This patch removes the angr dependency from the pyvex these, thus
resolving a circular dependency (as angr depends on pyvex). This
patch has been taken from upstream.

This patch is a squashed version of the following upstream patches:


diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 9271ccd..bed7dd4 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import os
-import angr
 import archinfo
 import pyvex
@@ -98,53 +97,28 @@ class CortexSpotter(GymratLifter):
 register(CortexSpotter, "ARMEL")
-def test_full_binary():
-    p = angr.Project(
-        os.path.join(test_location, "armel", "RTOSDemo.axf.issue_685"),
-        arch="ARMEL",
-        auto_load_libs=False,
-    )
-    st = p.factory.call_state(0x000013CE + 1)
-    b = st.block().vex
-    simgr = p.factory.simulation_manager(st)
-    simgr.step()
-    assert b.jumpkind == "Ijk_Sys_syscall"
-    assert[0].regs.ip_at_syscall.args[0] == 0x13FB
 def test_tmrs():
-    test_location = str(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "../../binaries/tests"))
-    p = angr.Project(
-        os.path.join(test_location, "armel", "helloworld"),
-        arch="ARMEL",
-        auto_load_libs=False,
-    )
+    arch = archinfo.arch_from_id("ARMEL")
     ins = b"\xef\xf3\x08\x82"
-    b = pyvex.block.IRSB(ins, 1, p.arch)
+    b = pyvex.block.IRSB(ins, 1, arch)
     assert b.jumpkind == "Ijk_Boring"
     assert type(b.statements[1].data) == pyvex.expr.Get
-    assert p.arch.register_names.get(b.statements[1].data.offset, "") == "sp"
+    assert arch.register_names.get(b.statements[1].data.offset, "") == "sp"
     assert type(b.statements[2]) == pyvex.stmt.Put
 def test_tmsr():
-    test_location = str(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "../../binaries/tests"))
-    p = angr.Project(
-        os.path.join(test_location, "armel", "helloworld"),
-        arch="ARMEL",
-        auto_load_libs=False,
-    )
+    arch = archinfo.arch_from_id("ARMEL")
     inss = b"\x82\xf3\x08\x88"
-    b = pyvex.block.IRSB(inss, 1, p.arch, opt_level=3)
+    b = pyvex.block.IRSB(inss, 1, arch, opt_level=3)
     assert b.jumpkind == "Ijk_Boring"
     assert type(b.statements[1].data) == pyvex.expr.Get
-    assert p.arch.register_names.get(b.statements[1].data.offset, "") == "r2"
+    assert arch.register_names.get(b.statements[1].data.offset, "") == "r2"
     assert type(b.statements[2]) == pyvex.stmt.Put
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    test_full_binary()