents according to the\n"
"freedesktop.org help system specification."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6758
msgid "Yelp documentation tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6760
msgid ""
"Yelp-tools is a collection of scripts and build utilities to help create,\n"
"manage, and publish documentation for Yelp and the web.  Most of the heavy\n"
"lifting is done by packages like yelp-xsl and itstool.  This package just\n"
"wraps things up in a developer-friendly way."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6797
msgid "GObject collection library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6799
msgid ""
"Libgee is a utility library providing GObject-based interfaces and\n"
"classes for commonly used data structures."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6828
msgid "GObject wrapper around the Exiv2 photo metadata library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6830
msgid ""
"Gexiv2 is a GObject wrapper around the Exiv2 photo metadata library.  It\n"
"allows for GNOME applications to easily inspect and update EXIF, IPTC, and XMP\n"
"metadata in photo and video files of various formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6882
msgid "Photo manager for GNOME 3"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6884
msgid ""
"Shotwell is a digital photo manager designed for the GNOME desktop\n"
"environment.  It allows you to import photos from disk or camera, organize\n"
"them by keywords and events, view them in full-window or fullscreen mode, and\n"
"share them with others via social networking and more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6919
msgid "Graphical archive manager for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6920
msgid ""
"File Roller is an archive manager for the GNOME desktop\n"
"environment that allows users to view, unpack, and create compressed archives\n"
"such as gzip tarballs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6990
msgid "Session manager for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:6992
msgid ""
"This package contains the GNOME session manager, as well as a\n"
"configuration program to choose applications starting on login."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7049
msgid "Javascript bindings for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7052
msgid ""
"Gjs is a javascript binding for GNOME.  It's mainly based on spidermonkey\n"
"javascript engine and the GObject introspection framework."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7145
msgid "GNOME text editor"
msgstr "GNOME-Texteditor"

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7146
msgid ""
"While aiming at simplicity and ease of use, gedit is a\n"
"powerful general purpose text editor."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7170
msgid "Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7173
msgid ""
"Zenity is a rewrite of gdialog, the GNOME port of dialog which allows you\n"
"to display dialog boxes from the commandline and shell scripts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7281
msgid "Window and compositing manager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7284
msgid ""
"Mutter is a window and compositing manager that displays and manages your\n"
"desktop via OpenGL.  Mutter combines a sophisticated display engine using the\n"
"Clutter toolkit with solid window-management logic inherited from the Metacity\n"
"window manager."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7338
msgid "Single sign-on framework for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7341
msgid ""
"GNOME Online Accounts provides interfaces so that applications and\n"
"libraries in GNOME can access the user's online accounts.  It has providers for\n"
"Google, ownCloud, Facebook, Flickr, Windows Live, Pocket, Foursquare, Microsoft\n"
"Exchange, Last.fm, IMAP/SMTP, Jabber, SIP and Kerberos."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7429
msgid "Store address books and calendars"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7432
msgid ""
"This package provides a unified backend for programs that work with\n"
"contacts, tasks, and calendar information.  It was originally developed for\n"
"Evolution (hence the name), but is now used by other packages as well."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7495
msgid "Text entry and UI navigation application"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7498
msgid ""
"Caribou is an input assistive technology intended for switch and pointer\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7646
msgid "Network connection manager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7649
msgid ""
"NetworkManager is a system network service that manages your network\n"
"devices and connections, attempting to keep active network connectivity when\n"
"available.  It manages ethernet, WiFi, mobile broadband (WWAN), and PPPoE\n"
"devices, and provides VPN integration with a variety of different VPN\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7706
msgid "OpenVPN plug-in for NetworkManager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7708
msgid ""
"This extension of NetworkManager allows it to take care of connections\n"
"to virtual private networks (VPNs) via OpenVPN."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7759
msgid "VPNC plug-in for NetworkManager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7761
msgid ""
"Support for configuring virtual private networks based on VPNC.\n"
"Compatible with Cisco VPN concentrators configured to use IPsec."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7809
msgid "OpenConnect plug-in for NetworkManager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7811
msgid ""
"This extension of NetworkManager allows it to take care of connections\n"
"to @acronym{VPNs, virtual private networks} via OpenConnect, an open client for\n"
"Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7839
msgid "Database of broadband connection configuration"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7840
msgid "Database of broadband connection configuration."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7879
msgid "Applet for managing network connections"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7882
msgid ""
"This package contains a systray applet for NetworkManager.  It displays\n"
"the available networks and allows users to easily switch between them."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7907
msgid "C++ wrapper for XML parser library libxml2"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:7909
msgid ""
"This package provides a C++ wrapper for the XML parser library\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8111
msgid "Display manager for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8114
msgid ""
"GNOME Display Manager is a system service that is responsible for\n"
"providing graphical log-ins and managing local and remote displays."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8138
msgid "Portable system access library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8141
msgid ""
"LibGTop is a library to get system specific data such as CPU and memory\n"
"usage and information about running processes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8173
msgid "GNOME Bluetooth subsystem"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8176
msgid ""
"This package contains tools for managing and manipulating Bluetooth\n"
"devices using the GNOME desktop."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8285
msgid "Utilities to configure the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8288
msgid ""
"This package contains configuration applets for the GNOME desktop,\n"
"allowing to set accessibility configuration, desktop fonts, keyboard and mouse\n"
"properties, sound setup, desktop theme and background, user interface\n"
"properties, screen resolution, and other GNOME parameters."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8448
msgid "Desktop shell for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8451
msgid ""
"GNOME Shell provides core user interface functions for the GNOME desktop,\n"
"like switching to windows and launching applications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8493
msgid "VNC client viewer widget for GTK+"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8494
msgid ""
"GTK-VNC is a project providing client side APIs for the RFB\n"
"protocol / VNC remote desktop technology.  It is built using coroutines allowing\n"
"it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded.  It provides a\n"
"core C library, and bindings for Python (PyGTK)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8521
msgid "Archives integration support for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8524
msgid ""
"GNOME Autoar is a library which makes creating and extracting archives\n"
"easy, safe, and automatic."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8569 gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8657
msgid "Metadata database, indexer and search tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8572
msgid ""
"Tracker is a search engine and triplestore for desktop, embedded and mobile.\n"
"It is a middleware component aimed at desktop application developers who want\n"
"their apps to browse and search user content.  It's not designed to be used\n"
"directly by desktop users, but it provides a commandline tool named\n"
"@command{tracker} for the adventurous.\n"
"Tracker allows your application to instantly perform full-text searches across\n"
"all documents.  This feature is used by the @{emph{search} bar in GNOME Files, for\n"
"example.  This is achieved by indexing the user's home directory in the\n"
"Tracker also allows your application to query and list content that the user\n"
"has stored.  For example, GNOME Music displays all the music files that are\n"
"found by Tracker.  This means that GNOME Music doesn't need to maintain a\n"
"database of its own.\n"
"If you need to go beyond simple searches, Tracker is also a linked data\n"
"endpoint and it understands SPARQL. "
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8660
msgid ""
"Tracker is an advanced framework for first class objects with associated\n"
"metadata and tags.  It provides a one stop solution for all metadata, tags,\n"
"shared object databases, search tools and indexing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8721
msgid "File manager for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8724
msgid ""
"Nautilus (Files) is a file manager designed to fit the GNOME desktop\n"
"design and behaviour, giving the user a simple way to navigate and manage its\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8756
msgid "Disk usage analyzer for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8758
msgid ""
"Baobab (Disk Usage Analyzer) is a graphical application to analyse disk\n"
"usage in the GNOME desktop environment.  It can easily scan device volumes or\n"
"a specific user-requested directory branch (local or remote).  Once the scan\n"
"is complete it provides a graphical representation of each selected folder."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8782
msgid "Background images for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8784
msgid ""
"GNOME backgrounds package contains a collection of graphics files which\n"
"can be used as backgrounds in the GNOME Desktop environment.  Additionally,\n"
"the package creates the proper framework and directory structure so that you\n"
"can add your own files to the collection."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8828
msgid "Take pictures of your screen"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8830
msgid ""
"GNOME Screenshot is a utility used for taking screenshots of the entire\n"
"screen, a window or a user defined area of the screen, with optional\n"
"beautifying border effects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8860
msgid "Graphical editor for GNOME's dconf configuration system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8862
msgid ""
"Dconf-editor is a graphical tool for browsing and editing the dconf\n"
"configuration system for GNOME.  It allows users to configure desktop\n"
"software that do not provide their own configuration interface."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8891
msgid "Default MIME type associations for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8893
msgid ""
"Given many installed packages which might handle a given MIME type, a\n"
"user running the GNOME desktop probably has some preferences: for example,\n"
"that folders be opened by default by the Nautilus file manager, not the Baobab\n"
"disk usage analyzer.  This package establishes that set of default MIME type\n"
"associations for GNOME."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8924
msgid "GoVirt Library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8925
msgid "GoVirt is a GObject wrapper for the oVirt REST API."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8977
msgid "Weather monitoring for GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:8978
msgid ""
"GNOME Weather is a small application that allows you to\n"
"monitor the current weather conditions for your city, or anywhere in the\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9082
msgid "The GNU desktop environment"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9085
msgid ""
"GNOME is the graphical desktop for GNU.  It includes a wide variety of\n"
"applications for browsing the web, editing text and images, creating\n"
"documents and diagrams, playing media, scanning, and much more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9133
msgid "Desktop recording program"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9134
msgid ""
"Byzanz is a simple desktop recording program with a\n"
"command-line interface.  It can record part or all of an X display for a\n"
"specified duration and save it as a GIF encoded animated image file."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9192
msgid "Two-factor authentication application built for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9194
msgid ""
"Authenticator is a two-factor authentication (2FA) application built for\n"
"the GNOME desktop environment.\n"
"@item QR code scanner\n"
"@item Beautiful UI\n"
"@item Huge database of more than 560 supported services\n"
"@item Keep your PIN tokens secure by locking the application with a password\n"
"@item Automatically fetch an image for services using their favicon\n"
"@item The possibility to add new services\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9230
msgid "GObject wrapper for libcanberra"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9232
msgid ""
"GSound is a small library for playing system sounds.  It's designed to be\n"
"used via GObject Introspection, and is a thin wrapper around the libcanberra C\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9259
msgid "Library for accessing SkyDrive and Hotmail"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9261
msgid ""
"Libzapojit is a GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs of\n"
"Microsoft SkyDrive and Hotmail, using their REST protocols."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9304
msgid "GNOME's clock application"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9306
msgid ""
"GNOME Clocks is a simple clocks application designed to fit the GNOME\n"
"desktop.  It supports world clock, stop watch, alarms, and count down timer."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9350
msgid "GNOME's calendar application"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9352
msgid ""
"GNOME Calendar is a simple calendar application designed to fit the GNOME\n"
"desktop.  It supports multiple calendars, month, week and year view."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9404
msgid "GNOME's ToDo Application"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9406
msgid ""
"GNOME To Do is a simplistic personal task manager designed to perfectly\n"
"fit the GNOME desktop."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9444
msgid "Look up words in dictionary sources"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9446
msgid ""
"GNOME Dictionary can look for the definition or translation of a word in\n"
"existing databases over the internet."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9502
msgid "Customize advanced GNOME 3 options"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9505
msgid ""
"GNOME Tweaks allows adjusting advanced configuration settings in\n"
"GNOME 3.  This includes things like the fonts used in user interface elements,\n"
"alternative user interface themes, changes in window management behavior,\n"
"GNOME Shell appearance and extension, etc."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9532
msgid "Extensions for GNOME Shell"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9533
msgid ""
"GNOME Shell extensions modify and extend GNOME Shell\n"
"functionality and behavior."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9572
msgid "A flat GTK+ theme with transparent elements"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9573
msgid ""
"Arc is a flat theme with transparent elements for GTK 3, GTK\n"
"2, and GNOME Shell which supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments\n"
"like GNOME, Unity, Budgie, Pantheon, XFCE, Mate, etc."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9604
msgid "Faba icon theme"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9606
msgid ""
"Faba is a minimal icon set used as a basis for other themes such as\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9630
msgid "Moka icon theme"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9631
msgid ""
"Moka is a stylized desktop icon set, designed to be clear,\n"
"simple and consistent."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9664
msgid "Arc icon theme"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9665
msgid ""
"The Arc icon theme provides a set of icons matching the\n"
"style of the Arc GTK theme.  Icons missing from the Arc theme are provided by\n"
"the Moka icon theme."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9708
msgid "Library to aggregate data about people"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9709
msgid ""
"Libfolks is a library that aggregates information about people\n"
"from multiple sources (e.g., Telepathy connection managers for IM contacts,\n"
"Evolution Data Server for local contacts, libsocialweb for web service contacts,\n"
"etc.) to create metacontacts.  It's written in Vala, which generates C code when\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9750
msgid "GLib/GObject wrapper for the Facebook API"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9751
msgid ""
"This library allows you to use the Facebook API from\n"
"GLib/GObject code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9779
msgid "GNOME keyboard configuration library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9781
msgid ""
"Libgnomekbd is a keyboard configuration library for the GNOME desktop\n"
"environment, which can notably display keyboard layouts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9815
msgid "Library for writing single instance applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9817
msgid ""
"Libunique is a library for writing single instance applications.  If you\n"
"launch a single instance application twice, the second instance will either just\n"
"quit or will send a message to the running instance.  Libunique makes it easy to\n"
"write this kind of application, by providing a base class, taking care of all\n"
"the IPC machinery needed to send messages to a running instance, and also\n"
"handling the startup notification side."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9856
msgid "Desktop calculator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9858
msgid ""
"Calculator is an application that solves mathematical equations and\n"
"is suitable as a default application in a Desktop environment."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9886
msgid "Virtual sticky note"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9888
msgid ""
"Xpad is a sticky note that strives to be simple, fault tolerant,\n"
"and customizable.  Xpad consists of independent pad windows, each is\n"
"basically a text box in which notes can be written."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9959
msgid "Unicode character picker and font browser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9961
msgid ""
"This program allows you to browse through all the available Unicode\n"
"characters and categories for the installed fonts, and to examine their\n"
"detailed properties.  It is an easy way to find the character you might\n"
"only know by its Unicode name or code point."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9990
msgid "Web development studio"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:9992
msgid ""
"Bluefish is an editor targeted towards programmers and web developers,\n"
"with many options to write web sites, scripts and other code.\n"
"Bluefish supports many programming and markup languages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10030
msgid "Process viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10032
msgid ""
"GNOME System Monitor is a GNOME process viewer and system monitor with\n"
"an attractive, easy-to-use interface.  It has features, such as a tree view\n"
"for process dependencies, icons for processes, the ability to hide processes,\n"
"graphical time histories of CPU/memory/swap usage and the ability to\n"
"kill/reinice processes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10070
msgid "Python client bindings for D-Bus AT-SPI"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10074
msgid ""
"This package includes a python client library for the AT-SPI D-Bus\n"
"accessibility infrastructure."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10142
msgid "Screen reader for individuals who are blind or visually impaired"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10145
msgid ""
"Orca is a screen reader that provides access to the graphical desktop\n"
"via speech and refreshable braille.  Orca works with applications and toolkits\n"
"that support the Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface (AT-SPI)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10200
msgid "GNOME's alternative spell checker"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10202
msgid ""
"gspell provides a flexible API to add spell-checking to a GTK+\n"
"application.  It provides a GObject API, spell-checking to text entries and\n"
"text views, and buttons to choose the language."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10244
msgid "Project management software for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10246
msgid ""
"GNOME Planner is a project management tool based on the Work Breakdown\n"
"Structure (WBS).  Its goal is to enable you to easily plan projects.  Based on\n"
"the resources, tasks, and constraints that you define, Planner generates\n"
"various views into a project.  For example, Planner can show a Gantt chart of\n"
"the project.  It can show a detailed summary of tasks including their\n"
"duration, cost, and current progress.  It can also show a report of resource\n"
"utilization that highlights under-utilized and over-utilized resources.  These\n"
"views can be printed as PDF or PostScript files, or exported to HTML."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10318
msgid "GNOME music playing application"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10320
msgid ""
"Lollypop is a music player designed to play well with GNOME desktop.\n"
"Lollypop plays audio formats such as mp3, mp4, ogg and flac and gets information\n"
"from artists and tracks from the web.  It also fetches cover artworks\n"
"automatically and it can stream songs from online music services and charts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10343
msgid "Video effects for Cheese and other GNOME applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10345
msgid ""
"A collection of GStreamer video filters and effects to be used in\n"
"photo-booth-like software, such as Cheese."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10419
msgid "Webcam photo booth software for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10421
msgid ""
"Cheese uses your webcam to take photos and videos.  Cheese can also\n"
"apply fancy special effects and lets you share the fun with others."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10472
msgid "Password manager for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10474
msgid ""
"Password Safe is a password manager which makes use of the KeePass v4\n"
"format.  It integrates perfectly with the GNOME desktop and provides an easy\n"
"and uncluttered interface for the management of password databases."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10512
msgid "Audio music cd ripper"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10513
msgid ""
"Sound Juicer extracts audio from compact discs and convert it\n"
"into audio files that a personal computer or digital audio player can play.\n"
"It supports ripping to any audio codec supported by a GStreamer plugin, such as\n"
"mp3, Ogg Vorbis and FLAC"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10567
msgid "Convert between audio formats with a graphical interface"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10569
msgid ""
"SoundConverter supports converting between many audio formats including\n"
"Opus, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC and more.  It supports parallel conversion, and\n"
"configurable file renaming. "
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10615
msgid "Tool to help prevent repetitive strain injury (RSI)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10617
msgid ""
"Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of\n"
"repetitive strain injury (@dfn{RSI}).  The program frequently alerts you to take\n"
"micro-pauses and rest breaks, and restricts you to your daily limit."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10657
msgid "GNOME hexadecimal editor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10658
msgid ""
"The GHex program can view and edit files in two ways:\n"
"hexadecimal or ASCII.  It is useful for editing binary files in general."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10696
msgid "Companion library to GObject and Gtk+"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10697
msgid ""
"The libdazzle library is a companion library to GObject and\n"
"Gtk+.  It provides various features that the authors wish were in the\n"
"underlying library but cannot for various reasons.  In most cases, they are\n"
"wildly out of scope for those libraries.  In other cases, they are not quite\n"
"generic enough to work for everyone."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10766
msgid "Manage your email, contacts and schedule"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10767
msgid ""
"Evolution is a personal information management application\n"
"that provides integrated mail, calendaring and address book\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10817
msgid "GNOME image viewer and browser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10818
msgid ""
"GThumb is an image viewer, browser, organizer, editor and\n"
"advanced image management tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10869
msgid "Store and run multiple GNOME terminals in one window"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10871
msgid ""
"Terminator allows you to run multiple GNOME terminals in a grid and\n"
"+tabs, and it supports drag and drop re-ordering of terminals."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10917
msgid "Library full of GTK+ widgets for mobile phones"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10918
msgid ""
"The aim of the handy library is to help with developing user\n"
"interfaces for mobile devices using GTK+.  It provides responsive GTK+ widgets\n"
"for usage on small and big screens."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10967
msgid "GLib wrapper around the libgit2 Git access library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:10968
msgid ""
"libgit2-glib is a GLib wrapper library around the libgit2 Git\n"
"access library.  It only implements the core plumbing functions, not really the\n"
"higher level porcelain stuff."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11031
msgid "Graphical user interface for git"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11033
msgid ""
"gitg is a graphical user interface for git.  It aims at being a small,\n"
"fast and convenient tool to visualize the history of git repositories.\n"
"Besides visualization, gitg also provides several utilities to manage your\n"
"repository and commit your work."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11070
msgid "File alteration monitor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11072
msgid ""
"Gamin is a file and directory monitoring system defined to be a subset\n"
"of the FAM (File Alteration Monitor) system.  This is a service provided by a\n"
"library which detects when a file or a directory has been modified."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11107
msgid "Mahjongg tile-matching game"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11108
msgid ""
"GNOME Mahjongg is a game based on the classic Chinese\n"
"tile-matching game Mahjong.  It features multiple board layouts, tile themes,\n"
"and a high score table."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11145
msgid "GNOME Extra Themes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11146
msgid ""
"This package provides themes and related elements that don't\n"
"really fit in other upstream packages.  It offers legacy support for GTK+ 2\n"
"versions of Adwaita, Adwaita-dark and HighContrast themes.  It also provides\n"
"index files needed for Adwaita to be used outside of GNOME."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11183
msgid "Note-taking application for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11185
msgid ""
"Gnote is a note-taking application written for the GNOME desktop\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11238
msgid "Simple IRC Client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11240
msgid ""
"Polari is a simple Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client that is designed to\n"
"integrate seamlessly with the GNOME desktop."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11292
msgid "View, access, and manage remote and virtual systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11293
msgid ""
"GNOME Boxes is a simple application to view, access, and\n"
"manage remote and virtual systems.  Note that this application requires the\n"
"@code{libvirt} and @code{virtlog} daemons to run.  Use the command\n"
"@command{info '(guix) Virtualization Services'} to learn how to configure\n"
"these services on the Guix System."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11373
msgid "GNOME email application built around conversations"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11375
msgid ""
"Geary collects related messages together into conversations,\n"
"making it easy to find and follow your discussions.  Full-text and keyword\n"
"search makes it easy to find the email you are looking for.  Geary's\n"
"full-featured composer lets you send rich, styled text with images, links, and\n"
"lists, but also send lightweight, easy to read text messages.  Geary\n"
"automatically picks up your existing GNOME Online Accounts, and adding more is\n"
"easy.  Geary has a clean, fast, modern interface that works like you want it\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11418
msgid "Program for creating labels and business cards"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11420
msgid ""
"gLabels is a program for creating labels and business cards.  It is\n"
"designed to work with various laser/ink-jet peel-off label and business\n"
"card sheets that you’ll find at most office supply stores."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11460
msgid "LaTeX editor for the GNOME desktop"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11462
msgid ""
"GNOME LaTeX is a LaTeX editor for the GNOME desktop.  It has features\n"
"such as build tools, completion of LaTeX commands, structure navigation,\n"
"symbol tables, document templates, project management, spell-checking, menus\n"
"and toolbars."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11519
msgid "DBus daemon and utility for configuring gaming mice"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11520
msgid ""
"libratbag provides @command{ratbagd}, a DBus daemon to\n"
"configure input devices, mainly gaming mice.  The daemon provides a generic\n"
"way to access the various features exposed by these mice and abstracts away\n"
"hardware-specific and kernel-specific quirks.  There is also the\n"
"@command{ratbagctl} command line interface for configuring devices.\n"
"libratbag currently supports devices from Logitech, Etekcity, GSkill, Roccat,\n"
"The ratbagd DBus service can be enabled by adding the following service to\n"
"your operating-system definition:\n"
"  (simple-service 'ratbagd dbus-root-service-type (list libratbag))"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11588
msgid "Configure bindings and LEDs on gaming mice"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11589
msgid ""
"Piper is a GTK+ application for configuring gaming mice with\n"
"onboard configuration for key bindings via libratbag.  Piper requires\n"
"a @command{ratbagd} daemon running with root privileges.  It can be run\n"
"manually as root, but is preferably configured as a DBus service that can\n"
"launch on demand.  This can be configured by enabling the following service,\n"
"provided there is a DBus service present:\n"
"  (simple-service 'ratbagd dbus-root-service-type (list libratbag))"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11646
msgid "GNOME audio player for transcription"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11647
msgid ""
"Parlatype is an audio player for the GNOME desktop\n"
"environment.  Its main purpose is the manual transcription of spoken\n"
"audio files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11674
msgid "JSON-RPC library for GLib"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11675
msgid ""
"Jsonrpc-GLib is a library to communicate with JSON-RPC based\n"
"peers in either a synchronous or asynchronous fashion.  It also allows\n"
"communicating using the GVariant serialization format instead of JSON when\n"
"both peers support it.  You might want that when communicating on a single\n"
"host to avoid parser overhead and memory-allocator fragmentation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11708
msgid "Haptic/visual/audio feedback via DBus"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11709
msgid ""
"Feedbackd provides a DBus daemon to act on events to provide\n"
"haptic, visual and audio feedback.  It offers the libfeedbackd library and\n"
"GObject introspection bindings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11757
msgid "System-wide performance profiler for GNU/Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11759
msgid ""
"Sysprof performs detailed, accurate, and fast CPU profiling of an entire\n"
"GNU/Linux system including the kernel and all user-space applications.  This\n"
"helps find the function(s) in which a program spends most of its time.\n"
"It uses the kernel's built-in @code{ptrace} feature and handles shared\n"
"libraries.  Applications do not need to be recompiled--or even restarted."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11836
msgid "Toolsmith for GNOME-based applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11837
msgid ""
"Builder aims to be an integrated development\n"
"environment (IDE) for writing GNOME-based software.  It features fuzzy search,\n"
"auto-completion, a mini code map, documentation browsing, Git integration, an\n"
"integrated profiler via Sysprof, debugging support, and more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11905
msgid "Manga reader for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11906
msgid ""
"Komikku is an online/offline manga reader for GNOME,\n"
"developed with the aim of being used with the Librem 5 phone."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11981
msgid "Uniform data access"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:11983
msgid ""
"GNU Data Access (GDA) is an attempt to provide uniform access to\n"
"different kinds of data sources (databases, information servers, mail spools,\n"
"etc).  It is a complete architecture that provides all you need to access\n"
"your data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:12030
msgid "Translation making program"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnome.scm:12032
msgid ""
"gtranslator is a quite comfortable gettext po/po.gz/(g)mo files editor\n"
"for the GNOME 3.x platform with many features.  It aims to be a very complete\n"
"editing environment for translation issues within the GNU gettext/GNOME desktop\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm:146
msgid "Mozilla javascript engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm:147
msgid ""
"SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written\n"
"in C/C++."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm:1148
msgid "Entirely free browser derived from Mozilla Firefox"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm:1150
msgid ""
"IceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox browser.  It is entirely free\n"
"software, which does not recommend non-free plugins and addons.  It also\n"
"features built-in privacy-protecting features.\n"
"WARNING: IceCat 78 has not yet been released by the upstream IceCat project.\n"
"This is a preview release, and does not currently meet the privacy-respecting\n"
"standards of the IceCat project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm:1473
msgid "Rebranded Mozilla Thunderbird email client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm:1475
msgid ""
"This package provides an email client built based on Mozilla\n"
"Thunderbird.  It supports email, news feeds, chat, calendar and contacts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm:1514
msgid "Tool to extract passwords from Mozilla profiles"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm:1515
msgid ""
"Firefox Decrypt is a tool to extract passwords from\n"
"Mozilla (Firefox, Waterfox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey) profiles."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:114
msgid "GNOME accessibility toolkit"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:116
msgid ""
"ATK provides the set of accessibility interfaces that are implemented\n"
"by other toolkits and applications.  Using the ATK interfaces, accessibility\n"
"tools have full access to view and control running applications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:157
msgid "2D graphics library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:159
msgid ""
"Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices.\n"
"Currently supported output targets include the X Window System (via both\n"
"Xlib and XCB), Quartz, Win32, image buffers, PostScript, PDF, and SVG file\n"
"output.  Experimental backends include OpenGL, BeOS, OS/2, and DirectFB.\n"
"Cairo is designed to produce consistent output on all output media while\n"
"taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available\n"
"eg. through the X Render Extension).\n"
"The cairo API provides operations similar to the drawing operators of\n"
"PostScript and PDF.  Operations in cairo including stroking and filling cubic\n"
"Bézier splines, transforming and compositing translucent images, and\n"
"antialiased text rendering.  All drawing operations can be transformed by any\n"
"affine transformation (scale, rotation, shear, etc.)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:193
msgid "2D graphics library (with X11 support)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:228
msgid "OpenType text shaping engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:230
msgid "HarfBuzz is an OpenType text shaping engine."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:258
msgid "Double-Array Trie Library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:259
msgid ""
"Libdatrie is an implementation of double-array structure for\n"
"representing trie.  Trie is a kind of digital search tree."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:289
msgid "Thai language support library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:290
msgid ""
"LibThai is a set of Thai language support routines aimed to\n"
"ease developers’ tasks to incorporate Thai language support in their\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:339
msgid "GNOME text and font handling library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:341
msgid ""
"Pango is the core text and font handling library used in GNOME\n"
"applications.  It has extensive support for the different writing systems\n"
"used throughout the world."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:382
msgid "Obsolete pango functions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:383
msgid ""
"Pangox was a X backend to pango.  It is now obsolete and no\n"
"longer provided by recent pango releases.  pangox-compat provides the\n"
"functions which were removed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:418
msgid "GTK+ widget for interactive graph-like environments"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:420
msgid ""
"Ganv is an interactive GTK+ widget for interactive “boxes and lines” or\n"
"graph-like environments, e.g. modular synths or finite state machine\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:474
msgid "Widget that extends the standard GTK+ 2.x 'GtkTextView' widget"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:476
msgid ""
"GtkSourceView is a portable C library that extends the standard GTK+\n"
"framework for multiline text editing with support for configurable syntax\n"
"highlighting, unlimited undo/redo, search and replace, a completion framework,\n"
"printing and other features typical of a source code editor."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:525
msgid "GNOME source code widget"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:526
msgid ""
"GtkSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard\n"
"GTK+ text widget GtkTextView.  It improves GtkTextView by implementing syntax\n"
"highlighting and other features typical of a source code editor."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:597
msgid "GNOME image loading and manipulation library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:599
msgid ""
"GdkPixbuf is a library for image loading and manipulation developed\n"
"in the GNOME project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:633
msgid "GNOME image loading and manipulation library, with SVG support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:697
msgid "Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface, core components"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:699
msgid ""
"The Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface, core components,\n"
"is part of the GNOME accessibility project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:754
msgid "Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface, ATK bindings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:756
msgid ""
"The Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface\n"
"is part of the GNOME accessibility project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:821
msgid "Cross-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:823
msgid ""
"GTK+, or the GIMP Toolkit, is a multi-platform toolkit for creating\n"
"graphical user interfaces.  Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK+ is\n"
"suitable for projects ranging from small one-off tools to complete\n"
"application suites."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:966
msgid "Cairo bindings for GNU Guile"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:968
msgid ""
"Guile-Cairo wraps the Cairo graphics library for Guile Scheme.\n"
"Guile-Cairo is complete, wrapping almost all of the Cairo API.  It is API\n"
"stable, providing a firm base on which to do graphics work.  Finally, and\n"
"importantly, it is pleasant to use.  You get a powerful and well-maintained\n"
"graphics library with all of the benefits of Scheme: memory management,\n"
"exceptions, macros, and a dynamic programming environment."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1029
msgid "Render SVG images using Cairo from Guile"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1031
msgid ""
"Guile-RSVG wraps the RSVG library for Guile, allowing you to render SVG\n"
"images onto Cairo surfaces."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1101
msgid "Create SVG or PDF presentations in Guile"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1103
msgid ""
"Guile-Present defines a declarative vocabulary for presentations,\n"
"together with tools to render presentation documents as SVG or PDF.\n"
"Guile-Present can be used to make presentations programmatically, but also\n"
"includes a tools to generate PDF presentations out of Org mode and Texinfo\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1170
msgid "Guile interface for GTK+ programming for GNOME"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1172
msgid ""
"Includes guile-clutter, guile-gnome-gstreamer,\n"
"guile-gnome-platform (GNOME developer libraries), and guile-gtksourceview."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1205
msgid "C++ bindings to the Cairo 2D graphics library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1207
msgid ""
"Cairomm provides a C++ programming interface to the Cairo 2D graphics\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1248
msgid "C++ interface to the Pango text rendering library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1250
msgid ""
"Pangomm provides a C++ programming interface to the Pango text rendering\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1290
msgid "C++ interface to the ATK accessibility library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1292
msgid ""
"ATKmm provides a C++ programming interface to the ATK accessibility\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1333
msgid "C++ interface to the GTK+ graphical user interface library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1335
msgid ""
"gtkmm is the official C++ interface for the popular GUI library GTK+.\n"
"Highlights include typesafe callbacks, and a comprehensive set of widgets that\n"
"are easily extensible via inheritance.  You can create user interfaces either\n"
"in code or with the Glade User Interface designer, using libglademm.  There's\n"
"extensive documentation, including API reference and a tutorial."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1383
msgid "C++ interface to the GTK+ 'GtkTextView' widget"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1385
msgid ""
"gtksourceviewmm is a portable C++ library that extends the standard GTK+\n"
"framework for multiline text editing with support for configurable syntax\n"
"highlighting, unlimited undo/redo, search and replace, a completion framework,\n"
"printing and other features typical of a source code editor."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1415
msgid "Python bindings for cairo"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1417
msgid "Pycairo is a set of Python bindings for the Cairo graphics library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1502
msgid "Python bindings for GTK+"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1504
msgid ""
"PyGTK allows you to write full featured GTK programs in Python.  It is\n"
"targeted at GTK 2.x, and can be used in conjunction with gnome-python to\n"
"write GNOME applications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1528
msgid "Perl interface to the cairo 2d vector graphics library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1529
msgid ""
"Cairo provides Perl bindings for the vector graphics library\n"
"cairo.  It supports multiple output targets, including PNG, PDF and SVG.  Cairo\n"
"produces identical output on all those targets."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1564
msgid "Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1565
msgid ""
"Perl bindings to the 2.x series of the Gtk+ widget set.\n"
"This module allows you to write graphical user interfaces in a Perlish and\n"
"object-oriented way, freeing you from the casting and memory management in C,\n"
"yet remaining very close in spirit to original API."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1592
msgid "Layout and render international text"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1593
msgid ""
"Pango is a library for laying out and rendering text, with an\n"
"emphasis on internationalization.  Pango can be used anywhere that text layout\n"
"is needed, but using Pango in conjunction with Cairo and/or Gtk2 provides a\n"
"complete solution with high quality text handling and graphics rendering.\n"
"Dynamically loaded modules handle text layout for particular combinations of\n"
"script and font backend.  Pango provides a wide selection of modules, including\n"
"modules for Hebrew, Arabic, Hangul, Thai, and a number of Indic scripts.\n"
"Virtually all of the world's major scripts are supported.\n"
"In addition to the low level layout rendering routines, Pango includes\n"
"@code{Pango::Layout}, a high level driver for laying out entire blocks of text,\n"
"and routines to assist in editing internationalized text."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1647
msgid "Library for minimalistic gtk+3 user interfaces"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1648
msgid ""
"Girara is a library that implements a user interface that\n"
"focuses on simplicity and minimalism.  Currently based on GTK+, a\n"
"cross-platform widget toolkit, it provides an interface that focuses on three\n"
"main components: a so-called view widget that represents the actual\n"
"application, an input bar that is used to execute commands of the\n"
"application and the status bar which provides the user with current\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1747
msgid "Documentation generator from C source code"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1749
msgid ""
"GTK-Doc generates API documentation from comments added to C code.  It is\n"
"typically used to document the public API of GTK+ and GNOME libraries, but it\n"
"can also be used to document application code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1777
msgid "Theming engines for GTK+ 2.x"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1779
msgid ""
"This package contains the standard GTK+ 2.x theming engines including\n"
"Clearlooks, Crux, High Contrast, Industrial, LighthouseBlue, Metal, Mist,\n"
"Redmond95 and ThinIce."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1807
msgid "Cairo-based theming engine for GTK+ 2.x"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1809
msgid ""
"Murrine is a cairo-based GTK+ theming engine.  It is named after the\n"
"glass artworks done by Venicians glass blowers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1836
msgid "Spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView widget"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1838
msgid ""
"GtkSpell provides word-processor-style highlighting and replacement of\n"
"misspelled words in a GtkTextView widget."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1864
msgid "Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1866
msgid ""
"ClipIt is a clipboard manager with features such as a history, search\n"
"thereof, global hotkeys and clipboard item actions.  It was forked from\n"
"Parcellite and adds bugfixes and features."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1899
msgid "Thin layer of graphic data types"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1900
msgid ""
"Graphene provides graphic types and their relative API; it\n"
"does not deal with windowing system surfaces, drawing, scene graphs, or input."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1925
msgid "Gtk+ widget for dealing with 2-D tabular data"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1927
msgid ""
"GNU Spread Sheet Widget is a library for Gtk+ which provides a widget for\n"
"viewing and manipulating 2 dimensional tabular data in a manner similar to many\n"
"popular spread sheet programs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1955
msgid "System tray volume applet"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:1957
msgid ""
"Volume Icon is a volume indicator and control applet for @acronym{the\n"
"Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, ALSA}.  It sits in the system tray,\n"
"independent of your desktop environment, and supports global key bindings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:2000
msgid "GTK+ dialog boxes for shell scripts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:2002
msgid ""
"This program allows you to display GTK+ dialog boxes from command line or\n"
"shell scripts.  Example of how to use @code{yad} can be consulted at\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:2059
msgid "Library for passing menus over DBus"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:2060
msgid ""
"@code{libdbusmenu} passes a menu structure across DBus so\n"
"that a program can create a menu simply without worrying about how it is\n"
"displayed on the other side of the bus."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:2085
msgid ""
"Library to create Wayland desktop components using the Layer\n"
"Shell protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:2087
msgid ""
"Layer Shell is a Wayland protocol for desktop shell\n"
"components, such as panels, notifications and wallpapers.  It can be used to\n"
"anchor windows to a corner or edge of the output, or stretch them across the\n"
"entire output.  It supports all Layer Shell features including popups and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:2134
msgid "Canvas widget for GTK+"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:2135
msgid ""
"GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D\n"
"library for drawing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:2199
msgid "Spreadsheet widget for GTK+"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/gtk.scm:2200
msgid ""
"GtkSheet is a matrix widget for GTK+.  It consists of an\n"
"scrollable grid of cells where you can allocate text.  Cell contents can be\n"
"edited interactively through a specially designed entry, GtkItemEntry.  It is\n"
"also a container subclass, allowing you to display buttons, images and any\n"
"other widget in it.  You can also set many attributes such as border,\n"
"foreground and background colors, text justification and more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:127 gnu/packages/guile.scm:222
msgid "Scheme implementation intended especially for extensions"
msgstr "Scheme-Implementierung, die speziell für Erweiterungen gedacht ist"

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:129 gnu/packages/guile.scm:224
msgid ""
"Guile is the GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions, the\n"
"official extension language of the GNU system.  It is an implementation of\n"
"the Scheme language which can be easily embedded in other applications to\n"
"provide a convenient means of extending the functionality of the application\n"
"without requiring the source code to be rewritten."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:397
msgid "Line editing support for GNU Guile"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:399
msgid ""
"This module provides line editing support via the Readline library for\n"
"GNU@tie{}Guile.  Use the @code{(ice-9 readline)} module and call its\n"
"@code{activate-readline} procedure to enable it."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:533
msgid "JSON module for Guile"
msgstr "JSON-Modul für Guile"

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:535
msgid ""
"Guile-JSON supports parsing and building JSON documents according to the\n"
"specification.  These are the main features:\n"
"@item Strictly complies to @uref{http://json.org, specification}.\n"
"@item Build JSON documents programmatically via macros.\n"
"@item Unicode support for strings.\n"
"@item Allows JSON pretty printing.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:636
msgid "Guile bindings to the GDBM library via Guile's FFI"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:638
msgid ""
"Guile bindings to the GDBM key-value storage system, using\n"
"Guile's foreign function interface."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:673
msgid "Access SQLite databases from Guile"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:675
msgid "This package provides Guile bindings to the SQLite database system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:719
msgid "Structured access to bytevector contents for Guile"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:721
msgid ""
"Guile bytestructures offers a system imitating the type system\n"
"of the C programming language, to be used on bytevectors.  C's type\n"
"system works on raw memory, and Guile works on bytevectors which are\n"
"an abstraction over raw memory.  It's also more powerful than the C\n"
"type system, elevating types to first-class status."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:762
msgid "Guile bindings for libgit2"
msgstr "Guile-Anbindungen für libgit2"

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:764
msgid ""
"This package provides Guile bindings to libgit2, a library to\n"
"manipulate repositories of the Git version control system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:807
msgid "Guile bindings to zlib"
msgstr "Guile-Anbindungen für zlib"

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:809
msgid ""
"This package provides Guile bindings for zlib, a lossless\n"
"data-compression library.  The bindings are written in pure Scheme by using\n"
"Guile's foreign function interface."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:843
msgid "Guile bindings to lzlib"
msgstr "Guile-Anbindungen für lzlib"

#: gnu/packages/guile.scm:845
msgid ""
"This package provides Guile bindings for lzlib, a C library for\n"
"in-memory LZMA compression and decompression.  The bindings are written in\n"
"pure Scheme by using Guile's foreign function interface."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/imagemagick.scm:117 gnu/packages/imagemagick.scm:221
msgid "Create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/imagemagick.scm:119
msgid ""
"ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert\n"
"bitmap images.  It can read and write images in a variety of formats (over 100)\n"
"including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG,\n"
"and TIFF.  Use ImageMagick to resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and\n"
"transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw\n"
"text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/imagemagick.scm:166
msgid "Perl interface to ImageMagick"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/imagemagick.scm:167
msgid ""
"This Perl extension allows the reading, manipulation and\n"
"writing of a large number of image file formats using the ImageMagick library.\n"
"Use it to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images from within a Perl\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/imagemagick.scm:223
msgid ""
"GraphicsMagick provides a comprehensive collection of utilities,\n"
"programming interfaces, and GUIs, to support file format conversion, image\n"
"processing, and 2D vector rendering."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:121
msgid "Image Quality Assessment"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:122
msgid ""
"IQA is a C library for objectively measuring image/video\n"
"quality.  It implements many popular algorithms, such as MS-SSIM, MS-SSIM*,\n"
"SIMM, MSE, and PSNR.  It is designed to be fast, accurate, and reliable.  All\n"
"code is Valgrind-clean and unit tested."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:153
msgid "Library for handling PNG files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:155
msgid ""
"Libpng is the official PNG (Portable Network Graphics) reference\n"
"library.  It supports almost all PNG features and is extensible."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:219
msgid "APNG patch for libpng"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:221
msgid ""
"APNG (Animated Portable Network Graphics) is an unofficial\n"
"extension of the APNG (Portable Network Graphics) format.\n"
"APNG patch provides APNG support to libpng."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:276
msgid "Utility to compress PNG files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:277
msgid ""
"Pngcrush optimizes @acronym{PNG, Portable Network Graphics}\n"
"images.  It can further losslessly compress them by as much as 40%."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:331
msgid "Pretty small png library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:332
msgid ""
"A pretty small png library.\n"
"Currently all documentation resides in @file{pnglite.h}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:353
msgid "Image palette quantization library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:354
msgid ""
"libimagequant is a small, portable C library for\n"
"high-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color (palette)\n"
"images.  This library can significantly reduces file sizes and powers pngquant\n"
"and other PNG optimizers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:386
msgid "Utility and library for lossy compressing PNG images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:387
msgid ""
"pngquant is a PNG compressor that significantly reduces file\n"
"sizes by converting images to a more efficient 8-bit PNG format with alpha\n"
"channel (often 60-80% smaller than 24/32-bit PNG files).  Compressed images\n"
"are fully standards-compliant and are supported by all web browsers and\n"
"operating systems.\n"
"@item High-quality palette generation using a combination of vector\n"
"      quantization algorithms.\n"
"@item Unique adaptive dithering algorithm that adds less noise to images\n"
"      than the standard Floyd-Steinberg.\n"
"@item Easy to integrate with shell scripts, GUIs and server-side software.\n"
"@item Fast mode for real-time processing/large numbers of images.\n"
"@end enumerate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:415
msgid "Library for handling JPEG files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:417
msgid ""
"Libjpeg implements JPEG image encoding, decoding, and transcoding.\n"
"JPEG is a standardized compression method for full-color and gray-scale\n"
"It also includes programs that provide conversion between the JPEG format and\n"
"image files in PBMPLUS PPM/PGM, GIF, BMP, and Targa file formats, as well as\n"
"lossless JPEG manipulations such as rotation, scaling or cropping:\n"
"@item cjpeg\n"
"@item djpeg\n"
"@item jpegtran\n"
"@item rdjpgcom\n"
"@item wrjpgcom\n"
"@end enumerate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:510
msgid "Implementation of the JPEG XR standard"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:511
msgid ""
"JPEG XR is an approved ISO/IEC International standard (its\n"
"official designation is ISO/IEC 29199-2). This library is an implementation of that standard."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:533
msgid "Optimize JPEG images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:535
msgid ""
"jpegoptim provides lossless optimization (based on optimizing\n"
"the Huffman tables) and \"lossy\" optimization based on setting\n"
"maximum quality factor."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:560
msgid "Library for handling Mac OS icns resource files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:562
msgid ""
"Libicns is a library for the manipulation of Mac OS IconFamily resource\n"
"type files (ICNS).  @command{icns2png} and @command{png2icns} are provided to\n"
"convert between PNG and ICNS. @command{icns2png} will extract image files from\n"
"ICNS files under names like \"Foo_48x48x32.png\" useful for installing for use\n"
"with .desktop files.  Additionally, @command{icontainer2png} is provided for\n"
"extracting icontainer icon files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:596
msgid "Library for handling TIFF files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:598
msgid ""
"Libtiff provides support for the Tag Image File Format (TIFF), a format\n"
"used for storing image data.\n"
"Included are a library, libtiff, for reading and writing TIFF and a small\n"
"collection of tools for doing simple manipulations of TIFF images."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:655
msgid "Library and tools for image processing and analysis"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:657
msgid ""
"Leptonica is a C library and set of command-line tools for efficient\n"
"image processing and image analysis operations.  It supports rasterop, affine\n"
"transformations, binary and grayscale morphology, rank order, and convolution,\n"
"seedfill and connected components, image transformations combining changes in\n"
"scale and pixel depth, and pixelwise masking, blending, enhancement, and\n"
"arithmetic ops."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:695
msgid "Decoder of the JBIG2 image compression format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:697
msgid ""
"JBIG2 is designed for lossy or lossless encoding of @code{bilevel} (1-bit\n"
"monochrome) images at moderately high resolution, and in particular scanned\n"
"paper documents.  In this domain it is very efficient, offering compression\n"
"ratios on the order of 100:1.\n"
"This is a decoder only implementation, and currently is in the alpha\n"
"stage, meaning it doesn't completely work yet.  However, it is\n"
"maintaining parity with available encoders, so it is useful for real\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:765
msgid "Lossless compression for bi-level high-resolution images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:767
msgid ""
"JBIG-KIT implements the JBIG1 data compression standard (ITU-T T.82 and\n"
"ISO/IEC 11544:1993), designed for bi-level (one bit per pixel) images such as\n"
"black-and-white scanned documents.  It is widely used in fax products, printer\n"
"firmware and drivers, document management systems, and imaging software.\n"
"This package provides a static C library of (de)compression functions and some\n"
"simple command-line converters similar to those provided by netpbm.\n"
"Two JBIG1 variants are available.  One (@file{jbig.c}) implements nearly all\n"
"options of the standard but has to keep the full uncompressed image in memory.\n"
"The other (@file{jbig85.c}) implements just the ITU-T T.85 profile, with\n"
"memory management optimized for embedded and fax applications.  It buffers\n"
"only a few lines of the uncompressed image in memory and is able to stream\n"
"images of initially unknown height."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:799
msgid "Test files for OpenJPEG"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:800
msgid ""
"OpenJPEG-Data contains all files required to run the openjpeg\n"
"test suite, including conformance tests (following Rec. ITU-T T.803 | ISO/IEC\n"
"15444-4 procedures), non-regression tests and unit tests."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:828
msgid "JPEG 2000 codec"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:830
msgid ""
"The OpenJPEG library is a JPEG 2000 codec written in C.  It has\n"
"been developed in order to promote the use of JPEG 2000, the new\n"
"still-image compression standard from the Joint Photographic Experts\n"
"Group (JPEG).\n"
"In addition to the basic codec, various other features are under\n"
"development, among them the JP2 and MJ2 (Motion JPEG 2000) file formats,\n"
"an indexing tool useful for the JPIP protocol, JPWL-tools for\n"
"error-resilience, a Java-viewer for j2k-images, ..."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:897
msgid "Tools and library for working with GIF images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:899
msgid ""
"GIFLIB is a library for reading and writing GIF images.  It is API and\n"
"ABI compatible with libungif which was in wide use while the LZW compression\n"
"algorithm was patented.  Tools are also included to convert, manipulate,\n"
"compose, and analyze GIF images."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:949
msgid "Library for working with WFM, EMF and EMF+ images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:950
msgid ""
"The libUEMF library is a portable C99 implementation for\n"
"reading and writing @acronym{WFM, Windows Metafile}, @acronym{EMF, Enhanced\n"
"Metafile}, and @acronym{EMF+, Enhanced Metafile Plus} files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:970
msgid "GIF decompression library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:972
msgid "libungif is the old GIF decompression library by the GIFLIB project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1003
msgid "Loading, saving, rendering and manipulating image files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1005
msgid ""
"Imlib2 is a library that does image file loading and saving as well as\n"
"rendering, manipulation, arbitrary polygon support, etc.\n"
"It does ALL of these operations FAST.  Imlib2 also tries to be highly\n"
"intelligent about doing them, so writing naive programs can be done easily,\n"
"without sacrificing speed.\n"
"This is a complete rewrite over the Imlib 1.x series.  The architecture is\n"
"more modular, simple, and flexible."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1045
msgid "Wrapper library for imlib2"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1047
msgid ""
"Giblib is a simple library which wraps imlib2's context API, avoiding\n"
"all the context_get/set calls, adds fontstyles to the truetype renderer and\n"
"supplies a generic doubly-linked list and some string functions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1135
msgid "Library for handling popular graphics image formats"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1137
msgid ""
"FreeImage is a library for developers who would like to support popular\n"
"graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1206
msgid "Computer vision library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1208
msgid ""
"VIGRA stands for Vision with Generic Algorithms.  It is an image\n"
"processing and analysis library that puts its main emphasis on customizable\n"
"algorithms and data structures.  It is particularly strong for\n"
"multi-dimensional image processing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1241
msgid "C interface to the VIGRA computer vision library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1243
msgid ""
"This package provides a C interface to the VIGRA C++ computer vision\n"
"library.  It is designed primarily to ease the implementation of higher-level\n"
"language bindings to VIGRA."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1280
msgid "Lossless and lossy image compression"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1282
msgid ""
"WebP is a new image format that provides lossless and lossy compression\n"
"for images.  WebP lossless images are 26% smaller in size compared to\n"
"PNGs.  WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller in size compared to JPEG images at\n"
"equivalent SSIM index.  WebP supports lossless transparency (also known as\n"
"alpha channel) with just 22% additional bytes.  Transparency is also supported\n"
"with lossy compression and typically provides 3x smaller file sizes compared\n"
"to PNG when lossy compression is acceptable for the red/green/blue color\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1310
msgid "Library for handling MNG files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1312
msgid "Libmng is the MNG (Multiple-image Network Graphics) reference library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1332
msgid "Library and command-line utility to manage image metadata"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1334
msgid ""
"Exiv2 is a C++ library and a command line utility to manage image\n"
"metadata.  It provides fast and easy read and write access to the Exif, IPTC\n"
"and XMP metadata of images in various formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1402
msgid "Library for manipulating many image formats"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1403
msgid ""
"Developer's Image Library (DevIL) is a library to develop\n"
"applications with support for many types of images.  DevIL can load, save,\n"
"convert, manipulate, filter and display a wide variety of image formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1425
msgid "JPEG-2000 library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1426
msgid ""
"The JasPer Project is an initiative to provide a reference\n"
"implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard (i.e.,\n"
"ISO/IEC 15444-1)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1450
msgid "Scaling, colorspace conversion, and dithering library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1451
msgid ""
"Zimg implements the commonly required image processing basics\n"
"of scaling, colorspace conversion, and depth conversion.  A simple API enables\n"
"conversion between any supported formats to operate with minimal knowledge from\n"
"the programmer."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1485
msgid "Perceptual image comparison utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1486
msgid ""
"PerceptualDiff visually compares two images to determine\n"
"whether they look alike.  It uses a computational model of the human visual\n"
"system to detect similarities.  This allows it too see beyond irrelevant\n"
"differences in file encoding, image quality, and other small variations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1526
msgid "Image and audio steganography"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1528
msgid ""
"Steghide is a program to hide data in various kinds of image and audio\n"
"files (known as @dfn{steganography}).  Neither color nor sample frequencies are\n"
"changed, making the embedding resistant against first-order statistical tests."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1565
msgid "Optimizer that recompresses PNG image files to a smaller size"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1566
msgid ""
"OptiPNG is a PNG optimizer that recompresses image\n"
"files to a smaller size, without losing any information.  This program\n"
"also converts external formats (BMP, GIF, PNM and TIFF) to optimized\n"
"PNG, and performs PNG integrity checks and corrections."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1599
msgid "Example PNGs for use in test suites"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1600
msgid ""
"Collection of graphics images created to test PNG\n"
"applications like viewers, converters and editors.  As far as that is\n"
"possible, all formats supported by the PNG standard are represented."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1653
msgid "SIMD-accelerated JPEG image handling library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1654
msgid ""
"libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that accelerates baseline\n"
"JPEG compression and decompression using SIMD instructions: MMX on x86, SSE2 on\n"
"x86-64, NEON on ARM, and AltiVec on PowerPC processors.  Even on other systems,\n"
"its highly-optimized Huffman coding routines allow it to outperform libjpeg by\n"
"a significant amount.\n"
"libjpeg-turbo implements both the traditional libjpeg API and the less powerful\n"
"but more straightforward TurboJPEG API, and provides a full-featured Java\n"
"interface.  It supports color space extensions that allow it to compress from\n"
"and decompress to 32-bit and big-endian pixel buffers (RGBX, XBGR, etc.)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1719
msgid "Library for reading and writing files in the nifti-1 format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1720
msgid ""
"Niftilib is a set of i/o libraries for reading and writing\n"
"files in the nifti-1 data format - a binary file format for storing\n"
"medical image data, e.g. magnetic resonance image (MRI) and functional MRI\n"
"(fMRI) brain images."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1761
msgid "Color picker"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1762
msgid "Gpick is an advanced color picker and palette editing tool."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1780
msgid "IPTC metadata manipulation library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1782
msgid ""
"Libiptcdata is a C library for manipulating the International Press\n"
"Telecommunications Council (@dfn{IPTC}) metadata stored within multimedia files\n"
"such as images.  This metadata can include captions and keywords, often used by\n"
"popular photo management applications.  The library provides routines for\n"
"parsing, viewing, modifying, and saving this metadata."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1819
msgid "Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1820
msgid ""
"Flameshot is a screenshot program.\n"
"@item Customizable appearance.\n"
"@item Easy to use.\n"
"@item In-app screenshot edition.\n"
"@item DBus interface.\n"
"@item Upload to Imgur.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1860
msgid "Edit GIF images and animations"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1861
msgid ""
"Gifsicle is a command-line GIF image manipulation tool that:\n"
"@item Provides a batch mode for changing GIFs in place.\n"
"@item Prints detailed information about GIFs, including comments.\n"
"@item Control over interlacing, comments, looping, transparency, etc.\n"
"@item Creates well-behaved GIFs: removes redundant colors, only uses local color\n"
"tables, etc.\n"
"@item Shrinks colormaps and change images to use the Web-safe palette.\n"
"@item Optimizes GIF animations, or unoptimizes them for easier editing.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"Two other programs are included with Gifsicle: @command{gifview} is a\n"
"lightweight animated-GIF viewer, and @command{gifdiff} compares two GIFs for\n"
"identical visual appearance."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1897
msgid "Convert JPEG images to ASCII"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1899
msgid "Jp2a is a small utility that converts JPEG images to ASCII."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1924
msgid "Create screenshots from a Wayland compositor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1925
msgid "grim can create screenshots from a Wayland compositor."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1949
msgid "Select a region in a Wayland compositor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1950
msgid ""
"Slurp can select a region in a Wayland compositor and print it\n"
"to the standard output.  It works well together with grim."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1983
msgid "Markup language for representing PNG contents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:1984
msgid ""
"SNG (Scriptable Network Graphics) is a minilanguage designed\n"
"specifically to represent the entire contents of a PNG (Portable Network\n"
"Graphics) file in an editable form.  Thus, SNGs representing elaborate\n"
"graphics images and ancillary chunk data can be readily generated or modified\n"
"using only text tools.\n"
"SNG is implemented by a compiler/decompiler called sng that\n"
"losslessly translates between SNG and PNG."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:2043
msgid "PNG encoder and decoder in C and C++, without dependencies"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:2044
msgid ""
"LodePNG is a PNG image decoder and encoder, all in one,\n"
"no dependency or linkage required.  It's made for C (ISO C90), and has a C++\n"
"wrapper with a more convenient interface on top."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:2067
msgid "Extract and convert bitmaps from Windows icon and cursor files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:2068
msgid ""
"Icoutils are a set of program for extracting and converting\n"
"bitmaps from Microsoft Windows icon and cursor files.  These files usually\n"
"have the extension @code{.ico} or @code{.cur}, but they can also be embedded\n"
"in executables and libraries (@code{.dll}-files).  (Such embedded files are\n"
"referred to as resources.)\n"
"Conversion of these files to and from PNG images is done @command{icotool}.\n"
"@command{extresso} automates these tasks with the help of special resource\n"
"scripts.  Resources such can be extracted from MS Windows executable and\n"
"library files with @command{wrestool}.\n"
"This package can be used to create @code{favicon.ico} files for web sites."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:2114
msgid "Encode and decode AVIF files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:2115
msgid ""
"Libavif is a C implementation of @acronym{AVIF, the AV1 Image\n"
"File Format}.  It can encode and decode all YUV formats and bit depths supported\n"
"by AOM, including with alpha."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:2161
msgid "Create pixel art and manipulate digital images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:2163
msgid ""
"Mtpaint is a graphic editing program which uses the GTK+ toolkit.\n"
"It can create and edit indexed palette or 24bit RGB images, offers basic\n"
"painting and palette manipulation tools.  It also handles JPEG, JPEG2000,\n"
"GIF, TIFF, WEBP, BMP, PNG, XPM formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:2213
msgid "Organize photos and videos in folders"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image.scm:2214
msgid ""
"Phockup is a media sorting tool that uses creation date and\n"
"time information in photos and videos to organize them into folders by year,\n"
"month and day.  All files which are not images or videos or those which do not\n"
"have creation date information will be placed in a folder called\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:108
msgid "Fast and light imlib2-based image viewer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:110
msgid ""
"feh is an X11 image viewer aimed mostly at console users.\n"
"Unlike most other viewers, it does not have a fancy GUI, but simply\n"
"displays images.  It can also be used to set the desktop wallpaper.\n"
"It is controlled via commandline arguments and configurable key/mouse\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:155
msgid "Lightweight GTK+ based image viewer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:157
msgid ""
"Geeqie is a lightweight GTK+ based image viewer for Unix like operating\n"
"systems.  It features: EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata browsing and editing\n"
"interoperability; easy integration with other software; geeqie works on files\n"
"and directories, there is no need to import images; fast preview for many raw\n"
"image formats; tools for image comparison, sorting and managing photo\n"
"collection.  Geeqie was initially based on GQview."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:182
msgid "Simple and fast image viewer for X"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:183
msgid ""
"gpicview is a lightweight GTK+ 2.x based image viewer.\n"
"It is the default image viewer on LXDE desktop environment."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:233
msgid "Simple X Image Viewer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:235
msgid ""
"sxiv is an alternative to feh and qiv.  Its primary goal is to\n"
"provide the most basic features required for fast image viewing.  It has\n"
"vi key bindings and works nicely with tiling window managers.  Its code\n"
"base should be kept small and clean to make it easy for you to dig into\n"
"it and customize it for your needs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:277
msgid "Simple, fast and elegant image viewer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:278
msgid ""
"Viewnior is an image viewer program.  Created to be simple,\n"
"fast and elegant.  Its minimalistic interface provides more screenspace for\n"
"your images.  Among its features are:\n"
"@item Fullscreen & Slideshow\n"
"@item Rotate, flip, crop, save, delete images\n"
"@item Animation support\n"
"@item Browse only selected images\n"
"@item Navigation window\n"
"@item Set image as wallpaper (Gnome 2, Gnome 3, XFCE, LXDE, FluxBox, Nitrogen)\n"
"@item Simple interface\n"
"@item EXIF and IPTC metadata\n"
"@item Configurable mouse actions\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:333
msgid "Render images in the terminal"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:335
msgid ""
"Catimg is a little program that prints images in the terminal.\n"
"It supports JPEG, PNG and GIF formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:388
msgid "High dynamic range (HDR) imaging application"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:390
msgid ""
"Luminance HDR (formerly QtPFSGui) is a graphical user interface\n"
"application that aims to provide a workflow for high dynamic range (HDR)\n"
"imaging.  It supports several HDR and LDR image formats, and it can:\n"
"@item Create an HDR file from a set of images (formats: JPEG, TIFF 8bit and\n"
"16bit, RAW) of the same scene taken at different exposure setting;\n"
"@item Save load HDR images;\n"
"@item Rotate, resize and crop HDR images;\n"
"@item Tone-map HDR images;\n"
"@item Copy EXIF data between sets of images.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:487
msgid "Image viewer for comics"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:488
msgid ""
"MComix is a customizable image viewer that specializes as\n"
"a comic and manga reader.  It supports a variety of container formats\n"
"including CBZ, CB7, CBT, LHA.\n"
"For PDF support, install the @emph{mupdf} package."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:529
msgid "Convenient and minimal image viewer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:530
msgid ""
"qView is a Qt image viewer designed with visually\n"
"minimalism and usability in mind.  Its features include animated GIF\n"
"controls, file history, rotation/mirroring, and multithreaded\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:555
msgid "Convert images to ANSI/Unicode characters"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:557
msgid ""
"Chafa is a command-line utility that converts all kinds of images,\n"
"including animated GIFs, into ANSI/Unicode character output that can be\n"
"displayed in a terminal."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:607
msgid "Image viewer for tiling window managers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:608
msgid ""
"@code{imv} is a command line image viewer intended for use\n"
"with tiling window managers.  Features include:\n"
"@item Native Wayland and X11 support.\n"
"@item Support for dozens of image formats including:\n"
"@item PNG\n"
"@item JPEG\n"
"@item Animated GIFs\n"
"@item SVG\n"
"@item TIFF\n"
"@item Various RAW formats\n"
"@item Photoshop PSD files\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"@item Configurable key bindings and behavior.\n"
"@item Highly scriptable with IPC via imv-msg.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:677
msgid "Graphical image viewer for X"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm:679
msgid ""
"Quick Image Viewer is a small and fast GDK/Imlib2 image viewer.\n"
"Features include zoom, maxpect, scale down, fullscreen, slideshow, delete,\n"
"brightness/contrast/gamma correction, pan with keyboard and mouse, flip,\n"
"rotate left/right, jump/forward/backward images, filename filter and use it\n"
"to set X desktop background."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/inkscape.scm:114 gnu/packages/inkscape.scm:301
msgid "Vector graphics editor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/inkscape.scm:115 gnu/packages/inkscape.scm:302
msgid ""
"Inkscape is a vector graphics editor.  What sets Inkscape\n"
"apart is its use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an XML-based W3C standard,\n"
"as the native format."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/jemalloc.scm:66
msgid "General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/jemalloc.scm:68
msgid ""
"This library providing a malloc(3) implementation that emphasizes\n"
"fragmentation avoidance and scalable concurrency support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/key-mon.scm:51
msgid "Show keyboard and mouse status"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/key-mon.scm:53
msgid ""
"The key-mon utility displays the current keyboard and mouse status.\n"
"This is useful for teaching and screencasts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/less.scm:50
msgid "Paginator for terminals"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/less.scm:52
msgid ""
"GNU less is a pager, a program that allows you to view large amounts\n"
"of text in page-sized chunks.  Unlike traditional pagers, it allows both\n"
"backwards and forwards movement through the document.  It also does not have\n"
"to read the entire input file before starting, so it starts faster than most\n"
"text editors."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/less.scm:99
msgid "Input filter for less"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/less.scm:100
msgid ""
"To browse files, the excellent viewer @code{less} can be\n"
"used.  By setting the environment variable @code{LESSOPEN}, less can be\n"
"enhanced by external filters to become more powerful.  The input filter for\n"
"less described here is called @code{lesspipe.sh}.  It is able to process a\n"
"wide variety of file formats.  It enables users to inspect archives and\n"
"display their contents without having to unpack them before.  The filter is\n"
"easily extensible for new formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/lesstif.scm:47
msgid "Clone of the Motif toolkit for the X window system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/lesstif.scm:48
msgid "Clone of the Motif toolkit for the X window system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:108
msgid "General purpose formula parser and interpreter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:109
msgid ""
"Ixion is a library for calculating the results of formula\n"
"expressions stored in multiple named targets, or \"cells\".  The cells can\n"
"be referenced from each other, and the library takes care of resolving\n"
"their dependencies automatically upon calculation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:136
msgid "File import filter library for spreadsheet documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:137
msgid ""
"Orcus is a library that provides a collection of standalone\n"
"file processing filters.  It is currently focused on providing filters for\n"
"spreadsheet documents.  The library includes import filters for\n"
"Microsoft Excel 2007 XML, Microsoft Excel 2003 XML, Open Document Spreadsheet,\n"
"Plain Text, Gnumeric XML, Generic XML.  It also includes low-level parsers for\n"
"CSV, CSS and XML."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:188
msgid "Convert between any document format supported by LibreOffice"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:190
msgid ""
"Unoconv is a command-line utility to convert documents from any format\n"
"that LibreOffice can import, to any format it can export.  It can be used for\n"
"batch processing and can apply custom style templates and filters.\n"
"Unoconv converts between over a hundred formats, including Open Document\n"
"Format (@file{.odt}, @file{.ods}, @file{.odp})), Portable Document Format\n"
"(@file{.pdf}), HTML and XHTML, RTF, DocBook (@file{.xml}), @file{.doc} and\n"
"@file{.docx}), @file{.xls} and @file{.xlsx}).\n"
"All required fonts must be installed on the converting system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:228
msgid "Document importer for office suites"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:229
msgid ""
"Librevenge is a base library for writing document import\n"
"filters.  It has interfaces for text documents, vector graphics,\n"
"spreadsheets and presentations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:256
msgid "Library for importing WordPerfect documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:257
msgid ""
"Libwpd is a C++ library designed to help process\n"
"WordPerfect documents.  It is most commonly used to import such documents\n"
"into other word processors."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:290
msgid "Library for import of reflowable e-book formats"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:291
msgid ""
"Libe-book is a library and a set of tools for reading and\n"
"converting various reflowable e-book formats.  Currently supported are:\n"
"Broad Band eBook, eReader .pdb, FictionBook v. 2 (including zipped files),\n"
"PalmDoc Ebook, Plucker .pdb, QiOO (mobile format, for java-enabled\n"
"cellphones), TCR (simple compressed text format), TealDoc, zTXT,\n"
"ZVR (simple compressed text format)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:321
msgid "EPUB generator library for librevenge"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:322
msgid ""
"libepubgen is an EPUB generator for librevenge.  It supports\n"
"librevenge's text document interface and--currently in a very limited\n"
"way--presentation and vector drawing interfaces."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:348
msgid "Library and tools for the WordPerfect Graphics format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:349
msgid ""
"The libwpg project provides a library and tools for\n"
"working with graphics in the WPG (WordPerfect Graphics) format."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:389
msgid "CMIS client library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:390
msgid ""
"LibCMIS is a C++ client library for the CMIS interface.  It\n"
"allows C++ applications to connect to any ECM behaving as a CMIS server such\n"
"as Alfresco or Nuxeo."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:419
msgid "Library for parsing the AbiWord format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:420
msgid ""
"Libabw is a library that parses the file format of\n"
"AbiWord documents."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:448
msgid "Library for parsing the CorelDRAW format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:449
msgid ""
"Libcdr is a library that parses the file format of\n"
"CorelDRAW documents of all versions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:482
msgid "Library for parsing the Apple Keynote format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:483
msgid ""
"Libetonyek is a library that parses the file format of\n"
"Apple Keynote documents.  It currently supports Keynote versions 2 to 5."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:505
msgid "Library to access tags for identifying languages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:506
msgid ""
"Liblangtag implements an interface to work with tags\n"
"for identifying languages as described in RFC 5646.  It supports the\n"
"extensions described in RFC6067 and RFC6497, and Extension T for\n"
"language/locale identifiers as described in the Unicode CLDR\n"
"standard 21.0.2."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:526
msgid "Text Categorization library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:527
msgid ""
"Libexttextcat is an N-Gram-Based Text Categorization\n"
"library primarily intended for language guessing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:568
msgid "Library for parsing the FreeHand format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:569
msgid ""
"Libfreehand is a library that parses the file format of\n"
"Aldus/Macromedia/Adobe FreeHand documents."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:595
msgid "Library for parsing the Microsoft Publisher format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:596
msgid ""
"Libmspub is a library that parses the file format of\n"
"Microsoft Publisher documents of all versions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:616
msgid "Language-neutral @code{NUMBERTEXT} and @code{MONEYTEXT} functions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:618
msgid ""
"The libnumbertext library provides language-neutral @code{NUMBERTEXT}\n"
"and @code{MONEYTEXT} functions for LibreOffice Calc, available for C++ and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:646
msgid "Library for parsing the PageMaker format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:647
msgid ""
"Libpagemaker is a library that parses the file format of\n"
"Aldus/Adobe PageMaker documents.  Currently it only understands documents\n"
"created by PageMaker version 6.x and 7."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:677
msgid "Library for parsing the Microsoft Visio format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:678
msgid ""
"Libvisio is a library that parses the file format of\n"
"Microsoft Visio documents of all versions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:706
msgid "ODF (Open Document Format) library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:707
msgid ""
"Libodfgen is a library for generating documents in the\n"
"Open Document Format (ODF).  It provides generator implementations for all\n"
"document interfaces supported by librevenge:\n"
"text documents, vector drawings, presentations and spreadsheets."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:734
msgid "Import library for some old Macintosh text documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:735
msgid ""
"Libmwaw contains some import filters for old Macintosh\n"
"text documents (MacWrite, ClarisWorks, ... ) and for some graphics and\n"
"spreadsheet documents."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:758
msgid "Provides LibreOffice support for old StarOffice documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:759
msgid ""
"@code{libstaroffice} is an import filter for the document formats\n"
"from the old StarOffice (.sdc, .sdw, ...)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:784
msgid "Import library for Microsoft Works text documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:785
msgid ""
"Libwps is a library for importing files in the Microsoft\n"
"Works word processor file format."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:815
msgid "Parses file format of Zoner Callisto/Draw documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:816
msgid ""
"Libzmf is a library that parses the file format of Zoner\n"
"Callisto/Draw documents.  Currently it only understands documents created by\n"
"Zoner Draw version 4 and 5."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:847
msgid ""
"Hunspell is a spell checker and morphological analyzer\n"
"library and program designed for languages with rich morphology and complex\n"
"word compounding or character encoding."
msgstr ""

#. TRANSLATORS: In French, this is "Français classique".
#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:910
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for ``classic'' French (recommended)"
msgstr ""

#. TRANSLATORS: In French, this is "Français moderne".
#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:915
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for ``modern'' French"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:919
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for the post @dfn{1990 réforme} French"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:923
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for all variants of French"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:967
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for Polish"
msgstr "Hunspell-Wörterbuch für Polnisch"

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:1004
msgid "Hunspell dictionary for German (de_DE)"
msgstr "Hunspell-Wörterbuch für Deutsch (de_DE)"

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:1005
msgid ""
"This package provides a dictionary for the Hunspell\n"
"spell-checking library."
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet ein Wörterbuch für die Hunspell-Rechtschreibbibliothek."

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:1026
msgid "Hyphenation library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:1027
msgid ""
"Hyphen is a hyphenation library using TeX hyphenation\n"
"patterns, which are pre-processed by a perl script."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:1051
msgid "Thesaurus"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:1052
msgid ""
"MyThes is a simple thesaurus that uses a structured text\n"
"data file and an index file with binary search to look up words and phrases\n"
"and to return information on pronunciations, meanings and synonyms."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:1080
msgid "Library and tools for the QuarkXPress file format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:1081
msgid ""
"libqxp is a library and a set of tools for reading and\n"
"converting QuarkXPress file format.  It supports versions 3.1 to 4.1."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:1296
msgid "Office suite"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm:1297
msgid ""
"LibreOffice is a comprehensive office suite.  It contains\n"
"a number of components: Writer, a word processor; Calc, a spreadsheet\n"
"application; Impress, a presentation engine; Draw, a drawing and\n"
"flowcharting application; Base, a database and database frontend;\n"
"Math for editing mathematics."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:563
msgid "GNU Linux-Libre kernel headers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:564
msgid "Headers of the Linux-Libre kernel."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:847
msgid "100% free redistribution of a cleaned Linux kernel"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:849
msgid ""
"GNU Linux-Libre is a free (as in freedom) variant of the Linux kernel.\n"
"It has been modified to remove all non-free binary blobs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1064
msgid "Linux kernel module to perform ACPI method calls"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1066
msgid ""
"This simple Linux kernel module allows calls from user space to any\n"
"@acronym{ACPI, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface} method provided by\n"
"your computer's firmware, by writing to @file{/proc/acpi/call}.  You can pass\n"
"any number of parameters of types @code{ACPI_INTEGER}, @code{ACPI_STRING},\n"
"and @code{ACPI_BUFFER}.\n"
"It grants direct and undocumented access to your hardware that may cause damage\n"
"and should be used with caution, especially on untested models."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1114
msgid "Linux driver for Realtek USB wireless network adapters"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1116
msgid ""
"This is Realtek's rtl8812au Linux driver for USB 802.11n wireless\n"
"network adapters, modified by the aircrack-ng project to support monitor mode\n"
"and frame injection.  It provides a @code{88XXau} kernel module that supports\n"
"RTL8812AU, RTL8821AU, and RTL8814AU chips."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1152
msgid "Linux driver for Realtek RTL8821CE wireless network adapters"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1153
msgid ""
"This is Realtek's RTL8821CE Linux driver for wireless\n"
"network adapters."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1174
msgid "Kernel module that emulates SCSI devices"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1175
msgid ""
"VHBA module provides a Virtual (SCSI) HBA, which is the link\n"
"between the CDemu userspace daemon and linux kernel."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1200
msgid "Kernel module that disables discrete Nvidia graphics cards"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1201
msgid ""
"The bbswitch module provides a way to toggle the Nvidia\n"
"graphics card on Optimus laptops."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1242
msgid "Pair of Linux kernel drivers for DDC/CI monitors"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1243
msgid ""
"This package provides two Linux kernel drivers, ddcci and\n"
"ddcci-backlight, that allows the control of DDC/CI monitors through the sysfs\n"
"interface.  The ddcci module creates a character device for each DDC/CI\n"
"monitors in @file{/dev/bus/ddcci/[I²C busnumber]}.  While the ddcci-backlight\n"
"module allows the control of the backlight level or luminance property when\n"
"supported under @file{/sys/class/backlight/}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1268
msgid "Linux kernel module to create virtual V4L2 video devices"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1270
msgid ""
"This Linux module creates virtual video devices.  @acronym{V4L2, Video\n"
"for Linux 2} applications will treat these as ordinary video devices but read\n"
"video data generated by another application, instead of a hardware device such\n"
"as a capture card.\n"
"This lets you apply nifty effects to your Jitsi video, for example, but also\n"
"allows some more serious things like adding streaming capabilities to an\n"
"application by hooking GStreamer into the loopback device."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1326
msgid "Pluggable authentication modules for Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1328
msgid ""
"A *Free* project to implement OSF's RFC 86.0.\n"
"Pluggable authentication modules are small shared object files that can\n"
"be used through the PAM API to perform tasks, like authenticating a user\n"
"at login.  Local and dynamic reconfiguration are its key features."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1388
msgid "PAM interface using ctypes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1389
msgid "This package provides a PAM interface using @code{ctypes}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1424
msgid "Measure system power consumption"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1426
msgid ""
"Powerstat measures and reports your computer's power consumption in real\n"
"time.  On mobile PCs, it uses ACPI battery information to measure the power\n"
"drain of the entire system.\n"
"Powerstat can also report @acronym{RAPL, Running Average Power Limit} power\n"
"domain measurements.  These are available only on some hardware such as Intel\n"
"Sandybridge and newer, and cover only part of the machine's components such as\n"
"CPU, DRAM, and graphics.  However, they provide accurate and immediate readings\n"
"and don't require a battery at all.\n"
"The output is like @command{vmstat} but also shows power consumption statistics:\n"
"at the end of a run, @command{powerstat} will calculate the average, standard\n"
"deviation, and minimum and maximum values.  It can show a nice histogram too."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1462
msgid "Small utilities that use the proc file system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1464
msgid ""
"This PSmisc package is a set of some small useful utilities that\n"
"use the proc file system.  We're not about changing the world, but\n"
"providing the system administrator with some help in common tasks."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1597
msgid "Collection of utilities for the Linux kernel"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1598
msgid ""
"Util-linux is a diverse collection of Linux kernel\n"
"utilities.  It provides dmesg and includes tools for working with file systems,\n"
"block devices, UUIDs, TTYs, and many other tools."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1634
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1636
msgid ""
"ddate displays the Discordian date and holidays of a given date.\n"
"The Discordian calendar was made popular by the \"Illuminatus!\" trilogy\n"
"by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1689
msgid "Show and modify Linux frame buffer settings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1691
msgid ""
"The kernel Linux's @dfn{frame buffers} provide a simple interface to\n"
"different kinds of graphic displays.  The @command{fbset} utility can query and\n"
"change various device settings such as depth, virtual resolution, and timing\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1734
msgid "Utilities that give information about processes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1736
msgid ""
"Procps is the package that has a bunch of small useful utilities\n"
"that give information about processes using the Linux /proc file system.\n"
"The package includes the programs ps, top, vmstat, w, kill, free,\n"
"slabtop, and skill."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1790
msgid "Tools for working with USB devices, such as lsusb"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1792
msgid "Tools for working with USB devices, such as lsusb."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1868
msgid "Creating and checking ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1870
msgid "This package provides tools for manipulating ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1912
msgid "Statically-linked e2fsck command from e2fsprogs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1913
msgid ""
"This package provides statically-linked e2fsck command taken\n"
"from the e2fsprogs package.  It is meant to be used in initrds."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1934
msgid "Recover deleted files from ext2/3/4 partitions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1936
msgid ""
"Extundelete is a set of tools that can recover deleted files from an\n"
"ext3 or ext4 partition."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1967
msgid "Zero non-allocated regions in ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:1969
msgid ""
"Zerofree finds the unallocated blocks with non-zero value content in an\n"
"ext2, ext3, or ext4 file system and fills them with zeroes (or another value).\n"
"This is a simple way to make disk images more compressible.\n"
"Zerofree requires the file system to be unmounted or mounted read-only."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2007
msgid "System call tracer for Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2009
msgid ""
"strace is a system call tracer, i.e. a debugging tool which prints out a\n"
"trace of all the system calls made by a another process/program."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2030
msgid "Library call tracer for Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2032
msgid ""
"ltrace intercepts and records dynamic library calls which are called by\n"
"an executed process and the signals received by that process.  It can also\n"
"intercept and print the system calls executed by the program."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2055
msgid "The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture libraries"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2057 gnu/packages/linux.scm:2109
msgid ""
"The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and\n"
"MIDI functionality to the Linux-based operating system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2107
msgid "Utilities for the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2171
msgid "Plugins for the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2173
msgid ""
"The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and\n"
"MIDI functionality to the Linux-based operating system.  This package enhances ALSA\n"
"by providing additional plugins which include: upmixing, downmixing, jackd and\n"
"pulseaudio support for native alsa applications, format conversion (s16 to a52), and\n"
"external rate conversion."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2208
msgid "Programs to configure Linux IP packet filtering rules"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2210
msgid ""
"@command{iptables} is the user-space command line program used to\n"
"configure the Linux 2.4.x and later IPv4 packet filtering ruleset\n"
"(@dfn{firewall}), including @dfn{NAT} (Network Address Translation).\n"
"This package also includes @command{ip6tables}, which is used to configure the\n"
"IPv6 packet filter.\n"
"Both commands are targeted at system administrators."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2232
msgid "Lists information about SCSI or NVMe devices in Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2235
msgid ""
"@command{lsscsi} lists SCSI logical units or SCSI targets.  It can\n"
"also list NVMe namespaces or controllers and show the relationship between a\n"
"device's primary node name, its SCSI generic (sg) node name and its kernel\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2257
msgid "Ethernet bridge frame table administration"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2260
msgid ""
"ebtables is an application program used to set up and maintain the\n"
"tables of rules (inside the Linux kernel) that inspect Ethernet frames.  It is\n"
"analogous to the iptables application, but less complicated, due to the fact\n"
"that the Ethernet protocol is much simpler than the IP protocol."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2314
msgid "Utilities for controlling TCP/IP networking and traffic in Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2316
msgid ""
"Iproute2 is a collection of utilities for controlling TCP/IP networking\n"
"and traffic with the Linux kernel.  The most important of these are\n"
"@command{ip}, which configures IPv4 and IPv6, and @command{tc} for traffic\n"
"Most network configuration manuals still refer to ifconfig and route as the\n"
"primary network configuration tools, but ifconfig is known to behave\n"
"inadequately in modern network environments, and both should be deprecated."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2394
msgid "Tools for controlling the network subsystem in Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2396
msgid ""
"This package includes the important tools for controlling the network\n"
"subsystem of the Linux kernel.  This includes arp, ifconfig, netstat, rarp and\n"
"route.  Additionally, this package contains utilities relating to particular\n"
"network hardware types (plipconfig, slattach) and advanced aspects of IP\n"
"configuration (iptunnel, ipmaddr)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2434
msgid "Library for working with POSIX capabilities"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2436
msgid ""
"Libcap2 provides a programming interface to POSIX capabilities on\n"
"Linux-based operating systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2493
msgid "Manipulate Ethernet bridges"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2495
msgid ""
"Utilities for Linux's Ethernet bridging facilities.  A bridge is a way\n"
"to connect two Ethernet segments together in a protocol independent way.\n"
"Packets are forwarded based on Ethernet address, rather than IP address (like\n"
"a router).  Since forwarding is done at Layer 2, all protocols can go\n"
"transparently through a bridge."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2544
msgid "NetLink protocol library suite"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2546
msgid ""
"The libnl suite is a collection of libraries providing APIs to netlink\n"
"protocol based Linux kernel interfaces.  Netlink is an IPC mechanism primarily\n"
"between the kernel and user space processes.  It was designed to be a more\n"
"flexible successor to ioctl to provide mainly networking related kernel\n"
"configuration and monitoring interfaces."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2622
msgid "Tool for configuring wireless devices"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2624
msgid ""
"iw is a new nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless\n"
"devices.  It replaces @code{iwconfig}, which is deprecated."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2668
msgid "Analyze power consumption on Intel-based laptops"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2670
msgid ""
"PowerTOP is a Linux tool to diagnose issues with power consumption and\n"
"power management.  In addition to being a diagnostic tool, PowerTOP also has\n"
"an interactive mode where the user can experiment various power management\n"
"settings for cases where the operating system has not enabled these\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2692
msgid "Audio mixer for X and the console"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2694
msgid ""
"Aumix adjusts an audio mixer from X, the console, a terminal,\n"
"the command line or a script."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2723
msgid "Displays the IO activity of running processes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2725
msgid ""
"Iotop is a Python program with a top like user interface to show the\n"
"processes currently causing I/O."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2780
msgid "Support file systems implemented in user space"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2782
msgid ""
"As a consequence of its monolithic design, file system code for Linux\n"
"normally goes into the kernel itself---which is not only a robustness issue,\n"
"but also an impediment to system extensibility.  FUSE, for \"file systems in\n"
"user space\", is a kernel module and user-space library that tries to address\n"
"part of this problem by allowing users to run file system implementations as\n"
"user-space processes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2813
msgid "User-space union file system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2815
msgid ""
"UnionFS-FUSE is a flexible union file system implementation in user\n"
"space, using the FUSE library.  Mounting a union file system allows you to\n"
"\"aggregate\" the contents of several directories into a single mount point.\n"
"UnionFS-FUSE additionally supports copy-on-write."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2843
msgid "User-space union file system (statically linked)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2893
msgid "Mount remote file systems over SSH"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2895
msgid ""
"This is a file system client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol.\n"
"Since most SSH servers already support this protocol it is very easy to set\n"
"up: on the server side there's nothing to do; on the client side mounting the\n"
"file system is as easy as logging into the server with an SSH client."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2922
msgid "Tool for mounting archive files with FUSE"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2923
msgid ""
"archivemount is a FUSE-based file system for Unix variants,\n"
"including Linux.  Its purpose is to mount archives (i.e. tar, tar.gz, etc.) to a\n"
"mount point where it can be read from or written to as with any other file\n"
"system.  This makes accessing the contents of the archive, which may be\n"
"compressed, transparent to other programs, without decompressing them."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2952
msgid "Tools for non-uniform memory access (NUMA) machines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2954
msgid ""
"NUMA stands for Non-Uniform Memory Access, in other words a system whose\n"
"memory is not all in one place.  The @command{numactl} program allows you to\n"
"run your application program on specific CPUs and memory nodes.  It does this\n"
"by supplying a NUMA memory policy to the operating system before running your\n"
"The package contains other commands, such as @command{numastat},\n"
"@command{memhog}, and @command{numademo} which provides a quick overview of\n"
"NUMA performance on your system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2990
msgid "Neo2 console layout"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:2992
msgid ""
"Kbd-neo provides the Neo2 keyboard layout for use with\n"
"@command{loadkeys(1)} from @code{kbd(4)}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3058
msgid "Linux keyboard utilities and keyboard maps"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3060
msgid ""
"This package contains keytable files and keyboard utilities compatible\n"
"for systems using the Linux kernel.  This includes commands such as\n"
"@code{loadkeys}, @code{setfont}, @code{kbdinfo}, and @code{chvt}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3096
msgid "Statically-linked @command{loadkeys} program"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3121
msgid "Monitor file accesses"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3123
msgid ""
"The inotify-tools packages provides a C library and command-line tools\n"
"to use Linux' inotify mechanism, which allows file accesses to be monitored."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3171
msgid "Kernel module tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3172
msgid ""
"Kmod is a set of tools to handle common tasks with Linux\n"
"kernel modules like insert, remove, list, check properties, resolve\n"
"dependencies and aliases.\n"
"These tools are designed on top of libkmod, a library that is shipped with\n"
"kmod.  The aim is to be compatible with tools, configurations and indices\n"
"from the module-init-tools project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3219
msgid "Simple out of memory (OOM) daemon for the Linux kernel"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3220
msgid ""
"Early OOM is a minimalist out of memory (OOM) daemon that\n"
"runs in user space and provides a more responsive and configurable alternative\n"
"to the in-kernel OOM killer."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3317
msgid "Userspace device management"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3318
msgid ""
"Udev is a daemon which dynamically creates and removes\n"
"device nodes from /dev/, handles hotplug events and loads drivers at boot\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3348
msgid "Bindings to the Linux input handling subsystem"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3350
msgid ""
"Python-evdev provides bindings to the generic input event interface in\n"
"Linux.  The @code{evdev} interface serves the purpose of passing events\n"
"generated in the kernel directly to userspace through character devices that\n"
"are typically located in @file{/dev/input/}.\n"
"This package also comes with bindings to @code{uinput}, the userspace input\n"
"subsystem.  @code{uinput} allows userspace programs to create and handle input\n"
"devices that can inject events directly into the input subsystem."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3432
msgid "Logical volume management for Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3434
msgid ""
"LVM2 is the logical volume management tool set for Linux-based systems.\n"
"This package includes the user-space libraries and tools, including the device\n"
"mapper.  Kernel components are part of Linux-libre."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3474
msgid "Logical volume management for Linux (statically linked)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3501
msgid "Tools for manipulating the metadata of device-mapper targets"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3502
msgid ""
"A suite of tools for manipulating the metadata of the\n"
"dm-thin, dm-cache and dm-era device-mapper targets."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3547
msgid "Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3548
msgid ""
"Wireless Tools are used to manipulate the now-deprecated\n"
"Linux Wireless Extensions; consider using @code{iw} instead.  The Wireless\n"
"Extension was an interface allowing you to set Wireless LAN specific\n"
"parameters and get the specific stats.  It is deprecated in favor the nl80211\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3638
msgid "Central regulatory domain agent (CRDA) for WiFi"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3640
msgid ""
"The Central Regulatory Domain Agent (CRDA) acts as the udev helper for\n"
"communication between the kernel Linux and user space for regulatory\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3708
msgid "Wireless regulatory database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3710
msgid ""
"This package contains the wireless regulatory database Central\n"
"Regulatory Database Agent (CRDA) daemon.  The database contains information on\n"
"country-specific regulations for the wireless spectrum."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3787
msgid "Utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3789
msgid ""
"Lm-sensors is a hardware health monitoring package for Linux.  It allows\n"
"you to access information from temperature, voltage, and fan speed sensors.\n"
"It works with most newer systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3807
msgid "Manipulate Intel microcode bundles"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3809
msgid ""
"@command{iucode_tool} is a utility to work with microcode packages for\n"
"Intel processors.  It can convert between formats, extract specific versions,\n"
"create a firmware image suitable for the Linux kernel, and more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3838
msgid "I2C tools for Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3840
msgid ""
"The i2c-tools package contains a heterogeneous set of I2C tools for\n"
"Linux: a bus probing tool, a chip dumper, register-level SMBus access helpers,\n"
"EEPROM decoding scripts, EEPROM programming tools, and a python module for\n"
"SMBus access."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3877
msgid "Hardware health information viewer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3879
msgid ""
"Xsensors reads data from the libsensors library regarding hardware\n"
"health such as temperature, voltage and fan speed and displays the information\n"
"in a digital read-out."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3931
msgid "Linux profiling with performance counters"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3933
msgid ""
"perf is a tool suite for profiling using hardware performance counters,\n"
"with support in the Linux kernel.  perf can instrument CPU performance\n"
"counters, tracepoints, kprobes, and uprobes (dynamic tracing).  It is capable\n"
"of lightweight profiling.  This package contains the user-land tools and in\n"
"particular the @code{perf} command."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3957
msgid "Simple tool for creating Linux namespace containers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:3958
msgid ""
"pflask is a simple tool for creating Linux namespace\n"
"containers.  It can be used for running a command or even booting an OS inside\n"
"an isolated container, created with the help of Linux namespaces.  It is\n"
"similar in functionality to chroot, although pflask provides better isolation\n"
"thanks to the use of namespaces."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4042
msgid "Container platform"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4043
msgid ""
"Singularity is a container platform supporting a number of\n"
"container image formats.  It can build SquashFS container images or import\n"
"existing Docker images.  Singularity requires kernel support for container\n"
"isolation or root privileges."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4074
msgid "View and tune ATA disk drive parameters"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4076
msgid ""
"@command{hdparm} is a command-line utility to control ATA controllers and\n"
"disk drives.  It can increase performance and/or reliability by careful tuning\n"
"of hardware settings like power and acoustic management, DMA modes, and caching.\n"
"It can also display detailed device information, or be used as a simple\n"
"performance benchmarking tool.\n"
"@command{hdparm} provides a command line interface to various Linux kernel\n"
"interfaces provided by the SATA/ATA/SAS @code{libata} subsystem, and the older\n"
"IDE driver subsystem.  Many external USB drive enclosures with SCSI-ATA Command\n"
"Translation (@dfn{SAT}) are also supported."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4114
msgid "NVM-Express user space tooling for Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4115
msgid ""
"Nvme-cli is a utility to provide standards compliant tooling\n"
"for NVM-Express drives.  It was made specifically for Linux as it relies on the\n"
"IOCTLs defined by the mainline kernel driver."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4139
msgid "Tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4141
msgid ""
"rfkill is a simple tool for accessing the rfkill device interface,\n"
"which is used to enable and disable wireless networking devices, typically\n"
"WLAN, Bluetooth and mobile broadband."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4162
msgid "Display information on ACPI devices"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4163
msgid ""
"@code{acpi} attempts to replicate the functionality of the\n"
"\"old\" @code{apm} command on ACPI systems, including battery and thermal\n"
"information.  It does not support ACPI suspending, only displays information\n"
"about ACPI devices."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4182
msgid "Daemon for delivering ACPI events to user-space programs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4184
msgid ""
"acpid is designed to notify user-space programs of Advanced\n"
"Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) events.  acpid should be started\n"
"during the system boot, and will run as a background process.  When an ACPI\n"
"event is received from the kernel, acpid will examine the list of rules\n"
"specified in /etc/acpi/events and execute the rules that match the event."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4206
msgid "System utilities based on Linux sysfs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4208
msgid ""
"These are a set of utilities built upon sysfs, a virtual file system in\n"
"Linux kernel versions 2.5+ that exposes a system's device tree.  The package\n"
"also contains the libsysfs library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4238
msgid "System utilities based on Linux sysfs (version 1.x)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4259
msgid "Utilities to get and set CPU frequency on Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4261
msgid ""
"The cpufrequtils suite contains utilities to retrieve CPU frequency\n"
"information, and set the CPU frequency if supported, using the cpufreq\n"
"capabilities of the Linux kernel."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4280
msgid "Interface library for the Linux IEEE1394 drivers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4282
msgid ""
"Libraw1394 is the only supported interface to the kernel side raw1394 of\n"
"the Linux IEEE-1394 subsystem, which provides direct access to the connected\n"
"1394 buses to user space.  Through libraw1394/raw1394, applications can directly\n"
"send to and receive from other nodes without requiring a kernel driver for the\n"
"protocol in question."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4306
msgid "AV/C protocol library for IEEE 1394"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4308
msgid ""
"Libavc1394 is a programming interface to the AV/C specification from\n"
"the 1394 Trade Association.  AV/C stands for Audio/Video Control."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4330
msgid "Isochronous streaming media library for IEEE 1394"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4332
msgid ""
"The libiec61883 library provides a higher level API for streaming DV,\n"
"MPEG-2 and audio over Linux IEEE 1394."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4383
msgid "Tool for managing Linux Software RAID arrays"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4385
msgid ""
"mdadm is a tool for managing Linux Software RAID arrays.  It can create,\n"
"assemble, report on, and monitor arrays.  It can also move spares between raid\n"
"arrays when needed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4417
msgid "Statically-linked 'mdadm' command for use in an initrd"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4506
msgid "Access block devices through multiple paths"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4508
msgid ""
"This package provides the following binaries to drive the\n"
"Linux Device Mapper multipathing driver:\n"
"@item @command{multipath} - Device mapper target autoconfig.\n"
"@item @command{multipathd} - Multipath daemon.\n"
"@item @command{mpathpersist} - Manages SCSI persistent reservations on\n"
"@code{dm} multipath devices.\n"
"@item @command{kpartx} - Create device maps from partition tables.\n"
"@end enumerate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4546
msgid "Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4548
msgid ""
"This library enables userspace to use Linux kernel asynchronous I/O\n"
"system calls, important for the performance of databases and other advanced\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4590
msgid "Block layer IO tracing mechanism"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4591
msgid ""
"Blktrace is a block layer IO tracing mechanism which provides\n"
"detailed information about request queue operations to user space.  It extracts\n"
"event traces from the kernel (via the relaying through the debug file system)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4613
msgid "Bluetooth subband audio codec"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4615
msgid ""
"The SBC is a digital audio encoder and decoder used to transfer data to\n"
"Bluetooth audio output devices like headphones or loudspeakers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4681
msgid "Linux Bluetooth protocol stack"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4683
msgid ""
"BlueZ provides support for the core Bluetooth layers and protocols.  It\n"
"is flexible, efficient and uses a modular implementation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4705
msgid "Mount exFAT file systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4707
msgid ""
"This package provides a FUSE-based file system that provides read and\n"
"write access to exFAT devices."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4730
msgid "Mount ISO file system images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4732
msgid ""
"FuseISO is a FUSE module to mount ISO file system images (.iso, .nrg,\n"
".bin, .mdf and .img files).  It supports plain ISO9660 Level 1 and 2, Rock\n"
"Ridge, Joliet, and zisofs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4775
msgid "Mouse support for the Linux console"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4777
msgid ""
"The GPM (general-purpose mouse) daemon is a mouse server for\n"
"applications running on the Linux console.  It allows users to select items\n"
"and copy/paste text in the console and in xterm."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4849
msgid "Create and manage btrfs copy-on-write file systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4850
msgid ""
"Btrfs is a @dfn{copy-on-write} (CoW) file system for Linux\n"
"aimed at implementing advanced features while focusing on fault tolerance,\n"
"repair and easy administration."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4883
msgid "Statically-linked btrfs command from btrfs-progs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4884
msgid ""
"This package provides the statically-linked @command{btrfs}\n"
"from the btrfs-progs package.  It is meant to be used in initrds."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4915
msgid "Tools to manage Cramfs file systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4916
msgid ""
"Cramfs is a Linux file system designed to be simple, small,\n"
"and to compress things well.  It is used on a number of embedded systems and\n"
"small devices.  This version has additional features such as uncompressed\n"
"blocks and random block placement."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4949
msgid "Find compression type/ratio on Btrfs files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4950
msgid ""
"@command{compsize} takes a list of files (given as\n"
"arguments) on a Btrfs file system and measures used compression types and\n"
"effective compression ratio, producing a report.\n"
"A directory has no extents but has a (recursive) list of files.  A non-regular\n"
"file is silently ignored.\n"
"As it makes no sense to talk about compression ratio of a partial extent,\n"
"every referenced extent is counted whole, exactly once -- no matter if you use\n"
"only a few bytes of a 1GB extent or reflink it a thousand times.  Thus, the\n"
"uncompressed size will not match the number given by @command{tar} or\n"
"@command{du}.  On the other hand, the space used should be accurate (although\n"
"obviously it can be shared with files outside our set)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:4998
msgid "Userland tools for f2fs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5000
msgid ""
"F2FS, the Flash-Friendly File System, is a modern file system\n"
"designed to be fast and durable on flash devices such as solid-state\n"
"disks and SD cards.  This package provides the userland utilities."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5088
msgid "Statically-linked fsck.f2fs command from f2fs-tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5089
msgid ""
"This package provides statically-linked fsck.f2fs command taken\n"
"from the f2fs-tools package. It is meant to be used in initrds."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5118
msgid "Free-fall protection for spinning laptop hard drives"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5120
msgid ""
"Prevents shock damage to the internal spinning hard drive(s) of some\n"
"HP and Dell laptops.  When sudden movement is detected, all input/output\n"
"operations on the drive are suspended and its heads are parked on the ramp,\n"
"where they are less likely to cause damage to the spinning disc.  Requires a\n"
"drive that supports the ATA/ATAPI-7 IDLE IMMEDIATE command with unload\n"
"feature, and a laptop with an accelerometer.  It has no effect on SSDs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5177
msgid "Simple fan control program"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5179
msgid ""
"Thinkfan is a simple fan control program.  It reads temperatures,\n"
"checks them against configured limits and switches to appropriate (also\n"
"pre-configured) fan level.  It requires a working @code{thinkpad_acpi} or any\n"
"other @code{hwmon} driver that enables temperature reading and fan control\n"
"from userspace."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5233
msgid "ThinkPad battery charge controller"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5235
msgid ""
"Tpacpi-bat is a command-line interface to control battery charging on\n"
"@uref{https://github.com/teleshoes/tpacpi-bat/wiki/Supported-Hardware, Lenovo\n"
"ThinkPad models released after 2011}, starting with the xx20 series.  It can\n"
"query and set the thresholds at which one or both batteries will start and stop\n"
"charging, inhibit charging batteries for a set period of time, or force them to\n"
"discharge when they otherwise would not.\n"
"This tool merely exposes ACPI calls provided by the @code{acpi_call} Linux\n"
"kernel module provided by the @code{acpi-call-linux-module} package, which must\n"
"be installed and loaded separately.  Only the original vendor firmware is\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5292
msgid "Read-write access to NTFS file systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5294
msgid ""
"NTFS-3G provides read-write access to NTFS file systems, which are\n"
"commonly found on Microsoft Windows.  It is implemented as a FUSE file system.\n"
"The package provides additional NTFS tools."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5349
msgid "Utilities and libraries for working with RDMA devices"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5351
msgid ""
"This package provides userspace components for the InfiniBand\n"
"subsystem of the Linux kernel.  Specifically it contains userspace\n"
"libraries for the following device nodes:\n"
"@item @file{/dev/infiniband/uverbsX} (@code{libibverbs})\n"
"@item @file{/dev/infiniband/rdma_cm} (@code{librdmacm})\n"
"@item @file{/dev/infiniband/umadX} (@code{libibumad})\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
"The following service daemons are also provided:\n"
"@item @code{srp_daemon} (for the @code{ib_srp} kernel module)\n"
"@item @code{iwpmd} (for iWARP kernel providers)\n"
"@item @code{ibacm} (for InfiniBand communication management assistant)\n"
"@end enumerate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5404
msgid "Open Fabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED) Performance Tests"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5405
msgid ""
"This is a collection of tests written over uverbs intended for\n"
"use as a performance micro-benchmark. The tests may be used for hardware or\n"
"software tuning as well as for functional testing.\n"
"The collection contains a set of bandwidth and latency benchmark such as:\n"
"@item Send        - @code{ib_send_bw} and @code{ib_send_lat}\n"
"@item RDMA Read   - @code{ib_read_bw} and @code{ib_read_lat}\n"
"@item RDMA Write  - @code{ib_write_bw} and @code{ib_wriet_lat}\n"
"@item RDMA Atomic - @code{ib_atomic_bw} and @code{ib_atomic_lat}\n"
"@item Native Ethernet (when working with MOFED2) - @code{raw_ethernet_bw}, @code{raw_ethernet_lat}\n"
"@end enumerate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5447
msgid "Random number generator daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5449
msgid ""
"Monitor a hardware random number generator, and supply entropy\n"
"from that to the system kernel's @file{/dev/random} machinery."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5489
msgid "CPU frequency and voltage scaling tools for Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5491
msgid ""
"cpupower is a set of user-space tools that use the cpufreq feature of the\n"
"Linux kernel to retrieve and control processor features related to power saving,\n"
"such as frequency and voltage scaling."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5521
msgid "Display and update Intel-CPU energy-performance policy"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5523
msgid ""
"@command{x86_energy_perf_policy} displays and updates energy-performance\n"
"policy settings specific to Intel Architecture Processors.  Settings are\n"
"accessed via Model Specific Register (MSR) updates, no matter if the Linux\n"
"cpufreq sub-system is enabled or not."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5544
msgid "Entropy source for the Linux random number generator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5546
msgid ""
"haveged generates an unpredictable stream of random numbers for use by\n"
"Linux's @file{/dev/random} and @file{/dev/urandom} devices.  The kernel's\n"
"standard mechanisms for filling the entropy pool may not be sufficient for\n"
"systems with high needs or limited user interaction, such as headless servers.\n"
"@command{haveged} runs as a privileged daemon, harvesting randomness from the\n"
"indirect effects of hardware events on hidden processor state using the\n"
"@acronym{HAVEGE, HArdware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion} algorithm.\n"
"It tunes itself to its environment and provides the same built-in test suite\n"
"for the output stream as used on certified hardware security devices.\n"
"The quality of the randomness produced by this algorithm has not been proven.\n"
"It is recommended to run it together with another entropy source like rngd, and\n"
"not as a replacement for it."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5631
msgid "eCryptfs cryptographic file system utilities"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5633
msgid ""
"eCryptfs is a POSIX-compliant stacked cryptographic file system for Linux.\n"
"Each file's cryptographic meta-data is stored inside the file itself, along\n"
"with the encrypted contents.  This allows individual encrypted files to be\n"
"copied between hosts and still be decrypted with the proper key.  eCryptfs is a\n"
"native Linux file system, and has been part of the Linux kernel since version\n"
"2.6.19.  This package contains the userland utilities to manage it."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5664
msgid "NFSv4 support library for name/ID mapping"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5665
msgid ""
"Libnfsidmap is a library holding mulitiple methods of\n"
"mapping names to ids and visa versa, mainly for NFSv4.  It provides an\n"
"extensible array of mapping functions, currently consisting of two choices:\n"
"the default @code{nsswitch} and the experimental @code{umich_ldap}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5699
msgid "Tools for loading and managing Linux kernel modules"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5701
msgid ""
"Tools for loading and managing Linux kernel modules, such as\n"
"@code{modprobe}, @code{insmod}, @code{lsmod}, and more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5739
msgid "Machine check monitor for x86 Linux systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5741
msgid ""
"The mcelog daemon logs memory, I/O, CPU, and other hardware errors on x86\n"
"systems running the kernel Linux.  It can also perform user-defined tasks, such\n"
"as bringing bad pages off-line, when configurable error thresholds are\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5772
msgid "MTD Flash Storage Utilities"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5773
msgid ""
"This package provides utilities for testing, partitioning, etc\n"
"of flash storage."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5806
msgid "Interface to Linux's seccomp syscall filtering mechanism"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5807
msgid ""
"The libseccomp library provides an easy to use, platform\n"
"independent, interface to the Linux Kernel's syscall filtering mechanism.  The\n"
"libseccomp API is designed to abstract away the underlying BPF based syscall\n"
"filter language and present a more conventional function-call based filtering\n"
"interface that should be familiar to, and easily adopted by, application\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5853
msgid "Usage monitor for AMD Radeon graphics"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5854
msgid ""
"RadeonTop monitors resource consumption on supported AMD\n"
"Radeon Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), either in real time as bar graphs on\n"
"a terminal or saved to a file for further processing.  It measures both the\n"
"activity of the GPU as a whole, which is also accurate during OpenCL\n"
"computations, as well as separate component statistics that are only meaningful\n"
"under OpenGL graphics workloads."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5890
msgid "Tool and library to manipulate EFI variables"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5891
msgid ""
"This package provides a library and a command line\n"
"interface to the variable facility of UEFI boot firmware."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5925
msgid "Modify the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) boot manager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5927
msgid ""
"@code{efibootmgr} is a user-space application to modify the Intel\n"
"Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) Boot Manager.  This application can\n"
"create and destroy boot entries, change the boot order, change the next\n"
"running boot option, and more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5963
msgid "Performance monitoring tools for Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:5964
msgid ""
"The sysstat utilities are a collection of performance\n"
"monitoring tools for Linux.  These include @code{mpstat}, @code{iostat},\n"
"@code{tapestat}, @code{cifsiostat}, @code{pidstat}, @code{sar}, @code{sadc},\n"
"@code{sadf} and @code{sa}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6003
msgid "GNU/Linux application to control backlights"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6005
msgid ""
"Light is a program to send commands to screen backlight controllers\n"
"under GNU/Linux.  Features include:\n"
"@item It does not rely on X.\n"
"@item Light can automatically figure out the best controller to use, making\n"
"full use of underlying hardware.\n"
"@item It is possible to set a minimum brightness value, as some controllers\n"
"set the screen to be pitch black at a value of 0 (or higher).\n"
"@end itemize\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6046
msgid "Backlight and LED brightness control"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6048
msgid ""
"This program allows you read and control device brightness.  Devices\n"
"include backlight and LEDs.  It can also preserve current brightness before\n"
"applying the operation, such as on lid close.\n"
"The appropriate permissions must be set on the backlight or LED control\n"
"interface in sysfs, which can be accomplished with the included udev rules."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6171
msgid "Power management tool for Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6172
msgid ""
"TLP is a power management tool for Linux.  It comes with\n"
"a default configuration already optimized for battery life.  Nevertheless,\n"
"TLP is customizable to fulfil system requirements.  TLP settings are applied\n"
"every time the power supply source is changed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6198
msgid "List hardware information"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6200
msgid ""
"@command{lshw} (Hardware Lister) is a small tool to provide\n"
"detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine.\n"
"It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard\n"
"configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed,\n"
"and more on DMI-capable x86 or EFI (IA-64) systems and on some PowerPC\n"
"machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6223
msgid "Netlink utility library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6224
msgid ""
"Libmnl is a minimalistic user-space library oriented to\n"
"Netlink developers.  There are a lot of common tasks in parsing, validating,\n"
"constructing of both the Netlink header and TLVs that are repetitive and easy to\n"
"get wrong.  This library aims to provide simple helpers that allows you to\n"
"re-use code and to avoid re-inventing the wheel."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6248
msgid "Netlink programming interface to the Linux nf_tables subsystem"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6249
msgid ""
"Libnftnl is a userspace library providing a low-level netlink\n"
"programming interface to the in-kernel nf_tables subsystem.  The library\n"
"libnftnl has been previously known as libnftables.  This library is currently\n"
"used by nftables."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6279
msgid "Userspace utility for Linux packet filtering"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6280
msgid ""
"nftables is the project that aims to replace the existing\n"
"{ip,ip6,arp,eb}tables framework.  Basically, this project provides a new packet\n"
"filtering framework, a new userspace utility and also a compatibility layer for\n"
"{ip,ip6}tables.  nftables is built upon the building blocks of the Netfilter\n"
"infrastructure such as the existing hooks, the connection tracking system, the\n"
"userspace queueing component and the logging subsystem."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6388
msgid "Unprivileged chroot, bind mount, and binfmt_misc"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6390
msgid ""
"PRoot is a user-space implementation of @code{chroot}, @code{mount --bind},\n"
"and @code{binfmt_misc}.  This means that users don't need any privileges or\n"
"setup to do things like using an arbitrary directory as the new root\n"
"file system, making files accessible somewhere else in the file system\n"
"hierarchy, or executing programs built for another CPU architecture\n"
"transparently through QEMU user-mode.  Also, developers can use PRoot as a\n"
"generic process instrumentation engine thanks to its extension mechanism.\n"
"Technically PRoot relies on @code{ptrace}, an unprivileged system-call\n"
"available in the kernel Linux."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6406
msgid "Unprivileged chroot, bind mount, and binfmt_misc (statically linked)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6453
msgid "Linux tool to dump x86 CPUID information about the CPU(s)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6454
msgid ""
"cpuid dumps detailed information about the CPU(s) gathered\n"
"from the CPUID instruction, and also determines the exact model of CPU(s).  It\n"
"supports Intel, AMD, and VIA CPUs, as well as older Transmeta, Cyrix, UMC,\n"
"NexGen, Rise, and SiS CPUs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6482
msgid "Use a FUSE file system to access data over MTP"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6483
msgid ""
"jmtpfs uses FUSE (file system in userspace) to provide access\n"
"to data over the Media Transfer Protocol (MTP).  Unprivileged users can mount\n"
"the MTP device as a file system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6513
msgid "Utility to show process environment"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6514
msgid ""
"Procenv is a command-line tool that displays as much detail about\n"
"itself and its environment as possible.  It can be used as a test\n"
"tool, to understand the type of environment a process runs in, and for\n"
"comparing system environments."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6541
msgid "Open Fabric Interfaces"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6543
msgid ""
"OpenFabrics Interfaces (OFI) is a framework focused on exporting fabric\n"
"communication services to applications.  OFI is best described as a collection\n"
"of libraries and applications used to export fabric services.  The key\n"
"components of OFI are: application interfaces, provider libraries, kernel\n"
"services, daemons, and test applications.\n"
"Libfabric is a core component of OFI.  It is the library that defines and\n"
"exports the user-space API of OFI, and is typically the only software that\n"
"applications deal with directly.  It works in conjunction with provider\n"
"libraries, which are often integrated directly into libfabric."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6598
msgid "Intel Performance Scaled Messaging (PSM) Libraries"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6600
msgid ""
"The PSM Messaging API, or PSM API, is Intel's low-level user-level\n"
"communications interface for the True Scale family of products.  PSM users are\n"
"enabled with mechanisms necessary to implement higher level communications\n"
"interfaces in parallel environments."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6641
msgid "Take screenshots of one or more Linux text consoles"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6643
msgid ""
"snapscreenshot saves a screenshot of one or more Linux text consoles as a\n"
"Targa (@dfn{.tga}) image.  It can be used by anyone with read access to the\n"
"relevant @file{/dev/vcs*} file(s)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6697
msgid "Take a screenshot of the contents of the Linux framebuffer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6699
msgid ""
"fbcat saves the contents of the Linux framebuffer (@file{/dev/fb*}), or\n"
"a dump therof.  It supports a wide range of drivers and pixel formats.\n"
"@command{fbcat} can take screenshots of virtually any application that can be\n"
"made to write its output to the framebuffer, including (but not limited to)\n"
"text-mode or graphical applications that don't use a display server.\n"
"Also included is @command{fbgrab}, a wrapper around @command{fbcat} that\n"
"emulates the behaviour of Gunnar Monell's older fbgrab utility."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6730
msgid "Control groups management tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6731
msgid ""
"Control groups is Linux kernel method for process resource\n"
"restriction, permission handling and more.  This package provides userspace\n"
"interface to this kernel feature."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6764
msgid "Control fan speed on Macbooks"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6766
msgid ""
"mbpfan is a fan control daemon for Apple Macbooks.  It uses input from\n"
"the @code{coretemp} module and sets the fan speed using the @code{applesmc}\n"
"module.  It can be executed as a daemon or in the foreground with root\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6809
msgid "Intel Performance Scaled Messaging 2 (PSM2) library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6811
msgid ""
"This package is low-level user-level Intel's communications interface.\n"
"The PSM2 API is a high-performance vendor-specific protocol that provides a\n"
"low-level communications interface for the Intel Omni-Path family of\n"
"high-speed networking devices."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6851
msgid "Performance event monitoring library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6853
msgid ""
"This package provides a library called libpfm4, which is used to develop\n"
"monitoring tools exploiting the performance monitoring events such as those\n"
"provided by the Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) of modern processors.\n"
"Libpfm4 helps convert from an event name, expressed as a string, to the event\n"
"encoding that is either the raw event as documented by the hardware vendor or\n"
"the OS-specific encoding.  In the latter case, the library is able to prepare\n"
"the OS-specific data structures needed by the kernel to setup the event.\n"
"libpfm4 provides support for the @code{perf_events} interface, which was\n"
"introduced in Linux 2.6.31."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6881
msgid "Low-level netfilter netlink communication library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6883
msgid ""
"@code{libnfnetlink} is the low-level library for netfilter related\n"
"kernel/userspace communication.  It provides a generic messaging\n"
"infrastructure for in-kernel netfilter subsystems (such as nfnetlink_log,\n"
"nfnetlink_queue, nfnetlink_conntrack) and their respective users and/or\n"
"management tools in userspace."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6910
msgid "Simple netlink library for Go"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6911
msgid ""
"The netlink package provides a simple netlink library for\n"
"Go.  Netlink is the interface a user-space program in Linux uses to\n"
"communicate with the kernel.  It can be used to add and remove interfaces, set\n"
"IP addresses and routes, and configure IPsec."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6955
msgid "XFS file system tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6956
msgid ""
"This package provides commands to create and check XFS\n"
"file systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6994
msgid "Generate ext2 file system as a normal user"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:6995
msgid ""
"This package provides a program to generate an ext2\n"
"file system as a normal (non-root) user.  It does not require you to mount\n"
"the image file to copy files on it, nor does it require that you become\n"
"the superuser to make device nodes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7080
msgid "Provides a fake root environment"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7081
msgid ""
"@command{fakeroot} runs a command in an environment where\n"
"it appears to have root privileges for file manipulation. This is useful\n"
"for allowing users to create archives (tar, ar, .deb etc.) with files in\n"
"them with root permissions/ownership. Without fakeroot one would have to\n"
"have root privileges to create the constituent files of the archives with\n"
"the correct permissions and ownership, and then pack them up, or one would\n"
"have to construct the archives directly, without using the archiver."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7109
msgid "Emulate @code{chroot} by overriding file system calls"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7111
msgid ""
"@command{fakechroot} runs a command in an environment were is additional\n"
"possibility to use @code{chroot} command without root privileges.  This is\n"
"useful for allowing users to create own chrooted environment with possibility\n"
"to install another packages without need for root privileges.\n"
"It works by providing @file{libfakechroot.so}, a shared library meant to be\n"
"set as @code{LD_PRELOAD} to override the C library file system functions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7158
msgid "Dispatch input peripherals events to a device file"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7159
msgid ""
"inputattach dispatches input events from several device\n"
"types and interfaces and translates so that the X server can use them."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7192
msgid "Server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7194
msgid ""
"PipeWire is a project that aims to greatly improve handling of audio and\n"
"video under Linux.  It aims to support the usecases currently handled by both\n"
"PulseAudio and Jack and at the same time provide same level of powerful handling\n"
"of Video input and output.  It also introduces a security model that makes\n"
"interacting with audio and video devices from containerized applications easy,\n"
"with supporting Flatpak applications being the primary goal.  Alongside Wayland\n"
"and Flatpak we expect PipeWire to provide a core building block for the future\n"
"of Linux application development."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7267
msgid "Embedded Linux Library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7268
msgid ""
"The Embedded Linux* Library (ELL) provides core, low-level\n"
"functionality for system daemons.  It typically has no dependencies other than\n"
"the Linux kernel, C standard library, and libdl (for dynamic linking).  While\n"
"ELL is designed to be efficient and compact enough for use on embedded Linux\n"
"platforms, it is not limited to resource-constrained systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7293
msgid "LTTng userspace tracer libraries"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7294
msgid ""
"The user space tracing library, liblttng-ust, is the LTTng\n"
"user space tracer.  It receives commands from a session daemon, for example to\n"
"enable and disable specific instrumentation points, and writes event records\n"
"to ring buffers shared with a consumer daemon."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7316
msgid "Tools for booting directly into different kernels"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7317
msgid ""
"This package provides the @code{kexec} program and ancillary\n"
"utilities.  Using @code{kexec}, it is possible to boot directly into a new\n"
"kernel from the context of an already-running kernel, bypassing the normal\n"
"system boot process."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7349
msgid "CacheFiles userspace management daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7350
msgid ""
"@code{cachefilesd} is a userspace daemon that manages the\n"
"cache data store that is used by network file systems such as @code{AFS} and\n"
"@code{NFS} to cache data locally on disk.  The content of the cache is\n"
"persistent over reboots."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7396
msgid "BPF CO-RE (Compile Once – Run Everywhere)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7398
msgid ""
"Libbpf supports building BPF CO-RE-enabled applications, which, in\n"
"contrast to BCC, do not require the Clang/LLVM runtime or linux kernel\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7476
msgid "Tools for BPF on Linux"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7478
msgid ""
"BCC is a toolkit for creating efficient kernel tracing and manipulation\n"
"programs, and includes several useful tools and examples.  It makes use of\n"
"extended BPF (Berkeley Packet Filters), formally known as eBPF, a new feature\n"
"that was first added to Linux 3.15.  Much of what BCC uses requires Linux 4.1\n"
"and above."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7518
msgid "High-level tracing language for Linux eBPF"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7520
msgid ""
"bpftrace is a high-level tracing language for Linux enhanced Berkeley\n"
"Packet Filter (eBPF) available in recent Linux kernels (4.x).  bpftrace uses\n"
"LLVM as a backend to compile scripts to BPF-bytecode and makes use of BCC for\n"
"interacting with the Linux BPF system, as well as existing Linux tracing\n"
"capabilities: kernel dynamic tracing (kprobes), user-level dynamic\n"
"tracing (uprobes), and tracepoints.  The bpftrace language is inspired by awk\n"
"and C, and predecessor tracers such as DTrace and SystemTap.  bpftrace was\n"
"created by Alastair Robertson."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7551
msgid "Low-latency Raspberry Pi UART driver"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7552
msgid ""
"This package provides a Linux kernel module that will\n"
"provide a serial device @code{/dev/ttyebus} with almost no latency upon\n"
"receiving.  It is dedicated to the PL011 UART of the Raspberry Pi."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7575
msgid "Administration tool for IP sets"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7576
msgid ""
"IP sets are a framework inside the Linux 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel which\n"
"can be administered by the ipset utility.  Depending on the type,\n"
"currently an IP set may store IP addresses, (TCP/UDP) port numbers or\n"
"IP addresses with MAC addresses in a way which ensures lightning speed\n"
"when matching an entry against a set.\n"
"If you want to\n"
"@itemize @bullet\n"
"@item store multiple IP addresses or port numbers and match against the entire\n"
"collection using a single iptables rule.\n"
"@item dynamically update iptables rules against IP addresses or ports without\n"
"performance penalty.\n"
"@item express complex IP address and ports based rulesets with a single\n"
"iptables rule and benefit from the speed of IP sets.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"then IP sets may be the proper tool for you."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7622
msgid "Interface to the Linux kernel @code{io_uring} interface"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/linux.scm:7623
msgid ""
"This is the io_uring library, liburing. liburing provides\n"
"helpers to setup and teardown io_uring instances, and also a simplified\n"
"interface for applications that don't need (or want) to deal with the full\n"
"kernel side implementation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/lout.scm:100
msgid "Document layout system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/lout.scm:102
msgid ""
"The Lout document formatting system reads a high-level description of\n"
"a document similar in style to LaTeX and produces a PostScript or plain text\n"
"output file.\n"
"Lout offers an unprecedented range of advanced features, including optimal\n"
"paragraph and page breaking, automatic hyphenation, PostScript EPS file\n"
"inclusion and generation, equation formatting, tables, diagrams, rotation and\n"
"scaling, sorted indexes, bibliographic databases, running headers and\n"
"odd-even pages, automatic cross referencing, multilingual documents including\n"
"hyphenation (most European languages are supported), formatting of computer\n"
"programs, and much more, all ready to use.  Furthermore, Lout is easily\n"
"extended with definitions which are very much easier to write than troff of\n"
"TeX macros because Lout is a high-level, purely functional language, the\n"
"outcome of an eight-year research project that went back to the\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:168
msgid "Console Jabber/XMPP Client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:169
msgid ""
"Poezio is a free console XMPP client (the protocol on which\n"
"the Jabber IM network is built).\n"
"Its goal is to let you connect very easily (no account creation needed) to the\n"
"network and join various chatrooms, immediately.  It tries to look like the\n"
"most famous IRC clients (weechat, irssi, etc).  Many commands are identical and\n"
"you won't be lost if you already know these clients.  Configuration can be\n"
"made in a configuration file or directly from the client.\n"
"You'll find the light, fast, geeky and anonymous spirit of IRC while using a\n"
"powerful, standard and open protocol."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:198
msgid "Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging Library and Toolkit"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:200
msgid ""
"OTR allows you to have private conversations over instant messaging by\n"
"providing: (1) Encryption: No one else can read your instant messages.  (2)\n"
"Authentication: You are assured the correspondent is who you think it is.  (3)\n"
"Deniability: The messages you send do not have digital signatures that are\n"
"checkable by a third party.  Anyone can forge messages after a conversation to\n"
"make them look like they came from you.  However, during a conversation, your\n"
"correspondent is assured the messages he sees are authentic and\n"
"unmodified.  (4) Perfect forward secrecy: If you lose control of your private\n"
"keys, no previous conversation is compromised."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:234
msgid "Implementation of a ratcheting forward secrecy protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:235
msgid ""
"libsignal-protocol-c is an implementation of a ratcheting\n"
"forward secrecy protocol that works in synchronous and asynchronous\n"
"messaging environments.  It can be used with messaging software to provide\n"
"end-to-end encryption."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:279
msgid "IRC to instant messaging gateway"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:280
msgid ""
"BitlBee brings IM (instant messaging) to IRC clients, for\n"
"people who have an IRC client running all the time and don't want to run an\n"
"additional IM client.  BitlBee currently supports XMPP/Jabber (including\n"
"Google Talk), MSN Messenger, Yahoo!  Messenger, AIM and ICQ, and the Twitter\n"
"microblogging network (plus all other Twitter API compatible services like\n"
"identi.ca and status.net)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:294
msgid "IRC to instant messaging gateway (using Pidgin's libpurple)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:349
msgid "Discord plugin for Bitlbee"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:350
msgid ""
"Bitlbee-discord is a plugin for Bitlbee which provides\n"
"access to servers running the Discord protocol."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:397
msgid "Purple plug-in to access Mattermost instant messaging"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:399
msgid ""
"Purple-Mattermost is a plug-in for Purple, the instant messaging library\n"
"used by Pidgin and Bitlbee, among others, to access\n"
"@uref{https://mattermost.com/, Mattermost} servers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:446
msgid "Graphical IRC client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:448
msgid ""
"HexChat lets you connect to multiple IRC networks at once.  The main\n"
"window shows the list of currently connected networks and their channels, the\n"
"current conversation and the list of users.  It uses colors to differentiate\n"
"between users and to highlight messages.  It checks spelling using available\n"
"dictionaries.  HexChat can be extended with multiple addons."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:514
msgid "Lightweight Internet Relay Chat server for small networks"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:516
msgid ""
"ngIRCd is a lightweight @dfn{Internet Relay Chat} (IRC) server for small\n"
"or private networks.  It is easy to configure, can cope with dynamic IP\n"
"addresses, and supports IPv6, SSL-protected connections, as well as PAM for\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:600
msgid "Graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:602
msgid ""
"Pidgin is a modular instant messaging client that supports many popular\n"
"chat protocols."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:640
msgid "Off-the-Record Messaging plugin for Pidgin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:642
msgid ""
"Pidgin-OTR is a plugin that adds support for OTR to the Pidgin instant\n"
"messaging client.  OTR (Off-the-Record) Messaging allows you to have private\n"
"conversations over instant messaging by providing: (1) Encryption: No one else\n"
"can read your instant messages.  (2) Authentication: You are assured the\n"
"correspondent is who you think it is.  (3) Deniability: The messages you send\n"
"do not have digital signatures that are checkable by a third party.  Anyone\n"
"can forge messages after a conversation to make them look like they came from\n"
"you.  However, during a conversation, your correspondent is assured the\n"
"messages he sees are authentic and unmodified.  (4) Perfect forward secrecy:\n"
"If you lose control of your private keys, no previous conversation is\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:696
msgid "IRC network bouncer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:697
msgid ""
"ZNC is an @dfn{IRC network bouncer} or @dfn{BNC}.  It can\n"
"detach the client from the actual IRC server, and also from selected channels.\n"
"Multiple clients from different locations can connect to a single ZNC account\n"
"simultaneously and therefore appear under the same nickname on IRC."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:724
msgid "Non-blocking XMPP Module"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:725
msgid ""
"Python-nbxmpp is a Python library that provides a way for\n"
"Python applications to use the XMPP network.  This library was initially a fork\n"
"of xmpppy."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:852
msgid "Fully-featured XMPP client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:853
msgid ""
"Gajim aims to be an easy to use and fully-featured XMPP chat\n"
"client.  It is extensible via plugins, supports end-to-end encryption (OMEMO\n"
"and OpenPGP) and available in 29 languages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:889
msgid "Gajim OMEMO plugin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:890
msgid ""
"Gajim-OMEMO is a plugin that adds support for the OMEMO\n"
"Encryption to Gajim.  OMEMO is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) for secure\n"
"multi-client end-to-end encryption."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:925
msgid "Gajim OpenPGP plugin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:926
msgid ""
"Gajim-OpenPGP is a plugin that adds support for the OpenPGP\n"
"Encryption to Gajim."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:975
msgid "Graphical Jabber (XMPP) client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:976
msgid ""
"Dino is a Jabber (XMPP) client which aims to fit well into\n"
"a graphical desktop environment like GNOME."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1063
msgid "Jabber (XMPP) server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1064
msgid ""
"Prosody is a modern XMPP communication server.  It aims to\n"
"be easy to set up and configure, and efficient with system resources.\n"
"Additionally, for developers it aims to be easy to extend and give a flexible\n"
"system on which to rapidly develop added functionality, or prototype new\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1098
msgid "XEP-0363: Allow clients to upload files over HTTP"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1099
msgid ""
"This module implements XEP-0363: it allows clients to\n"
"upload files over HTTP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1130
msgid "XEP-0198: Reliability and fast reconnects for XMPP"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1131
msgid ""
"This module implements XEP-0198: when supported by both\n"
"the client and server, it can allow clients to resume a disconnected session,\n"
"and prevent message loss."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1164 gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1198
msgid "Library for the Tox encrypted messenger protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1166
msgid "C library implementation of the Tox encrypted messenger protocol."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1200
msgid ""
"Official fork of the C library implementation of the Tox encrypted\n"
"messenger protocol."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1255
msgid "Lightweight Tox client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1257
msgid ""
"Utox is a lightweight Tox client.  Tox is a distributed and secure\n"
"instant messenger with audio and video chat capabilities."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1322
msgid "Tox chat client using Qt"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1323
msgid ""
"qTox is a Tox client that follows the Tox design\n"
"guidelines.  It provides an easy to use application that allows you to\n"
"connect with friends and family without anyone else listening in."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1416
msgid ""
"Distributed and trustless peer-to-peer communications protocol\n"
"for sending encrypted messages to one person or many subscribers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1418
msgid "Distributed peer-to-peer communication"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1437
msgid "Multi-user chat program"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1438
msgid ""
"Ytalk is a replacement for the BSD talk program.  Its main\n"
"advantage is the ability to communicate with any arbitrary number of users at\n"
"once.  It supports both talk protocols (\"talk\" and \"ntalk\") and can communicate\n"
"with several different talk daemons at the same time."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1462
msgid "Portable high-level Jabber/XMPP library for C++"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1464
msgid ""
"gloox is a full-featured Jabber/XMPP client library,\n"
"written in ANSI C++.  It makes writing spec-compliant clients easy\n"
"and allows for hassle-free integration of Jabber/XMPP functionality\n"
"into existing applications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1535
msgid ""
"@code{Net::PSYC} with support for TCP, UDP, Event.pm, @code{IO::Select} and\n"
"Gtk2 event loops.  This package includes 12 applications and additional scripts:\n"
"psycion (a @uref{https://about.psyc.eu,PSYC} chat client), remotor (a control console\n"
"for @uref{https://torproject.org,tor} router) and many more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1539
msgid "Perl implementation of PSYC protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1578
msgid ""
"@code{libpsyc} is a PSYC library in C which implements\n"
"core aspects of PSYC, useful for all kinds of clients and servers\n"
"including psyced."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1581
msgid "PSYC library in C"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1648
msgid "psycLPC is a multi-user network server programming language"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1650
msgid ""
"LPC is a bytecode language, invented to specifically implement\n"
"multi user virtual environments on the internet.  This technology is used for\n"
"MUDs and also the psyced implementation of the Protocol for SYnchronous\n"
"Conferencing (PSYC).  psycLPC is a fork of LDMud with some new features and\n"
"many bug fixes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1681
msgid ""
"Loudmouth is a lightweight and easy-to-use C library for programming\n"
"with the XMPP (formerly known as Jabber) protocol.  It is designed to be\n"
"easy to get started with and yet extensible to let you do anything the XMPP\n"
"protocol allows."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1685
msgid "Asynchronous XMPP library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1716
msgid ""
"Mcabber is a small XMPP (Jabber) console client, which includes features\n"
"such as SASL and TLS support, @dfn{Multi-User Chat} (MUC) support, logging,\n"
"command-completion, OpenPGP encryption, @dfn{Off-the-Record Messaging} (OTR)\n"
"support, and more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1720
msgid "Small XMPP console client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1763
msgid "Extensible console-based Jabber client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1765
msgid ""
"GNU Freetalk is a command-line Jabber/XMPP chat client.  It notably uses\n"
"the Readline library to handle input, so it features convenient navigation of\n"
"text as well as tab-completion of buddy names, commands and English words.  It\n"
"is also scriptable and extensible via Guile."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1794 gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1824
msgid "C library for writing XMPP clients"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1795
msgid ""
"Libmesode is a fork of libstrophe for use with Profanity\n"
"XMPP Client.  In particular, libmesode provides extra TLS functionality such as\n"
"manual SSL certificate verification."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1825
msgid ""
"Libstrophe is a minimal XMPP library written in C.  It has\n"
"almost no external dependencies, only an XML parsing library (expat or libxml\n"
"are both supported)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1879
msgid "Console-based XMPP client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1880
msgid ""
"Profanity is a console based XMPP client written in C\n"
"using ncurses and libmesode, inspired by Irssi."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1909
msgid "Library implementing the client IRC protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1910
msgid ""
"Libircclient is a library which implements the client IRC\n"
"protocol.  It is designed to be small, fast, portable and compatible with the\n"
"RFC standards as well as non-standard but popular features.  It can be used for\n"
"building the IRC clients and bots."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1967
msgid "Tox chat client using ncurses"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1968
msgid ""
"Toxic is a console-based instant messaging client, using\n"
"c-toxcore and ncurses.  It provides audio calls, sound and desktop\n"
"notifications, and Python scripting support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1994
msgid "Qt5 client library for the Matrix instant messaging protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:1995
msgid ""
"libqmatrixclient is a Qt5 library to write clients for the\n"
"Matrix instant messaging protocol.  Quaternion is the reference client\n"
"implementation.  Quaternion and libqmatrixclient together form the\n"
"QMatrixClient project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2046
msgid "Client API library for the Matrix protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2047
msgid ""
"@code{mtxclient} is a C++ library that implements client API\n"
"for the Matrix protocol.  It is built on to of @code{Boost.Asio}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2105
msgid "Desktop client for Matrix using Qt and C++14"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2106
msgid ""
"@code{Nheko} want to provide a native desktop app for the\n"
"Matrix protocol that feels more like a mainstream chat app and less like an IRC\n"
"There is support for:\n"
"@item E2E encryption (text messages only: attachments are currently sent unencrypted).\n"
"@item User registration.\n"
"@item Creating, joining & leaving rooms.\n"
"@item Sending & receiving invites.\n"
"@item Sending & receiving files and emoji.\n"
"@item Typing notifications.\n"
"@item Username auto-completion.\n"
"@item Message & mention notifications.\n"
"@item Redacting messages.\n"
"@item Read receipts.\n"
"@item Basic communities support.\n"
"@item Room switcher (@key{ctrl-K}).\n"
"@item Light, Dark & System themes.\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2155
msgid "Graphical client for the Matrix instant messaging protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2156
msgid ""
"Quaternion is a Qt5 desktop client for the Matrix instant\n"
"messaging protocol.  It uses libqmatrixclient and is its reference client\n"
"implementation.  Quaternion and libqmatrixclient together form the\n"
"QMatrixClient project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2198
msgid "Instant messaging client for Google Hangouts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2200
msgid ""
"Hangups is an instant messaging client for Google Hangouts.  It includes\n"
"both a Python library and a reference client with a text-based user interface.\n"
"Hangups is implements a reverse-engineered version of Hangouts' proprietary,\n"
"non-interoperable protocol, which allows it to support features like group\n"
"messaging that aren’t available to clients that connect over XMPP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2280
msgid "Telegram messaging support for Pidgin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2282
msgid ""
"Telegram-purple is a plugin for Libpurple, the communication library\n"
"used by the Pidgin instant messaging client, that adds support for the\n"
"Telegram messenger."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2329
msgid "Cross-platform library for building Telegram clients"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2330
msgid ""
"Tdlib is a cross-platform library for creating custom\n"
"Telegram clients following the official Telegram API.  It can be easily used\n"
"from almost any programming language with a C-FFI and features first-class\n"
"support for high performance Telegram Bot creation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2368
msgid "Libpurple plugin for SMS via ModemManager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2369
msgid "Plugin for libpurple to allow sending SMS using ModemManager."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2412
msgid "Mobile client for XMPP and SMS messaging"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2413
msgid ""
"Chatty is a chat program for XMPP and SMS.  It works on mobile\n"
"as well as on desktop platforms.  It's based on libpurple and ModemManager."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2433
msgid "Message broker"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/messaging.scm:2434
msgid ""
"This package provides Eclipse Mosquitto, a message broker\n"
"that implements the MQTT protocol versions 5.0, 3.1.1 and 3.1.  Mosquitto\n"
"is lightweight and is suitable for use on all devices from low power single\n"
"board computers to full servers.\n"
"The MQTT protocol provides a lightweight method of carrying out messaging\n"
"using a publish/subscribe model. This makes it suitable for Internet of\n"
"Things messaging such as with low power sensors or mobile devices such\n"
"as phones, embedded computers or microcontrollers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:98
msgid "Music Player Daemon client library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:99
msgid ""
"A stable, documented, asynchronous API library for\n"
"interfacing MPD in the C, C++ & Objective C languages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:163
msgid "Music Player Daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:164
msgid ""
"Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a flexible, powerful,\n"
"server-side application for playing music.  Through plugins and libraries it\n"
"can play a variety of sound files while being controlled by its network\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:189
msgid "Music Player Daemon client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:190
msgid ""
"MPC is a minimalist command line interface to MPD, the music\n"
"player daemon."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:222
msgid "Curses Music Player Daemon client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:223
msgid ""
"ncmpc is a fully featured MPD client, which runs in a\n"
"terminal using ncurses."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:253
msgid "Featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:254
msgid ""
"Ncmpcpp is an mpd client with a UI very similar to ncmpc,\n"
"but it provides new useful features such as support for regular expressions\n"
"for library searches, extended song format, items filtering, the ability to\n"
"sort playlists, and a local file system browser."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:278
msgid "MPD client for track scrobbling"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:279
msgid ""
"mpdscribble is a Music Player Daemon client which submits\n"
"information about tracks being played to a scrobbler, such as Libre.FM."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:302
msgid "Python MPD client library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:303
msgid ""
"Python-mpd2 is a Python library which provides a client\n"
"interface for the Music Player Daemon."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:352
msgid "Elegant client for the Music Player Daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:353
msgid ""
"Sonata is an elegant graphical client for the Music Player\n"
"Daemon (MPD).  It supports playlists, multiple profiles (connecting to different\n"
"MPD servers, search and multimedia key support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:376
msgid "Automatic library-wide shuffle for mpd"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:377
msgid ""
"ashuffle is an application for automatically shuffling your\n"
"MPD library in a similar way to many other music players' 'shuffle library'\n"
"feature. ashuffle works like any other MPD client, and can be used alongside\n"
"other MPD frontends."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:420
msgid "MPRIS V2.1 support for MPD"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:421
msgid ""
"Client for the Music Player Daemon providing MPRIS 2\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:455
msgid "Graphical MPD Client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/mpd.scm:456
msgid ""
"Cantata is a graphical client for the Music Player Daemon\n"
"(MPD), using the Qt5 toolkit.  Its user interface is highly customizable,\n"
"supporting multiple collections, ratings, and dynamic playlists.  A local cache\n"
"of the music library will be created to provide a hierarchy of albums and\n"
"artists along with albumart."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/netpbm.scm:189
msgid "Toolkit for manipulation of images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/netpbm.scm:191
msgid ""
"Netpbm is a toolkit for the manipulation of graphic images, including\n"
"the conversion of images between a variety of different formats.\n"
"There are over 300 separate tools in the package including converters for\n"
"about 100 graphics formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/nettle.scm:66
msgid "C library for low-level cryptographic functionality"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/nettle.scm:68
msgid ""
"GNU Nettle is a low-level cryptographic library.  It is designed to\n"
"fit in easily in almost any context.  It can be easily included in\n"
"cryptographic toolkits for object-oriented languages or in applications\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:201
msgid "Camera stack and framework"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:202
msgid ""
"LibCamera is a complex camera support library for GNU+Linux,\n"
"Android, and ChromeOS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:257
msgid "GLib ICE implementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:258
msgid ""
"LibNice is a library that implements the Interactive\n"
"Connectivity Establishment (ICE) standard (RFC 5245 & RFC 8445).  It provides a\n"
"GLib-based library, libnice, as well as GStreamer elements to use it."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:304
msgid "Tools and library for handling RTMP streams"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:305
msgid ""
"RTMPdump is a toolkit for RTMP streams.  All forms of RTMP are\n"
"supported, including rtmp://, rtmpt://, rtmpe://, rtmpte://, and rtmps://."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:344
msgid "Secure Reliable Transport"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:345
msgid ""
"SRT is a transport technology that optimizes streaming\n"
"performance across unpredictable networks, such as the Internet."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:390
msgid "Linux SCTP helper library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:391
msgid ""
"Lksctp-tools project provides a user space library for SCTP\n"
"(libsctp) including C language header files (netinet/sctp.h) for accessing SCTP\n"
"specific application programming interfaces not provided by the standard\n"
"sockets, and also some helper utilities around SCTP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:418
msgid "Small port-knock daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:419
msgid ""
"@command{knockd} is a port-knock daemon.  It listens to all traffic on\n"
"an ethernet or PPP interface, looking for special \"knock\" sequences of @dfn{port-hits}\n"
"(UDP/TCP packets sent to a server port).  This port need not be open, since knockd listens\n"
"at the link-layer level."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:458
msgid "Lightweight messaging library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:459
msgid ""
"NNG project is a rewrite of the scalability protocols library\n"
"known as libnanomsg, and adds significant new capabilities, while retaining\n"
"compatibility with the original.  It is a lightweight, broker-less library,\n"
"offering a simple API to solve common recurring messaging problems, such as\n"
"publish/subscribe, RPC-style request/reply, or service discovery."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:501
msgid "Scalable socket library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:502
msgid ""
"Nanomsg is a socket library that provides several common\n"
"communication patterns.  It aims to make the networking layer fast, scalable,\n"
"and easy to use.  Implemented in C, it works on a wide range of operating\n"
"systems with no further dependencies."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:616
msgid "GTK+ Bluetooth manager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:617
msgid ""
"Blueman is a Bluetooth management utility using the Bluez\n"
"D-Bus backend.  It is designed to be easy to use for most common Bluetooth\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:641
msgid "Viewing and manipulating MAC addresses of network interfaces"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:642
msgid ""
"GNU MAC Changer is a utility for viewing and changing MAC\n"
"addresses of networking devices.  New addresses may be set explicitly or\n"
"randomly.  They can include MAC addresses of the same or other hardware vendors\n"
"or, more generally, MAC addresses of the same category of hardware."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:671
msgid "Teredo IPv6 tunneling software"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:673
msgid ""
"Miredo is an implementation (client, relay, server) of the Teredo\n"
"specification, which provides IPv6 Internet connectivity to IPv6 enabled hosts\n"
"residing in IPv4-only networks, even when they are behind a NAT device."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:691
msgid "IPv6 diagnostic tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:693
msgid ""
"NDisc6 is a collection of tools for IPv6 networking diagnostics.\n"
"It includes the following programs:\n"
"@item @command{ndisc6}: ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery tool.\n"
"@item @command{rdisc6}: ICMPv6 Router Discovery tool.\n"
"@item @command{tcptraceroute6}: IPv6 traceroute over TCP.\n"
"@item @command{traceroute6}: IPv6 traceroute over UDP.\n"
"@item @command{rdnssd}: Recursive DNS Servers discovery daemon.\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:744
msgid "Proxy ARP requests to other interfaces"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:746
msgid ""
"@command{parprouted} is a daemon for transparent IP (Layer@tie{}3)\n"
"proxy ARP bridging.  Unlike standard bridging, proxy ARP bridging can bridge\n"
"Ethernet networks behind wireless nodes.  Normal layer@tie{}2 bridging does\n"
"not work between wireless nodes because wireless does not know about MAC\n"
"addresses used in the wired Ethernet networks.  This daemon can also be\n"
"useful for making transparent firewalls."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:771
msgid "Open bidirectional communication channels from the command line"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:773
msgid ""
"socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent\n"
"data channels---files, pipes, devices, sockets, etc.  It can create\n"
"\"listening\" sockets, named pipes, and pseudo terminals.\n"
"socat can be used, for instance, as TCP port forwarder, as a shell interface\n"
"to UNIX sockets, IPv6 relay, for redirecting TCP oriented programs to a serial\n"
"line, to logically connect serial lines on different computers, or to\n"
"establish a relatively secure environment (su and chroot) for running client\n"
"or server shell scripts with network connections."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:855
msgid "Monitor and filter incoming requests for network services"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:856
msgid ""
"With this package you can monitor and filter incoming requests for\n"
"network services.  It includes a library which may be used by daemons to\n"
"transparently check connection attempts against an access control list."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:875
msgid "Library for message-based applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:877
msgid ""
"The 0MQ lightweight messaging kernel is a library which extends the\n"
"standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by specialized\n"
"messaging middle-ware products.  0MQ sockets provide an abstraction of\n"
"asynchronous message queues, multiple messaging patterns, message\n"
"filtering (subscriptions), seamless access to multiple transport protocols and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:917
msgid "High-level C bindings for ØMQ"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:919
msgid ""
"czmq provides bindings for the ØMQ core API that hides the differences\n"
"between different versions of ØMQ."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:948
msgid "C++ bindings for the ØMQ messaging library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:950
msgid ""
"This package provides header-only C++ bindings for ØMQ.  The header\n"
"files contain direct mappings of the abstractions provided by the ØMQ C API."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:982
msgid "C library implementing NAT-PMP"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:984
msgid ""
"@code{libnatpmp} is a portable and asynchronous implementation of\n"
"the Network Address Translation - Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP)\n"
"written in the C programming language."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1020
msgid "Apache Kafka C/C++ client library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1022
msgid ""
"librdkafka is a C library implementation of the Apache Kafka protocol,\n"
"containing both Producer and Consumer support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1039
msgid "Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1041
msgid ""
"libndp contains a library which provides a wrapper for IPv6 Neighbor\n"
"Discovery Protocol.  It also provides a tool named ndptool for sending and\n"
"receiving NDP messages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1063
msgid "Display or change Ethernet device settings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1065
msgid ""
"ethtool can be used to query and change settings such as speed,\n"
"auto-negotiation and checksum offload on many network devices, especially\n"
"Ethernet devices."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1105
msgid "Text based network interface status monitor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1107
msgid ""
"IFStatus is a simple, easy-to-use program for displaying commonly\n"
"needed/wanted real-time traffic statistics of multiple network\n"
"interfaces, with a simple and efficient view on the command line.  It is\n"
"intended as a substitute for the PPPStatus and EthStatus projects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1156
msgid "Collection of network utilities"
msgstr "Sammlung von Netzwerkwerkzeugen"

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1158
msgid ""
"This package contains a variety of tools for dealing with network\n"
"configuration, troubleshooting, or servers.  Utilities included are:\n"
"@itemize @bullet\n"
"@item @command{arping}: Ping hosts using the @dfn{Address Resolution Protocol}.\n"
"@item @command{clockdiff}: Compute time difference between network hosts\n"
"using ICMP TSTAMP messages.\n"
"@item @command{ninfod}: Daemon that responds to IPv6 Node Information Queries.\n"
"@item @command{ping}: Use ICMP ECHO messages to measure round-trip delays\n"
"and packet loss across network paths.\n"
"@item @command{rarpd}: Answer RARP requests from clients.\n"
"@item @command{rdisc}: Populate network routing tables with information from\n"
"the ICMP router discovery protocol.\n"
"@item @command{tftpd}: Trivial file transfer protocol server.\n"
"@item @command{tracepath}: Trace network path to an IPv4 or IPv6 address and\n"
"discover MTU along the way.\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1197
msgid "Realtime console network usage monitor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1199
msgid ""
"Nload is a console application which monitors network traffic and\n"
"bandwidth usage in real time.  It visualizes the in- and outgoing traffic using\n"
"two graphs, and provides additional info like total amount of transferred data\n"
"and min/max network usage."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1244
msgid "Tunnel IPv4 data through a DNS server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1245
msgid ""
"Iodine tunnels IPv4 data through a DNS server.  This\n"
"can be useful in different situations where internet access is firewalled, but\n"
"DNS queries are allowed.  The bandwidth is asymmetrical, with limited upstream\n"
"and up to 1 Mbit/s downstream."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1281
msgid "Intelligent client for the WHOIS directory service"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1283
msgid ""
"whois searches for an object in a @dfn{WHOIS} (RFC 3912) database.\n"
"It is commonly used to look up the registered users or assignees of an Internet\n"
"resource, such as a domain name, an IP address block, or an autonomous system.\n"
"It can automatically select the appropriate server for most queries.\n"
"For historical reasons, this package also includes @command{mkpasswd}, which\n"
"encrypts passwords using @code{crypt(3)} and is unrelated to the Expect command\n"
"of the same name."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1359
msgid "Network traffic analyzer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1360
msgid ""
"Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer, or @dfn{packet\n"
"sniffer}, that lets you capture and interactively browse the contents of\n"
"network frames."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1379
msgid "Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1381
msgid ""
"fping is a ping-like program which uses @acronym{ICMP, Internet Control\n"
"Message Protocol} echo requests to determine if a target host is responding.\n"
"@command{fping} differs from @command{ping} in that you can specify any number\n"
"of targets on the command line, or specify a file containing the lists of\n"
"targets to ping.  Instead of sending to one target until it times out or\n"
"replies, fping will send out a ping packet and move on to the next target in a\n"
"round-robin fashion."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1433
msgid "Command-line interface to the Gandi.net Web API"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1435
msgid ""
"This package provides a command-line client (@command{gandi}) to buy,\n"
"manage, and delete Internet resources from Gandi.net such as domain names,\n"
"virtual machines, and certificates."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1460
msgid "Simple network namespace handling for Go"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1461
msgid ""
"The netns package provides a simple interface for\n"
"handling network namespaces in Go."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1487
msgid "SCTP library for the Go programming language"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1488
msgid ""
"This library provides methods for using the stream control\n"
"transmission protocol (SCTP) in a Go application."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1517
msgid "Web server latency and throughput monitor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1519
msgid ""
"httping measures how long it takes to connect to a web server, send an\n"
"HTTP(S) request, and receive the reply headers.  It is somewhat similar to\n"
"@command{ping}, but can be used even in cases where ICMP traffic is blocked\n"
"by firewalls or when you want to monitor the response time of the actual web\n"
"application stack itself."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1551
msgid "Visualize curl statistics"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1553
msgid ""
"@command{httpstat} is a tool to visualize statistics from the\n"
"@command{curl} HTTP client.  It acts as a wrapper for @command{curl} and\n"
"prints timing information for each step of the HTTP request (DNS lookup,\n"
"TCP connection, TLS handshake and so on) in the terminal."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1597
msgid "Web caching proxy"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1598
msgid ""
"Squid is a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS,\n"
"FTP, and more.  It reduces bandwidth and improves response times by caching and\n"
"reusing frequently-requested web pages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1632
msgid "Console based live network and disk I/O bandwidth monitor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1633
msgid ""
"Bandwidth Monitor NG is a small and simple console based\n"
"live network and disk I/O bandwidth monitor."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1686
msgid "Assess WiFi network security"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1688
msgid ""
"Aircrack-ng is a complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network\n"
"security.  It focuses on different areas of WiFi security: monitoring,\n"
"attacking, testing, and cracking.  All tools are command-line driven, which\n"
"allows for heavy scripting."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1716
msgid "Offline brute-force tool for Wi-Fi Protected Setup"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1717
msgid ""
"Pixiewps implements the pixie-dust attack to brute\n"
"force the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) PIN by exploiting the low or\n"
"non-existing entropy of some access points."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1763
msgid "Attack tool for Wi-Fi Protected Setup"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1764
msgid ""
"Reaver performs a brute force attack against an access\n"
"point's Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) PIN.  Once the PIN is found, the WPA\n"
"passphrase can be recovered and the AP's wireless settings can be\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1787
msgid "Event loop and event-driven async socket base class"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1789
msgid ""
"Danga::Socket is an abstract base class for objects backed by a socket\n"
"which provides the basic framework for event-driven asynchronous IO, designed\n"
"to be fast.  Danga::Socket is both a base class for objects, and an event\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1813
msgid "IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1815
msgid ""
"This module provides several IP address validation subroutines that both\n"
"validate and untaint their input.  This includes both basic validation\n"
"(@code{is_ipv4()} and @code{is_ipv6()}) and special cases like checking whether\n"
"an address belongs to a specific network or whether an address is public or\n"
"private (reserved)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1842
msgid "Perl Interface to the Domain Name System"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1843
msgid "Net::DNS is the Perl Interface to the Domain Name System."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1874
msgid "IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1875
msgid ""
"Socket6 binds the IPv6 related part of the C socket header\n"
"definitions and structure manipulators for Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1901
msgid "Programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1902
msgid ""
"Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable is a programmable DNS resolver for\n"
"offline emulation of DNS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1922
msgid "Mock DNS Resolver object for testing"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1924
msgid ""
"Net::DNS::Resolver::Mock is a subclass of Net::DNS::Resolver, but returns\n"
"static data from any provided DNS zone file instead of querying the network.\n"
"It is intended primarily for use in testing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1958
msgid "Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1959
msgid "NetAddr::IP manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subsets."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1991
msgid "Patricia Trie Perl module for fast IP address lookups"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:1993
msgid "Net::Patricia does IP address lookups quickly in Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2016
msgid "Perl extension for merging IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2017
msgid "Net::CIDR::Lite merges IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2039
msgid "Look up location and network information by IP Address in Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2040
msgid ""
"The Perl module @code{Geo::IP}.  It looks up location and\n"
"network information by IP Address."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2069
msgid "Perl object interface for AF_INET/AF_INET6 domain sockets"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2070
msgid ""
"IO::Socket::INET6 is an interface for AF_INET/AF_INET6 domain\n"
"sockets in Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2098
msgid "Library providing automatic proxy configuration management"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2099
msgid ""
"Libproxy handles the details of HTTP/HTTPS proxy\n"
"configuration for applications across all scenarios.  Applications using\n"
"libproxy only have to specify which proxy to use."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2134
msgid "Redirect any TCP connection through a proxy or proxy chain"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2135
msgid ""
"Proxychains-ng is a preloader which hooks calls to sockets\n"
"in dynamically linked programs and redirects them through one or more SOCKS or\n"
"HTTP proxies."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2155
msgid "Network communication layer on top of UDP"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2157
msgid ""
"ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network\n"
"communication layer on top of UDP.  The primary feature it provides is optional\n"
"reliable, in-order delivery of packets.  ENet omits certain higher level\n"
"networking features such as authentication, server discovery, encryption, or\n"
"other similar tasks that are particularly application specific so that the\n"
"library remains flexible, portable, and easily embeddable."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2222
msgid "Applicative network protocol demultiplexer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2224
msgid ""
"sslh is a network protocol demultiplexer.  It acts like a switchboard,\n"
"accepting connections from clients on one port and forwarding them to different\n"
"servers based on the contents of the first received data packet.  Detection of\n"
"common protocols like HTTP(S), SSL, SSH, OpenVPN, tinc, and XMPP is already\n"
"implemented, but any other protocol that matches a regular expression can be\n"
"added.  sslh's name comes from its original application of serving both SSH and\n"
"HTTPS on port 443, allowing SSH connections from inside corporate firewalls\n"
"that block port 22."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2247
msgid "TCP, UDP and SCTP bandwidth measurement tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2249
msgid ""
"iPerf is a tool to measure achievable bandwidth on IP networks.  It\n"
"supports tuning of various parameters related to timing, buffers and\n"
"protocols (TCP, UDP, SCTP with IPv4 and IPv6).  For each test it reports\n"
"the bandwidth, loss, and other parameters."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2286
msgid "Per-process bandwidth monitor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2287
msgid ""
"NetHogs is a small 'net top' tool for Linux.  Instead of\n"
"breaking the traffic down per protocol or per subnet, like most tools do, it\n"
"groups bandwidth by process.\n"
"NetHogs does not rely on a special kernel module to be loaded.  If there's\n"
"suddenly a lot of network traffic, you can fire up NetHogs and immediately see\n"
"which PID is causing this.  This makes it easy to identify programs that have\n"
"gone wild and are suddenly taking up your bandwidth."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2333
msgid "Usenet binary file downloader"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2335
msgid ""
"NZBGet is a binary newsgrabber, which downloads files from Usenet based\n"
"on information given in @code{nzb} files.  NZBGet can be used in standalone\n"
"and in server/client modes.  In standalone mode, you pass NZBGet @command{nzb}\n"
"files as command-line parameters and it downloads them and exits.  NZBGet also\n"
"contains a Web interface.  Its server can be controlled through remote\n"
"procedure calls (RPCs)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2387
msgid "Virtual network switch"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2390
msgid ""
"Open vSwitch is a multilayer virtual switch.  It is designed to enable\n"
"massive network automation through programmatic extension, while still\n"
"supporting standard management interfaces and protocols (e.g. NetFlow, sFlow,\n"
"IPFIX, RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2412
msgid "Python class and tools for handling IP addresses and networks"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2413
msgid ""
"The @code{IP} class allows a comfortable parsing and\n"
"handling for most notations in use for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2436
msgid "Internet bandwidth tester"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2438
msgid ""
"Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2456
msgid "HPA's tftp client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2458
msgid ""
"This is a tftp client derived from OpenBSD tftp with some extra options\n"
"added and bugs fixed.  The source includes readline support but it is not\n"
"enabled due to license conflicts between the BSD advertising clause and the GPL."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2487
msgid "Small Ident Daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2489
msgid ""
"@dfn{Pidentd} (Peter's Ident Daemon) is an identd, which implements a\n"
"identification server.  Pidentd looks up specific TCP/IP connections and\n"
"returns the user name and other information about the connection."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2536
msgid "Create secure pipes between sockets"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2537
msgid ""
"Spiped (pronounced \"ess-pipe-dee\") is a utility for creating\n"
"symmetrically encrypted and authenticated pipes between socket addresses, so\n"
"that one may connect to one address (e.g., a UNIX socket on localhost) and\n"
"transparently have a connection established to another address (e.g., a UNIX\n"
"socket on a different system).  This is similar to 'ssh -L' functionality, but\n"
"does not use SSH and requires a pre-shared symmetric key."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2564
msgid "Routing Software Suite"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2565
msgid ""
"Quagga is a routing software suite, providing implementations\n"
"of OSPFv2, OSPFv3, RIP v1 and v2, RIPng and BGP-4 for Unix platforms.\n"
"The Quagga architecture consists of a core daemon, @command{zebra}, which\n"
"acts as an abstraction layer to the underlying Unix kernel and presents the\n"
"Zserv API over a Unix or TCP stream to Quagga clients.  It is these Zserv\n"
"clients which typically implement a routing protocol and communicate routing\n"
"updates to the zebra daemon."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2616
msgid "IPv6 security research toolkit"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2617
msgid ""
"The THC IPv6 Toolkit provides command-line tools and a library\n"
"for researching IPv6 implementations and deployments.  It requires Linux 2.6 or\n"
"newer and only works on Ethernet network interfaces."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2643
msgid "Bandwidth monitor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2644
msgid ""
"bmon is a monitoring and debugging tool to capture\n"
"networking-related statistics and prepare them visually in a human-friendly\n"
"way.  It features various output methods including an interactive curses user\n"
"interface and a programmable text output for scripting."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2681
msgid "Framework for low-level network packet construction"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2683
msgid ""
"Libnet provides a fairly portable framework for network packet\n"
"construction and injection.  It features portable packet creation interfaces\n"
"at the IP layer and link layer, as well as a host of supplementary\n"
"functionality.  Using libnet, quick and simple packet assembly applications\n"
"can be whipped up with little effort."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2708
msgid "Network diagnostic tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2710
msgid ""
"@acronym{mtr, My TraceRoute} combines the functionality of the\n"
"@command{traceroute} and @command{ping} programs in a single network diagnostic\n"
"tool.  @command{mtr} can use several network protocols to detect intermediate\n"
"routers (or @dfn{hops}) between the local host and a user-specified destination.\n"
"It then continually measures the response time and packet loss at each hop, and\n"
"displays the results in real time."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2762
msgid "IKEv1/v2 keying daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2763
msgid ""
"StrongSwan is an IPsec implementation originally based upon\n"
"the FreeS/WAN project.  It contains support for IKEv1, IKEv2, MOBIKE, IPv6,\n"
"NAT-T and more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2847
msgid "Peer-to-peer client for the eD2K and Kademlia networks"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2849
msgid ""
"aMule is an eMule-like client for the eD2k and Kademlia peer-to-peer\n"
"file sharing networks.  It includes a graphical user interface (GUI), a daemon\n"
"allowing you to run a client with no graphical interface, and a Web GUI for\n"
"remote access.  The @command{amulecmd} command allows you to control aMule\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2872
msgid "Framework for proximity-based peer-to-peer applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2873
msgid ""
"Zyre provides reliable group messaging over local area\n"
"networks using zeromq.  It has these key characteristics:\n"
"@item Zyre needs no administration or configuration.\n"
"@item Peers may join and leave the network at any time.\n"
"@item Peers talk to each other without any central brokers or servers.\n"
"@item Peers can talk directly to each other.\n"
"@item Peers can join groups, and then talk to groups.\n"
"@item Zyre is reliable, and loses no messages even when the network is heavily loaded.\n"
"@item Zyre is fast and has low latency, requiring no consensus protocols.\n"
"@item Zyre is designed for WiFi networks, yet also works well on Ethernet networks.\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2908
msgid "SocketCAN user-space library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2909
msgid ""
"This library allows controlling basic functions in SocketCAN\n"
"from user-space.  It requires a kernel built with SocketCAN support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2937
msgid "CAN utilities"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2938
msgid ""
"This package provides CAN utilities in the following areas:\n"
"@item Basic tools to display, record, generate and replay CAN traffic\n"
"@item CAN access via IP sockets\n"
"@item CAN in-kernel gateway configuration\n"
"@item CAN bus measurement and testing\n"
"@item ISO-TP (ISO15765-2:2016 - this means messages with a body larger than\n"
"eight bytes) tools\n"
"@item Log file converters\n"
"@item Serial Line Discipline configuration for slcan driver\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2974
msgid "C++ library for ASynchronous network I/O"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2975
msgid ""
"Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network and\n"
"low-level I/O programming that provides developers with a consistent\n"
"asynchronous model using a modern C++ approach."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:2999
msgid "Fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3001
msgid ""
"This package is a fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls.\n"
"@item TCP & UDP support\n"
"@item User management API\n"
"@item TCP Fast Open\n"
"@item Workers and graceful restart\n"
"@item Destination IP blacklist\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3082
msgid "Simple Network Management Protocol library and tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3083
msgid ""
"The @dfn{Simple Network Management Protocol} (SNMP) is a\n"
"widely used protocol for monitoring the health and welfare of network\n"
"equipment (e.g. routers), computer equipment and even devices like UPSs.\n"
"Net-SNMP is a suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and\n"
"SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3129
msgid "Bridge for UDP tunnels, Ethernet, TAP and VMnet interfaces"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3130
msgid ""
"uBridge is a simple program to create user-land bridges\n"
"between various technologies.  Currently, bridging between UDP tunnels,\n"
"Ethernet and TAP interfaces is supported.  Packet capture is also supported."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3163
msgid "Capture wlan traffic to hashcat and John the Ripper"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3165
msgid ""
"This package contains a small set of tools to capture and convert\n"
"packets from wireless devices for use with hashcat or John the Ripper."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3194
msgid "Small tool to capture packets from wlan devices"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3196
msgid ""
"Small tool to capture packets from WLAN devices.  After capturing,\n"
"upload the \"uncleaned\" cap to @url{https://wpa-sec.stanev.org/?submit} to\n"
"see if the access point or the client is vulnerable to a dictionary attack.\n"
"Convert the cap file to hccapx format and/or to WPA-PMKID-PBKDF2\n"
"hashline (16800) with @command{hcxpcaptool} from the @code{hcxtools} package\n"
"and check if the WLAN key or the master key was transmitted unencrypted."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3223
msgid "SOCKS server and client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3224
msgid ""
"Dante is a SOCKS client and server implementation.  It can\n"
"be installed on a machine with access to an external TCP/IP network and will\n"
"allow all other machines, without direct access to that network, to be relayed\n"
"through the machine the Dante server is running on.  The external network will\n"
"never see any machines other than the one Dante is running on."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3277
msgid "Asynchronous RESTful functionality to C++11 applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3278
msgid ""
"Restbed is a comprehensive and consistent programming\n"
"model for building applications that require seamless and secure\n"
"communication over HTTP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3320
msgid "C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3321
msgid ""
"RESTinio is a header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded\n"
"HTTP/Websocket server.  It is based on standalone version of ASIO\n"
"and targeted primarily for asynchronous processing of HTTP-requests."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3370
msgid "Distributed Hash Table (DHT) library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3371
msgid ""
"OpenDHT is a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) library.  It may\n"
"be used to manage peer-to-peer network connections as needed for real time\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3399
msgid "IP routing protocol suite"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3400
msgid ""
"FRRouting (FRR) is an IP routing protocol suite which includes\n"
"protocol daemons for BGP, IS-IS, LDP, OSPF, PIM, and RIP. "
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3455
msgid "Internet Wireless Daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3456
msgid ""
"iwd is a wireless daemon for Linux that aims to replace WPA\n"
"Supplicant.  It optimizes resource utilization by not depending on any external\n"
"libraries and instead utilizing features provided by the Linux kernel to the\n"
"maximum extent possible."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3489
msgid "Management tool for the mesh networking BATMAN protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3490
msgid ""
"This package provides a control tool for the\n"
"B.A.T.M.A.N. mesh networking routing protocol provided by the Linux kernel\n"
"module @code{batman-adv}, for Layer 2."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3525
msgid "Make localhost servers publicly visible"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3527
msgid ""
"PageKite implements a tunneled reverse proxy which makes it easy to make\n"
"a service (such as an HTTP or SSH server) on localhost visible to the wider\n"
"Internet, even behind NAT or restrictive firewalls.  A managed front-end relay\n"
"service is available at @url{https://pagekite.net/}, or you can run your own."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3570
msgid "Simple IP network calculator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3571
msgid ""
"ipcalc takes an IP address and netmask and calculates the\n"
"resulting broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, and host range.  By giving\n"
"a second netmask, you can design subnets and supernets.  It is also intended\n"
"to be a teaching tool and presents the subnetting results as\n"
"easy-to-understand binary values."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3609
msgid "Utility to set up and maintain TUN/TAP network interfaces"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3610
msgid ""
"Tunctl is used to set up and maintain persistent TUN/TAP\n"
"network interfaces, enabling user applications to simulate network traffic.\n"
"Such interfaces are useful for VPN software, virtualization, emulation,\n"
"simulation, and a number of other applications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3629
msgid "Implements Wake On LAN functionality in a small program"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3630
msgid ""
"Tool to send a magic packet to wake another host on the\n"
"network.  This must be enabled on the target host, usually in the BIOS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3652
msgid "Virtual Distributed Ethernet"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3653
msgid ""
"VDE is a set of programs to provide virtual software-defined\n"
"Ethernet network interface controllers across multiple virtual or\n"
"physical, local or remote devices.  The VDE architecture provides\n"
"virtual counterparts to hardware components such as switches and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3697
msgid "Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3698
msgid ""
"HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering\n"
"high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based\n"
"applications.  It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under very\n"
"high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing.  Supporting tens of\n"
"thousands of connections is clearly realistic with today's hardware."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3745
msgid "Locate neighbors of your network equipment"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3747
msgid ""
"The @dfn{Link Layer Discovery Protocol} (LLDP) is an industry standard\n"
"protocol designed to supplant proprietary Link-Layer protocols such as EDP or\n"
"CDP.  The goal of LLDP is to provide an inter-vendor compatible mechanism to\n"
"deliver Link-Layer notifications to adjacent network devices.  @code{lldpd} is\n"
"an implementation of LLDP.  It also supports some proprietary protocols."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3788
msgid "Denial-of-service countermeasure"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3789
msgid ""
"Hashcash is a proof-of-work algorithm, which has been used\n"
"as a denial-of-service countermeasure technique in a number of systems.\n"
"A hashcash stamp constitutes a proof-of-work which takes a parametrizable\n"
"amount of work to compute for the sender.  The recipient can verify received\n"
"hashcash stamps efficiently.\n"
"This package contains a command-line tool for computing and verifying hashcash\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3819
msgid "NBD client and server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/networking.scm:3820
msgid ""
"This package provides the NBD (Network Block Devices)\n"
"client and server.  It allows you to use remote block devices over a TCP/IP\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:129
msgid "Rearrange PDF pages to print as flyers on one sheet"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:130
msgid ""
"@command{flyer-composer} can be used to prepare one- or\n"
"two-sided flyers for printing on one sheet of paper.\n"
"Imagine you have designed a flyer in A6 format and want to print it using your\n"
"A4 printer.  Of course, you want to print four flyers on each sheet.  This is\n"
"where Flyer Composer steps in, creating a PDF which holds your flyer four\n"
"times.  If you have a second page, Flyer Composer can arrange it the same way\n"
"- even if the second page is in a separate PDF file.\n"
"This package contains both the command line tool and the gui too."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:157
msgid ""
"@command{flyer-composer} can be used to prepare one- or\n"
"two-sided flyers for printing on one sheet of paper.\n"
"Imagine you have designed a flyer in A6 format and want to print it using your\n"
"A4 printer.  Of course, you want to print four flyers on each sheet.  This is\n"
"where Flyer Composer steps in, creating a PDF which holds your flyer four\n"
"times.  If you have a second page, Flyer Composer can arrange it the same way\n"
"- even if the second page is in a separate PDF file.\n"
"This package contains only the command line tool.  If you like to use the gui,\n"
"please install the @code{flyer-composer-gui} package."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:213
msgid "PDF rendering library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:215
msgid "Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:240
msgid "Poppler encoding files for rendering of CJK and Cyrillic text"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:241
msgid ""
"This package provides optional encoding files for Poppler.\n"
"When present, Poppler is able to correctly render CJK and Cyrillic text."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:254
msgid "Qt4 frontend for the Poppler PDF rendering library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:261
msgid "Qt5 frontend for the Poppler PDF rendering library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:301
msgid "Python bindings for Poppler-Qt5"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:303
msgid ""
"This package provides Python bindings for the Qt5 interface of the\n"
"Poppler PDF rendering library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:337
msgid "Library for generating PDF files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:339
msgid ""
"libHaru is a library for generating PDF files.  libHaru does not support\n"
"reading and editing of existing PDF files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:387
msgid "Viewer for PDF files based on the Motif toolkit"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:389
msgid "Xpdf is a viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:423
msgid "Comic book support for zathura (libarchive backend)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:424
msgid ""
"The zathura-cb plugin adds comic book support to zathura\n"
"using libarchive."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:458
msgid "PS support for zathura (libspectre backend)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:459
msgid ""
"The zathura-ps plugin adds PS support to zathura\n"
"using libspectre."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:494
msgid "DjVu support for zathura (DjVuLibre backend)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:495
msgid ""
"The zathura-djvu plugin adds DjVu support to zathura\n"
"using the DjVuLibre library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:538
msgid "PDF support for zathura (mupdf backend)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:539
msgid ""
"The zathura-pdf-mupdf plugin adds PDF support to zathura\n"
"by using the @code{mupdf} rendering library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:574
msgid "PDF support for zathura (poppler backend)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:575
msgid ""
"The zathura-pdf-poppler plugin adds PDF support to zathura\n"
"by using the poppler rendering engine."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:631
msgid "Lightweight keyboard-driven PDF viewer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:632
msgid ""
"Zathura is a customizable document viewer.  It provides a\n"
"minimalistic interface and an interface that mainly focuses on keyboard\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:675
msgid "Tools to work with the PDF file format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:677
msgid ""
"PoDoFo is a C++ library and set of command-line tools to work with the\n"
"PDF file format.  It can parse PDF files and load them into memory, and makes\n"
"it easy to modify them and write the changes to disk.  It is primarily useful\n"
"for applications that wish to do lower level manipulation of PDF, such as\n"
"extracting content or merging files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:732
msgid "Lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:734
msgid ""
"MuPDF is a C library that implements a PDF and XPS parsing and\n"
"rendering engine.  It is used primarily to render pages into bitmaps,\n"
"but also provides support for other operations such as searching and\n"
"listing the table of contents and hyperlinks.\n"
"The library ships with a rudimentary X11 viewer, and a set of command\n"
"line tools for batch rendering @command{pdfdraw}, rewriting files\n"
"@command{pdfclean}, and examining the file structure @command{pdfshow}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:781
msgid "Command-line tools and library for transforming PDF files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:783
msgid ""
"QPDF is a command-line program that does structural, content-preserving\n"
"transformations on PDF files.  It could have been called something like\n"
"pdf-to-pdf.  It includes support for merging and splitting PDFs and to\n"
"manipulate the list of pages in a PDF file.  It is not a PDF viewer or a\n"
"program capable of converting PDF into other formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:815
msgid "Notetaking using a stylus"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:817
msgid ""
"Xournal is an application for notetaking, sketching, keeping a journal\n"
"using a stylus."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:876
msgid "Handwriting notetaking software with PDF annotation support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:877
msgid ""
"Xournal++ is a hand note taking software written in\n"
"C++ with the target of flexibility, functionality and speed.  Stroke\n"
"recognizer and other parts are based on Xournal code.\n"
"Xournal++ features:\n"
"@item Support for Pen pressure, e.g., Wacom Tablet\n"
"@item Support for annotating PDFs\n"
"@item Fill shape functionality\n"
"@item PDF Export (with and without paper style)\n"
"@item PNG Export (with and without transparent background)\n"
"@item Map different tools / colors etc. to stylus buttons /\n"
"mouse buttons\n"
"@item Sidebar with Page Previews with advanced page sorting, PDF\n"
"Bookmarks and Layers (can be individually hidden, editing layer can be\n"
"@item enhanced support for image insertion\n"
"@item Eraser with multiple configurations\n"
"@item LaTeX support\n"
"@item bug reporting, autosave, and auto backup tools\n"
"@item Customizeable toolbar, with multiple configurations, e.g., to\n"
"optimize toolbar for portrait / landscape\n"
"@item Page Template definitions\n"
"@item Shape drawing (line, arrow, circle, rectangle)\n"
"@item Shape resizing and rotation\n"
"@item Rotation snapping every 45 degrees\n"
"@item Rect snapping to grid\n"
"@item Audio recording and playback alongside with handwritten notes\n"
"@item Multi Language Support, Like English, German, Italian...\n"
"@item Plugins using LUA Scripting\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:955
msgid "Python library for generating PDFs and graphics"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:956
msgid ""
"This is the ReportLab PDF Toolkit.  It allows rapid creation\n"
"of rich PDF documents, and also creation of charts in a variety of bitmap and\n"
"vector formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1009
msgid "PDF presentation tool with visual effects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1011
msgid ""
"Impressive is a tool to display PDF files that provides visual effects\n"
"such as smooth alpha-blended slide transitions.  It provides additional tools\n"
"such as zooming, highlighting an area of the screen, and a tool to navigate\n"
"the PDF pages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1060
msgid "Framebuffer and drm-based image viewer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1062
msgid ""
"fbida contains a few applications for viewing and editing images on\n"
"the framebuffer."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1087
msgid "PDF to SVG converter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1088
msgid ""
"@command{pdf2svg} is a simple command-line PDF to SVG\n"
"converter using the Poppler and Cairo libraries."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1119 gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1156
msgid "Pure Python PDF toolkit"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1120
msgid ""
"PyPDF2 is a pure Python PDF library capable of:\n"
"@item extracting document information (title, author, …)\n"
"@item splitting documents page by page\n"
"@item merging documents page by page\n"
"@item cropping pages\n"
"@item merging multiple pages into a single page\n"
"@item encrypting and decrypting PDF files\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
"By being pure Python, it should run on any Python platform without any\n"
"dependencies on external libraries.  It can also work entirely on\n"
"@code{StringIO} objects rather than file streams, allowing for PDF\n"
"manipulation in memory.  It is therefore a useful tool for websites that\n"
"manage or manipulate PDFs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1157
msgid ""
"PyPDF2 is a pure Python PDF toolkit.\n"
"Note: This module isn't maintained anymore.  For new projects please use\n"
"python-pypdf2 instead."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1198
msgid "Merge, split and re-arrange pages from PDF documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1200
msgid ""
"PDF Arranger is a small application which allows one to merge or split\n"
"PDF documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive\n"
"and intuitive graphical interface.\n"
"PDF Arranger was formerly known as PDF-Shuffler."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1223
msgid "Scale and tile PDF images/pages to print on multiple pages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1224
msgid ""
"@command{pdfposter} can be used to create a large poster by\n"
"building it from multiple pages and/or printing it on large media.  It expects\n"
"as input a PDF file, normally printing on a single page.  The output is again\n"
"a PDF file, maybe containing multiple pages together building the poster.  The\n"
"input page will be scaled to obtain the desired size.\n"
"This is much like @command{poster} does for Postscript files, but working with\n"
"PDF.  Since sometimes @command{poster} does not like your files converted from\n"
"PDF.  Indeed @command{pdfposter} was inspired by @command{poster}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1255
msgid "Command-line utility to search text in PDF files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1257
msgid ""
"Pdfgrep searches in pdf files for strings matching a regular expression.\n"
"Support some GNU grep options as file name output, page number output,\n"
"optional case insensitivity, count occurrences, color highlights and search in\n"
"multiple files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1290
msgid "Presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1292
msgid ""
"pdfpc is a presentation viewer application which uses multi-monitor\n"
"output to provide meta information to the speaker during the presentation.  It\n"
"is able to show a normal presentation window on one screen, while showing a\n"
"more sophisticated overview on the other one providing information like a\n"
"picture of the next slide, as well as the left over time till the end of the\n"
"presentation.  The input files processed by pdfpc are PDF documents."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1318
msgid "Pango to PostScript converter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1320
msgid ""
"Paps reads a UTF-8 encoded file and generates a PostScript language\n"
"rendering of the file through the Pango Cairo back end."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1350
msgid "PDF manipulation tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1351
msgid ""
"Stapler is a pure Python alternative to PDFtk, a tool for\n"
"manipulating PDF documents from the command line.  It supports\n"
"@item cherry-picking pages and concatenating them into a new file\n"
"@item splitting a PDF document into single pages each in its own file\n"
"@item merging PDF documents with their pages interleaved\n"
"@item displaying metadata in a PDF document\n"
"@item displaying the mapping between logical and physical page numbers\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1423
msgid "Document factory for creating PDF files from HTML"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pdf.scm:1424
msgid ""
"WeasyPrint helps web developers to create PDF documents.  It\n"
"turns simple HTML pages into gorgeous statistical reports, invoices, tickets,\n"
"From a technical point of view, WeasyPrint is a visual rendering engine for\n"
"HTML and CSS that can export to PDF and PNG.  It aims to support web standards\n"
"for printing.\n"
"It is based on various libraries but not on a full rendering engine like\n"
"WebKit or Gecko.  The CSS layout engine is written in Python, designed for\n"
"pagination, and meant to be easy to hack on.  Weasyprint can also be used as a\n"
"python library.\n"
"Keywords: html2pdf, htmltopdf"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pem.scm:41
msgid "Personal expenses manager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/pem.scm:43
msgid ""
"GNU Pem is a simple tool for tracking personal income and\n"
"expenses.  It operates from the command line and it stores its data\n"
"in a basic text format in your home directory.  It can easily print\n"
"reports of your spending on different expenses via a basic search\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:260
msgid "Implementation of the Perl programming language"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:262
msgid ""
"Perl is a general-purpose programming language originally developed for\n"
"text manipulation and now used for a wide range of tasks including system\n"
"administration, web development, network programming, GUI development, and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:283
msgid "Module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:284
msgid ""
"This module implements the C3 algorithm, which aims to\n"
"provide a sane method resolution order under multiple inheritance."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:302
msgid "Compute differences between two files or lists"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:303
msgid ""
"This is a module for computing the difference between two\n"
"files, two strings, or any other two lists of things.  It uses an intelligent\n"
"algorithm similar to (or identical to) the one used by the Unix \"diff\"\n"
"program.  It is guaranteed to find the *smallest possible* set of\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:325
msgid "Use shorter versions of class names"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:326
msgid ""
"The alias module loads the class you specify and exports\n"
"into your namespace a subroutine that returns the class name.  You can\n"
"explicitly alias the class to another name or, if you prefer, you can do so\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:381
msgid "Get, build and use SDL libraries"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:383
msgid ""
"Alien::SDL can be used to detect and get configuration settings from an\n"
"installed SDL and related libraries.  Based on your platform it offers the\n"
"possibility to download and install prebuilt binaries or to build SDL & co.@:\n"
"from source codes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:405
msgid "Transparently use Moose or Mouse modules"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:407
msgid ""
"This module facilitates using @code{Moose} or @code{Mouse} modules\n"
"without changing the code.  By default, Mouse will be provided to libraries,\n"
"unless Moose is already loaded, or explicitly requested by the end-user.  End\n"
"users can force the decision of which backend to use by setting the environment\n"
"variable ANY_MOOSE to be Moose or Mouse."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:430
msgid "Configuration files and command line parsing"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:431
msgid ""
"AppConfig is a bundle of Perl5 modules for reading\n"
"configuration files and parsing command line arguments."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:451
msgid "Small utils for array manipulation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:452
msgid ""
"@code{Array::Utils} is a small pure-perl module containing\n"
"list manipulation routines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:473
msgid "Allow C/XS libraries to interrupt perl asynchronously"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:475
msgid ""
"@code{Async::Interrupt} implements a single feature only of interest\n"
"to advanced perl modules, namely asynchronous interruptions (think \"UNIX\n"
"signals\", which are very similar).\n"
"Sometimes, modules wish to run code asynchronously (in another thread,\n"
"or from a signal handler), and then signal the perl interpreter on\n"
"certain events.  One common way is to write some data to a pipe and use\n"
"an event handling toolkit to watch for I/O events.  Another way is to\n"
"send a signal.  Those methods are slow, and in the case of a pipe, also\n"
"not asynchronous - it won't interrupt a running perl interpreter.\n"
"This module implements asynchronous notifications that enable you to\n"
"signal running perl code from another thread, asynchronously, and\n"
"sometimes even without using a single syscall."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:505
msgid "Assorted general utility attributes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:506
msgid ""
"This package provides various utility functions.  When used\n"
"without argument, this module provides four universally accessible attributes\n"
"of general interest as follows:\n"
"@item Abstract\n"
"@item Alias\n"
"@item Memoize\n"
"@item Method\n"
"@item SigHandler\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:541
msgid "DEC VMS password hashing"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:542
msgid ""
"@code{Authen::DecHpwd} implements the\n"
"SYS$HASH_PASSWORD password hashing function from VMS (also known as\n"
"LGI$HPWD) and some associated VMS username and password handling\n"
"functions.  The password hashing function is implemented in XS with a\n"
"pure Perl backup version for systems that cannot handle XS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:579
msgid "Hashed passwords/passphrases as objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:580
msgid ""
"@code{Authen-Passphrase} is the base class for a\n"
"system of objects that encapsulate passphrases.  An object of this\n"
"type is a passphrase recogniser; its job is to recognise whether an\n"
"offered passphrase is the right one.  For security such passphrase\n"
"recognisers usually do not themselves know the passphrase they are\n"
"looking for; they can merely recognise it when they see it.  There are\n"
"many schemes in use to achieve this effect and the intent of this\n"
"class is to provide a consistent interface to them all.  In addition\n"
"to the base class, this module also contains implementations of\n"
"several specific passphrase schemes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:606
msgid "Lexically disable autovivification"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:607
msgid ""
"When an undefined variable is dereferenced, it gets silently\n"
"upgraded to an array or hash reference (depending of the type of the\n"
"dereferencing).  This behaviour is called autovivification and usually does\n"
"what you mean but it may be unnatural or surprising because your variables get\n"
"populated behind your back.  This is especially true when several levels of\n"
"dereferencing are involved, in which case all levels are vivified up to the\n"
"last, or when it happens in intuitively read-only constructs like\n"
"@code{exists}.  The pragma provided by this package lets you disable\n"
"autovivification for some constructs and optionally throws a warning or an\n"
"error when it would have happened."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:640
msgid "Disables bareword filehandles"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:641
msgid "This module disables bareword filehandles."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:661
msgid "Open a browser in a given URL"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:662
msgid ""
"The functions exported by this module allow you to open URLs\n"
"in the user's browser.  A set of known commands per OS-name is tested for\n"
"presence, and the first one found is executed.  With an optional parameter,\n"
"all known commands are checked."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:687
msgid "Execute code after a scope finished compilation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:688
msgid ""
"This module allows you to execute code when perl finished\n"
"compiling the surrounding scope."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:709
msgid "Wrap OP check callbacks"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:710
msgid "This module allows you to wrap OP check callbacks."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:726
msgid "Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:727
msgid ""
"@code{B::Keywords} supplies several arrays of exportable\n"
"keywords: @code{@@Scalars, @@Arrays, @@Hashes, @@Filehandles, @@Symbols,\n"
"@@Functions, @@Barewords, @@TieIOMethods, @@UNIVERSALMethods and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:750
msgid "Benchmarking with statistical confidence"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:752
msgid ""
"The Benchmark::Timer class allows you to time portions of code\n"
"conveniently, as well as benchmark code by allowing timings of repeated\n"
"trials.  It is perfect for when you need more precise information about the\n"
"running time of portions of your code than the Benchmark module will give you,\n"
"but don't want to go all out and profile your code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:776
msgid "Bit vector library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:777
msgid ""
"Bit::Vector is an efficient C library which allows you to\n"
"handle bit vectors, sets (of integers), \"big integer arithmetic\" and boolean\n"
"matrices, all of arbitrary sizes.  The package also includes an\n"
"object-oriented Perl module for accessing the C library from Perl, and\n"
"optionally features overloaded operators for maximum ease of use.  The C\n"
"library can nevertheless be used stand-alone, without Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:798
msgid "Boolean support for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:799
msgid ""
"This module provides basic Boolean support, by defining two\n"
"special objects: true and false."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:817
msgid "Data files for Business::ISBN"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:818
msgid ""
"This package provides a data pack for @code{Business::ISBN}.\n"
"These data are generated from the RangeMessage.xml file provided by the ISBN\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:840
msgid "Work with International Standard Book Numbers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:841
msgid ""
"This modules provides tools to deal with International\n"
"Standard Book Numbers, including ISBN-10 and ISBN-13."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:859
msgid "Work with International Standard Serial Numbers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:860
msgid ""
"This modules provides tools to deal with International\n"
"Standard Serial Numbers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:879
msgid "Work with International Standard Music Numbers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:880
msgid ""
"This modules provides tools to deal with International\n"
"Standard Music Numbers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:901
msgid "Cache interface for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:902
msgid ""
"The Cache modules are designed to assist a developer in\n"
"persisting data for a specified period of time.  Often these modules are used\n"
"in web applications to store data locally to save repeated and redundant\n"
"expensive calls to remote machines or databases.  People have also been known\n"
"to use Cache::Cache for its straightforward interface in sharing data between\n"
"runs of an application or invocations of a CGI-style script or simply as an\n"
"easy to use abstraction of the file system or shared memory."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:924
msgid "Shared memory interprocess cache via mmap"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:925
msgid ""
"A shared memory cache through an mmap'ed file.  It's core is\n"
"written in C for performance.  It uses fcntl locking to ensure multiple\n"
"processes can safely access the cache at the same time.  It uses a basic LRU\n"
"algorithm to keep the most used entries in the cache."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:946
msgid "Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:948
msgid ""
"Capture::Tiny provides a simple, portable way to capture almost anything\n"
"sent to STDOUT or STDERR, regardless of whether it comes from Perl, from XS\n"
"code or from an external program.  Optionally, output can be teed so that it\n"
"is captured while being passed through to the original file handles."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:967
msgid "Check compatibility with the installed perl version"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:969
msgid ""
"This module is used by Schmorp's modules during configuration stage\n"
"to test the installed perl for compatibility with his modules."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:987
msgid "Alternative warn and die for modules"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:988
msgid ""
"The @code{Carp} routines are useful in your own modules\n"
"because they act like @code{die()} or @code{warn()}, but with a message\n"
"which is more likely to be useful to a user of your module.  In the case\n"
"of @code{cluck}, @code{confess}, and @code{longmess} that context is a\n"
"summary of every call in the call-stack.  For a shorter message you can use\n"
"@code{carp} or @code{croak} which report the error as being from where your\n"
"module was called.  There is no guarantee that that is where the error was,\n"
"but it is a good educated guess."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1013
msgid "Warns and dies noisily with stack backtraces/"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1014
msgid ""
"This module is meant as a debugging aid.  It can be used to\n"
"make a script complain loudly with stack backtraces when @code{warn()}-ing or\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1033
msgid "Executable comments for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1034
msgid ""
"Carp::Assert is intended for a purpose like the ANSI C\n"
"library assert.h."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1055
msgid "Convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1056
msgid ""
"Carp::Assert::More is a set of handy assertion functions for\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1075
msgid "Report errors from a \"clan\" of modules"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1076
msgid ""
"This module allows errors from a clan (or family) of modules\n"
"to appear to originate from the caller of the clan.  This is necessary in\n"
"cases where the clan modules are not classes derived from each other, and thus\n"
"the Carp.pm module doesn't help."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1096
msgid "Read the CDDB entry for an audio CD in your drive"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1097
msgid "This module can retrieve information from the CDDB."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1190
msgid "Generation of circularly composited renditions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1192
msgid ""
"Circos is a program for the generation of publication-quality, circularly\n"
"composited renditions of genomic data and related annotations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1212
msgid "Automated accessor generation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1213
msgid ""
"This module automagically generates accessors/mutators for\n"
"your class."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1235
msgid "Faster, but less expandable, chained accessors"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1236
msgid ""
"A chained accessor is one that always returns the object\n"
"when called with parameters (to set), and the value of the field when called\n"
"with no arguments.  This module subclasses Class::Accessor in order to provide\n"
"the same mk_accessors interface."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1262
msgid "Build groups of accessors"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1263
msgid ""
"This class lets you build groups of accessors that will call\n"
"different getters and setters."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1282
msgid "Pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1283
msgid ""
"This is pragma to change Perl 5's standard method resolution\n"
"order from depth-first left-to-right (a.k.a - pre-order) to the more\n"
"sophisticated C3 method resolution order."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1308
msgid "Drop-in replacement for NEXT"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1309
msgid ""
"This module is intended as a drop-in replacement for NEXT,\n"
"supporting the same interface, but using Class::C3 to do the hard work."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1333
msgid "Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1334
msgid ""
"This module will inject base classes to your module using\n"
"the Class::C3 method resolution order."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1352
msgid "Inheritable, overridable class data"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1353
msgid ""
"Class::Data::Inheritable is for creating accessor/mutators\n"
"to class data.  That is, if you want to store something about your class as a\n"
"whole (instead of about a single object).  This data is then inherited by your\n"
"subclasses and can be overridden."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1373
msgid "Class for easy date and time manipulation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1374
msgid ""
"This module provides a general-purpose date and datetime\n"
"type for perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1391
msgid "Base class for error handling"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1393
msgid ""
"@code{Class::ErrorHandler} provides an error-handling mechanism that is generic\n"
"enough to be used as the base class for a variety of OO classes.  Subclasses inherit\n"
"its two error-handling methods, error and errstr, to communicate error messages back\n"
"to the calling program."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1414
msgid "Utility methods for factory classes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1415
msgid "This module exports methods useful for factory classes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1432
msgid "Get information about a class and its structure"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1433
msgid ""
"Class::Inspector allows you to get information about a\n"
"loaded class."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1461
msgid "Working (require \"Class::Name\") and more"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1462
msgid ""
"\"require EXPR\" only accepts Class/Name.pm style module\n"
"names, not Class::Name.  For that, this module provides \"load_class\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1486
msgid "XS implementation of parts of Class::Load"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1487
msgid ""
"This module provides an XS implementation for portions of\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1506
msgid "Create generic methods for OO Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1507
msgid ""
"This module solves the problem of having to continually\n"
"write accessor methods for your objects that perform standard tasks."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1527
msgid "Moose-like method modifiers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1528
msgid ""
"Class::Method::Modifiers provides three modifiers:\n"
"@code{before}, @code{around}, and @code{after}.  @code{before} and @code{after}\n"
"are run just before and after the method they modify, but can not really affect\n"
"that original method.  @code{around} is run in place of the original method,\n"
"with a hook to easily call that original method."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1556
msgid "Dynamic class mixing"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1557
msgid ""
"The @code{mix_class} function provided by this\n"
"module dynamically generates anonymous classes with specified\n"
"inheritance.  This is useful where an incomplete class requires use of\n"
"a mixin in order to become instantiable."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1577
msgid "Implementation of a singleton class for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1578
msgid ""
"This module implements a Singleton class from which other\n"
"classes can be derived.  By itself, the Class::Singleton module does very\n"
"little other than manage the instantiation of a single object."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1597
msgid "Minimalist class construction"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1598
msgid ""
"This module offers a minimalist class construction kit.  It\n"
"uses no non-core modules for any recent Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1619
msgid "Unload a class"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1620
msgid ""
"Class:Unload unloads a given class by clearing out its\n"
"symbol table and removing it from %INC."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1638
msgid "Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1639
msgid ""
"Class::XSAccessor implements fast read, write, and\n"
"read/write accessors in XS.  Additionally, it can provide predicates such as\n"
"\"has_foo()\" for testing whether the attribute \"foo\" is defined in the\n"
"object.  It only works with objects that are implemented as ordinary hashes.\n"
"Class::XSAccessor::Array implements the same interface for objects that use\n"
"arrays for their internal representation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1659 gnu/packages/perl.scm:1707
msgid "Recursively copy Perl datatypes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1661
msgid ""
"This module provides a clone() method which makes recursive copies of\n"
"nested hash, array, scalar and reference types, including tied variables and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1687
msgid "Choose appropriate Perl @code{clone} utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1688
msgid ""
"This @code{Clone::Choose} module checks several different\n"
"modules which provide a @code{clone()} function and selects an appropriate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1708
msgid ""
"This module provides a general-purpose @code{clone} function\n"
"to make deep copies of Perl data structures.  It calls itself recursively to\n"
"copy nested hash, array, scalar and reference types, including tied variables\n"
"and objects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1728
msgid "Sane defaults for Perl programs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1729
msgid ""
"This module implements some sane defaults for Perl programs,\n"
"as defined by two typical specimens of Perl coders."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1753
msgid "Perl extension for libconfig"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1755
msgid ""
"Conf::Libconfig is a Perl interface to the libconfig configuration file\n"
"library.  It support scalar, array, and hash data structures just like its C/C++\n"
"counterpart.  It reduces the effort required to implement a configuration file\n"
"parser in your Perl programme and allows sharing configuration files between\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1775
msgid "Grammar-based config parser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1777
msgid ""
"Config::Grammar is a module to parse configuration files.  The\n"
"configuration may consist of multiple-level sections with assignments and\n"
"tabular data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1798
msgid "Load configuration from different file formats"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1799
msgid ""
"Config::Any provides a facility for Perl applications and\n"
"libraries to load configuration data from multiple different file formats.  It\n"
"supports XML, YAML, JSON, Apache-style configuration, and Perl code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1820
msgid "Package for configuration files outside your Perl script"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1821
msgid ""
"This package provides a way to have readable configuration\n"
"files outside your Perl script.  Configurations can be imported, sections\n"
"can be grouped, and settings can be accessed from a tied hash."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1842
msgid "Module to implement some AutoConf macros in Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1843
msgid ""
"Config::AutoConf is intended to provide the same\n"
"opportunities to Perl developers as GNU Autoconf does for Shell developers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1860
msgid "Generic Config Module"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1861
msgid ""
"This module opens a config file and parses its contents for\n"
"you.  The format of config files supported by Config::General is inspired by\n"
"the well known Apache config format and is 100% compatible with Apache\n"
"configs, but you can also just use simple name/value pairs in your config\n"
"files.  In addition to the capabilities of an Apache config file it supports\n"
"some enhancements such as here-documents, C-style comments, and multiline\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1891
msgid "Parse Git style configuration files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1893
msgid ""
"This module handles parsing, modifying and creating configuration files\n"
"of the style used by the Git version control system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1915
msgid "Simple .ini-file format reader and writer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1916
msgid ""
"@code{Config::INI} is a module that facilates the reading\n"
"and writing of @code{.ini}-style configuration files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1937
msgid "Preserve context during subroutine call"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1938
msgid ""
"This module runs code after a subroutine call, preserving\n"
"the context the subroutine would have seen if it were the last statement in\n"
"the caller."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1963
msgid "Extract data from Macintosh BinHex files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1965
msgid ""
"BinHex is a format for transporting files safely through electronic\n"
"mail, as short-lined, 7-bit, semi-compressed data streams.  This module\n"
"provides a means of converting those data streams back into into binary\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1986
msgid "Read and write @file{Changes} files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:1988
msgid ""
"@code{CPAN::Changes} helps users programmatically read and write\n"
"@file{Changes} files that conform to a common specification."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2008
msgid "Extract the name and version from a distribution filename"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2010
msgid ""
"@code{CPAN::DistnameInfo} uses heuristics to extract the distribution\n"
"name and version from filenames."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2030
msgid "Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2031
msgid ""
"This module verifies if requirements described in a\n"
"CPAN::Meta object are present."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2050
msgid "JSON::XS for Cpanel"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2051 gnu/packages/perl.scm:5600
msgid ""
"This module converts Perl data structures to JSON and vice\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2072
msgid "Encrypt Data with Cipher Block Chaining Mode"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2073
msgid ""
"@code{Crypt::CBC} is a Perl-only implementation of\n"
"the cryptographic Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode.  In combination\n"
"with a block cipher such as @code{Crypt::Rijndael} you can encrypt and\n"
"decrypt messages of arbitrarily long length.  The encrypted messages\n"
"are compatible with the encryption format used by SSLeay."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2097
msgid "DES encryption module"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2098
msgid ""
"@code{Crypt::DES} is an XS-based implementation of\n"
"the DES cryptography algorithm.  The module implements the\n"
"@code{Crypt::CBC} interface which has blocksize, keysize, encrypt and\n"
"decrypt functions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2125
msgid "The Eksblowfish block cipher"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2126
msgid ""
"Eksblowfish is a variant of the Blowfish cipher,\n"
"modified to make the key setup very expensive.  This doesn't make it\n"
"significantly cryptographically stronger but is intended to hinder\n"
"brute-force attacks.  Eksblowfish is a parameterised (family-keyed)\n"
"cipher.  It takes a cost parameter that controls how expensive the key\n"
"scheduling is.  It also takes a family key, known as the \"salt\".\n"
"Cost and salt parameters together define a cipher family.  Within each\n"
"family, the key determines the encryption function.  This distribution\n"
"also includes an implementation of @code{bcrypt}, the Unix crypt()\n"
"password hashing algorithm based on Eksblowfish."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2158
msgid "Emulate the MySQL PASSWORD() function"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2159
msgid ""
"@code{Crypt::MySQL} emulates the MySQL PASSWORD()\n"
"function.  The module does not depend on an interface to the MySQL\n"
"database server.  This enables the comparison of encrypted passwords\n"
"without the need for a real MySQL environment."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2182
msgid "Interoperable MD5-based crypt() functions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2183
msgid ""
"@code{Crypt::PasswdMD5} provides various\n"
"crypt()-compatible interfaces to the MD5-based crypt() function found\n"
"in various *nixes.  It is based on the implementation found on FreeBSD\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2203
msgid "Random password generator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2204
msgid ""
"Crypt::RandPasswd provides three functions that can be used\n"
"to generate random passwords, constructed from words, letters, or characters.\n"
"This code is a Perl implementation of the Automated Password Generator\n"
"standard, like the program described in \"A Random Word Generator For\n"
"Pronounceable Passwords\".  This code is a re-engineering of the program\n"
"contained in Appendix A of FIPS Publication 181, \"Standard for Automated\n"
"Password Generator\"."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2227
msgid "Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption module"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2228
msgid ""
"This module implements the Rijndael cipher which has\n"
"been selected as the Advanced Encryption Standard.  The keysize for\n"
"Rijndael is 32 bytes.  The blocksize is 16 bytes (128 bits).  The\n"
"supported encryption modes are:\n"
"@item @code{MODE_CBC}---Cipher Block Chaining\n"
"@item @code{MODE_CFB}---Cipher feedback\n"
"@item @code{MODE_CTR}---Counter mode\n"
"@item @code{MODE_ECB}---Electronic cookbook mode\n"
"@item @code{MODE_OFB}---Output feedback\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2258
msgid "Perl implementation of the RC4 encryption algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2259
msgid "A pure Perl implementation of the RC4 algorithm."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2277
msgid "XS interface for a portable traditional crypt function"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2278
msgid ""
"@code{Crypt::UnixCrypt_XS} implements the DES-based\n"
"Unix @code{crypt} function.  For those who need to construct\n"
"non-standard variants of @code{crypt}, the various building blocks\n"
"used in @code{crypt} are also supplied separately."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2301
msgid "Temporarily change working directory"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2303
msgid ""
"@code{Cwd::Guard} changes the current directory using a limited scope.\n"
"It returns to the previous working directory when the object is destroyed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2340
msgid "Library for genomic analysis"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2341
msgid ""
"Chaolin Zhang's Perl Library (czplib) contains assorted\n"
"functions and data structures for processing and analysing genomic and\n"
"bioinformatics data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2370 gnu/packages/perl.scm:2649
msgid "Base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2371
msgid ""
"Collection of classes that wrap fundamental data types that\n"
"exist in Perl.  These classes and methods as they exist today are an attempt\n"
"to mirror functionality provided by Moose's Native Traits.  One important\n"
"thing to note is all classes currently do no validation on constructor\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2394
msgid "Compare Perl data structures"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2395
msgid ""
"This module compares arbitrary data structures to see if\n"
"they are copies of each other."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2423
msgid "Entropy (randomness) management"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2424
msgid ""
"@code{Data::Entropy} provides modules relating to\n"
"the generation and use of entropy.  The Data::Entropy::Source class\n"
"manages the entropy coming from a particular source.  This class acts\n"
"as a layer over a raw entropy source, which may be a normal I/O handle\n"
"or a special-purpose class.  The Data::Entropy::RawSource::* classes\n"
"provide fundamental sources of entropy.  The sources specially\n"
"supported are an OS-supplied entropy collector, downloads from servers\n"
"on the Internet, and cryptographic fake entropy.  The\n"
"Data::Entropy::Algorithms module contains a collection of fundamental\n"
"algorithms that use entropy.  There are random number generators and\n"
"functions to shuffle arrays."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2456
msgid "Details of the native integer data type"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2457
msgid ""
"This module is about the native integer numerical\n"
"data type.  A native integer is one of the types of datum that can\n"
"appear in the numeric part of a Perl scalar.  This module supplies\n"
"constants describing the native integer type.  Both signed and\n"
"unsigned representations are handled."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2478
msgid "Perl extension for generating unique identifiers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2479
msgid ""
"@code{Data::Uniqid} provides three simple routines for\n"
"generating unique ids.  These ids are coded with a Base62 system to make them\n"
"short and handy (e.g. to use it as part of a URL)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2498
msgid "Pretty printing of data structures"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2499
msgid ""
"This module provide functions that takes a list of values as\n"
"their argument and produces a string as its result.  The string contains Perl\n"
"code that, when \"eval\"ed, produces a deep copy of the original arguments."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2518
msgid "Convert data structures to strings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2519
msgid ""
"Given a list of scalars or reference variables,\n"
"@code{Data::Dumper} writes out their contents in Perl syntax.  The references\n"
"can also be objects.  The content of each variable is output in a single Perl\n"
"statement.  It handles self-referential structures correctly."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2539
msgid "Concise data dumper"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2540
msgid ""
"Data::Dumper::Concise provides a dumper with Less\n"
"indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2563
msgid "Details of the floating point data type"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2564
msgid ""
"@code{Data::Float} is about the native floating\n"
"point numerical data type.  A floating point number is one of the\n"
"types of datum that can appear in the numeric part of a Perl scalar.\n"
"This module supplies constants describing the native floating point\n"
"type, classification functions and functions to manipulate floating\n"
"point values at a low level."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2590
msgid "Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2592
msgid "Data::OptList provides a simple syntax for name/value option pairs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2613
msgid "Help when paging through sets of results"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2614
msgid ""
"When searching through large amounts of data, it is often\n"
"the case that a result set is returned that is larger than we want to display\n"
"on one page.  This results in wanting to page through various pages of data.\n"
"The maths behind this is unfortunately fiddly, hence this module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2651
msgid ""
"@code{Data::Perl} is a container class for the following classes:\n"
"@item @code{Data::Perl::Collection::Hash}\n"
"@item @code{Data::Perl::Collection::Array}\n"
"@item @code{Data::Perl::String}\n"
"@item @code{Data::Perl::Number}\n"
"@item @code{Data::Perl::Counter}\n"
"@item @code{Data::Perl::Bool}\n"
"@item @code{Data::Perl::Code}\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2682
msgid "Colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2683
msgid ""
"Display Perl variables and objects on screen, properly\n"
"formatted (to be inspected by a human)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2706
msgid "Conditionally split data into records"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2707
msgid ""
"This Perl module allows you to split data into records by\n"
"not only specifying what you wish to split the data on, but also by specifying\n"
"an \"unless\" regular expression.  If the text in question matches the\n"
"\"unless\" regex, it will not be split there.  This allows us to do things\n"
"like split on newlines unless newlines are embedded in quotes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2735
msgid "Read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2736
msgid ""
"This package provides a Perl library to read multiple hunks\n"
"of data out of your DATA section."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2755
msgid "Read data from __DATA__"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2757
msgid ""
"Data::Section::Simple is a simple module to extract data from __DATA__\n"
"section of the file."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2777
msgid "Structured tags datastructures"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2779
msgid ""
"This module is for manipulating data as hierarchical tag/value\n"
"pairs (Structured TAGs or Simple Tree AGgregates).  These datastructures can\n"
"be represented as nested arrays, which have the advantage of being native to\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2806
msgid "N at a time iteration API"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2807
msgid ""
"This module tries to find middle ground between one at a\n"
"time and all at once processing of data sets.  The purpose of this module is\n"
"to avoid the overhead of implementing an iterative api when this isn't\n"
"necessary, without breaking forward compatibility in case that becomes\n"
"necessary later on."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2831
msgid "Dynamic generation of nested combinations of variants"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2832
msgid ""
"Data::Tumbler - Dynamic generation of nested combinations of\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2858
msgid "Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2859
msgid ""
"This module is a simple visitor implementation for Perl\n"
"values.  It has a main dispatcher method, visit, which takes a single perl\n"
"value and then calls the methods appropriate for that value.  It can\n"
"recursively map (cloning as necessary) or just traverse most structures, with\n"
"support for per-object behavior, circular structures, visiting tied\n"
"structures, and all ref types (hashes, arrays, scalars, code, globs)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2884
msgid "Gregorian calendar date calculations"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2885
msgid ""
"This package consists of a Perl module for date calculations\n"
"based on the Gregorian calendar, thereby complying with all relevant norms and\n"
"standards: ISO/R 2015-1971, DIN 1355 and, to some extent, ISO 8601 (where\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2909
msgid "XS wrapper for Date::Calc"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2910
msgid ""
"Date::Calc::XS is an XS wrapper and C library plug-in for\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2932
msgid "Date manipulation routines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2933
msgid ""
"Date::Manip is a series of modules for common date/time\n"
"operations, such as comparing two times, determining a date a given amount of\n"
"time from another, or parsing international times."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2952
msgid "Simple date handling"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2953
msgid ""
"Dates are complex enough without times and timezones.  This\n"
"module may be used to create simple date objects.  It handles validation,\n"
"interval arithmetic, and day-of-week calculation.  It does not deal with\n"
"hours, minutes, seconds, and time zones."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2984
msgid "Date and time object for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:2985
msgid ""
"DateTime is a class for the representation of date/time\n"
"combinations.  It represents the Gregorian calendar, extended backwards in\n"
"time before its creation (in 1582)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3006
msgid "Dates in the Julian calendar"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3007
msgid ""
"This package is a companion module to @code{DateTime.pm}.\n"
"It implements the Julian calendar.  It supports everything that\n"
"@code{DateTime.pm} supports and more: about one day per century more, to be\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3033
msgid "DateTime set objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3034
msgid ""
"The DateTime::Set module provides a date/time sets\n"
"implementation.  It allows, for example, the generation of groups of dates,\n"
"like \"every wednesday\", and then find all the dates matching that pattern,\n"
"within a time range."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3057
msgid "DateTime rfc2445 recurrences"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3058
msgid ""
"This module provides convenience methods that let you easily\n"
"create DateTime::Set objects for RFC 2445 style recurrences."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3079
msgid "DateTime::Set extension for basic recurrences"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3080
msgid ""
"This module provides convenience methods that let you easily\n"
"create DateTime::Set objects for various recurrences, such as \"once a month\"\n"
"or \"every day\".  You can also create more complicated recurrences, such as\n"
"\"every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM\"."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3105
msgid "Create DateTime parser classes and objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3106
msgid ""
"DateTime::Format::Builder creates DateTime parsers.  Many\n"
"string formats of dates and times are simple and just require a basic regular\n"
"expression to extract the relevant information.  Builder provides a simple way\n"
"to do this without writing reams of structural code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3135
msgid "Parse date and time strings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3136
msgid ""
"DateTime::Format::Flexible attempts to take any string you\n"
"give it and parse it into a DateTime object."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3162
msgid "Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3163
msgid ""
"This module understands the ICal date/time and duration\n"
"formats, as defined in RFC 2445.  It can be used to parse these formats in\n"
"order to create the appropriate objects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3191
msgid "Parse ISO8601 date and time formats"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3192
msgid ""
"@code{DateTime::Format::ISO8601} is a DateTime\n"
"extension that parses almost all ISO8601 date and time formats."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3222
msgid "Machine-readable date/time with natural parsing"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3223
msgid ""
"DateTime::Format::Natural takes a string with a human\n"
"readable date/time and creates a machine readable one by applying natural\n"
"parsing logic."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3249
msgid "Parse and format strp and strf time patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3250
msgid ""
"This module implements most of `strptime(3)`, the POSIX\n"
"function that is the reverse of `strftime(3)`, for `DateTime`.  While\n"
"`strftime` takes a `DateTime` and a pattern and returns a string, `strptime`\n"
"takes a string and a pattern and returns the `DateTime` object associated."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3283
msgid "Localization support for DateTime.pm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3284
msgid ""
"The DateTime::Locale modules provide localization data for\n"
"the DateTime.pm class."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3325
msgid "Time zone object for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3326
msgid ""
"This class is the base class for all time zone objects.  A\n"
"time zone is represented internally as a set of observances, each of which\n"
"describes the offset from GMT for a given time period.  Note that without the\n"
"DateTime module, this module does not do much.  It's primary interface is\n"
"through a DateTime object, and most users will not need to directly use\n"
"DateTime::TimeZone methods."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3356
msgid "Parse date/time strings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3357
msgid ""
"DateTimeX::Easy uses a variety of DateTime::Format packages\n"
"to create DateTime objects, with some custom tweaks to smooth out the rough\n"
"edges (mainly concerning timezone detection and selection)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3378
msgid "Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3379
msgid ""
"RFCs 2822 and 822 specify date formats to be used by email.\n"
"This module parses and emits such dates."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3401
msgid "Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3403
msgid ""
"This module understands the W3CDTF date/time format, an ISO 8601 profile,\n"
"defined at https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime.  This format is the native date\n"
"format of RSS 1.0.  It can be used to parse these formats in order to create\n"
"the appropriate objects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3431
msgid "Custom op checking attached to subroutines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3432
msgid ""
"This module makes some new features of the Perl\n"
"5.14.0 C API available to XS modules running on older versions of\n"
"Perl.  The features are centred around the function\n"
"@code{cv_set_call_checker}, which allows XS code to attach a magical\n"
"annotation to a Perl subroutine, resulting in resolvable calls to that\n"
"subroutine being mutated at compile time by arbitrary C code.  This\n"
"module makes @code{cv_set_call_checker} and several supporting\n"
"functions available."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3458
msgid "Meatier version of caller"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3459
msgid "Devel::Caller provides meatier version of caller."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3477
msgid "Check that a command is available"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3478
msgid ""
"Devel::CheckBin is a perl module that checks whether a\n"
"particular command is available."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3498
msgid "Check that a library is available"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3500
msgid ""
"@code{Devel::CheckLib} is a Perl module that checks whether a particular\n"
"C library and its headers are available.  You can also check for the presence of\n"
"particular functions in a library, or even that those functions return\n"
"particular results."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3521
msgid "Check compiler availability"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3522
msgid ""
"@code{Devel::CheckCompiler} is a tiny module to check\n"
"whether a compiler is available.  It can test for a C99 compiler, or\n"
"you can tell it to compile a C source file with optional linker flags."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3544
msgid "Find memory cycles in objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3546
msgid ""
"@code{Devel::Cycle} This is a tool for finding circular references in\n"
"objects and other types of references.  Because of Perl's reference-count\n"
"based memory management, circular references will cause memory leaks."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3567
msgid "Provides equivalent of ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'DESTRUCT' for older perls"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3568
msgid ""
"Devel::GlobalDestruction provides a function returning the\n"
"equivalent of \"$@{^GLOBAL_PHASE@} eq 'DESTRUCT'\" for older perls."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3588
msgid "Forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules (for testing)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3589
msgid ""
"Given a list of Perl modules/filenames, this module makes\n"
"@code{require} and @code{use} statements fail (no matter whether the specified\n"
"files/modules are installed or not)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3608
msgid "Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3610
msgid ""
"This module provides a basic way to discover if a piece of perl code is\n"
"allocating perl data and not releasing them again."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3630
msgid "Alias lexical variables"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3631
msgid ""
"Devel::LexAlias provides the ability to alias a lexical\n"
"variable in a subroutines scope to one of your choosing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3655
msgid "Introspect overloaded operators"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3656
msgid ""
"Devel::OverloadInfo returns information about overloaded\n"
"operators for a given class (or object), including where in the inheritance\n"
"hierarchy the overloads are declared and where the code implementing it is."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3683
msgid "Partial dumping of data structures"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3684
msgid ""
"This module is a data dumper optimized for logging of\n"
"arbitrary parameters."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3701
msgid "Object representing a stack trace"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3702
msgid ""
"The Devel::StackTrace module contains two classes,\n"
"Devel::StackTrace and Devel::StackTrace::Frame.  These objects encapsulate the\n"
"information that can be retrieved via Perl's caller() function, as well as\n"
"providing a simple interface to this data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3724
msgid "Displays stack trace in HTML"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3725
msgid ""
"Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML adds as_html method to\n"
"Devel::StackTrace which displays the stack trace in beautiful HTML, with code\n"
"snippet context and function parameters.  If you call it on an instance of\n"
"Devel::StackTrace::WithLexicals, you even get to see the lexical variables of\n"
"each stack frame."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3746
msgid "Dump symbol names or the symbol table"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3747
msgid "Devel::Symdump provides access to the perl symbol table."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3765
msgid "Generic CRC functions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3766
msgid ""
"The @code{Digest::CRC} module calculates CRC sums of\n"
"all sorts.  It contains wrapper functions with the correct parameters\n"
"for CRC-CCITT, CRC-16 and CRC-32."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3785
msgid "Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3786
msgid ""
"The Digest::HMAC module follows the common Digest::\n"
"interface for the RFC 2104 HMAC mechanism."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3805
msgid "Interface to the MD4 Algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3806
msgid ""
"The @code{Digest::MD4} module allows you to use the\n"
"RSA Data Security Inc.@: MD4 Message Digest algorithm from within Perl\n"
"programs.  The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length\n"
"and produces as output a 128-bit \"fingerprint\" or \"message digest\"\n"
"of the input.  MD4 is described in RFC 1320."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3826
msgid "Perl interface to the MD-5 algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3828
msgid ""
"The @code{Digest::MD5} module allows you to use the MD5 Message Digest\n"
"algorithm from within Perl programs.  The algorithm takes as\n"
"input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a\n"
"128-bit \"fingerprint\" or \"message digest\" of the input."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3846
msgid "Perl implementation of the SHA-1 message digest algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3848
msgid ""
"This package provides @code{Digest::SHA1}, an implementation of the NIST\n"
"SHA-1 message digest algorithm for use by Perl programs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3869
msgid "Declare version conflicts for your dist"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3870
msgid ""
"This module allows you to specify conflicting versions of\n"
"modules separately and deal with them after the module is done installing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3893
msgid "Deconstructed dynamic C library loading"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3894
msgid ""
"This module provides a function-based interface to\n"
"dynamic loading as used by Perl.  Some details of dynamic loading are\n"
"very platform-dependent, so correct use of these functions requires\n"
"the programmer to be mindfulof the space of platform variations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3916
msgid "Detect the encoding of data"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3917
msgid ""
"This package provides a class @code{Encode::Detect} to detect\n"
"the encoding of data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3935
msgid "ASCII mapping for eucJP encoding"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3936
msgid ""
"This package provides an ASCII mapping for the eucJP\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3954
msgid "JIS X 0212 (aka JIS 2000) encodings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3955
msgid ""
"This package provides encodings for JIS X 0212, which is\n"
"also known as JIS 2000."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3978
msgid "Additional Chinese encodings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:3979
msgid ""
"This Perl module provides Chinese encodings that are not\n"
"part of Perl by default, including \"BIG5-1984\", \"BIG5-2003\", \"BIG5PLUS\",\n"
"\"BIG5EXT\", \"CCCII\", \"EUC-TW\", \"CNS11643-*\", \"GB18030\", and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4001
msgid "Advanced operations on path variables"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4002
msgid ""
"@code{Env::Path} presents an object-oriented interface to\n"
"path variables, defined as that subclass of environment variables which name\n"
"an ordered list of file system elements separated by a platform-standard\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4022
msgid "OO-ish Error/Exception handling for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4023
msgid ""
"The Error package provides two interfaces.  Firstly Error\n"
"provides a procedural interface to exception handling.  Secondly Error is a\n"
"base class for errors/exceptions that can either be thrown, for subsequent\n"
"catch, or can simply be recorded."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4048
msgid "Safely and cleanly create closures via string eval"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4049
msgid ""
"String eval is often used for dynamic code generation.  For\n"
"instance, Moose uses it heavily, to generate inlined versions of accessors and\n"
"constructors, which speeds code up at runtime by a significant amount.  String\n"
"eval is not without its issues however - it's difficult to control the scope\n"
"it's used in (which determines which variables are in scope inside the eval),\n"
"and it's easy to miss compilation errors, since eval catches them and sticks\n"
"them in $@@ instead.  This module attempts to solve these problems.  It\n"
"provides an eval_closure function, which evals a string in a clean\n"
"environment, other than a fixed list of specified variables.  Compilation\n"
"errors are rethrown automatically."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4078
msgid "Allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4079
msgid ""
"Exception::Class allows you to declare exception hierarchies\n"
"in your modules in a \"Java-esque\" manner."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4095
msgid "Lightweight exporting of functions and variables"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4097
msgid ""
"Exporter::Lite is an alternative to Exporter, intended to provide a\n"
"lightweight subset of the most commonly-used functionality.  It supports\n"
"import(), @@EXPORT and @@EXPORT_OK and not a whole lot else."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4116
msgid "Exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4117
msgid ""
"Exporter::Tiny supports many of Sub::Exporter's\n"
"external-facing features including renaming imported functions with the `-as`,\n"
"`-prefix` and `-suffix` options; explicit destinations with the `into` option;\n"
"and alternative installers with the `installler` option.  But it's written in\n"
"only about 40% as many lines of code and with zero non-core dependencies."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4140
msgid "Build.PL install path logic made easy"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4141
msgid ""
"This module tries to make install path resolution as easy as\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4159
msgid "Wrapper for perl's configuration"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4160
msgid ""
"ExtUtils::Config is an abstraction around the %Config hash.\n"
"By itself it is not a particularly interesting module by any measure, however\n"
"it ties together a family of modern toolchain modules."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4187
msgid "Tool for guessing C++ compiler and flags"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4188
msgid ""
"ExtUtils::CppGuess attempts to guess the C++ compiler that\n"
"is compatible with the C compiler used to build perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4207
msgid "Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4209
msgid ""
"This module tries to make it easy to build Perl extensions that use\n"
"functions and typemaps provided by other perl extensions.  This means that a\n"
"perl extension is treated like a shared library that provides also a C and an\n"
"XS interface besides the perl one."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4229
msgid "Various portability utilities for module builders"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4230
msgid ""
"This module provides various portable helper functions for\n"
"module building modules."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4250
msgid "Tool to build C libraries"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4251
msgid ""
"Some Perl modules need to ship C libraries together with\n"
"their Perl code.  Although there are mechanisms to compile and link (or glue)\n"
"C code in your Perl programs, there isn't a clear method to compile standard,\n"
"self-contained C libraries.  This module main goal is to help in that task."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4274
msgid "Module to convert Perl XS code into C code"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4275
msgid ""
"The package contains the ExtUtils::ParseXS module to\n"
"convert Perl XS code into C code, the ExtUtils::Typemaps module to\n"
"handle Perl/XS typemap files, and their submodules."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4295
msgid "Simplistic interface to pkg-config"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4297
msgid ""
"@code{ExtUtils::PkgConfig} is a very simplistic interface to the\n"
"@command{pkg-config} utility, intended for use in the @file{Makefile.PL}\n"
"of perl extensions which bind libraries that @command{pkg-config} knows.\n"
"It is really just boilerplate code that you would have written yourself."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4322
msgid "Set of useful typemaps"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4323
msgid ""
"The package provides a number of useful typemaps as\n"
"submodules of ExtUtils::Typemaps."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4348
msgid "XS for C++"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4349
msgid ""
"This module implements the Perl foreign function\n"
"interface XS for C++; it is a thin layer over plain XS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4379
msgid "Watch for changes to files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4380
msgid ""
"This module provides a class to monitor a directory for\n"
"changes made to any file."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4402
msgid "Get directories of configuration files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4403
msgid ""
"This module is a helper for installing, reading and finding\n"
"configuration file locations.  @code{File::ConfigDir} is a module to help out\n"
"when Perl modules (especially applications) need to read and store\n"
"configuration files from more than one location."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4423
msgid "Recursively copy files and directories"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4424
msgid ""
"This module has 3 functions: one to copy files only, one to\n"
"copy directories only, and one to do either depending on the argument's\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4446
msgid "Alternative interface to File::Find"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4447
msgid ""
"File::Find::Rule is a friendlier interface to File::Find.\n"
"It allows you to build rules which specify the desired files and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4470
msgid "Common rules for searching for Perl things"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4471
msgid ""
"File::Find::Rule::Perl provides methods for finding various\n"
"types Perl-related files, or replicating search queries run on a distribution\n"
"in various parts of the CPAN ecosystem."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4492
msgid "Matches patterns in a series of files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4493
msgid ""
"@code{File::Grep} provides similar functionality as perl's\n"
"builtin @code{grep}, @code{map}, and @code{foreach} commands, but iterating\n"
"over a passed filelist instead of arrays.  While trivial, this module can\n"
"provide a quick dropin when such functionality is needed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4516
msgid "Find your home and other directories on any platform"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4517
msgid ""
"File::HomeDir is a module for locating the directories that\n"
"are @code{owned} by a user (typically your user) and to solve the various issues\n"
"that arise trying to find them consistently across a wide variety of\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4538
msgid "Create or remove directory trees"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4539
msgid ""
"This module provide a convenient way to create directories\n"
"of arbitrary depth and to delete an entire directory subtree from the\n"
"file system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4562
msgid "Change directory temporarily for a limited scope"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4563
msgid ""
"@code{File::pushd} does a temporary @code{chdir} that is\n"
"easily and automatically reverted, similar to @code{pushd} in some Unix\n"
"command shells.  It works by creating an object that caches the original\n"
"working directory.  When the object is destroyed, the destructor calls\n"
"@code{chdir} to revert to the original working directory.  By storing the\n"
"object in a lexical variable with a limited scope, this happens automatically\n"
"at the end of the scope."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4591
msgid ""
"Perl extension for crawling directory trees and compiling\n"
"lists of files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4594
msgid ""
"The File::List module crawls the directory tree starting at the\n"
"provided base directory and can return files (and/or directories if desired)\n"
"matching a regular expression."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4615
msgid "Read a file backwards by lines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4616
msgid ""
"This module reads a file backwards line by line. It is\n"
"simple to use, memory efficient and fast.  It supports both an object and a\n"
"tied handle interface.\n"
"It is intended for processing log and other similar text files which typically\n"
"have their newest entries appended to them.  By default files are assumed to\n"
"be plain text and have a line ending appropriate to the OS.  But you can set\n"
"the input record separator string on a per file basis."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4642
msgid "Remove files and directories in Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4643
msgid ""
"@code{File::Remove::remove} removes files and directories.\n"
"It acts like @code{/bin/rm}, for the most part.  Although @code{unlink} can be\n"
"given a list of files, it will not remove directories; this module remedies\n"
"that.  It also accepts wildcards, * and ?, as arguments for file names."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4666
msgid "Locate per-dist and per-module shared files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4667
msgid ""
"The intent of File::ShareDir is to provide a companion to\n"
"Class::Inspector and File::HomeDir.  Quite often you want or need your Perl\n"
"module to have access to a large amount of read-only data that is stored on\n"
"the file-system at run-time.  Once the files have been installed to the\n"
"correct directory, you can use File::ShareDir to find your files again after\n"
"the installation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4688
msgid "Locate per-dist shared files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4689
msgid ""
"File::ShareDir::Dist finds share directories for\n"
"distributions.  It is a companion module to File::ShareDir."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4709
msgid "Install shared files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4710
msgid ""
"File::ShareDir::Install allows you to install read-only data\n"
"files from a distribution.  It is a companion module to File::ShareDir, which\n"
"allows you to locate these files after installation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4728
msgid "Reading/Writing/Modifying of complete files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4729
msgid ""
"File::Slurp provides subroutines to read or write entire\n"
"files with a simple call.  It also has a subroutine for reading the list of\n"
"file names in a directory."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4754
msgid "Simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4755
msgid ""
"This module provides functions for fast and correct file\n"
"slurping and spewing.  All functions are optionally exported."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4772
msgid "Simple file reader and writer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4774
msgid "This module provides functions for fast reading and writing of files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4790
msgid "Return name and handle of a temporary file safely"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4791
msgid ""
"File::Temp can be used to create and open temporary files in\n"
"a safe way."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4808
msgid "Portable implementation of the `which' utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4810
msgid ""
"File::Which was created to be able to get the paths to executable\n"
"programs on systems under which the `which' program wasn't implemented in the\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4832
msgid "Extended Unix style glob functionality"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4833
msgid ""
"@code{File::Zglob} provides a traditional Unix @code{glob}\n"
"functionality; it returns a list of file names that match the given pattern.\n"
"For instance, it supports the @code{**/*.pm} form."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4854
msgid "Simple and dumb file system watcher"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4856
msgid ""
"@code{Filesys::Notify::Simple} is a simple but unified interface to get\n"
"notifications of changes to a given file system path.  It uses inotify2 on\n"
"Linux, fsevents on OS X, @code{kqueue} on FreeBSD, and\n"
"@code{FindFirstChangeNotification} on Windows if they're installed, and falls\n"
"back to a full directory scan if none of these are available."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4876
msgid "Module to handle parsing command line options"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4877
msgid ""
"The @code{Getopt::Long} module implements an extended getopt\n"
"function called @code{GetOptions()}.  It parses the command line from\n"
"@code{ARGV}, recognizing and removing specified options and their possible\n"
"This function adheres to the POSIX syntax for command line options, with GNU\n"
"extensions.  In general, this means that options have long names instead of\n"
"single letters, and are introduced with a double dash \"--\".  Support for\n"
"bundling of command line options, as was the case with the more traditional\n"
"single-letter approach, is provided but not enabled by default."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4911
msgid "Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4912
msgid ""
"Getopt::Long::Descriptive is yet another Getopt library.\n"
"It's built atop Getopt::Long, and gets a lot of its features, but tries to\n"
"avoid making you think about its huge array of options.  It also provides\n"
"usage (help) messages, data validation, and a few other useful features."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4930
msgid "Table-driven argument parsing for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4932
msgid ""
"Getopt::Tabular is a Perl 5 module for table-driven argument parsing,\n"
"vaguely inspired by John Ousterhout's Tk_ParseArgv."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4953
msgid "Graph data structures and algorithms"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4954
msgid ""
"This is @code{Graph}, a Perl module for dealing with graphs,\n"
"the abstract data structures."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4971
msgid "Safe cleanup blocks implemented as guards"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:4972
msgid ""
"@code{Guard} implements so-called @dfn{guards}.  A guard is\n"
"something (usually an object) that \"guards\" a resource, ensuring that it is\n"
"cleaned up when expected.\n"
"Specifically, this module supports two different types of guards: guard\n"
"objects, which execute a given code block when destroyed, and scoped guards,\n"
"which are tied to the scope exit."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5008
msgid "Lightweight field hash for inside-out objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5009
msgid ""
"@code{Hash::FieldHash} provides the field hash mechanism\n"
"which supports the inside-out technique.  It is an alternative to\n"
"@code{Hash::Util::FieldHash} with a simpler interface, higher performance, and\n"
"relic support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5034
msgid "Merge arbitrarily deep hashes into a single hash"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5035
msgid ""
"Hash::Merge merges two arbitrarily deep hashes into a single\n"
"hash.  That is, at any level, it will add non-conflicting key-value pairs from\n"
"one hash to the other, and follows a set of specific rules when there are key\n"
"value conflicts.  The hash is followed recursively, so that deeply nested\n"
"hashes that are at the same level will be merged when the parent hashes are\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5057
msgid "Store multiple values per key"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5058
msgid ""
"Hash::MultiValue is an object (and a plain hash reference)\n"
"that may contain multiple values per key, inspired by MultiDict of WebOb."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5076
msgid "Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5078
msgid ""
"Hook::LexWrap allows you to install a pre- or post-wrapper (or\n"
"both) around an existing subroutine.  Unlike other modules that\n"
"provide this capacity (e.g., Hook::PreAndPost and Hook::WrapSub),\n"
"Hook::LexWrap implements wrappers in such a way that the standard\n"
"caller function works correctly within the wrapped subroutine."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5099
msgid "Alternative but compatible interface to modules that export symbols"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5100
msgid ""
"This module acts as a layer between Exporter and modules which\n"
"consume exports.  It is feature-compatible with Exporter, plus some much needed\n"
"extras.  You can use this to import symbols from any exporter that follows\n"
"Exporters specification.  The exporter modules themselves do not need to use or\n"
"inherit from the Exporter module, they just need to set @@EXPORT and/or other\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5124
msgid "Import packages into other packages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5125
msgid ""
"Writing exporters is a pain.  Some use Exporter, some use\n"
"Sub::Exporter, some use Moose::Exporter, some use Exporter::Declare ... and\n"
"some things are pragmas.  Exporting on someone else's behalf is harder.  The\n"
"exporters don't provide a consistent API for this, and pragmas need to have\n"
"their import method called directly, since they effect the current unit of\n"
"compilation.  Import::Into provides global methods to make this painless."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5147
msgid "Use modules in inc/ if newer than installed"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5148
msgid ""
"The inc::latest module helps bootstrap configure-time\n"
"dependencies for CPAN distributions.  These dependencies get bundled into the\n"
"inc directory within a distribution and are used by Makefile.PL or Build.PL."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5167
msgid "Lexically warn about using the indirect method call syntax"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5169
msgid "Indirect warns about using the indirect method call syntax."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5189
msgid "Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5190
msgid ""
"The @code{Inline} module allows you to put source code\n"
"from other programming languages directly (inline) in a Perl script or\n"
"module.  The code is automatically compiled as needed, and then loaded\n"
"for immediate access from Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5220
msgid "C Language Support for Inline"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5221
msgid ""
"The @code{Inline::C} module allows you to write Perl\n"
"subroutines in C.  Since version 0.30 the @code{Inline} module supports\n"
"multiple programming languages and each language has its own support module.\n"
"This document describes how to use Inline with the C programming language.\n"
"It also goes a bit into Perl C internals."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5247
msgid "@code{IO::All} to Larry Wall!"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5248
msgid ""
"@code{IO::All} combines all of the best Perl IO modules into\n"
"a single nifty object oriented interface to greatly simplify your everyday\n"
"Perl IO idioms.  It exports a single function called io, which returns a new\n"
"@code{IO::All} object.  And that object can do it all!"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5269
msgid "Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5270
msgid ""
"@code{IO::CaptureOutput} provides routines for capturing\n"
"@code{STDOUT} and @code{STDERR} from perl subroutines, forked system\n"
"calls (e.g. @code{system()}, @code{fork()}) and from XS or C modules.\n"
"This module is no longer recommended by its maintainer.  Users are advised to\n"
"try @code{Capture::Tiny} instead."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5291
msgid "Utilities for interactive I/O"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5292
msgid ""
"This module provides three utility subroutines that make it\n"
"easier to develop interactive applications: is_interactive(), interactive(),\n"
"and busy()."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5325
msgid "Select a pager and pipe text to it"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5327
msgid ""
"@code{IO::Pager} can be used to locate an available pager and use it to\n"
"display output if a TTY is in use."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5345
msgid "Emulate file interface for in-core strings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5346
msgid ""
"IO::String is an IO::File (and IO::Handle) compatible class\n"
"that reads or writes data from in-core strings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5364
msgid "IO:: interface for reading/writing an array of lines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5365
msgid ""
"This toolkit primarily provides modules for performing both\n"
"traditional and object-oriented i/o) on things *other* than normal\n"
"filehandles; in particular, IO::Scalar, IO::ScalarArray, and IO::Lines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5383
msgid "Perl interface to pseudo ttys"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5385
msgid ""
"This package provides the @code{IO::Pty} and @code{IO::Tty} Perl\n"
"interfaces to pseudo ttys."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5402
msgid "Run interactive command-line programs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5403
msgid ""
"@code{IPC::Cmd} allows for the searching and execution of\n"
"any binary on your system.  It adheres to verbosity settings and is able to\n"
"run interactively.  It also has an option to capture output/error buffers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5432
msgid "Run system() and background procs w/ piping, redirs, ptys"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5433
msgid ""
"IPC::Run allows you run and interact with child processes\n"
"using files, pipes, and pseudo-ttys.  Both system()-style and scripted usages\n"
"are supported and may be mixed.  Likewise, functional and OO API styles are\n"
"both supported and may be mixed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5451
msgid "Run a subprocess with input/output redirection"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5453
msgid ""
"The IPC::Run3 module allows you to run a subprocess and redirect stdin,\n"
"stdout, and/or stderr to files and perl data structures.  It aims to satisfy\n"
"99% of the need for using system, qx, and open3 with a simple, extremely\n"
"Perlish API and none of the bloat and rarely used features of IPC::Run."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5476
msgid "Lightweight interface to shared memory"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5477
msgid ""
"IPC::ShareLite provides a simple interface to shared memory,\n"
"allowing data to be efficiently communicated between processes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5495
msgid "Run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5496
msgid ""
"Calling Perl's in-built @code{system} function is easy,\n"
"determining if it was successful is hard.  Let's face it, @code{$?} isn't the\n"
"nicest variable in the world to play with, and even if you do check it,\n"
"producing a well-formatted error string takes a lot of work.\n"
"@code{IPC::System::Simple} takes the hard work out of calling external\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5521
msgid "JSON encoder/decoder for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5522
msgid ""
"This module converts Perl data structures to JSON and vice\n"
"versa using either JSON::XS or JSON::PP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5547
msgid "Wrapper for Perl JSON classes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5549
msgid ""
"This module tries to provide a coherent API to bring together the\n"
"various JSON modules currently on CPAN.  This module will allow you to code to\n"
"any JSON API and have it work regardless of which JSON module is actually\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5573
msgid "Cpanel::JSON::XS with fallback"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5574
msgid ""
"This module first checks to see if either Cpanel::JSON::XS\n"
"or JSON::XS is already loaded, in which case it uses that module.  Otherwise\n"
"it tries to load Cpanel::JSON::XS, then JSON::XS, then JSON::PP in order, and\n"
"either uses the first module it finds or throws an error."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5599
msgid "JSON serialising/deserialising for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5622
msgid "Prevent leakage of lexical hints"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5624
msgid "Lexical::SealRequireHints prevents leakage of lexical hints"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5647
msgid "Use other catalog formats in Maketext"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5649
msgid ""
"This module provides lexicon-handling modules to read from other\n"
"localization formats, such as Gettext, Msgcat, and so on."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5666
msgid "Bringing loggers and listeners together"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5667
msgid ""
"@code{Log::Any} provides a standard log production API for\n"
"modules.  @code{Log::Any::Adapter} allows applications to choose the mechanism\n"
"for log consumption, whether screen, file or another logging mechanism like\n"
"@code{Log::Dispatch} or @code{Log::Log4perl}.\n"
"A CPAN module uses @code{Log::Any} to get a log producer object.  An\n"
"application, in turn, may choose one or more logging mechanisms via\n"
"@code{Log::Any::Adapter}, or none at all.\n"
"@code{Log::Any} has a very tiny footprint and no dependencies beyond Perl\n"
"itself, which makes it appropriate for even small CPAN modules to use.  It\n"
"defaults to @code{null} logging activity, so a module can safely log without\n"
"worrying about whether the application has chosen (or will ever choose) a\n"
"logging mechanism."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5703
msgid "Log::Any adapter for Log::Log4perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5704
msgid ""
"@code{Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl} provides a\n"
"@code{Log::Any} adapter using @code{Log::Log4perl} for logging."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5725
msgid "Log4j implementation for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5726
msgid ""
"@code{Log::Log4perl} lets you remote-control and fine-tune\n"
"the logging behaviour of your system from the outside.  It implements the\n"
"widely popular (Java-based) Log4j logging package in pure Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5746
msgid "Log::Report in the lightest form"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5748
msgid ""
"This module allows libraries to have a dependency to a small module\n"
"instead of the full Log-Report distribution.  The full power of\n"
"@code{Log::Report} is only released when the main program uses that module.\n"
"In that case, the module using the @code{Optional} will also use the full\n"
"@code{Log::Report}, otherwise the dressed-down @code{Log::Report::Minimal}\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5773
msgid "Get messages to users and logs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5775
msgid ""
"@code{Log::Report} combines three tasks which are closely related in\n"
"one: logging, exceptions, and translations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5803
msgid "High-level interface to Uniforum message translation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5804
msgid ""
"This package is an internationalization library for Perl\n"
"that aims to be compatible with the Uniforum message translations system as\n"
"implemented for example in GNU gettext."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5824
msgid "Split text into sentences"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5826
msgid ""
"The Lingua::EN::Sentence module contains the function get_sentences,\n"
"which splits text into its constituent sentences, based on a regular\n"
"expression and a list of abbreviations (built in and given)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5845
msgid "Transliterate text between writing systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5846
msgid ""
"@code{Lingua::Translit} can be used to convert text from one\n"
"writing system to another, based on national or international transliteration\n"
"tables.  Where possible a reverse transliteration is supported."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5870
msgid "Combination of List::Util and List::MoreUtils"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5871
msgid ""
"This module exports all of the functions that either\n"
"List::Util or List::MoreUtils defines, with preference to List::Util."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5893
msgid "Compare elements of two or more lists"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5894
msgid ""
"@code{List::Compare} provides a module to perform\n"
"comparative operations on two or more lists.  Provided operations include\n"
"intersections, unions, unique elements, complements and many more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5929 gnu/packages/perl.scm:5979
msgid "Provide the stuff missing in List::Util"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5930
msgid ""
"List::MoreUtils provides some trivial but commonly needed\n"
"functionality on lists which is not going to go into List::Util."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5952
msgid "Provide the stuff missing in List::Util in XS"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5953
msgid ""
"@code{List::MoreUtils::XS} provides some trivial but\n"
"commonly needed functionality on lists which is not going to go into\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:5980
msgid ""
"@code{List::SomeUtils} provides some trivial but commonly\n"
"needed functionality on lists which is not going to go into @code{List::Util}.\n"
"All of the below functions are implementable in only a couple of lines of Perl\n"
"code.  Using the functions from this module however should give slightly\n"
"better performance as everything is implemented in C.  The pure-Perl\n"
"implementation of these functions only serves as a fallback in case the C\n"
"portions of this module couldn't be compiled on this machine."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6009
msgid "Bundle of ancient email modules"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6010
msgid ""
"MailTools contains the following modules:\n"
"@table @asis\n"
"@item Mail::Address\n"
"Parse email address from a header line.\n"
"@item Mail::Cap\n"
"Interpret mailcap files: mappings of file-types to applications as used by\n"
"many command-line email programs.\n"
"@item Mail::Field\n"
"Simplifies access to (some) email header fields.  Used by Mail::Header.\n"
"@item Mail::Filter\n"
"Process Mail::Internet messages.\n"
"@item Mail::Header\n"
"Collection of Mail::Field objects, representing the header of a Mail::Internet\n"
"@item Mail::Internet\n"
"Represents a single email message, with header and body.\n"
"@item Mail::Mailer\n"
"Send Mail::Internet emails via direct smtp or local MTA's.\n"
"@item Mail::Send\n"
"Build a Mail::Internet object, and then send it out using Mail::Mailer.\n"
"@item Mail::Util\n"
"\"Smart functions\" you should not depend on.\n"
"@end table"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6052
msgid "Simple platform independent mailer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6053
msgid ""
"Mail::Sendmail is a pure perl module that provides a\n"
"simple means to send email from a perl script.  The module only\n"
"requires Perl5 and a network connection."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6072
msgid "Solution of bezier curves"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6073
msgid ""
"This module implements the algorithm for the solution of Bezier\n"
"curves as presented by Robert D Miller in Graphics Gems V, \"Quick and Simple\n"
"Bezier Curve Drawing\"."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6092
msgid "Perl extension for rounding numbers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6093
msgid ""
"@code{Math::Round} provides functions to round numbers,\n"
"both positive and negative, in various ways."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6111
msgid "Basic numeric stats on vectors"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6112
msgid ""
"This package provides some basic statistics on numerical\n"
"vectors.  All the subroutines can take a reference to the vector to be\n"
"operated on."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6131
msgid "Make functions faster by trading space for time"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6132
msgid ""
"This package transparently speeds up functions by caching\n"
"return values, trading space for time."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6150
msgid "Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6151
msgid ""
"This module implements an expiry policy for Memoize that\n"
"follows LRU semantics, that is, the last n results, where n is specified as\n"
"the argument to the CACHESIZE parameter, will be cached."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6169
msgid "Charset information for MIME messages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6171
msgid ""
"@code{MIME::Charset} provides information about character sets used for\n"
"MIME messages on Internet."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6198
msgid "Tools to manipulate MIME messages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6200
msgid ""
"MIME-tools is a collection of Perl5 MIME:: modules for parsing,\n"
"decoding, and generating single- or multipart (even nested multipart) MIME\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6219
msgid "Definition of MIME types"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6220
msgid ""
"This module provides a list of known mime-types, combined\n"
"from various sources.  For instance, it contains all IANA types and the\n"
"knowledge of Apache."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6242
msgid "Write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6243
msgid ""
"It's boring to deal with opening files for IO, converting\n"
"strings to handle-like objects, and all that.  With\n"
"@code{Mixin::Linewise::Readers} and @code{Mixin::Linewise::Writers}, you can\n"
"just write a method to handle handles, and methods for handling strings and\n"
"file names are added for you."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6268
msgid "Enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one import"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6269
msgid ""
"@code{Modern::Perl} provides a simple way to enable\n"
"multiple, by now, standard libraries in a Perl program."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6297
msgid "Tiny replacement for Module::Build"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6298
msgid ""
"Many Perl distributions use a Build.PL file instead of a\n"
"Makefile.PL file to drive distribution configuration, build, test and\n"
"installation.  Traditionally, Build.PL uses Module::Build as the underlying\n"
"build system.  This module provides a simple, lightweight, drop-in\n"
"replacement.  Whereas Module::Build has over 6,700 lines of code; this module\n"
"has less than 120, yet supports the features needed by most distributions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6330
msgid "The module provides an XS++ enhanced flavour of Module::Build"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6331
msgid ""
"This subclass of Module::Build adds some tools and\n"
"processes to make it easier to use for wrapping C++ using XS++\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6356
msgid "Module::Build class for building XS modules"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6358
msgid ""
"@code{Module::Build::XSUtil} is subclass of @code{Module::Build}\n"
"for support building XS modules.\n"
"This is a list of a new parameters in the @code{Module::Build::new} method:\n"
"@item @code{needs_compiler_c99}: This option checks C99 compiler availability.\n"
"@item @code{needs_compiler_cpp}: This option checks C++ compiler availability.\n"
"Can also pass @code{extra_compiler_flags} and @code{extra_linker_flags} for C++.\n"
"@item @code{generate_ppport_h}: Generate @file{ppport.h} by @code{Devel::PPPort}.\n"
"@item @code{generate_xshelper_h}: Generate @file{xshelper.h} which is a helper\n"
"header file to include @file{EXTERN.h}, @file{perl.h}, @file{XSUB.h} and\n"
"@file{ppport.h}, and defines some portability stuff which are not supported by\n"
"It is ported from @code{Module::Install::XSUtil}.\n"
"@item @code{cc_warnings}: Toggle compiler warnings.  Enabled by default.\n"
"@item @code{-g options}: Invoke @file{Build.PL} with @code{-g} to enable\n"
"debug options.\n"
"@end enumerate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6394
msgid "Find and use installed modules in a (sub)category"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6395
msgid ""
"Module::Find lets you find and use modules in categories.\n"
"This can be useful for auto-detecting driver or plugin modules.  You can\n"
"differentiate between looking in the category itself or in all\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6421
msgid "Loads alternate underlying implementations for a module"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6422
msgid ""
"This module abstracts out the process of choosing one of\n"
"several underlying implementations for a module.  This can be used to provide\n"
"XS and pure Perl implementations of a module, or it could be used to load an\n"
"implementation for a given OS or any other case of needing to provide multiple\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6460
msgid "Standalone, extensible Perl module installer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6461
msgid ""
"Module::Install is a package for writing installers for\n"
"CPAN (or CPAN-like) distributions that are clean, simple, minimalist, act in a\n"
"strictly correct manner with ExtUtils::MakeMaker, and will run on any Perl\n"
"installation version 5.005 or newer."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6487
msgid "Parse and examine a Perl distribution @file{MANIFEST} file"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6489
msgid ""
"@code{Module::Manifest} is a simple utility module created originally for\n"
"use in @code{Module::Inspector}.\n"
"It can load a @file{MANIFEST} file that comes in a Perl distribution tarball,\n"
"examine the contents, and perform some simple tasks.  It can also load the\n"
"@file{MANIFEST.SKIP} file and check that."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6512
msgid "Give your Perl module the ability to have plugins"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6513
msgid ""
"This module provides a simple but extensible way of having\n"
"@code{plugins} for your Perl module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6532
msgid "Perl runtime module handling"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6533
msgid ""
"The functions exported by this module deal with runtime\n"
"handling of Perl modules, which are normally handled at compile time."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6556
msgid "Provide information on conflicts for Module::Runtime"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6557
msgid ""
"This module provides conflicts checking for Module::Runtime,\n"
"which had a recent release that broke some versions of Moose.  It is called\n"
"from Moose::Conflicts and moose-outdated."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6578
msgid "Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6579
msgid ""
"Module::ScanDeps is a module to recursively scan Perl\n"
"programs for dependencies."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6599
msgid "Module name tools and transformations"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6600
msgid ""
"This module provides a few useful functions for manipulating\n"
"module names.  Its main aim is to centralise some of the functions commonly\n"
"used by modules that manipulate other modules in some way, like converting\n"
"module names to relative paths."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6630
msgid "Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6631
msgid ""
"Moo is an extremely light-weight Object Orientation system.\n"
"It allows one to concisely define objects and roles with a convenient syntax\n"
"that avoids the details of Perl's object system.  Moo contains a subset of\n"
"Moose and is optimised for rapid startup."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6736
msgid "Postmodern object system for Perl 5"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6738
msgid ""
"Moose is a complete object system for Perl 5.  It provides keywords for\n"
"attribute declaration, object construction, inheritance, and maybe more.  With\n"
"Moose, you define your class declaratively, without needing to know about\n"
"blessed hashrefs, accessor methods, and so on.  You can concentrate on the\n"
"logical structure of your classes, focusing on \"what\" rather than \"how\".\n"
"A class definition with Moose reads like a list of very concise English\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6766
msgid "Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6767
msgid ""
"This module attempts to emulate the behavior of\n"
"Class::Accessor::Fast as accurately as possible using the Moose attribute\n"
"system.  The public API of Class::Accessor::Fast is wholly supported, but the\n"
"private methods are not."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6801
msgid "Moose role for processing command line options"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6802
msgid ""
"This is a Moose role which provides an alternate constructor\n"
"for creating objects using parameters passed in from the command line."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6823
msgid "Mark overload code symbols as methods"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6824
msgid ""
"MooseX::MarkAsMethods allows one to easily mark certain\n"
"functions as Moose methods.  This will allow other packages such as\n"
"namespace::autoclean to operate without blowing away your overloads.  After\n"
"using MooseX::MarkAsMethods your overloads will be recognized by Class::MOP as\n"
"being methods, and class extension as well as composition from roles with\n"
"overloads will \"just work\"."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6854
msgid "Code attribute introspection"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6855
msgid ""
"This module allows code attributes of methods to be\n"
"introspected using Moose meta method objects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6881
msgid "Subclassing of non-Moose classes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6882
msgid ""
"MooseX::NonMoose allows for easily subclassing non-Moose\n"
"classes with Moose, taking care of the details connected with doing this, such\n"
"as setting up proper inheritance from Moose::Object and installing (and\n"
"inlining, at make_immutable time) a constructor that makes sure things like\n"
"BUILD methods are called.  It tries to be as non-intrusive as possible."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6910
msgid "Extension of Params::Validate using Moose's types"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6911
msgid ""
"This module fills a gap in Moose by adding method parameter\n"
"validation to Moose."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6932
msgid "Apply roles to a related Perl class"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6933
msgid ""
"This module applies roles to make a subclass instead of\n"
"manually setting up a subclass."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6959
msgid "Moose roles with composition parameters"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6960
msgid ""
"Because Moose roles serve many different masters, they\n"
"usually provide only the least common denominator of functionality.  To\n"
"empower roles further, more configurability than -alias and -excludes is\n"
"required.  Perhaps your role needs to know which method to call when it is\n"
"done processing, or what default value to use for its url attribute.\n"
"Parameterized roles offer a solution to these (and other) kinds of problems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6986
msgid "Roles which support overloading"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:6987
msgid ""
"MooseX::Role::WithOverloading allows you to write a\n"
"Moose::Role which defines overloaded operators and allows those overload\n"
"methods to be composed into the classes/roles/instances it's compiled to,\n"
"where plain Moose::Roles would lose the overloading."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7009
msgid "Name your accessors foo() and set_foo()"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7010
msgid ""
"This module does not provide any methods.  Simply loading it\n"
"changes the default naming policy for the loading class so that accessors are\n"
"separated into get and set methods.  The get methods have the same name as the\n"
"accessor, while set methods are prefixed with \"_set_\"."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7036
msgid "Strict object constructors for Moose"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7037
msgid ""
"Simply loading this module makes your constructors\n"
"\"strict\".  If your constructor is called with an attribute init argument\n"
"that your class does not declare, then it calls Moose->throw_error()."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7065
msgid "Trait loading and resolution for Moose"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7066
msgid ""
"Adds support on top of MooseX::Traits for class precedence\n"
"search for traits and some extra attributes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7092
msgid "Organise your Moose types in libraries"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7093
msgid ""
"This package lets you declare types using short names, but\n"
"behind the scenes it namespaces all your type declarations, effectively\n"
"prevent name clashes between packages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7124
msgid "DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7125
msgid ""
"This module packages several Moose::Util::TypeConstraints\n"
"with coercions, designed to work with the DateTime suite of objects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7156
msgid "Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7157
msgid ""
"This module builds on MooseX::Types::DateTime to add\n"
"additional custom types and coercions.  Since it builds on an existing type,\n"
"all coercions and constraints are inherited."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7185
msgid "ClassName type constraints for Moose"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7186
msgid ""
"MooseX::Types::LoadableClass provides a ClassName type\n"
"constraint with coercion to load the class."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7212
msgid "Using Moo and MooX:: packages the most lazy way"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7213
msgid "Contains the MooX and MooX::Role packages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7239
msgid "Giving an easy Moo style way to make command organized CLI apps"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7240
msgid ""
"This package eases the writing of command line utilities,\n"
"accepting commands and subcommands and so on.  These commands can form a tree,\n"
"which is mirrored in the package structure.  On invocation, each command along\n"
"the path through the tree (starting from the top-level command through to the\n"
"most specific one) is instantiated."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7273
msgid "Moo eXtension for initializing objects from config file"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7274
msgid ""
"This module is intended to easily load initialization values\n"
"for attributes on object construction from an appropriate config file.  The\n"
"building is done in @code{MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role}---using\n"
"@code{MooX::ConfigFromFile} ensures that the role is applied."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7298
msgid "Moo eXtension for @code{File::ConfigDir}"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7299
msgid ""
"This module is a helper for easily finding configuration\n"
"file locations.  This information can be used to find a suitable place for\n"
"installing configuration files or for finding any piece of settings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7334
msgid "NativeTrait-like behavior for Moo"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7336
msgid ""
"@code{MooX::HandlesVia} is an extension of Moo's @code{handles}\n"
"attribute functionality.  It provides a means of proxying functionality from\n"
"an external class to the given attribute."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7364
msgid "Easily translate Moose code to Moo"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7366
msgid ""
"MooX::late does the following:\n"
"@item Supports isa => $stringytype\n"
"@item Supports does => $rolename\n"
"@item Supports lazy_build => 1\n"
"@item Exports blessed and confess functions to your namespace.\n"
"@item Handles certain attribute traits\n"
"Currently Hash, Array and Code are supported.  This feature requires\n"
"@end enumerate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7421
msgid "Explicit Options eXtension for Object Class"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7422
msgid ""
"Create a command line tool with your Mo, Moo, Moose objects.\n"
"You have an @code{option} keyword to replace the usual @code{has} to\n"
"explicitly use your attribute on the command line.  The @code{option} keyword\n"
"takes additional parameters and uses @code{Getopt::Long::Descriptive} to\n"
"generate a command line tool."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7451
msgid "Make Moo-based object constructors blow up on unknown attributes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7453
msgid ""
"Loading @code{MooX::StrictConstructor} makes your constructors \"strict\".\n"
"If your constructor is called with an attribute init argument that your class\n"
"does not declare, then it dies."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7477
msgid "Moosish types and type builder"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7478
msgid ""
"MooX::Types::MooseLike provides a possibility to build your\n"
"own set of Moose-like types.  These custom types can then be used to describe\n"
"fields in Moo-based classes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7507
msgid "Fast Moose-compatible object system for perl5"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7509
msgid ""
"Mouse is a @code{Moose} compatible object system that implements a\n"
"subset of the functionality for reduced startup time."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7532
msgid "Extend attribute interfaces for Mouse"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7534
msgid ""
"While @code{Mouse} attributes provide a way to name your accessors,\n"
"readers, writers, clearers and predicates, @code{MouseX::NativeTraits}\n"
"provides commonly used attribute helper methods for more specific types\n"
"of data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7554
msgid "Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7555
msgid ""
"@code{Mozilla::CA} provides a copy of Mozilla's bundle of\n"
"Certificate Authority certificates in a form that can be consumed by modules\n"
"and libraries based on OpenSSL."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7581
msgid "Disable multidimensional array emulation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7583
msgid "Multidimensional disables multidimensional array emulation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7600
msgid "MRO interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7601
msgid ""
"The \"mro\" namespace provides several utilities for dealing\n"
"with method resolution order and method caching in general in Perl 5.9.5 and\n"
"higher.  This module provides those interfaces for earlier versions of\n"
"Perl (back to 5.6.0)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7627
msgid "Keep imports out of your namespace"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7628
msgid ""
"The namespace::autoclean pragma will remove all imported\n"
"symbols at the end of the current package's compile cycle.  Functions called\n"
"in the package itself will still be bound by their name, but they won't show\n"
"up as methods on your class or instances.  It is very similar to\n"
"namespace::clean, except it will clean all imported functions, no matter if\n"
"you imported them before or after you used the pragma.  It will also not touch\n"
"anything that looks like a method."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7654
msgid "Keep imports and functions out of your namespace"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7655
msgid ""
"The namespace::clean pragma will remove all previously\n"
"declared or imported symbols at the end of the current package's compile\n"
"cycle.  Functions called in the package itself will still be bound by their\n"
"name, but they won't show up as methods on your class or instances."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7673
msgid "Object-oriented API to the BGP protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7675
msgid ""
"This module is an implementation of the BGP-4 inter-domain routing protocol.\n"
"It encapsulates all of the functionality needed to establish and maintain a\n"
"BGP peering session and exchange routing update information with the peer.\n"
"It aims to provide a simple API to the BGP protocol for the purposes of\n"
"automation, logging, monitoring, testing, and similar tasks using the\n"
"power and flexibility of perl.  The module does not implement the\n"
"functionality of a RIB (Routing Information Base) nor does it modify the\n"
"kernel routing table of the host system.  However, such operations could be\n"
"implemented using the API provided by the module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7700
msgid "Non-blocking system DNS resolver"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7702
msgid ""
"This class provides several methods for host name resolution.  It is\n"
"designed to be used with event loops.  Names are resolved by your system's\n"
"native @code{getaddrinfo(3)} implementation, called in a separate thread to\n"
"avoid blocking the entire application.  Threading overhead is limited by using\n"
"system threads instead of Perl threads."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7725
msgid "Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7727
msgid ""
"Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) use characters drawn from a large\n"
"repertoire (Unicode), but IDNA allows the non-ASCII characters to be\n"
"represented using only the ASCII characters already allowed in so-called host\n"
"names today (letter-digit-hyphen, /[A-Z0-9-]/i).\n"
"Use this module if you just want to convert domain names (or email addresses),\n"
"using whatever IDNA standard is the best choice at the moment."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7753
msgid "Perl client for Etsy's statsd daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7754
msgid ""
"This module implement a UDP client for the statsd statistics\n"
"collector daemon in use at Etsy.com."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7772
msgid "Numeric comparisons"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7773
msgid ""
"Number::Compare compiles a simple comparison to an anonymous\n"
"subroutine, which you can call with a value to be tested against."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7791
msgid "Convert numbers to strings with pretty formatting"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7792
msgid ""
"@code{Number::Format} is a library for formatting numbers.\n"
"Functions are provided for converting numbers to strings in a variety of ways,\n"
"and to convert strings that contain numbers back into numeric form.  The\n"
"output formats may include thousands separators - characters inserted between\n"
"each group of three characters counting right to left from the decimal point.\n"
"The characters used for the decimal point and the thousands separator come from\n"
"the locale information or can be specified by the user."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7816
msgid "Perl extension defining ranges of numbers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7817
msgid ""
"Number::Range is an object-oriented interface to test if a\n"
"number exists in a given range, and to be able to manipulate the range."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7836
msgid "Generate cryptographic signatures for objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7837
msgid ""
"Object::Signature is an abstract base class that you can\n"
"inherit from in order to allow your objects to generate unique cryptographic\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7858
msgid "Read and write OLE storage files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7859
msgid ""
"This module allows you to read and write\n"
"an OLE-Structured file.  @dfn{OLE} (Object Linking and Embedding) is a\n"
"technology to store hierarchical information such as links to other\n"
"documents within a single file."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7918
msgid "Perl bindings to the OpenGL API, GLU, and GLUT/FreeGLUT"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7919
msgid ""
"The package provides Perl bindings to OpenGL, GLU\n"
"and FreeGLUT."
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet Perl-Anbindungen für OpenGL, GLU und FreeGLUT."

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7940
msgid "Anonymous packages"
msgstr "Anonyme Pakete"

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7941
msgid ""
"This module allows for anonymous packages that are\n"
"independent of the main namespace and only available through an object\n"
"instance, not by name."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7969
msgid "Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7970
msgid ""
"This module allows you to manage a set of deprecations for\n"
"one or more modules."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7996
msgid "Routines for manipulating stashes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:7997
msgid ""
"Manipulating stashes (Perl's symbol tables) is occasionally\n"
"necessary, but incredibly messy, and easy to get wrong.  This module hides all\n"
"of that behind a simple API."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8019
msgid "Faster implementation of the Package::Stash API"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8020
msgid ""
"This is a backend for Package::Stash, which provides the\n"
"functionality in a way that's less buggy and much faster.  It will be used by\n"
"default if it's installed, and should be preferred in all environments with a\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8039
msgid "Play with other peoples' lexical variables"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8040
msgid ""
"PadWalker is a module which allows you to inspect (and even\n"
"change) lexical variables in any subroutine which called you.  It will only\n"
"show those variables which are in scope at the point of the call.  PadWalker\n"
"is particularly useful for debugging."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8064
msgid "Simple parallel processing fork manager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8065
msgid ""
"@code{Parallel::ForkManager} is intended for use in\n"
"operations that can be done in parallel where the number of\n"
"processes to be forked off should be limited."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8091
msgid "Argument type classification"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8092
msgid ""
"This module provides various type-testing functions.\n"
"These are intended for functions that care what type of data they are\n"
"operating on.  There are two flavours of function.  Functions of the\n"
"first flavour provide type classification only.  Functions of the\n"
"second flavour also check that an argument is of an expected type.\n"
"The type enforcement functions handle only the simplest requirements\n"
"for arguments of the types handled by the classification functions.\n"
"Enforcement of more complex types may be built using the\n"
"classification functions, or it may be more convenient to use a module\n"
"designed for the more complex job, such as @code{Params::Validate}"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8119
msgid "Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8121
msgid ""
"Params::Util provides a basic set of importable functions that makes\n"
"checking parameters easier."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8145
msgid "Validate method/function parameters"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8146
msgid ""
"The Params::Validate module allows you to validate method or\n"
"function call parameters to an arbitrary level of specificity."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8173
msgid "Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8174
msgid ""
"This module creates a customized, highly efficient\n"
"parameter checking subroutine.  It can handle named or positional\n"
"parameters, and can return the parameters as key/value pairs or a list\n"
"of values.  In addition to type checks, it also supports parameter\n"
"defaults, optional parameters, and extra \"slurpy\" parameters."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8195
msgid "Create and manipulate PAR distributions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8196
msgid ""
"PAR::Dist is a toolkit to create and manipulate PAR\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8218
msgid "Path specification manipulation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8219
msgid ""
"Path::Class is a module for manipulation of file and\n"
"directory specifications in a cross-platform manner."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8249
msgid "Tools for working with directory and file names"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8250
msgid ""
"This package provides functions to work with directory and\n"
"file names."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8274
msgid "File path utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8275
msgid ""
"This module provides a small, fast utility for working\n"
"with file paths."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8298
msgid "Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8299
msgid ""
"This Perl module facilitates the creation and modification\n"
"of PDF files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8320
msgid "Fast and correct UTF-8 IO"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8321
msgid ""
"@code{PerlIO::utf8_strict} provides a fast and correct UTF-8\n"
"PerlIO layer.  Unlike Perl's default @code{:utf8} layer it checks the input\n"
"for correctness."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8344
msgid "Acmeist PEG Parser Framework"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8345
msgid ""
"Pegex is an Acmeist parser framework.  It allows you to easily\n"
"create parsers that will work equivalently in lots of programming languages.\n"
"The inspiration for Pegex comes from the parsing engine upon which the\n"
"postmodern programming language Perl 6 is based on.  Pegex brings this beauty\n"
"to the other justmodern languages that have a normal regular expression engine\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8369
msgid "Check for comprehensive documentation of a module"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8370
msgid ""
"This module provides a mechanism for determining if the pod\n"
"for a given module is comprehensive."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8387
msgid "Parsing library for text in Pod format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8388
msgid ""
"@code{Pod::Simple} is a Perl library for parsing text in\n"
"the @dfn{Pod} (plain old documentation) markup language that is typically\n"
"used for writing documentation for Perl and for Perl modules."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8409
msgid "GNU C library compatible strftime for loggers and servers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8410
msgid ""
"POSIX::strftime::Compiler provides GNU C library compatible\n"
"strftime(3).  But this module is not affected by the system locale.  This\n"
"feature is useful when you want to write loggers, servers, and portable\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8442
msgid "Parse, analyze and manipulate Perl (without Perl)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8443
msgid ""
"The PPI module parses, analyzes and manipulates Perl\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8459
msgid "Information about the currently running perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8461
msgid ""
"Probe::Perl provides methods for obtaining information about the\n"
"currently running perl interpreter.  It originally began life as code in the\n"
"Module::Build project, but has been externalized here for general use."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8488
msgid "Interface to external editor from Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8489
msgid ""
"This module provides the ability to supply some text to an\n"
"external text editor, have it edited by the user, and retrieve the results."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8508
msgid "Create read-only scalars, arrays, hashes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8509
msgid ""
"This module provides a facility for creating non-modifiable\n"
"variables in Perl.  This is useful for configuration files, headers, etc.  It\n"
"can also be useful as a development and debugging tool for catching updates to\n"
"variables that should not be changed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8529
msgid "XS implementation for Ref::Util"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8530
msgid ""
"@code{Ref::Util::XS} is the XS implementation of\n"
"@code{Ref::Util}, which provides several functions to help identify references\n"
"in a more convenient way than the usual approach of examining the return value\n"
"of @code{ref}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8548
msgid "Provide commonly requested regular expressions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8550
msgid ""
"This module exports a single hash (@code{%RE}) that stores or generates\n"
"commonly needed regular expressions.  Patterns currently provided include:\n"
"balanced parentheses and brackets, delimited text (with escapes), integers and\n"
"floating-point numbers in any base (up to 36), comments in 44 languages,\n"
"offensive language, lists of any pattern, IPv4 addresses, URIs, and Zip\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8574
msgid "Selection of general-utility regexp subroutines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8575
msgid ""
"This package provides a selection of regular expression\n"
"subroutines including @code{is_regexp}, @code{regexp_seen_evals},\n"
"@code{regexp_is_foreign}, @code{regexp_is_anchored}, @code{serialize_regexp},\n"
"and @code{deserialize_regexp}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8600
msgid "Roles, as a slice of Moose"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8601
msgid "Role::Tiny is a minimalist role composition tool."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8631
msgid "Call isa, can, does, and DOES safely"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8632
msgid ""
"This module allows you to call isa, can, does, and DOES\n"
"safely on things that may not be objects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8655
msgid "String aspects of scalars"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8656
msgid ""
"@code{Scalar::String} is about the string part of\n"
"plain Perl scalars.  A scalar has a string value, which is notionally\n"
"a sequence of Unicode codepoints but may be internally encoded in\n"
"either ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8.  In places, more so in older versions of\n"
"Perl, the internal encoding shows through.  To fully understand Perl\n"
"strings it is necessary to understand these implementation details.\n"
"This module provides functions to classify a string by encoding and to\n"
"encode a string in a desired way.  The module is implemented in XS,\n"
"with a pure Perl backup version for systems that cannot handle XS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8681
msgid "Lexically-scoped resource management"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8682
msgid ""
"This module provides a convenient way to perform cleanup or\n"
"other forms of resource management at the end of a scope.  It is particularly\n"
"useful when dealing with exceptions: the Scope::Guard constructor takes a\n"
"reference to a subroutine that is guaranteed to be called even if the thread\n"
"of execution is aborted prematurely.  This effectively allows lexically-scoped\n"
"\"promises\" to be made that are automatically honoured by perl's garbage\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8705
msgid "Infinite sets"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8706
msgid "Set::Infinite is a set theory module for infinite sets."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8723
msgid "Manage sets of integers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8724
msgid ""
"@code{Set::IntSpan} manages sets of integers.  It is\n"
"optimized for sets that have long runs of consecutive integers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8744
msgid "Unordered collections of Perl Objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8745
msgid ""
"Set::Object provides efficient sets, unordered collections\n"
"of Perl objects without duplicates for scalars and references."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8763
msgid "Set operations for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8764
msgid ""
"The first priority of Set::Scalar is to be a convenient\n"
"interface to sets (as in: unordered collections of Perl scalars).  While not\n"
"designed to be slow or big, neither has it been designed to be fast or\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8784
msgid "Sort arrays by one or multiple calculated keys"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8785
msgid ""
"This Perl module provides various functions to quickly sort\n"
"arrays by one or multiple calculated keys."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8803
msgid "Sort lexically, but sort numeral parts numerically"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8804
msgid ""
"This module exports two functions, @code{nsort} and\n"
"@code{ncmp}; they are used in implementing a \"natural sorting\" algorithm.\n"
"Under natural sorting, numeric substrings are compared numerically, and other\n"
"word-characters are compared lexically."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8832
msgid "Classes for representing type constraints and coercion"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8833
msgid ""
"The Specio distribution provides classes for representing type\n"
"constraints and coercion, along with syntax sugar for declaring them.  Note that\n"
"this is not a proper type system for Perl. Nothing in this distribution will\n"
"magically make the Perl interpreter start checking a value's type on assignment\n"
"to a variable. In fact, there's no built-in way to apply a type to a variable at\n"
"all.  Instead, you can explicitly check a value against a type, and optionally\n"
"coerce values to that type."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8856
msgid "Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8857
msgid ""
"Spiffy is a framework and methodology for doing object\n"
"oriented (OO) programming in Perl.  Spiffy combines the best parts of\n"
"Exporter.pm, base.pm, mixin.pm and SUPER.pm into one magic foundation class.\n"
"It attempts to fix all the nits and warts of traditional Perl OO, in a clean,\n"
"straightforward and (perhaps someday) standard way.  Spiffy borrows ideas from\n"
"other OO languages like Python, Ruby, Java and Perl 6."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8881
msgid "Collection of very basic statistics modules"
msgstr "Sammlung sehr grundlegender Statistik-Module"

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8882
msgid ""
"This package provides basic statistics functions like\n"
"@code{median()}, @code{mean()}, @code{variance()} and @code{stddev()}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8900
msgid "Temporary buffer to save bytes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8901
msgid ""
"Stream::Buffered is a buffer class to store arbitrary length\n"
"of byte strings and then get a seekable filehandle once everything is\n"
"buffered.  It uses PerlIO and/or temporary file to save the buffer depending\n"
"on the length of the size."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8921
msgid "Turn on strict and make all warnings fatal"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8922
msgid ""
"Strictures turns on strict and make all warnings fatal when\n"
"run from within a source-controlled directory."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8962
msgid "Camelcase and de-camelcase"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8963
msgid ""
"This module may be used to convert from under_score text to\n"
"CamelCase and back again."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8982
msgid "Backslash escapes, quoted phrase, word elision, etc."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:8983
msgid ""
"This module provides a flexible calling interface to some\n"
"frequently-performed string conversion functions, including applying and\n"
"expanding standard C/Unix-style backslash escapes like \n"
" and \t, wrapping and\n"
"removing double-quotes, and truncating to fit within a desired length."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9008
msgid "Build your own sprintf-like functions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9010
msgid ""
"@code{String::Formatter} is a tool for building sprintf-like formatting\n"
"routines.  It supports named or positional formatting, custom conversions,\n"
"fixed string interpolation, and simple width-matching."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9031
msgid "Rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9032
msgid ""
"This module allows you to rewrite strings based on a set of\n"
"known prefixes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9052
msgid "Quote strings for passing through a shell"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9054
msgid ""
"@code{shell-quote} lets you pass arbitrary strings through the shell so\n"
"that they won't be changed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9073
msgid "String printing alternatives to printf"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9075
msgid ""
"This module inserts values into (translated) strings.  It provides\n"
"@code{printf} and @code{sprintf} alternatives via both an object-oriented and\n"
"a functional interface."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9098
msgid "Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9100
msgid ""
"Sub::Exporter provides a sophisticated alternative to Exporter.pm for\n"
"custom-built routines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9119
msgid "Only use Sub::Exporter if you need it"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9120
msgid ""
"Sub::Exporter is an incredibly powerful module, but with\n"
"that power comes great responsibility, as well as some runtime penalties.\n"
"This module is a \"Sub::Exporter\" wrapper that will let your users just use\n"
"Exporter if all they are doing is picking exports, but use \"Sub::Exporter\"\n"
"if your users try to use \"Sub::Exporter\"'s more advanced features, like\n"
"renaming exports, if they try to use them."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9142
msgid "Retrieve names of code references"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9143
msgid ""
"Sub::Identify allows you to retrieve the real name of code\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9163
msgid "Tool to inspect subroutines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9164
msgid ""
"This package provides tools for inspecting subroutines\n"
"in Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9183
msgid "Install subroutines into packages easily"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9185
msgid ""
"Sub::Install makes it easy to install subroutines into packages without\n"
"the unsightly mess of C<no strict> or typeglobs lying about where just anyone\n"
"can see them."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9206
msgid "(Re)name a sub"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9207
msgid ""
"Assigns a new name to referenced sub.  If package\n"
"specification is omitted in the name, then the current package is used.  The\n"
"return value is the sub."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9230
msgid "Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9231
msgid ""
"Sub::Quote provides an efficient generation of subroutines\n"
"via string eval."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9249
msgid "Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9250
msgid ""
"Like Tcl's uplevel() function, but not quite so dangerous.\n"
"The idea is just to fool caller().  All the really naughty bits of Tcl's\n"
"uplevel() are avoided."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9272
msgid "Control superclass method dispatching"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9274
msgid ""
"When subclassing a class, you may occasionally want to dispatch control to\n"
"the superclass---at least conditionally and temporarily.  This module provides\n"
"nicer equivalents to the native Perl syntax for calling superclasses, along with\n"
"a universal @code{super} method to determine a class' own superclass, and better\n"
"support for run-time mix-ins and roles."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9294
msgid "Perl extension for generating SVG documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9295
msgid ""
"SVG is a Perl module which generates a nested data structure\n"
"containing the DOM representation of an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image.\n"
"Using SVG, you can generate SVG objects, embed other SVG instances into it,\n"
"access the DOM object, create and access Javascript, and generate SMIL\n"
"animation content."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9316
msgid "Switch statement for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9317
msgid ""
"Switch is a Perl module which implements a generalized case\n"
"mechanism.  The module augments the standard Perl syntax with two new\n"
"statements: @code{switch} and @code{case}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9364
msgid "Perl extension for getting CPU information"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9366
msgid ""
"Sys::CPU is a module for counting the number of CPUs on a system, and\n"
"determining their type and clock speed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9386
msgid "Get full hostname in Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9387
msgid ""
"Sys::Hostname::Long tries very hard to get the full hostname\n"
"of a system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9406
msgid "Access system calls that Perl doesn't normally provide access to"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9408
msgid ""
"Sys::Syscall allows one to use epoll and sendfile system calls from\n"
"Perl.  Support is mostly Linux-only for now, but other syscalls/OSes are\n"
"planned for the future."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9436
msgid "Ensure that a platform has weaken support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9437
msgid ""
"One recurring problem in modules that use Scalar::Util's\n"
"weaken function is that it is not present in the pure-perl variant.  If\n"
"Scalar::Util is not available at all, it will issue a normal dependency on the\n"
"module.  However, if Scalar::Util is relatively new ( it is >= 1.19 ) and the\n"
"module does not have weaken, the install will bail out altogether with a long\n"
"error encouraging the user to seek support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9462
msgid "Template processing system for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9463
msgid ""
"The Template Toolkit is a collection of modules which\n"
"implement an extensible template processing system.  It was originally\n"
"designed and remains primarily useful for generating dynamic web content, but\n"
"it can be used equally well for processing any other kind of text based\n"
"documents: HTML, XML, POD, PostScript, LaTeX, and so on."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9486
msgid "Profiling for Template Toolkit"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9487
msgid ""
"Template::Timer provides inline profiling of the template\n"
"processing in Perl code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9507
msgid "Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9509
msgid ""
"@code{Template::Tiny} is a reimplementation of a subset of the\n"
"functionality from Template Toolkit in as few lines of code as possible.\n"
"It is intended for use in light-usage, low-memory, or low-cpu templating\n"
"situations, where you may need to upgrade to the full feature set in the\n"
"future, or if you want the retain the familiarity of TT-style templates."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9533
msgid "Detect encoding of the current terminal"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9534
msgid ""
"Term::Encoding is a simple module to detect the encoding of\n"
"the current terminal expects in various ways."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9558
msgid "Progress meter on a standard terminal"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9559
msgid ""
"Term::ProgressBar provides a simple progress bar on the\n"
"terminal, to let the user know that something is happening, roughly how much\n"
"stuff has been done, and maybe an estimate at how long remains."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9582
msgid "Progress meter if run interactively"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9583
msgid ""
"Term::ProgressBar is a wonderful module for showing progress\n"
"bars on the terminal.  This module acts very much like that module when it is\n"
"run interactively.  However, when it is not run interactively (for example, as\n"
"a cron job) then it does not show the progress bar."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9605
msgid "Simple progress bars"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9606
msgid ""
"Term::ProgressBar::Simple tells you how much work has been\n"
"done, how much is left to do, and estimate how long it will take."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9624
msgid "Simple terminal control"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9625
msgid ""
"This module, ReadKey, provides ioctl control for terminals\n"
"so the input modes can be changed (thus allowing reads of a single character\n"
"at a time), and also provides non-blocking reads of stdin, as well as several\n"
"other terminal related features, including retrieval/modification of the\n"
"screen size, and retrieval/modification of the control characters."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9663
msgid "GNU Readline/History Library interface for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9664
msgid ""
"This module implements an interface to the GNU Readline\n"
"library.  It gives you input line editing facilities, input history management\n"
"facilities, completion facilities, etc.  Term::ReadLine::Gnu is upwards\n"
"compatible with Term::ReadLine."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9688
msgid "Retrieve terminal size"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9689
msgid ""
"This is a unified interface to retrieve terminal size.  It\n"
"loads one module of a list of known alternatives, each implementing some way\n"
"to get the desired terminal information.  This loaded module will actually do\n"
"the job on behalf of @code{Term::Size::Any}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9708
msgid "Perl extension for retrieving terminal size (Perl version)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9709
msgid ""
"This is yet another implementation of @code{Term::Size}.\n"
"Now in pure Perl, with the exception of a C probe run at build time."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9729
msgid "Format a header and rows into a table"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9730
msgid ""
"This module is able to generically format rows of data\n"
"into tables."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9748
msgid "Align text"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9749
msgid ""
"Text::Aligner exports a single function, align(), which is\n"
"used to justify strings to various alignment styles."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9767
msgid "Extract delimited text sequences from strings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9768
msgid ""
"The Text::Balanced module can be used to extract delimited\n"
"text sequences from strings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9785
msgid "Manipulate comma-separated values"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9786
msgid ""
"Text::CSV provides facilities for the composition and\n"
"decomposition of comma-separated values.  An instance of the Text::CSV class\n"
"can combine fields into a CSV string and parse a CSV string into fields."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9804
msgid "Routines for manipulating CSV files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9805
msgid ""
"@code{Text::CSV_XS} provides facilities for the composition\n"
"and decomposition of comma-separated values.  An instance of the\n"
"@code{Text::CSV_XS} class will combine fields into a CSV string and parse a\n"
"CSV string into fields.  The module accepts either strings or files as input\n"
"and support the use of user-specified characters for delimiters, separators,\n"
"and escapes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9829
msgid "Perform diffs on files and record sets"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9830
msgid ""
"Text::Diff provides a basic set of services akin to the GNU\n"
"diff utility.  It is not anywhere near as feature complete as GNU diff, but it\n"
"is better integrated with Perl and available on all platforms.  It is often\n"
"faster than shelling out to a system's diff executable for small files, and\n"
"generally slower on larger files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9855
msgid "Various subroutines to format text"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9856
msgid ""
"This package provides functions to format text in various\n"
"ways like centering, paragraphing, and converting tabs to spaces and spaces\n"
"to tabs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9876
msgid "Match globbing patterns against text"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9877
msgid ""
"Text::Glob implements glob(3) style matching that can be\n"
"used to match against text, rather than fetching names from a file system.  If\n"
"you want to do full file globbing use the File::Glob module instead."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9900
msgid "Haml Perl implementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9902
msgid ""
"Text::Haml implements Haml\n"
"@url{http://haml.info/docs/yardoc/file.REFERENCE.html} specification."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9924
msgid "Fast, middleweight template engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9926
msgid ""
"Text::NeatTemplate provides a simple, middleweight but fast\n"
"template engine, for when you need speed rather than complex features,\n"
"yet need more features than simple variable substitution."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9946
msgid "Patches text with given patch"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9947
msgid ""
"Text::Patch combines source text with given\n"
"diff (difference) data.  Diff data is produced by Text::Diff module or\n"
"by the standard @code{diff} utility."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9966
msgid "Convert between Roman and Arabic algorisms"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9967
msgid ""
"This package provides functions to convert between Roman and\n"
"Arabic algorisms.  It supports both conventional Roman algorisms (which range\n"
"from 1 to 3999) and Milhar Romans, a variation which uses a bar across the\n"
"algorism to indicate multiplication by 1000."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9986
msgid "Simple ASCII tables"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:9987
msgid "Text::SimpleTable draws simple ASCII tables."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10008
msgid "Organize Data in Tables"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10009
msgid "Text::Table renders plaintext tables."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10033
msgid "Expand template text with embedded Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10035
msgid ""
"This is a library for generating letters, building HTML pages, or\n"
"filling in templates generally.  A template is a piece of text that has little\n"
"Perl programs embedded in it here and there.  When you fill in a template, you\n"
"evaluate the little programs and replace them with their values."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10054
msgid "Provide plain ASCII transliterations of Unicode text"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10055
msgid ""
"Text::Unidecode provides a function, unidecode(...) that\n"
"takes Unicode data and tries to represent it in US-ASCII characters (i.e., the\n"
"universally displayable characters between 0x00 and 0x7F).  The representation\n"
"is almost always an attempt at transliteration-- i.e., conveying, in Roman\n"
"letters, the pronunciation expressed by the text in some other writing\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10076
msgid "Perl interpreter-based threads"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10077
msgid "This module exposes interpreter threads to the Perl level."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10100
msgid "Role for classes that can be thrown"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10101
msgid ""
"Throwable is a role for classes that are meant to be thrown\n"
"as exceptions to standard program flow."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10118
msgid "Perl script tidier"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10119
msgid ""
"This package contains a Perl script which indents and\n"
"reformats Perl scripts to make them easier to read.   The formatting can be\n"
"controlled with command line parameters.  The default parameter settings\n"
"approximately follow the suggestions in the Perl Style Guide."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10139
msgid "Cycle through a list of values"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10140
msgid ""
"You use @code{Tie::Cycle} to go through a list over and over\n"
"again.  Once you get to the end of the list, you go back to the beginning."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10159
msgid "Ordered associative arrays for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10160
msgid ""
"This Perl module implements Perl hashes that preserve the\n"
"order in which the hash elements were added.  The order is not affected when\n"
"values corresponding to existing keys in the IxHash are changed.  The elements\n"
"can also be set to any arbitrary supplied order.  The familiar perl array\n"
"operations can also be performed on the IxHash."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10183
msgid "Special file handle that hides the beginning of a file"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10185
msgid ""
"This modules provides a file handle that hides the beginning of a file,\n"
"by modifying the @code{seek()} and @code{tell()} calls."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10202
msgid "Variable ties made much easier"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10204
msgid ""
"This module adds the ability to quickly create new types of tie objects\n"
"without creating a complete class.  It does so in such a way as to try and\n"
"make the programmers life easier when it comes to single-use ties that I find\n"
"myself wanting to use from time-to-time.\n"
"The Tie::Simple package is actually a front-end to other classes which really\n"
"do all the work once tied, but this package does the dwimming to automatically\n"
"figure out what you're trying to do."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10230
msgid "Tie to an existing Perl object"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10231
msgid ""
"This class provides a tie constructor that returns the\n"
"object it was given as it's first argument.  This way side effects of calling\n"
"$object->TIEHASH are avoided."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10253
msgid "English expression of durations"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10254
msgid ""
"This module provides functions for expressing durations in\n"
"rounded or exact terms."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10275
msgid "Parse time duration strings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10276
msgid ""
"Time::Duration::Parse is a module to parse human readable\n"
"duration strings like \"2 minutes\" and \"3 seconds\" to seconds."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10294
msgid "High-resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, and interval timers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10295
msgid ""
"This package implements @code{usleep}, @code{ualarm}, and\n"
"@code{gettimeofday} for Perl, as well as wrappers to implement @code{time},\n"
"@code{sleep}, and @code{alarm} that know about non-integral seconds."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10314
msgid "Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10315
msgid ""
"This module provides functions that are the inverse of\n"
"built-in perl functions localtime() and gmtime().  They accept a date as a\n"
"six-element array, and return the corresponding time(2) value in seconds since\n"
"the system epoch."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10335
msgid "Object-Oriented time objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10337
msgid ""
"This module replaces the standard @code{localtime} and @code{gmtime}\n"
"functions with implementations that return objects.  It does so in a\n"
"backwards-compatible manner, so that using these functions as documented will\n"
"still work as expected."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10356
msgid "Date parsing/formatting subroutines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10357
msgid ""
"This module provides routines for parsing date string into\n"
"time values and formatting dates into ASCII strings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10379
msgid "Shift and scale time"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10380
msgid ""
"This module allows you to speed up your sleep(), alarm(),\n"
"and time() calls."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10402
msgid "Simple tree object"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10403
msgid ""
"This module in a fully object-oriented implementation of a\n"
"simple n-ary tree."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10425
msgid "Factory object for dispensing Visitor objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10426
msgid ""
"This module is a factory for dispensing\n"
"Tree::Simple::Visitor::* objects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10444
msgid "Minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@@"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10445
msgid ""
"This module provides bare bones try/catch/finally statements\n"
"that are designed to minimize common mistakes with eval blocks, and nothing\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10469
msgid "Tie a variable to a type constraint"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10470
msgid ""
"This module exports a single function: @code{ttie}.  It ties\n"
"a variable to a type constraint, ensuring that whatever values stored in the\n"
"variable will conform to the type constraint.  If the type constraint has\n"
"coercions, these will be used if necessary to ensure values assigned to the\n"
"variable conform."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10502
msgid "Tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10503
msgid ""
"@code{Type::Tiny} is a small class for writing type\n"
"constraints, inspired by Moose's type constraint API.  It has only one\n"
"non-core dependency (and even that is simply a module that was previously\n"
"distributed as part of @code{Type::Tiny} but has since been spun off), and can\n"
"be used with Moose, Mouse and Moo (or none of the above)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10523
msgid "Provides an XS boost for some of Type::Tiny's built-in type constraints"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10524
msgid ""
"This module is optionally used by @code{Type::Tiny} to\n"
"provide faster, C-based implementations of some type constraints.  This\n"
"package has only core dependencies, and does not depend on @code{Type::Tiny},\n"
"so other data validation frameworks might also consider using it."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10548
msgid "Types and coercions for Moose and Moo"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10549
msgid ""
"This module provides @code{Path::Tiny} types for Moose, Moo,\n"
"etc.  It handles two important types of coercion: coercing objects with\n"
"overloaded stringification, and coercing to absolute paths.  It also can check\n"
"to ensure that files or directories exist."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10571
msgid "Data types for common serialisation formats"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10572
msgid ""
"This module provides some extra datatypes that are used by\n"
"common serialisation formats such as JSON or CBOR."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10599
msgid "Unicode normalization forms"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10600
msgid "This Perl module provides Unicode normalization forms."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10628
msgid "Unicode collation algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10629
msgid ""
"This package provides tools for sorting and comparing\n"
"Unicode data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10650
msgid "Unicode line breaking algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10652
msgid ""
"@code{Unicode::LineBreak} implements the line breaking algorithm\n"
"described in Unicode Standard Annex #14.  The @code{East_Asian_Width} property\n"
"defined by Annex #11 is used to determine breaking positions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10678
msgid "Encoding and decoding of UTF-8 encoding form"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10680
msgid ""
"This module provides functions to encode and decode UTF-8 encoding form\n"
"as specified by Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646:2011."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10698
msgid "UNIVERSAL::can() reimplementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10699
msgid ""
"This module attempts to work around people calling\n"
"UNIVERSAL::can() as a function, which it is not."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10719
msgid "UNIVERSAL::isa() reimplementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10720
msgid ""
"This module attempts to recover from people calling\n"
"UNIVERSAL::isa as a function."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10739
msgid "Require modules from a variable"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10740
msgid ""
"This module lets you require other modules where the module\n"
"name is in a variable, something you can't do with the @code{require}\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10759
msgid "Associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10760
msgid ""
"Magic is Perl's way of enhancing variables.  This mechanism\n"
"lets the user add extra data to any variable and hook syntactical\n"
"operations (such as access, assignment or destruction) that can be applied to\n"
"it.  With this module, you can add your own magic to any variable without\n"
"having to write a single line of XS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10783
msgid "Easily generate well-formed, namespace-aware XML"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10784
msgid ""
"@code{XML::Writer} is a simple Perl module for writing XML\n"
"documents: it takes care of constructing markup and escaping data correctly.\n"
"By default, it also performs a significant amount of well-formedness checking\n"
"on the output to make certain (for example) that start and end tags match,\n"
"that there is exactly one document element, and that there are not duplicate\n"
"attribute names."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10811
msgid "Opaque, extensible XS pointer backed objects using sv_magic"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10813
msgid ""
"This way of associating structs with Perl space objects is designed to\n"
"supersede Perl's builtin @code{T_PTROBJ} with something that is extensible\n"
"(structs can be associated with any data type) and opaque (the C pointer is\n"
"neither visible nor modifiable from Perl space)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10834
msgid "YAML for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10835
msgid ""
"The YAML.pm module implements a YAML Loader and Dumper based\n"
"on the YAML 1.0 specification."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10853
msgid "Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10855
msgid ""
"@code{YAML::XS} is a Perl XS binding to libyaml which offers Perl the\n"
"best YAML support to date."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10878
msgid "Read/Write YAML files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10879
msgid ""
"YAML::Tiny is a perl class for reading and writing\n"
"YAML-style files, written with as little code as possible, reducing load time\n"
"and memory overhead."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10903
msgid "Generate recursive-descent parsers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10905
msgid ""
"@code{Parse::RecDescent} can incrementally generate top-down\n"
"recursive-descent text parsers from simple yacc-like grammar specifications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10925
msgid "Generate and use LALR parsers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10926
msgid ""
"This package compiles yacc-like @dfn{Look Ahead LR} (LALR)\n"
"grammars to generate Perl object oriented parser modules."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10952
msgid "Distribution metadata for a CPAN dist"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10953
msgid ""
"Software distributions released to the CPAN include a\n"
"META.json or, for older distributions, META.yml, which describes the\n"
"distribution, its contents, and the requirements for building and installing\n"
"the distribution.  The data structure stored in the META.json file is\n"
"described in CPAN::Meta::Spec.  CPAN::Meta provides a simple class to\n"
"represent this distribution metadata (or distmeta), along with some helpful\n"
"methods for interrogating that data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10976
msgid "Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:10977
msgid ""
"A CPAN::Meta::Requirements object models a set of version\n"
"constraints like those specified in the META.yml or META.json files in CPAN\n"
"distributions, and as defined by CPAN::Meta::Spec.  It can be built up by\n"
"adding more and more constraints, and will reduce them to the simplest\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11000
msgid "Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11001
msgid ""
"This module implements a subset of the YAML specification\n"
"for use in reading and writing CPAN metadata files like META.yml and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11022
msgid "Build and install Perl modules"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11023
msgid ""
"@code{Module::Build} is a system for building, testing, and\n"
"installing Perl modules; it used to be part of Perl itself until version 5.22,\n"
"which dropped it.  It is meant to be an alternative to\n"
"@code{ExtUtils::MakeMaker}.  Developers may alter the behavior of the module\n"
"through subclassing in a much more straightforward way than with\n"
"@code{MakeMaker}.  It also does not require a @command{make} on your\n"
"system---most of the @code{Module::Build} code is pure-Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11049
msgid "Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN metadata files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11050
msgid ""
"Parse::CPAN::Meta is a parser for META.json and META.yml\n"
"files, using JSON::PP and/or CPAN::Meta::YAML."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11067
msgid "Common Scalar and List utility subroutines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11068
msgid ""
"This package contains a selection of subroutines that people\n"
"have expressed would be nice to have in the perl core, but the usage would not\n"
"really be high enough to warrant the use of a keyword, and the size so small\n"
"such that being individual extensions would be wasteful."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11106
msgid "SDL bindings to Perl"
msgstr "SDL-Anbindungen für Perl"

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11108
msgid ""
"SDL Perl is a package of Perl modules that provide both functional and\n"
"object oriented interfaces to the Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl5.  This\n"
"package takes some liberties with the SDL API, and attempts to adhere to the\n"
"spirit of both the SDL and Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11132
msgid "Cross-platform functions emulating common shell commands"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11134
msgid "Shell::Command is a thin wrapper around ExtUtils::Command."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11160
msgid "Object-oriented File::Find replacement in Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11161
msgid ""
"File::Find::Object is an object-oriented\n"
"File::Find replacement in Perl."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11189
msgid "Alternative interface to File::Find::Object"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11190
msgid ""
"File::Find::Object::Rule is an alternative Perl\n"
"interface to File::Find::Object."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11211
msgid "Wrapper for @code{File::Find} ala @code{find(1)}"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11213
msgid ""
"@code{File::Find} is great, but constructing the wanted routine can\n"
"sometimes be a pain.  @code{File::Finder} provides a wanted-writer, using\n"
"syntax that is directly mappable to the @code{find(1)} command's syntax.\n"
"A @code{File::Finder} object contains a hash of @code{File::Find} options, and\n"
"a series of steps that mimic find's predicates.  Initially, a\n"
"@code{File::Finder} object has no steps.  Each step method clones the previous\n"
"object's options and steps, and then adds the new step, returning the new\n"
"object.  In this manner, an object can be grown, step by step, by chaining\n"
"method calls.  Furthermore, a partial sequence can be created and held, and\n"
"used as the head of many different sequences."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11242
msgid "TTF font support for Perl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11243
msgid ""
"This package provides a Perl module for TrueType/OpenType\n"
"font hacking.  It supports reading, processing and writing of the following\n"
"tables: GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, LTSH, OS/2, PCLT, bsln, cmap, cvt, fdsc, feat,\n"
"fpgm, glyf, hdmx, head, hhea, hmtx, kern, loca, maxp, mort, name, post, prep,\n"
"prop, vhea, vmtx and the reading and writing of all other table types."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11281
msgid "Collection of Perl modules for time/date manipulation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11282
msgid ""
"Provides several perl modules for date/time manipulation:\n"
"@code{Time::CTime.pm}, @code{Time::JulianDay.pm}, @code{Time::ParseDate.pm},\n"
"@code{Time::Timezone.pm}, and @code{Time::DaysInMonth.pm}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11311
msgid "Perl library for testing if a time() is in a specific period"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11312
msgid ""
"This Perl library provides a function which tells whether a\n"
"specific time falls within a specified time period.  Its syntax for specifying\n"
"time periods allows you to test for conditions like \"Monday to Friday, 9am\n"
"till 5pm\" and \"on the second Tuesday of the month\" and \"between 4pm and\n"
"4:15pm\" and \"in the first half of each minute\" and \"in January of\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11343
msgid "Iterative, recursive file finder"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11344
msgid ""
"Path::Iterator::Rule iterates over files and directories to\n"
"identify ones matching a user-defined set of rules.  The API is based heavily\n"
"on File::Find::Rule, but with more explicit distinction between matching rules\n"
"and options that influence how directories are searched.  A\n"
"Path::Iterator::Rule object is a collection of rules (match criteria) with\n"
"methods to add additional criteria.  Options that control directory traversal\n"
"are given as arguments to the method that generates an iterator.\n"
"A summary of features for comparison to other file finding modules:\n"
"@item provides many helper methods for specifying rules\n"
"@item offers (lazy) iterator and flattened list interfaces\n"
"@item custom rules implemented with callbacks\n"
"@item breadth-first (default) or pre- or post-order depth-first searching\n"
"@item follows symlinks (by default, but can be disabled)\n"
"@item directories visited only once (no infinite loop; can be disabled)\n"
"@item doesn't chdir during operation\n"
"@item provides an API for extensions\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"As a convenience, the PIR module is an empty subclass of this one that is less\n"
"arduous to type for one-liners."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11384
msgid "Include constants from POD"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11385
msgid ""
"This module allows you to specify those constants that\n"
"should be documented in your POD, and pull them out a run time in a fairly\n"
"arbitrary fashion.\n"
"Pod::Constants uses Pod::Parser to do the parsing of the source file.  It has\n"
"to open the source file it is called from, and does so directly either by\n"
"lookup in %INC or by assuming it is $0 if the caller is @code{main}\n"
"(or it can't find %INC{caller()})."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11411
msgid "Collection of regexp patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11412
msgid ""
"Regexp::Pattern is a convention for organizing reusable\n"
"regexp patterns in modules."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11436
msgid "Parse Lisp S-Expressions into Perl data structures"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/perl.scm:11437
msgid ""
"Data::SExpression parses Lisp S-Expressions into Perl data\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:170
msgid "Import photos and videos from cameras, phones and memory cards"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:171
msgid ""
"Import photos and videos from cameras, phones and memory\n"
"cards and generate meaningful file and folder names."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:194
msgid "Raw image decoder"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:196
msgid ""
"LibRaw is a library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo\n"
"cameras (CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG, and others)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:232
msgid "Read and manipulate EXIF data in digital photographs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:234
msgid ""
"The libexif C library allows applications to read, edit, and save EXIF\n"
"data as produced by digital cameras."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:260
msgid "Accessing digital cameras"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:262
msgid ""
"This is the library backend for gphoto2.  It contains the code for PTP,\n"
"MTP, and other vendor specific protocols for controlling and transferring data\n"
"from digital cameras."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:304
msgid "Command-line tools to access digital cameras"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:306
msgid ""
"Gphoto2 is a set of command line utilities for manipulating a large\n"
"number of different digital cameras.  Through libgphoto2, it supports PTP,\n"
"MTP, and much more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:347
msgid "Program and Perl library to manipulate EXIF and other metadata"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:348
msgid ""
"This package provides the @code{exiftool} command and the\n"
"@code{Image::ExifTool} Perl library to manipulate EXIF tags of digital images\n"
"and a wide variety of other metadata."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:372
msgid "Library for panoramic images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:374
msgid ""
"The libpano13 package contains the backend library written by the\n"
"Panorama Tools project for building panoramic images from a set of\n"
"overlapping images, as well as some command line tools."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:418
msgid "Tools for combining and blending images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:420
msgid ""
"Enblend blends away the seams in a panoramic image mosaic using a\n"
"multi-resolution spline.  Enfuse merges different exposures of the same\n"
"scene to produce an image that looks much like a tone-mapped image."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:451
msgid "Library to correct optical lens defects with a lens database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:452
msgid ""
"Digital photographs are not ideal.  Of course, the better is\n"
"your camera, the better the results will be, but in any case if you look\n"
"carefully at shots taken even by the most expensive cameras equipped with the\n"
"most expensive lenses you will see various artifacts.  It is very hard to make\n"
"ideal cameras, because there are a lot of factors that affect the final image\n"
"quality, and at some point camera and lens designers have to trade one factor\n"
"for another to achieve the optimal image quality, within the given design\n"
"restrictions and budget.  But we all want ideal shots, don't we?  So that's\n"
"what's Lensfun is all about: rectifying the defects introduced by your\n"
"photographic equipment."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:570
msgid "Virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:571
msgid ""
"Darktable is a photography workflow application and RAW\n"
"developer.  It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view\n"
"them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images\n"
"and enhance them."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:615
msgid "Quick, simple but powerful image editor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:616
msgid ""
"Photoflare is a cross-platform image editor with an aim\n"
"to balance between powerful features and a very friendly graphical user\n"
"interface.  It suits a wide variety of different tasks and users who value a\n"
"more nimble workflow.  Features include basic image editing capabilities,\n"
"paint brushes, image filters, colour adjustments and more advanced features\n"
"such as Batch image processing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:681
msgid "Camera control and capture"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:683
msgid ""
"Entangle is an application which uses GTK and libgphoto2 to provide a\n"
"graphical interface for tethered photography with digital cameras.  It\n"
"includes control over camera shooting and configuration settings and 'hands\n"
"off' shooting directly from the controlling computer."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:752
msgid "Panorama photo stitcher"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:754
msgid ""
"Hugin is an easy to use panoramic imaging toolchain with a graphical\n"
"user interface.  It can be used to assemble a mosaic of photographs into\n"
"a complete panorama and stitch any series of overlapping pictures."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:806
msgid "Raw image developing and processing"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/photo.scm:807
msgid ""
"RawTherapee is a raw image processing suite.  It comprises a\n"
"subset of image editing operations specifically aimed at non-destructive raw\n"
"photo post-production and is primarily focused on improving a photographer's\n"
"workflow by facilitating the handling of large numbers of images.  Most raw\n"
"formats are supported, including Pentax Pixel Shift, Canon Dual-Pixel, and those\n"
"from Foveon and X-Trans sensors."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/ratpoison.scm:85
msgid "Simple mouse-free tiling window manager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/ratpoison.scm:87
msgid ""
"Ratpoison is a simple window manager with no fat library\n"
"dependencies, no fancy graphics, no window decorations, and no\n"
"rodent dependence.  It is largely modelled after GNU Screen which\n"
"has done wonders in the virtual terminal market.\n"
"The screen can be split into non-overlapping frames.  All windows\n"
"are kept maximized inside their frames to take full advantage of\n"
"your precious screen real estate.\n"
"All interaction with the window manager is done through keystrokes.\n"
"Ratpoison has a prefix map to minimize the key clobbering that\n"
"cripples Emacs and other quality pieces of software."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/readline.scm:104
msgid "Edit command lines while typing, with history support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/readline.scm:106
msgid ""
"The GNU readline library allows users to edit command lines as they\n"
"are typed in.  It can maintain a searchable history of previously entered\n"
"commands, letting you easily recall, edit and re-enter past commands.  It\n"
"features both Emacs-like and vi-like keybindings, making its usage\n"
"comfortable for anyone."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/readline.scm:162
msgid "Wrapper to allow the editing of keyboard commands"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/readline.scm:164
msgid ""
"Rlwrap is a 'readline wrapper', a small utility that uses the GNU\n"
"readline library to allow the editing of keyboard input for any command.  You\n"
"should consider rlwrap especially when you need user-defined completion (by way\n"
"of completion word lists) and persistent history, or if you want to program\n"
"'special effects' using the filter mechanism."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scanner.scm:110
msgid "Raster image scanner library and drivers, without scanner support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scanner.scm:111
msgid ""
"SANE stands for \"Scanner Access Now Easy\" and is an API\n"
"proving access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner,\n"
"hand-held scanner, video- and still-cameras, frame-grabbers, etc.).  The\n"
"package contains the library, but no drivers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scanner.scm:159
msgid "Raster image scanner library and drivers, with scanner support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scanner.scm:160
msgid ""
"SANE stands for \"Scanner Access Now Easy\" and is an API\n"
"proving access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner,\n"
"hand-held scanner, video- and still-cameras, frame-grabbers, etc.).  The\n"
"package contains the library and drivers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scanner.scm:237
msgid "Featureful graphical interface for document and image scanners"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scanner.scm:239
msgid ""
"XSane is a graphical interface for controlling a scanner and acquiring\n"
"images from it.  You can photocopy multi-page documents and save, fax, print,\n"
"or e-mail your scanned images.  It is highly configurable and exposes all\n"
"device settings, letting you fine-tune the final result.  It can also be used\n"
"as a GIMP plugin to acquire images directly from a scanner.\n"
"XSane talks to scanners through the @acronym{SANE, Scanner Access Now Easy}\n"
"back-end library, which supports almost all existing scanners."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:220
msgid "A Scheme implementation with integrated editor and debugger"
msgstr "Scheme-Implementierung mit integriertem Editor und Debugger zur Fehlersuche"

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:222
msgid ""
"GNU/MIT Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme programming\n"
"language.  It provides an interpreter, a compiler and a debugger.  It also\n"
"features an integrated Emacs-like editor and a large runtime library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:313
msgid "Efficient Scheme compiler"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:315
msgid ""
"Bigloo is a Scheme implementation devoted to one goal: enabling Scheme\n"
"based programming style where C(++) is usually required.  Bigloo attempts to\n"
"make Scheme practical by offering features usually presented by traditional\n"
"programming languages but not offered by Scheme and functional programming.\n"
"Bigloo compiles Scheme modules.  It delivers small and fast stand alone binary\n"
"executables.  Bigloo enables full connections between Scheme and C programs\n"
"and between Scheme and Java programs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:366
msgid "Multi-tier programming language for the Web 2.0"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:368
msgid ""
"HOP is a multi-tier programming language for the Web 2.0 and the\n"
"so-called diffuse Web.  It is designed for programming interactive web\n"
"applications in many fields such as multimedia (web galleries, music players,\n"
"...), ubiquitous and house automation (SmartPhones, personal appliance),\n"
"mashups, office (web agendas, mail clients, ...), etc."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:389
msgid "Scheme implementation using a bytecode interpreter"
msgstr "Scheme-Implementierung mit Bytecode-Interpretierer"

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:391
msgid ""
"Scheme 48 is an implementation of Scheme based on a byte-code\n"
"interpreter and is designed to be used as a testbed for experiments in\n"
"implementation techniques and as an expository tool."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:520
msgid "Implementation of Scheme and related languages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:522
msgid ""
"Racket is an implementation of the Scheme programming language (R5RS and\n"
"R6RS) and related languages, such as Typed Racket.  It features a compiler and\n"
"a virtual machine with just-in-time native compilation, as well as a large set\n"
"of libraries."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:546
msgid "Racket without bundled packages such as Dr. Racket"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:558
msgid ""
"Racket is an implementation of the Scheme programming language (R5RS and\n"
"R6RS) and related languages, such as Typed Racket.  It features a compiler and\n"
"a virtual machine with just-in-time native compilation, as well as a large set\n"
"of libraries.\n"
"In this minimal package, the essential package racket-libs is included, as\n"
"well as libraries that live in collections.  In particular, @command{raco} and\n"
"the @code{pkg} library are still bundled."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:588
msgid "Efficient Scheme interpreter and compiler"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:590
msgid ""
"Gambit consists of two main programs: gsi, the Gambit Scheme\n"
"interpreter, and gsc, the Gambit Scheme compiler.  The interpreter contains\n"
"the complete execution and debugging environment.  The compiler is the\n"
"interpreter extended with the capability of generating executable files.  The\n"
"compiler can produce standalone executables or compiled modules which can be\n"
"loaded at run time.  Interpreted code and compiled code can be freely\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:624
msgid "Small embeddable Scheme implementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:626
msgid ""
"Chibi-Scheme is a very small library with no external dependencies\n"
"intended for use as an extension and scripting language in C programs.  In\n"
"addition to support for lightweight VM-based threads, each VM itself runs in\n"
"an isolated heap allowing multiple VMs to run simultaneously in different OS\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:673
msgid "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:674
msgid ""
"Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) is\n"
"a textbook aiming to teach the principles of computer programming.\n"
"Using Scheme, a dialect of the Lisp programming language, the book explains\n"
"core computer science concepts such as abstraction in programming,\n"
"metalinguistic abstraction, recursion, interpreters, and modular programming."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:716
msgid "SRE String pattern-matching library for scheme48"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:718
msgid ""
"String pattern-matching library for scheme48 based on the SRE\n"
"regular-expression notation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:751
msgid "Compatibility and utility library for Scheme"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:752
msgid ""
"SLIB is a portable Scheme library providing compatibility and\n"
"utility functions for all standard Scheme implementations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:808
msgid "Scheme implementation conforming to R5RS and IEEE P1178"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:809
msgid ""
"GNU SCM is an implementation of Scheme.  This\n"
"implementation includes Hobbit, a Scheme-to-C compiler, which can\n"
"generate C files whose binaries can be dynamically or statically\n"
"linked with a SCM executable."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:866
msgid "Light-weight interpreter for the Scheme programming language"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:868
msgid ""
"TinyScheme is a light-weight Scheme interpreter that implements as large a\n"
"subset of R5RS as was possible without getting very large and complicated.\n"
"It's meant to be used as an embedded scripting interpreter for other programs.\n"
"As such, it does not offer an Integrated Development Environment (@dfn{IDE}) or\n"
"extensive toolkits, although it does sport a small (and optional) top-level\n"
"As an embedded interpreter, it allows multiple interpreter states to coexist in\n"
"the same program, without any interference between them.  Foreign functions in C\n"
"can be added and values can be defined in the Scheme environment.  Being quite a\n"
"small program, it is easy to comprehend, get to grips with, and use."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:947
msgid "Brutally efficient Scheme compiler"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:949
msgid ""
"Stalin is an aggressively optimizing whole-program compiler\n"
"for Scheme that does polyvariant interprocedural flow analysis,\n"
"flow-directed interprocedural escape analysis, flow-directed\n"
"lightweight CPS conversion, flow-directed lightweight closure\n"
"conversion, flow-directed interprocedural lifetime analysis, automatic\n"
"in-lining, unboxing, and flow-directed program-specific and\n"
"program-point-specific low-level representation selection and code\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:1002
msgid "Scheme-like lisp implementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:1004
msgid ""
"@code{femtolisp} is a scheme-like lisp implementation with a\n"
"simple, elegant Scheme dialect.  It is a lisp-1 with lexical scope.\n"
"The core is 12 builtin special forms and 33 builtin functions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:1074
msgid "Scheme scripting engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:1075
msgid ""
"Gauche is a R7RS Scheme scripting engine aiming at being a\n"
"handy tool that helps programmers and system administrators to write small to\n"
"large scripts quickly.  Quick startup, built-in system interface, native\n"
"multilingual support are some of the goals.  Gauche comes with a package\n"
"manager/installer @code{gauche-package} which can download, compile, install\n"
"and list gauche extension packages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:1176
msgid "Meta-dialect of Scheme with post-modern features"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/scheme.scm:1177
msgid ""
"Gerbil is an opinionated dialect of Scheme designed for Systems\n"
"Programming, with a state of the art macro and module system on top of the Gambit\n"
"runtime.  The macro system is based on quote-syntax, and provides the full meta-syntactic\n"
"tower with a native implementation of syntax-case.  It also provides a full-blown module\n"
"system, similar to PLT Scheme's (sorry, Racket) modules.  The main difference from Racket\n"
"is that Gerbil modules are single instantiation, supporting high performance ahead of\n"
"time compilation and compiled macros."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:78
msgid "Search Engine Library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:80
msgid ""
"Xapian is a highly adaptable toolkit which allows developers to easily\n"
"add advanced indexing and search facilities to their own applications.  It\n"
"supports the Probabilistic Information Retrieval model and also supports a\n"
"rich set of boolean query operators."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:113
msgid "Python bindings for the Xapian search engine library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:134
msgid "Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:136
msgid ""
"Search::Xapian wraps most methods of most Xapian classes.  The missing\n"
"classes and methods should be added in the future.  It also provides a\n"
"simplified, more 'perlish' interface to some common operations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:177
msgid "Tool for Obsessive Compulsive Classifiers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:179
msgid ""
"libtocc is the engine of the Tocc project, a tag-based file management\n"
"system.  The goal of Tocc is to provide a better system for classifying files\n"
"that is more flexible than classic file systems that are based on a tree of\n"
"files and directories."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:201
msgid "Command-line interface to libtocc"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:203
msgid ""
"Tocc is a tag-based file management system.  This package contains the\n"
"command line tool for interacting with libtocc."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:221
msgid "Finding text and HTML files that match boolean expressions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:223
msgid ""
"GNU Bool is a utility to perform text searches on files using Boolean\n"
"expressions.  For example, a search for \"hello AND world\" would return a\n"
"file containing the phrase \"Hello, world!\".  It supports both AND and OR\n"
"statements, as well as the NEAR statement to search for the occurrence of\n"
"words in close proximity to each other.  It handles context gracefully,\n"
"accounting for new lines and paragraph changes.  It also has robust support\n"
"for parsing HTML files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:253
msgid "Full-text search system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:254
msgid ""
"Hyper Estraier can be used to integrate full-text\n"
"search into applications, using either the provided command line and CGI\n"
"interfaces, or a C API."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:272
msgid "Locate files on the file system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:274
msgid ""
"mlocate is a locate/updatedb implementation.  The @code{m} stands for\n"
"\"merging\": @code{updatedb} reuses the existing database to avoid rereading\n"
"most of the file system, which makes it faster and does not trash the system\n"
"caches as much.  The locate(1) utility is intended to be completely compatible\n"
"with slocate, and attempts to be compatible to GNU locate when it does not\n"
"conflict with slocate compatibility."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:339
msgid "Web indexing system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:341
msgid ""
"Swish-e is Simple Web Indexing System for Humans - Enhanced.  Swish-e\n"
"can quickly and easily index directories of files or remote web sites and\n"
"search the generated indexes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:408
msgid "Personal document indexing system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/search.scm:410
msgid ""
"Xapers is a personal document indexing system,\n"
"geared towards academic journal articles build on the Xapian search engine.\n"
"Think of it as your own personal document search engine, or a local cache of\n"
"online libraries.  It provides fast search of document text and\n"
"bibliographic data and simple document and bibtex retrieval."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/serveez.scm:52
msgid "Framework for implementing IP-based servers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/serveez.scm:54
msgid ""
"GNU Serveez is a server framework providing the routines necessary to\n"
"easily implement IP-based servers in your application.  It\n"
"demonstrates aspects of network programming in a portable manner,\n"
"making it convenient for both simplifying the process of adding a\n"
"server to your application or for learning about how network services\n"
"work.  Several example servers are provided already, such as an HTTP\n"
"server and an IRC server."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:91
msgid "POSIX-compliant shell optimised for size"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:93
msgid ""
"dash is a POSIX-compliant @command{/bin/sh} implementation that aims to be\n"
"as small as possible, often without sacrificing speed.  It is faster than the\n"
"GNU Bourne-Again Shell (@command{bash}) at most scripted tasks.  dash is a\n"
"direct descendant of NetBSD's Almquist Shell (@command{ash})."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:235
msgid "The friendly interactive shell"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:237
msgid ""
"Fish (friendly interactive shell) is a shell focused on interactive use,\n"
"discoverability, and friendliness.  Fish has very user-friendly and powerful\n"
"tab-completion, including descriptions of every completion, completion of\n"
"strings with wildcards, and many completions for specific commands.  It also\n"
"has extensive and discoverable help.  A special @command{help} command gives\n"
"access to all the fish documentation in your web browser.  Other features\n"
"include smart terminal handling based on terminfo, an easy to search history,\n"
"and syntax highlighting."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:290
msgid "Foreign environment interface for fish shell"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:291
msgid ""
"@code{fish-foreign-env} wraps bash script execution in a way\n"
"that environment variables that are exported or modified get imported back\n"
"into fish."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:329
msgid "Alternative implementation of the rc shell by Byron Rakitzis"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:331
msgid ""
"This is a reimplementation by Byron Rakitzis of the Plan 9 shell.  It\n"
"has a small feature set similar to a traditional Bourne shell."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:362
msgid "Extensible shell with higher-order functions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:364
msgid ""
"Es is an extensible shell.  The language was derived from the Plan 9\n"
"shell, rc, and was influenced by functional programming languages, such as\n"
"Scheme, and the Tcl embeddable programming language.  This implementation is\n"
"derived from Byron Rakitzis's public domain implementation of rc, and was\n"
"written by Paul Haahr and Byron Rakitzis."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:431
msgid "Unix shell based on csh"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:433
msgid ""
"Tcsh is an enhanced, but completely compatible version of the Berkeley\n"
"UNIX C shell (csh).  It is a command language interpreter usable both as an\n"
"interactive login shell and a shell script command processor.  It includes a\n"
"command-line editor, programmable word completion, spelling correction, a\n"
"history mechanism, job control and a C-like syntax."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:501
msgid "Powerful shell for interactive use and scripting"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:502
msgid ""
"The Z shell (zsh) is a Unix shell that can be used\n"
"as an interactive login shell and as a powerful command interpreter\n"
"for shell scripting.  Zsh can be thought of as an extended Bourne shell\n"
"with a large number of improvements, including some features of bash,\n"
"ksh, and tcsh."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:550
msgid "Python-ish shell"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:552
msgid ""
"Xonsh is a Python-ish, BASHwards-looking shell language and command\n"
"prompt.  The language is a superset of Python 3.4+ with additional shell\n"
"primitives that you are used to from Bash and IPython.  It works on all major\n"
"systems including Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows.  Xonsh is meant for the daily\n"
"use of experts and novices alike."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:596
msgid "Unix shell embedded in Scheme"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:598
msgid ""
"Scsh is a Unix shell embedded in Scheme.  Scsh has two main\n"
"components: a process notation for running programs and setting up pipelines\n"
"and redirections, and a complete syscall library for low-level access to the\n"
"operating system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:638
msgid "Minimal zero-config readline replacement"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:640
msgid ""
"Linenoise is a minimal, zero-config, readline replacement.\n"
"Its features include:\n"
"@item Single and multi line editing mode with the usual key bindings\n"
"@item History handling\n"
"@item Completion\n"
"@item Hints (suggestions at the right of the prompt as you type)\n"
"@item A subset of VT100 escapes, ANSI.SYS compatible\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:702
msgid "Extremely minimal shell with the simplest syntax possible"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:704
msgid ""
"S is a new shell that aims to be extremely simple.  It does not\n"
"implement the POSIX shell standard.\n"
"There are no globs or \"splatting\" where a variable $FOO turns into multiple\n"
"command line arguments.  One token stays one token forever.\n"
"This is a \"no surprises\" straightforward approach.\n"
"There are no redirection operators > in the shell language, they are added as\n"
"extra programs.  > is just another unix command, < is essentially cat(1).\n"
"A @code{andglob} program is also provided along with s."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:733
msgid "Port of OpenBSD Korn Shell"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:735
msgid ""
"Oksh is a port of the OpenBSD Korn Shell.\n"
"The OpenBSD Korn Shell is a cleaned up and enhanced ksh."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:767
msgid "Korn Shell from OpenBSD"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:769
msgid ""
"loksh is a Linux port of OpenBSD's @command{ksh}.  It is a small,\n"
"interactive POSIX shell targeted at resource-constrained systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:807
msgid "Korn Shell from MirBSD"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:808
msgid ""
"mksh is an actively developed free implementation of the\n"
"Korn Shell programming language and a successor to the Public Domain Korn\n"
"Shell (pdksh)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:849
msgid "Programming language and Bash-compatible Unix shell"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:850
msgid ""
"Oil is a programming language with automatic translation for\n"
"Bash.  It includes osh, a Unix/POSIX shell that runs unmodified Bash\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:886
msgid "POSIX-compatible shell written in Guile Scheme"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:887
msgid ""
"Gash is a POSIX-compatible shell written in Guile\n"
"Scheme.  It provides both the shell interface, as well as a Guile\n"
"library for parsing shell scripts.  Gash is designed to bootstrap Bash\n"
"as part of the Guix bootstrap process."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:920
msgid "Core POSIX utilities written in Guile Scheme"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/shells.scm:921
msgid ""
"Gash-Utils provides Scheme implementations of many\n"
"common POSIX utilities (there are about 40 of them, ranging in\n"
"complexity from @command{false} to @command{awk}).  The utilities are\n"
"designed to be capable of bootstrapping their standard GNU counterparts.\n"
"Underpinning these utilities are many Scheme interfaces for manipulating\n"
"files and text."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:118
msgid "Libre iLBC codec"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:119
msgid ""
"LibiLBC is a packaging friendly copy of the iLBC codec from\n"
"the WebRTC project.  It provides a base for distribution packages and can be\n"
"used as drop-in replacement for the non-free code from RFC 3591."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:206
msgid "DSP library for telephony"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:207
msgid ""
"SpanDSP is a library of DSP functions for telephony, in the\n"
"8000 sample per second world of E1s, T1s, and higher order PCM channels.  It\n"
"contains low level functions, such as basic filters.  It also contains higher\n"
"level functions, such as cadenced supervisory tone detection, and a complete\n"
"software FAX machine."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:236
msgid "(u)Common C++ framework for threaded applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:237
msgid ""
"GNU Common C++ is an portable, optimized class framework for\n"
"threaded applications, supporting concurrent synchronization, inter-process\n"
"communications via sockets, and various methods for data handling, such as\n"
"serialization and XML parsing.  It includes the uCommon C++ library, a smaller\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:259
msgid "Common C++ framework for threaded applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:260
msgid ""
"GNU uCommon C++ is meant as a very light-weight C++ library\n"
"to facilitate using C++ design patterns even for very deeply embedded\n"
"applications, such as for systems using uclibc along with posix threading\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:282
msgid "Implementation of RTP (real-time transport protocol)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:283
msgid ""
"GNU ccRTP is an implementation of RTP, the real-time transport\n"
"protocol from the IETF.  It is suitable both for high capacity servers and\n"
"personal client applications.  It is flexible in its design, allowing it to\n"
"function as a framework for the framework, rather than just being a\n"
"packet-manipulation library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:316
msgid "C++ Implementation of ZRTP protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:317
msgid ""
"GNU ZRTP C++ provides a library that adds ZRTP support to the\n"
"GNU ccRTP stack and serves as library for other RTP stacks\n"
"(PJSIP, GStreamer)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:336
msgid "Library implementing SIP (RFC-3261)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:337
msgid ""
"GNU oSIP is an implementation of the SIP protocol.  It is\n"
"used to provide multimedia and telecom software developers with an interface\n"
"to initiate and control SIP sessions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:358
msgid "Sip abstraction library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:359
msgid ""
"EXosip is a library that hides the complexity of using the\n"
"SIP protocol for multimedia session establishment.  This protocol is mainly to\n"
"be used by VoIP telephony applications (endpoints or conference server) but\n"
"might be also useful for any application that wish to establish sessions like\n"
"multiplayer games."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:402
msgid "Secure peer-to-peer VoIP server for the SIP protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:403
msgid ""
"GNU SIP Witch is a peer-to-peer Voice-over-IP server that\n"
"uses the SIP protocol.  Calls can be made from behind NAT firewalls and\n"
"without the need for a service provider.  Its peer-to-peer design ensures that\n"
"there is no central point for media intercept or capture and thus it can be\n"
"used to construct a secure telephone system that operates over the public\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:443
msgid "Secure RTP (SRTP) Reference Implementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:445
msgid ""
"This package provides an implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport\n"
"Protocol (@dfn{SRTP}), the Universal Security Transform (@dfn{UST}), and a\n"
"supporting cryptographic kernel."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:473
msgid "Inter-Asterisk-Protocol library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:474
msgid ""
"LibIAX2 implements the Inter-Asterisk-Protocol for relaying\n"
"Voice-over-IP (VoIP) communications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:505
msgid "Simple VoIP program to create conferences from the terminal"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:507
msgid ""
"Seren is a simple VoIP program based on the Opus codec that allows you\n"
"to create a voice conference from the terminal, with up to 10 participants,\n"
"without having to register accounts, exchange emails, or add people to contact\n"
"lists.  All you need to join an existing conference is the host name or IP\n"
"address of one of the participants."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:651
msgid "Low-latency, high quality voice chat software"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:653
msgid ""
"Mumble is an low-latency, high quality voice chat\n"
"software primarily intended for use while gaming.\n"
"Mumble consists of two applications for separate usage:\n"
"@code{mumble} for the client, and @code{murmur} for the server."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:711
msgid "Softphone for voice over IP and instant messaging"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:712
msgid ""
"Twinkle is a softphone for your voice over IP and instant\n"
"messaging communcations using the SIP protocol.  You can use it for direct\n"
"IP phone to IP phone communication or in a network using a SIP proxy to route\n"
"your calls and messages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:861
msgid "Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) stack"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:862
msgid ""
"PJProject provides an implementation of the Session\n"
"Initiation Protocol (SIP) and a multimedia framework."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:909
msgid "VoIP library for Telegram clients"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/telephony.scm:910
msgid ""
"A collection of libraries and header files for implementing\n"
"telephony functionality into custom Telegram clients."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:438 gnu/packages/tex.scm:5862
#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5925
msgid "TeX Live, a package of the TeX typesetting system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:440
msgid ""
"TeX Live provides a comprehensive TeX document production system.\n"
"It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts\n"
"that are free software, including support for many languages around the\n"
"This package contains the binaries."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:459
msgid "Utility to strip documentation from TeX files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:460
msgid ""
"This package provides the docstrip utility to strip\n"
"documentation from TeX files.  It is part of the LaTeX base."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:474
msgid "Unicode data and loaders for TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:475
msgid ""
"This bundle provides generic access to Unicode Consortium\n"
"data for TeX use.  It contains a set of text files provided by the Unicode\n"
"Consortium which are currently all from Unicode 8.0.0, with the exception of\n"
"@code{MathClass.txt} which is not currently part of the Unicode Character\n"
"Database.  Accompanying these source data are generic TeX loader files\n"
"allowing this data to be used as part of TeX runs, in particular in building\n"
"format files.  Currently there are two loader files: one for general character\n"
"set up and one for initializing XeTeX character classes as has been carried\n"
"out to date by @code{unicode-letters.tex}. "
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:507
msgid "Core hyphenation support files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:508
msgid ""
"This package includes Knuth's original @file{hyphen.tex},\n"
"@file{zerohyph.tex} to disable hyphenation, @file{language.us} which starts\n"
"the autogenerated files @file{language.dat} and @file{language.def} (and\n"
"default versions of those), etc."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:528
msgid "DVI to PostScript drivers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:529
msgid ""
"This package provides files needed for converting DVI files\n"
"to PostScript."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:542
msgid "Files for creating TeX formats"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:543
msgid ""
"This bundle provides a collection of model \".ini\" files\n"
"for creating TeX formats.  These files are commonly used to introduced\n"
"distribution-dependent variations in formats.  They are also used to\n"
"allow existing format source files to be used with newer engines, for example\n"
"to adapt the plain e-TeX source file to work with XeTeX and LuaTeX."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:600
msgid "Metafont base files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:601
msgid ""
"This package provides the Metafont base files needed to\n"
"build fonts using the Metafont system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:686
msgid "Tools for converting and installing fonts for TeX and LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:687
msgid ""
"This package provides TeX macros for converting Adobe Font\n"
"Metric files to TeX metric and virtual font format.  Fontinst helps mainly\n"
"with the number crunching and shovelling parts of font installation.  This\n"
"means in practice that it creates a number of files which give the TeX\n"
"metrics (and related information) for a font family that TeX needs to do any\n"
"typesetting in these fonts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:708
msgid "Scheme for naming fonts in TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:709
msgid ""
"This is Fontname, a naming scheme for (the base part of)\n"
"external TeX font filenames.  This makes at most eight-character names\n"
"from (almost) arbitrarily complex font names, thus helping portability of TeX\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:782
msgid "Computer Modern fonts for TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:783
msgid ""
"This package provides the Computer Modern fonts by Donald\n"
"Knuth.  The Computer Modern font family is a large collection of text,\n"
"display, and mathematical fonts in a range of styles, based on Monotype Modern\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:814
msgid "Computer Modern Super family of fonts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:815
msgid ""
"The CM-Super family provides Adobe Type 1 fonts that replace\n"
"the T1/TS1-encoded Computer Modern (EC/TC), T1/TS1-encoded Concrete,\n"
"T1/TS1-encoded CM bright and LH Cyrillic fonts (thus supporting all European\n"
"languages except Greek), and bringing many ameliorations in typesetting\n"
"quality.  The fonts exhibit the same metrics as the METAFONT-encoded\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:844
msgid "Latin Modern family of fonts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:845
msgid ""
"The Latin Modern fonts are derived from the famous Computer\n"
"Modern fonts designed by Donald E. Knuth and described in Volume E of his\n"
"Computers & Typesetting series."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:918
msgid "Small library of METAFONT sources"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:919
msgid ""
"This is a collection of core TeX and METAFONT macro files\n"
"from Donald Knuth, including the plain format, plain base, and the MF logo\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:993
msgid "Collection of fonts used in LaTeX distributions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:994
msgid ""
"This is a collection of fonts for use with standard LaTeX\n"
"packages and classes. It includes invisible fonts (for use with the slides\n"
"class), line and circle fonts (for use in the picture environment) and LaTeX\n"
"symbol fonts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1015
msgid "LaTeX support for Metafont logo fonts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1017
msgid ""
"This package provides LaTeX and font definition files to access the\n"
"Knuthian mflogo fonts described in The Metafontbook and to typeset Metafont\n"
"logos in LaTeX documents."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1034
msgid "Metafont logo font"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1036
msgid ""
"These fonts were created in METAFONT by Knuth, for his own publications.\n"
"At some stage, the letters P and S were added, so that the METAPOST logo could\n"
"also be expressed.  The fonts were originally issued (of course) as METAFONT\n"
"source; they have since been autotraced and reissued in Adobe Type 1 format by\n"
"Taco Hoekwater."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1178
msgid "TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1180
msgid ""
"This package provides an extended set of fonts for use in mathematics,\n"
"including: extra mathematical symbols; blackboard bold letters (uppercase\n"
"only); fraktur letters; subscript sizes of bold math italic and bold Greek\n"
"letters; subscript sizes of large symbols such as sum and product; added sizes\n"
"of the Computer Modern small caps font; cyrillic fonts (from the University of\n"
"Washington); Euler mathematical fonts.  All fonts are provided as Adobe Type 1\n"
"files, and all except the Euler fonts are provided as Metafont source.  The\n"
"distribution also includes the canonical Type 1 versions of the Computer\n"
"Modern family of fonts.  The Euler fonts are supported by separate packages;\n"
"details can be found in the documentation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1211
msgid "Utility for making hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1212
msgid ""
"Mkpattern is a general purpose program for the generation of\n"
"hyphenation patterns, with definition of letter sets and template-like\n"
"constructions.  It also provides an easy way to handle different input and\n"
"output encodings, and features generation of clean UTF-8 patterns."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1269
msgid "Extended version of TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1271
msgid ""
"This package provides an extended version of TeX (which is capable of\n"
"running as if it were TeX unmodified).  E-TeX has been specified by the LaTeX\n"
"team as the engine for the development of LaTeX2e; as a result, LaTeX\n"
"programmers may assume e-TeX functionality.  The pdftex engine directly\n"
"incorporates the e-TeX extensions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1287
msgid "Plain TeX format and supporting files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1289
msgid ""
"This package contains files used to build the Plain TeX format, as\n"
"described in the TeXbook, together with various supporting files (some also\n"
"discussed in the book)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1301
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Afrikaans"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1302
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for the Afrikaans\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1315
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for ancient Greek"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1316
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for ancient\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1328
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Armenian"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1329
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for the Armenian\n"
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet Worttrennungsmuster für die armenische Sprache."

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1342
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Basque"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1343
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for the Basque\n"
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet Worttrennungsmuster für die baskische Sprache."

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1356
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Belarusian"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1357
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for the Belarusian\n"
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet Worttrennungsmuster für die weißrussische Sprache."

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1370
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Bulgarian"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1371
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for the Bulgarian\n"
"language in T2A and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1384
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Catalan"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1385
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Catalan in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1396
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for unaccented Chinese pinyin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1397
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for unaccented\n"
"Chinese pinyin T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1408
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Church Slavonic"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1409
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Church\n"
"Slavonic in UTF-8 encoding."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1421
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Coptic"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1422
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Coptic in\n"
"UTF-8 encoding as well as in ASCII-based encoding for 8-bit engines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1434
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Croatian"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1435
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Croatian in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1446
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Czech"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1447
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Czech in T1/EC\n"
"and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1458
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Danish"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1459
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Danish in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1471
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Dutch"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1472
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Dutch in T1/EC\n"
"and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1484
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for American and British English"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1485
msgid ""
"The package provides additional hyphenation patterns for\n"
"American and British English in ASCII encoding."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1498
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Esperanto"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1499
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Esperanto ISO\n"
"Latin 3 and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1510
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Estonian"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1511
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Estonian in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1524
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Ethiopic scripts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1525
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for languages\n"
"written using the Ethiopic script for Unicode engines.  They are not supposed\n"
"to be linguistically relevant in all cases and should, for proper typography,\n"
"be replaced by files tailored to individual languages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1538
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Finnish"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1539
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Finnish in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1550
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for French"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1551
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for French in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1562
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Friulan"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1563
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Friulan in\n"
"ASCII encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1575
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Galician"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1576
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Galician in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1587
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Georgian"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1588
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Georgian in\n"
"T8M, T8K, and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1605 gnu/packages/tex.scm:2253
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for German"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1606
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for German in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings, for traditional and reformed spelling, including\n"
"Swiss German."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1624
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Greek"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1625
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Modern Greek\n"
"in monotonic and polytonic spelling in LGR and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1638
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Hungarian"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1639
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Hungarian in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1651
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Icelandic"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1652
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Icelandic in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1674
msgid "Indic hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1675
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Assamese,\n"
"Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Panjabi, Tamil\n"
"and Telugu for Unicode engines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1687
msgid "Indonesian hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1688
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for\n"
"Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) in ASCII encoding.  They are probably also\n"
"usable for Malay (Bahasa Melayu)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1700
msgid "Interlingua hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1701
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Interlingua\n"
"in ASCII encoding."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1712
msgid "Irish hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1713
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for\n"
"Irish (Gaeilge) in T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1725
msgid "Italian hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1726
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Italian in\n"
"ASCII encoding.  Compliant with the Recommendation UNI 6461 on hyphenation\n"
"issued by the Italian Standards Institution (Ente Nazionale di Unificazione\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1739
msgid "Kurmanji hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1740
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for\n"
"Kurmanji (Northern Kurdish) as spoken in Turkey and by the Kurdish diaspora in\n"
"Europe, in T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1754
msgid "Liturgical Latin hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1755
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Latin in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings, mainly in modern spelling (u when u is needed and v\n"
"when v is needed), medieval spelling with the ligatures @code{\\ae} and\n"
"@code{\\oe} and the (uncial) lowercase 'v' written as a 'u' is also supported.\n"
"Apparently there is no conflict between the patterns of modern Latin and those\n"
"of medieval Latin.  It also includes hyphenation patterns for the Classical\n"
"Latin in T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings.  Classical Latin hyphenation patterns are\n"
"different from those of 'plain' Latin, the latter being more adapted to modern\n"
"Latin.  It also provides hyphenation patterns for the Liturgical Latin in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1775
msgid "Latvian hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1776
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Latvian in\n"
"L7X and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1788
msgid "Lithuanian hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1789
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Lithuanian in\n"
"L7X and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1803
msgid "Mongolian hyphenation patterns in Cyrillic script"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1804
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Mongolian in\n"
"T2A, LMC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1818
msgid "Norwegian Bokmal and Nynorsk hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1819
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Norwegian\n"
"Bokmal and Nynorsk in T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1832
msgid "Occitan hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1833
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Occitan in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings.  They are supposed to be valid for all the Occitan\n"
"variants spoken and written in the wide area called 'Occitanie' by the French.\n"
"It ranges from the Val d'Aran within Catalunya, to the South Western Italian\n"
"Alps encompassing the southern half of the French pentagon."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1847
msgid "Panjabi hyphenation patterns"
msgstr "Worttrennungsmuster für Panjabi"

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1848
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Panjabi in\n"
"T1/EC encoding."
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet Worttrennungsmuster für die Sprache Panjabi (Pandschabi) in T1/EC-Kodierung."

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1860
msgid "Piedmontese hyphenation patterns"
msgstr "Piemontesische Worttrennungsmuster"

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1861
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Piedmontese\n"
"in ASCII encoding.  Compliant with 'Gramatica dla lengua piemonteisa' by\n"
"Camillo Brero."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1873
msgid "Polish hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1874
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Polish in QX\n"
"and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1886
msgid "Portuguese hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1887
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Portuguese in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1898
msgid "Romanian hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1899
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Romanian in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1911
msgid "Romansh hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1912
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Romansh in\n"
"ASCII encodings.  They are supposed to comply with the rules indicated by the\n"
"Lia Rumantscha (Romansh language society)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1924
msgid "Russian hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1925
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Russian in\n"
"T2A and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1937
msgid "Sanskrit hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1938
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Sanskrit and\n"
"Prakrit in longdesc transliteration, and in Devanagari, Bengali, Kannada,\n"
"Malayalam longdesc and Telugu scripts for Unicode engines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1954
msgid "Serbian hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1955
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Serbian in\n"
"T1/EC, T2A and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1967
msgid "Slovak hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1968
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Slovak in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1979
msgid "Slovenian hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1980
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Slovenian in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1995
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Spanish"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:1996
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Spanish in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2007
msgid "Swedish hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2008
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Swedish in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2019
msgid "Thai hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2020
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Thai in LTH\n"
"and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2032
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Turkish"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2033
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Turkish in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings.  The patterns for Turkish were first produced for\n"
"the Ottoman Texts Project in 1987 and were suitable for both Modern Turkish\n"
"and Ottoman Turkish in Latin script, however the required character set didn't\n"
"fit into EC encoding, so support for Ottoman Turkish had to be dropped to keep\n"
"compatibility with 8-bit engines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2049
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Turkmen"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2050
msgid ""
"The package provides hyphenation patterns for Turkmen in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2061
msgid "Ukrainian hyphenation patterns"
msgstr "Ukrainische Worttrennungsmuster"

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2062
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Ukrainian in\n"
"T2A and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2074
msgid "Upper Sorbian hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2075
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Upper Sorbian\n"
"in T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2086
msgid "Welsh hyphenation patterns"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2087
msgid ""
"This package provides hyphenation patterns for Welsh in\n"
"T1/EC and UTF-8 encodings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2207
msgid "Hyphenation patterns expressed in UTF-8"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2208
msgid ""
"Modern native UTF-8 engines such as XeTeX and LuaTeX need\n"
"hyphenation patterns in UTF-8 format, whereas older systems require\n"
"hyphenation patterns in the 8-bit encoding of the font in use (such encodings\n"
"are codified in the LaTeX scheme with names like OT1, T2A, TS1, OML, LY1,\n"
"etc).  The present package offers a collection of conversions of existing\n"
"patterns to UTF-8 format, together with converters for use with 8-bit fonts in\n"
"older systems.  Since hyphenation patterns for Knuthian-style TeX systems are\n"
"only read at iniTeX time, it is hoped that the UTF-8 patterns, with their\n"
"converters, will completely supplant the older patterns."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2254
msgid ""
"The package provides experimental hyphenation patterns for\n"
"the German language, covering both traditional and reformed orthography.  The\n"
"patterns can be used with packages Babel and hyphsubst from the Oberdiek\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2275
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Ukrainian"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2276
msgid ""
"The package provides a range of hyphenation patterns for\n"
"Ukrainian, depending on the encoding of the output font including the standard\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2314
msgid "Hyphenation patterns for Russian"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2315
msgid ""
"The package provides a collection of Russian hyphenation\n"
"patterns supporting a number of Cyrillic font encodings, including T2,\n"
"UCY (Omega Unicode Cyrillic), LCY, LWN (OT2), and koi8-r."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2357
msgid "Files related to the path searching library for TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2358
msgid ""
"Kpathsea is a library and utility programs which provide\n"
"path searching facilities for TeX file types, including the self-locating\n"
"feature required for movable installations, layered on top of a general search\n"
"mechanism.  This package provides supporting files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2373
msgid "Configuration files for LaTeX-related formats"
msgstr "Konfigurationsdateien für LaTeX und verwandte Formate"

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2374
msgid ""
"The package provides configuration files for LaTeX-related\n"
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet Konfigurationsdateien für LaTeX und verwandte Formate."

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2586
msgid "Base sources of LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2588
msgid ""
"This bundle comprises the source of LaTeX itself, together with several\n"
"packages which are considered \"part of the kernel\".  This bundle, together\n"
"with the required packages, constitutes what every LaTeX distribution should\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2608
msgid "Extended filecontents and filecontents* environments"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2610
msgid ""
"LaTeX2e's @code{filecontents} and @code{filecontents*} environments\n"
"enable a LaTeX source file to generate external files as it runs through\n"
"LaTeX.  However, there are two limitations of these environments: they refuse\n"
"to overwrite existing files, and they can only be used in the preamble of a\n"
"document.  The filecontents package removes these limitations, letting you\n"
"overwrite existing files and letting you use @code{filecontents} /\n"
"@code{filecontents*} anywhere."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2637
msgid "Am I running under XeTeX?"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2639
msgid ""
"This is a simple package which provides an @code{\\ifxetex} conditional,\n"
"so that other code can determine that it is running under XeTeX.  The package\n"
"requires the e-TeX extensions to the TeX primitive set."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2654
msgid "Simple macros for EPS inclusion"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2656
msgid ""
"This package provides the original (and now obsolescent) graphics\n"
"inclusion macros for use with dvips, still widely used by Plain TeX users (in\n"
"particular).  For LaTeX users, the package is nowadays (rather strongly)\n"
"deprecated in favour of the more sophisticated standard LaTeX latex-graphics\n"
"bundle of packages.  (The latex-graphics bundle is also available to Plain TeX\n"
"users, via its Plain TeX version.)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2677
msgid "Sophisticated verbatim text"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2679
msgid ""
"This package provides tools for the flexible handling of verbatim text\n"
"including: verbatim commands in footnotes; a variety of verbatim environments\n"
"with many parameters; ability to define new customized verbatim environments;\n"
"save and restore verbatim text and environments; write and read files in\n"
"verbatim mode; build \"example\" environments (showing both result and\n"
"verbatim source)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2697
msgid "Color and graphics option files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2699
msgid ""
"This bundle is a combined distribution consisting of @file{dvips.def},\n"
"@file{pdftex.def}, @file{luatex.def}, @file{xetex.def}, @file{dvipdfmx.def},\n"
"and @file{dvisvgm.def} driver option files for the LaTeX graphics and color\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2715
msgid "Sample configuration files for LaTeX color and graphics"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2717
msgid ""
"This bundle includes @file{color.cfg} and @file{graphics.cfg} files that\n"
"set default \"driver\" options for the color and graphics packages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2738
msgid "LaTeX standard graphics bundle"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2740
msgid ""
"This is a collection of LaTeX packages for producing color, including\n"
"graphics (e.g. PostScript) files, and rotation and scaling of text in LaTeX\n"
"documents.  It comprises the packages color, graphics, graphicx, trig, epsfig,\n"
"keyval, and lscape."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2772
msgid "Driver-independent color extensions for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2774
msgid ""
"The package starts from the basic facilities of the colorcolor package,\n"
"and provides easy driver-independent access to several kinds of color tints,\n"
"shades, tones, and mixes of arbitrary colors.  It allows a user to select a\n"
"document-wide target color model and offers complete tools for conversion\n"
"between eight color models.  Additionally, there is a command for alternating\n"
"row colors plus repeated non-aligned material (like horizontal lines) in\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2806
msgid "Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2808
msgid ""
"The @code{hyperref} package is used to handle cross-referencing commands\n"
"in LaTeX to produce hypertext links in the document.  The package provides\n"
"backends for the @code{\\special} set defined for HyperTeX DVI processors; for\n"
"embedded @code{pdfmark} commands for processing by Acrobat\n"
"Distiller (@code{dvips} and Y&Y's @code{dvipsone}); for Y&Y's @code{dviwindo};\n"
"for PDF control within pdfTeX and @code{dvipdfm}; for TeX4ht; and for VTeX's\n"
"pdf and HTML backends.  The package is distributed with the @code{backref} and\n"
"@code{nameref} packages, which make use of the facilities of @code{hyperref}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2844
msgid "Bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2846
msgid ""
"The bundle comprises various LaTeX packages, providing among others:\n"
"better accessibility support for PDF files; extensible chemists reaction\n"
"arrows; record information about document class(es) used; and many more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2867 gnu/packages/tex.scm:7165
msgid "LaTeX standard tools bundle"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2869
msgid ""
"This package is a collection of (variously) simple tools provided as\n"
"part of the LaTeX required tools distribution, comprising the following\n"
"packages: afterpage, array, bm, calc, dcolumn, delarray, enumerate, fileerr,\n"
"fontsmpl, ftnright, hhline, indentfirst, layout, longtable, multicol,\n"
"rawfonts, showkeys, somedefs, tabularx, theorem, trace, varioref, verbatim,\n"
"xr, and xspace."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2887
msgid "Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2888
msgid ""
"The command @code{\\url} is a form of verbatim command that\n"
"allows linebreaks at certain characters or combinations of characters, accepts\n"
"reconfiguration, and can usually be used in the argument to another command.\n"
"The command is intended for email addresses, hypertext links,\n"
"directories/paths, etc., which normally have no spaces, so by default the\n"
"package ignores spaces in its argument.  However, a package option allows\n"
"spaces, which is useful for operating systems where spaces are a common part\n"
"of file names."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2914
msgid "Font maps originally from teTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2915
msgid ""
"This package provides font maps that were originally part of\n"
"the now obsolete teTeX distributions but are still used at the core of the TeX\n"
"Live distribution."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2935
msgid "LaTeX3 programmers’ interface"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2937
msgid ""
"The l3kernel bundle provides an implementation of the LaTeX3\n"
"programmers’ interface, as a set of packages that run under LaTeX 2e.  The\n"
"interface provides the foundation on which the LaTeX3 kernel and other future\n"
"code are built: it is an API for TeX programmers.  The packages are set up so\n"
"that the LaTeX3 conventions can be used with regular LaTeX 2e packages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2982
msgid "High-level LaTeX3 concepts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:2984
msgid ""
"This bundle holds prototype implementations of concepts for a LaTeX\n"
"designer interface, to be used with the experimental LaTeX kernel as\n"
"programming tools and kernel sup­port.  Packages provided in this release are:\n"
"@item l3keys2e, which makes the facilities of the kernel module l3keys\n"
"  available for use by LaTeX 2e packages;\n"
"@item xfrac, which provides flexible splitlevel fractions;\n"
"@item xparse, which provides a high-level interface for declaring document\n"
"  commands; and\n"
"@item xtemplate, which provides a means of defining generic functions using a\n"
"  key-value syntax.\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3044
msgid "Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3046
msgid ""
"Fontspec is a package for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.  It provides an\n"
"automatic and unified interface to feature-rich AAT and OpenType fonts through\n"
"the NFSS in LaTeX running on XeTeX or LuaTeX engines.  The package requires\n"
"the l3kernel and xparse bundles from the LaTeX 3 development team."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3082
msgid "Lua modules for general programming (in the (La)TeX world)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3084
msgid ""
"Lualibs is a collection of Lua modules useful for general programming.\n"
"The bundle is based on Lua modules shipped with ConTeXt, and made available in\n"
"this bundle for use independent of ConTeXt."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3172
msgid "OpenType font loader for LuaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3174
msgid ""
"Luaotfload is an adaptation of the ConTeXt font loading system for the\n"
"Plain and LaTeX formats.  It allows OpenType fonts to be loaded with font\n"
"features accessible using an extended font request syntax while providing\n"
"compatibilitywith XeTeX.  By indexing metadata in a database it facilitates\n"
"loading fonts by their proper names instead of file names."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3196
msgid "AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3198
msgid ""
"This is the principal package in the AMS-LaTeX distribution.  It adapts\n"
"for use in LaTeX most of the mathematical features found in AMS-TeX; it is\n"
"highly recommended as an adjunct to serious mathematical typesetting in LaTeX.\n"
"When amsmath is loaded, AMS-LaTeX packages @code{amsbsyamsbsy} (for bold\n"
"symbols), @code{amsopnamsopn} (for operator names) and\n"
"@code{amstextamstext} (for text embedded in mathematics) are also loaded.\n"
"This package is part of the LaTeX required distribution; however, several\n"
"contributed packages add still further to its appeal; examples are\n"
"@code{empheqempheq}, which provides functions for decorating and highlighting\n"
"mathematics, and @code{ntheoremntheorem}, for specifying theorem (and similar)\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3226
msgid "AMS document classes for LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3228
msgid ""
"This bundle contains three AMS classes: @code{amsartamsart} (for writing\n"
"articles for the AMS), @code{amsbookamsbook} (for books) and\n"
"@code{amsprocamsproc} (for proceedings), together with some supporting\n"
"material.  The material is made available as part of the AMS-LaTeX\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3259
msgid "Multilingual support for Plain TeX or LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3261
msgid ""
"The package manages culturally-determined typographical (and other)\n"
"rules, and hyphenation patterns for a wide range of languages.  A document may\n"
"select a single language to be supported, or it may select several, in which\n"
"case the document may switch from one language to another in a variety of\n"
"ways.  Babel uses contributed configuration files that provide the detail of\n"
"what has to be done for each language.  Users of XeTeX are advised to use the\n"
"polyglossia package rather than Babel."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3284
msgid "Babel support for English"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3286
msgid ""
"This package provides the language definition file for support of\n"
"English in @code{babel}.  Care is taken to select British hyphenation patterns\n"
"for British English and Australian text, and default (\"american\") patterns\n"
"for Canadian and USA text."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3306
msgid "Babel support for German"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3308
msgid ""
"This package provides the language definition file for support of German\n"
"in @code{babel}.  It provides all the necessary macros, definitions and\n"
"settings to typeset German documents.  The bundle includes support for the\n"
"traditional and reformed German orthography as well as for the Austrian and\n"
"Swiss varieties of German."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3330
msgid "Support for Cyrillic fonts in LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3332
msgid ""
"This bundle of macros files provides macro support (including font\n"
"encoding macros) for the use of Cyrillic characters in fonts encoded under the\n"
"T2* and X2 encodings. These encodings cover (between them) pretty much every\n"
"language that is written in a Cyrillic alphabet."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3352
msgid "Font support for common PostScript fonts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3354
msgid ""
"The PSNFSS collection includes a set of files that provide a complete\n"
"working setup of the LaTeX font selection scheme (NFSS2) for use with common\n"
"PostScript fonts.  It covers the so-called \"Base\" fonts (which are built\n"
"into any Level 2 PostScript printing device and the Ghostscript interpreter)\n"
"and a number of free fonts.  It provides font definition files, macros and\n"
"font metrics.  The bundle as a whole is part of the LaTeX required set of\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3396
msgid "TeX Live base packages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3397 gnu/packages/tex.scm:3535
msgid ""
"This is a very limited subset of the TeX Live distribution.\n"
"It includes little more than the required set of LaTeX packages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3518
msgid "Union of TeX Live packages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3519
msgid ""
"This package provides a subset of the TeX Live\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3552
msgid "LaTeX-based replacement for BibTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3554
msgid ""
"Amsrefs is a LaTeX package for bibliographies that provides an archival\n"
"data format similar to the format of BibTeX database files, but adapted to\n"
"make direct processing by LaTeX easier.  The package can be used either in\n"
"conjunction with BibTeX or as a replacement for BibTeX."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3581
msgid "Footnotes for critical editions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3583
msgid ""
"This package aims to provide a one-stop solution to requirements for\n"
"footnotes.  It offers: Multiple footnote apparatus superior to that of\n"
"@code{manyfoot}.  Footnotes can be formatted in separate paragraphs, or be run\n"
"into a single paragraph (this choice may be selected per footnote series);\n"
"Things you might have expected (such as @code{\\verb}-like material in\n"
"footnotes, and color selections over page breaks) now work.  Note that the\n"
"majority of the bigfoot package's interface is identical to that of\n"
"@code{manyfoot}; users should seek information from that package's\n"
"documentation.  The bigfoot bundle also provides the @code{perpage} and\n"
"@code{suffix} packages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3609
msgid "Producing 'blind' text for testing"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3611
msgid ""
"The package provides the commands @code{\\blindtext} and\n"
"@code{\\Blindtext} for creating \"blind\" text useful in testing new classes\n"
"and packages, and @code{\\blinddocument}, @code{\\Blinddocument} for creating\n"
"an entire random document with sections, lists, mathematics, etc.  The package\n"
"supports three languages, @code{english}, @code{(n)german} and @code{latin};\n"
"the @code{latin} option provides a short \"lorem ipsum\" (for a fuller \"lorem\n"
"ipsum\" text, see the @code{lipsum} package)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3648
msgid "German letter DIN style"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3650
msgid ""
"This package implements a document layout for writing letters according\n"
"to the rules of DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung, German standardisation\n"
"institute).  A style file for LaTeX 2.09 (with limited support of the\n"
"features) is part of the package.  Since the letter layout is based on a\n"
"German standard, the user guide is written in German, but most macros have\n"
"English names from which the user can recognize what they are used for.  In\n"
"addition there are example files showing how letters may be created with the\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3674
msgid "Put a grey textual watermark on document pages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3676
msgid ""
"This package provides a means to add a textual, light grey watermark on\n"
"every page or on the first page of a document.  Typical usage may consist in\n"
"writing words such as DRAFT or CONFIDENTIAL across document pages.  The\n"
"package performs a similar function to that of @code{draftcopy}, but its\n"
"implementation is output device independent, and made very simple by relying\n"
"on everypage."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3698
msgid "New interface for environments in LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3700
msgid ""
"This package provides the @code{\\collect@@body} command (as in\n"
"@code{amsmath}), as well as a @code{\\long} version @code{\\Collect@@Body},\n"
"for collecting the body text of an environment.  These commands are used to\n"
"define a new author interface to creating new environments."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3720
msgid "Create equal-widthed parboxes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3722
msgid ""
"LaTeX users sometimes need to ensure that two or more blocks of text\n"
"occupy the same amount of horizontal space on the page.  To that end, the\n"
"@code{eqparbox} package defines a new command, @code{\\eqparbox}, which works\n"
"just like @code{\\parbox}, except that instead of specifying a width, one\n"
"specifies a tag.  All @code{eqparbox}es with the same tag---regardless of\n"
"where they are in the document---will stretch to fit the widest\n"
"@code{eqparbox} with that tag.  This simple, equal-width mechanism can be used\n"
"for a variety of alignment purposes, as is evidenced by the examples in\n"
"@code{eqparbox}'s documentation.  Various derivatives of @code{\\eqparbox} are\n"
"also provided."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3756
msgid "Expanded description environments"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3758
msgid ""
"The package provides additional features for the LaTeX\n"
"@code{description} environment, including adjustable left margin.  The package\n"
"also allows the user to \"break\" a list (for example, to interpose a comment)\n"
"without affecting the structure of the list (this works for @code{itemize} and\n"
"@code{enumerate} lists, and numbered lists remain in sequence)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3776
msgid "Provide file modification times, and compare them"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3778
msgid ""
"This package provides macros to read and compare the modification dates\n"
"of files.  The files may be @code{.tex} files, images or other files (as long\n"
"as they can be found by LaTeX).  It uses the @code{\\pdffilemoddate} primitive\n"
"of pdfLaTeX to find the file modification date as PDF date string, parses the\n"
"string and returns the value to the user.  The package will also work for DVI\n"
"output with recent versions of the LaTeX compiler which uses pdfLaTeX in DVI\n"
"mode.  The functionality is provided by purely expandable macros or by faster\n"
"but non-expandable ones."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3805
msgid "Conditionals to test which platform is being used"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3807
msgid ""
"This package uses the (La)TeX extension @code{-shell-escape} to\n"
"establish whether the document is being processed on a Windows or on a\n"
"Unix-like system, or on Cygwin (Unix environment over a Windows system).\n"
"Booleans provided are: @code{\\ifwindows}, @code{\\iflinux}, @code{\\ifmacosx}\n"
"and @code{\\ifcygwin}.  The package also preserves the output of @code{uname}\n"
"on a Unix-like system, which may be used to distinguish between various\n"
"classes of systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3830
msgid "Flexible bibliography support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3832
msgid ""
"This bundle provides a package that implements both author-year and\n"
"numbered references, as well as much detailed of support for other\n"
"bibliography use.  Also provided are versions of the standard BibTeX styles\n"
"that are compatible with @code{natbib}: @code{plainnat}, @code{unsrtnat},\n"
"@code{abbrnat}.  The bibliography styles produced by @code{custom-bib} are\n"
"designed from the start to be compatible with @code{natbib}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3854
msgid "Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3856
msgid ""
"This package allows LaTeX constructions (equations, picture\n"
"environments, etc.) to be precisely superimposed over Encapsulated PostScript\n"
"figures, using your own favorite drawing tool to create an EPS figure and\n"
"placing simple text \"tags\" where each replacement is to be placed, with\n"
"PSfrag automatically removing these tags from the figure and replacing them\n"
"with a user specified LaTeX construction, properly aligned, scaled, and/or\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3886
msgid "Process PostScript graphics within pdfLaTeX documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3888
msgid ""
"This is a package for processing PostScript graphics with @code{psfrag}\n"
"labels within pdfLaTeX documents.  Every graphic is compiled individually,\n"
"drastically speeding up compilation time when only a single figure needs\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3907
msgid "Make overhead slides"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3910
msgid ""
"This package provides a class that produces overhead\n"
"slides (transparencies), with many facilities.  Seminar is not nowadays\n"
"reckoned a good basis for a presentation — users are advised to use more\n"
"recent classes such as powerdot or beamer, both of which are tuned to\n"
"21st-century presentation styles."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3946
msgid "Trim spaces around an argument or within a macro"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3948
msgid ""
"This very short package allows you to expandably remove spaces around a\n"
"token list (commands are provided to remove spaces before, spaces after, or\n"
"both); or to remove surrounding spaces within a macro definition, or to define\n"
"space-stripped macros."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3981
msgid "Captions on more than floats"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3983
msgid ""
"This package defines a command @code{\\captionof} for putting a caption\n"
"to something that's not a float."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3997
msgid "Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:3999
msgid ""
"You can hyperlink DOI numbers to doi.org.  However, some publishers have\n"
"elected to use nasty characters in their DOI numbering scheme (@code{<},\n"
"@code{>}, @code{_} and @code{;} have all been spotted).  This will either\n"
"upset LaTeX, or your PDF reader.  This package contains a single user-level\n"
"command @code{\\doi{}}, which takes a DOI number, and creates a correct\n"
"hyperlink to the target of the DOI."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4021
msgid "e-TeX tools for LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4023
msgid ""
"This package is a toolbox of programming facilities geared primarily\n"
"towards LaTeX class and package authors.  It provides LaTeX frontends to some\n"
"of the new primitives provided by e-TeX as well as some generic tools which\n"
"are not strictly related to e-TeX but match the profile of this package.  The\n"
"package provides functions that seem to offer alternative ways of implementing\n"
"some LaTeX kernel commands; nevertheless, the package will not modify any part\n"
"of the LaTeX kernel."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4062
msgid "Seven predefined chapter heading styles"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4064
msgid ""
"This package provides seven predefined chapter heading styles.  Each\n"
"style can be modified using a set of simple commands.  Optionally one can\n"
"modify the formatting routines in order to create additional chapter\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4097
msgid "Framed or shaded regions that can break across pages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4099
msgid ""
"The package creates three environments: @code{framed}, which puts an\n"
"ordinary frame box around the region, @code{shaded}, which shades the region,\n"
"and @code{leftbar}, which places a line at the left side.  The environments\n"
"allow a break at their start (the @code{\\FrameCommand} enables creation of a\n"
"title that is “attached” to the environment); breaks are also allowed in the\n"
"course of the framed/shaded matter.  There is also a command\n"
"@code{\\MakeFramed} to make your own framed-style environments."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4131
msgid "Letter document class"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4133
msgid ""
"This package is designed for formatting formless letters in German; it\n"
"can also be used for English (by those who can read the documentation).  There\n"
"are LaTeX 2.09 @code{documentstyle} and LaTeX 2e class files for both an\n"
"\"old\" and a \"new\" version of g-brief."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4153
msgid "Typeset Galois connections"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4155
msgid ""
"The package deals with connections in two-dimensional style, optionally\n"
"in colour."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4173
msgid "Citations in a reader-friendly style"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4175
msgid ""
"The package allows citations in the German style, which is considered by\n"
"many to be particularly reader-friendly.  The citation provides a small amount\n"
"of bibliographic information in a footnote on the page where each citation is\n"
"made.  It combines a desire to eliminate unnecessary page-turning with the\n"
"look-up efficiency afforded by numeric citations.  The package makes use of\n"
"BibLaTeX, and is considered experimental."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4199
msgid "Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4201
msgid ""
"This package provides an easy and flexible user interface to customize\n"
"page layout, implementing auto-centering and auto-balancing mechanisms so that\n"
"the users have only to give the least description for the page layout.  The\n"
"package knows about all the standard paper sizes, so that the user need not\n"
"know what the nominal \"real\" dimensions of the paper are, just its standard\n"
"name (such as a4, letter, etc.).  An important feature is the package's\n"
"ability to communicate the paper size it's set up to the output."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4224
msgid "Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4226
msgid ""
"This collection of tools includes: @code{atsupport} for short commands\n"
"starting with @code{@@}, macros to sanitize the OT1 encoding of the\n"
"@code{cmtt} fonts; a @code{doafter} command; improved @code{footnote} support;\n"
"@code{mathenv} for various alignment in maths; list handling; @code{mdwmath}\n"
"which adds some minor changes to LaTeX maths; a rewrite of LaTeX's tabular and\n"
"array environments; verbatim handling; and syntax diagrams."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4248
msgid "Alternative to babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4250
msgid ""
"This package provides a complete Babel replacement for users of LuaLaTeX\n"
"and XeLaTeX; it relies on the @code{fontspec} package, version 2.0 at least."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4268
msgid "Multi-page tables package"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4270
msgid ""
"This package was a predecessor of @code{longtable}; the newer\n"
"package (designed on quite different principles) is easier to use and more\n"
"flexible, in many cases, but supertabular retains its usefulness in a few\n"
"situations where longtable has problems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4303
msgid "TeX macros to handle Texinfo files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4305
msgid ""
"Texinfo is the preferred format for documentation in the GNU project;\n"
"the format may be used to produce online or printed output from a single\n"
"source.  The Texinfo macros may be used to produce printable output using TeX;\n"
"other programs in the distribution offer online interactive use (with\n"
"hypertext linkages in some cases)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4326
msgid "Show \"realistic\" quotes in verbatim"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4328
msgid ""
"Typewriter-style fonts are best for program listings, but Computer\n"
"Modern Typewriter prints @code{`} and @code{'} as bent opening and closing\n"
"single quotes.  Other fonts, and most programming languages, print @code{`} as\n"
"a grave accent and @code{'} upright; @code{'} is used both to open and to\n"
"close quoted strings.  The package switches the typewriter font to Computer\n"
"Modern Typewriter in OT1 encoding, and modifies the behaviour of\n"
"@code{verbatim}, @code{verbatim*}, @code{\\verb}, and @code{\\verb*} to print\n"
"in the expected way.  It does this regardless of other fonts or encodings in\n"
"use, so long as the package is loaded after the other fonts were.  The package\n"
"does not affect @code{\\tt}, @code{\\texttt}, etc."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4367
msgid "Simple package to set up document margins"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4369
msgid ""
"This is a simple package to set up document margins.  This package is\n"
"considered obsolete; alternatives are the @code{typearea} package from the\n"
"@code{koma-script} bundle, or the @code{geometry} package."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4388
msgid "Extra control of appendices"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4390
msgid ""
"The appendix package provides various ways of formatting the titles of\n"
"appendices.  Also (sub)appendices environments are provided that can be used,\n"
"for example, for per chapter/section appendices.  An @code{appendices}\n"
"environment is provided which can be used instead of the @code{\\appendix}\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4411
msgid "Generate changebars in LaTeX documents"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4413
msgid ""
"Identify areas of text to be marked with changebars with the\n"
"@code{\\cbstart} and @code{\\cbend} commands; the bars may be coloured.  The\n"
"package uses @code{drivers} to place the bars; the available drivers can work\n"
"with @code{dvitoln03}, @code{dvitops}, @code{dvips}, the emTeX and TeXtures DVI\n"
"drivers, and VTeX and pdfTeX."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4448
msgid "CMap support for PDF files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4450
msgid ""
"This package embeds CMap tables into PDF files to make search and\n"
"copy-and-paste functions work properly."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4468
msgid "Add colour to LaTeX tables"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4470
msgid ""
"This package allows rows, columns, and even individual cells in LaTeX\n"
"tables to be coloured."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4501
msgid "Variants of \\fbox and other games with boxes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4503
msgid ""
"This package provides variants of @code{\\fbox}: @code{\\shadowbox},\n"
"@code{\\doublebox}, @code{\\ovalbox}, @code{\\Ovalbox}, with helpful tools for\n"
"using box macros and flexible verbatim macros.  You can box mathematics,\n"
"floats, center, flushleft, and flushright, lists, and pages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4536
msgid "Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4538
msgid ""
"The package provides extensive facilities, both for constructing headers\n"
"and footers, and for controlling their use (for example, at times when LaTeX\n"
"would automatically change the heading style in use)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4557
msgid "Improved interface for floating objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4559
msgid ""
"This package improves the interface for defining floating objects such\n"
"as figures and tables.  It introduces the boxed float, the ruled float and the\n"
"plaintop float.  You can define your own floats and improve the behaviour of\n"
"the old ones.  The package also provides the @code{H} float modifier option of\n"
"the obsolete @code{here} package.  You can select this as automatic default\n"
"with @code{\\floatplacement{figure}{H}}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4581
msgid "Range of footnote options"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4583
msgid ""
"This is a collection of ways to change the typesetting of footnotes.\n"
"The package provides means of changing the layout of the footnotes themselves,\n"
"a way to number footnotes per page, to make footnotes disappear in a\n"
"\"moving\" argument, and to deal with multiple references to footnotes from\n"
"the same place.  The package also has a range of techniques for labelling\n"
"footnotes with symbols rather than numbers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4607
msgid "Typeset source code listings using LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4609
msgid ""
"The package enables the user to typeset programs (programming code)\n"
"within LaTeX; the source code is read directly by TeX---no front-end processor\n"
"is needed.  Keywords, comments and strings can be typeset using different\n"
"styles.  Support for @code{hyperref} is provided."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4642
msgid "Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4644
msgid ""
"This package provides miscellaneous macros by Joerg Knappen, including:\n"
"represent counters in greek; Maxwell's non-commutative division;\n"
"@code{latin1jk}, @code{latin2jk} and @code{latin3jk}, which are\n"
"@code{inputenc} definition files that allow verbatim input in the respective\n"
"ISO Latin codes; blackboard bold fonts in maths; use of RSFS fonts in maths;\n"
"extra alignments for @code{\\parboxes}; swap Roman and Sans fonts;\n"
"transliterate semitic languages; patches to make (La)TeX formulae embeddable\n"
"in SGML; use maths minus in text as appropriate; simple Young tableaux."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4719
msgid "Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4721
msgid ""
"The EC fonts are European Computer Modern Fonts, supporting the complete\n"
"LaTeX T1 encoding defined at the 1990 TUG conference hold at Cork/Ireland.\n"
"These fonts are intended to be stable with no changes being made to the tfm\n"
"files.  The set also contains a Text Companion Symbol font, called @code{tc},\n"
"featuring many useful characters needed in text typesetting, for example\n"
"oldstyle digits, currency symbols (including the newly created Euro symbol),\n"
"the permille sign, copyright, trade mark and servicemark as well as a copyleft\n"
"sign, and many others.  Recent releases of LaTeX2e support the EC fonts.  The\n"
"EC fonts supersede the preliminary version released as the DC fonts.  The\n"
"fonts are available in (traced) Adobe Type 1 format, as part of the\n"
"@code{cm-super} bundle.  The other Computer Modern-style T1-encoded Type 1\n"
"set, Latin Modern, is not actually a direct development of the EC set, and\n"
"differs from the EC in a number of particulars."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4752
msgid "Virtual fonts for T1 encoded CMR-fonts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4754
msgid ""
"This package provides a set of virtual fonts which emulates T1 coded\n"
"fonts using the standard CM fonts.  The package name, AE fonts, supposedly\n"
"stands for \"Almost European\".  The main use of the package was to produce\n"
"PDF files using Adobe Type 1 versions of the CM fonts instead of bitmapped EC\n"
"fonts.  Note that direct substitutes for the bitmapped EC fonts are available,\n"
"via the CM-super, Latin Modern and (in a restricted way) CM-LGC font sets."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4777
msgid "Monospaced font with support files for use with TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4779
msgid ""
"Inconsolata is a monospaced font designed by Raph Levien.  This package\n"
"contains the font (in both Adobe Type 1 and OpenType formats) in regular and\n"
"bold weights, with additional glyphs and options to control slashed zero,\n"
"upright quotes and a shapelier lower-case L, plus metric files for use with\n"
"TeX, and LaTeX font definition and other relevant files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4806 gnu/packages/tex.scm:4835
#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4861 gnu/packages/tex.scm:7547
msgid "URW Base 35 font pack for LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4808
msgid ""
"This package provides a drop-in replacements for the Times font from\n"
"Adobe's basic set."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4837
msgid ""
"This package provides a drop-in replacements for the Palatino font from\n"
"Adobe's basic set."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4863
msgid ""
"This package provides a drop-in replacements for the Zapfding font from\n"
"Adobe's basic set."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4936
msgid "Ralph Smith's Formal Script font"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4938
msgid ""
"The fonts provide uppercase formal script letters for use as symbols in\n"
"scientific and mathematical typesetting (in contrast to the informal script\n"
"fonts such as that used for the calligraphic symbols in the TeX maths symbol\n"
"font).  The fonts are provided as Metafont source, and as derived Adobe Type 1\n"
"format.  LaTeX support, for using these fonts in mathematics, is available via\n"
"one of the packages @code{calrsfs} and @code{mathrsfs}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4960
msgid "Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4962
msgid ""
"The package adds one or more user commands to LaTeX's @code{shipout}\n"
"routine, which may be used to place the output at fixed positions.  The\n"
"@code{grid} option may be used to find the correct places."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4994
msgid "Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:4996
msgid ""
"Extensions to @code{epic} and the LaTeX picture drawing environment,\n"
"include the drawing of lines at any slope, the drawing of circles in any\n"
"radii, and the drawing of dotted and dashed lines much faster with much less\n"
"TeX memory, and providing several new commands for drawing ellipses, arcs,\n"
"splines, and filled circles and ellipses.  The package uses @code{tpic}\n"
"@code{\\special} commands."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5031
msgid "Customize basic list environments"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5033
msgid ""
"This package is intended to ease customizing the three basic list\n"
"environments: @code{enumerate}, @code{itemize} and @code{description}.  It\n"
"extends their syntax to allow an optional argument where a set of parameters\n"
"in the form @code{key=value} are available, for example:\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5054
msgid "Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5056
msgid ""
"The package provides tools for creating tabular cells spanning multiple\n"
"rows.  It has a lot of flexibility, including an option for specifying an\n"
"entry at the \"natural\" width of its text."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5088
msgid "Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5090
msgid ""
"The @code{overpic} environment is a cross between the LaTeX\n"
"@code{picture} environment and the @code{\\includegraphics} command of\n"
"@code{graphicx}.  The resulting picture environment has the same dimensions as\n"
"the included graphic.  LaTeX commands can be placed on the graphic at defined\n"
"positions; a grid for orientation is available."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5124
msgid "Layout with zero \\parindent, non-zero \\parskip"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5126
msgid ""
"Simply changing @code{\\parskip} and @code{\\parindent} leaves a layout\n"
"that is untidy; this package (though it is no substitute for a properly\n"
"designed class) helps alleviate this untidiness."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5145
msgid "Include PDF documents in LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5147
msgid ""
"This package simplifies the inclusion of external multi-page PDF\n"
"documents in LaTeX documents.  Pages may be freely selected and it is possible\n"
"to put several logical pages onto each sheet of paper.  Furthermore a lot of\n"
"hypertext features like hyperlinks and article threads are provided.  The\n"
"package supports pdfTeX (pdfLaTeX) and VTeX.  With VTeX it is even possible to\n"
"use this package to insert PostScript files, in addition to PDF files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5179
msgid "St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5181
msgid ""
"The fonts were originally distributed as Metafont sources only, but\n"
"Adobe Type 1 versions are also now available.  Macro support is provided for\n"
"use under LaTeX; the package supports the @code{only} option (provided by the\n"
"@code{somedefs} package) to restrict what is loaded, for those who don't need\n"
"the whole font."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5202
msgid "Figures divided into subfigures"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5204
msgid ""
"This (deprecated) package provides support for the manipulation and\n"
"reference of small or \"sub\" figures and tables within a single figure or\n"
"table environment.  It is convenient to use this package when your subfigures\n"
"are to be separately captioned, referenced, or are to be included in the\n"
"List-of-Figures.  A new @code{\\subfigure} command is introduced which can be\n"
"used inside a figure environment for each subfigure.  An optional first\n"
"argument is used as the caption for that subfigure.  The package is now\n"
"considered obsolete: it was superseded by @code{subfig}, but users may find\n"
"the more recent @code{subcaption} package more satisfactory."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5229
msgid "Tabular with variable width columns balanced"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5231
msgid ""
"The package defines a @code{tabular*}-like environment, @code{tabulary},\n"
"taking a \"total width\" argument as well as the column specifications.  The\n"
"environment uses column types @code{L}, @code{C}, @code{R} and @code{J} for\n"
"variable width columns (@code{\\raggedright}, @code{\\centering},\n"
"@code{\\raggedleft}, and normally justified).  In contrast to\n"
"@code{tabularx}'s @code{X} columns, the width of each column is weighted\n"
"according to the natural width of the widest cell in the column."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5267
msgid "Tables with captions and notes all the same width"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5269
msgid ""
"This package facilitates tables with titles (captions) and notes.  The\n"
"title and notes are given a width equal to the body of the table (a\n"
"@code{tabular} environment).  By itself, a @code{threeparttable} does not\n"
"float, but you can put it in a @code{table} or a @code{table*} or some other\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5294
msgid "Times-like fonts in support of mathematics"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5296
msgid ""
"Txfonts supplies virtual text roman fonts using Adobe Times (or URW\n"
"NimbusRomNo9L) with some modified and additional text symbols in the OT1, T1,\n"
"and TS1 encodings; maths alphabets using Times/URW Nimbus; maths fonts\n"
"providing all the symbols of the Computer Modern and AMS fonts, including all\n"
"the Greek capital letters from CMR; and additional maths fonts of various\n"
"other symbols.\n"
"The set is complemented by a sans-serif set of text fonts, based on\n"
"Helvetica/NimbusSanL, and a monospace set.\n"
"All the fonts are in Type 1 format (AFM and PFB files), and are supported by\n"
"TeX metrics (VF and TFM files) and macros for use with LaTeX."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5346
msgid "Sans-serif typeface for TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5347
msgid ""
"Iwona is a two-element sans-serif typeface. It was created\n"
"as an alternative version of the Kurier typeface, which was designed in 1975\n"
"for a diploma in typeface design at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts under the\n"
"supervision of Roman Tomaszewski.  Kurier was designed for linotype\n"
"typesetting of newspapers and similar periodicals.  The Iwona fonts are an\n"
"alternative version of the Kurier fonts.  The difference lies in the absence\n"
"of ink traps which typify the Kurier font."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5374
msgid "Use Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5376
msgid ""
"The package provides the Libertine and Biolinum fonts in both Type 1 and\n"
"OTF styles, together with support macros for their use.  Monospaced and\n"
"display fonts, and the \"keyboard\" set are also included, in OTF style, only.\n"
"The @code{mweights} package is used to manage the selection of font weights.\n"
"The package supersedes both the @code{libertineotf} and the\n"
"@code{libertine-legacy} packages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5406
msgid "LaTeX support for the DejaVu fonts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5408
msgid ""
"The package contains LaTeX support for the DejaVu fonts, which are\n"
"derived from the Vera fonts but contain more characters and styles.  The fonts\n"
"are included in the original TrueType format, and in converted Type 1 format.\n"
"The (currently) supported encodings are: OT1, T1, IL2, TS1, T2*, X2, QX, and\n"
"LGR.  The package doesn't (currently) support mathematics."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5442
msgid "Select alternative section titles"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5444
msgid ""
"This package provides an interface to sectioning commands for selection\n"
"from various title styles, e.g. for marginal titles and to change the font of\n"
"all headings with a single command, also providing simple one-step page\n"
"styles.  It also includes a package to change the page styles when there are\n"
"floats in a page.  You may assign headers/footers to individual floats, too."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5465
msgid "Arbitrary size font selection in LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5467
msgid ""
"LaTeX, by default, restricts the sizes at which you can use its default\n"
"computer modern fonts, to a fixed set of discrete sizes (effectively, a set\n"
"specified by Knuth).  The @code{type1cm} package removes this restriction;\n"
"this is particularly useful when using scalable versions of the CM\n"
"fonts (Bakoma, or the versions from BSR/Y&Y, or True Type versions from Kinch,\n"
"PCTeX, etc.).  In fact, since modern distributions will automatically generate\n"
"any bitmap font you might need, @code{type1cm} has wider application than just\n"
"those using scalable versions of the fonts.  Note that the LaTeX distribution\n"
"now contains a package @code{fix-cm},f which performs the task of\n"
"@code{type1cm}, as well as doing the same job for T1- and TS1-encoded\n"
"@code{ec} fonts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5494
msgid "Cyrillic fonts that support LaTeX standard encodings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5496
msgid ""
"The LH fonts address the problem of the wide variety of alphabets that\n"
"are written with Cyrillic-style characters.  The fonts are the original basis\n"
"of the set of T2* and X2 encodings that are now used when LaTeX users need to\n"
"write in Cyrillic languages.  Macro support in standard LaTeX encodings is\n"
"offered through the latex-cyrillic and t2 bundles, and the package itself\n"
"offers support for other (more traditional) encodings.  The fonts, in the\n"
"standard T2* and X2 encodings are available in Adobe Type 1 format, in the\n"
"CM-Super family of fonts.  The package also offers its own LaTeX support for\n"
"OT2 encoded fonts, CM bright shaped fonts and Concrete shaped fonts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5534
msgid "Create scalable illustrations"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5536
msgid ""
"MetaPost uses a language based on that of Metafont to produce precise\n"
"technical illustrations.  Its output is scalable PostScript or SVG, rather\n"
"than the bitmaps Metafont creates."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5555
msgid "Class for typesetting publications of ACM"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5557
msgid ""
"This package provides a class for typesetting publications of the\n"
"Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5588
msgid "Variable-width minipage"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5590
msgid ""
"The @code{varwidth} environment is superficially similar to\n"
"@code{minipage}, but the specified width is just a maximum value — the box may\n"
"get a narrower “natural” width."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5609
msgid "LaTeX support file to use the WASY2 fonts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5611
msgid ""
"The wasy2WASY2 (Waldi Symbol) font by Roland Waldi provides many glyphs\n"
"like male and female symbols and astronomical symbols, as well as the complete\n"
"lasy font set and other odds and ends.  The wasysym package implements an easy\n"
"to use interface for these symbols."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5644
msgid "Produces figures which text can flow around"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5646
msgid ""
"This package allows figures or tables to have text wrapped around them.\n"
"It does not work in combination with list environments, but can be used in a\n"
"@code{parbox} or @code{minipage}, and in two-column format."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5678
msgid "Extended UTF-8 input encoding support for LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5680
msgid ""
"The bundle provides the @code{ucs} package, and @code{utf8x.def},\n"
"together with a large number of support files.  The @code{utf8x.def}\n"
"definition file for use with @code{inputenc} covers a wider range of Unicode\n"
"characters than does @code{utf8.def} in the LaTeX distribution.  The package\n"
"provides facilities for efficient use of its large sets of Unicode characters.\n"
"Glyph production may be controlled by various options, which permits use of\n"
"non-ASCII characters when coding mathematical formulae.  Note that the bundle\n"
"previously had an alias “unicode”; that alias has now been withdrawn, and no\n"
"package of that name now exists."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5712
msgid "Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5714
msgid ""
"The main purpose of the preview package is the extraction of selected\n"
"elements from a LaTeX source, like formulas or graphics, into separate\n"
"pages of a DVI file.  A flexible and convenient interface allows it to\n"
"specify what commands and constructs should be extracted.  This works\n"
"with DVI files postprocessed by either Dvips and Ghostscript or\n"
"dvipng, but it also works when you are using PDFTeX for generating PDF\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5737
msgid "Expand acronyms at least once"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5739
msgid ""
"This package ensures that all acronyms used in the text are spelled out\n"
"in full at least once.  It also provides an environment to build a list of\n"
"acronyms used.  The package is compatible with PDF bookmarks.  The package\n"
"requires the suffix package, which in turn requires that it runs under\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5790
msgid "TeX extension for direct creation of PDF"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5792
msgid ""
"This package provides an extension of TeX which can be configured to\n"
"directly generate PDF documents instead of DVI."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5864
msgid ""
"TeX Live provides a comprehensive TeX document production system.\n"
"It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts\n"
"that are free software, including support for many languages around the\n"
"This package contains the complete tree of texmf-dist data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5927
msgid ""
"TeX Live provides a comprehensive TeX document production system.\n"
"It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts\n"
"that are free software, including support for many languages around the\n"
"This package contains the complete TeX Live distribution."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5970
msgid "Interface to read and parse BibTeX files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:5971
msgid ""
"@code{Text::BibTeX} is a Perl library for reading, parsing,\n"
"and processing BibTeX files.  @code{Text::BibTeX} gives you access to the data\n"
"at many different levels: you may work with BibTeX entries as simple field to\n"
"string mappings, or get at the original form of the data as a list of simple\n"
"values (strings, macros, or numbers) pasted together."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6061
msgid "Backend for the BibLaTeX citation management tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6062
msgid ""
"Biber is a BibTeX replacement for users of biblatex.  Among\n"
"other things it comes with full Unicode support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6094
msgid "Wrapper for LaTeX and friends"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6096
msgid ""
"Rubber is a program whose purpose is to handle all tasks related to the\n"
"compilation of LaTeX documents.  This includes compiling the document itself,\n"
"of course, enough times so that all references are defined, and running BibTeX\n"
"to manage bibliographic references.  Automatic execution of dvips to produce\n"
"PostScript documents is also included, as well as usage of pdfLaTeX to produce\n"
"PDF documents."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6138
msgid "LaTeX editor"
msgstr "LaTeX-Editor"

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6139
msgid ""
"Texmaker is a program that integrates many tools needed to\n"
"develop documents with LaTeX, in a single application."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6179
msgid "Book on TeX, plain TeX and Eplain"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6180
msgid ""
"@i{TeX for the Impatient} is a ~350 page book on TeX,\n"
"plain TeX, and Eplain, originally written by Paul Abrahams, Kathryn Hargreaves,\n"
"and Karl Berry."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6246
msgid "Document preparation system with GUI"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6247
msgid ""
"LyX is a document preparation system.  It excels at letting\n"
"you create complex technical and scientific articles with mathematics,\n"
"cross-references, bibliographies, indexes, etc.  It is very good for working\n"
"with documents of any length in which the usual processing abilities are\n"
"required: automatic sectioning and pagination, spell checking and so forth."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6281
msgid "Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6283
msgid ""
"The package provides an interface to embed interactive Flash (SWF) and 3D\n"
"objects (Adobe U3D & PRC), as well as video and sound files or streams in the\n"
"popular MP4, FLV and MP3 formats into PDF documents with Acrobat-9/X\n"
"compatibility.  Playback of multimedia files uses the built-in Flash Player of\n"
"Adobe Reader and does, therefore, not depend on external plug-ins.  Flash Player\n"
"supports the efficient H.264 codec for video compression.\n"
"The package is based on the RichMedia Annotation, an Adobe addition to the PDF\n"
"specification.  It replaces the now obsolete @code{movie15} package."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6321
msgid "Provide OCG (Optional Content Groups) support within a PDF document"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6323
msgid ""
"This package provides OCG (Optional Content Groups) support within a PDF\n"
"It re-implements the functionality of the @code{ocg}, @code{ocgx}, and\n"
"@code{ocg-p} packages and adds support for all known engines and back-ends\n"
"@item LaTeX → dvips → @code{ps2pdf}/Distiller\n"
"@item (Xe)LaTeX(x) → @code{dvipdfmx}\n"
"@item pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX .\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"It also ensures compatibility with the @code{media9} and @code{animate} packages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6355
msgid "Various LATEX packages by Martin Schröder"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6357
msgid ""
"A bundle of LATEX packages by Martin Schröder; the collection comprises:\n"
"@item @command{count1to}, make use of fixed TEX counters;\n"
"@item @command{everysel}, set commands to execute every time a font is selected;\n"
"@item @command{everyshi}, set commands to execute whenever a page is shipped out;\n"
"@item @command{multitoc}, typeset the table of contents in multiple columns;\n"
"@item @command{prelim2e}, mark typeset pages as preliminary; and\n"
"@item @command{ragged2e}, typeset ragged text and allow hyphenation.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6387
msgid "Insert pagebreak if not enough space"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6389
msgid ""
"Provides commands to disable pagebreaking within a given vertical\n"
"space.  If there is not enough space between the command and the bottom of the\n"
"page, a new page will be started."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6413
msgid "Margin adjustment and detection of odd/even pages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6415
msgid ""
"The package provides commands to change the page layout in the middle of\n"
"a document, and to robustly check for typesetting on odd or even pages.\n"
"Instructions for use are at the end of the file.  The package is an extraction\n"
"of code from the @code{memoir} class, whose user interface it shares."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6449
msgid "UK format dates, with weekday"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6451
msgid ""
"The package is used to change the format of @code{\\today}’s date,\n"
"including the weekday, e.g., \"Saturday, 26 June 2008\", the 'UK format', which\n"
"is preferred in many parts of the world, as distinct from that which is used in\n"
"@code{\\maketitle} of the article class, \"June 26, 2008\", the 'US format'."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6485
msgid "Underline text in TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6487
msgid ""
"The package provides an @code{\\ul} (underline) command which will break\n"
"over line ends; this technique may be used to replace @code{\\em} (both in that\n"
"form and as the @code{\\emph} command), so as to make output look as if it comes\n"
"from a typewriter.  The package also offers double and wavy underlining, and\n"
"striking out (line through words) and crossing out (/// over words)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6541
msgid "Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6543
msgid ""
"PGF is a macro package for creating graphics.  It is platform- and\n"
"format-independent and works together with the most important TeX backend\n"
"drivers, including pdfTeX and dvips.  It comes with a user-friendly syntax layer\n"
"called TikZ.\n"
"Its usage is similar to pstricks and the standard picture environment.  PGF\n"
"works with plain (pdf-)TeX, (pdf-)LaTeX, and ConTeXt.  Unlike pstricks, it can\n"
"produce either PostScript or PDF output."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6588
msgid "Bundle of versatile classes and packages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6590
msgid ""
"The KOMA-Script bundle provides replacements for the article, report, and\n"
"book classes with emphasis on typography and versatility.  There is also a\n"
"letter class.\n"
"The bundle also offers:\n"
"@item a package for calculating type areas in the way laid down by the\n"
"typographer Jan Tschichold,\n"
"@item packages for easily changing and defining page styles,\n"
"@item a package scrdate for getting not only the current date but also the name\n"
"of the day, and\n"
"@item a package scrtime for getting the current time.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"All these packages may be used not only with KOMA-Script classes but also with\n"
"the standard classes.\n"
"Since every package has its own version number, the version number quoted only\n"
"refers to the version of scrbook, scrreprt, scrartcl, scrlttr2 and\n"
"typearea (which are the main parts of the bundle)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6640
msgid "Grab items in lists using user-specified separation character"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6642
msgid ""
"This package allows one to capture all the items of a list, for which\n"
"the parsing character has been selected by the user, and to access any of\n"
"these items with a simple syntax."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6676
msgid "Read, store and recall array-formatted data"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6678
msgid ""
"This package allows the user to input formatted data into elements of a\n"
"2-D or 3-D array and to recall that data at will by individual cell number.\n"
"The data can be but need not be numerical in nature.  It can be, for example,\n"
"formatted text."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6713
msgid "Deposit verbatim text in a box"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6715
msgid ""
"The package provides a @code{verbbox} environment to place its contents\n"
"into a globally available box, or into a box specified by the user.  The\n"
"global box may then be used in a variety of situations (for example, providing\n"
"a replica of the @code{boxedverbatim} environment itself).  A valuable use is\n"
"in places where the standard @code{verbatim} environment (which is based on a\n"
"@code{trivlist}) may not appear."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6750
msgid "Verbatim phrases and listings in LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6752
msgid ""
"Examplep provides sophisticated features for typesetting verbatim source\n"
"code listings, including the display of the source code and its compiled LaTeX\n"
"or METAPOST output side-by-side, with automatic width detection and enabled\n"
"page breaks (in the source), without the need for specifying the source twice.\n"
"Special care is taken that section, page and footnote numbers do not interfere\n"
"with the main document.  For typesetting short verbatim phrases, a replacement\n"
"for the @code{\\verb} command is also provided in the package, which can be\n"
"used inside tables and moving arguments such as footnotes and section\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6788
msgid "Flexible diagramming macros"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6789
msgid ""
"This is a package for typesetting a variety of graphs and\n"
"diagrams with TeX.  Xy-pic works with most formats (including LaTeX,\n"
"AMS-LaTeX, AMS-TeX, and plain TeX).  The distribution includes Michael Barr's\n"
"@code{diag} package, which was previously distributed stand-alone."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6829
msgid "Process bibliographies for LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6831
msgid ""
"BibTeX allows the user to store his citation data in generic form, while\n"
"printing citations in a document in the form specified by a BibTeX style, to\n"
"be specified in the document itself (one often needs a LaTeX citation-style\n"
"package, such as @command{natbib} as well)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6850
msgid "Charter fonts for TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6851
msgid ""
"This package provides a copy of the Charter Type-1 fonts\n"
"which Bitstream contributed to the X consortium, renamed for use with TeX.\n"
"Support for use with LaTeX is available in @code{freenfss}, part of\n"
"@command{psnfss}. "
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6888
msgid "Full featured, parameter driven macro package for TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6889
msgid ""
"A full featured, parameter driven macro package, which fully\n"
"supports advanced interactive documents.  See the ConTeXt garden for a wealth\n"
"of support information."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6909
msgid "LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6910
msgid ""
"The beamer LaTeX class can be used for producing slides.\n"
"The class works in both PostScript and direct PDF output modes, using the\n"
"@code{pgf} graphics system for visual effects.  Content is created in the\n"
"@code{frame} environment, and each frame can be made up of a number of slides\n"
"using a simple notation for specifying material to appear on each slide within\n"
"a frame.  Short versions of title, authors, institute can also be specified as\n"
"optional parameters.  Whole frame graphics are supported by plain frames.  The\n"
"class supports @code{figure} and @code{table} environments, transparency\n"
"effects, varying slide transitions and animations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6941
msgid "Include eXtensible Metadata Platform data in pdfLaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6943
msgid ""
"The XMP (eXtensible Metadata platform) is a framework to add metadata to\n"
"digital material to enhance the workflow in publication.  The essence is that\n"
"the metadata is stored in an XML file, and this XML stream is then embedded in\n"
"the file to which it applies."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6996
msgid "PDF/X and PDF/A support for pdfTeX, LuaTeX and XeTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:6998
msgid ""
"This package helps LaTeX users to create PDF/X, PDF/A and other\n"
"standards-compliant PDF documents with pdfTeX, LuaTeX and XeTeX."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7040
msgid "Macros for documentation of LaTeX classes and packages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7041
msgid ""
"The package provides macros and environments to document\n"
"LaTeX packages and classes.  It is an (as yet unfinished) alternative to the\n"
"@code{ltxdoc} class and the @code{doc} or @code{xdoc} packages.  The aim is to\n"
"provide a different layout and more modern styles (using the @code{xcolor},\n"
"@code{hyperref} packages, etc.)  This is an alpha release, and should probably\n"
"not (yet) be used with other packages, since the implementation might\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7068
msgid "PostScript macros for TeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7069
msgid ""
"PSTricks offers an extensive collection of macros for\n"
"generating PostScript that is usable with most TeX macro formats, including\n"
"Plain TeX, LaTeX, AMS-TeX, and AMS-LaTeX.  Included are macros for colour,\n"
"graphics, pie charts, rotation, trees and overlays.  It has many special\n"
"features, including a wide variety of graphics (picture drawing) macros, with\n"
"a flexible interface and with colour support.  There are macros for colouring\n"
"or shading the cells of tables."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7093
msgid "Text and character manipulation in PSTricks"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7094
msgid ""
"Pst-text is a PSTricks based package for plotting text along\n"
"a different path and manipulating characters.  It includes the functionality\n"
"of the old package @code{pst-char}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7118
msgid "Notes in the margin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7119
msgid ""
"This package provides the command @code{\\marginnote} that\n"
"may be used instead of @code{\\marginpar} at almost every place where\n"
"@code{\\marginpar} cannot be used, e.g., inside floats, footnotes, or in\n"
"frames made with the @code{framed} package."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7136
msgid "Determine the currently used TeX engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7137
msgid ""
"This package, which works both for Plain TeX and for\n"
"LaTeX, defines the @code{\\ifPDFTeX}, @code{\\ifXeTeX}, and @code{\\ifLuaTeX}\n"
"conditionals for testing which engine is being used for typesetting.  The\n"
"package also provides the @code{\\RequirePDFTeX}, @code{\\RequireXeTeX}, and\n"
"@code{\\RequireLuaTeX} commands which throw an error if pdfTeX, XeTeX or\n"
"LuaTeX (respectively) is not the engine in use."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7166
msgid ""
"This package provides a collection of simple tools that\n"
"are part of the LaTeX required tools distribution, comprising the packages:\n"
"@code{afterpage}, @code{array}, @code{bm}, @code{calc}, @code{dcolumn},\n"
"@code{delarray}, @code{enumerate}, @code{fileerr}, @code{fontsmpl},\n"
"@code{ftnright}, @code{hhline}, @code{indentfirst}, @code{layout},\n"
"@code{longtable}, @code{multicol}, @code{rawfonts}, @code{showkeys},\n"
"@code{somedefs}, @code{tabularx}, @code{theorem}, @code{trace},\n"
"@code{varioref}, @code{verbatim}, @code{xr}, and @code{xspace}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7245
msgid "Extension of the keyval package"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7247
msgid ""
"This package is an extension of the keyval package and offers additional\n"
"macros for setting keys and declaring and setting class or package options.\n"
"The package allows the programmer to specify a prefix to the name of the\n"
"macros it defines for keys, and to define families of key definitions; these\n"
"all help use in documents where several packages define their own sets of\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7274
msgid "Compile TeX pictures stand-alone or as part of a document"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7275
msgid ""
"A class and package is provided which allows TeX pictures or\n"
"other TeX code to be compiled standalone or as part of a main document.\n"
"Special support for pictures with beamer overlays is also provided.  The\n"
"package is used in the main document and skips extra preambles in sub-files.\n"
"The class may be used to simplify the preamble in sub-files.  By default the\n"
"@code{preview} package is used to display the typeset code without margins.\n"
"The behaviour in standalone mode may adjusted using a configuration file\n"
"@code{standalone.cfg} to redefine the standalone environment."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7307
msgid "Comprehensive SI units package"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7309
msgid ""
"Typesetting values with units requires care to ensure that the combined\n"
"mathematical meaning of the value plus unit combination is clear.  In\n"
"particular, the SI units system lays down a consistent set of units with rules\n"
"on how they are to be used.  However, different countries and publishers have\n"
"differing conventions on the exact appearance of numbers (and units).  A\n"
"number of LaTeX packages have been developed to provide consistent application\n"
"of the various rules.  The @code{siunitx} package takes the best from the\n"
"existing packages, and adds new features and a consistent interface.  A number\n"
"of new ideas have been incorporated, to fill gaps in the existing provision.\n"
"The package also provides backward-compatibility with @code{SIunits},\n"
"@code{sistyle}, @code{unitsdef} and @code{units}.  The aim is to have one\n"
"package to handle all of the possible unit-related needs of LaTeX users."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7338
msgid "Publication quality tables in LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7340
msgid ""
"This package enhances the quality of tables in LaTeX, providing extra\n"
"commands as well as behind-the-scenes optimisation.  Guidelines are given as\n"
"to what constitutes a good table in this context.  The package offers\n"
"@code{longtable} compatibility."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7359
msgid "Context sensitive quotation facilities"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7360
msgid ""
"This package provides advanced facilities for inline and\n"
"display quotations.  It is designed for a wide range of tasks ranging from the\n"
"most simple applications to the more complex demands of formal quotations.\n"
"The facilities include commands, environments, and user-definable 'smart\n"
"quotes' which dynamically adjust to their context.  Quotation marks are\n"
"switched automatically if quotations are nested and they can be adjusted to\n"
"the current language if the babel package is available.  There are additional\n"
"facilities designed to cope with the more specific demands of academic\n"
"writing, especially in the humanities and the social sciences.  All quote\n"
"styles as well as the optional active quotes are freely configurable."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7385
msgid "Support for automation of the LaTeX workflow"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7386
msgid ""
"The package helps to automate a typical LaTeX\n"
"workflow that involves running LaTeX several times and running tools\n"
"such as BibTeX or makeindex.  It will log requests like \"please rerun\n"
"LaTeX\" or \"please run BibTeX on file X\" to an external file in a\n"
"machine-readable format.  Compiler scripts and integrated LaTeX\n"
"editing environments may parse this file to determine the next steps\n"
"in the workflow.  In sum, the package will do two things:\n"
"enable package authors to use LaTeX commands to issue requests, and\n"
"collect all requests from all packages and write them to an external\n"
"XML file.\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7418
msgid "Sophisticated bibliographies in LaTeX"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7419
msgid ""
"BibLaTeX is a complete reimplementation of the\n"
"bibliographic facilities provided by LaTeX.  Formatting of the\n"
"bibliography is entirely controlled by LaTeX macros, facilitating the\n"
"design of new bibliography and citation styles.  BibLaTeX uses its own\n"
"data backend program \"biber\" to read and process the bibliographic\n"
"data.  With biber, the range of features provided by biblatex\n"
"full unicode support,\n"
"customisable bibliography labels,\n"
"multiple bibliographies in the same document, and\n"
"subdivided bibliographies, such as bibliographies per chapter or\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7457
msgid "Marking things to do in a LaTeX document"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7458
msgid ""
"The @code{todonotes} package lets the user mark\n"
"things to do later, in a simple and visually appealing way.  The\n"
"package takes several options to enable customization and finetuning\n"
"of the visual appearance."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7475
msgid "Typeset physical units and fractions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7476
msgid ""
"@code{units} is a package for typesetting physical\n"
"units in a standard-looking way.  The package is based upon\n"
"@code{nicefrac}, a package for typing fractions.  @code{nicefrac} is\n"
"included in the @code{units} bundle."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7493
msgid "Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7494
msgid ""
"@code{microtype} provides a LaTeX interface to the\n"
"micro-typographic extensions that were introduced by pdfTeX and have\n"
"since propagated to XeTeX and LuaTeX: most prominently character\n"
"protrusion and font expansion, the adjustment of kerning and interword\n"
"spacing, hyphenatable letterspacing and the possibility to disable all\n"
"or selected ligatures.  These features may be applied to customisable\n"
"sets of fonts.  All micro-typographic aspects of the fonts can be\n"
"configured in a straight-forward and flexible way.  Settings for\n"
"various fonts are provided.  An alternative package\n"
"@code{letterspace}, which also works with plain TeX, is included in\n"
"the bundle."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7518
msgid "Customising captions in floating environments"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7519
msgid ""
"The @code{caption} package provides many ways to\n"
"customise the captions in floating environments like figure and table.\n"
"Facilities include rotating captions, sideways captions and continued\n"
"captions (for tables or figures that come in several parts).  A list\n"
"of compatibility notes, for other packages, is provided in the\n"
"documentation.  The package also provides the \"caption outside\n"
"float\" facility, in the same way that simpler packages like\n"
"@code{capt-ofcapt-of} do.  The package supersedes @code{caption2}.\n"
"Packages @code{bicaption}, @code{ltcaption}, @code{newfloat},\n"
"@code{subcaption} and @code{totalcount} are included in the bundle."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7548
msgid ""
"This package provides a drop-in replacement for the\n"
"Symbol font from Adobe's basic set."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7565
msgid "Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7566
msgid ""
"The Pazo Math fonts are a family of PostScript fonts\n"
"suitable for typesetting mathematics in combination with the Palatino\n"
"family of text fonts.  The Pazo Math family is made up of five fonts\n"
"provided in Adobe Type 1 format.  These contain glyphs that are\n"
"usually not available in Palatino and for which Computer Modern looks\n"
"odd when combined with Palatino.  These glyphs include the uppercase\n"
"Greek alphabet in upright and slanted shapes, the lowercase Greek\n"
"alphabet in slanted shape, several mathematical glyphs and the\n"
"uppercase letters commonly used to represent various number sets.\n"
"LaTeX macro support is provided in package @code{psnfss}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7590
msgid "SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/tex.scm:7591
msgid ""
"The FPL Fonts provide a set of SC/OsF fonts for URW\n"
"Palladio L which are compatible with the Palatino SC/OsF fonts from\n"
"Adobe.  LaTeX use is enabled by the mathpazo package, which is part of\n"
"the @code{psnfss} distribution."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/texinfo.scm:90
msgid "The GNU documentation format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/texinfo.scm:92
msgid ""
"Texinfo is the official documentation format of the GNU project.  It\n"
"uses a single source file using explicit commands to produce a final document\n"
"in any of several supported output formats, such as HTML or PDF.  This\n"
"package includes both the tools necessary to produce Info documents from\n"
"their source and the command-line Info reader.  The emphasis of the language\n"
"is on expressing the content semantically, avoiding physical markup commands."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/texinfo.scm:189
msgid "Standalone Info documentation reader"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/texinfo.scm:221
msgid "Convert Texinfo to HTML"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/texinfo.scm:223
msgid ""
"Texi2HTML is a Perl script which converts Texinfo source files to HTML\n"
"output.  It now supports many advanced features, such as internationalization\n"
"and extremely configurable output formats.\n"
"Development of Texi2HTML moved to the GNU Texinfo repository in 2010, since it\n"
"was meant to replace the makeinfo implementation in GNU Texinfo.  The route\n"
"forward for authors is, in most cases, to alter manuals and build processes as\n"
"necessary to use the new features of the makeinfo/texi2any implementation of\n"
"GNU Texinfo.  The Texi2HTML maintainers (one of whom is the principal author\n"
"of the GNU Texinfo implementation) do not intend to make further releases of\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/texinfo.scm:289
msgid "Lynx-style Info file and man page reader"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/texinfo.scm:291
msgid ""
"Pinfo is an Info file viewer.  Pinfo is similar in use to the Lynx web\n"
"browser.  You just move across info nodes, and select links, follow them, etc.\n"
"It supports many colors.  Pinfo also supports viewing of manual pages -- they\n"
"are colorized like in the midnight commander's viewer, and additionally they\n"
"are hypertextualized."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:91
msgid "DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:93
msgid ""
"dos2unix is a tool to convert line breaks in a text file from Unix format\n"
"to DOS format and vice versa."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:113
msgid "Text encoding converter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:114
msgid ""
"The Recode library converts files between character sets and\n"
"usages.  It recognises or produces over 200 different character sets (or about\n"
"300 if combined with an iconv library) and transliterates files between almost\n"
"any pair.  When exact transliteration are not possible, it gets rid of\n"
"offending characters or falls back on approximations.  The recode program is a\n"
"handy front-end to the library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:139
msgid "Text encoding detection tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:140
msgid ""
"Enca (Extremely Naive Charset Analyser) consists of libenca,\n"
"an encoding detection library, and enca, a command line frontend, integrating\n"
"libenca and several charset conversion libraries and tools."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:197
msgid "C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:198
msgid ""
"utf8proc is a small C library that provides Unicode\n"
"normalization, case-folding, and other operations for data in the UTF-8\n"
"encoding, supporting Unicode version 9.0.0."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:219 gnu/packages/textutils.scm:740
msgid "Configuration file parser library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:220
msgid ""
"libconfuse is a configuration file parser library.  It\n"
"supports sections and (lists of) values (strings, integers, floats, booleans\n"
"or other sections), as well as some other features (such as\n"
"single/double-quoted strings, environment variable expansion, functions and\n"
"nested include statements)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:262
msgid "Gordon's text utils library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:264
msgid ""
"libgtextutils is a text utilities library used by the fastx toolkit from\n"
"the Hannon Lab."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:296
msgid "C++ hash functions for strings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:298
msgid ""
"CityHash provides hash functions for strings.  The functions mix the\n"
"input bits thoroughly but are not suitable for cryptography."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:336
msgid "String library with very low memory overhead"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:338
msgid "Ustr is a string library for C with very low memory overhead."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:361
msgid "Convert between ASCII, hexadecimal and binary representations"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:362
msgid ""
"The two programs are useful for generating test data, for\n"
"inspecting binary files, and for interfacing programs that generate textual\n"
"output to programs that require binary input and conversely.  They can also be\n"
"useful when it is desired to reformat numbers.\n"
"@item @command{ascii2binary} reads input consisting of ascii or hexadecimal\n"
"   representation numbers separated by whitespace and produces as output\n"
"   the binary equivalents.  The type and precision of the binary output\n"
"   is selected using command line flags.\n"
"@item @command{binary2ascii} reads input consisting of binary numbers\n"
"   and converts them to their ascii or hexadecimal representation.\n"
"   Command line flags specify the type and size of the binary numbers\n"
"   and provide control over the format of the output.\n"
"   Unsigned integers may be written out in binary, octal, decimal,\n"
"   or hexadecimal.\n"
"   Signed integers may be written out only in binary or decimal.  Floating\n"
"   point numbers may be written out only decimal, either in standard or\n"
"   scientific notation.  (If you want to examine the binary representation\n"
"   of floating point numbers, just treat the input as a sequence of unsigned\n"
"   characters.)\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:420
msgid "Find out what is in a Unicode file"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:421
msgid ""
"Useful tools when working with Unicode files when one\n"
"doesn't know the writing system, doesn't have the necessary font, needs to\n"
"inspect invisible characters, needs to find out whether characters have been\n"
"combined or in what order they occur, or needs statistics on which characters\n"
"@item @command{uniname} defaults to printing the character offset of each\n"
"character, its byte offset, its hex code value, its encoding, the glyph\n"
"itself, and its name.  It may also be used to validate UTF-8 input.\n"
"@item @command{unidesc} reports the character ranges to which different\n"
"portions of the text belong.   It can also be used to identify Unicode encodings\n"
"(e.g. UTF-16be) flagged by magic numbers.\n"
"@item @command{unihist} generates a histogram of the characters in its input.\n"
"@item @command{ExplicateUTF8} is intended for debugging or for learning about\n"
"Unicode.  It determines and explains the validity of a sequence of bytes as a\n"
"UTF8 encoding.\n"
"@item @command{utf8lookup} provides a handy way to look up Unicode characters\n"
"from the command line.\n"
"@item @command{unireverse} reverse each line of UTF-8 input\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:465
msgid "C/C++ configuration file library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:467
msgid ""
"Libconfig is a simple library for manipulating structured configuration\n"
"files.  This file format is more compact and more readable than XML.  And\n"
"unlike XML, it is type-aware, so it is not necessary to do string parsing in\n"
"application code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:488
msgid "Probabilistic fast file fingerprinting tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:490
msgid ""
"pfff is a tool for calculating a compact digital fingerprint of a file\n"
"by sampling randomly from the file instead of reading it in full.\n"
"Consequently, the computation has a flat performance characteristic,\n"
"correlated with data variation rather than file size.  pfff can be as reliable\n"
"as existing hashing techniques, with provably negligible risk of collisions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:516
msgid "Regular expression library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:517
msgid ""
"Oniguruma is a regular expressions library.  The special\n"
"characteristic of this library is that different character encoding for every\n"
"regular expression object can be specified."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:557
msgid "Microsoft Word document reader"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:558
msgid ""
"Antiword is an application for displaying Microsoft Word\n"
"documents.  It can also convert the document to PostScript or XML.  Only\n"
"documents made by MS Word version 2 and version 6 or later are supported.  The\n"
"name comes from: \"The antidote against people who send Microsoft Word files\n"
"to everybody, because they believe that everybody runs Windows and therefore\n"
"runs Word\"."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:591
msgid "MS-Word to TeX or plain text converter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:592
msgid ""
"@command{catdoc} extracts text from MS-Word files, trying to\n"
"preserve as many special printable characters as possible.  It supports\n"
"everything up to Word-97. Also supported are MS Write documents and RTF files.\n"
"@command{catdoc} does not preserve complex word formatting, but it can\n"
"translate some non-ASCII characters into TeX escape codes.  It's goal is to\n"
"extract plain text and allow you to read it and, probably, reformat with TeX,\n"
"according to TeXnical rules.\n"
"This package also provides @command{xls2csv}, which extracts data from Excel\n"
"spreadsheets and outputs it in comma-separated-value format, and\n"
"@command{catppt}, which extracts data from PowerPoint presentations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:633
msgid "Portable C++ library for handling UTF-8"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:634
msgid ""
"UTF8-CPP is a C++ library for handling UTF-8 encoded text\n"
"in a portable way."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:702
msgid "Bayesian text and email classifier"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:704
msgid ""
"dbacl is a fast Bayesian text and email classifier.  It builds a variety\n"
"of language models using maximum entropy (minimum divergence) principles, and\n"
"these can then be used to categorize input data automatically among multiple\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:742
msgid "C library for creating and parsing configuration files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:798
msgid "Utilities to manipulate text and binary files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:799
msgid ""
"The drm_tools package contains the following commands:\n"
"@table @command\n"
"@item accudate\n"
"An extended version of the \"date\" program that has sub-second accuracy.\n"
"@item binformat\n"
"Format complex binary data into text.\n"
"@item binload\n"
"Load data into a binary file using simple commands from the input.\n"
"@item binorder\n"
"Sort, merge, search, retrieve or generate test data consisting of fixed size\n"
"binary records.\n"
"@item binreplace\n"
"Find or find/replace in binary files.\n"
"@item binsplit\n"
"Split test data consisting of fixed size binary records into one or more\n"
"output streams.\n"
"@item chardiff\n"
"Find changes between two files at the character level.  Unlike \"diff\", it\n"
"lists just the characters that differ, so if the 40,000th character is\n"
"different only that one character will be shown, not the entire line.\n"
"@item columnadd\n"
"Add columns of integers, decimals, and/or times.\n"
"@item datasniffer\n"
"A utility for formatting binary data dumps.\n"
"@item dmath\n"
"Double precision interactive command line math calculator.\n"
"@item extract\n"
"Extract and emit data from text files based on character or token position.\n"
"@item execinput\n"
"A utility that reads from STDIN and executes each line as a command in a\n"
"@item indexed_text\n"
"A utility for rapid retrieval of text by line numbers, in any order, from a\n"
"text file.\n"
"@item mdump\n"
"Format binary data.\n"
"@item msgqueue\n"
"Create message queues and send/receive messages.\n"
"@item mbin\n"
"@itemx mbout\n"
"Multiple buffer in and out.  Used for buffering a lot of data between a slow\n"
"device and a fast device.  Mostly for buffering streaming tape drives for use\n"
"with slower network connections, so that streaming is maintained as much as\n"
"possible to minimize wear on the tape device.\n"
"@item pockmark\n"
"Corrupt data streams - useful for testing error correction and data recovery.\n"
"@item tarsieve\n"
"Filter, list, or split a tar file.\n"
"@end table"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:874
msgid "Syntax highlighting text component for Java Swing"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:875
msgid ""
"RSyntaxTextArea is a syntax highlighting, code folding text\n"
"component for Java Swing.  It extends @code{JTextComponent} so it integrates\n"
"completely with the standard @code{javax.swing.text} package.  It is fast and\n"
"efficient, and can be used in any application that needs to edit or view\n"
"source code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:913
msgid "Fast implementation of the edit distance (Levenshtein distance)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:915
msgid ""
"This library simply implements Levenshtein distance algorithm with C++\n"
"and Cython."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:939
msgid "@code{runewidth} provides Go functions to work with string widths"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:941
msgid ""
"The @code{runewidth} library provides Go functions for padding,\n"
"measuring and checking the width of strings, with support for East Asian\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:993
msgid "Recover text from @file{.docx} files, with good formatting"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:995
msgid ""
"@command{docx2txt} is a Perl based command line utility to convert\n"
"Microsoft Office @file{.docx} documents to equivalent text documents.  Latest\n"
"version supports following features during text extraction.\n"
"@item Character conversions; currency characters are converted to respective\n"
"names like Euro.\n"
"@item Capitalisation of text blocks.\n"
"@item Center and right justification of text fitting in a line of\n"
"(configurable) 80 columns.\n"
"@item Horizontal ruler, line breaks, paragraphs separation, tabs.\n"
"@item Indicating hyperlinked text along with the hyperlink (configurable).\n"
"@item Handling (bullet, decimal, letter, roman) lists along with (attempt at)\n"
"@end itemize\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1039
msgid "Converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1040
msgid ""
"odt2txt is a command-line tool which extracts the text out\n"
"of OpenDocument Texts, as produced by OpenOffice.org, KOffice, StarOffice and\n"
"odt2txt can also extract text from some file formats similar to OpenDocument\n"
"Text, such as OpenOffice.org XML (*.sxw), which was used by OpenOffice.org\n"
"version 1.x and older StarOffice versions.  To a lesser extent, odt2txt may be\n"
"useful to extract content from OpenDocument spreadsheets (*.ods) and\n"
"OpenDocument presentations (*.odp)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1085
msgid "Convert between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1086
msgid ""
"Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC) converts between Traditional\n"
"Chinese and Simplified Chinese, supporting character-level conversion,\n"
"phrase-level conversion, variant conversion, and regional idioms among\n"
"Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong-Kong."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1120
msgid "Network Kanji Filter"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1121
msgid ""
"Nkf is yet another kanji code converter among networks,\n"
"hosts and terminals.  It converts input kanji code to designated kanji code\n"
"such as ISO-2022-JP, Shift_JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1139
msgid "Python module for writing Pandoc filters"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1140
msgid ""
"Pandoc is a powerful utility to transform various\n"
"input formats into a wide range of output formats.  To alter the\n"
"exported output document, Pandoc allows the usage of filters, which\n"
"are pipes that read a JSON serialization of the Pandoc AST from stdin,\n"
"transform it in some way, and write it to stdout.  It allows therefore\n"
"to alter the processing of Pandoc's supported input formats, for\n"
"instance one can add new syntax elements to markdown, etc.\n"
"This package provides Python bindings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1174
msgid "Converts terminal escape sequences to HTML"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1175
msgid ""
"@command{aha} (Ansi Html Adapter) converts ANSI escape sequences\n"
"of a Unix terminal to HTML code."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1202
msgid "Fully customizable syntax-aware linter that focuses on your style"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/textutils.scm:1204
msgid ""
"Vale is a fully extensible linter that focuses on your own writing style\n"
"by making use of rules in individual YAML files.  It is syntax-aware on markup\n"
"languages such as HTML, Markdown, Asciidoc, and reStructuredText.  The community\n"
"around it also has a list of style guides implemented with Vale in\n"
"@url{https://github.com/errata-ai/styles, their styles repo}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:147
msgid "Version control system supporting both distributed and centralized workflows"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:149
msgid ""
"GNU Bazaar is a version control system that allows you to record\n"
"changes to project files over time.  It supports both a distributed workflow\n"
"as well as the classic centralized workflow."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:493
msgid "Distributed version control system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:495
msgid ""
"Git is a free distributed version control system designed to handle\n"
"everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:620
msgid "Simple version control system built on top of Git"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:622
msgid ""
"Gitless is a Git-compatible version control system that aims to be easy to\n"
"learn and use.  It simplifies the common workflow by committing changes to\n"
"tracked files by default and saving any uncommitted changes as part of a branch.\n"
"The friendly @command{gl} command-line interface gives feedback and helps you\n"
"figure out what to do next.\n"
"Gitless is implemented on top of Git and its commits and repositories are\n"
"indistinguishable from Git's.  You (or other contributors) can always fall back\n"
"on @command{git}, and use any regular Git hosting service."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:649
msgid "GitHub like contributions calendar for terminal"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:650
msgid ""
"@code{git-cal} is a script to view commits calendar similar\n"
"to GitHub contributions calendar."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:712
msgid "Library providing Git core methods"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:714
msgid ""
"Libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods\n"
"provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to\n"
"write native speed custom Git applications in any language with bindings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:782
msgid "Transparent encryption of files in a git repository"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:783
msgid ""
"git-crypt enables transparent encryption and decryption of\n"
"files in a git repository.  Files which you choose to protect are encrypted when\n"
"committed, and decrypted when checked out.  git-crypt lets you freely share a\n"
"repository containing a mix of public and private content.  git-crypt gracefully\n"
"degrades, so developers without the secret key can still clone and commit to a\n"
"repository with encrypted files.  This lets you store your secret material (such\n"
"as keys or passwords) in the same repository as your code, without requiring you\n"
"to lock down your entire repository."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:818
msgid "Whole remote repository encryption"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:819
msgid ""
"git-remote-gcrypt is a Git remote helper to push and pull from\n"
"repositories encrypted with GnuPG.  It works with the standard Git transports,\n"
"including repository hosting services like GitLab.\n"
"Remote helper programs are invoked by Git to handle network transport.  This\n"
"helper handles @code{gcrypt:} URLs that access a remote repository encrypted\n"
"with GPG, using our custom format.\n"
"Supported locations are local, @code{rsync://} and @code{sftp://}, where the\n"
"repository is stored as a set of files, or instead any Git URL where gcrypt\n"
"will store the same representation in a Git repository, bridged over arbitrary\n"
"Git transport.\n"
"The aim is to provide confidential, authenticated Git storage and\n"
"collaboration using typical untrusted file hosts or services."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:939
msgid "Web frontend for git repositories"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:941
msgid ""
"CGit is an attempt to create a fast web interface for the Git SCM, using\n"
"a built-in cache to decrease server I/O pressure."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:975
msgid "Send notification emails for Git pushes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:977
msgid ""
"This hook sends emails describing changes introduced by pushes to a Git\n"
"repository.  For each reference that was changed, it emits one ReferenceChange\n"
"email summarizing how the reference was changed, followed by one Revision\n"
"email for each new commit that was introduced by the reference change.\n"
"This script is designed to be used as a post-receive hook in a Git\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1010
msgid "Copy directory to the gh-pages branch"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1011
msgid ""
"Script that copies a directory to the gh-pages branch (by\n"
"default) of the repository."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1069
msgid "Python implementation of the Git object database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1071
msgid ""
"GitDB allows you to access @dfn{bare} Git repositories for reading and\n"
"writing.  It aims at allowing full access to loose objects as well as packs\n"
"with performance and scalability in mind.  It operates exclusively on streams,\n"
"allowing to handle large objects with a small memory footprint."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1107
msgid "Python library for interacting with Git repositories"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1109
msgid ""
"GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories,\n"
"high-level like git-porcelain, or low-level like git-plumbing.\n"
"It provides abstractions of Git objects for easy access of repository data,\n"
"and additionally allows you to access the Git repository more directly using\n"
"either a pure Python implementation, or the faster, but more resource intensive\n"
"@command{git} command implementation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1145
msgid "Command-line flags library for shell scripts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1147
msgid ""
"Shell Flags (shFlags) is a library written to greatly simplify the\n"
"handling of command-line flags in Bourne based Unix shell scripts (bash, dash,\n"
"ksh, sh, zsh).  Most shell scripts use getopt for flags processing, but the\n"
"different versions of getopt on various OSes make writing portable shell\n"
"scripts difficult.  shFlags instead provides an API that doesn't change across\n"
"shell and OS versions so the script writer can be confident that the script\n"
"will work."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1191
msgid "Git extensions for Vincent Driessen's branching model"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1193
msgid ""
"Vincent Driessen's branching model is a git branching and release\n"
"management strategy that helps developers keep track of features, hotfixes,\n"
"and releases in bigger software projects.  The git-flow library of git\n"
"subcommands helps automate some parts of the flow to make working with it a\n"
"lot easier."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1243
msgid "Stacked Git"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1245
msgid ""
"StGit is a command-line application that provides functionality similar\n"
"to Quilt (i.e., pushing/popping patches to/from a stack), but using Git\n"
"instead of @command{diff} and @command{patch}.  StGit stores its patches in a\n"
"Git repository as normal Git commits, and provides a number of commands to\n"
"manipulate them in various ways."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1282
msgid "Version control system for @code{$HOME}"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1284
msgid ""
"vcsh version-controls configuration files in several Git repositories,\n"
"all in one single directory.  They all maintain their working trees without\n"
"clobbering each other or interfering otherwise.  By default, all Git\n"
"repositories maintained via vcsh store the actual files in @code{$HOME},\n"
"though this can be overridden."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1320
msgid "Run a command over a sequence of commits"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1322
msgid ""
"git-test-sequence is similar to an automated git bisect except it’s\n"
"linear.  It will test every change between two points in the DAG.  It will\n"
"also walk each side of a merge and test those changes individually."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1435
msgid "Git access control layer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1437
msgid ""
"Gitolite is an access control layer on top of Git, providing fine access\n"
"control to Git repositories."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1546
msgid "Framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1548
msgid ""
"Pre-commit is a multi-language package manager for pre-commit hooks.  You\n"
"specify a list of hooks you want and pre-commit manages the installation and\n"
"execution of any hook written in any language before every commit."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1627
msgid "Decentralized version control system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1629
msgid ""
"Mercurial is a free, distributed source control management tool.\n"
"It efficiently handles projects of any size\n"
"and offers an easy and intuitive interface."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1655
msgid "Flexible evolution of Mercurial history"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1656
msgid ""
"Evolve is a Mercurial extension for faster and safer mutable\n"
"history.  It implements the changeset evolution concept for Mercurial."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1689
msgid "HTTP and WebDAV client library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1691
msgid ""
"Neon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library, with a C interface and the\n"
"following features:\n"
"@item High-level wrappers for common HTTP and WebDAV operations (GET, MOVE,\n"
"  DELETE, etc.);\n"
"@item low-level interface to the HTTP request/response engine, allowing the use\n"
"  of arbitrary HTTP methods, headers, etc.;\n"
"@item authentication support including Basic and Digest support, along with\n"
"  GSSAPI-based Negotiate on Unix, and SSPI-based Negotiate/NTLM on Win32;\n"
"@item SSL/TLS support using OpenSSL or GnuTLS, exposing an abstraction layer for\n"
"  verifying server certificates, handling client certificates, and examining\n"
"  certificate properties, smartcard-based client certificates are also\n"
"  supported via a PKCS#11 wrapper interface;\n"
"@item abstract interface to parsing XML using libxml2 or expat, and wrappers for\n"
"  simplifying handling XML HTTP response bodies;\n"
"@item WebDAV metadata support, wrappers for PROPFIND and PROPPATCH to simplify\n"
"  property manipulation.\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1785
msgid "Revision control system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1787
msgid ""
"@dfn{Subversion} (svn) exists to be recognized and adopted as a\n"
"centralized version control system characterized by its\n"
"reliability as a safe haven for valuable data; the simplicity of its model and\n"
"usage; and its ability to support the needs of a wide variety of users and\n"
"projects, from individuals to large-scale enterprise operations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1809
msgid "Per-file local revision control system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1811
msgid ""
"RCS is the original Revision Control System.  It works on a\n"
"file-by-file basis, in contrast to subsequent version control systems such as\n"
"CVS, Subversion, and Git.  This can make it suitable for system\n"
"administration files, for example, which are often inherently local to one\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1839
msgid "Historical centralized version control system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1841
msgid ""
"CVS is a version control system, an important component of Source\n"
"Configuration Management (SCM).  Using it, you can record the history of\n"
"sources files, and documents.  It fills a similar role to the free software\n"
"RCS, PRCS, and Aegis packages."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1875
msgid "Export an RCS or CVS history as a fast-import stream"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1876
msgid ""
"This program analyzes a collection of RCS files in a CVS\n"
"repository (or outside of one) and, when possible, emits an equivalent history\n"
"in the form of a fast-import stream.  Not all possible histories can be\n"
"rendered this way; the program tries to emit useful warnings when it can't.\n"
"The program can also produce a visualization of the resulting commit directed\n"
"acyclic graph (DAG) in the input format of @uref{http://www.graphviz.org,\n"
"Graphviz}.  The package also includes @command{cvssync}, a tool for mirroring\n"
"masters from remote CVS hosts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1904
msgid "Version-control-agnostic ChangeLog diff and commit tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1906
msgid ""
"The vc-dwim package contains two tools, \"vc-dwim\" and \"vc-chlog\".\n"
"vc-dwim is a tool that simplifies the task of maintaining a ChangeLog and\n"
"using version control at the same time, for example by printing a reminder\n"
"when a file change has been described in the ChangeLog but the file has not\n"
"been added to the VC.  vc-chlog scans changed files and generates\n"
"standards-compliant ChangeLog entries based on the changes that it detects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1931
msgid "Make histograms from the output of @command{diff}"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1933
msgid ""
"Diffstat reads the output of @command{diff} and displays a histogram of\n"
"the insertions, deletions, and modifications per file.  It is useful for\n"
"reviewing large, complex patch files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1972
msgid "File-based version control like SCCS"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:1973
msgid ""
"GNU CSSC provides a replacement for the legacy Unix source\n"
"code control system SCCS.  This allows old code still under that system to be\n"
"accessed and migrated on modern systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2064
msgid "Project change supervisor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2065
msgid ""
"Aegis is a project change supervisor, and performs some of\n"
"the Software Configuration Management needed in a CASE environment.  Aegis\n"
"provides a framework within which a team of developers may work on many\n"
"changes to a program independently, and Aegis coordinates integrating these\n"
"changes back into the master source of the program, with as little disruption\n"
"as possible.  Resolution of contention for source files, a major headache for\n"
"any project with more than one developer, is one of Aegis's major functions."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2139
msgid "Edit version-control repository history"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2140
msgid ""
"Reposurgeon enables risky operations that version-control\n"
"systems don't want to let you do, such as editing past comments and metadata\n"
"and removing commits.  It works with any version control system that can\n"
"export and import Git fast-import streams, including Git, Mercurial, Fossil,\n"
"Bazaar, CVS, RCS, and Src.  It can also read Subversion dump files directly\n"
"and can thus be used to script production of very high-quality conversions\n"
"from Subversion to any supported Distributed Version Control System (DVCS)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2179
msgid "Ncurses-based text user interface for Git"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2181
msgid ""
"Tig is an ncurses text user interface for Git, primarily intended as\n"
"a history browser.  It can also stage hunks for commit, or colorize the\n"
"output of the @code{git} command."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2203
msgid "Print the modification time of the latest file"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2205
msgid ""
"Recursively find the newest file in a file tree and print its\n"
"modification time."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2250
msgid "Multiple repository management tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2252
msgid ""
"Myrepos provides the @code{mr} command, which maps an operation (e.g.,\n"
"fetching updates) over a collection of version control repositories.  It\n"
"supports a large number of version control systems: Git, Subversion,\n"
"Mercurial, Bazaar, Darcs, CVS, Fossil, and Veracity."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2289
msgid "Framework to smartly mirror git repositories"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2290
msgid ""
"Grokmirror enables replicating large git repository\n"
"collections efficiently.  Mirrors decide to clone and update repositories\n"
"based on a manifest file published by servers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2332
msgid "Use rclone-supported cloud storage providers with git-annex"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2333
msgid ""
"This wrapper around rclone makes any destination supported\n"
"by rclone usable with git-annex."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2389
msgid "Software configuration management system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2391
msgid ""
"Fossil is a distributed source control management system which supports\n"
"access and administration over HTTP CGI or via a built-in HTTP server.  It has\n"
"a built-in wiki, built-in file browsing, built-in tickets system, etc."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2419
msgid "Static git page generator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2420
msgid ""
"Stagit creates static pages for git repositories, the results can\n"
"be served with a HTTP file server of your choice."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2455
msgid "3D visualisation tool for source control repositories"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2456
msgid ""
"@code{gource} provides a software version control\n"
"visualization.  The repository is displayed as a tree where the root of the\n"
"repository is the centre, directories are branches and files are leaves.\n"
"Contributors to the source code appear and disappear as they contribute to\n"
"specific files and directories."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2502
msgid "Simple revision control"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2505
#, scheme-format
msgid ""
"SRC (or src) is simple revision control, a version-control system for\n"
"single-file projects by solo developers and authors.  It modernizes the\n"
"venerable RCS, hence the anagrammatic acronym.  The design is tuned for use\n"
"cases like all those little scripts in your @file{~/bin} directory, or a\n"
"directory full of HOWTOs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2557
msgid "Determine when a commit was merged into a Git branch"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2558
msgid ""
"This Git extension defines a subcommand,\n"
"@code{when-merged}, whose core operation is to find the merge that brought a\n"
"given commit into the specified ref(s).  It has various options that control\n"
"how information about the merge is displayed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2602
msgid "Incremental merge for Git"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2603
msgid ""
"This Git extension defines a subcommand, @code{imerge},\n"
"which performs an incremental merge between two branches.  Its two primary\n"
"design goals are to reduce the pain of resolving merge conflicts by finding\n"
"the smallest possible conflicts and to allow a merge to be saved, tested,\n"
"interrupted, published, and collaborated on while in progress."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2652
msgid "Git extension for versioning large files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2654
msgid ""
"Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files such as audio samples,\n"
"videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the\n"
"file contents on a remote server."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2707
msgid "Historical distributed version-control system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2709
msgid ""
"GNU Arch, aka. @code{tla}, was one of the first free distributed\n"
"version-control systems (DVCS).  It saw its last release in 2006.  This\n"
"package is provided for users who need to recover @code{tla} repositories and\n"
"for historians."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2766
msgid "Git implementation library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/version-control.scm:2767
msgid "This package provides a Git implementation library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:298
msgid "Machine emulator and virtualizer"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:300
msgid ""
"QEMU is a generic machine emulator and virtualizer.\n"
"When used as a machine emulator, QEMU can run OSes and programs made for one\n"
"machine (e.g. an ARM board) on a different machine---e.g., your own PC.  By\n"
"using dynamic translation, it achieves very good performance.\n"
"When used as a virtualizer, QEMU achieves near native performances by\n"
"executing the guest code directly on the host CPU.  QEMU supports\n"
"virtualization when executing under the Xen hypervisor or using\n"
"the KVM kernel module in Linux.  When using KVM, QEMU can virtualize x86,\n"
"server and embedded PowerPC, and S390 guests."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:324
msgid "Machine emulator and virtualizer (without GUI) for the host architecture"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:737
msgid "Cluster-based virtual machine management system"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:739
msgid ""
"Ganeti is a virtual machine management tool built on top of existing\n"
"virtualization technologies such as Xen or KVM.  Ganeti controls:\n"
"@itemize @bullet\n"
"@item Disk creation management;\n"
"@item Operating system installation for instances (in co-operation with\n"
"OS-specific install scripts); and\n"
"@item Startup, shutdown, and failover between physical systems.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
"Ganeti is designed to facilitate cluster management of virtual servers and\n"
"to provide fast and simple recovery after physical failures, using\n"
"commodity hardware."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:775
msgid "Guix OS integration for Ganeti"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:777
msgid ""
"This package provides a guest OS definition for Ganeti that uses\n"
"Guix to build virtual machines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:870
msgid "Debian OS integration for Ganeti"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:872
msgid ""
"This package provides a guest OS definition for Ganeti.  It installs\n"
"Debian or a derivative using @command{debootstrap}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:932
msgid "Operating system information database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:933
msgid ""
"libosinfo is a GObject based library API for managing\n"
"information about operating systems, hypervisors and the (virtual) hardware\n"
"devices they can support.  It includes a database containing device metadata\n"
"and provides APIs to match/identify optimal devices for deploying an operating\n"
"system on a hypervisor.  Via GObject Introspection, the API is available in\n"
"all common programming languages.  Vala bindings are also provided."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:982
msgid "Linux container tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:985
msgid ""
"LXC is a userspace interface for the Linux kernel containment features.\n"
"Through a powerful API and simple tools, it lets Linux users easily create and\n"
"manage system or application containers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1079
msgid "Simple API for virtualization"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1080
msgid ""
"Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization\n"
"capabilities of recent versions of Linux.  The library aims at providing long\n"
"term stable C API initially for the Xen paravirtualization but should be able\n"
"to integrate other virtualization mechanisms if needed."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1115
msgid "GLib wrapper around libvirt"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1116
msgid ""
"libvirt-glib wraps the libvirt library to provide a\n"
"high-level object-oriented API better suited for glib-based applications, via\n"
"three libraries:\n"
"@item libvirt-glib - GLib main loop integration & misc helper APIs\n"
"@item libvirt-gconfig - GObjects for manipulating libvirt XML documents\n"
"@item libvirt-gobject - GObjects for managing libvirt objects\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1159
msgid "Python bindings to libvirt"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1160
msgid ""
"This package provides Python bindings to the libvirt\n"
"virtualization library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1278
msgid "Manage virtual machines"
msgstr "Virtuelle Maschinen verwalten"

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1280
msgid ""
"The virt-manager application is a desktop user interface for managing\n"
"virtual machines through libvirt.  It primarily targets KVM VMs, but also\n"
"manages Xen and LXC (Linux containers).  It presents a summary view of running\n"
"domains, their live performance and resource utilization statistics."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1387
msgid "Checkpoint and restore in user space"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1388
msgid ""
"Using this tool, you can freeze a running application (or\n"
"part of it) and checkpoint it to a hard drive as a collection of files.  You\n"
"can then use the files to restore and run the application from the point it\n"
"was frozen at.  The distinctive feature of the CRIU project is that it is\n"
"mainly implemented in user space."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1414
msgid "Backup and restore QEMU machines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1415
msgid ""
"qmpbackup is designed to create and restore full and\n"
"incremental backups of running QEMU virtual machines via QMP, the QEMU\n"
"Machine Protocol."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1479
msgid "KVM Frame Relay (KVMFR) implementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1480
msgid ""
"Looking Glass allows the use of a KVM (Kernel-based Virtual\n"
"Machine) configured for VGA PCI Pass-through without an attached physical\n"
"monitor, keyboard or mouse.  It displays the VM's rendered contents on your main\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1538
msgid "Open container initiative runtime"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1541
msgid ""
"@command{runc} is a command line client for running applications\n"
"packaged according to the\n"
"@uref{https://github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/blob/master/spec.md, Open\n"
"Container Initiative (OCI) format} and is a compliant implementation of the\n"
"Open Container Initiative specification."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1588
msgid "Tool for modifying Open Container images"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1590
msgid ""
"@command{umoci} is a tool that allows for high-level modification of an\n"
"Open Container Initiative (OCI) image layout and its tagged images."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1643
msgid "Interact with container images and container image registries"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1645
msgid ""
"@command{skopeo} is a command line utility providing various operations\n"
"with container images and container image registries.  It can:\n"
"@item Copy container images between various containers image stores,\n"
"converting them as necessary.\n"
"@item Convert a Docker schema 2 or schema 1 container image to an OCI image.\n"
"@item Inspect a repository on a container registry without needlessly pulling\n"
"the image.\n"
"@item Sign and verify container images.\n"
"@item Delete container images from a remote container registry.\n"
"@end enumerate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1679
msgid "Python bindings for Vagrant"
msgstr "Python-Anbindungen für Vagrant"

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1681
msgid ""
"Python-vagrant is a Python module that provides a thin wrapper around the\n"
"@code{vagrant} command line executable, allowing programmatic control of Vagrant\n"
"virtual machines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1735
msgid "Unprivileged sandboxing tool"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1736
msgid ""
"Bubblewrap is aimed at running applications in a sandbox,\n"
"restricting their access to parts of the operating system or user data such as\n"
"the home directory.  Bubblewrap always creates a new mount namespace, and the\n"
"user can specify exactly what parts of the file system should be made visible\n"
"in the sandbox.  These directories are mounted with the @code{nodev} option\n"
"by default and can be made read-only."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1761
msgid "Emulator for x86 PC"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1763
msgid ""
"Bochs is an emulator which can emulate Intel x86 CPU, common I/O\n"
"devices, and a custom BIOS.  It can also be compiled to emulate many different\n"
"x86 CPUs, from early 386 to the most recent x86-64 Intel and AMD processors.\n"
"Bochs can run most Operating Systems inside the emulation including Linux,\n"
"DOS or Microsoft Windows."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1965
msgid "Xen Virtual Machine Monitor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:1966
msgid ""
"This package provides the Xen Virtual Machine Monitor\n"
"which is a hypervisor."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:2001
msgid "Tools for managing the osinfo database"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:2002
msgid ""
"This package contains a set of tools to assist\n"
"administrators and developers in managing the database."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:2036
msgid "Database of information about operating systems"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/virtualization.scm:2037
msgid ""
"Osinfo-db provides the database files for use with the\n"
"libosinfo library.  It provides information about guest operating systems for\n"
"use with virtualization provisioning tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/webkit.scm:88
msgid "General-purpose library for WPE"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/webkit.scm:89
msgid ""
"LibWPE is general-purpose library specifically developed for\n"
"the WPE-flavored port of WebKit."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/webkit.scm:116
msgid "Wayland WPE backend"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/webkit.scm:118
msgid ""
"This package provides a backend implementation for the WPE WebKit\n"
"engine that uses Wayland for graphics output."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/webkit.scm:212
msgid "WebKit port optimized for embedded devices"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/webkit.scm:213
msgid ""
"WPE WebKit allows embedders to create simple and performant\n"
"systems based on Web platform technologies.  It is designed with hardware\n"
"acceleration in mind, leveraging common 3D graphics APIs for best performance."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/webkit.scm:342
msgid "Web content engine for GTK+"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/webkit.scm:344
msgid ""
"WebKitGTK+ is a full-featured port of the WebKit rendering engine,\n"
"suitable for projects requiring any kind of web integration, from hybrid\n"
"HTML/CSS applications to full-fledged web browsers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:188
msgid "Featureful HTTP server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:190
msgid ""
"The Apache HTTP Server Project is a collaborative software development\n"
"effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and\n"
"freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server.  The\n"
"project is jointly managed by a group of volunteers located around the world,\n"
"using the Internet and the Web to communicate, plan, and develop the server\n"
"and its related documentation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:222
msgid "Apache HTTPD module for Python WSGI applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:224
msgid ""
"The mod_wsgi module for the Apache HTTPD Server adds support for running\n"
"applications that support the Python @acronym{WSGI, Web Server Gateway\n"
"Interface} specification."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:313
msgid "HTTP and reverse proxy server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:315
msgid ""
"Nginx (\"engine X\") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server\n"
"created by Igor Sysoev.  It can be used both as a stand-alone web server\n"
"and as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:373
msgid "Documentation for the nginx web server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:375
msgid "This package provides HTML documentation for the nginx web server."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:502
msgid "Nginx module for parsing the Accept-Language HTTP header"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:504
msgid ""
"This nginx module parses the Accept-Language field in HTTP headers and\n"
"chooses the most suitable locale for the user from the list of locales\n"
"supported at your website."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:549
msgid "XSLScript with NGinx specific modifications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:551
msgid ""
"XSLScript is a terse notation for writing complex XSLT stylesheets.\n"
"This is modified version, specifically intended for use with the NGinx\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:624
msgid "NGINX module for Lua programming language support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:625
msgid ""
"This NGINX module provides a scripting support with Lua\n"
"programming language."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:681
msgid "Lightweight HTTP and reverse proxy server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:683
msgid ""
"Lighttpd is a secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible web-server that\n"
"has been optimized for high-performance environments.  It has a very low\n"
"memory footprint compared to other webservers.  Its features include FastCGI,\n"
"CGI, authentication, output compression, URL rewriting and many more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:712
msgid "Language-independent, high-performant extension to CGI"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:713
msgid ""
"FastCGI is a language-independent, scalable extension to CGI\n"
"that provides high performance without the limitations of server specific\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:752
msgid "Simple server for running CGI applications over FastCGI"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:753
msgid ""
"Fcgiwrap is a simple server for running CGI applications\n"
"over FastCGI.  It hopes to provide clean CGI support to Nginx (and other web\n"
"servers that may need it)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:783
msgid "PSGI/Plack web server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:784
msgid ""
"Starman is a PSGI perl web server that has unique features\n"
"such as high performance, preforking, signal support, superdaemon awareness,\n"
"and UNIX socket support."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:816
msgid "Java Web Start"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:818
msgid ""
"IcedTea-Web is an implementation of the @dfn{Java Network Launching\n"
"Protocol}, also known as Java Web Start.  This package provides tools and\n"
"libraries for working with JNLP applets."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:841
msgid "JSON C library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:843
msgid ""
"Jansson is a C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:862
msgid "JSON implementation in C"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:864
msgid ""
"JSON-C implements a reference counting object model that allows you to\n"
"easily construct JSON objects in C, output them as JSON-formatted strings and\n"
"parse JSON-formatted strings back into the C representation of JSON objects.\n"
"It aims to conform to RFC 7159."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:948
msgid "JSON parser written in ANSI C"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:949
msgid ""
"This package provides a very low footprint JSON parser\n"
"written in portable ANSI C.\n"
"@item BSD licensed with no dependencies (i.e. just drop the C file into your\n"
"@item Never recurses or allocates more memory than it needs\n"
"@item Very simple API with operator sugar for C++\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:993
msgid "Library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:994
msgid ""
"QJson is a Qt-based library that maps JSON data to\n"
"@code{QVariant} objects.  JSON arrays will be mapped to @code{QVariantList}\n"
"instances, while JSON's objects will be mapped to @code{QVariantMap}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1038
msgid "Qt-based C++ library for OAuth authorization scheme"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1039
msgid ""
"QOAuth is an attempt to support interaction with\n"
"OAuth-powered network services in a Qt way, i.e. simply, clearly and\n"
"efficiently.  It gives the application developer no more than 4 methods."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1122
msgid "Hierarchical data exploration with zoomable HTML5 pie charts"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1124
msgid ""
"Krona is a flexible tool for exploring the relative proportions of\n"
"hierarchical data, such as metagenomic classifications, using a radial,\n"
"space-filling display.  It is implemented using HTML5 and JavaScript, allowing\n"
"charts to be explored locally or served over the Internet, requiring only a\n"
"current version of any major web browser."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1166
msgid "JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1168
msgid ""
"RapidJSON is a fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM\n"
"style API."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1195
msgid "C library for parsing JSON"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1197
msgid ""
"Yet Another JSON Library (YAJL) is a small event-driven (SAX-style) JSON\n"
"parser written in ANSI C and a small validating JSON generator."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1227
msgid "WebSockets library written in C"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1229
msgid ""
"Libwebsockets is a library that allows C programs to establish client\n"
"and server WebSockets connections---a protocol layered above HTTP that allows\n"
"for efficient socket-like bidirectional reliable communication channels."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1257
msgid "WebAssembly Binary Toolkit"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1258
msgid ""
"WABT (pronounced: wabbit) is a suite of tools for\n"
"WebAssembly, including:\n"
"@item @command{wat2wasm} translates from WebAssembly text format to the\n"
"WebAssembly binary format\n"
"@item @command{wasm2wat} is the inverse; it translates from the binary format\n"
"back to the text format (also known as a .wat)\n"
"@item @command{wasm-objdump} prints information about a wasm binary, similarly\n"
"to @command{objdump}.\n"
"@item @command{wasm-interp} decodes ands run a WebAssembly binary file using a\n"
"stack-based interpreter\n"
"@item @command{wat-desugar} parses .wat text form as supported by the spec\n"
"interpreter (s-expressions, flat syntax, or mixed) and prints the canonical\n"
"flat format\n"
"@item @command{wasm2c} converts a WebAssembly binary file to a C source and\n"
"header file.\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
"These tools are intended for use in (or for development of) toolchains or\n"
"other systems that want to manipulate WebAssembly files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1308
msgid "C++ library implementing the WebSocket protocol"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1309
msgid ""
"WebSocket++ is a C++ library that can be used to implement\n"
"WebSocket functionality.  The goals of the project are to provide a WebSocket\n"
"implementation that is simple, portable, flexible, lightweight, low level, and\n"
"high performance."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1340
msgid "C WebSocket library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1341
msgid ""
"@code{Wslay} is an event-based C library for the WebSocket\n"
"protocol version 13, described in RFC 6455.  Besides a high-level API it\n"
"provides callbacks for sending and receiving frames directly.  @code{Wslay}\n"
"only supports the data transfer part of WebSocket protocol and does not\n"
"perform the opening handshake in HTTP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1370
msgid "C library for the Publix Suffix List"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1372
msgid ""
"A \"public suffix\" is a domain name under which Internet users can\n"
"directly register own names.\n"
"Browsers and other web clients can use it to avoid privacy-leaking\n"
"\"supercookies\", avoid privacy-leaking \"super domain\" certificates, domain\n"
"highlighting parts of the domain in a user interface, and sorting domain lists\n"
"by site.\n"
"Libpsl has built-in PSL data for fast access, allowing to load PSL data from\n"
"files, checks if a given domain is a public suffix, provides immediate cookie\n"
"domain verification, finds the longest public part of a given domain, finds\n"
"the shortest private part of a given domain, works with international\n"
"domains (UTF-8 and IDNA2008 Punycode), is thread-safe, and handles IDNA2008\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1418
msgid "HTML validator and tidier"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1419
msgid ""
"HTML Tidy is a command-line tool and C library that can be\n"
"used to validate and fix HTML data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1461
msgid "Bundler and minifier tool for JavaScript and TypeScript"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1463
msgid ""
"The esbuild tool provides a unified bundler, transpiler and\n"
"minifier.  It packages up JavaScript and TypeScript code, along with JSON\n"
"and other data, for distribution on the web."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1495
msgid "Light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1496
msgid ""
"Tinyproxy is a light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy\n"
"daemon.  Designed from the ground up to be fast and yet small, it is an ideal\n"
"solution for use cases such as embedded deployments where a full featured HTTP\n"
"proxy is required, but the system resources for a larger proxy are\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1529
msgid "Small caching web proxy"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1531
msgid ""
"Polipo is a small caching web proxy (web cache, HTTP proxy, and proxy\n"
"server).  It was primarily designed to be used by one person or a small group\n"
"of people."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1559
msgid "WebSockets support for any application/server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1560
msgid ""
"Websockify translates WebSockets traffic to normal socket\n"
"traffic.  Websockify accepts the WebSockets handshake, parses it, and then\n"
"begins forwarding traffic between the client and the target in both\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1586
msgid "Caching web proxy optimized for intermittent internet links"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1587
msgid ""
"WWWOFFLE is a proxy web server that is especially good for\n"
"intermittent internet links.  It can cache HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and finger\n"
"protocols, and supports browsing and requesting pages while offline, indexing,\n"
"modifying pages and incoming and outgoing headers, monitoring pages for\n"
"changes, and much more."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1612
msgid "C library implementing the OAuth API"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1614
msgid ""
"liboauth is a collection of C functions implementing the OAuth API.\n"
"liboauth provides functions to escape and encode strings according to OAuth\n"
"specifications and offers high-level functionality built on top to sign\n"
"requests or verify signatures using either NSS or OpenSSL for calculating the\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1635
msgid "YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1637
msgid "LibYAML is a YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1654 gnu/packages/web.scm:1688
#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1711
msgid "Media stream URL parser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1655
msgid ""
"This package contains support scripts called by libquvi to\n"
"parse media stream properties."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1689
msgid ""
"libquvi is a library with a C API for parsing media stream\n"
"URLs and extracting their actual media files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1712
msgid ""
"quvi is a command-line-tool suite to extract media files\n"
"from streaming URLs.  It is a command-line wrapper for the libquvi library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1784
msgid "High-performance asynchronous HTTP client library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1786
msgid ""
"serf is a C-based HTTP client library built upon the Apache Portable\n"
"Runtime (APR) library.  It multiplexes connections, running the read/write\n"
"communication asynchronously.  Memory copies and transformations are kept to a\n"
"minimum to provide high performance operation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1821
msgid "SASS Compiler, implemented as a C/C++ library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1823
msgid ""
"LibSass is a @acronym{SASS,Syntactically awesome style sheets} compiler\n"
"library designed for portability and efficiency.  To actually compile SASS\n"
"stylesheets, you'll need to use another program that uses this library,\n"
"@var{sassc} for example."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1871
msgid "CSS pre-processor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1872
msgid ""
"SassC is a compiler written in C for the CSS pre-processor\n"
"language known as SASS."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1924
msgid "Compile a log format string to perl-code"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1925
msgid ""
"This module provides methods to compile a log format string\n"
"to perl-code, for faster generation of access_log lines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1953
msgid "SASL authentication framework"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1954
msgid "Authen::SASL provides an SASL authentication framework."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1979
msgid "Sensible default Catalyst action"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:1980
msgid ""
"This Catalyst action implements a sensible default end\n"
"action, which will forward to the first available view."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2012
msgid "Automated REST Method Dispatching"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2013
msgid ""
"This Action handles doing automatic method dispatching for\n"
"REST requests.  It takes a normal Catalyst action, and changes the dispatch to\n"
"append an underscore and method name.  First it will try dispatching to an\n"
"action with the generated name, and failing that it will try to dispatch to a\n"
"regular method."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2050
msgid "Storage class for Catalyst authentication using DBIx::Class"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2051
msgid ""
"The Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class class\n"
"provides access to authentication information stored in a database via\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2077
msgid "Create only one instance of Moose component per context"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2078
msgid ""
"Catalyst::Component::InstancePerContext returns a new\n"
"instance of a component on each request."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2114
msgid "Catalyst Development Tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2115
msgid ""
"The Catalyst-Devel distribution includes a variety of\n"
"modules useful for the development of Catalyst applications, but not required\n"
"to run them.  Catalyst-Devel includes the Catalyst::Helper system, which\n"
"autogenerates scripts and tests; Module::Install::Catalyst, a Module::Install\n"
"extension for Catalyst; and requirements for a variety of development-related\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2144
msgid "Regex DispatchType for Catalyst"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2145
msgid ""
"Dispatch type managing path-matching behaviour using\n"
"regexes.  Regex dispatch types have been deprecated and removed from Catalyst\n"
"core.  It is recommend that you use Chained methods or other techniques\n"
"instead.  As part of the refactoring, the dispatch priority of Regex vs Regexp\n"
"vs LocalRegex vs LocalRegexp may have changed.  Priority is now influenced by\n"
"when the dispatch type is first seen in your application."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2194
msgid "DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2195
msgid ""
"This is a Catalyst Model for DBIx::Class::Schema-based\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2218
msgid "Request logging from within Catalyst"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2219
msgid ""
"This Catalyst plugin enables you to create \"access logs\"\n"
"from within a Catalyst application instead of requiring a webserver to do it\n"
"for you.  It will work even with Catalyst debug logging turned off."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2253
msgid "Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2254
msgid ""
"The authentication plugin provides generic user support for\n"
"Catalyst apps.  It is the basis for both authentication (checking the user is\n"
"who they claim to be), and authorization (allowing the user to do what the\n"
"system authorises them to do)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2285
msgid "Role-based authorization for Catalyst"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2286
msgid ""
"Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles provides role-based\n"
"authorization for Catalyst based on Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2309
msgid "Captchas for Catalyst"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2310
msgid ""
"This plugin creates and validates Captcha images for\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2336
msgid "Load config files of various types"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2337
msgid ""
"This module will attempt to load find and load configuration\n"
"files of various types.  Currently it supports YAML, JSON, XML, INI and Perl\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2368
msgid "Catalyst generic session plugin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2369
msgid ""
"This plugin links the two pieces required for session\n"
"management in web applications together: the state, and the store."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2397
msgid "Maintain session IDs using cookies"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2398
msgid ""
"In order for Catalyst::Plugin::Session to work, the session\n"
"ID needs to be stored on the client, and the session data needs to be stored\n"
"on the server.  This plugin stores the session ID on the client using the\n"
"cookie mechanism."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2428
msgid "FastMmap session storage backend"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2429
msgid ""
"Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap is a fast session\n"
"storage plugin for Catalyst that uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared\n"
"memory interprocess cache.  It is based on Cache::FastMmap."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2454
msgid "Stack trace on the Catalyst debug screen"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2455
msgid ""
"This plugin enhances the standard Catalyst debug screen by\n"
"including a stack trace of your application up to the point where the error\n"
"occurred.  Each stack frame is displayed along with the package name, line\n"
"number, file name, and code context surrounding the line number."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2483
msgid "Simple serving of static pages"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2484
msgid ""
"The Static::Simple plugin is designed to make serving static\n"
"content in your application during development quick and easy, without\n"
"requiring a single line of code from you.  This plugin detects static files by\n"
"looking at the file extension in the URL (such as .css or .png or .js).  The\n"
"plugin uses the lightweight MIME::Types module to map file extensions to\n"
"IANA-registered MIME types, and will serve your static files with the correct\n"
"MIME type directly to the browser, without being processed through Catalyst."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2547
msgid "The Catalyst Framework Runtime"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2548
msgid ""
"Catalyst is a modern framework for making web applications.\n"
"It is designed to make it easy to manage the various tasks you need to do to\n"
"run an application on the web, either by doing them itself, or by letting you\n"
"\"plug in\" existing Perl modules that do what you need."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2579
msgid "Replace request base with value passed by HTTP proxy"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2580
msgid ""
"This module is a Moose::Role which allows you more\n"
"flexibility in your application's deployment configurations when deployed\n"
"behind a proxy.  Using this module, the request base ($c->req->base) is\n"
"replaced with the contents of the X-Request-Base header."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2607
msgid "Download data in many formats"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2608
msgid ""
"The purpose of this module is to provide a method for\n"
"downloading data into many supportable formats.  For example, downloading a\n"
"table based report in a variety of formats (CSV, HTML, etc.)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2634
msgid "Catalyst JSON view"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2635
msgid ""
"Catalyst::View::JSON is a Catalyst View handler that returns\n"
"stash data in JSON format."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2660
msgid "Template View Class"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2661
msgid ""
"This module is a Catalyst view class for the Template\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2690
msgid "Trait Loading and Resolution for Catalyst Components"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2691
msgid ""
"Adds a \"COMPONENT\" in Catalyst::Component method to your\n"
"Catalyst component base class that reads the optional \"traits\" parameter\n"
"from app and component config and instantiates the component subclass with\n"
"those traits using \"new_with_traits\" in MooseX::Traits from\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2716
msgid "Apply roles to Catalyst classes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2717
msgid ""
"CatalystX::RoleApplicator applies roles to Catalyst\n"
"application classes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2744
msgid "Catalyst development server with Starman"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2745
msgid ""
"This module provides a Catalyst extension to replace the\n"
"development server with Starman."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2768
msgid "Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2769
msgid ""
"CGI.pm is a stable, complete and mature solution for\n"
"processing and preparing HTTP requests and responses.  Major features include\n"
"processing form submissions, file uploads, reading and writing cookies, query\n"
"string generation and manipulation, and processing and preparing HTTP\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2794
msgid "Generate and process stateful forms"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2796
msgid ""
"@code{CGI::FormBuilder} provides an easy way to generate and process CGI\n"
"form-based applications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2821
msgid "Persistent session data in CGI applications"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2823
msgid ""
"@code{CGI::Session} provides modular session management system across\n"
"HTTP requests."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2845
msgid "CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliant"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2846
msgid ""
"CGI::Simple provides a relatively lightweight drop in\n"
"replacement for CGI.pm.  It shares an identical OO interface to CGI.pm for\n"
"parameter parsing, file upload, cookie handling and header generation."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2867
msgid "Build structures from CGI data"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2868
msgid ""
"This is a module for building structured data from CGI\n"
"inputs, in a manner reminiscent of how PHP does."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2891
msgid "Date conversion routines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2892
msgid ""
"This module provides functions that deal with the date\n"
"formats used by the HTTP protocol."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2912
msgid "MD5 sums for files and urls"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2913
msgid ""
"Digest::MD5::File is a Perl extension for getting MD5 sums\n"
"for files and urls."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2931
msgid "Perl locale encoding determination"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2933
msgid ""
"The POSIX locale system is used to specify both the language\n"
"conventions requested by the user and the preferred character set to\n"
"consume and output.  The Encode::Locale module looks up the charset and\n"
"encoding (called a CODESET in the locale jargon) and arranges for the\n"
"Encode module to know this encoding under the name \"locale\".  It means\n"
"bytes obtained from the environment can be converted to Unicode strings\n"
"by calling Encode::encode(locale => $bytes) and converted back again\n"
"with Encode::decode(locale => $string)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2968
msgid "Syndication feed auto-discovery"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2969
msgid ""
"@code{Feed::Find} implements feed auto-discovery for finding\n"
"syndication feeds, given a URI.  It will discover the following feed formats:\n"
"RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, Atom."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2990
msgid "Perl directory listing parser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:2992
msgid ""
"The File::Listing module exports a single function called parse_dir(),\n"
"which can be used to parse directory listings."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3023
msgid "Stock and mutual fund quotes"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3025
msgid ""
"Finance::Quote gets stock quotes from various internet sources, including\n"
"Yahoo! Finance, Fidelity Investments, and the Australian Stock Exchange."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3047
msgid "Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3048
msgid ""
"This is a Perl extension for using GSSAPI C bindings as\n"
"described in RFC 2744."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3068
msgid "Manipulate tables of HTML::Element"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3070
msgid ""
"HTML::Element::Extended is a Perl extension for manipulating a table\n"
"composed of HTML::Element style components."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3093
msgid "Perl class representing an HTML form element"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3094
msgid ""
"Objects of the HTML::Form class represents a single HTML\n"
"<form> ... </form> instance."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3125
msgid "Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3127
msgid "@code{HTML::Scrubber} Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing HTML."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3147
msgid "Check for HTML errors in a string or file"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3148
msgid ""
"HTML::Lint is a pure-Perl HTML parser and checker for\n"
"syntactic legitmacy."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3169
msgid "Extract contents from HTML tables"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3171
msgid ""
"HTML::TableExtract is a Perl module for extracting the content contained\n"
"in tables within an HTML document, either as text or encoded element trees."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3196
msgid "Work with HTML in a DOM-like tree structure"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3197
msgid ""
"This distribution contains a suite of modules for\n"
"representing, creating, and extracting information from HTML syntax trees."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3218
msgid "Perl HTML parser class"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3220
msgid ""
"Objects of the HTML::Parser class will recognize markup and separate\n"
"it from plain text (alias data content) in HTML documents.  As different\n"
"kinds of markup and text are recognized, the corresponding event handlers\n"
"are invoked."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3240
msgid "Perl data tables useful in parsing HTML"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3242
msgid ""
"The HTML::Tagset module contains several data tables useful in various\n"
"kinds of HTML parsing operations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3261
msgid "HTML-like templates"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3263
msgid ""
"This module attempts to make using HTML templates simple and natural.\n"
"It extends standard HTML with a few new HTML-esque tags: @code{<TMPL_VAR>},\n"
"@code{<TMPL_LOOP>}, @code{<TMPL_INCLUDE>}, @code{<TMPL_IF>},\n"
"@code{<TMPL_ELSE>} and @code{<TMPL_UNLESS>}.  The file written with HTML and\n"
"these new tags is called a template.  Using this module you fill in the values\n"
"for the variables, loops and branches declared in the template.  This allows\n"
"you to separate design from the data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3291
msgid "HTTP Body Parser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3292
msgid ""
"HTTP::Body parses chunks of HTTP POST data and supports\n"
"application/octet-stream, application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded,\n"
"and multipart/form-data."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3318
msgid "Minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3319
msgid ""
"This module implements a minimalist HTTP user agent cookie\n"
"jar in conformance with RFC 6265 <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265>."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3339
msgid "Perl HTTP cookie jars"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3341
msgid ""
"The HTTP::Cookies class is for objects that represent a cookie jar,\n"
"that is, a database of all the HTTP cookies that a given LWP::UserAgent\n"
"object knows about."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3363
msgid "Perl simple http server class"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3365
msgid ""
"Instances of the HTTP::Daemon class are HTTP/1.1 servers that listen\n"
"on a socket for incoming requests.  The HTTP::Daemon is a subclass of\n"
"IO::Socket::INET, so you can perform socket operations directly on it too."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3384
msgid "Perl date conversion routines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3386
msgid ""
"The HTTP::Date module provides functions that deal with date formats\n"
"used by the HTTP protocol (and then some more)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3406
msgid "Lightweight HTTP implementation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3407
msgid ""
"@code{HTTP::Lite} is a stand-alone lightweight\n"
"HTTP/1.1 implementation for perl.  It is intended for use in\n"
"situations where it is desirable to install the minimal number of\n"
"modules to achieve HTTP support.  @code{HTTP::Lite} is ideal for\n"
"CGI (or mod_perl) programs or for bundling for redistribution with\n"
"larger packages where only HTTP GET and POST functionality are\n"
"necessary.  @code{HTTP::Lite} is compliant with the Host header,\n"
"necessary for name based virtual hosting, and supports proxies.\n"
"Additionally, @code{HTTP::Lite} supports a callback to allow\n"
"processing of request data as it arrives."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3441
msgid "Perl HTTP style message"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3443
msgid "An HTTP::Message object contains some headers and a content body."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3462
msgid "Perl http content negotiation"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3464
msgid ""
"The HTTP::Negotiate module provides a complete implementation of the\n"
"HTTP content negotiation algorithm specified in\n"
"draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-00.ps chapter 12.  Content negotiation allows for\n"
"the selection of a preferred content representation based upon attributes\n"
"of the negotiable variants and the value of the various Accept* header\n"
"fields in the request."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3489
msgid "Parse HTTP/1.1 requests"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3490
msgid ""
"This is an HTTP request parser.  It takes chunks of text as\n"
"received and returns a @code{hint} as to what is required, or returns the\n"
"HTTP::Request when a complete request has been read.  HTTP/1.1 chunking is\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3512
msgid "Fast HTTP request parser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3513
msgid ""
"HTTP::Parser::XS is a fast, primitive HTTP request/response\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3534
msgid "Set up a CGI environment from an HTTP::Request"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3535
msgid ""
"This module provides a convenient way to set up a CGI\n"
"environment from an HTTP::Request."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3568
msgid "Lightweight HTTP server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3569
msgid ""
"HTTP::Server::Simple is a simple standalone HTTP daemon with\n"
"no non-core module dependencies.  It can be used for building a standalone\n"
"http-based UI to your existing tools."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3594
msgid "HTTP/1.1 client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3595
msgid ""
"This is a very simple HTTP/1.1 client, designed for doing\n"
"simple requests without the overhead of a large framework like LWP::UserAgent.\n"
"It supports proxies and redirection.  It also correctly resumes after EINTR."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3619
msgid "@code{HTTP::Tiny} compatible HTTP client wrappers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3621
msgid ""
"@code{HTTP::Tinyish} is a wrapper module for @acronym{LWP,libwww-perl},\n"
"@code{HTTP::Tiny}, curl and wget.\n"
"It provides an API compatible to HTTP::Tiny."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3641
msgid "Perl module to open an HTML file with automatic charset detection"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3643
msgid ""
"IO::HTML provides an easy way to open a file containing HTML while\n"
"automatically determining its encoding.  It uses the HTML5 encoding sniffing\n"
"algorithm specified in section of the draft standard."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3662
msgid "Family-neutral IP socket supporting both IPv4 and IPv6"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3663
msgid ""
"This module provides a protocol-independent way to use IPv4\n"
"and IPv6 sockets, intended as a replacement for IO::Socket::INET."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3685
msgid "Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3687
msgid ""
"IO::Socket::SSL makes using SSL/TLS much easier by wrapping the\n"
"necessary functionality into the familiar IO::Socket interface and providing\n"
"secure defaults whenever possible.  This way existing applications can be made\n"
"SSL-aware without much effort, at least if you do blocking I/O and don't use\n"
"select or poll."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3726
msgid "Perl modules for the WWW"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3728
msgid ""
"The libwww-perl collection is a set of Perl modules which provides a\n"
"simple and consistent application programming interface to the\n"
"World-Wide Web.  The main focus of the library is to provide classes\n"
"and functions that allow you to write WWW clients.  The library also\n"
"contains modules that are of more general use and even classes that\n"
"help you implement simple HTTP servers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3756
msgid "Checks whether your process has access to the web"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3757
msgid ""
"This module attempts to answer, as accurately as it can, one\n"
"of the nastiest technical questions there is: am I on the internet?\n"
"A host of networking and security issues make this problem very difficult.\n"
"There are firewalls, proxies (both well behaved and badly behaved).  We might\n"
"not have DNS.  We might not have a network card at all!"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3781
msgid "Perl module to guess the media type for a file or a URL"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3783
#, scheme-format
msgid ""
"The LWP::MediaTypes module provides functions for handling media (also\n"
"known as MIME) types and encodings.  The mapping from file extensions to\n"
"media types is defined by the media.types file.  If the ~/.media.types file\n"
"exists it is used instead."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3812
msgid "HTTPS support for LWP::UserAgent"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3813
msgid ""
"The LWP::Protocol::https module provides support for using\n"
"https schemed URLs with LWP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3833
msgid "Simple caching for LWP::UserAgent"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3834
msgid ""
"LWP::UserAgent::Cached is an LWP::UserAgent subclass with\n"
"cache support.  It returns responses from the local file system, if available,\n"
"instead of making an HTTP request."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3855
msgid "Virtual browser that retries errors"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3856
msgid ""
"LWP::UserAgent::Determined works just like LWP::UserAgent,\n"
"except that when you use it to get a web page but run into a\n"
"possibly-temporary error (like a DNS lookup timeout), it'll wait a few seconds\n"
"and retry a few times."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3882
msgid "Security enhanced subclass of LWP::UserAgent"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3883
msgid ""
"@code{LWPx::ParanoidAgent} is a class subclassing\n"
"@code{LWP::UserAgent} but paranoid against attackers.  Its purpose is\n"
"to vet requests for a remote resource on behalf of a possibly\n"
"malicious user.  The class can do the same as @code{LWP::UserAgent},\n"
"except that proxy support has been removed.  Support for URI schemes\n"
"is limited to http and https."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3930
msgid "Perl interface to Amazon S3"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3931
msgid "This module provides a Perlish interface to Amazon S3."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3951
msgid "Perl low-level HTTP connection (client)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3953
msgid ""
"The Net::HTTP class is a low-level HTTP client.  An instance of the\n"
"Net::HTTP class represents a connection to an HTTP server.  The HTTP protocol\n"
"is described in RFC 2616.  The Net::HTTP class supports HTTP/1.0 and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3973
msgid "Extensible Perl server engine"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:3974
msgid ""
"Net::Server is an extensible, generic Perl server engine.\n"
"It attempts to be a generic server as in Net::Daemon and NetServer::Generic.\n"
"It includes with it the ability to run as an inetd\n"
"process (Net::Server::INET), a single connection server (Net::Server or\n"
"Net::Server::Single), a forking server (Net::Server::Fork), a preforking\n"
"server which maintains a constant number of preforked\n"
"children (Net::Server::PreForkSimple), or as a managed preforking server which\n"
"maintains the number of children based on server load (Net::Server::PreFork).\n"
"In all but the inetd type, the server provides the ability to connect to one\n"
"or to multiple server ports."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4002
msgid "SSL support for Net::SMTP"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4003
msgid "SSL support for Net::SMTP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4037
msgid "Perl Superglue for Web frameworks and servers (PSGI toolkit)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4038
msgid ""
"Plack is a set of tools for using the PSGI stack.  It\n"
"contains middleware components, a reference server, and utilities for Web\n"
"application frameworks.  Plack is like Ruby's Rack or Python's Paste for\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4064
msgid "Compress response body with Gzip or Deflate"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4066
msgid ""
"Plack::Middleware::Deflater is a middleware to encode your response body\n"
"in gzip or deflate, based on \"Accept-Encoding\" HTTP request header.  It\n"
"would save the bandwidth a little bit but should increase the Plack server\n"
"load, so ideally you should handle this on the frontend reverse proxy\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4093
msgid "Plack::Middleware which sets body for redirect response"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4094
msgid ""
"This module sets the body in redirect response, if it's not\n"
"already set."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4116
msgid "Override REST methods to Plack apps via POST"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4117
msgid ""
"This middleware allows for POST requests that pretend to be\n"
"something else: by adding either a header named X-HTTP-Method-Override to the\n"
"request, or a query parameter named x-tunneled-method to the URI, the client\n"
"can say what method it actually meant."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4140
msgid "Plack::Middleware which removes body for HTTP response"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4141
msgid ""
"This module removes the body in an HTTP response if it's not\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4163
msgid "Supports app to run as a reverse proxy backend"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4164
msgid ""
"Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy resets some HTTP headers,\n"
"which are changed by reverse-proxy.  You can specify the reverse proxy address\n"
"and stop fake requests using @code{enable_if} directive in your app.psgi."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4184
msgid "Run HTTP tests on external live servers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4185
msgid ""
"This module allows your to run your Plack::Test tests\n"
"against an external server instead of just against a local application through\n"
"either mocked HTTP or a locally spawned server."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4206
msgid "Testing TCP programs"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4207
msgid "Test::TCP is test utilities for TCP/IP programs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4231
msgid "Testing-specific WWW::Mechanize subclass"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4232
msgid ""
"Test::WWW::Mechanize is a subclass of the Perl module\n"
"WWW::Mechanize that incorporates features for web application testing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4265
msgid "Test::WWW::Mechanize for Catalyst"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4266
msgid ""
"The Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst module meshes the\n"
"Test::WWW:Mechanize module and the Catalyst web application framework to allow\n"
"testing of Catalyst applications without needing to start up a web server."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4290
msgid "Test PSGI programs using WWW::Mechanize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4291
msgid ""
"PSGI is a specification to decouple web server environments\n"
"from web application framework code.  Test::WWW::Mechanize is a subclass of\n"
"WWW::Mechanize that incorporates features for web application testing.  The\n"
"Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI module meshes the two to allow easy testing of PSGI\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4314
msgid "Perl Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4316
msgid ""
"The URI module implements the URI class.  Objects of this class\n"
"represent \"Uniform Resource Identifier references\" as specified in RFC 2396\n"
"and updated by RFC 2732."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4340
msgid "Smart URI fetching/caching"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4341
msgid ""
"@code{URI::Fetch} is a smart client for fetching HTTP pages,\n"
"notably syndication feeds (RSS, Atom, and others), in an intelligent, bandwidth-\n"
"and time-saving way."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4364
msgid "Find URIs in arbitrary text"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4365
msgid ""
"This module finds URIs and URLs (according to what URI.pm\n"
"considers a URI) in plain text.  It only finds URIs which include a\n"
"scheme (http:// or the like), for something a bit less strict, consider\n"
"URI::Find::Schemeless.  For a command-line interface, urifind is provided."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4387
msgid "WebSocket support for URI package"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4388
msgid ""
"With this module, the URI package provides the same set of\n"
"methods for WebSocket URIs as it does for HTTP URIs."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4412
msgid "Object for handling URI templates"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4413
msgid ""
"This perl module provides a wrapper around URI templates as described in\n"
"RFC 6570."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4445
msgid "Perl extension interface for libcurl"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4447
msgid ""
"This is a Perl extension interface for the libcurl file downloading\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4480
msgid "Web browsing in a Perl object"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4481
msgid ""
"WWW::Mechanize is a Perl module for stateful programmatic\n"
"web browsing, used for automating interaction with websites."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4517
msgid "Search A9 OpenSearch compatible engines"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4519
msgid ""
"@code{WWW::OpenSearch} is a module to search @url{A9's OpenSearch,\n"
"http://opensearch.a9.com} compatible search engines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4539
msgid "Perl database of robots.txt-derived permissions"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4541
msgid ""
"The WWW::RobotRules module parses /robots.txt files as specified in\n"
"\"A Standard for Robot Exclusion\", at\n"
"<http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/norobots.html>.  Webmasters can use the\n"
"/robots.txt file to forbid conforming robots from accessing parts of\n"
"their web site."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4564
msgid "Parse feeds in Python"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4566
msgid ""
"Universal feed parser which handles RSS 0.9x, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0,\n"
"CDF, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0 feeds."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4664
msgid "Store and provide data about GNU Guix"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4666
msgid ""
"The Guix Data Service stores data about GNU Guix, and provides this\n"
"through a web interface.  It supports listening to the guix-commits mailing\n"
"list to find out about new revisions, then loads the data from these in to a\n"
"PostgreSQL database."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4695
msgid "HTML5 parsing library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4697
msgid ""
"Gumbo is an implementation of the HTML5 parsing algorithm implemented as\n"
"a pure C99 library."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4768
msgid "Application container server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4770
msgid ""
"uWSGI presents a complete stack for networked/clustered web applications,\n"
"implementing message/object passing, caching, RPC and process management.\n"
"It uses the uwsgi protocol for all the networking/interprocess communications."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4802
msgid "Command-line JSON processor"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4803
msgid ""
"jq is like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and\n"
"filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk,\n"
"grep and friends let you play with text.  It is written in portable C.  jq can\n"
"mangle the data format that you have into the one that you want with very\n"
"little effort, and the program to do so is often shorter and simpler than\n"
"you'd expect."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4832
msgid "Library for mocking web service APIs which use HTTP or HTTPS"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4834
msgid ""
"Uhttpmock is a project for mocking web service APIs which use HTTP or\n"
"HTTPS.  It provides a library, libuhttpmock, which implements recording and\n"
"playback of HTTP request/response traces."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4869
msgid "Single file web server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4870
msgid ""
"Woof (Web Offer One File) is a small simple web server that\n"
"can easily be invoked on a single file.  Your partner can access the file with\n"
"tools they trust (e.g. wget)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4896
msgid "Build system for the Netsurf project"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4898
msgid ""
"This package provides the shared build system for Netsurf project\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4933
msgid "Parser building library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4935
msgid ""
"LibParserUtils is a library for building efficient parsers, written in\n"
"C.  It is developed as part of the NetSurf project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4963
msgid "HTML5 compliant parsing library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:4965
msgid ""
"Hubbub is an HTML5 compliant parsing library, written in C, which can\n"
"parse both valid and invalid web content.  It is developed as part of the\n"
"NetSurf project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5083
msgid "Wiki compiler, capable of generating HTML"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5085
msgid ""
"Ikiwiki is a wiki compiler, capable of generating a static set of web\n"
"pages, but also incorporating dynamic features like a web based editor and\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5109
msgid "String internment library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5111
msgid ""
"LibWapcaplet provides a reference counted string internment system\n"
"designed to store small strings and allow rapid comparison of them.  It is\n"
"developed as part of the Netsurf project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5138
msgid "CSS parser and selection library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5140
msgid ""
"LibCSS is a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) parser and selection engine,\n"
"written in C.  It is developed as part of the NetSurf project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5173
msgid "C library for reading and writing YAML"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5175
msgid ""
"LibCYAML is a C library written in ISO C11 for reading and writing\n"
"structured YAML documents.  The fundamental idea behind CYAML is to allow\n"
"applications to construct schemas which describe both the permissible\n"
"structure of the YAML documents to read/write, and the C data structure(s)\n"
"in which the loaded data is arranged in memory."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5213
msgid "Implementation of the W3C DOM"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5215
msgid ""
"LibDOM is an implementation of the W3C DOM, written in C.  It is\n"
"developed as part of the NetSurf project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5242
msgid "Library for parsing SVG files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5244
msgid ""
"Libsvgtiny takes some SVG as input and returns a list of paths and texts\n"
"which can be rendered easily, as defined in\n"
"@url{http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile/}.  It is developed as part of the NetSurf\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5267
msgid "Decoding library for BMP and ICO files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5269
msgid ""
"Libnsbmp is a decoding library for BMP and ICO image file formats,\n"
"written in C.  It is developed as part of the NetSurf project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5290
msgid "Decoding library for GIF files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5292
msgid ""
"Libnsgif is a decoding library for the GIF image file format, written in\n"
"C.  It is developed as part of the NetSurf project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5317
msgid "Logging library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5319
msgid ""
"Libnslog provides a category-based logging library which supports\n"
"complex logging filters, multiple log levels, and provides context through to\n"
"client applications.  It is developed as part of the NetSurf project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5341
msgid "Utility library for NetSurf"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5343
msgid ""
"Libnsutils provides a small number of useful utility routines.  It is\n"
"developed as part of the NetSurf project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5364
msgid "Library to generate a static Public Suffix List"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5366
msgid ""
"Libnspsl is a library to generate a static code representation of the\n"
"Public Suffix List.  It is developed as part of the NetSurf project."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5392
msgid "Generate JavaScript to DOM bindings"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5394
msgid ""
"@code{nsgenbind} is a tool to generate JavaScript to DOM bindings from\n"
"w3c webidl files and a binding configuration file."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5515
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5517
msgid ""
"NetSurf is a lightweight web browser that has its own layout and\n"
"rendering engine entirely written from scratch.  It is small and capable of\n"
"handling many of the web standards in use today."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5558
msgid "Unix command line interface to the www"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5559
msgid ""
"Surfraw (Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web)\n"
"provides a unix command line interface to a variety of popular www search engines\n"
"and similar services."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5590
msgid "Simple static web server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5591
msgid ""
"darkhttpd is a simple static web server.  It is\n"
"standalone and does not need inetd or ucspi-tcp.  It does not need any\n"
"config files---you only have to specify the www root."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5622
msgid "Analyze Web server logs in real time"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5624
msgid ""
"GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that\n"
"runs in a terminal or through your browser.  It provides fast and valuable\n"
"HTTP statistics for system administrators that require a visual server report\n"
"on the fly."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5676
msgid "Scalable TLS proxy"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5678
msgid ""
"Hitch is a performant TLS proxy based on @code{libev}.  It terminates\n"
"SSL/TLS connections and forwards the unencrypted traffic to a backend such\n"
"as a web server.  It is designed to handle many thousand connections on\n"
"multicore machines."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5714
msgid "Tunnel data connections through HTTP requests"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5715
msgid ""
"httptunnel creates a bidirectional virtual data connection\n"
"tunnelled through HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) requests.  This can be\n"
"useful for users behind restrictive firewalls.  As long as Web traffic is\n"
"allowed, even through a HTTP-only proxy, httptunnel can be combined with other\n"
"tools like SSH (Secure Shell) to reach the outside world."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5761
msgid "TLS proxy for clients or servers"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5762
msgid ""
"Stunnel is a proxy designed to add TLS encryption\n"
"functionality to existing clients and servers without any changes in the\n"
"programs' code.  Its architecture is optimized for security, portability, and\n"
"scalability (including load-balancing), making it suitable for large\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5832
msgid "Web application accelerator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5834
msgid ""
"Varnish is a high-performance HTTP accelerator.  It acts as a caching\n"
"reverse proxy and load balancer.  You install it in front of any server that\n"
"speaks HTTP and configure it to cache the contents through an extensive\n"
"configuration language."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5862
msgid "Collection of Varnish modules"
msgstr "Sammlung von Varnish-Modulen"

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5864
msgid ""
"This package provides a collection of modules (@dfn{vmods}) for the Varnish\n"
"cache server, extending the @acronym{VCL, Varnish Configuration Language} with\n"
"additional capabilities."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5893
msgid "Internet services daemon"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5894
msgid ""
"@code{xinetd}, a more secure replacement for @code{inetd},\n"
"listens for incoming requests over a network and launches the appropriate\n"
"service for that request.  Requests are made using port numbers as identifiers\n"
"and xinetd usually launches another daemon to handle the request.  It can be\n"
"used to start services with both privileged and non-privileged port numbers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5939
msgid "HTML Tidy with HTML5 support"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:5941
msgid ""
"Tidy is a console application which corrects and cleans up\n"
"HTML and XML documents by fixing markup errors and upgrading\n"
"legacy code to modern standards.\n"
"Tidy also provides @code{libtidy}, a C static and dynamic library that\n"
"developers can integrate into their applications to make use of the\n"
"functions of Tidy."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6004
msgid "Webserver with focus on security"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6006
msgid ""
"Hiawatha has been written with security in mind.\n"
"Features include the ability to stop SQL injections, XSS and CSRF attacks and\n"
"exploit attempts."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6030
msgid "HTTP request and response service"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6031
msgid ""
"Testing an HTTP Library can become difficult sometimes.\n"
"@code{RequestBin} is fantastic for testing POST requests, but doesn't let you control the\n"
"response.  This exists to cover all kinds of HTTP scenarios.  All endpoint responses are\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6059
msgid "Test your HTTP library against a local copy of httpbin"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6061
msgid ""
"@code{Pytest-httpbin} creates a @code{pytest} fixture that is dependency-injected\n"
"into your tests.  It automatically starts up a HTTP server in a separate thread running\n"
"@code{httpbin} and provides your test with the URL in the fixture."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6134
msgid "HTTP request/response parser for C"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6135
msgid ""
"This is a parser for HTTP messages written in C.  It parses\n"
"both requests and responses.  The parser is designed to be used in\n"
"high-performance HTTP applications.  It does not make any syscalls nor\n"
"allocations, it does not buffer data, it can be interrupted at anytime.\n"
"Depending on your architecture, it only requires about 40 bytes of data per\n"
"message stream (in a web server that is per connection)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6168
msgid "HTTP client mock for Python"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6169
msgid ""
"@code{httpretty} is a helper for faking web requests,\n"
"inspired by Ruby's @code{fakeweb}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6186
msgid "Output JSON from a shell"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6187
msgid ""
"jo is a command-line utility to create JSON objects or\n"
"arrays.  It creates a JSON string on stdout from words provided as\n"
"command-line arguments or read from stdin."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6247
msgid "Command-line interface to archive.org"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6248
msgid ""
"@code{ia} is a command-line tool for using\n"
"@url{archive.org} from the command-line.  It also emplements the\n"
"internetarchive python module for programmatic access to archive.org."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6298
msgid "Search code snippets on @url{https://commandlinefu.com}"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6299
msgid ""
"@code{clf} is a command line tool for searching code\n"
"snippets on @url{https://commandlinefu.com}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6332
msgid "Generate Atom feeds for social networking websites"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6333
msgid ""
"rss-bridge generates Atom feeds for social networking\n"
"websites lacking feeds.  Supported websites include Facebook, Twitter,\n"
"Instagram and YouTube."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6387
msgid "Check websites for broken links"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6388
msgid ""
"LinkChecker is a website validator.  It checks for broken\n"
"links in websites.  It is recursive and multithreaded providing output in\n"
"colored or normal text, HTML, SQL, CSV, XML or as a sitemap graph.  It\n"
"supports checking HTTP/1.1, HTTPS, FTP, mailto, news, nntp, telnet and local\n"
"file links."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6424
msgid "Command-line WebDAV client"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6426
msgid ""
"Cadaver is a command-line WebDAV client for Unix.  It supports\n"
"file upload, download, on-screen display, namespace operations (move/copy),\n"
"collection creation and deletion, and locking operations."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6444
msgid "Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6446
msgid ""
"Py-ubjson is a Python module providing an Universal Binary JSON\n"
"encoder/decoder based on the draft-12 specification for UBJSON."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6540
msgid ""
"Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6542
msgid ""
"Apache Tomcat is a free implementation of the Java\n"
"Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6595
msgid "Helper classes for jetty tests"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6596
msgid ""
"This package contains helper classes for testing the Jetty\n"
"Web Server."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6658
msgid "Utility classes for Jetty"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6659
msgid ""
"The Jetty Web Server provides an HTTP server and Servlet\n"
"container capable of serving static and dynamic content either from a standalone\n"
"or embedded instantiation.  This package provides utility classes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6730
msgid "Jetty :: IO Utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6731
msgid ""
"The Jetty Web Server provides an HTTP server and Servlet\n"
"container capable of serving static and dynamic content either from a standalone\n"
"or embedded instantiation.  This package provides IO-related utility classes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6774
msgid "Jetty :: Http Utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6775
msgid ""
"The Jetty Web Server provides an HTTP server and Servlet\n"
"container capable of serving static and dynamic content either from a standalone\n"
"or embedded instantiation.  This package provides HTTP-related utility classes."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6808
msgid "Jetty :: JMX Management"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6809
msgid ""
"The Jetty Web Server provides an HTTP server and Servlet\n"
"container capable of serving static and dynamic content either from a standalone\n"
"or embedded instantiation.  This package provides the JMX management."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6896
msgid "Core jetty server artifact"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6897
msgid ""
"The Jetty Web Server provides an HTTP server and Servlet\n"
"container capable of serving static and dynamic content either from a standalone\n"
"or embedded instantiation.  This package provides the core jetty server\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6941
msgid "Jetty security infrastructure"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6942
msgid ""
"The Jetty Web Server provides an HTTP server and Servlet\n"
"container capable of serving static and dynamic content either from a standalone\n"
"or embedded instantiation.  This package provides the core jetty security\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6985
msgid "Jetty Servlet Container"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:6986
msgid ""
"The Jetty Web Server provides an HTTP server and Servlet\n"
"container capable of serving static and dynamic content either from a standalone\n"
"or embedded instantiation.  This package provides the core jetty servlet\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7152
msgid "HTML parser"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7153
msgid ""
"Jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML.  It\n"
"provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the\n"
"best of DOM, CSS, and jQuery-like methods."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7181
msgid "Lightweight client-side OAuth library for Java"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7182
msgid ""
"Signpost is the easy and intuitive solution for signing\n"
"HTTP messages on the Java platform in conformance with the OAuth Core 1.0a\n"
"standard.  Signpost follows a modular and flexible design, allowing you to\n"
"combine it with different HTTP messaging layers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7204
msgid "Validate HTML"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7205
msgid ""
"Tidyp is a program that can validate your HTML, as well as\n"
"modify it to be more clean and standard.  tidyp does not validate HTML 5.\n"
"libtidyp is the library on which the program is based.  It can be used by any\n"
"other program that can interface to it.  The Perl module @code{HTML::Tidy} is\n"
"based on this library, allowing Perl programmers to easily validate HTML."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7246
msgid "(X)HTML validation in a Perl object"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7247
msgid ""
"@code{HTML::Tidy} is an HTML checker in a handy dandy\n"
"object.  It's meant as a replacement for @code{HTML::Lint}, which is written\n"
"in Perl but is not nearly as capable as @code{HTML::Tidy}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7274
msgid "Small Gopher server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7276
msgid ""
"Geomyidae is a server for distributed hypertext protocol Gopher.  Its\n"
"features include:\n"
"@item Gopher menus (see @file{index.gph} for an example);\n"
"@item directory listings (if no @file{index.gph} was found);\n"
"@item CGI support (@file{.cgi} files are executed);\n"
"@item search support in CGI files;\n"
"@item logging with multiple log levels.\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7323
msgid "Random avatar generator"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7324
msgid ""
"Cat avatar generator is a generator of cat pictures optimised\n"
"to generate random avatars, or defined avatar from a \"seed\".  This is a\n"
"derivation by David Revoy from the original MonsterID by Andreas Gohr."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7392
msgid "HTTP/2 protocol client, proxy, server, and library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7394
msgid ""
"nghttp2 implements the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, version\n"
"2 (@dfn{HTTP/2}).\n"
"A reusable C library provides the HTTP/2 framing layer, with several tools built\n"
"on top of it:\n"
"@item @command{nghttp}, a command-line HTTP/2 client.  It exposes many advanced\n"
"and low-level aspects of the protocol and is useful for debugging.\n"
"@item @command{nghttpd}, a fast, multi-threaded HTTP/2 static web server that\n"
"serves files from a local directory.\n"
"@item @command{nghttpx}, a fast, multi-threaded HTTP/2 reverse proxy that can be\n"
"deployed in front of existing web servers that don't support HTTP/2.\n"
"Both @command{nghttpd} and @command{nghttpx} can fall back to HTTP/1.1 for\n"
"backwards compatibility with clients that don't speak HTTP/2.\n"
"@item @command{h2load} for benchmarking (only!) your own HTTP/2 servers.\n"
"@item HTTP/2 uses a header compression method called @dfn{HPACK}.\n"
"nghttp2 provides a HPACK encoder and decoder as part of its public API.\n"
"@item @command{deflatehd} converts JSON data or HTTP/1-style header fields to\n"
"compressed JSON header blocks.\n"
"@item @command{inflatehd} converts such compressed headers back to JSON pairs.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7509
msgid "Web interface for cluster deployments of Guix"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7510
msgid ""
"Hpcguix-web provides a web interface to the list of packages\n"
"provided by Guix.  The list of packages is searchable and provides\n"
"instructions on how to use Guix in a shared HPC environment."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7531
msgid "Easy-to-use offline browser utility"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7532
msgid ""
"HTTrack allows you to download a World Wide Web site from\n"
"the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories,\n"
"getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer.\n"
"HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure.  Simply open\n"
"a page of the @emph{mirrored} website in your browser, and you can browse the\n"
"site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online.  HTTrack can also\n"
"update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads.\n"
"HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7566
msgid "Bookmark manager"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7568
msgid ""
"buku is a powerful bookmark manager written in Python3 and SQLite3.\n"
"@command{buku} can auto-import bookmarks from your browser and present them\n"
"in an interactive command-line interface that lets you compose and update\n"
"bookmarks directly.  It can also present them in a web interface with\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7587
msgid "Anonymize IP addresses in log files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7589
msgid ""
"Anonip masks the last bits of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in log files.\n"
"That way most of the relevant information is preserved, while the IP address\n"
"does not match a particular individuum anymore.\n"
"Depending on your Web server, the log entries may be piped to Anonip directly\n"
"or via a FIFO (named pipe).  Thus the unmasked IP addresses will never be\n"
"written to any file.\n"
"It's also possible to rewrite existing log files.\n"
"Anonip can also be uses as a Python module in your own Python application."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7623
msgid "Lightweight asynchronous task execution service"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7624
msgid ""
"Poussetaches (which literally means \"push tasks\" in\n"
"French) is a lightweight asynchronous task execution service that aims to\n"
"replace Celery and RabbitMQ for small Python applications.\n"
"The app posts base64-encoded payload to poussetaches and specifies the\n"
"endpoint that will be used to trigger the task.  Poussetaches makes HTTP\n"
"requests with the registered payload until the right status code is\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7648
msgid "Simple non-validating CSS1 and HTML parser for C++"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7649
msgid ""
"htmlcxx is a simple non-validating CSS1 and HTML parser for\n"
"C++.  Although there are several other HTML parsers available, htmlcxx has some\n"
"characteristics that make it unique:\n"
"@item STL like navigation of DOM tree, using excelent's tree.hh library from\n"
"Kasper Peeters\n"
"@item It is possible to reproduce exactly, character by character, the original\n"
"document from the parse tree\n"
"@item Bundled CSS parser\n"
"@item Optional parsing of attributes\n"
"@item C++ code that looks like C++ (not so true anymore)\n"
"@item Offsets of tags/elements in the original document are stored in the nodes\n"
"of the DOM tree\n"
"@end itemize"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7692
msgid "HTML/CSS user interface library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7693
msgid ""
"libRocket is a C++ user interface package based on the HTML\n"
"and CSS standards.  libRocket uses the open standards XHTML1.0 and\n"
"CSS2.0 (while borrowing features from HTML5 and CSS3), and extends them with\n"
"features suited towards real-time applications.  It is designed as a complete\n"
"solution for any project's interface needs:\n"
"@item Dynamic layout system.\n"
"@item Efficient application-wide styling, with a custom-built templating engine.\n"
"@item Fully featured control set: buttons, sliders, drop-downs, etc.\n"
"@item Runtime visual debugging suite.\n"
"@item Easily integrated and extensible with Python or Lua scripting.\n"
"@end itemize\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7744
msgid "Simple Gemini protocol server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/web.scm:7745
msgid "gmnisrv is a simple Gemini protocol server written in C."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/wordnet.scm:92
msgid "Lexical database for the English language"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/wordnet.scm:94
msgid ""
"WordNet is a large lexical database of English.  Nouns, verbs,\n"
"adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets),\n"
"each expressing a distinct concept.  Synsets are interlinked by means of\n"
"conceptual-semantic and lexical relations.  The resulting network of\n"
"meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser.\n"
"WordNet is also freely and publicly available for download.  WordNet's\n"
"structure makes it a useful tool for computational linguistics and natural\n"
"language processing."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:75
msgid "Library for manipulating the ogg multimedia format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:77
msgid ""
"The libogg library manipulates the ogg multimedia container\n"
"format, which encapsulates raw compressed data and allows the interleaving of\n"
"audio and video data.  In addition to encapsulation and interleaving of\n"
"multiple data streams, ogg provides packet framing, error detection, and\n"
"periodic timestamps for seeking."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:102
msgid "Library implementing the vorbis audio format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:104
msgid ""
"The libvorbis library implements the ogg vorbis audio format,\n"
"a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose\n"
"compressed audio format for mid to high quality (8kHz-48.0kHz, 16+ bit,\n"
"polyphonic) audio and music at fixed and variable bitrates from 16 to\n"
"128 kbps/channel."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:131
msgid "Library implementing the Theora video format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:133
msgid ""
"The libtheora library implements the ogg theora video format,\n"
"a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose\n"
"compressed video format."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:160
msgid "Library for patent-free audio compression format"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:162
msgid ""
"GNU Speex is a patent-free audio compression codec specially designed\n"
"for speech.  It is well-adapted to internet applications, such as VoIP.  It\n"
"features compression of different bands in the same bitstream, intensity\n"
"stereo encoding, and voice activity detection."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:189
msgid "Speex processing library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:191
msgid ""
"SpeexDSP is a @dfn{DSP} (Digital Signal Processing) library based on\n"
"work from the @code{speex} codec."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:223
msgid "Cross platform audio library"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:225
msgid ""
"Libao is a cross-platform audio library that allows programs to\n"
"output audio using a simple API on a wide variety of platforms.\n"
"It currently supports:\n"
"@item Null output (handy for testing without a sound device),\n"
"@item WAV files,\n"
"@item AU files,\n"
"@item RAW files,\n"
"@item OSS (Open Sound System, used on Linux and FreeBSD),\n"
"@item ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture),\n"
"@item aRts (Analog RealTime Synth, used by KDE),\n"
"@item PulseAudio (next generation GNOME sound server),\n"
"@item esd (EsounD or Enlightened Sound Daemon),\n"
"@item Mac OS X,\n"
"@item Windows (98 and later),\n"
"@item AIX,\n"
"@item Sun/NetBSD/OpenBSD,\n"
"@item IRIX,\n"
"@item NAS (Network Audio Server),\n"
"@item RoarAudio (Modern, multi-OS, networked Sound System),\n"
"@item OpenBSD's sndio.\n"
"@end enumerate\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:268
msgid "Free lossless audio codec"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:270
msgid ""
"FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec, an audio format that is lossless,\n"
"meaning that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:296
msgid "Karaoke and text codec for embedding in ogg"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:298
msgid ""
"Kate is an overlay codec, originally designed for karaoke and text,\n"
"that can be multiplixed in Ogg.  Text and images can be carried by a Kate\n"
"stream, and animated.  Most of the time, this would be multiplexed with\n"
"audio/video to carry subtitles, song lyrics (with or without karaoke data),\n"
"etc., but doesn't have to be.\n"
"Series of curves (splines, segments, etc.) may be attached to various\n"
"properties (text position, font size, etc.) to create animated overlays.\n"
"This allows scrolling or fading text to be defined.  This can even be used\n"
"to draw arbitrary shapes, so hand drawing can also be represented by a\n"
"Kate stream."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:336
msgid "Ogg vorbis tools"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:338
msgid ""
"Ogg vorbis is a non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free,\n"
"general-purpose compressed audio format.\n"
"The package vorbis-tools contains\n"
"ogg123,  an ogg vorbis command line audio player;\n"
"oggenc,  the ogg vorbis encoder;\n"
"oggdec,  a simple, portable command line decoder (to wav and raw);\n"
"ogginfo, to obtain information (tags, bitrate, length, etc.) about\n"
"         an ogg vorbis file."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:364 gnu/packages/xiph.scm:432
msgid "Versatile audio codec"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:366
msgid ""
"Opus is a totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec.  Opus\n"
"is unmatched for interactive speech and music transmission over the Internet,\n"
"but is also intended for storage and streaming applications.  It is\n"
"standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as RFC 6716 which\n"
"incorporated technology from Skype's SILK codec and Xiph.Org's CELT codec."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:403
msgid "Command line utilities to encode, inspect, and decode .opus files"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:404
msgid ""
"Opus is a royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec.\n"
"Opus-tools provide command line utilities for creating, inspecting and\n"
"decoding .opus files."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:434
msgid ""
"The opusfile library provides seeking, decode, and playback of Opus\n"
"streams in the Ogg container (.opus files) including over http(s) on posix and\n"
"windows systems."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:456
msgid "Library for encoding Opus audio files and streams "
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:457
msgid ""
"The libopusenc libraries provide a high-level API for\n"
"encoding Opus files and streams."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:486
msgid "Streaming media server"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:487
msgid ""
"Icecast is a streaming media server which currently supports\n"
"Ogg (Vorbis and Theora), Opus, WebM and MP3 audio streams.  It can be used to\n"
"create an Internet radio station or a privately running jukebox and many\n"
"things in between."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:515
msgid "Audio streaming library for icecast encoders"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/packages/xiph.scm:517
msgid ""
"Libshout is a library for communicating with and sending data to an\n"
"icecast server.  It handles the socket connection, the timing of the data,\n"
"and prevents bad data from getting to the icecast server."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:238
msgid ""
"Populate the @file{/etc/fstab} based on the given file\n"
"system objects."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:432
msgid ""
"Provide Shepherd services to mount and unmount the given\n"
"file systems, as well as corresponding @file{/etc/fstab} entries."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:530
msgid ""
"Seed the @file{/dev/urandom} pseudo-random number\n"
"generator (RNG) with the value recorded when the system was last shut\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:696
msgid ""
"Install the given fonts on the specified ttys (fonts are per\n"
"virtual console on GNU/Linux).  The value of this service is a list of\n"
"tty/font pairs.  The font can be the name of a font provided by the @code{kbd}\n"
"package or any valid argument to @command{setfont}, as in this example:\n"
"`((\"tty1\" . \"LatGrkCyr-8x16\")\n"
"  (\"tty2\" . ,(file-append\n"
"                 font-tamzen\n"
"                 \"/share/kbd/consolefonts/TamzenForPowerline10x20.psf\"))\n"
"  (\"tty3\" . ,(file-append\n"
"                 font-terminus\n"
"                 \"/share/consolefonts/ter-132n\"))) ; for HDPI\n"
"@end example\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:748
msgid ""
"Provide a console log-in service as specified by its\n"
"configuration value, a @code{login-configuration} object."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:1016
msgid ""
"Provide console login using the @command{agetty}\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:1077
msgid ""
"Provide console login using the @command{mingetty}\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:1294
msgid ""
"Runs libc's @dfn{name service cache daemon} (nscd) with the\n"
"given configuration---an @code{<nscd-configuration>} object.  @xref{Name\n"
"Service Switch}, for an example."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:1401
msgid ""
"Install the specified resource usage limits by populating\n"
"@file{/etc/security/limits.conf} and using the @code{pam_limits}\n"
"authentication module."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:1716
msgid "Run the build daemon of GNU@tie{}Guix, aka. @command{guix-daemon}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:1861
msgid ""
"Add a Shepherd service running @command{guix publish}, a\n"
"command that allows you to share pre-built binaries with others over HTTP."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:2080
msgid ""
"Run @command{udev}, which populates the @file{/dev}\n"
"directory dynamically.  Get extra rules from the packages listed in the\n"
"@code{rules} field of its value, @code{udev-configuration} object."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:2212
msgid ""
"Run GPM, the general-purpose mouse daemon, with the given\n"
"command-line options.  GPM allows users to use the mouse in the console,\n"
"notably to select, copy, and paste text.  The default options use the\n"
"@code{ps2} protocol, which works for both USB and PS/2 mice."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/base.scm:2396
msgid ""
"Turn up the specified network interfaces upon startup,\n"
"with the given IP address, gateway, netmask, and so on.  The value for\n"
"services of this type is a list of @code{static-networking} objects, one per\n"
"network interface."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/certbot.scm:202
msgid ""
"Automatically renew @url{https://letsencrypt.org, Let's\n"
"Encrypt} HTTPS certificates by adjusting the nginx web server configuration\n"
"and periodically invoking @command{certbot}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:341
msgid ""
"Run a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) daemon.  The\n"
"daemon is responsible for allocating IP addresses to its client."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:496
msgid ""
"Run the @command{ntpd}, the Network Time Protocol (NTP)\n"
"daemon of the @uref{http://www.ntp.org, Network Time Foundation}.  The daemon\n"
"will keep the system clock synchronized with that of the given servers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:626
msgid ""
"Run the @command{ntpd}, the Network Time Protocol (NTP)\n"
"daemon, as implemented by @uref{http://www.openntpd.org, OpenNTPD}.  The\n"
"daemon will keep the system clock synchronized with that of the given servers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:714
msgid ""
"Start @command{inetd}, the @dfn{Internet superserver}.  It is responsible\n"
"for listening on Internet sockets and spawning the corresponding services on\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:893
msgid ""
"Run the @uref{https://torproject.org, Tor} anonymous\n"
"networking daemon."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:917
msgid "Define a new Tor @dfn{hidden service}."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:985
msgid ""
"Run @url{https://launchpad.net/wicd,Wicd}, a network\n"
"management daemon that aims to simplify wired and wireless networking."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:1126
msgid ""
"Run @uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager,\n"
"NetworkManager}, a network management daemon that aims to simplify wired and\n"
"wireless networking."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:1195
msgid ""
"Run @url{https://01.org/connman,Connman},\n"
"a network connection manager."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:1218
msgid ""
"Run @uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/ModemManager,\n"
"ModemManager}, a modem management daemon that aims to simplify dialup\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:1308
msgid ""
"Run @uref{http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/,\n"
"USB_ModeSwitch}, a mode switching tool for controlling USB devices with\n"
"multiple @dfn{modes}.  When plugged in for the first time many USB\n"
"devices (primarily high-speed WAN modems) act like a flash storage containing\n"
"installers for Windows drivers.  USB_ModeSwitch replays the sequence the\n"
"Windows drivers would send to switch their mode from storage to modem (or\n"
"whatever the thing is supposed to do)."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:1379
msgid ""
"Run the WPA Supplicant daemon, a service that\n"
"implements authentication, key negotiation and more for wireless networks."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:1440
msgid ""
"Run the @uref{https://w1.fi/hostapd/, hostapd} daemon for Wi-Fi access\n"
"points and authentication servers."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:1474
msgid "Run hostapd to simulate WiFi connectivity."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:1534
msgid ""
"Run @uref{http://www.openvswitch.org, Open vSwitch}, a multilayer virtual\n"
"switch designed to enable massive network automation through programmatic\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:1580
msgid "Run @command{iptables-restore}, setting up the specified rules."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:1649
msgid "Run @command{nft}, setting up the specified ruleset."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/networking.scm:1750
msgid ""
"Run @url{https://pagekite.net/,PageKite}, a tunneling solution to make\n"
"local servers publicly accessible on the web, even behind NATs and firewalls."
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/version-control.scm:160
msgid ""
"Expose Git repositories over the insecure @code{git://} TCP-based\n"
msgstr ""

#: gnu/services/version-control.scm:379
msgid ""
"Setup @command{gitolite}, a Git hosting tool providing access over SSH..\n"
"By default, the @code{git} user is used, but this is configurable.\n"
"Additionally, Gitolite can integrate with with tools like gitweb or cgit to\n"
"provide a web interface to view selected repositories."
msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Complete GCC tool chain for C/C++ development"
#~ msgstr "Vollständige GCC-Werkzeugsammlung für die Entwicklung in C/C++"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This package provides a complete GCC tool chain for C/C++ development to\n"
#~ "be installed in user profiles.  This includes GCC, as well as libc (headers\n"
#~ "and binaries, plus debugging symbols in the 'debug' output), and Binutils."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dieses Paket bietet eine vollständige GCC-Werkzeugsammlung, die für die\n"
#~ "C/C++-Entwicklung in Benutzerprofilen installiert werden kann. Enthalten sind\n"
#~ "sowohl GCC als auch die libc (Header und Binaries sowie Debugging-Symbole in\n"
#~ "der Debug-Ausgabe) und die Binutils."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "guile-ncurses provides Guile language bindings for the ncurses\n"
#~ "library."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "guile-ncurses stellt Guile-Sprachbindungen für die ncurses-\n"
#~ "Bibliothek bereit."

#~ msgid "Run jobs at scheduled times"
#~ msgstr "Aufgaben planmäßig ausführen"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "GNU Mcron is a complete replacement for Vixie cron.  It is used to run\n"
#~ "tasks on a schedule, such as every hour or every Monday.  Mcron is written in\n"
#~ "Guile, so its configuration can be written in Scheme; the original cron\n"
#~ "format is also supported."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "GNU Mcron ist ein vollständiger Ersatz für Vixie cron. Es wird dazu verwendet,\n"
#~ "Aufgaben nach Plan ausführen zu lassen, zum Beispiel jede Stunde oder jeden\n"
#~ "Montag. Mcron ist in Guile geschrieben, so dass dessen Konfiguration in Scheme\n"
#~ "verwaltet werden kann. Das originale Cron-Format wird ebenfalls unterstützt."

#~ msgid "Lout, a document layout system similar in style to LaTeX"
#~ msgstr "Lout, ein Dokument-Layoutsystem ähnlich LaTeX"

#~ msgid "cannot access `~a': ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Zugriff auf »~a« nicht möglich: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "~A: package not found for version ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "~A: Paket nicht gefunden für Version ~a~%"

#~ msgid "~a: not a number~%"
#~ msgstr "~a: keine Zahl~%"

#~ msgid "~A: unrecognized option~%"
#~ msgstr "~A: nicht erkannte Option~%"

#~ msgid "no build log for '~a'~%"
#~ msgstr "Kein Erstellungsprotokoll für »~a«~%"

#~ msgid "unsupported hash format: ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Nicht unterstütztes Prüfsummenformat: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "~a: download failed~%"
#~ msgstr "~a: Herunterladen fehlgeschlagen~%"

#~ msgid "failed to build the empty profile~%"
#~ msgstr "Leeres Profil konnte nicht erstellt werden~%"

#~ msgid "profile '~a' does not exist~%"
#~ msgstr "Profil »~a« existiert nicht~%"

#~ msgid "~a: package not found~%"
#~ msgstr "~a: Paket nicht gefunden~%"

#~ msgid "looking for the latest release of GNU ~a..."
#~ msgstr "Nach der letzten Veröffentlichung von GNU ~a wird gesucht …"

#~ msgid "invalid syntax: ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Unzulässige Syntax: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "nothing to be done~%"
#~ msgstr "Nichts zu tun~%"

#~ msgid "~a package in profile~%"
#~ msgstr "~a-Paket im Profil~%"

#~ msgid "~a\t(current)~%"
#~ msgstr "~a\t(aktuell)~%"

#~ msgid "unknown unit: ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Unbekannte Einheit: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "invalid number: ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Ungültige Zahl: ~a~%"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "  -r, --recursive        compute the hash on FILE recursively"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "  -r, --recursive        errechnet die Prüfsumme der DATEI rekursiv"

#~ msgid "unrecognized option: ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Nicht erkannte Option: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "~a~%"
#~ msgstr "~a~%"

#~ msgid "wrong number of arguments~%"
#~ msgstr "Falsche Argumentanzahl~%"

#~ msgid "invalid signature for '~a'~%"
#~ msgstr "Ungültige Signatur für »~a«~%"

#~ msgid "error: invalid signature: ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Fehler: ungültige Signatur: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "error: unauthorized public key: ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Fehler: nicht autorisierter öffentlicher Schlüssel: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "error: corrupt signature data: ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Fehler: Signaturdaten beschädigt: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "wrong arguments"
#~ msgstr "Falsche Argumente"

#~ msgid "~a: unknown action~%"
#~ msgstr "~a: unbekannte Aktion~%"

#~ msgid "signature verification failed for `~a'~%"
#~ msgstr "Verifizierung der Signatur fehlgeschlagen für »~a«~%"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Report bugs to: ~a."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Melden Sie Fehler an: ~a."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "~a home page: <~a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "~a Homepage: <~a>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "General help using GNU software: <http://www.gnu.org/gethelp/>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Allgemeine Hilfe zu GNU-Software: <http://www.gnu.org/gethelp/>"

#~ msgid "~a: invalid number~%"
#~ msgstr "~a: ungültige Zahl~%"

#~ msgid "failed to connect to `~a': ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Verbindung zu »~a« fehlgeschlagen: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "build failed: ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Erstellung fehlgeschlagen: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "~a: ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "~a: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "failed to read expression ~s: ~s~%"
#~ msgstr "Ausdruck ~s konnte nicht gelesen werden: ~s~%"

#~ msgid "~:[The following file will be downloaded:~%~{   ~a~%~}~;~]"
#~ msgstr "~:[Die folgende Datei wird heruntergeladen:~%~{   ~a~%~}~;~]"

#~ msgid "<unknown location>"
#~ msgstr "<unbekannter Ort>"

#~ msgid "failed to create configuration directory `~a': ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Konfigurationsverzeichnis »~a« konnte nicht angelegt werden: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "unknown"
#~ msgstr "unbekannt"

#~ msgid "invalid argument: ~a~%"
#~ msgstr "Ungültiges Argument: ~a~%"

#~ msgid "Try `guix --help' for more information.~%"
#~ msgstr "Rufen Sie »guix --help« auf, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.~%"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Usage: guix COMMAND ARGS...\n"
#~ "Run COMMAND with ARGS.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aufruf: guix BEFEHL ARGUMENTE …\n"
#~ "BEFEHL mit ARGUMENTEN ausführen.\n"

#~ msgid "COMMAND must be one of the sub-commands listed below:\n"
#~ msgstr "BEFEHL muss einer der unten aufgelisteten Unterbefehle sein:\n"

#~ msgid "guix: ~a: command not found~%"
#~ msgstr "guix: ~a: Befehl nicht gefunden~%"

#~ msgid "guix: missing command name~%"
#~ msgstr "guix: Befehlsname fehlt~%"

#~ msgid "guix: unrecognized option '~a'~%"
#~ msgstr "guix: nicht erkannte Option »~a«~%"

#~ msgid "download failed; use a newer Guile~%"
#~ msgstr "Herunterladen fehlgeschlagen, verwenden Sie ein neueres Guile~%"

#~ msgid "download failed"
#~ msgstr "Herunterladen fehlgeschlagen"

#~ msgid "unsupported file type"
#~ msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Dateityp"

#~ msgid "invalid signature"
#~ msgstr "Ungültige Signatur"

#~ msgid "invalid hash"
#~ msgstr "Ungültige Prüfsumme"

#~ msgid "unauthorized public key"
#~ msgstr "Nicht autorisierter öffentlicher Schlüssel"

#~ msgid "corrupt signature data"
#~ msgstr "Signaturdaten beschädigt"

#~ msgid "found valid signature for '~a'~%"
#~ msgstr "Gültige Signatur für »~a« gefunden~%"

#~ msgid "imported file lacks a signature"
#~ msgstr "Der importierten Datei fehlt eine Signatur"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "eSpeak is a software speech synthesizer for English and\n"
#~ "other languages.  eSpeak uses a \"formant synthesis\" method.  This allows many\n"
#~ "languages to be provided in a small size.  The speech is clear, and can be used\n"
#~ "at high speeds, but is not as natural or smooth as larger synthesizers which are\n"
#~ "based on human speech recordings."
#~ msgstr "eSpeak ist ein Software-Sprachsynthesizer für Englisch und andere Sprachen.  eSpeak benutzt eine „Formantensynthese“-Methode.  Dies ermöglicht es, viele Sprachen auf wenig Speicherplatz zu unterstützen.  Die Sprache ist klar und kann mit hohen Geschwindigkeiten benutzt werden, ist jedoch nicht so natürlich oder glatt wie bei größeren Synthesizern, die auf Aufnahmen menschlicher Sprache basieren."

#~ msgid "Collection of useful Guile Scheme modules"
#~ msgstr "Sammlung nützlicher Guile-Scheme-Modulen"